The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 11, 1894, Image 4

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A short time apii n man lioi st
Frankfort-on-the-Oilcr ami loft his
fortune of about 322,500, to tlio Gor
man Kmporor. His nearest relations,
who received nothing, sent a petition
to the Emperor mid ono of tlieni has
received the sum of 82500.
Jtfr ElUa E. Hills
Fen nor, N. Y.
IndigestionDistress in the
Hood'a Sarsaparllla. Accomplishes
Desired Results.
"C. t. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
"Hear Sir: - I gladly testify to (he efficacy
and curative powers of Hood's Sarsnparilla and
rhcerfnlly state tliat It lias done wonders for
rue. For year I havo liecn a great sufferer
from affnni.inii headaches and
Distress in the Stomach
after eating and at other times, accompanied
by sour stomach. I was very bad with Indiges
tion also. I noticed in different papers men-
Hood's514 Cures
lion of the euros Hood's SArnanariUa hud
wrought and UhhikM 1 would try it. It ha
Accomplished the Desired Results.
The pain and distrosa in the tMomach and the
fcvoie headache Hindis havo been overcome a
well a my indigent ion. I ran now enjoy a meal
without any distress and cAn recommend
Hood's Sarfnparilla as one of the best of medi
cins." Kli.a K. Hii.ij. Former, New York.
II ood' m I i I In ftro purely vvo table, mrfe:Uy
harmit'-. rIw.ivh reltnMo nnd efllrlpnt.
Purely veiretnlile, mtlj ant. reliable, Cauto Pnr
foot Direction, complete absorption nd healthful
rpflrtilarlty. r-or the cure of all dlnarrieri of the
tttum.wh, Llvor, Ua.vel., Kidneys, madder, Nervous
PERFECT DIGESTION will bo aooompllnhed by
taking Hallway's Pills. By their AS TI-BILIOCS
properties they stimulate the liver In the secretion
of tfee bile and It discharge tbroiub the biliary
clucu. These pill. In doses from two to four will
qulokly repulate the action ol the liver and free the
patient from these dlaorders. One or two of Rail
way's Pills, taken dully by tboae subject to blllom
pains and torpidity of the liver, will keep the sys
tem regular and secure healthy digestion,
frlce, 4.1c. per Boa. Mold by all Drasclsts.
Driving the Brain
at the expense
of the Body.
While we drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Ex
ercise, pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep such are methods. When
loss of flesh, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
-frill doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, which not only
creates flesh of and in itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
Prepared hj Waott Bnwn., NT. an arnwrlsH.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
- r.
fl ' ' '.i'U '' t ahioluUlu
pure and soluble.
It has morr t It nn three timet
the ttremjth of i'ocoa mixed
Willi Starch, Arrowroot or
.. (B ... IUUIB VW.
iuiuivm, wHiny icon inun one ceiii a cwii.
It is delicious, nourishing, aud easilt
bold b'CJrorrrs tferywhsr.
W. BAKER & C0.. Dorcheiter, Man.
i urett una j'n
me fijtiK-.ti pjcuiiy, isuti lur iu, 15 or
A vtMit a-kim-.-. Sih , ,-, ,sr(iij r jttd A'.ify. A
V tK. H. HaIM, IU KWt 2:th M., NVw York, f
I 0 Tft 0 n lf".utli'W4iililtiglr
iT) IU iDUU """'-i';rri.Jwl..)lttu
w luriitsili u liutM? huI trttvoi
fl VM W W M Hi uu. U uoL utt.'MaArv
M Iff E l tiirotijh tti.-
ouutry: a U'ttut,
" mm mm mtvw a'atiou'i. In t-nvna ainl
i-illiM. MfU uu'l w..;i,.-u(.f k"k1 li iriw-u-r will flu.i
tlnit UU t-Jtc i-nwiiitl ...jHir.uiiiiy fur im.llt;iltl e.n
.ui uivut. S.iun- hoiiik inuv l.,- u-t I u tn.d sul.'au-tUK-.
II. I . Jlll-0 A 4 (.,
1 lib mid 1iiiu Ns It Ickuiuiid, Vd,
H.-t hi. m . . A TTU It VhVr I OH IN.
IM OH, k i nit- I. .1 ;i Aint-rkua in I
1 iu i'ai. u. Hu uiij m-U 1'jitfiitp iu all
t wm- - lit I u . m ,. .i,s.' iv u,t-u!-. v vr
li-r- ttn-l n. ii . Al.Al;ll-. r.rr-i..u-
i. IK 1l..J U 4-UIilJllMl lAt'UO'llll Mllk-lttMt.
UUUU LULU i..,ius,liowll-ri'B.1,;u.lo..,
iinmt lit null
1'iitUlv tiii wuril, htaiim
. I liriiliarn V, lit W. utli M.,N . Y.
J -tit-ti I utile Mn-rji, tl t-oullrv,
.TXfSfc. sl-rtUiK lOK; fceutl bin in fur CittaluUfs
tiiKr.iVlii.v ,. )'. .ntit Jt t tiaU'.i Hu. i it.
for sale by the SalHT PaL'L
Cuui'Y la ailuueMiia. biid for Maps and Circu
iaitt. Tbey willbeasut to 70a
IjwiI Coaiiuiattunvri bt, faul, aiiuu.
. uiriHiu i r ui tWnmiK.U-.iii, lU'lUfktlou,
M lJyipu, Hetriuurn, C.vtarr.i ma t Annum. A
i M-ftil iu i....i..ri.i and v. ri. Cieauw tb f
A l.ftu ami Pn.iib.trr, tlis Apputtle. Sweetens A
W Hie lirtHtli. fun-. lh T,ll.(tt-o Hahlt. tn.lor-l f
rlo tun, slmond snd silver blue uro
to hsve snotlior sensori pf favor.
The Froneh women nre famous fot
their cni'aeity nnil experience in busi
uef. Tlio diadem of theUnssian F.mprese
Anna routniiiR '2Ti'Mi lartre dinmonds
and a rnby valued nt SfiOO.OOO.
The rrineesa Mnr is to be jiresonted
by t ho Indies of Canada with rt hand
some jiair of Ciinadian-bred horsw.
(if the twelve briilcsinnids at Queen
Vietorin's wedding only throe survive
tho dowager Dnehess of Bedford,
tlio JbicliesH of Cleveland and Lady
Jano Klliee.
It was some time iu 1()0(1 that JIarj
Astell wrote, importuning womon
"not to be content to be in the world
like tulips iu a garden to make a fine
show and bo good for nothing."
Miss Grander Matthews, the debu
tante in literature, allows her father
to "namo" the products of her pen
after they tiro complete, as Matthews
has a singular facility that way.
Jlr. Mary .Tneobi, whose reputation
as a learned member of her profession
was made long ago, has been elected
Chairman of tho section on nervous
diseases by the New York Academy of
It is rumored that the new spring
dress will lie built with very long
shoulders, sleeves flat in the head,
but full about the elbow, and the
skirt made heavy and fussy with
rnflles and putt's.
Mrs. Washington McLean, of Cin
cinnati, has bought for $102,000 the
gray stucco house on Connecticut
nvenue, Washington, built by "Boss"
Shepherd, and successively occupied
liy the Chinese and Bussian legations.
Miss Nora Nave, of Mercer County,
Kentucky is said to bo beautiful,
twenty-two years old, and in form
perfectly symmetrical. Sho is only
three feet ten inches high and weighs
fifty-six pounds. Her fnther is a
Because Queen Victoria with old-
fashioned tastes sill enjoys tableaux
vivants, that unexciting amusement is
almost tho national indoor resource of
English homes were young women
still believe in the theory of Btatnesque
Somebody askod Mrs. Taran Stevens,
of New York City, why she had not
entertained any this winter, and her
answer was that there was so mnch
poverty existent that she was afraid to
give large parties for fear the starving
poor would dynamite her.
The Ancient Order of Foresten in
England has found tho admission of
women into its ranks a complete suc
cess, lucre are already seventeen
courts of female Foresters, and this
number is expected to be doubled by
the end of the present year.
Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, the
sister of tho Fresident, is now visiting
the White House for tlio first long stay
6ince her brother came into tho Presi
dency the second time. Miss Clove-
laud abominates public life and tries
to escape from it iu every way.
"Plaisauce suitings" nro among the
novelties of the new season. Many
show handsome Persian effects, and in
most cases the background is worn iu
two colors with a contrasting tint.
forming an overshot figure. New
crepe weaves appear in shot effects.
Charlotte M. Younge is tall and
stately, with large brown eyes, light
hair aud a very strong face. Her
house is filled with books, even to the
corridor. Among her treasures are
autograph letters from royalty and
children thanking her for her writings.
Miss Aldrich Blake has the siirnal
distinction of being the first woman to
receive third, honors, with marks quali
fying for a gold medal, iu the recent
bachelor science examination of the
University of Loudon. She is a stu
dent of tho London Sohool of Medicine
for Women.
Watches are worn at the side again
and are no longer hung up on the chest.
They ought to be put out of sight. A
watch worn as most women woar them
is simply tempting fate aud two-thirds
of the "losta"in the newspaper column!
are watches, which vanity puts to a
use never intended by tho inventor.
Is the would-bo swell female attempt
ing to match her petunia purple cheeks
and magenta btroet gown? or is she
trying to live up to tho chromos in the
prize package papers? Iu any event
tho giddy colors visible under the
fashionable veil would make nature
blush and an Apache turn green with
jeulonsy. It is simply awful.
Capotes are very ibit, with a low
crown, or no crown at all, the only ex
ception being the Tonkiu shape, with
email, peaked crown. Some shapes
have a plain, narrow l.riin, but the
most novel are of very soft, supple
felt, which can bo bent about, and al
most draped according to fancy. The
Mime shapes are made of stiff net,
covered with plain or fancy velvet.
MisR Mary Clapior Hitehie, or Phila
delphia, recently contributed $10,001)
each to tho University nud Jt ilt-rsou
College Hospitals, an 1 $5500 ) to the
Philadelphia Homo fur Incurable, to
provide a bod in uaeh for the treat
ment and maintenance of indigent
single women suil'eriug from incurable
disease. These endowments uro iu
memory of her brother, the lute Com
modore Hubert Hitehie, United Stute-'
"Tii I!im.! With Tiniliii"to."
Tiiiil'Ucton, th-il I'ivn'.i lions Central
Afl ii-iui city which h is i cent ly been
occupied by tlm l'li in li, is chielty iu-te;-.stiug
ic- tin- subject ol verses sub
mitted ior a prize utlerud many years
ago by Punch for rhyme to that curi
ous name. One of t In: verses wu :
11 I wero u rasBOwiiry.
till Dim l,iins ol I'.ne, if-too,
I won lil e:ii a !ul!-;uu..ry.
S.'iin mi l I'ou'-s au i 'ii .'iiu-ImkA, too.
Another, with 11 perfect rhyme,
rin tiius :
"As 1 was liinitin.' or the uiaiii.i.
All on the I'laiiis uf Viu-jni.-tiv),
A luck was all 1 'A'A lor my p.uus,
Aud l:3 was u slim liu. k. too."'
A ''morning set-siou" in the Britisl
House of Commons begins at 2 o'eloek
in the attcruoou aud U-A uutil 7.
rmwn new.
CharyMI. whirling, marln. drw
t'nlui'kjr shlpo and nil their erw
Itnnwitb. th wave : and, battered, tlirsw
Them up, to (all and writhe anew.
Methlnkn Charybdln, reddened from
Its bloody victims, now ha come
To aelr.e our country, dared and dumb,
And drown It In the whirl ot Hum t
TltKIR omtaTitaT StT.
The New York Observer aava ! "Gather up
nil the money that the worklhir elaaae hnve
spent for rum during tho Inst thlrtv years
nnd I will build for every roan a house and
lay out for him a enrden, and aeoiire for him
n policy of life inauranoe so that the preeent
home roar bo well maintained nftor he Is
dead. The mot porolntent nnd moat over
powerinn enemy of tho working classes la
uitoxlcntlnif liquor."
A io!irir!T n.Artao.
The rieliiifin Government has ordered linn
In everv school room the following plncard i
"Of 125.000 denths as mnny as 25,000, or
one-fifth, are the result of alcoholism. In a
period, during which the population In
creased l.y fourteen per cent., the consump
tion ol alcohol nnd been augmented by thirty-seven
per cent., eases of mndneea by
forty-live per cent., crime bv seventy-four
per cent., suicide by eighty per oeut., and
vngnrauts nnd beggars 150 per cent."
A devoted Christinn mission worker, la
boring In a much neglected mountain dis
trict, as a representative ot the Presbyterian
Hoard of Home Missions, In a recent private
letter concerning the use of temperance lit
erature, writes :
"Take drunkenness out ot these mountains
nnd missionary work would, I think, begin
to toll. Whisky, Instead of the love ot
money, Is the root ol nil evil here. There
is never a fight, or a murder, or any other
wicked or lawless act, which does not arise
from whisky."
People often sing, "Whore Is My Wander
ing Hoy To-night?'' but the truth Is when the
Parents went to ch'irch or to temperance
meeting this "wandering boy" also leit home
and joined his associates on the street cor
ner. The parents nro singing this song nnd
shouting "Down with the saloon!'' while
they nro giving their boy lull liberty to do as
he pleases. Ami ne generally lives up to
privileges. This is one phase of a large sul"
joet, aud It Isn phnse which should be looked
squarely iu tn nice. However ardent pa
rents may be iu supporting the cause of tem
perauce, they may, by their neglect, by their
short comings iu home training, help to foster
the liijiior trafllc. Their plain and manifest
duty is to nip the evil in the bud by wise and
careful truiuing of their boys iu all tbnt is
excellent and lovelv and of good report. In
the work of temperance reform every one
must build over against his own Douse.
A certain little tract, addressed to Inebri
ates, contains no sentimental appeal to the
emotions, but is full ot practical cenimon
sense. Let every one addicted to the use ol
liquor read It. says an exchange, nnd pro
nounce judgment upon the advice It con
tains. (Ins gallon of whisky costs about
three Hollars, nnd contains, on the average,
sixty-live ten-ceut drinks. Now, lfyou must
itrinK wuisny, miy a gallon ana make your
wife the barkeeper; then, when you are
thirsty, give her ten cents for a drink. When
the whisky is gone she will have left, after
paying for it, three dollars and a half, and
every gallon will yield the snme profit. This
money sue snouia put away in tbe savings
bank, so that when you hnve become an in
ebriate, unable to support yourself, nnd
Ihuuned nnd despised by every reepeetable
person, vour wite may have money enough
to keep you nnttl your time coines to 1111 a
drunkard g grave.
Tna late comment upon the prevalent
widespread want, with the great numbers of
unemployed, Chauncey M. llepew Is reported
us saying :
"I have been through all the panics of tho
last thirty years, but I have never seen one
in which the distress was so widespread and
reached so many people who previously had
not been affected as this panic ot 193. It
bos thrown over 2,000.000 people out of em
ployment, and calculating five persons,
which Is a small estimate, to a family, means
10,000,000 people with no breadwinner among
them, and no possibility of winning bread."
This is, Indeed, a distressing picture, and
the suffering involved Is now greatly inten
sified by tbe drink waste, both past nnd
present. The enormous fortunes ot the many
millionaire brewers represent the hitherto
worse than wasted earnings of multitudes
of workingmcn, and oven now the beer traf
fic goes on with scarcely undiminished vol
ume, National Temperance Advocate.
What pathetic Incidents occur almost daih
In our police courts? One morning, a short
time ago, a woman was brought before i
justice on a charge of having been founc
drunk In the street the previous night. When
nsked If she had anvthlug to say for herself
she flushed and trembled, but looked the
judge steadily m the face as Bhe replied : "I
forgot myself and mu bear the conse
quences." Hhe was fined 5 and was not
able to pay ; was about to be conducted to
prison when a man, hiving the appearance
of a hardworking mechanic and accompanied
by a pretty little glri, rose in the audience
aud offered to pay ior her. It was her bus
ban. I. Hearing bis voioe, she hid her faoe
In her huuds and said hastily, "You must not
pay it."
' But we want you at home," replied the
man smiling pleasantly at her. "No, you
must not puv it," insisted his wife. "Don't
waste the money on me, Use it at home.
Uuy a new pair of shoes for baby with it."
"l'leaso oouie homo, mamma," said the little
girl ; and the father silently drew the money
from his pookot and handed It to the clerk
of the court, but the woman still protested,
declared that she would go to prison, and it
was not until the little girl began to cry and
tho judge begged her to think of her children
that she consented to return. Her husband
at length took her by the hand, the child by
tho other, aud between them she was led
slowly from the court. Oh, the curse ol in
temperance '. Work at Home.
At the end ot the fiovernuicDt year, 1892
93, thero wore 23,5b3 breweries in ojieratlon
in Germany.
The ordinary poorbousne of New York
State contained iScjitti. jer 30, 193, a total of
10,077 in mules.
In the Dundee. Scotland, Police Court in
1H'.I3 there were 15H cases of drunkenness,
as against 1 107 In 1H92.
Liverpool boasts of more drunkards than
any other eily in the world, aud Stockholm
has the highest ileal U rate Irom the effects of
A Hindoo who has written a book about
England says that "John Bull lots his people
heur seriuous Sunday mornings end got
drunk in the afternoon. Why do tbe Eng
lish spend twice us much for drink as for
It used to be the custom in the Belgian
Parliament to supply not orly tho members
but tbe rejiorters in the gallery with brandy
and water ad libitum. Every member habit
ually spoko with a glass ot braudyau I water
beside nun and when be hudilnished another
was brought.
The actual cost to the State ot Massachu
setts for the maintenance o( the hospital ol
dipsoiuauiuaud inebriates at 1'oxbiirg during
the past year loots up to the respectable sum
of 'J14,l,'.H.'jii.. Duriug the your 221 persons
were treated, witti salishe'tory reports of
permanent euro irom only two ol luu pa
tients. Mrs. Alice (). Silor, ot Detroit, has recov
ered a verdict ot fllOO against a saloon
keeper Ior s oiling liquor to her husband, af
ter she had warned ntiu not to. Siler got
drunk and shot a colored man. for which he
was sent to lue penitentiary ior six years.
hud the wife sued to recover damages tor the
loss ol aupjiurt.
Dr. I'aul Gamier, ot Paris, has made a
special study of those slum children that are
theoltsprlug of habitual drunkards. Hesays :
"Tuere is a Haw iu tbe very nature ot these
young wretches that the syc hologist sees
cluariy aud notes with apprehension tho
absence ot atlectiouatu euiotious ;'' and where
they do not become lunatics
VUrlbillty Olid pl'floe-liuoi. '
I Man's Mechanism,
The wonderful mechanism of am
mAls, an Jeremiah Head, mentioned in
his British Association address, can bo
bnt imperfectly imitated here nnd
there in the works of man, although
man has greatly enlarged his powers
by tho artificial devices. By tho com
bination of his natural capacities with
tho mechanical aids, he has been en
abled to compote successfully in dif
ferent sphere of action with other and
specially endowed animals. The bodily
framo of man is adapted only for life
and movement near the earth's sur
face. Without mechanical aid he enn
walk for several hours at an ordinary
speed of throe to four miles an hour,
and under exceptional circumstances
ho has accomplished over eight miles
in ono hour, nnd an average of two
and throo quarter miles an honr for
141 hours. In running he has covered
about 11) miles in an hour. In its
power to withstand diverse and exces
sive strain, tho human mechanism is
quite unapproachable by artificial
constructions. Whilo fitted for an ex
ternal pressure of about fifteen
pounds per squaro inch, man has boou
ablo to ascend in balloons to a heighth
of seven miles, breathing air at a
pressure of throo and a half pounds
per square inch; and, on tho other
hand, has safely dived eighty feet be
neath tho water's surface, where tho
extra pressure has reached about thirty
six pounds per square inch. No ani
mal burrows downward inti tho earth
to a greater dopth than eight feet.
Tronton (N. J.) American.
How Sugar is Refined.
Tho method used by the best sugar
refineries is substantially as follows:
Tho raw sugar is dissolved in largo
cisterns on tho ground floor, enough
hot water being added to produce a
specific gravity of 1.25. Tho solution
is then drawn through a connecting
pipe having a coarse wire strainer in
to large pumps, by which it is pumped
into tho highest story of the building,
usually the seventh or eighth. It thero
passes into vessels heated by steam
coils to a temperature of about 210
degrees. Milk of lime is added to the
solution in these pans for the purposo
of neutralizing any acid which it may
contain. From these pans the liquid
passes down to tho noxt floor, where it
is filtered through a series of bags,
each made of two thicknesses of cloth,
an outer one of coarse and an inner
one of fine cotton. The bags are en
closed iu boxes to prevent cooling.
After leaving these the syrup is run
through filters of bone black, which
absorb all the coloring matter left in
it. After leaviug these, it is pumped
into vacuum pans, large vessels heated
by steam and exhausted by air pumps.
Tho pressuro being thus rednoed tho
liquid is boiled nt a lower tempera
ture, until, at 140 degrees, evapora
tion is completed anil the syrup rapidly
crystallizes into sugar. This is the
process by which the best white Biigar
is mode, while poorer qualities are
prepared by a method less complete.
Boston Cultivator.
WatU "Do you always agree with
your wife when she makes an asser
tion?" Potts "Of course I don't. Do
you suppose I want the poor woman
to have no amusement at all?" In
dianapolis Journal.
Is Idle Wheit or Leas
If life Is so short as some think it Is, It may
be made to seem much longer and sweeter
by a better core (or our comforts. Minor
troubles are much magnified by neglect and
delay. We give too much time to hunting
up causes when we ought to deal promptly
with effects. This is muoh the case with pain,
which should bo cured at once and cause
looked into afterwards. Miss Ida M. Flem
ing, 7 6. Carey Street, Baltimore, Md., states
that (or years she wassubjeut to (requent at
tacks of neuralgia, and tried any number of
remedies without avail. She was given qui
nine, whioh she says affected her nervous
system. Hhe suffered night aud day during
these attacks until she tried St. Jacobs Oil,
which finally cured her.
Cuii.e adopted railroads in 1851, and noT
has 1750 miles.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot cures
ull Kidney nnd Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and Consultation free.
Laboratory Hlnghqmton, N. Y.
Ixsubance is the loading business of Hert
ford, Ccnn.
141 Baa. 1'ataiera Acre. Per
This astonishing yield was reported by Abr.
Hahn, of Wiacinsln, but Salter's potatoes
always get there. The editor ot the Rural
New Yorker reports a yield of 730 bmhela and i
pounds per acre from one of Sailer's early pa.
tatoea. Above ItlU bushels are from Salzer's
new seedling IIu idrej-fold. His new early
potato. Lightning Express, lm a record ot )
bushels per acre. He offers potatoes as low a
$2.50 a barrel, and the best potato planter In tu
world for but f '.
Ik you wiul cut this out and send it with
4o postage to the John A. Halzer Seed Co., L i
Cmeae, Wis., you will receive free his mam
moth potato catalogue and a piekage of sixteen-day
"(ret There, Ell," radish. A
100 Reward. (lOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased' to
learn that there Is at least one dreadud disease
Mitt science baa been able to cure In all its
ktatfoa. and that la catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being .con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous sariacea or me syatcm, thereby de
stroying the foundation of tho disease, and
g the iiatient strength by bulldintt uo the
constitution aud assisting nature in doing its
Work. The Droorletora Iimva an much fuitTi in
its curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any rase that It fails to cure,
bend for list of testimonials. Address
c F-J-Chenev ACo.,Toledo,0.
0T Sold by Druggists. 76c.
Best at All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly
beneficial manner, when theBpringtimecomes,
use the true aud perfect remedy, Byrup of Figs.
One bottle will answer for all the family and
costs only 50 cents; the laiye size tl. Try it
and lie pleased. .Manufactured by the Califor
nia Kig Syrup Co. onlv.
"I HAVE UKl.N AHfl HTKIi Willi all UlfeCtloll
of I he Throat froui childhood, caused by ditib
therla, und have lined various l'euiedies, nut
have never found anything equal to 'iiroa-a's
Itmtwtuul 'froth.'" tit i (V. M. F. iiumptou,
flAtton, Ky. Sold only In boxes.
Buy the luihy a dress with money saved on
mailable articles in drug line. West's Nerve
and rlniiii Treat mt-nl, 117c; Liver l-'ills, le.;
l're-.-rtition JAoV best Woru llemedy, Ue.;
Porous I'Lastcr. 12c. Free catalogue. E. A.
Hall, l hal lc-Ion, S. ('.
A HeaNlituI tmvealr Osa-oa
Will be seal with everv bottle of lir. HoxtWi
ItttatH t roup t are. Ordered by mail, posl-
paul,oucls. Auilreag. tloxsle, nunalo, r. .
Impaired digestion cured by Beecbain's
I ills, liceenam uo others, ji ccms a box.
Sore throat cured at once by Hatch's Univer
sal Lough feyrup. si cents at arUK'lgislB.
if afllicled with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thorn p-
KJUilyn-vi a tor. Urui(kUi evU at x per but t, k.
Killing rnrpoisea by Electricity.
Electricity has recently been tttil
ifced for purposes of fishing. A not of
snrdinal, as it is called, which was
uenrly 1300 foot long, and is used for
catching sardines, was taken, and an
oleetrio cable with dynnmito cartridges
at intervnls of fifty feet, was placed
upon the odgo of it. Tho cnblo was
connected with nn eloclrio battery up
r a tho torpedo boat in puch a way
that nil tho cartridges might bo fired
simultaneously. Tho net was let down
nt fivo in tho morning in very deep
water, and before this was dono tho
neighboring fishermen had been asked
not to go out, in order that thero
might bo nothing to disturb tho por
poises. About an hour nftor tho net
had been let down, tho pospoises enmo
up in largo numbers, and when a good
many fish had been got into tho net,
there wero about eighty just around it.
Tho cartridges wero then fired, and
tho explosion was so oft'ootivo that ono
only of the eighty porpoises escaped,
whilo tho boats iu tho vicinity felt no
shock, aud tho water was very littlo
disturbed. Invention.
How to Cure a IHnek Eye.
Tho Medical Times some time ago
gave this antedoto for a black eye :
There is nothing to comparo with a
tincture or strong infusion of capsicum
annnum, mixed with an equal bulk of
muoilago or gum nrabio, nnd with tho
addition of a few drops of glyoeriuo.
This should bo painted all over tlio
bruised surfaco with a camel's hair
pencil and allowed to dry on, a second
or third coating being applied as soon
ns tho first is dry. If done as soon ns
tlio injury is inflicted tho troatnient
will invariably prevent tho blackening
of the abused tissue The same remedy
has no equal in rhonmatio, soro or still
Fatal Field for Missionaries,
Sierra Loono, on the west coast ol
Africa, has sometimes boon stylod tho
"White Man's Grave," and no fower
than three Bishops in succession died
within throo years of their consecra
tion. In tho lirst t wenty years of tho
mission's existence fifty-throe mission
aries or missionaries' wives died nt
their posts. In 1823, out of fivo mis
sionaries who went out, four died
within six months; in the noxt year
six voluntoers were accepted, and of,
theso two died within four months of
their landing. These losses seemed to
draw out more zeal, for next year thred
more went forth, of whom two dieAv
within six months. Boston Post.
Kany times women sail on thalr family
Pbysioiana, sutTsi-lng., as they Imagine, one
from dyspepsia, another from heart disease,
another from livor or kidney disease, another
from nervous exhaustion, or prostratiou,
anothsr with pain here and there, and in
"ay they all present, alike to themselves
and their easy-going and mditTerant, or over
busy doctor, asperate and distinct durcesea,
for which he prescribes his pills and potions,
assuming them to be suoh, when, in reality,
then are all only oymufoen caused by some
womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of
the cause of suffering, euuourages his practice
until large bills are made. The suffering
eatient gets no better, but probably worse
y reason of the delay wrong treatment and
consequent complications. A proper medi
cine, like Dr. Pierce's Favorite lYascrlption,
directed to the. cause would have entirely
removed the disease, thereby dispelling all
those distressing symptoms and Instituting
comfort Instead of prolonged misery.
The lady whoa portrait heads this article
U Mrs. Ida Coventry, of Huntsville, Logan
County, Ohio. Bhe had an experience which
wa will permit her to relate in her own
language. It Illustrates the foregoing. She
writes : " I hod female weakness' very
bad in bed most of the time, dragging
down pains through my back and hips ; no
appetite ; no energy. Tbe family phvaiciau
was treating me for 'liver complaint '. I
did not get any better under that treatment
so I thought I would try Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and his ' Golden Medical Dis
covery.' I felt better before I used one
bottle of each. I continued their use until I
took six bottles of each. In three months'
time I felt so well I did not think it necessary
to take any more. In childbirth it does
what Dr. Fierce recommends it to d
lessens the pain and perils to both mother
and child and shortens ' lalior '. I would like
to recommend Dr. Pierce's Extract of Bmart
Weed to those who have never tried It ; it
surely is the best thin" for cholera morbus,
or pain in the stomach 1 ever used ; it works
like a charm. I try never to lie without it."
The following is from Mrs. Harriet Hards,
of Montpelier, Iduho i " I have enjoyed bet
ter bead in since I began treatment with Dr.
BEST in Market
blT IN P'IT.
lifcsT IN W KAK1.NO
( i - li 'riie outer or lap sole
f .. T 7 i ' - exit-ails thewholeieim:th
fl . f - I f 'Iowa lo tilt- huel, pruleel
ij ' -' I V. lrt I he '""' ni tlis-h-iiu
u r-"-" . ' -'. s-41" lu oilier liui-il woiu.
I ' t': ASK YDl'lt PKALEB
11 AUIY.
uiwl fl'in't tje put off with
hitt-r.or goo ln.
Colchester Rubber Co.
niTCUTC l im ! ix 1. slill'stiN,
Uli I Crl I 0 W .,:.liiti.-Mi,, U. ( . Nu ail') I,-, a
I uulii 1'aieui onntlueii. IV nu ior luveutor'a Ciuiilu
N Y N U-l-j
I A P A N E S E TO OT H r.V,ev '
st uisilKI (or lw.-, Lai'( lru to-, I'uila'klj.Uis, r.
d, 111' 3'.
experiment with inferior brands
of baking powder. It is NOW
that the great strength and purity
of the ROYAL make it indis
pensable to those who desire to
practise economy in the kitchen.
Each spoonful docs its perfect
work. Its increasing sale bears
witness that .it is a necessity
to the prudent it goes further;
Tlio (Jarrote.
Tho mode of execution by the gar
otte seems to have been originally de
vised by the Moors and Arabs, and to
have been taken from them by the
Spaniards, by whom it has been trans
mitted to tho Spanish oolonios in
America. In tho earliost form it con
sisted in simply placing a cord ronnd
tho neck of the criminal, who was
seated on a chair fixed to a post, and
then twisting the cord by moans of a
stick inserted between it and the back
of tho nock till strangulation waa pro
duced. Afterward a brass collar was
used containing a screw, whioh the
executioner turned till its point en
tered thospinal marrow where it unites
with the brain, causing instant death.
. Empedocles was called the greatest
of all Greek philosophers, bnt ho
couldn't tell where the material went
to when ho found a hole in the heel of
his stocking. Detroit Free Press.
Pierce's Favorite IVascriptiaa, for lencor
rbea and uterine debility than I have for
aaxteen years. I am cured of my troubjo,
and now weigh on hundred and sixty-six
pounds, whereas my weight for many years
stood at one hundred and twanty-flv pounds.
With pleasure, I remain,"
Yours truly,
Th following is from Mrs. M. A. McAl
lister, of Lim Rock, Jackson Co., Ala.: " I
waa in bad health ; age was working upon
me, and I had ulceration of th womb ;
oould not get about. I took Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it cured me ; I
felt ten years younger. 1 have not bad any
return of my trouble. I am th nother uf
thirteen children and I am fifty-three years
old, have never seen a better woman's friend
than your medicine. I have recommended
it to my friends here, and it has never failed
in any case, so let me thank you for til
good it did me." Yours truly,
For " worn-out," " run-down," debilitated
school teachers, milliners, di-raimakm-s, ieam
tresse, general housekeepers, and over
worked aud feeble women generally, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of
all restorative tonics. It is not a "oura-all,"
but admirably fulillls singleness of pur
pose, being a most potent specific for all
those chronlo weaknesses and dissjautes pecu
liar to women. It is a powerful, general as
well as uterine, tonio and nervine, and im-
farta vigor and strength to th whole system,
t cures weakness of the stomach, indiges
tion, bloating, nervous prostration, hysteria,
debility and slsepleesneas. A Treatise (10S
pages, Illustrated!, on "Woman and Her
Diseases," tent tealed in plain tnvelopt, on
receipt of ten cents to pay postaga Address,
World's Dispensary Medloal Association,
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buf
falo, N. Y. It contain a vast number of
testimonials with half ton, or phototype
portraits of their authors and grivea th full
suiui eras us
jHiiiniry 'J f Ji iwr crut.
ia. J
February lt t 11
1. . . . . t 1 "
Marvh "
TOTAL, .1 pvrevut.
W e hnve nuiil I twr euBtoiner iu 5 1hm.
JT'ilitu paUl I w Ivm tut it iimuth; utuuey I'ttu lie
v Ithiirttwu uuy time; tu)lUVu4iU bi liivt)Utl;
va ) Itf for htfui nuittitn.
MrMll.H A I O,, It miker. and Itrokertt,
I uml 'JU It roadway. New Vtirk.
Wood or ii it-l a! workers, without
Mteain i)wer,rau tiiit-t'e-ibfully com
I'l'te w It ti llio ItuKt) aiKiiitt by UKliig
nur Nt-w LuUir buvlng Mudjh.uery,
Ittti'ttl aud iiiont B(irovtl ifirpriu
lU'talkbtii) Uav; al.wi (ur ludunlrltil
K-lttMlH, lltiiiiB Traliiluii, fU. C';
ne in. bUf'i Kaiu WTk. l-o.,
t Vv utrr si., Kt-iH '4i Kulla, N. Y.
11 Cleanliness Is Has Pride, Dirt's Kas Honc.ty."
mon Sence Dictates the Use of
hard times con
cannot afford to
CO., 106 WALL T., NEW V0P.K. ef
Height ot Man In tlio Year 4000 A. I.
De Moreal, tho Fronch statistician
has been fignring on tho gradual
diminution of height in tho human
family with some astonishing results.
He finds that in tho year 1610 tho
average height of man was 1.75
motors, or about five feet nine inches.
In 1790 it was five feet six inches; iu
1820, five feet fivo inches. At tho
present time it is bnt five foot 3
inches. From theso figures it is easy
to deduce tho rate of regular and
gradual deelino in human stature.
Fignring both ways from tho prosent
we find that tho height of man "in tho
beginning" was Bixtoen foot nino
inches, and that the average man of
the year 4000 A. 1). will bo less than
fifteen inches high! St. Louis Re
public. Gntta perclja was first introduced
into Europo from Malaga in 1852. The
annual consumption now amounts to
4,000,000 pounds.
In IS Snt y.r In wtiictl IS. fctf mflinr CS. did tslmslstD H
npniM e4X,etM IN tl-i. work, tftd di1 DO fuTBW s.ta
r. I sam), fa, Ih. Mitir. rst tlUk.r. No sslrs shirs. M m tb- mnl. 1st. wIlMk tilt. SHWOloSS t.lS tS tSt.
Ar. fas ssn.m t. kne why Oill kmh MpnslasM
niMtl Ar. vu. .uncut la snoots' lho amokAot
mtk. bod-rock. hsra-tlnM priro. lortf bofor. list ustio tswl
Thotiplss.Uou IS tht.. Th. Aorimitor Co. fopnow Ihol lows
i.n botur Ihon punning- ws roiuirod sad forwsw last Sard
Inns wo onrntni
Tim Ainaoioa ro. mnisrioi, it toon . it
wilt sHiti i as i earns, it atuws u auaj-i what
ir suocto uu.
Dorsuos of Utti II Has SB nortDoM rwtorr. sttd tvas
n .norstoiMi quAiitltf of looila, sud sou fond.. TSs othor
f.llow a s iMsd-tc bo. In Mn, or might boon, hod s
nawn. but h. dels I know. It li oil la tho poos. HI. bus
inM I. in ihs sum by. vers u In lt0 pi not. tho futoro.
Hi, romlAti,4 to foojtd Ul tho dorkif'a .Ulosnont: "It hot
trr to bo s hoa-boon than s nrtlior woa." Allot wo ho.0 dons
ant oro doinf thins snd it la known ba bo tho only IbiDd io
la. eorlaiS lltllo pistnf tmoos sr. aayiot; "Wa coa do
if ran will par a .nouoh sa.n.f to l-t It " A
Yt. mad. tho Kio.1 n iodoitll bo.inon, mods St. ooodal la
whioh too boot of our Isaitoiura eon onlroopots rosButaljr Sp.
pioooh and in thoir ondoawjr to opproooh II oto stilt W00SI7 SB.
p-rtmontini at ISO oxponoo of Ih. ur. Sul to rotoro to mar
.uorntoua oiitloT too ralvaniinif. Why d,d w. do Iff Tho
r--...n I. Ih'. HI B1IUI Tllff SKSr HE S6W, attlAtlV
I.KSS OV CtliT, snd w. boll... w. know brttor than anrbodp.
Wo know that thin Braisl, oapoood 00 tho on-, nUI not tool
oatOM folvsolaod, but if prr-potir ral.anhwd, will loot sroroa f
sui Sarnod wit. polran-rod will la.t JO yoars, snd bo pros-lic-all.-aA
g-ioi ss now. llaw Ions d.a II loot pointed t lot
t:io birbod win a an olatith of an inth thick, whilo soroo of
ISO stool wod in tho Tonoa of win-lwilla a) from s thirty
ofontl to s aiaty -foorth of an inch thick, arid Uiaiofor. would
I..I only from a fourth to on oi.hih aa loud ss tho hsrlwd wits,
othor tbtnta baind sou!, hot tl-y sis not oaual. tho shoot
ra-ul boa holos punakod through a Slid Is 11-oWJ to IhUAof
aiid nioro rigid pio.
Tho .ibroinui of tho this parts St snos cracks OAs solnA
around Ihort.rt., ond o-alor at ouoa got. in and rust quickly sasj
away tho tbm part.. S-uia hova uird galrantaod sa.tal sad put
in black This of ouurss 1. not aa good ol painting stnos
tho cut odgs af th. f .l.anio-d ui-l.l la .bm-m! and la in no way
protortod. SI Ml ll-U PUS TIIS V Atih. Ha woolda't soil
to. o poor polotod obool, n-r ono jrfJb. saado of HMMal solosa.
Ltrd boforob.lospottog.lhor T H If you would po.
uadooblo nrtoolorrf. PTs - JrV n 1 1 d tho boo!
wo hwow, snd saow.
l-iluga srs pr.ot-
mml laI IAt- MMftJ
sl ko al thm spaawui im tnut tlil Mrft
one, era nn m. nt. " ancf eiafftottf mf
rrarv mri ia Htlrrl. clotnt mtij Mtitfj
lnM,it mmd th v S44 ti vmum ewxyvittf tha MrttoN sVs-wait
Ui4fi h4 UttUd toie&ir m sWr ft to-.. tJ.r a mtmts
thimy th'tt t- ttfiM0, fttimrtHf ant. ttWiaMtt. Jt M Hrpmi M
do, n-d fmmit di ruMo nfit-d lo do ii. W ktifi tk ftvj
of Msts) W iuMmoirs mteiiii ft-om pri r mtd U 1lteUi4;
bti ir hat iWuivi timiik tu fAnf nut ttfurd v da if.
On word rxnit tho HUar of ( l.tvni.inf . Tb ilvat'T whlM
CtMUiitf whirh All .vtry -t ttrnl co.ri
vwrr portion f im
Ar ra.lAjr WrrMl, Van ttml Tu
rr U Itnr and fcl unit nun whoa
it i tint put on, iKit which, ftr itnhr( fut ttru furtoi.
with l.'i tt!, ehrmi.-tl iiul.iiiatnn ot tvlKjr whick, cannot b
incltvlamt ii piAciically tii.tcalt urtill
Th ilti ,lb1ti.,u- t.t tU tl.. tvriiM Mill al.JW K I Whttl fltMl
Truck, tnxhiuit I & llaa , wturb ill rnr t tun. n4 at wkKb
v ut Vj ia th A or mot of ytiiy It will Is r..tnd
iniiienaMi un any farttt or in mnj warrhouac. i J tt'utm ot
lhi a-WtmiMtiMiit, -.lniU it No, 4 ta (i n svmpM. and 8 M ctuh.
crtt i itnniolkAlcfr aitr Ik pii.rr tr al No ft, mt ill
dtUier ( o b , Chic-fcf .i, utta at Uioova Tsuclu uf MoU4 frt-Hl
biui' h h'lUM, ti lit (r..ia Oica thlrJ
Wimn n, ball Mka lilsr-ial oTr to srpi o)isya
rtl thtnat tvJtrf ii4nitnt in srl naynifiit for Windnull If yu
hav 4ny Ihittiflit uf uiiiitt a wtutlmill tf.i yttvr tit m at
uurv. atattsBf what you will nJ, hpttir Pumplnf of iitand, if poas-ilila Wat will uiaka joo a litwral ufTer
li Aarmsl U. prut. to dittiii.ut 944J0. CltH, IX
fKISU for Ui tMtt a4yt writttM. !) t)i wif oit at Uaulilar
uf a ( triiicr if iir uf Wiirhinll. anawtM mf U ii'uun,
-WUf ttllUt IJ I (HE IM I" fot .vnJ.tMHit of
roinpwtittun hu mount hidtl nutnbora of prtttM Mud fot w
liuUn u tlia Aor motor Co , Cltic.go, ur tu Iu in tvuchtM. at tea
Franc. tea, Kanta lity, Lincoln. Neb, fllriK City, lw, Hid
nwpcrfia, Buflilo, or M Pvk Pttvc. New lorh City. arwotor
rtimpnif aud tlaarad Mm srica. Ail bt,, tvll UalvanUcd-Aftor
Completion, dahrtred frea mi car tvt rineago aiit to
any nita, inrwhtrd at I ha followinc prko
8-ft. 823. 12-ft. $50. ia-ft. 4129.
xr. t.. nouoLAS as sitob
equiils custiMn Viurk, coaling; from
4 to $t brt value lor the inonry
f, tw'iiLie
. wuiuu-s csn , the
.TffEiX V'id
on the bottom, Lvcrv
V I,l.. pairwarrsnu-d, 1 ske no suhsli.
vfiDCaKlfo,,. lute. tcc 1'K-sl pj,. for full
IIH Wl t QaJs, 1 """ nr Indies and gen-
W, . sci.u i"ir it
"wQ'iii-arwria a.y a,, i . F'-.''n .
aitraaCi , ; ...J, atruclions
utui irtiAiT" how to or
der by mall. Postage free. You can get th best
oarguuis of deliru who push our shoes.
i poaltlvulj cured by the uw of
Ut'iRAMTiiu. Will not aoatier or re
duce t lie How of ni I Ik, Ht nt by mull tn
sAtAna UsJfJI? ItlW noir sr s wjiia. I ' ssir j ' i'n
' Sre.-cll,l ofurtee. l Ih ..! I 1 11 S1.0O.
wf"3 uud eiWKAT. Price roA. Hell's
CttUBavpclvca autt popl
wttobave weak luovsor AstU
ma, nbould um liio'aCttr for
ConauiupUoOa It tiu eur.
4hoa.Mta.dt. it hit not injur
ed oti. li la pot tad to lavkti.
U ! tbe b4t ooutfb syrup.
tkild verrwtiurti.
jj jj
. ' r "V loans
I w -cio woo, wo p. . If r W Qi
! bar. aorhiSf X " '" ' A' ' f"w
rA. oorfiooswr f.w - 1 T : " 1
0 mm Am- -'-'V. 1 uf
wfcjfor S'aert s jf S-'. .. 1
uli rlrrooi Mfvooa. .-''i V" K 1
filled nod row nor VjV J Li' 1
oruoi noil MOfjurir.oTV v r'r'
it ii rAon ioM.ood ii ly. ,r j m
T. oi f-i
sum mo surras