The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 21, 1894, Image 3

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Purge c. It. Davis.
Vimnctlmcn, Joseph Clark, W. A.
"ro( w- A. inlands, S. 11. Haslot, A.
H. Dale Joseph Morgan.
Junticet of the Peace J. V, Tremor, 8.
J. Sotloy. 1 '
Oontable 8. R. earmold.
Collector S. 8. Canhold.
tfoAoot Director D. 8. Knox, J. T.
Rrennan, J. It. (.'lark, T. F. Rltchoy. O.
W. Holoinan, J. E. Wenk.
Member of Congre(l. F. Kmnns.
Member of Senate IlAnitr A. Ham..
AtmblyJ, J. IUiiiiit.
Preident Judge CltAlu.Ks II. Noyks,
Atiociate Judge Joint H. Whitk.
C. W. (,'URK. '
Treaturcrll. Jamikso.
Prothonotnry, Regiter & Recorder, de.
Calvin M. Arnrr.
ffheriir. John T. Carson.
Commiioner W. A. Connki.v, Pk
tkr Yodnok, W. M. Coon.
County Superintendent (I. W. Kerr.
Iitriet Attorney P. M. Cl.ARK.
Jury Commtioner J. H. Carpkn
County Surveyor J. F. Protkr.
Coroner D. W. Ci.ark.
County Auditor M. E. AlinoTT, W,
li. STUOUP, J. V. Elmott.
Fourth Monday of February.
Thirst Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of Novombor.
TION EST A LODGE, No. 3fflt, T. O. O. F.
MeiU every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Follows Hall,Partridgb building.
I.V)RK!ST LODGE, No. 184. A.O. U.W.,
Meets every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
ASltlNaTON CAMP, No. 420, P.O.
S. of A., moots ovory Saturdny eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
G. A, R. Meets 1st and 3d Wednes
day evening lu each month, In Odd Fol
lows, Hall, T ionesta.
137, W. R. C., moots first and third
Wednesday evening of each montfl, In A.
O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa.
TIONESTA TENT, No. 104, K. O. T.
M., mods 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. V .
hall Tionesta, I 'a.
and District Attorney. Ollico, cor. of
lm and Bridge streets, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a number o reliable
Firo Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Tionesta, Pa.
Oftloe with S. D. Irwin Esq.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
Physician, Surgoon A Dentist.
Ollilco and feHidonce tliree doors nortli of
Lawrence House, Tionoatd. Profession
al calls promptly rospondod to at all
Homoeopathic Physician A Surgeon
Office In the rooms formerly occupied
by E. L. Davis. Calls made night or
Physician A Surgeon,
Office in building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly rosponded to,
night or day.
L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly tho Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with ul". the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout witli natural iras. bathrooms.
hot and cold wator, etc. Tho comforts of
guosts never neglected.
V.- A. J. PUFFIN BERG, Proprietor.
Tionsela. Pa. This is the mosteontrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to muke it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bonder. Proprietor. This hotel
has but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, ami offors the
finest and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling public,
Rates reasonable.
Corner of Elm A Wainut St., Tionesta,
Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Dooosits. Collec
tions made on all the Principal points of
the U. S. Collections solicited.
pillL. EMERT,
Shop in Reck building uext to Smear
jaugh A Co.'b store. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work iroiu the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice aud at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es. Jowolrv. Vo.. ordered for parties at
the lowest possible tlgure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer lu
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettonberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Hlacksmithing prompt
ly done at liiiw Kales. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop iu rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Broker in
Ani General
Wild Lands for dale.
Farms for Sale,
lloiiftes e Lots for Sale
Houses for llcnt.
Do you wish to sell or exchange Real
Estato? or desire Insurance on your
buildings or household furnituroT Call
on me.
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Leasos.Wills,
Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal Instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titlos examined and "Briefs"
prepared. Uronnd rents, mortgages,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for sale or rent.
Reglstors of Property for sale or to let,
open to the Inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to tho collection
of rents, Interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of lands and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, ack nowledg
ment of doeds, and depositions taken.
Church and Habbnth School.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
111. ; M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. ni.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rankin.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
r . F. Shoup, Castor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Kev. J. v. McAuincii oiuciaiing.
Cleveland Bicycles.
Latest Improved Models, fitted
witb Combination Wood and Allum
iuum Clincher Rim and Cleveland
Thread Tire. All strains and vibra
tion absorbed by the Wood Kim.
Written guarantee with every wheel.
Carry 200 pounds over rough roads.
Prices;to suit the times. 890 to 8100
buys a high grade wheel. Call and
see sample. A. II. Dale. 6t.
The Grove Bro's have been fixing up
their wolls in Grand Valley.
Rev. Sboup has closed a series of re
vival services at Newmansville.
Dwelling bouso for rent. For terms
apply to P. M. Clark, Tionesta, Pa.
Mrs. S. II. Ilaslot, who has been on
the sick list for some timo, is recovering.
Miss Hannah Irwin of Franklin was
visiting hor Iriands in this place the past
Rev. aud Mrs. A. T. Sagor wore visit
ing among their friends in this place last
Mrs. W. B. Harlan, of Norristown,
Pa., Is paying a visit to old friends in
Tionesta and vicinity.
Mr. D. M. Rankin is homo from
Pittsburg paying a visit to his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. J R. Rankin.
DW1 uot dare got many, but got a few
ladies' capes and summer sacks, which
will bo sold cheap at Lanson's. It.
C. M. Shawkey of Warren was a vis
itor to town ovor Monday night and
shook hands witb old friends generally.
The auditors of Tionesta township
publish their annual report of the past
years' linauclal affairs of said township
this week.
Ex-Judgo, John S. McCalmonl, of
Washington, D. C, was In town last week
looking after his business interests in
this section.
Mrs. John Wiles of Tionesta Town
ship, who has been suffering from a se
vore attack of heart disease is reported as
much improved.
Smitten with love and being refused
permission by bis father to marry the ob
ioct of his affection a Clarion boy, la
years of age, ran away from his home.
Mrs. S. D. Irwlu, who has been at
tending a convention of the Woman's
Relief Corps, and visiting friends in
Philadelphia, returned home last week.
Forest Bovard, who has been attend
lug the College of Pharmacy In Pittsburg
during the past winter, lias secured
position lu one of tho largo drug stores
of that city.
The hens have done thoir full share
toward a sucoessiul celebration of Easter,
next Sunday, if the great stacks of eggs
seen on the grocery counters are a thing
to judge from.
Instead of the regular services at the
M. E. church uext Sabbath evening, the
Sunday School will hold an Easter ser
vice, for which an interesting program is
arranged. A cordial invitation Is extend
en to all.
A norfect cure! Mr. Edward E.
Brouchton. 140 W. 10th St., New York
city, N. Y., says this: "I have used seV'
oral bottlos of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup iu
my family and find it a perfect cure,
cheerfully recommend it."
W. R. Dawson, one of Tidioute's
staunch Democrats, and Chairman of the
party in Warren county, has received the
povtoflice plum in his town, a position
which he very acceptably filled under the
last Democratic administration.
Miss Blancho Pease, Teacher, makes
tho following report of Truukcyvillo
School for month ending March i, 1894
Percentage of attendance, males SKI, fe
males H4. Prosout every clay, Frank
Mansfield, Loyd Bloomfield, Alphonso
Wiles. Dewalt Wiles. Hatlie Baugher and
Lizzio Wiles.
The Erie Railroad has issued an or,
der to suspend the running of all freight
trains on Sunday except such as are
needed for the handling of perishable ar
tides. This move will certainly be ap
predated by the train men, aud is on
Hint should be adopted by all roads.
Who says patience Is one of the rare
virtues T There is enough of this on
nebliug element of human nature mani
fested to the sijuare inch along the river
banks during the sucker fishing season
to leaven the whole country. Possibly
the end jua titles tho menus in this in
stall ce.
Miss Flora Walters Is home from her
two weeks' visit In tho eastern cltios,
where sho took advantage of the opportu
nity to make a most boautirul solection of
spring millinery goods, which are now
being arranged for tho firm's Easter
oponlng days, Thursday and Friday of
this week.
F. R. Lanson hos rolurnod from the
East where he spent a weok in making
his solocttons for his spring and summer
stock. The goods are arriving daily, and
his spacious conn tors are freighted with
the choicest the ninrkols afford, while
prices are figured to suit tho times. Call
and look ovor the stock.
Peep-frogs are already on the wing this
season, that is, they are in tho swamps
making the welkin ring with peeps and
croaks, and this is a pretty good lnd lea
cation that spring time's come, 'though
thoy toll us those littlo warblors must
freeze up three times before we got real
downright summer weather.
It would be well for those who have
the care of the streets take note of
tho places that need special attention.
Tho sight of a wagon stuck In the mud is
not a usual sight on a level street in town
but such was seen hero a woek or two
ago. Those places where the ground Is
bad ought to be paved with stone during
the su minor.
The prettiest lino of neckties at Lan
son's. '2H cents each. 11.
Tho beautiful weather of the past fow
weeks has had a tendency to break in on
Hie customary first of April flitting.
Quite a number of changes In residences
have already been made. Mr. Gaston
has moved into the Hickling house, Mr.
L. Petors and Mrs. Thomas Hassey
have each taken possession of their own
proporty, and Mrs. Hannah McCray has
moved Into the Fisher house on Bridge
Wo learn that the Clarion Normal ex
pects even a larger attendance during the
coming spring term than last year and
tho authorities are making preparation
for the accommodation of the Increase in
numbers. No pains will bo spared to
make this the very best term in the his
tory of that institution. We would ad
vise our young peoplo to pay this thriv
ing institution a visit before going else
Knee suits at Lanson's for 50 cents
and up. It.
It pays to be kind to those in distress.
Rev. McNeil, pastor of the Baptist
church, Emporium, Pa., while in Jersey
City last tail recovered for an old lady a
pair of spectacles that had fallen into the
mud and which she was unable to reach.
She obtained his name aud address. Re
cently he received Intelligence that this
old lady was dead and had left him a
$10,000 farm and his daughter $25,000
worth of property.
The oldost Inhabitant has been
scratching his head in vain to find a phe
nomenon parallel to that which occurred
last week. He has gone over the whole
catalogue of "big frosts," "snow In har
vest," "nortborn lights" and all the rest
of the things that happened "when I was
a boy" to no purpose. Thunder and
lightning during a heavy snow storm is
a now thing which ho will jot down In
his note book for future reference.
Loaded up with goods and dobts aud
soiling cheap for cash, at Lanson's. It,
Tho Juniors of the Presbyterian
church will give their missionary enter
tainment la the lecture room of the
church Friday evening uext. A nice
program will be rendered. Tickets can
be had from the Juniors, or the feo, 15
cents, may bo given as an offering during
the exercises. Proceeds to be devoted to
the cause of foreign missions. All are
invited to come and eucourago the chil
dren In thoir effort to earn monoy for a
good cause.
W. R. Curll died at his residence in
tho east end of Clarion Tuesday morning
alter several woek's illness, from coinpli
cations brought on by grip, the final
cause being paralysis. He was aged
about 53 years. Mr. Curll was a prouii
uent lumber man and operated in Clarion
and Forest county. He was an upright
business man, a quiet citizen and a mod
el husband and father. A wife, two
daughters and a son are bereaved. Clar
ion Jacksonian.
Soldier blue suits at Lanson's for
fd.00. It.
Nine years ago to-day, lu 1885, the
following Item appeared in the Re
publican, from which it may be seen
that all seasons are not just exactly alike:
"The coldest night of this winter was
last Friday night, 20th, or first day of
spring, tho thermometer registering 22
degrees below zero at daylight Saturday
morning. In some other portions of the
county it got down to 26s below. At this
ral the great body of Ice on tho river
don't rot out very fast."
Mrs. Diadama Clark, widow of the
late Rev. O. B. Clark, and mother of our
townsman D. W. Clark, died at her home
in Jamestown, N. Y., March 10th, 1804
aged nearly 80 years. Mrs. Clark is well
remembered by all of our older citizens,
in whose estimation Bhe has always stood
very high, and who lovod her for her
mauv excellent Christian qualities of
mind and heart. She will be mourned
by a very large circle of frionds here as
well as at hor home in and about James
town. Her sou attended the funeral.
Buy a pair of pants for your boy ; 15
cents per pair, at Lanson's. . IU
A representative of a leading brick
making machine firm was bore to meet
a committoe representing the company
which has now under consideration the
erectiou of a brick plant in Tionesta,
Prices of machinos for making tho dry
process brick were given and much other
information elicited concerning tho pro
jected enterprise. The superior quality
of the shale that has been tested is one of
the guarantees that the plant will be put
in. and that. too. as fast as protects of
similar mamiitude can be accomplished
Experienced aud practical men have been
consulted and say the works will be a
paying investment for those who put
their money in the concern.
The Tidioute News huished its
first score years aud last week enter
ed upou its second. Br'er White lias
beoo at tbe helm almost constantly
during that long term, and has given
his people a clean, clear-cut, reputa
ble journal, devoid of all gush or
uouseuse, and one thtt has never
borue the slightest taint of duliouor.
Many happy and prosperous years to
you, Charles.
Parties holding tickets issued by J.
W. Sires entitling thorn to a crayon por
trait are reminded that the time lor re
demption expires April 1st, and they
must be presented before that time. Mr.
Sires still has a lew nnused tickets loft at
his gal lory which can be had for twenty-
five eon Is each, entitling the holder to a
large crayon picture and a dozen photo
graphs for three dollars. Tho Tionesta
gallery will bo open on Thursday of
each week, and will be in charge of J. G.
McLane, an artist of twenty-five years'
The revival of the Presbyterion
church of Frauklin which closed recent
ly was very successful. Tho pastor, Dr.
Bruce, was assisted by Rev. Chapman of
Erie. Eighty-eight wore received Into
church membership. From all parts of
tho country similar rovivalsareroported.
Tho Chicago "Inter Ocean," says thatln
gersallism may worry tho ministers but
has no efi'oct upon the peoplo; that in the
five states Illinois, Missouri, Kansas,
Arkansas and Texas 54,000 couvertions
have been reported during the winter.
Perhaps as good a showing might be
made by all the rest of the states.
We have seen quite a number of
watch chains about town ornamented
with a neat little charm In the shape of a
watch case openor, which obviates the
use of a knife or finger nail to open the
watch. We have Just received one, too.
They are sent on request by the Key
stone Watch Case Company, of Philadel
phia, Pa., the largest watch case manu
facturing concern in the world. They
are makers of the celebrated Jas. Boss
cases, the only filled cases which are fit
ted with the world-famed Non-pull-out
bow (ring). The Company does not sell
at retail but thoir goods are sold by our
local jewelers.
The funeral of Mrs. J. Garner Tir-
rlll, who died at her home at Bowman's
Mill, Green township, this county, on
Monday of last week, took place on
Wednesday, March 14, 1894, at Tylers-
burg, and was attended by an Immense
concourse of sympathizing friends, by
whom she was held in the highest esteem,
and who loved her for her excellence of
character and kind and gentle ways. The
stricken husbaDd has the tenderest sym
pathies of all his neighbors and acquaint
ances in this hour of great trial and
sorest bereavement. The deceased was
a sister of Mrs. Judge White of Ciaring
ton, and loaves besides the husband
two small children to mourn their Jirro-
parable loss. She was aged about 33
Tbe best remedy for rhoumatism that
has yet been discovered. Mr. D. II. Ty
ler, 150 W. Main St., Galosburg, Ills.,
writes : "I have used a good many hot
ties of Salvation Oil aud think it tbe best
remedy for rheumatism I ever used."
Unshed In Death.
Mrs. Sadie Terrill, wife of J. Gar
ner Terrill, of this village, died at
her home on Monday morning, Mar.
121b. 1894, at 0:30 o'clock, bhe was
horn Aug. 2d, 1860, being thus aged
33. years. 8 months and 10 days. The
deceased was a daughter of Mrs
Jane Kerr, of Tylersbur, now in her
eighty-first year, at which place the
remains were I nterred od Wednesday
of last week in tbe presence of a large
assemblage of sympathizing relatives
and friends. Rev. Barnes, the Free
Methodist minister, conducted the fu
neral services sneakioe from the
words found in tbe 21st chapter of
Rev., 1st verse.
Mrs. Terrill leaves a husband and
two small boys in the home circle to
mourn her loss. A wife and mother
who for years bad been dwelling un
der tbe smiles of heaven; a mother
who had built for herself a dwelling
in the word of promise from that 8a
cred volume oo which she was stand
log. A balo of glory beamed forth
from her countenance as she gently
closed her eyes and bid adieu to hus
band, children, and those arouud
whispering "It is well with my soul,'
The deceased, at the time of ber
death, was a great Sabbath School
worker; winning souls to Christ was
tbe great part of her Christian work.
In this home, where tbe members
father and children have lived to
getlier iu domestic bliss for years and
enjoyed that sweet love and associa
tion, for the first time the little circle
is broken, and the current of joy
interrupted, yet those who survive
her can fiud cousolation in the know
ledge, of tbe wife and mother's never
eudiog bappioeess in the other world
BowmaotowD, March 19, 1894.
Rafting is about over iu this prox
imity and work is gettiug slack again
Oo Monday afternoon a number of
rafts were run out of Salmon Cree
to make room for more rafts. It i
certainly great sport iu piloting rafts
out of this stream. Chas. Dotter
er moved into his house on Monday
again, after being absent all winter
We welcome you back, Chas.
James Martin, the once fauiour Ohio
river pilot, is iu town looking up i
fleet to run ou the river. Daught
era were born at the homes of John
Tbcrotoo and S. E. Sbaw during lust
week. Mrs. Cbas. Grifho ot Ball-
town paid Kellettville friends a visit
the first of the week. Dr. .Wal
lace, one of Warren's best vetrinarv
surgeons, was down here on a profess
ional call recently. Cbas. D
Cochrane, of Strattonville, is visiting
friends in town for a few weeks.
Mrs. M. Andrews aud Mrs Delia
Kribbs were up to Marienville on
Tuesday. W. C. Wilson, the
champion bee hunter, has two notches
cut iu bis stick thus far. W. C is
hard to down when it comes to track
ing bees. The farmers are all get
tiug ready to do their spring work,
and if pleasant weather continues
spring crops will soon be sown.
Notice Is hereby given that a set
of double harness, consigned hy
James Walters to T. W. Corah, will
be sold for non payment of charges
at the expiration of sixty days from
this date, ' A. M. IIintek,
Kcllettvillo, Pa., March 15, 1891.
-Just give us a chance to show you
prices on clothing and all kinds of gents
furnishing goods before you buy, and if
we cannot convince you that they are
cheaper than any other placo in town we
will not axk you to purchase. At Lan
son s. It.
Get the best on the market at
Ledebur & Miles' at lowest cash
prices. If.
You can buy goods below auc
tion prices at Ledebur v Miles.
Come and see. tf.
Get a pair of those strong shoes
ir children at Ledebur & Miles'.
Heel and spring heel. Only one dol
lar. tt.
Citizens' Um Trust.
A meeting of above Trust will be
held iu banemer.t of school building,
Monday, March 2G, 1H94, at 2 p. an.
for the purpose of acting upon the
transfer of certain shares of stock,
sold by original holders thereof.
1. F. Iutchey, President.
Tionesta, Pa., Mar. 2J), 1894.
Uon't Tnlinrco Spit or Nmoke Yoor Life
away is the truthful, startling title of a
little book that tells all about ro-to-bac,
the wonderful harmless guaranteed to
bacco habit cure. The cost is trifling,
and the man who wants to quit aud can t
runs no physical or financial riBk in us
Ing "No- to bac." Sold by all druggists
Book at drug store or by mail free. Ad
dress, The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana
Mineral Springs, Ind.
;lnd Tidings.
The grand specific for tho prevailing
malady of the age, Dyspepsia, Liver
comnlaint. rheumatism. costiveness, gen
eral debility, etc., is Bacon's Celery King
for the nerves. Tins great nernai tonic
stimulates the digestive organs, regulates
the liver and restores the system to vigor
ous health and energies. Sample free.
Large packages. 50c. Sold by Sipgins A
Herman, nonesia, ana w. u. vvuKins,
West Hickory. 3
BY VIRTUE of Sundry acts of the
LGenerol Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania relating to tne sale oi
Seated and Unseated lands In the County
of Forest, etc., for taxes due and unpaid,
1 will oiler at public sale at tne uouri
House in the Borough of Tionesta, Pa.,
on the
being the Eleventh day of June 1804,
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following describ
ed pieces of land, or such parts thereof as
may do necessary 10 satisiy me umuuiib
of taxes and cents due and unpaid agaiust
the same, and continue tho same I'rjm
day to day as the same may be found nec
essary. TERMS OF SALE:
The amount of taxes and costs must be
paid when the property is struck off, or
the sale may be avoided and the property
put up aud resold.
All tracts not oihrrwise marked are adver
tised for taxes for 1892 and 1893.
Barnett Township.
Wftrrant.Arrct. Wunott, or Owner. Am'l.
3:!05 )
3312 ) 23 S W Pain $14 05
3312 1 1 8-10 S W Pain 7 07
3305 18 8-10 " " 12 22
5701 I R S it J W Winlack 1 80
3100 44!l John Beckor 435 8f,
5701 115 J B Reed 12 73
3159 247 Clark .t Kroitler E. part 102 07
30 John M Clapp II Gilloyle 10 50
3311 100 Sterner Daniel 20 07
3101 280 J B Pcarsall 64 00
Creen Township,
5185 500 Duncan Robert, 1803 54 00
3118 04 Lacy, 1803 7 20
5504 1000 Lacv 5.K) 00
5505 680 Lacy 288 00
5501 1000 Lacv 737 00
5500 000 Lacv 300 00
3810 300 McClintock Haniolton,
of tax 18 00
120 Myers, Poteror Nulf of
tax 7 20
5183 100 S D Irwin 11 Phillis of
tax 9 00
6189 100 E O Emerson ft Conrad 19 82
5118 50 Lacv, 1803 4 51
3816&17 50 Unknown 11 Davis '93 7 20
100 First National Buukllol-
idaysbur,r 21 60
5185 210 John A Dale Heirs 60 40
518 Collins A Watson 72 00
5184 67 tioo Zuendol fl Enterprise
Transit Co. '03 10 20
3810 I
64 T D Collins fl Wallace 11 52
Harmony Township.
50 A J A 3 B Sigglns 10 05
o!75 S II Evens, trustee fl Barr
iV Beech 10 05
216 153 J H Osmor 40 20
217 110 J U Osmer 29 48
80 Newbury E 20 80
100 Thompson 11 Babbett '92 13 20
100 Siggius A Thompson 11
Thompson A Bahbetl '93 13 60
50 Foreman N S 11 Dawsou
A Reeser 13 40
221 Cartwright S S 7 71
97 J Siggins John II Pago 20 13
120 SigK'ios Isaac k oil int. '92 28
75 Miles Hugh 25 14
50 Bred en James fl Hugiin 13 40
102 McCttlmont J S 40 90
102 McCalmont H F 40 00
103 McCalmont John F 40 90
115 McCalmont J S 30 85
110 McCalmont Mrs S F 37 20
41 (Inilil J ( '93 13 40
221 Brown Jonathan heirs '92 3 79
134 Paul I) J '93 2 38
134 Paul R S '93 2 38
No. 5 259 Pittsburg National Bank
of Com nierce 70 03
145 fiarson Shamburg 38 80
50 J Bouuev 13 40
100 Smilov Dr. tl aetcholl 42 88
50 SiggiusJ II KichurdMon'03 0 80
50 Siggins J tl Cleland '93 6 80
Hickory Township-
290 I lour lei A Lens, trus. '93 57 42
1 lletirlci fc Lous, trus. '93 33
550 Wilkins Crocker Long 73 20
150 Lake Erie Petroleum Co. 19 80
300 John Small wood 39 00
100 Beatty David 13 20
120 Longwell t McFoe, H tax lit 50
300 J M Clapp, Unknown '03 19 80
32 Wigcns E R 4 22
10 Dr. Colbert, J. (i Rood 2 12
50 II II Stow 0 00
175 Noble 4 Delemater 23 10
2 Frances llenrv '93 00
75 Martha A Ruth 9 90
320 Percival C Hay James 60 40
50 Orion Siggins 11 0 SSiggins 0 00
50 .1 M Kepler 0 00
34 Martin Smith 30 00
45 Siggins Orion tl Church 18 40
1 Siutrins Orion ft Middletou 06
5192 50 Siggins fl Clapp 6 60
5192 22 Diekrager J II t William 2 94
5192 10-105 of 024 acres F W Mor
gan 7 40
5192 10-105 ol (124 acres Emma Die-
feiiclorf 7 40
5192 l(l-105of 021 acres J W Willard 7 40
6192 10-l'i5ol'02lacresWW Marks 7 4i
5192 3-103 of 024 acres J T Bcoeher 2 32
Howe Township.
Wftr. Suu. A:ro. W.rranua OT Onocr. Ant.
3189 1028 W D Wood, ti ns '93 259 00
31H9 203 Loroy Linklaiu 1 1 HI 07
3192 CM Leroy & Linklaiu 000 Si
090 Wardor J '92 239 25
1003 Cowan Phillis II
Warder A Co. '03 250 14
10r3 W II Cook, i of tax 209 90
10(1 Albert Fox fl Bon
ner '93 31 50
100 W Willink, Howard HO 24
100 W Willink Seholfeld 80 21
2738 69
2850 3
28.50 10
2910 13
2910 19
2910 20
100 Albert Fox lllondin
1K03 0 30
100 W Willink Stewart
X of tax 32 50
100 W Willink Stewart
)i of tax 32 50
60 Albert Fox, Lewis
M iss '93 4 50
50 Albert Fox, S. half
2808 23
2808 24
Lewis F '93 4 50
2977 iof34 60 Albert Fox Thomp
son '93 0 30
2977 Jof35 60 W Willink Colter
Uncaphor 43 12
2995 44
100 Brown V Irwin 12 32
OH B Dobbs 41 80
100 Mifiin J 49 2
750 Anchor Oil Co 554 40
531 Clough L S H2S 12
1MI0 Clough L S fi'.HI 00
1(18 Thomas II I)allett '92 60 57
10O0 Clongll L S 090 00
1000 Clough L S 090 no
200 L A Breneman 04 (Hi
2995 41-42-
49-50 400 W H Cook i ol tax 97 82
J Rosenblat II Howe
Oil Co 94 88
3197 37 H Kosenblat '93 10 35
3197 37 H WoUlheimer '93 10 35
2850 2 lOOPJSwaine 12 32
5105 578 Orandin Co i oil
and gas
5108 150 Grandin Co i uil
and gas
2995 of43 50 W Willink '93
25 34
6 03
4 50
Vacant 100 R J Blood fl C II Blood 01 00
3005 1000 W II Frost 11 Wright
Duhriiig 090 00
4790 890 Wright Duhring BOO 01
4791 900 Wright During 009 84
5200 800 Wallace W Cook 389 70
3198 25 Michael Murphy ifc
Co N. E. corner 21 59
3198 25 Michael Murphy fc
Co S. E. corner 21 59
4823 476 Pittsburg A Forest
Co Lumber Co 293 22
3180 100 Thomas B Taylor 73 92
2977 100 Rappee J S 12 32
Vacant 50 John Fertig fl En
terprise Transit Co 30 80
Vacant 50 John Fertig tl En
terprise Transit Co 30 80
Vacant 361 Fertig, McKinney
ASaiterfield 22 18
3183 230 John H Menscli 113 34
3188 250 Anchor Oil Co '93 47 40
21 W S Cole fl Nugent 1 70
Vacant 25 Reed Brennoman
(1 Dobbs 18 48
Vacant 17 Reed A Brennenian
tl Dobbs 12 01
Vacant 400 C J Fox estate south
half '93 15120
3801 393 2-10 Means & White 09 17
2878 3-6 of 1003 O WJ F Pro
per, land only 112 23
5103 520 Forest Tanning Co,
'92 150 50
2878 3-5ofl003 J M Blemis,
timber only 330 80
Jenks Township.
5141 5
5142 8
6142 11
5143 9
3191 16
3162 1
3179 51
3179 51
3179 59
3179 00
8177 24
3179 54
3181 30
3181 30
3182 3-4-5-6-9-12
3181 38
5144 13
27 Boynton P, east
part ot Itonnor
ll 99
127 VVrav W A 11 Bavn
ton '93 28 33
150 A J Mazarie '93 22 32
132 Bovnton P 17 08
2701 F J Maffett fl Curl
A Campbell 37 45
100 Hood Bonbright co 39 00
444 John Becker ltu7
05 S F Roher fl H L fc
J L 45 82
1100 H Lerov J Linklain530 64
449 " -:i I
554 " " 22 18
384 " " 18 61
112 Honrv Rossman 54 01
69 H Lerov A J Linklaiu 33 31
50 S F Roller lilt h
J L 24 12
93 H Lerov J Linklain 44 89
50 Mrs Isabella Price 24 12
50 " " " 24 12
Co 431 33
80 L S Clouiih 32 10
305 Harmer Josiah 170 03
1014 Nicholson John 37 4 20
1000 W II Frost 482 40
50 James Phillis HWal
kerman '93
2 79
1000 L S Clough
331 05
32 16
UK) Ashlov J. R
200 R J Blood C H
Blood '92 34 Ml
84 Roher S F. dee'd 40 54
39 Marks L J 12 54
130 (JeoSRecd flRhincr 17 42
30 Cecil Gross n 1-oro-niun
100 Thompson John
132 O W Proper 11
6(4 Brower C, i tax '93
2so W H Tracy 4 Pier
j tax '93
127 Frank Pier H W
Tracy Ji tax '93
14 48
77 2(1
03 0,
82 34
8 68
11 8:
50 G W Blanchurd H
W Tracy '93
3 10
70j H W Tracy, Pier
Blancliard rttax -03
2 92
753 Graudin 4 Co 4 oil
and gas
58 Grandin Co 1 oil
and gas
100 Anna Hills
2471 Clark Kreitlor,
25 20
1 95
12 00
E. end of Ogleby
43 Nugent Thomas
130 Eaton rl Eldridge
28 Blood Cyrus estate
10(H) Wright A Duhring
140 "
140 "
105 Blood PP
100 Blood P P
118 74
3171 10-11
20 77
52 20
8 97
520 80
07 52
07 52
42 21
32 08
55 Hunt Mrs L M
100 Eiward Bovier
20 00
64 32
3173 20 80 Goo llortoii, C Soi
gol 3109 20 80 Edward Bovier 11
8109 105 Towler S S
8171 75 Mrs Clarisa Rohrer
3109 354 " " "
3100 7Nl ' " "
10 72
;w so
33 70
24 12
11 311
25 2S
4K 24
54 53
9 04
48 24
07 00
40 30
7 22
33 48
4 54
10 05
30 l.i
3800 100 Emma J Curry
3800 814 tieo Means C
Domsov tux
3183 20 A M MonUihouse &
3042 7 100 Proper, Agnew
3069 1000 A 11 Thacket A
Others oil ami gas
3 Kill 349 Menus White
31H9 7 15 S B Irwin
8170 100 Johu Wray 11 Rey-
ncr A others '93
17 .1 M Patterson tl
3322 100 James Phillis 11 An
na Hills
3042 100 Mrs Lizzie Frost
Kinssley Township.
Warrant. A.--r. Wairftuteg ur owut . Ami.
5137 75 Gilbert James 18 75
5234 950 Taylor Chas t tax K- 65
3133 100 John A A Jaekson Slow
art 18 75
5180 390 WollW. Co 97 50
5188 60 T P Benjamin 11 Snoblet 9 38
6IH0 911 Chas Stai row ll White 17 12
6ls7 I'll Chas Starrow ll While 17 12
5131 200 Grev S C 13 75
5103 215 J M Clapp 11 Gillilluti 45 01
5 1 mi 320 William Sinclair 40 25
611 5 300 Grandin A Co oil, gas tt .17
5108 9.50 Grandin V Co oil, gas 29 00
5100 llKHI Gramliii A Co .; oil, gas 31 25
6110 300 Grandin A Co oil, gas 9 38
5128 1000 Grandin A Co oil, gas 81 25
6129 000 Grandin V Co nil, gas 28 13
6131 10O0 Forest Oil Co II Superior
Oil Co '93 87 00
6214 100 Anchor Oil Co rl Schoolcy 21 h7
510.1 400 iMka Erie Pet Co ' 50 on
5104 mi Lako Erie Pet Co lu (hi
6IS7 79 lireiinaii A Bicliards 0 f7
5132 50 J N Palturson llllani-oli 0 37
Tionesta Township.
10") Phonix Oil Co 50 ("I
43t w F Dalrymaplu 18 31
170 Dule J A A sumo 1 of lax 17 N
180 Giluioru A Dull 25 20
28:10 990 Dnmmh A Oilfilan 340 60
221 loo .rnlmm A Paul Steiner 35 00
400 S T .May Irwin 84 00
2835 Jof 100 Dale fori) 17 50
127 Amy I) W 63 76
212 J M Clapp II Hasson
Cronwpli 33 88
250 J W Fielder 87 60
240 H 1) Irwin 42 (HI
98 Samuel Philps Heirs 0 94
1(1 VsnVranken .1 B 8 40
43 S I) Iiwin IlllVanderhoof
M tax 8 24
3822 1000 Wood's heirs 280(H)
45 Fourth Nat BankHPitts-
burg others 15 76
3S'J3 310 Simpson Co fl Paxton 84 00
3S24 20(1 K M Payne 11 Kenneway 66 00
Kt urtis 105 .lames hlakelv 64 60
R Curtis 105 Sat ah F MeCal'mont 64 00
R Curtis 105 A Met' Wilson Bros 40 90
3824 152 tl W Robinson fl Walker 21 20
42 Brown A W tl Wyant II 70
10 Petogrcw Joseph 3 60
2 Siiririn O fl Hepburn 98
!Xt 3711 J M Clapp 62 02
15 Cascade Pet land Ass 6 30
20 Woleott, IJrove tk Co 6 40
loo Bissell t Bishop fl R Cur
tis 35 00
UK) Rissell Bishop fl W Eck 28 00
282.) 200 Oil Cily Fuel Supply Co
14 00
9 10
10 92
85 30
42 A W Brown fl Wyant, oil
130 Henry Johnson fl in
lands '93
52 Dale heirs to Shepherd
401 John Anderson 1888
si:ati:d laindh.
Creen Township.
W.rrAut.AT"!. WimntH tf Owntr. An t.
3819 ,50 Bonner Estato 114 40
3825 50 First National Bank of
llolidavsbiirg 18 00
5185 100 First National Bank of
HnlidavshurK 32 50
5133 21 Haslet WW 4 96
1 Thompson A Bean 1893 14
3820 12 Whitman John fl ShouD
1892 1 40
Hickory Township.
50 Albauuh J II 5 60
4 Alliaugli Wesley 2 68
100 Ball NO William M tax
1802 3 96
10 Berlin Eli 1892 48
98 Berry M L 1892 9 71
80 BerrV M L 1892 7 92
1 Cofl'man M P 1893 1 65
330 Dayton Jesse C 43 56
50 Davton Jesse C 6 60
d 5 Dale John A 1892 83
102 Davidson A 106 92
1 Heath Hiram 1893 2 TO
570 Mercantile Oil Co 75 28
90 McCutehon Clarissa 13 80
50 Patterson D L 6 60
310 Siguins John A Kinnear 40 93
50 Starrow Chas 6 50
750 Siggins A Wilson 49 50
897 Collins T D others '92 61 89
d Kiunear John '92 99
Howe Township.
403 North Penn Oil Co '92
600 Nortli Penn Oil Co '92
!Hi0 Stone, Liudsev A Co
z too
25 41
28 77
609 83
67 04
181 Stone, l.imlsey A Co 'H3
Jenks Township.
7 Anderson John '92
53 22
64 19
Anderson Peter '92
i Blttiichord O W '92
5144 1151 Boynton P fl Paul J
Vtacant 220 Daniels James
3801 1 FroHt W H '93
3642 30 (snb-7) Eldridge Jos'h '92
3801 Gardner F M "93
3190 25 llaunnah Mrs H H '93
3181 100 (sub 27) H Loroy & J Lin
8 10
108 64
1 24
3 86
63 05
168 80
7 20
6 84
3109 1 Minemser Mike '92
1 Kerr Miss Aggie '93
3801 4 Means A White '92
5143 2.9 (sub 10) Mazarie A J '93
3105 400 Nichndemus W A
Vacant 10 Proper A Agnew '92
301 1 Schick Herb
4 Phonix Oil Co '93
5147 70J Tracy, Pier A Blanchard
Vt 771 Walton Amos Sr '92
3173 20 Whitney liro '92
3171 i .Inieruian John '93
Kingsley Township.
5190 120 Hunter W V doe'd
5217 lino Lamli heirs oil A gas
5190 100 Orn F P rl Burkett'92
12 60
4 65
10 79
6 31
22 60
17 20
13 40
2 35
57 33
70 18
40 60
96 25
lo0 Hood Wm A Others oil A
gas '03
310 Herd ABAS A Daven
port 290 Herd ABAS A Daven
5217 1100 Herd A B A S A Daven
port W of this tract '93
300 Sehoolev J C A Co
114 Shelllor Mrs Ellen '02
Tionesta Township.
30 Brsdbury C K 92
92 Bleakloy James
401 Anderson John '93
02 Brown A W, oil aud gas
18 Clark Samuel heirs
2 93
33 46
62 79
4 34
127 E8
284 J45 t"urtttil Anderson '93
;i821 621 Carbaugh E E fl Arm
strong 15 69
50 Fallar Phill fl Grey '93 7 60
50 Fallar J S 1171
dim Gilmore 4 Dull 126 00
50 Hepler James 14 85
5 Hunter G 8 '92 4 85
10 Hunter A Mav '92 80
1 Hunter G S '92 13
50 Hughes Sarah '93 8 02
50 Niekles Wm 10 76
90 McKee Wm '92 8 73
i Woodsido Chester '93 4 38
Tionesta Borough.
Acrv. Wutruilev or Owner
1 Bleakley B F '92
470 Sickles G G '93
1 Riley Hatlie '93
1 Ovurlanditr Jacob '93
Harmony Township.
50 Brow a Sam '92
84 Beatlv David '93
4(1 Clark" D W
loo ('linger A Siggins
20 Mrs. E F Coutant
124 Dawson I U warrant 216
135 Dowd'il Chas
loo Dawson Walter
loo Dalo A II '93
loo Fisher Bros '93
37 Foglti W II
250 Gorman William heirs '92
100 Grove Geo A Wilson
62 Green J. K '93
4 Goodman A J '93
2 Jones E L A Isaac
40 Jervis Pet Co 13
3D Jones 11 I) tl Crippen '93
50 Jones 11 DM Crippen '93
Oil Kepler J M A Co
loo Metirew Darcy
02 Miles J M
50 Mover I. '91
i M vers E I '92
4 l'eonell J 11 03
30 Milles Cae A Co '93
Am' l
7 80
126 60
2 78
2 3S
5 00
9 30
11 80
29 64
8 35
40 20
33 60
15 30
10 92
20 40
27 75
20 10
7 80
5 20
5 20
9 10
15 90
40 20
23 45
8 60
7 92
so Pittsburg A Cherry Run Oil Co 18 36
lot) Pittsburg A Cherrv Run Oil Co 20 40
tk) Pittxhorg A Cherry Run Oil Co 12 24
1(15 Pittsburg A Cherry Ruu Oil Co 33 66
X.Is I aid llonca 93
5 Rutl' Jacob
I IS Siugins John
02 Siggins A Barnes '02
32 Siggins dt Barnes '9.1
4n0 Still llarielt
12 Slella Pet Co
loo Shamburg G i oil and gas '92
371 ShainliurgG
5 Sliaiuluirg G
134 Sliaiiiburg G ll J E Brown
ni shamburg G rl II, .lei. rook
3 40
2 65
45 66
4 22
4 34
134 no
6 30
2 60
10 20
2 55
34 17
18 12
218 Sliaiiibuik' G ll Sweet i Sheriff
44 47
50 Sliamliiirg i i
117 Wilson S M
35 Wood W H rl Mouross heirs
82 Wood W H fl Monross heirs
10 76
63 60
14 28
22 96
Ity virtue of an act of Assembly enti
tled "An Act to regulate the collection of
taxes on unhealed lands," approved the
til tl day ol .lime, A. !., I8s7, interest will
be charged on 102 taxes Irom January 1,
103, to dale of payment, and on 103 tax
es from January 1, 104, to dale of pay
ment, at the ruie of six per cent, per an
num. . J VHIKSON Trriuura-r.
Tlouosta, Forest Co., Pa., March 8, 1814.