the forest bepublican. jum T. XJmn, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1894. BOROUGH OFFICER!. Burgess C. It. Davis. Oouncilmen. Joseph Clark, W. A. Grove. W. A. Hllnndn, 8. H. Haslet, A. H. Dale Joseph Morgan. Justices of the Peace J, F. Proper, 8. J. Sotley. Constable S. R. Canfield. Collector S. 8. Canfield. School Directors I). 8. Knox, J. T. Brennan, J. R. Clark, T. F. Ritchey, G. W. Holeman, J. E. Wenk. broker in Real Estate AN!) General Insurance. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress G. F. Kninns. Member of Senate Harrt A. Hall. A ssembly J. J. IfAHinT. President Judge CiIARLKS ILNotjcs. Aocinte Judge John H. Whitk, C. W. Clark. Treasurer Q. Jamifson. Prothonotary, Register t& Recorder, te. Calvin M. Akkkr, . Sheriff". John T. Carson. Commissioners W. A. CoNWBLY, Pk tkr Yoonok,W. M. Coon. (bounty Superintendent G. W. Kkrr. District Attorney P. M. CLARK. Jury Commissioners J. B. Carpkn- TKB, URO, ZtTKNDKI,. County Surveyor J. F. Proper. Corotierli.W. Clark. County Auditors M. K. Abbott, W. L. Strom r, J. W. Elliott. HKflULAR TKRMH OF COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Last Monday of August. Third Monday of November. Wild Lands for Sale. Farms for Sale. Houses A Lots for Sale Houses for Rent. Do you wish to Hell or exchange Real EstatoT or desire Insurance on your building or household furniture T Call on me. C. M. ARNER, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLEGTOR. TIONESTA, PEEN'A. Deeds. Bonds. Mortgages. Leaaes.Wllls, Power of Attorney. Articles of Agree ment, andil other legal instruments cf writing, drawn with accuracy and dis patch. Titles examined and "Briofs" prepared. Ground rents, mortgages, and loans negotiated. Farms and wild lands, bouses ana lots lor sale or rent. Resistors of Property for sale or to lot. open to tbe inspection of those interested. Particular attention paid to the collection of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes. Probating accounts, acknnwledg' ment of deeds, and depositions taken. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rTMONESTA LODGE. No. 360.1.0. O. F. JL Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Follows' llalUl'artruige tniiiuing. I WREST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. U.W., 1 Meetsevery Friday evening In A.O.U. W. Hall, Tlonesta. tlTASHINGTON CAMP. No. 420, P. O. VV 8. of A., meets every -Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonesta. CI APT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 J n A H M nets 1st and Sd Wednes day evening In each month, In Odd Fel lows, Hall, Tlonesta. nAPT.OEOROE STOW CORPS.'"No. 137, W. R. C, moots first and third Wednesday evoking of each month, In A. O. U. W. hall, Tfonesta, Pa. t-w Pan 1 ft.rXTf V . . 1 j 7 I ir fl T -L M., meeis 2nd and 4th Wednesday eveninir In each month In A. O. U. W. hall Tionosta. Pn. M. CLARK, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. and District Attorney. Office, cor. of 1 m An il Uridine Streets. Tionosta. Pa. Also ait for a number of reliable Firo Insfcnee Companies. F. RITCHEY, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tlonesta, Pa. DWARDE. HALL ATTOKSEY-AT-LAW, Tionosta, Fa. Oftlce with S. D. Irwin .sq. B. SIGGINS, M. D., jrnysician, nuiKw"" - TIONESTA. PA. Chnrrh aad (sabbath Mcheol. pfesbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a, m. i M. E. Sabbath School at lo:ou a. m, Preaching in M. K. Church every au- bath evening by Rev. Rankin. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tbe usual hour. Kov F. F. Sboun. Pastor. Mor rices in mo rresDyiorian unnrco every Sabbath morning and evening, ttev. J. v. MCAnincQ omciaung. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Cleveland Bicycles. Latest Improved Models, fitted with Combination Wood and Allum luum vjlincber Kim and Uleveiann Thread Tire. All strains and vibra tion absorbed by the Wood Rim. Written guarantee with every wheel. Carry 200 pounds over rough roads Prices'to suit the tiuies. ?'J0 to Slot) buys a hieh erade wheel. Call and see sample. A. II. Dale. Gt E J W. MORROW. M. D., Phvslclan. Hurircon A Dentist. Offilce and residence three doors north of Lawrence House. Tionesta. Protossion- al mils nromntlv resnonded to at all hours. rvR. PRESTON STEE LE iJ Homoeopathic Physician Surgeon gins TIONESTA, PA. Office in the rooms formerly occupied by E. L. Davis. Tails made night or day." T D. BOWMAN, M. D., I j. Physician A Suriroon. TIONESTA, PA. Office In building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to, night or day. TTOTHl, AGNEW. 11 L. AGNEW. Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a complete change, Rtnl Is now furnished with a the mod ern imWovements. Heated and lighted llir.niL-linnt wilh natural uas. batiirooms. hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guosts never neglectod. CENTRAL HOUSE. V A; J. PUFFIN BERG, Proprietor, Tlonseta. Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping niace fur the traveling uublio. First class Llvory in connection. at PREST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa, Jacob Ikmdor. Proprietor. This hotel has hut recentlv been eomnloted. is nioe- lv furnished throughout, aud offers the finest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public, Rates reasonable. M AY, PARK t CO., lyn si iv iv.-i. Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tionesta, Pa., Bank of Discount mihi Deposit, in iw. allowed on Time Deposits. Colle& tions mado on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. pilIL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Rock building next to Smear jaugh A Co.'a store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work irom the finest to the coarsest aud euarantoes his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion sriven to mendiirk. and prices rea sonable. T -p. 7.K HRINGER. J. PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jeweler of 25 Tears' experience, is nrepared to do all work in his lino uu , K 1 1 1-. nnhna an ,1 nt rAiuionalila nricea, Always Kuarautees satisfaction. Watch- a. Jeweirv. Ac. ordered' for parties at the lowest possible figure, in the building next to Room. Will be found Keeley Club JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Frod. Grcttenborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work DBrtainlne to Machinery, En gines. Oil W ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit- Us aud General Hlacksin i thing prompt lvVlmie at Low Rates. Renairinu Mill Machinery given special attention, aud salisluctiou guaranteed. Shop in rear of and lust west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FKED. GrTETTENBHRGER. Arise and rejoice in one of Ledobur Miles J10.00 suits. tf. Mrs. 8. S. Canfielak Is visiting with friends in Oil City this week. Good-Wear, best shoe in the market for $1.60 at Ledebur & Miles'. tf. A. H. Dale is nursing a very sore face, the result of an abscessed tooth, Miss Minnie Canflold spent last Saturday with friends at East Hickory. Rev. J. T. Brennan is attending Con ference. at Lottsville, Warren County, this week. Free wool could not put the pries of clothing much cheaper than Ledobur Miles have It. tf. James R. Morgan is moving into part of the house occupied by Dr. 8ig this week. O. C. Brownell is moving from Coch rcnton to Jamestown, N. Y., where be has rented a hotel. Reese Stitzinger has moved upon the Slbbald place, which he will farm for L, J. Hopkins this summer. The Boro Schools close on the 5th of next month, with an exhibition for which the pupils are now preparing. Spring goods are now coming In Lawrence Smearbaugh's, and every thing goes at the lowest figures. 2t 8. J. Wolcott has bought the Russ Browa farm, four miles north of town and will make It his future home The County Commissioners have set the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each month as their regular meeting days Miss Rosa Hunter will Join -those mentioned last week, in attendance the spring term of the Clarion Normal School. A new laid comet has just been dis covered by astronomers at Bristol, Eng land. Its idontity has not yet been es tablished. House cleaning time with all its Joys, has budded once more; you need new Carpets and you can get them at Ledo bur a Miles'. tf. If you have to sell your wheat on the 00c basis you can make up for some of it by buying your clothing and shoes at Ledebur Miles'. J. M. Kepler returned homo last Monday from Hot Springs, Ark., where he has been during the past two months, much improved In health. W. A . Fisher, the jewelor, has dispos ed of hU stock at auction and leaves this week for Wheeling, West Virginia, where he expects to locate. You probably plugged along with your last year's suit uader your over coat, but you have to get a new one now. Remember what Ledebur A Miles say. tf Jdhn G. Hunter has been wearing an eight pound smile and dealiag out cigars with a lavish band, over the arrival of a young lady at his house, Monday after noon. Communion services will be held in the Presbytorian church next sabbath morning. Preparatory services will be held on Friday and Saturday evenings previous. H. M. Zahniser, brought Captain Johnson of Sandy Lake, an old time newspaper man and founder of tbe San dy Lake News, in to call upon us yester day afternoon, Dr. Rumberger was up from East Brady last Friday for a few hours and shook hands with many of his old friends, Ho accompanied his brother Edward, who had business here. C. F. May and wife, who have been with tbe family of Mrs. May's brother-iu- law, W. G. Wyman, the past winter, have gone to Byromtown where Mr. May has assumed charge of a mill. William McKee having completed his contract for stocking logs at Thomp son station, has moved to his farm on the Pleasantville road, about a mile west of town, where he will makethiugs blossom this bi turner. Mrs. G. W. Worden of East Hickory, attended the executive meeting of the Forest county W. C. T. U., yesterday. Drs. Siggins and Bowman successful ly performed the delicato operation of re moving an abscess from the infant ton of Mr. N. E. Holmes, one day last week. The child Is now doing well. Elmer L. Sutton, smiling and happy, accompanied by Samuel Aul, was over from Redcllff yesterday on a business trip, and paid tho Republican office a pleasant call while in town. Our stock of shoes Is being replenish ed every day. In these goods we are al ways prepared to furnish a strictly first class article at tbe smallest possible prices. Lawrence A Smearbaugh 2t. Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Nason, who have been in New York city the past few months, whore tbe Doctor has been at tending medical lectures, are visitors at the home of Mrs. J. H. Derlckson. J. P. Huling is moving back from Pleasantville this week and will occupy bis residence next the Catholio church. Uncle Billy PufQnborg who vacates Jared's place has gone into the Gus Car son house on Bridge Street. A. T. Anderson has disposed of his shop to Will Hood and departed for Lock Haven, at which place he will stait barber shop and bath rooms. We are sorry to loose Trix and wish him abund- ut success in his new home. -non. C. A. Hill is now a citizen of tbe Borough, having taken possession of the property In the north ward recently pur chased by him. The Judge sold his farm to John Walters, who leaves tbe Sibbald place to take possession of it. A now stock of dry goods, hats, shoes, etc., is now being opened at Law rence tt- Smearbaugh's. We are buyiag carefully and selling at bottom price. Our stock is not tbe largest and finest ev er displayed in Forest county, but we still think we can salt you. Call and see and price the goods. 2t. The regular annual ruin of the Dela ware and Maryland fruit crops by frost, occurred last week. Reports from the southern and western states also tell of heavy damage done to early fruit. Little harm was done in this vicinity, though peach trees were well advanced and may show the effocts of tbe blitzard. This week is the opening of the spring term of the Clarion State Normal School. A few have not bocn able to start at the beginning of the term, but we learn that any aTO welcome to enter when it suits them, and are required to pay only for the time they are In attend ance $3.25 a week for tuition, board and room. The County Commissioners are beautifying the grounds surrounding tho Court' House by grading, pruning the trees and adding improvements where over needed. If the Comity could man age to squeeze through without the mon ey realized from tbe sale of hay each year and have a lawn mower run through the grounds occasionally, 11 would make a vast Improvement. A brilliant display of tbe Northern lights, making the heavens very bright, was witnessed by those who were out of doors last Saturday night. Marshal Brown of Coxey's army claims that It was gotten up expressly as an endorse ment of the Coxey movement, but he may be mistaken j we would rather be lieve that the Lord was afraid to leave them alone In the dark. Following is the list of letters re maining in Tlonesta, Pa., Post Office, Aprils, 1894: Mrs. Agues Allen, Mrs. Ida Fry, Mrs. S. F. Mowrey, Mrs. R. T. Morgan, James Beebee, L. W. Bruce, G. Brown, Chas. Bergman, U. H. Fraden burg, E. C. Gardner, Wns. Henry, 8. L. Shook, L. S. Seeley, Josiah Marshall, R. N. Miles, 2, Mrs. Annie Morrison. R. L. Haslet, P. M. The employes of the W. N. Y. A P. Road have contributed 9100, which they offer as a reward for the recovery ef the body of Fireman John Martin, who lost his life in the Walnut Bend accident the Ptb of March, aud whose body is suppos ed to be in the river somewhere between that point and Pittsburg. Communica tions may be addressed to U. Montgom ery, in this city. Tbe railroad company has, we understand, dotailed four men to assist in the search. Blizzard, Two fires which destroyed three dwellings, involving a loss of $5,300 and the death of a woman, occurred in Brad ford last Saturday. The woniau, Mis. R. Marriam of Sheffield Mass., went to a closet from which smoke was issuing, to investigate ; upon opening the door she was enveloped by smoke and flame that poured forth. Groping her way to a window she threw herself out ; a distance of 20 feet to tbe ground, where she was picked up insensible, and died soon afterward. Tbe Oil City Jllizzard and the Frank- liu News have been alternately hugging and offering deepest sympathy, each to tbe othor lately, over the way the base ball teams of their respective hamlets will wipe the other from the face of the earth, this summer. The season opens with a game between the two towns on the 17th of May, and on and af ter that date, until tbe close of tbe season there will be blood on the Venango coun ty moon and the Blizzard aud News will meet as strangers. The Derrick's Field review for March gives an increase of 44 wells, for tbe month with an increase of but 686 bar rels production. Butler and Armstong show tbe largest Increase in new work, then Bradford and Sistervllle, while both McDonald and Mannington show a de cline in active operations, though they combined, supplied more than half of tbe March production. Glen Hazol, Elk Co. is awaiting the completion of several tests, bow nearing the Sand. No new fields were opened during the month. All signs point to an active summer in the oil country. A meeting of fifteen or twenty young men of the tho town was held in the of fice of Dr. Steele, Monday night, aud the Informal organization of a social club perfected, the object of which is to fur nish suite of rooms wbera various amusements may bo Indulged in by the members, as well ns a reading room where all of the leading papers and mag azines will be kept on tile. The estab lishment of a library is also ouo oi the society's aims. Various committee, were appointed who will make report at the mebti-ig to be ueiu next moiiuay nigiu. wtn a permanent orgaajrauon An Interesting caso The case of Jo seph A. Wolble vs. Steneham Tanning Co. et al, recently tried in tho Warren County Courts resulted In a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of 1,000. The history of tbe case is about as follows : Some two or three year ago the plaiatlff was engaged as a broker by the defend ants to secure the purchase ol several ex tensive timber tracts in Forest county. When the representatives of the parties who owned the lauds and dofondants were brought togother by the plaintiff, some question grew out of tbe transaction in regard to tbe price and the defendants re fused to negotiate further, after having offered a certain sum for the lands. Other parties who were in some way connected with the defendants, afterward purchased the property and through them the Tanning company secured all of the hemlock bark on the lands and thus secured the benefit of tbe efforts on part of the plaintiff. The plaintiff bad received priortothissaitthesum of $1,100 from defendants, so that with this ver dict bis commission would amount to $2,100. Derrick, The land In question is the Cook property in Howe township and was purchased by Messrs. Collins A Wiggins. DIED. Stewarts Rnn. The meeting at the While Church is'uill goiDg on, but the roads are so bad aud farmers are so busy, that it is not so well attended as it would have been bad it been held a month earlier. Mrs. Clara Metcalf start ed this morning to the Wesley ao Con ference at Lottsville, Warrec Co., this week. Dr. Hoovler passed through here last evening from mak ing a professional call at Pithole. A. J. Handy has rented tbe Joslyn farm and taken the job of stocking the logs for Mr. Wood. Mr. O. B. Mclntyre, who we spoke of last week as having gone back to Iodiaua, is still here, we having been misiuforra ed ; he has moved his family into tbe house on the lease, having rented it for six months. Mrs. Gene Ives tf Pleasantville, has been visiting here for a few days. She expects to go to the Indiana Oil field, where her hus band is, the last of this week. Wilbur, son of F. E. Metcalf was quite sick yesterday. We have not heard from him to-day. Mr. .las. Black of Smokey Hill was here a few days ago selling farm rights of his natent fence, which is a good one. M. L. Range and J. G. Bromley bought one of the farm rights. Mrs. F. F. Shoup and family are stay ing here while tbe meeting is in prog- regs. F. 8. and 8. W. Stewart are building a rig about two miles this side of Neilltown. Mrs. Cumings is quite sick. Elmer Soiers has moved into Mr. Haody's house for merly occupied by Mr. Moon. R. A. Zahniser went to Bradford this week to atteud a teachers examiua tion ; he intends applying for a school in that county this fall. News Boy. At Russell, Pa., March 26th, 185)4. George L. DnRois, aged 62 years, 7 months, and 11 days. Tho widow, four sons: Lewis O., El son B., Goorge P. and Oliver, and two daughters-. Edith, and Mrs. S. Holmes are left to mourn bis loss. Ho will be sadly missed by all. He was a kind and affectionate husband and father. In tbe silent tomb we laid him, There to rest till Jesus comos, Then the trump of God will wake him And we'll all be gathered homo. O 'tis then with joys Immortal, We will sing in strains of love And within tbe shining portals We will be with Christ above. We wero sod and full of sorrow When we knew that he was gone, But his labors all are over And he's waiting for a crown ; Peacefully he now Is resting In the paradise of God. 'Till his Lord shall come with blessings, In fulfillment of His word. In our homes once filled with brightness Now a vacancy appears, And the voice so full ot sweetness, Is not heard by mortal cars ; O what lonllness conits o'er us When around the board we come, And we know that he has loft us Never more to cheer our homo. He has gone but we shall meet him, Over on the shining shorn Then we'll join in shouts of raptures. When lifes labors all are o'er O tbe Joyful happy meeting In a world from sorrow free. There with songs of Heavenly greetiag, WheD our loved ones we shall se. L. C. D. Men's woolen suits at $3.00 at Lede bur fc Miles'. tf. 3wi poo Warder .1 'f2 3S03 1063 Cowan Phillis II Warder A Co. '(:( 2W: lOW W II Conk. J ol tax 2736 5ft 100 Albert Fox ft Bon ner '08 2S.-i0 3 100 W Willink. Howard 2X-.0 10 100 W Willink Hchoffold 21116 13 100 Albert Fox Blomjin ISH3 2916 10 100 W Willink Stowart 14 of tax 2018 20 100 W Willink Stewart H of tax 2808 23 50 Albert Fox, LewiM Miss '03 2808 24 50 Albort Fox, S. half Lewis F '03 2977 I of 34 60 Albert Fox Thomp son '03 2077 of35 50 W Willink Colter Uneapbor 2005 44 100 Brown A Irwin 3186 68 B Dobbs 3185 100 Miflin J 5102 750 Anchor Oil Co 5103 531 Clough L S 5104 10O0 Clough L H 21119 1(18 Thomas H Dallctt '92 6101 10O0 dough L S 5282 1000 ('lough L H 2:Mi6 260 L A lireneman 20U5 41-42- 49-60 400 W H Cook i ol tax 28: to 221 28.15 2Si8 2H-Z8 900 Hannah A Oilman loo OniliHin A Paul Steiner 400 S T Mhv Irwin jof 100 Dale ('orb 127 Amv D W 212 J Al Chipp II Hasson f'roinveli 250 J W Fielder 240 S I) Irwin 98 Siimoels I'll Up Heirs 10 Van Vranken .1 B 43 S I) Iiwin tl Vaudorboof M tax Kcllettrillc. The Salmon Creek Mill has started in full blast. They intend to make a big run this summer, Mrs. M. Andrews and son Charles were the guests of Miss Emma Kisor over Sunday. Mr. F. C. Proper and Mr. H. U. Mitch el were down from Porkey, Sunday and took dinner at the Brooklyn House; won der what it means T A very good plan Forest ; be good to the old people. Mr. M. C. Myers expects to loose his clerk soon, as he expects to go Porkey to learn the boiler trade. Better stick to the store Bert, for there is lots of heavy lifting in handling boilers. Mr. A Mrs. W. S. Johnson, Mr. A Mrs. T. J. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dot terer and Mr. Mrs. John Shaw attend ed tbe party given at Mr. C. F. Gillespie's and report a splendid time. The most of the boys have returned from down the river and report a very cold trip for the small price of $13.00; be a little more careful tbe next time boys. Preparations are being made for the masquerade bail to be given tbe 20th, in the Proper C Myers hall. Tho McGraw band will furnish the music. Dou'tlet the asslstnut postmaster fool you boys as he makes a very fine girl. W. A. Kribbs boasts of making a very line horse trade. Iook out for W. A. for he is loaded for you all. Will Walks. TREASURER'S MLR OF SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS. IN FOREST COUNTY, PA., BY VIRTUE of Sundry acts of the General Assembly of theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to the sale of Seated and Unseated lands in the County of Forest, etc., for taxes due and unpaid, 1 will offer at public sale at tbe Court House in the Borough of Tionesta, Pa., on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, 1894 being the Eleventh day of June 194, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following describ ed pieces of land, or such parts thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of taxes and casta due and unpaid against the same, and continue tbe same frjm day to day as the same may be found nec essary. TERMS OF SALE: The amount of taxes and costs must be paid when the property is struck off, or the sale may be avoided and the property put up and resold. All trarls not otherwise mnrked are adver tised for taxes for 1892 and 1893. UNSEATED IVTVDS. Barnett Township. Wtrnuil.Aerct. Wtmotee or Owner. iin't. 3305) 3312 1 23 S W Pain n wo 3305) 3312 j 1 1 8-10 S W Pain 7 67 3305 18 8-10 " " 12 22 5701 I R S & 3 W Winlack 1 80 3160 449 John Becker 435 85 6701 05 J B Reed 12 73 3159 247M Clark A Kreitlor E. part 192 67 30 Joiin M ciapp n uiuoyie iu ou 3311 100 Sterner Daniel 26 67 3161 280 J B Pearsall 54 60 Creen Township, 5185 600 Duncan Robert, 1803 54 00 3118 64 Lacv. 1893 7 20 6504 1000 Lacy 536 00 5505 580 Lacy 288 00 5501 1000 Lacy 7.J7 uu aou uu 3197 Oil Co 94 88 3197 37 H Rosenblat '93 16 35 3197 37 H Waldhcimer '98 16 85 2850 2 100 P J Swaine 12 32 5105 676 Grandin 4 Co i oil and gas 25 34 5108 1.50 Grandin 4 Co oil and gas 6 63 2095 4or43 50 W Willink '93 4 50 Vacant 100 R J Blood fl C II Blood 61 00 3W5 1000 W II Frost II Wright Dnhrinp 600 00 4700 890 Wright Dnhring 560 61 4791 990 Wright During 609 84 52IKI 800 Wallace W Cook 389 76 3198 25 Michael Murphy & Co N. E. corner 21 59 3108 25 Michael Murphy A Co 8. E. corner 21 59 4823 476 Pittsburg & Forest Co Lumber Co 203 22 3186 100 Thomas B Taylor 73 02 2077 100 Rappee J S 12 32 Vacant 60 John Fertig 11 En terprise Tranit Co 30 SO Vacant 50 John Fertig fl En terprise Transit Co 30 80 Vacant 3j f ertig, Mcmnnoy Sattortield 22 18 3183 230 John H Menseh 113 34 3188 256 Anchor Oil Co '93 47 40 21 W S Cole fl Nugent 1 70 Vacant 25 Reed Hrennetnau fl Dobbs 18 48 Vacant 17 Reed Brenneman tl Dobbs 12 61 Vacant 400 C J Fox estate south half '93 15120 3801 393 2-10 Means A White 69 17 2878 3-5 of 1063 O WJ F Pro per, land only 112 23 5103 520 Forest Tanning Co, '92 150 50 2878 S-5ofl063 J M Blemis, timber only 836 80 Jenks Township. 5141 27 Bovnton P, east part of Ronner 12 99 6141 5 127 Wray W A tl Bayn- toii '93 28 33 5142 8 150 A J Mazarie '93 22 32 6142 11 112 Hoy n ton P 17 68 6143 9 279J F J Mafiett fl Curl it Campbell 37 45 6145 100 Hoi id Honbright oo 39 60 3160 444 John Becker 160 67 3191 16 US S F Rohor DHL J L 45 82 3162 1100 II Lerov J Linklain530 64 3165 449 " " 21192 3179 51 651 " " 22 18 3170 51 38J " " 18 61 8179 59 112 Honry Rossman 54 01 8179 60 69 H LerovAJ Linklaiu 33 31 8177 24 50 8 F Roher fl H L A JL WIS 3179 54 93 H Leroy J Llnklain 44 89 3181 30 60 Mrs Isabella Price 24 12 8181 30 50 - U 3822 1000 Wood's heirs 45 Fourth Nat Hank Pitts burg A others 3823 310 Simpson Co ft Paxton 324 200 K M Payne tl Kenneway R Curtis 195 .lames Hlskelv R Curtis 105 Haiah F McCal'mont K Curtis 105 McC Wilson Bros 3824 152 G W Robinson rl Walker 42 Brown A W It Wyant 10 Pettfrew Joseph 2 Siggins () II Hepburn 2823 37 U J M Clapp 15 Cascade Pet land Ass 26 Wolcott, Grove Co loo Bissoll A Bishop fl R Cur tis 100 Bissell Bishop fl W Eek 2823 200 Oil City Fuel Supply Co '92 42 A W Brown (1 Wyant, oil riubt 130 Henry Johnson fl Hi lands '93 52 Dale heirs to Shepherd 461 John Anderson 1888" 2833 I 28:15 346 60 35 00 84 00 17 AO 53 76 33 88 87 50 42 00 em 8 40 8 24 2fi0 00 15 78 84 00 66 00 64 60 54 60 40 96 21 20 11 76 3 50 98 52 08 6 30 5 44 35 00 28 00 14 00 1 48 9 10 10 92 85 30 SKATED IVTVD". Creen Township. Warrant. A, re. Wrrlit or Owntr. An't. 3810 50 Bonner Estate $14 40 3S25 50 First National Bank of Holidavsburg 18 00 5185 106 First National Bank of llolidavslmrg 32 50 5133 21 Haslet W W 4 96 1 Thompson A Bean 1893 14 3820 12 Whitman John fl Shoup 1802 1 40 Hickory Township. 5109 50 Alliauuh J H 5 60 5190 4 Alhaugh Wesley 2 68 160 Ball N G A William Xtax 1892 3 96 5233 10 Berlin Eli 1892 46 98 Borrv M L 1802 9 71 80 Berry M L 1892 7 92 3693 II Cotfman M P 1893 1 65 3.10 Davton Jesse C 43 56 5191 50 Iia'yton Jesse C 8 60 Island 5 Dale John A 1892 83 5207 162 Davidson A 106 92 1 Heath Hiram 1803 2 30 5203 570 Mercantile Oil Co 76 26 96 MeCutehon Clarissa 13 80 5233 50 Patterson D L 6 60 52:13 310 Siiruins John A Kinnear 40 93 5233 60 Starrow Chas 6 50 6218 750 Siggins A Wilson 49 50 5211 897 Collins T D A others '92 61 8B 90 54 30 30 3182 8-4-5- 6-9-12 5136 M38 3564 3671 3322 5107 8169 Vacant 600 Ijicv 300 McCliutock Hamelton, I ot tax 120 Myers, Peter or Nulf 1 of tax 100 S D Irwin fl Phillis ' of tax 100 E O Emerson fl Conrad 66 Lacv. 1893 381617 50 Uukuown fi Davis '93 100 First National BankHol idaysburj; 6185 210 John A Dale Heirs 518 Collins & Watson 67 Goo Zuendel fl Enterprise Transit Co. '93 6500 3819 5183 5189 5118 5184 3816) 3817 54 T D Collins fl Wallace 18 00 7 20 900 19 82 4 51 7 20 2160 60 40 72 00 10 26 1152 Fox burg, Howe Towuship. Harmony Township. 60 A J A J B Siggins 4of75 M II Evens, trustee 11 Barr A Beech 216 153 J II Osmer 217 110 J 11 Osmer 80 Newbury E 100 Thompson fl Babbutt '92 100 Sijruius A Thompson fi Thompson 4 Babbett '93 13 60 60 foreman K nil uawsou A Reeser 224 Cartwright S S 974 Siggins John fl Pago 120 Siggins Isaac 4 oil int. '92 75 Miles Hugh 50 Brodou James II 1 lagan 162 McCalinont J S 162 McCalinont K F 103 McCalmont John F 115 McCalmont J 8 116 McCalmont Mrs 8 F 41 Guild J O '93 10 05 10 05 40 20 29 48 26 80 13 20 13 40 7 71 26 13 28 25 14 13 40 46 90 46 90 46 90 36 85 37 20 13 40 Bert H. A. Gllson. Sime Haiues and Goal are all on the sick list. J. A. Gillson of Barnes, is finishing up another rig for the Midland Oil Co. Foxburg Oil Co. is on top of the sec ond sand on their No. 6. Ed. Shalor is setting up tbe cigars on the arrival of a fine big girl at his bouse. J. O'Neal lost another child last Wednesday. Interment at Foxe's bury ing ground. L. G. DuBols returned Thursday from Russell, Pa., from attending the funeral tit his father. Geortre Richards and son Harry of I Watsou Farm were iu tho burg Friday. Dan Baker of Sisterville was shaking hands with old friends iu tbe burg last A. White run out another raft last weex, he got all of his lumber out with out anv bad luck. The smiling countenance of Ed God frey is to be seen on our streets again. 224 Brown Jonathan heirs '92 3 79 2 38 238 No. G U KSS. 6208 5221 5203 6192 3689 6232 6191 3669 6192 ftrtYd. will be Four His BluoceMfs. Having the needed merit to more than mako good all tho advertisingclaimed for them, the following four remedies have reacuea a pnenomvuni saiu. vr, xwiiik New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Klee trio Bitters, tbe great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Hucklcn'u Arni ca (Salve, the best in the world, aud Dr. King's New Lite Pills, which are a por- lis't pill. All of these remedies are truar. anleed to do just what is claimed for them aud the dealer whose name ia attached herewith will be glad to toll you mere of tUeni, , Wold at Sitftiu & Herman's dragkUie. 1 8192 8192 6192 5102 13 Paul I) J '93 184 Paul R S '93 5 259 Pittsburg National Bank of Commerce 145 Ci arson Shamburg 60 J Bonney 160 Smilcv Dr. fl Getcholl 50 Siggins J fl Richardson '93 60 Siggins J ft Cleland '93 Hickory Township- 290 Henrict A Lens, trus. '03 1 llenrui 4 Lens, trus. '93 650 Wilkins Crocker A Long 150 Lake Erie Petroleum Co. 300 John Small wood 100 Beatty David 120 Longwell & McPeo, li tax 3u0 J M Clapp, Uukuown '93 32 Wigens i' R 16 Dr. Colbert, J. G Rued 50 H H Stow 175 Noble A Dulemater 2 Frances Henry '93 75 Martha A Ruth 329 Percival C llav James 50 Orion Siggins tlGHSiggius 6 60 50 J M Keoler 6 60 84 Martin Smith 39 60 45 Siggins Orion fl Church 18 4(1 1 Siggins Orion fl Middleton 30 Siggins 11 Clapp 22 Dickrager Jill William 10-105 ol 624 acres t W ftlor- 76 03 38 86 13 40 42 88 6 80 6 80 57 42 3.-' 73 26 19 80 39 60 13 20 10 56 19 80 4 2: 2 1 6 60 23 10 66 990 60 46 66 6 60 2 94 5192 6192 6192 Wr. 8180 31Y.' uan 7 46 10-lOj ol 024 acres r.mina Die- fendorf 1 46 10-105of 624 acres J W Willard 7 4( 10-165 of 624 acres W W Marks 7 46 3-1U3 of 624 acres J T Beecber 2 32 Howe Township. Sul- AerM. Vurftslc f Owotr. A pr28 W D Wood, trus '93 250 06 'JX I r TV A Linkjaiu 100 07 W0 LVfoy iJink-lilu fcl'J 64 431 33 32 16 176 63 374 20 482 40 38 13 15 3181 3169 3170 5144 6141 Vacant 3184 3170 6141 3173 6144 5110 5129 3322 3159 Vacant 3642 8173 3667 3663 3664 3171 3173 3170 3171 10-11 3173 3169 3169 3171 3169 3169 3800 3800 3183 3i42 3609 3801 3169 gl70 3322 3042 1073 Baker Hammond Co 80 L S dough 365 Harmer Josiah 1014 Nicholson John 1000 W H Frost 50 James Phillis tlWal- kerman '93 2 70 1000 L S dough 331 65 UK) Ashlev J. R 32 16 200 R J Blood A C H Blood '02 34 56 84 Rohor S F, dee'd 40 54 39 Marks I, J 12 54 130 (ieoSReed flRhiner 17 42 30 Cecil Gross 11 Fore man 14 48 160 Thompson John 77 20 132 O W Proper 11 Woodburn 63 65 604 Brower C, i tax '93 82 34 280 W H Tracy A Pier 4 tax '93 8 68 127 Frank Pier H W Tracy X tax '93 11 82 50 G W Blum-hard H W Tracy '93 3 10 70j H W Traev, Pier A Blanchard Stax '93 2 92 753 Grandin A Co 4 oil and gas 25 20 58 Grandin A Co J oil and gas 1 95 100 Anna Hills 12 06 2474 Clark A Kreitlor, E.endof Ogloby 118 74 43 Nugont Thomas 20 7" 130 Eaton II Eldridgo 52 26 28 Blood Cyrus estate 8 97 1000 Wright A Duhring 526 80 HO " " 07 52 140 " " 67 52 105 Blood PP 42 21 100 Blood P P 32 08 55 Hunt Mrs L M 26 00 160 E tward Bevier 11 Blood 64 32 80 Goo Ilorton, C Koi- gol 10 72 80 Edward Bovier 11 Blood 38 50 105 Towler S S 33 TO 75 MrsClarisa Kohrer 21 12 354 11 39 74 " " " 25 28 100 Emma J Curry 48 24 814 (ieo Means C G Demsey lA tax 54 53 20 A M Montehouso A others 9 64 100 Proper, Agnew A Kelly 48 24 1000 A II Thaeket A Others oil and gas 67 00 349 Means A White 46 30 1-5 8 B Irwin 7 160 John Wray fl Rey- ner A others '93 33 48 17 .! M Patterson tt Dobbs 4 51 100 James Phillis 11 All na Hills 10 05 100 Mrs Lizzie Frost 30 1 Island Kinnear John '92 Howe Township. 2366 480S North Penn Oil Co '92 2022 600 North Penn Oil Co '92 3103 900 Stone, Lindsey A Co 4823 1 81 Stone, Lindsey A Co '93 Jenks Township. 7 Anderson John '92 3801 1 Anderson Peter '02 i Blani-hord (4 W '92 5144 H5i Boynton P fl Paul J Vlacant 220 "Daniels James 3801 i Frost W II '93 3642 30 (sub 7) Eldridge Jos'h '92 3801 J Gardner F M '93 3190 25 Uannnah Mrs H H "93 3181 100 (so I) 27) II Leroy A J Lin- Klain 3169 i Minemser Mike '92 Kerr Miss Aggie '93 3801 4 Means A White '92 5143 259 (sub 10) Mazurie A J '93 3165 400 Niehodemus W A Va.-ant 100 Proper A Agnew '92 3801 j seim-K Hero 4 Phentx Oil Co '03 5147 70 Traev, Pier A. Blanchard '93" Vt 77J Walton Amos Sr '92 3173 20 Whitney Hro '92 3171 i Zlmerman John '93 Kingsley Township. 5190 12(1 Hunter W F dm-'d 5217 1100 Lamb heirs oil A gas 5190 100 Orn F P fl Bui kett '92 5268 100 Hood Win A Others oil A gas '13 5213 316 Herd ABAS A Davenport 14 290 Herd ABAS A Davenport 5217 1100 Herd ABAS A Daven port ii ol this tract 93 5212 366 Sehooley J t; Co 5197 2,' Shelller Mrs Ellen '92 Tlonesta Township. 30 Brtdimry C IC '92 92 Bleak ley James i!835 461 Anderson John '93 62 Brown A W, oil and gas 18 Clark Samuel heirs 885 Curtain A Anderson '98 62 Carhaugh E E fl Arm strong 15 69 2S24 50 Fallar Phill fl Grey '93 7 0 2824 50 Fallar J S 11 71 2824 600 liilinore A Dull 126 00 2824 50 Hepler James 14 8 5 Hunter G 8 '02 4 85 16 Hunter A Mav '98 80 1 li miler li S '02 13 3824 60 Hughes Sarah '93 8 08 2835 60 Nick les Win 10 76 90 MeKee Win '92 8 7 i Woodside Chester 93 4 38 Tionesta Borough. Acre. Wmuto or Uwiwr Aai't Kinissley Township. Watruil.A, 5137 5234 3133 5186 518 5186 5187 5131 6103 5188 6105 5108 6109 10U0 5110 300 5128 10O0 5129 900 6131 75 Gilbert James 950 Taylor Chas !J tax 100 John A A Jackson Slew- 390 Wolf A Co 60 T P Buiiiamiu tl Kuoble 914 Chas Starrow n White 914 " 200 Grev S C 245 J M Clapp II GiltUlan 320 William Sim-lair 300 Grandin d" Co oil, gas 950 " " ' " is 82 ti l 97 50 9 38 17 12 17 l: 43 75 45 04 46 25 9 37 20 Oil 31 2. 9 38 31 2 28 1 1000 Forest Oil Co fl Superior Oil Co '93 87 0(1 5214 100 Anchor Oil Co II Sehooley 21 87 5103 400 Lako Erie Pet Co 60 00 5194 80 Lake Mihi 5187 79 Bren nan d-Richards 9 87 6132 60 J N Palteikou ll liaiaison 9 37 Tlonesta Township. 160 Phenix Oil Co 56 00 441 W F Dulrvmaplt) Is 34 179 Itale JAit Stone 4 ol" tax 17 si a: lfJ Gllmore A Dull : 20 2823 823 I M24 J 3821 25 41 26 77 609 83 67 04 280 66 91 6122 64 19 62 4 20 42 3 10 108 64 2 71 1 24 S85 63 05 158 80 7 20 6 84 12.90 455 10 79 6 31 62 22 50 17 20 13 40 2 35 67 36 70 18 40 60 96 25 32 2 93 33 46 62 79 4 34 4 90 127 68 4 Bleak lev B F '92 470 Sickles G G '93 4 Riley liattie '93 4 Overlamlor Jacob 93 7 80 126 50 2 78 2 3 Harmony Township. 50 Brows Sam '92 S 00 84 Beattv David '9J 9 SO 40 Clark I) V 11 80 106 ('linger A Siggins 29 54 0 Mrs. E F CoutHiit 8 3a 124 Dawson I U warrant 216 40 20 135 Dow, 111 Clias Si 60 100 Dawson Walter 15 30 loo Dale A 11 '93 10 92 100 Fisher Bros '03 20 40 37 Foule W II SWT 250 Gorman William heirs '92 27 74 100 Grove Geo A Wilson 20 10 52 Green J. K '03 7 80 4 Goodman J '03 86 2 Jones E L A Isaac 61 40 Jervis Pet Co '03 6 20 30 Jones 11 D fl Crippen '93 6 20 5(1 Jones 11 l tl Crippen '93 tt 10 6(1 Kepler J M A Co 15 90 loo MeGrew Darcy 40 20 62 Miles J M 23 45 50 Moyer L '93 8 50 4 M vers E G '92 1 6 4 Pennell J H 03 86 30 Milles Ca-e .1 Co '93 7 92 so Pittsburg A Cherry Run Oil Co 18 36 loo Pittsburg A Cherry Run Oil Co 20 40 00 Pittsburg A Cherrv Run Oil Co 12 24 165 Pittsburg A Cherry Run Oil Co 83 66 o -iu 2 66 U 66 4 22 4 14 134 00 636 2 50 10 20 2 55 34 17 18 12 44 47 16 75 63 00 14 28 22 96 '03 l:i-i Paul l!nca 5 Ruff Jacob 148 Siugins John 02 Siggig A Barnes '92 32 Siggins A Barnes '93 40 Still II m ien 12 Stella Pet Co loo iShamliurg G j oil aud gas '92 374 Shamburg It 5 Shaiiilinrg G 134 Shuuiburg G fl J E Brow u 80 Shainliiirg G 11 Holebrook 218 Shauiiiurt G 11 Sweet A Sheriff 50 shamburg G 117 Wilson s M :i5 Wood vv H fl Monroas heirs 82 Wood W 11 rl MonroM heirs Bv virtue of an act of Assembly enti tled "An Act to regulate the collection of taxes on unseated lands," approved the 6lb day of June. A. D., 18s7, interest will be charged on l.so2 taxtw Irom January 1, lno3, to daiuof payment, aud ou 1893 tax es from January I, 194, to date of pay ment, at the iaJo of ix per eent. per an num. li. JAMLEoON TrMMia. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa., March 8, 184.