THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WINK, CDITOH 4 PROPHItTOH. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1894. Announcements. Republican Primaries, May 12, 18M. CONGRESS. We are nuthorlr.erl to announce A. V. COOK, of Harnett Township a n candi date for Congress, subject to Republican linages. Wo ar authorized to nnnounco Dr. J. E. BECK, of Jenks Township, ss a can didate for Congress, Ftiblrct to Ropubli fan usages. ASSEMBLY. Wp are authorized to announce JOHN J. HAIOHT, of Howe Township, as a randidato for Assembly, subject to Re publican usages. J. E. WENK, or Tlonesta, Is a candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican Usages. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to Announce J. A. NASH, of Howe Township, as a candi date, for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. We are authrized to announce JOHN II. WHITE, of Bnrnett Township as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to nnnounco JOHN GLENINU, of Jenks Township, for As sociate Judge, subject to Republican us ages. We are authorized to announce E. C. MAYS, of Barnett Township, as a candi date for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce KEN NEDY L. HAUGH, of Grocn township, as a candidate for Delegate to the Repub lican State Convention. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RULES RULES GOVERNING THE REPUB LICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for the several oftices shall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks previous to tiie Primary Meetings stating the office and subioct to Um action of the party at the said prima- iy IllfVltllg!). 2. The voters belonging to the Repub lican party in each township and borough shall meet on a day to be designated by the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock P. M., and proceed to elect one person for J udge, and two persons for Clerks who shall form a Board of Elections to receive votes and determine who are tho proper persons to vote and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock, P. M. After the polls are opened, the candidates an nounced shall be balloted for ; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person be ing allowed to vote more than once for the same office. 8. After the polls are closed the board ahall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly to bo certified by the Judge and attested by the Clerks. 4. The Judge or one of the Clerks ap pointed by the Judge of the respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, in Tionesta, on the Tuesday fol lowing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M., having the returns and a list of voters, and the person having the high est number of votes for any office, shall be declared the nominee of the Republi can party. 6. The" Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority, the returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or more persons vot ing at the Primary Meeting who are not Republicans. 6. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes lor the same of fice the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, the person having the highest number to be the nominee. 7. The Return Judges shall appoint Conferees Rcnresentativp. Senatorial and Congressional whose acceptance of " niipuimiiieni snau oe a pieuge to sup port the person who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that of fice. 8. The Return Judges may at any time change the mode and manner of selecting .candidates as they may be instructed by the people at their primary meetings, due notice being given bp the County Com mittee. ''tf. The Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be required to issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. Pursuant to a Resolution of the County Committee, passed Fob. 26, 1894, It is ordered that the Republican voters of forest County meet on SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the following named places of holding primary elections, to wit: Barnett, Jacob Maze's Carpenter Shop. Harnett, at Redely He. Green, at Nebraska, Forest House. Green, at Guitonviile, School House. Harmony, at Foglo Farm. Harmony, at West Hickory. Harmony, at Fleming Hill. Hickory, at East Hickory. Howe, West, at Builtowu. Howe, at Cooper Tract. Howe, at Foxburg. Howe, East, at Rrookston. Howe, Lower, at Watsou Farm. Howe, at Frosts. Jenks, East, at Byromtown. Jenks, Central, at Marionvillo. Jenks, at Clongh's Mill. Jenks, at Pari tab. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsley, at Starr. . Kingsley, at Kellettville. Tionesta township, at TownsLip House. Tionesta Borough, at Court House. At which lime aud places they will by their votes nominate: One person for Congress. One persou for State Senate. One persou for Assembly. - One persou for Associate Judge. One persou for District Attorney. One person for Delegate to tho State Convention. One person for Coroner. Each election precinct will also elect one persou for Member ot tho County Committee for tho ensuing yeur. The polls will remain open until 7 p. in. Return Judges will convene at the Court Houso, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, May 15, at 2 o'clock p. ui. Attention U called to the Act of June, IS81, regulating Primary Elections, that Judges aud Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take uud subscribo an oath or alliruiution in presence of each other. JAMES I. WOODS, Chairman Republican Co. Com. I Oil WORK of everv description exttcu I ted at Ok REPUBLICAN ollioo. Some of the Democratic newspa pers are Irving to copy that ilicky, pachydermatous kind of wit, for which the New York r, st in notor ious, by referring to ex-President Harrison as "Frol'eMor Ben Harri son." In some round about way the phrase is supposed to convey a elur upon the ex-President for delivering a courso of lectures before the stu dents in Stanford University, in Cali fornia. But instead of being dis credit to the ex-President it was an honor to him to be capable t.f writ ing such a course of lectures. There have nut been more than five Presi dents of the United Stales able to perform such tack. When Grover Cleveland went out of the White House in 188!) he could only sit as a decoy for a law firm in New York city and write pudgy letters to par ents who named their babies after htm, or tell how much time a man ought to give to his dog, or in favor of pardoning a murderer down in Tennessee. A request for him to de liver a course of college lectures would have excited a wave of laugh ter from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. There is no danger that Grover Cleveland will ever be dub bed "Professor." rhila. Press, A good suggestion cooics from Capt. J. A. Seider, chairman of the Republican county committee, in reference to legislative contests, to the effect that a law should be passed or a party rule euforced making it unlawful for a caudidate for this of fice to engage in a personal canvass. He says this is the only way to briug about a situation where the office shall seek the man aud be redeemed from the unseemly scramble and cor rupt methods which now obtain, and which if they coDtinuo must tend more and more to lower the standard of our legislative service. Another reform of incalcuble benefit would be a law makiug it a capital offense for any one to use the prefix "Hon." in connection with any member or ex member of the legislature. The lop ping off of this burlesque handle would at once eliminate a class of as pirants whose sole aim is the acquir iug of a ridiculous title, and confine me orace more to those who nave a real message for their countrymen and the ability to deliver it. Way nenboro Qazette. There is a time to laugh aud a time to cry, and some senators seem to think that the present time, when industry is languishing, and business lies prone, waiting to know what the Senate will do, is a time for jest and merriment. When Mr. Aldrich pro posed to take a voto on the Wilson bill, Mr. White, Democratic senator from California, began to talk about the senator being "called" on that proposition, at which there was laugh ter. Mr. White then said Mr. Al drich had declined to respond. This : t i i . i .. . , jocuiar reroar enciieu ' great laugh ter." Allusions to the game of pok er never fail to provoke laughter in the United States Senate. They are regarded as excruciatingly funny, but the country is iu no humor at present to join in the laugh. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. TRIAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on tho Third Monday of May, 1H94. 1. J. A. Neill. Nancv Church. Julia TC. Berry, and S. T. Neill for use of isancy Church, Julia N. Borry and S. T. Neill, vs. B. F. Shamburg and II. W. Shamhurg, Administrators of G. Sham- Durg, deceased, eo. 28, September Term, 1891. Summons in Assumpsit. 2. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tionesta School District, Plaintiff, vs. D. Black, Collector; C. A. Hill, James Car son. Mathow Bortzor and Abe Mealy, Administrators of the estate of Geo. Mealy dee'd. No. 22, February Term, 1894. Summons in Assumpsit. 3. Blanchard Rogors, vs. J. R. Cs good, Sheriff. No. 83, August Term, IS! 13, Summons in Trespass. 4. Carl W. Scholield, use First Nation al Bank, Jamestown, N. Y., vs. John A. Waterhouse, No. 26, February Term, 1894. Scire Facias Sur Mortgage. 5. Carl W. Scholield, use First National Bank, of Jamestown, N. Y., vs. John A. Waterhouse. No. 27, February Term, 1894. Scire Ficias Sur Mortgage. Attest, CALVIN M. ARNER, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa.. April 24, 1894. PROCLAMATION. Whkkkas, The Hon. Charles H. Noyes President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has Usued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace Or phans' Court, Oyer and Terminer aud General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of May, being tho 21st day of May, 1894. Noticeis therefore given to the Coroner, J ustices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ollice appertain to be done, and to those whoare bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them us shall be just. Given un der my baud and seal this 2'frd day of April, A. D. lbl4. JOHN T. CARSON, l.s. Sheriff. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing account has been tiled in my oilice and will be presented at the next term of court, commencing on the Third Mon day of May, 1894, for continuation : First and final account of James H. Al lio, Administrator of Joseph Allio, late of Tionesta Township, deceased. Attest, CALVIN M. ARNER, RugiUr, and Clerk of Orphans Court. Tiouehta, Pli., April 23, 1894. Speaking about carpets: Just re member that Lrdebur fc Miles can show you a line from the cheapest In graius to Buudhar Wiltons: Cheaper than others sell them; Cut and matched to fit your rooms without waste. tf. Don't Tohnrra Nplt or Htnnkr Your I.lfo away is the truthful, startling tide of a little book that tells all about No-to-bnc, tho wonderful harmless pimrnntrrd to bacco hahit cure. The cost is trilling, and the man who wants to quit and can't runs no physical or financial risR in us ing "No-to-bae." Sold by all druggists. Rook at drug Rtnro or by mail free. Ad dress, The Sterling Remedy Co,, Indiana Mineral Springs. I ml. Our M ay to be Ilnpr?. Is at all times to attond to tho comforts of vour family. Should any one ol them catch a slight cold or cough, prepare yourself and call at once on Siggins A Herman, Tionesta, or G. Wilkins, West H ickory. solo airents and cot a trial bot tle of Olio's Cure, the great German Remedy, free. We give It away to prove that we have a sure cure lor coughs, colds, Asthma, Consumption, and all di seases ot mo throat and lungs. Largo sizes 80c. 1 From Mrr lo Son. Asa family medicine Bacon's Celery King for the nerves passes from sire to son as n legacy. If you have Kidney Liver or Blood disorder do not delay, but get a freo sample package of this remedy at once. If yon have Indigestion, Con stipation, Headache, Rheumatism, etc., this grand specific will euro. Siirgins A Merman, l'ionesla, and . tf. Wilkins, West Hickory, the leading druggists, are sole agents ami are distributing samples free to tho afllictod. Largo packages 50e. Two Lives Knvril. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction, City, III. was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, two bottles of Dr. King' Now Dis covery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggors, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, bu Herod from a dreadful cold, approaching con Bumption.tried without result everything elso then bought ono bottle of Dr. kings' New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, ot which theso are samples, that prove the wonderful efflcacv of this modicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Siggins Herman's drug store. Regular size oOe, and $1.00. 5 S.H. ft GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, -AND- UNDERTAKERS, TIONESTA, PENN. SAW MILLS! ENGINES AND BOILERS. Improved frictiou feed. Scud for Cata logue and Special prices to A. B. Farqu har & Co., York Pa. Agents wanted. SEPARATORS. Traction and plain engines. New im provements over nil. Send for Catalogue, special prices and terms. Agents want ed. RUBER M'F'G CO., Marion, Ohio. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug f ies to let upon the most reasonable terms, le will also do JOB TE.A.CIIsr3- All orders loft at tho Post OfUoo will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE In effect Nov. '.i, 189U. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 93 Through Freight (carry ing passengers) f!: io a. in. No. HI BulluloExpresM 12:07 noon. No. 61 Way Freight (carry ing passengers) , 4:15 p.m. No. 33 Oil City Exj ross 7:53 p. m. For Hickory, Tidiouto, Warren, Kinzua, Brad lord, Olean and the East! No. 80 Olean Express 8:41 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. in. No. 9fl Through Freight (car rying passengers) 6:50 p. ni. No. GO Way Freight (carrying passengers to Tionesta) 8:41 a. in. Trains 03 and 90 Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time Tables and full information from S. Q. CLARK, Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. R. BELL, Gen'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gpn'l Passenger fc Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. MILLINERY! FLORA WALTfiHS ft CO., Having moved into their handsome new building, opposite Hopkins A Lanson's store, are prepared to meet their lady friends witn an elegant utock of goods in their liue. All the newest styles in HATS & R0NNETS, FANCY TRIMMINGS, AND 9IILI,IXIUY (jOODS in general. And a full line of Ladies' Punishing Goodi, at very reasonable prices, v niiuren s Hals ana caps. Call on us iridic inaKiug selections, we oe licvo wo can please you. IT.. ' WE ALWAYS LEAD BUT NEVER. FOLLOW. DAVID MINTZ. A lji.15,000 IMH-IYIU STOCK TO NHLIWT FIIOJI. The finest and largest line of Dry Goods ami Clothing infills County can only be seen at our store, ami prices that cannot bo beat. Wo buy In such largo lots, that wo can sell cheaper than any houso and give you the best ol1 goods. It will pay you to send for samples. " CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, HOYS. You will find at our store, in tho very-latest stylos, and prices very low. We lead in this branch as in all others. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Everything, that pertains to make up this stock, can bo round at our store. Wo never before have had such a trade In this line. It has proved that wo keep tho latest and best styles in tho market, and soil at tho very lowest price. kTOp CARPETS OF ALL KINDS & PRICES. Lace Cm-tains, heavy drnpery, Cm tain Poles ,v Shades, at the very lowest prices. Baby Carriages, trunks, valises, Qiieenswaio and Glassware, In Tact, anything you may want in this lino, can bo found at DAVID MINTZ'S. Mnricnville, Pa. fllGIIEST MARKET PRICE paid for Wool, Sheep pelts, Hides, (Jinscng. BARNB Goods still selling at ridic ulously low Prices at BNETT' CACTtOV. If doalsr offer VT. X I)ougia.a Shoe, at a reduced price, or .ays hehaethem without name etamped on bottom, put blm down aa a fraud. m L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are ityluh, easy tit. ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Try one pa it and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas1 name and price on the bottom which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the snle of V, L, Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line ofgoods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. V. X.. DOUGLAS, Brucktun, Maes, bold by F. H. LANSOX. Tionesta, Ta. 0. . Wliitciihiii, NEW STORE! Having pnVrh isc l the store formerly owned hy J. E. Overlander, next door to W. N. V. A. 1 U. U. Station, I am pro paied to furnish the public with any thing in the lino of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also tho FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR I I guarantee prices an low as the lowest, and all foods delivered free of charge. Call and see me. C. 31. WHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOUESTA, J?J. DR. CONN ERS, EYE. EAR, NOSE and THROAT SUKliEON. Will Vie at the Central House on Wednes day, May Mh, and on the second Wed nesday of every mouth following, for the purpose of treating eye, ear, nose and throat cases. ni ki.i:s AiiMi A s.ti.vt-:. The best Salve in the world fjr Cnta, Rruises, Sores, Cleers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lluuds.Chilblaini.-, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay req uired. It is guaranteed to uive per feet aiaisiiiction, or money refunded, i'r.ii 2i cents per box. For sale bv biggins V Kason. gstopmoi bow (ring),wi!l never have oc casion to use this time-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted olT the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. A watch eats opener, which will save your ungcr n.iig, teni ire. on requttt. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. 'flnmiM an PATPNT VAklABLB rklC?roNFEED Beat Set Work In the World. Saw Mill & Engine Rcid the Medal and Highest" A ward at the World't Columbian Exposition. !!!y!Sn,'SiIS,b,t ,Bhinltl MUU. M.chlnerr M" Undl Agriculture Iiuilmmtl of H.t Oul" Itj M lowit prion, twnd lor Illiutreted Cuuuiua- A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd.t YORK, PENN A. ' "Clothes gave lis Individuality, distinc tion, sociul polity. Clothes have niado men of us."-Cuiiylo'a Sartor ReSartus. WE TAKE PRIDE In every suit wo build, tho nmteiials, the stylo, the lit, the finish, the work manship aie subjects which receive our careful thought and study. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to our seloetion of Woolens for the eoininj; season, comprising as it does tho choicest fabrics, from the World's looms. FOR BUSINESS SUITS Mohawks, Chovlots, Irish ltoating Tweeds, Ronibay Serges. Prices i'Si to $;;o. FOR DRESSY CUTAWAY SUITS, Clays, Diagonal, Taylor's English Woostods, Erk in's Woosteds. Prices f-JS to f:n. 9Buik,V bnfk, If J on Isli it McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, II altera, Furnishers and Shirt Makers, Moderate I'rico Storo. Sole Agents for YouuiaiiH and Knox's Hats and Dr Jaeger's Underwear. J5 AND a SENECA STREET. OIL CITY, PA. 18 SP "Thcso hard times is a'bonanza1' for thoso that want to buy. A nice line and well selecled stock in nil kind of dry goods. They never wero na cheap as thi Spring. Come in and eo or send in for a few samples ami yoti wil' llnd prices as low as any Retail houso In tho World and if prices aro as cheap why not buy al home. We don't lake the back seat for anything in this en 1 of tho Universe. Wo hnvo tho largest stock, and it's well selected and bought as cheap as anyono and we are going to sell them by 1ho Power of irresisluble prices. --SHOES In this lino wo think we can Suit In Style, Suit in Widths, Suit in price and Cash Is Inlying them cheaper this Spring than ever before. C5 35. 3.3SS T JER I Pon't forget that we carry a line of Carpets lo suit the trade and you can havo them eut to fit, nnd delivered Immediately, and no wnilinjr and wasting of time, and prices ns low as any other Concern on earth. GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED In this lino wo buy oflen and try to keep a nlco assortment, and fresli at till titnes, nnd prices that surprise all. Now, ntler reading all theseSigns on paper, tho best way to provo these things is to come and see what chivsh buys. LANSON'S, Iron Building, Tionesta, Pa. You Can Prove What wo say by J list seeing tho tloods and Prices. Values aro still climbing lip whilo prices are coming down. Wo will not show you a "job" lot of goods, but wo can show you a nobby lino of nice (roods, of tho best selected patterns and styles. Not what other dealers eonld not uso and conKiMpiently sold as "Jobs," but strictly first class in every respect, styles of IS'.H, from the best manufactories. PRICES NEVER WERE SO LOW ! and we always aim to koep liuality on top and prices at tho bottom. You know how they wear, and look as well as Custom Soils. Wo aro headquarters for Hats, Shirts. Neckwear and Furnishings. Just step in and see us, and wo will hse you right. LEDEBTJR & MILES. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT W 1 1, l7 A EV A YS 15 E FOUND TIW FRESHEST miOCEfUES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEtiETAHLES OF AM, KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is In chaToTf a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & Smearbauqh, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRYGOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Tl TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. T T- is We have never had such a fine array of harvest machines to show farmers as this season. Every one shows invent, ive skill, strength and symmetry derived from the touch of The "Wood machines, a3 made for 1 892, are winning crowds of new friends. Examine tho new chain-drive, and balance reel, on tho Wood harvester. Examine the new spring lift and the new axle extension on the Wood mowers. Ex amine the Wood hand-dump rakes, virtually self-dumping. . is;;. a-,-, CHARLES A. HILL AGENT 1-V)U AND DEALER IN FARM MACHINERY OE EVERY KIND, -INCLUDING ItEAPKHS, BINDERS, MOWEKS, HAKES, SPIUNfi TOOTJI HAKJIOWS, (UJAIN.ANI) COKN DKILLS ALSO BIKJG1ES, WAGONS AND OA UTS. A FINE QUALITY OF LUIiitlCATI NG OILS FOR ALL KINDS OF RAP ID AND SLOW MOTION MACHINERY. UAl l'.cloro making purchases 1 woul. 1 ask Farmer and others to Inspect my atoek and prices. Everything ol tho best and most approved quality, and at prices with in the reach of all. CHARLES A. HILL, Tionesta, Pa. If WOOD. i m rip"1" isi .war rfTi!IWJl