THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. t. C. WINK, CDITOft 4 PROPRKTO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 18M. Announcements. CONURESS. We are author! r.ed to announce A. V, COOK, of Harriott Township as a candi date for Congress, subject to Republican usages. ASSEMBLY. We are authorised to anuonnoo JOHN J. HAIOHT, of Howe Township, an a candidate for Assembly, subject to Re publican usages. J. E. WENK, of Tionesta, Is a candi date for Assombly, subject to Republican usages. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announco J. A. NASH, of Howe Township, as a candi date for Associate Judgo, subject to Re publican usages. Wo are aiithrir.od to announce JOHN H. WHITE, of Harnett Township as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JOHN GLENING, of Jenks Township, for As sociate Judge, subject to Republican us ages. We are authorized to announce E. C. MAYS, of Barnett Township, as a candi date for Associate Judgo, Bubjoct to Re publican usages. STATE DELEGATE. Wo aro authorized to announco J. R. OSGOOD, of Tionesta, as a enndidate for I Delcgato to the Republican State Conven tion. We are authorized to announce 8. S. TOWLKR, of Jenks Township, as a can didate for Delegate to the Rcpnbliean State Convention. We are authorized to announce W. L. 8TROUP, of Jenks Township, as a can didate 'for Delegate to the Republican State Convention. ' We are authorized to announce KEN NEDY L. HAUGH, of Green township, as a candidate for Delegate to the Repub lican State Convention. Northampton county, the home of GeDeral Frank Keeder, woo the prize baDner offered by the YoUDg Republican club, of Philadelphia, for the greatest increase io the Republi can vote on February 20th, over the Republican vote cast for Jackson last November. In 1893 Northampton gave Jackson 3,761 votes, and on Feb. 20 she gave Galusha A. Grow 6,354 votes. No truer words were ever uttered than those by ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed. They show why the present "hard times" exist: There is no way to put money in circulation except through wages paid. Issuing government bonds doesn't make circulation. The labor ers must earn it and spend it, and that will make it flush. The sta tisticians say the 20,000,000 labor ing people of this country earn (40,000,000 a day. The Wilson bill I will cut these wages from 10 to 25 per cent. The 10 percent, cut on $40,000,000 will be a loss of $4,000,. 000 a day to laboring men or $1,200, 000,000 a year. A 25 per cent, cut in wages will take $3,000,000,000 out of circulation. Ooe-third of our la dor is idle now. The idleness is cost ing us probably $10,000,000 a day. 1 do not wonder that the times are hard and that money is tight. There is money enough io the banks. They are glutted, but labor isn't getting it. It will stay there till labor gets it out. Blaine's Prophetic Words. There was one man in this country who never for a moment doubted the wisdom and patriotism of the protec tive principle aud that man was James G. Blaine. On this point his convictions were positive. In a speech delivered not be fore bis death, after speaking in glow ing terms of the general prosperty ot the country Blaine said : "I shudder, however, at the thought that the time must come when all tbis will be changed, when the gener al prosperity of the country will be destroyed, wbeo the great body of workingmen in this land, who are Dow so prosperous, will hear their wives and children cry for bread; that the day must come when the great factories and manufactories of tbis land will shut down, aud where there is now life and activity there will be the silence of the tomb. "Aod the reason why this roust be is this: The great southern wing of the Democratic party are determined to establish the doctrine of free trade in this land. They will be assisted by their northern allies. There is a great body of visionary but educated men, who are employed day by day in writing tree trade essays and argu ments in favor of the doctrine, which find their way to every newspaper in the land. The great body of our people have never experienced, them selves, the suffering which always re suits wheo the protective principles are laid aside. "Poisoned aod excited by the wild statements of these writers and the demagngio appeals of the Democrat io speakers, the result will be that io the very near future these forces which are now working will be strong enough to defeat at the polls the par ty advocating the doctrines of proteo tion. It must inevitably follow that uncertainty and doubt will ensue The business men of the country tearing the destruction of the prioci pies of protection, will decline to en gage io business, consequently mills will shut down, and the workingmen will be thrown out of employment." Was ever prophecy more complete ly fulfilled ? The Democrats ot Allegheny, Westmoreland aod Fayette are pro ledliup against the appointment of Joba F. Guffcy, a brother of J. M. (.JuUey, for Collector of the Port of I'illtiuurg. Tbey have pone to Wash ington iu drofet aud will be satisfied with anybody but Uuffey, and it is dollar to cento that Cleveland will appoiut Gufioy. Xolioc. " I am going East the last of March to purchase my Spring and Summer stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, &o. All parties having accounts with roe are requested to call and make settle ment promptly or remit at once, at. David Mintz. Corral Trlnmpli Instant relief experienoedand a per manent cure by the most speedy and greatest remedy in the world Otto's Cure for lung and throat diseases. Why will you continue to irritate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when Siggins tr Herman Tionesta, and W. 11. Wilkins West Hickorv. sole agents will furnish you a free sample bottle of tnis great guarnteeo: remedy 7 its success is simply wonderful, as your drugcist will tell you. Otto's cure Is now sold In every town and villiage In this continent Samples free. Largo size 50 cents. 3 Elrctrlc Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Elpctrio Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum, and other affections caused bv Impure Blood, will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electrio Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1.00 por bot tle at Siggins A Herman's drug store. 6 Tire l.lrre Ssrrd. Mrs. rhoobe Thomas of Junction. City, 111. was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, two bottles of Dr. King' New Dis covery completely cured her and she says It saved her lifo. Mr. Thos. Eggers, l;ttl Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching con sumption, tried without result everything Also then bought one bottle of Dr. Kings' New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, ot which'these are samples, that prove the wonderful eftlcaev of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Siggins Herman's drug store. Regular size 60c. and $1.00. 5 Bi t KI. EN'S ARNICA SAI.VE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rnfunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Siggins fc Nason. When Baby wmi sick, we gvn her Caetoria. When aha was a Child, she cried for Caetoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Caatoria. When the had Children, she gareUiem Caatoria. WANTED, LUMBER In trade for Pittsburor. Pa., imoroved real estate. Will take pine and hemlock, rough or milled. For further particulars address, P. O. Box, 781, Pittsburg, Pa. 4t MILLINERY! FLORA WALTERS & CO.. Having moved into their handsome new building, opposite Hopkins fc Lanson'a store, are prepared to meet their lady friends witn an elegant stock of goods in their line. All the newest styles in HATS & BONNETS, FANCY TRIMMINGS, AND MILLIXEUY GOODS in general. And a full line of Ladies' r mushing Hoods, at very reasonable prices. Children's hats and cans. Call on us before making selections. We be lieve we can please you. AUDITORS REPORT of Twp. Road fund for 1894 Win Lawrence Treasurer. To balance last settlement Tionesta Dr. ..f 38 66 Rec'd from D. Black Col 305 91 Rec'd from C. Winegard Col 209 77 554 30 Cb. Bv orders redeemed .. 491 84 5 per cent com. on;491.84 24 59 ttai 37 93 554 30 Bal in hands of Treasurer 37 93 D. Black Collector Dr. To balance 'ast settlement 330 28 Cr. By amt paid Treasurer 290 63 Am't com , 15 30 By bal 24 35 330 28 Bal in hands of D. Black Col 24 35 C. Winegard Col. Dr. Am't of duplicate 1893 470 20 Work tax returned to Coll 171 23 641 43 Cr. Am't paid Treasurer 209 77 Am't returned to Co 103 38 3 per 149.21 on CO days... 4 48 5 per cent com. 60.50 3 03 lial 320 85 641 43 Bal in hands of C. Winegard Col ... 320 85 (Statement of work and expenses of road during the year 1893. Am't duplicates to pathmasters ...$ 974 14 Am't tax worked $.so2.til Am't tax returned $171.23074 14 Road Commissioners, Clerk, and At torney's services. F. Wenk Road Commissioner 12 00 G. P. Monday Road " .... ltl 00 John Wolf " " 21 00 Services of clerk and attorney 138 04 Auditor's Account. VV. W. Thomas 6 00 William Mealy 6 00 Charles L. Warden 6 00 General Statement. Outstanding orders 3929 02 Available Assets. Am't in treasury 62 82 Uncollected tax 804 43 Unseated tax of 1893 1910 49 Tax returned to county 103 80 Net indebtedness 1651 68 Am't overdrawn by Road Commis nnsHioners lor services for the year 1893 and 1894. F. Wenk 3 00 G. P. Monday 4 00 John Wolf 6 25 Poor District aco't with Win. Lawrence Treasurer. Am't iu treasury last settlement.. 62 81 Orders rednemed 19&.79 Commission 2.96101 75 Outstanding orders 110 15 Available, Tyrrell mortgage 40 00 We the undersigned having examined the foregoing amounts of the Road and Poor funds of Tiunt-sla Township, For est county, Pa., hereby certify that we tiud theui correct as above stated lor the year ending second Monday of March li94. W. W. Thomas, Wat. Mealy, Attest. CiiAb. L. Warden, J. W. Mono, C'lork. Auditors. March 11, 1691. SAW MILLS! ENGINES AND BOILERS. Improved friction feed. Send for Cata logue and Special prices to A. B. Farqu liar A Co., York Pa. Agonts wanted. SEPARATORS. Traction and plain engines. New Im provements over all. Send for Catalogue, spoclal prices and terms. Agents want ed. HUBER M F'G CO., Marion, Ohio. THE OLD: RELIABLE LIVERYJBTABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANRELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug eies to let upon the most reasonable terms, lie will also do JOB TttJJ&Tl&Q- All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Mercantile Appraiser's Ust for Forest County, A. 0. 1893. GREEN TOWNSHIP. Namo. Class, Collins A Kreitler 11 Collins A Kreitler 14 Collins Watson 13 Bowman Lumber Co 13 BARNETT TOWNSHir. A. Cook A Sons 12 , Tax. fl5 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 15 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 J. B. Pearsall 11 W. D. AS. II. Shields 11 Maple Creek Lumber Co 14 JENKS TOWNSHIP. II. V. Curll A Co 14 T. J. Revner 13 B. A. Kribbs 13 J. N. Sandrock 14 Bell A Blauchard 12 David Minta 11 A uisler Bros, A Co 10 M. C. Carringer 14 H. H. Hensil 14 M. V. Paderson 14 J. F. Wannor 14 Mrs. M. Levy ...14 Zeller Bros 14 A. D. Neill 13 C. 8. Leech 10 8. M. Whitehill A Co 14 8. 8. Towler 14 John Hoover 14 F. M. Crozier 14 8. Wilicon 14 Wagner A Willson 13 L. S. Clougb A Co 12 D. A. White 14 nOWE TOWNSHIP. Fox, Crain A Co 13 8. Crawfoid 1:1 Robert II. Brown A Co 14 Curtis Johnson 14 I. H. Gildersleeve 10 Hettenbaugh fe Lynch 13 J. C. Huntington 14 J. L. Saxton 14 KIXQHLKY TOWNSHIP. O. W. Osgood !4 Berlin A Co 14 Charles Bauer 14 Proper A Myers 14 . Mrs. M. Andrews 14 Salmon Creek Lumber Co 13 J. P. McCoIough 14 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Wheeler A Duseubury 11 T. J. Bowman 13 J. 8. Henderson 14 T. J. Bowman 14 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. W. P. Crouch 14 G. W. King A Son 14 W. G. Wilkins 14 M. R. Hardenburg 13 Turner Bros 11 J. B. MachesDey 14 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. CM. Whlteman 14 TIONESTA BOROUGH. 8. 11. Haslet A Sons 13 R. Barnett 14 F. R. Lanson 10 Ledebur A Miles 13 Hunter A Morgan 14 Lawrence A Smearbaugh 12 Siggins A Herman 13 G. W. Bovard 14 G. W. Robinson 16 J. T. Brennan 14 C. M. Arner 14 BILLIARDS. JENKS TOWNSHIP. 12 60 15 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 10 HO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 IS 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 CO 10 00 7 00 20 00 10 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 J. L. Rankius, 3 tables $50 00 40 00 40 00 50 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 H. N. Stanley, 2 tables BARNETT TOWNSHIP. W. S. Henry, 2 tables HARMONY TOWNSHIP. Jacob Bender, 3 tables TIONESTA BOROUOH. Hunter A Morgan, 2 tables Corah A Brother, 2 tables KINOSLEY TOWNSHIP. B. J. Day, 2 tables HICKORY TOWNSHIP. . John Halliday, 2 tables TAkE NOTICE All who areconcern- ed in this appraisement, that an appeal will be held at the Treasurer's oflice, in Tionesta, Tuesday, the 3d day of April, A. D. 1894, between the hours of 1 and 4 p. in., when and where you may attend If you think proper. W. L. THOMPSON, Appraiser. Notice. Notice is heioby given that H. C. Zel ler and M. N. Zellor, of Marlenvitle, Wtraut rft Pa l.v AaaA .r auutr... ma., dated Feb'y 23, A. D. 1894, havo assigned to Geo. B. Montgomery of Marionville, County and Stale aforesaid, in trust for the benefit of creditors of said H. C, and m. n. x.euor, an me estate, real anil per sonal, of said II. C. and M. N. Zuller, All persons indebted to the said H. C. and M. N. Zeller, or either of them, will make Immediate pavment to the said As signee, and those having claims or de mands will present the same without de lay, to GEO. B. MONTGOMERY, Assignee of H. C. aud M.N. Zeller. or bis Attorney Murienvillo, Pa., r. M. CLARK., THtnestu, Pa. March T, l&i. 3t. Stockholder' Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Stock holders of the Tionesta tius Company, on Monday, April 2d, A. D. 1HU4, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. of said dav. at the of fice bf the Company, for the purjxiso of electing a new Board of Diroctors to serve for the ensuing year, cud for any other proper business that may come be fore tlieni. Wm. SMEARBAUUH, Sec'y, Tiouoblu, l'a., March 1J, lyl. M Li. LEADER IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING David Mintz, - Mnrionvillo, Pa. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is now complete, having Just rooolvid our J- all and Winter stock. Never before havo we had such a slock of Dress Hoods such Home Spun Dress Goods, Kino Henriettas, Caslimeros, and Woolen Goods of all kinds and prices to moot the time. ltmk nnri Wrap ftepitrtnient. HAVING BOUGHT FOR CASH, I am prepared to sell the very best at (ho low est prices. Nothing like this line in Forest Counv, and Ladle who are In want of a Cloak or Vt rap should not forget to seo Minlrs stock before buying. A lariro as sortment and the very latest styles, right from New York. Also, Broadcloth for Cloaks and Vt raps, Millinery lepnr(ment. WE CRNNOT BE BEAT In this lino. The very latest New York Stvlcs, and those who want a Hat should send in their order at once. All Work Warranted, as we employ only First Class Help; ' Notion Department. YOU FIND Buttons, Lares, Silks, Velvet, Velveteens, Ribbons, Umbrellas. In fact, anything you tnav want in this line. Indies' and Gent's, Boys' and Girls', Children and Babies' Underwear or all kinds Cannot be beat in this line. Clothing Department. HERETOFORE, we have pleased the public In this lino, as to quality and price but this year we are way ahead of anything of the past. In Men's and" Bov's soils we hano Fine Suits, Business Suits and Working Suits or all kinds, at the lowest prices. Children's clothimr at all nrlcns and nt ilia verv 1,1 1.1a, m,,i I,--., it would pay you to send to us for your children's clothing. If you could see our l'lno 11 would surprise you -not only the amount wo carry, but tho quality and Price. We still keep the load and shali try to hold It. . Hoots, Shoo and Ilnbber CSoods. IF YOU WANT anything in this line send us vour measure and we will fnrunr,) you at once what you ordor. Remember, both for Ladles' anil Gent's. Also, Boys' Children and Babies' Rubbers, and Rub ber boots of all kinds. (anil's Furnishing Department. HATS AND CA PS of all kinds in tho latest si vies. Finn shlrtu fnr i,m, ..,! and working shirts at the very lowest prices. You should not lail to see our Neck i car siock, u is roany line. Carpet Department. AS USUAL, we hold the lead in this line. Carpets, Rugs, Mats. Curtains. Drap ery, Curtain Poles, and everything to make WE ALSO Carry a larire assortment of China. Cuspadors, Albums, Window Shades and Wall Paner. TO THE PUBLIC Remember 1 carrv above in Forest county. Send in your orders bv mail and they will receive prompt attention. 11 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for HARNETT'S Goods still selling at ridic ulously low Prices at BARNETT'S CAUTION. ir m dealer offer W. t,. Douglas tiboee at at reduced price, or tmjm he has them without name etamped on bottom, put hlsa down aa a fraud. JOOtTfl f4U FS f.75 .'TAB H-75 L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. L, DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, taiy fit ling, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Try one pair and bt convinced. The stamping: of w . L Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees tlieir value, eaves thousands of dolJars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying ail your footwear of the dealer advertised below. aii off-tie iro upon application. Address. L. DOUUJLA-o, Brockton, Haiee bold by F. H. LANSON, Tioneta. Pa. C. 31. W hit eman, NEW STORE! Having purchased the store formerly owned by J. V. Overlunder, next door to W. N. Y. A P. K. It. Station, I am pre pared to furnish the public with any thing in the lino of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, COIm FECTIOX E RI KS, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. A1m the FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices an low as the lovont. and all goods delivered free of charge. Call and see me. C. M. WIIITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIONESTA, 3P.A.. :.a4.u.-h Mr 1 1 r, T. ..., io.,-, ,., t f,U riTT . PTV T A IF YOU WANT a re.yectable Job of printinii at a reasonable urice send your order to tins oilice. , A hill w we carry first class iroods In this lino. your home Pleasant and voursolf hannv. China. French I'liiim and Iron Ni.ii'm the largest and best selected stork nf the Hides, Sheep polt-s, Ginseng, Wool, Fur the Id ere's ea Of the Non-pull-out B6w The great" watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. The bow has a irroov. on each end. A collar run. down inside th pendant latem) and ma into the groovea, firmly locking the bow to the pendant, ao that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be bad with cases stamped with this trade mark. Jai. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now fitted with this great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watcb dealers Rcmcmbpr the name Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. J THE PAnnmiHn PATfTNT VARIABLE rklCTION t-EED Beat Set Work. In the World. Sawmill & Engine Received the Medal and Highest Award at tVift World's Columbian Exposition. WftrantH! the bt maile. bhingla Mills Machinery mj t Hin.(vl,tri Atcncuitur&l Implement of Hmt tiusl iiy I 'w.i-t pru-ua. hood fur Illustrate CAtaiugua. A. U. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd.. YORK, ENNA. The great question is not no much what money you have in your pocket us what you will buy with itlluskin. HECOGME IT, DO YOU? That thcro uro clothing and clothes. The good sort is the kind we make. Anything new this season ? YES! Our Spring and Summer Woolens are now ready for your inspection. Prices as low as consistent with best workman ship and best materials, McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers niul Shirt Makers, Moderate Price Store. 25 AND 29 SENECA STREET. OIL CITYPA. i""eeni 1 nun i 11 mi, in mi ii 1 1 1 GO LANSON'S! AND SEE WHAT 1.00 Will Buy In these Close Times. D o You That you can buy to a Better Advantage Now than ever before. On account of tho "Hard Times" and backward season you can now buy anything you need in OVEUCOAS, ULSTERS, WORK I NO COATS, llUllllEH COATS, MACKINTOSHES, SUITINGS, UNDERWEAR, IIOSIEKY, HATS, CAPS GLOVES, MITTENS, PANTS, SHIRTS, OVERALS, NECK-WEAR, ' COLA KS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, JEWELRY, LEATHER ROOTS, RUB BER HOOTS, RUBBERS, STORM SLIPPERS, A L ASK AS, HEAVY SHOS, FINE SHOES, CHILDREN'S' SHOES, LADIES' GENTS' SLIPPERS. At prices that knock out Compction at Ledemjr & Miles', Tionesta. Seo them. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND TXE FfiESJOCEST GMQGEHZES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which Is in rliarirn of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DItUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -dealers in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iCOUMTBY PBODUOM" AMD 0ASH TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. CHARLES A. HILL AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND, INCLUDING , REAPERS, BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, GRAIN AND CORN DRILLS. ALSO BUGGIES, WAGONS ANi CARTS. A FINE QUALITY OF LUBRICATING OILS FOR ALL KINDS OF RAP ID AND SLOW MOTION MACHINERY. Bcforo uiakiiiK I would ask Farmers and olliera to iiiHpoct my atock and prices. Everything ot the licat and mont approved quality, and at prices with in the reach of all. CHARLES A. HILL, Tionesta, Pa. GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. t&VGUSr Mouck JiZ. of the lirm of MORCK BRO S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the Eye. Examinations free of charge. WARREN, PENN. I'll . ' eefiji TO Know! Smearbaugh, TIME TABLE In eirect Nov. U1. 1893. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 113 Through Freight (carry ing pHNsoiifrera) 11:40 a. ui. No. 31 Buffalo Ex press 12:07 noon. No. 01 Way Fruitful (carrying passengers) 4:15 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exj ress 7:63 p. 111. For II Ickory.Tidioute, Warren,, Bradford, Oleitn and the East : No. 30 Olcau Express 8:41 a. Ml. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. 111. No. l Through Freight (car rying passengers) 6:50 p. m. No. 00 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Tionesta) 8:41a.m. Trains 03 aud Si Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. . Get Ti'mo Tables and" full information from S. tj. CLARK, Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. 11. BELL, Geu'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, 1 Cion'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. JOB WORK of everv description execu ted at ttie REPUBLICAN oOica. ill