THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, . tDlTOH 4 pROmitTO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1894. Republican State Ticket. Congress-nt-Large, Hon. GALUSHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna County. REITBLICAS COUNTY COMMITTEE MEETI. The members of thr. Republican Coun ty Committpe of Forost County are here by notified that meeting of said Com mittee will be held at the Court House, Tionesta, Ta., Monday evening, Feb. 20, 1804, and as business of importance to the party will be transacted, it is espec ially requested that all members be pres ent. Following is a list of members: Barnett, John H. White, W. M. Crossman ; Green, Leon Wat eon, H. A. Dottorerj Harmony, H. M. Zahniser, L. 8. Vail, I Moon eyj Hickory, N. E. Holmes j Howe, J. C. Welsh, James Blair, L. DuBois, Jas. Sehwerdfiold, W. L. Stroup; Jeuks, L. C. Hoyt, J. R, Karr, J. M. Lobough, N. C. Parrish, J. C. Campbell j Kingsley, C. O. Rudolph, 11. E. Lovell, R. Z. Gilles pie Tionesta, J. B. Eden, Wm. Mealy ; Tionesta boro., J. R. Osgood. J. I. Woods, Chairman. Republican Vigilance Cnmmittoo. Barnett township Jacob Cook, Calvin B. Kerr, A. H. Davis, Ash Clark, Benja min Ishman, Dan Vost, Philip Maise, Jos. Hall, Robert Marshall, James Hart. Howe township J. A. Nash, S. Craw ford, Frank McNeal, R. H. Brown, N. Gildersliove, J. C. Giest, Arthur Gregg, A. P. Anderson, D. P. Miller, M. L. Ekas, M. N. Gilbert, L. D. DuBois, Dan iel H. Gibson, O. Hoyt, Chas. Griffln, Wm. Card, Chancey James, J. L. Saxton, Green township Frank P. Walker, K. I Haugh, W. L. Thompson, Ed. Riser, T. E. Hunter. Hickory township F. J. Henderson, II. A. Lynch, A. E. Southworth, Louis Keister, Jonathan Albaugh, Wm. Atwell, C. H. Church, Wilson King. Kingsley townstiip John Shunk, Ed. Gillespie, Ed. Heath, Geo. Weller, W. D. Dotterer, Chas. Southworth, J. B. Car penter, L. J. Catlin, Bert Day, S. H. Shaw. Jenks township John Glenning, Jo seph Brenneman, E. D. Stiuer, J. H. Robertson, A. J. McCray, R. M. Morri son, Harry Hall, W. D. Hughes, L. B. Wray, T. J. McCoy, A. B. Miller, J. S. Caldwell, Henry Rockwood, Robert Par rish, 'Miner Kingsley. Harmony township William Gorman, James Elliott, Bert Thomson, Matt Mc Intyre Joseph Machesney, Walter Crouch, Dan Copeland, Bradley Head, George L. King, Grant Erb. Tionosta township W. W. Mealy, Fletcher Lackey, John S. Wilson, George Swab, James Mong, Asa Lovejoy, Charles Warden, Charles Whiteman, George Weaut, A. W. Stroup. Tionesta borough Frank Birtcil, Al bert Beggs, James R. Clark, Charles Clark, C. R. Davis, Georue Holeman, Kory Heath, Quint Jamieson, George Kerr, W. G. Morrow. It is the duty of the committee to put forth Its efforts toward the bringing out of the voters and to assist in the general work of the campaign. The campaign Is one of vital importance to all citizens, as the enemies of protection are hoping to profit bv any falling off in the Repub lican majority, and will use it as an argu ment against the party to further the cause of free trade in Congress. If the vote is out our majority will be over whelming. Let us'soe that it is out, and that the gallant champion of protection, Galusha A. Grow Is sent to Congress with a mighty maiority at his back. J. I. Woods, Chairman. A Cheeky Squeal A large body of delegates met at New Orleans, Monday, of last week, and made an appeal to the SeDate to save the sugar producers from the dire disaster threatened by the Dem ocrats Congress. Representatives were present at this meeting from the Tip'.Msana Sugar and Rice Exchange, Bureau of Freight and Transporta tion, Stock Exchange, Mechanics' Dealers' and Lumbermeos' Exchange. Wholesale Grocers' Association, Clearing House Cotton Exchange, Steamboatmens' Association, Pro duce Exchange, Board of Trado and Trunk Railroad lines. There was no division of opinion among them and a resolution was adopted with a pre amble reciting that on the faith of the bounty and its promised continuance for fifteen years a large amount of capital has been invested in the pro duction of sugar by new aod im proved methods of agriculture aud manufacture; therefore Resolved, that we respectfully pro test as busiuess men against the ac tion which bas beeu taken in the House of Representatives agaiust the interest of sugar culture, not only because such action will cripple that industry, but because it will alsj greatly injure the many other affilia ted interests. We express nur hearty thanks to the members of congress as well as to the press who havestood by us in the contest over this vital question at hand ; we now earnestly appeal to the senate of the United Slates in the name of justice and hu manity, to prevent the accomplish ment of a great public disaster. Many will be thrown out of employ ment and one hundred millions of invested capital impaired to a disas trous extent, or even wiped out of ex istence. The gall displayed in the foregoing mighty protest is simply sublime. These people, it should be remember ed, send up to Washington a solid delgation of Democratic congressmen to vote and work for the total des truction of every northern industry, but when their own are at stake and liable to be "wiped out of existence," what a mighty squeal goes up. (JET OCT THE TOTE. Every Republican In Forest coun to owes it to himself, his party and bis country to cast his vote for Galusha A. Grow on election day, Tuesday, February 20lh. A Republican vote cast now is a vole to rebuke the men who would destroy American industries, and it assists in setting the seal of condem nation on the men who would help foreign manufacturers at the expense of the men who give employment to American workitigmen. A vote now for Galusha A. Grow is a vote for an ardent and able ad vocate of Protection, and a hater of free trade with nil the misery it en tails. A vote for the Republican ticket beaded by Galusha A. Grow means a rebuke to the men who closed the mills all over the country aod sent thousands of idle men to starve on the streets; made the establishment of bread funds and soup houses ne cessary ; compelled the organization of charity societies everywhere that the idle men aod their families should not starve. A vote for the Republican ticket means a protest against the raid on the pensions of the crippled old vet erans by a man who bas no earthly sympathy for the old soldier, but on the contrary nothing but bate and scorn. Men of Forest county choose what you shall do, and judge right. Get out the vote next Tuesday. Here is a chance for the Republi cans of Forest couotv to win another banner at the election next Tuesday The Young Republican Club of Phil adelphia makes the following offer: "Taking the vote of the several coun ties of the State, as cast in Novem ber of 1893, for Jackson, Republican candidate fur State Treasurer as a ba sis, thev propose and will award to the Kepublican Committee of the County showing the largest percen tage of votes for Galusha A. Grow, for Congressman-at-Large, a hand some silk baooer of the finest quality ana Dest workmanship, JNcw Jet us capture that banner and have an even three of them in our county. Chairman Wright, of the Demo cratic Stale Committee epeakiug of i lie coming election says that the re ports from various parts of the State afford a gratifying outlook. Has Mr. Wright turned Republican 1Bliz- tard. e y;e s EXAMINED AND GLASSES PRO PERLY FITTED. Watch Clock and Jewely He- pairing done in Work manlike Man ner. A nice Hue of the latest things in Jew elry always in stock, at prices to suit the hard times. Call. W.A.FISHER, in Gas Office Building, Tionesta, Pa. WORK. OR IDLE HANDS. Is the condition that confronts us at this season of the year. To keep our hands at work during January we must have work. OUR MAGNIFICIENT STOCK OF FINEWOOLENS Will be made Into Perfect Fitting, Cor rect Style Clothing at two thirds their value. Scotch Cheviots, Home-spuns and Tweeds Sack Suits to order $18 to $22 . English Worsted Suitiugs in Stripes, Checks and Mixtures Sack Suits to or der, $24.00 to $30.00. Martins and Clays, Black and Blue Worsteds for dress, in Cutaway Suits to order, $28.00 to $35.00. Trousers, $-5.00 to $8.00. A few of those clegaut Fur and Elesian Beavers and Montguacs for Ulsters and long overcoats price $25. If you have never patronized our stores ask your friends about the saving. McCUEN & SIMON, 25 AND 29 SENECA STREET. OIL CITY, PA. THE FARQUHAR PATHNT VARIABLE i-klCTION FEED oesi oei worHS in tne world. Sawmill & Engine Received the Medal and Highest Award at the World s Columbian Exposition. Warraiill ihu h mad. Bhinl. MUle. Machinerf and ritaudard Agricultural liuiileujema of beat dual III u. i .o.t lric. Soud lur lllualraled. Catalogue. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd.. YORK, OENNA. ' tl vgvst MoncK Js. of the firm of MOKCK BRO'S, OPTIOIA1TS, Specialist 1" Errors of Refraction of the Lye. Examinations free of charge. WARREN, VENN. s I PROCLAMATION. WnKURA, The lion. Charles IX. Novrs, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter (Sessions in bmiI for the county ol Forest, has Usucd his pre cept for holdiniraCourtorCommon Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Pence Or phans' ComH, Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence nit tlio Fourth Monday of Feb., boinir the 20th tiny of Feb., 1S!4. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, J nsticesof'the Pence and Con stables of .mid count v, that they lie then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their recoitls, inquisitions, . examination, and oilier remembrances, to do those things which to their ollice appertain to be done, and tothnse whonrelioiinii in recognizance to prosecute agninst the prisoners iliat are orshall tie in tholnilnf Forest County, Hint they may lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just, (liven un der my hand and seal' this 3uth day of January, A. D. 1894. JOHN T. CARSON, us. Sheriff. Til I A I, LIST. List of causes set down for trlnl In the Court nf Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on tho rmi rui iMoiviiiy ot February, 1S!4. 1. J. A. Neill, Nancv Church, Julia X. Berry, and tS. T. Neill for use nf Nancy Church, Julia N. Iterrv and S. T. Neill. vs. U. F. Nhaiiiliuiu and II. W. Shamburg, Adniinistriiiors of (1. Mmm burg, deceased. No. 28, September Term, 1891. Summon in Assumpsit. 2. H. W. Marks, vs. The Lolmimn Mutual Insurance Company, of Jones town. Lebanon county. Pennsvlvnnin. No. 42. August Term. 1893. Mi'miniona in Assumpsit, 3. M. L. White, vs. Rhinrhnrd A Tlo gors. No. 30, November Term, IS93. Ap peal irom J . I . 4. Erastus N. Lee. Recievcr of tho es tate of Charles J. Fox. dee'd. Clnrrisa Fox, widow, Oscar Fox. Emilv Breed, Maria Breed, Daniel H. Hills, Nettie Hills, Charles F. Fox. James F. Fox, Horace A. Fox. Olivo Dunn and 1 Locke, heirs at law of Charles J. Fox. dee'd, vs. William Newland, Sarah New land. Geo. B. Newland. William A. New land, Jr., Luoy Newland and J. P, Hirsch, No. 20, May Term, 1893. Sum mons in Ejectment. 6. Maria Andrews, vs. James Carson, No. 11, November Term. 1n.i2. Action In Trespass. Attest, CALVIN M. ARNER. Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa . Jan. 29, 1894. S. H. HASLET & GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. MILLINERY! FLORA WALTERS & CO.. Having moved Into their handsome new building, opposite Hopkins it Lnnson's store, aro prepared to meet their lady friends witn an elegant stock of goods in their line. All the newest styles in HATS & BONNETS, FANCY TRIMMINGS, AND MILM.MIKY flOODM in general. And a full line of Ladies Fuiiishing Good), at very reasonable prices. Children's hats and cops. Call on us before making selections. We be lieve we can please you. C. H. W Iiiteimux NEW STORE! Having purchased the store fornierly owned by J. F. Overlander, next door to W. N. Y. A P. R. R. Station, I am pre pared to furnish tho public with any thing in the line of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS. CONFECTIONERIES. WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSRURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices as low as tho lowest, aud all goods delivered free of charge. Call aud see me. C. M. WHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOlsTESTA, JPJ. OIL CITY.PA -a- Dealers in TOBACCO, CIGARS COXIIX'TIOXAISY. ALSO Oysters, Fruits, Vegetables, and Choice Viands of all kinds in their season. A nice line of the Best Brands of FLOUR AND COFFEE. We aim to keep our stock perfectly pure and strictly fresh, and customers will find our goods always wholesome and first class. Nice, clean Billiard Hull end Harbor Shop in connection, tjilve us a call. Cor. of Elm and Bridgo Sts., TIOILTIEST.A., IP.A.. LEADER IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING David Mintz, Marienvillc, Pa. Ol'K I'HY HOODS DEPARTMENT la now complete, having Just recolvvl our hall and Winter stock. Never before have wo had such a stock of Dress Goods, such Home Spun Dress Goods, Fine Henriettas, Cashmere, and Woolen Goods or all kinds and prices to meet the times. C loak iiihI Wrap Ilrpnrliiirnt. HAVING HOl'GHT FOR CASH, I nm prepared to sell the very best at tho low est prices. Nothing like this line in Forest Counv, and Ladies wlio are in want of a Cloak or N rap should not forget to see Mintz'a stock before buying. A large as sortment and tho very latest stylos, right from New York. Also, Broadcloth for Cloaks and V raps. Mllllnrry Ilrpnrlmriil. WE CUNNOT HE HEAT In this line. The very latest New Yortt Styles, and those who want a lint should send in their order at once. All Work Warranted, as wo employ only First Class Help. XotloiiH cinrtiiiriit. YOU FIND Buttons, Laies, Silks, Velvet, Velveteens, Ribbons, Umbrellas. In fact, anything yon may want in this line. Ladies' and Gent s, Boys' and Girls', Children and Babies' Underwear of all kinds. Cannot be bent in this, line. (Jloflilng Depart iiionl. H F.RETOKOHE, we have pleased the public In this lino, as to quality and price, lint tins year we are way ahead of anything of the past. In Men's and' Boy's suits we hano Fine Suits, Business Suils and Working Suits or all kinds, at the lowest prices Children's clothing at all prices and ot the very latest styles. Mothers, it would pay you to send 10 us for your children's clothing. If you could see our lino i.wo." ', ""'""'V"" -not only the amount we carry, but tho quality and Price. e still keep tho lead and shall try to hold It. Itools, NIiooh anil Iliibltrr floods. IF YOU WANT anything in this lino send us your measure and we will forward you at once what you order. Remember, wo carry first class goods in this linn both for Ladies and Gent s. Also, Boys' Children and HabiearRubl)ers, and Rub ber boots of all kinds. fleiit's Furnishing Department. HATS AND CA PS of all kinds in the latest styles. Fine shirt for men and bovs and working shirts at the very lowest prices. You should not fail to see our Neck ear stock, it is really line. C'arpet Department. AS USUAL, we hold the load in this lino. Carpets, Rugs, Mate, Curtains, Drap C"T.',.,,",.m" l'oo"' al,(1 everything to make your homo pleasant and yourself happy. r. ALSO Carry a large assortment of China. French China, and Iron Stone China. Caspadnra, Albums, Window Shades and Wall Paper. TO I'll K PUBLIC Rememher I carry tho largest and best selected stock of the above in 1-orest county. Send in your orders bv mail and they will receive prompt attention. r 1 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, Sheop pelts, Ginseng, Wool, Fur. BARNETT! BEATS THEM ALL! WHEN It Comes You have doubtless been thinking likely have concluded to make the hi h p rigiu tigure. e think we have it. At least we would like to show you goods and prices before you go elsewhere, and theiefore invite you to call ear ly. In prii-e, style and quality, we'll stay by the best of them." And thou in Ladies' Dress Goods, r nu D iimuu a Pfit-nm i-imr. 10 hpi u.o pniiornn Hint uro bound to please while lor lino quality nmi low prioe thoro in nothing that can compare with our line. Our Winter tiooi.s r pniwIhIIv naui ami ni...i,ctr W 1 1 i .1 -ii.i In Furnishing Goods, Both Ladies and Genta', we take special prido in our stock, for we feel conrt iieiu uicy wm picase ine customer, j-n ,,,, , , , u w earing qualities as well as for the comfort it will afford Collars, Cutis, Tics, and Dresa shirts wo have in endless variety. Hats, Caps and Shoes, I'on i :au io come to us when you ...u win u.iu v ii oe more man piesserl. Ann In .Shoes! There's where take the cake. A.l kinds,, Styles and Prices. For Ladies, for Gents, for KnVH till I. I flu (111 luut 1.11 H. Inn.. af.. I ' V "i ir"i, uut ibi. loon GBOCERIES, Our Grocery Department Is supplied, market alfords, and don t tuck on the BAENETT, Do You That you can buy to Now than On account of the "Hard Times" and OVERCOAS, ULSTERS, WORKING COATS, RUBBER COATS M AC H I NTOS II ES, SUITINGS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, HATS CAPS GLOVES, MITTENS, PANTS, SHIRTS, OVERALS, NECK-WEAR COLARS. CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, JEWELRY, LEATHER BOOTS, RUB BER BOOTS. RUBBERS. STOTIM fir.IPPirna aiaci.-.o KHOS, FINE SHOES, CHILDREN' SHOES, LADIES' & GENTS' SLIPPERS. At prices that knock out Competion at LEDEBim & Miles', CAPTION. If dealer offers XT. L. Douglas shoe at a reduced price, or says he has them without name etauiped oa bottom, put him down a fraud. lUnirs leH W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS bhoe. arc itylith, eaty lit tint;, and give beiirr kaUklatction at Ihe prices ad vcrtised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Doug la' mme and price cm the bottom, which fruaranteea their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who puh the s.ile of W. L, Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, end we believe you can save money by buying sjj your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Cntalng'tie free upon application. Address V. L. OUGaUAJ, Brockton, Jttaaa. bold bj F. It. LAN SON, Tionesta, Pa. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carrianes and Bug L'i(f to lut upon the inowt reasonable toruiH Ho will aim do job tie A!Minsra- All ordura lot't at tho Pout OUluo will receive prompt attention. V ll " a. m VOL- i To BARGAINS I of getting a New Winter Suit, and quite investment when yon find what you want ... our Winter Underwear has been select- solest your hat for the winter. We'll fit iur unities. as usual, with the freshest and purest the fancy prices, eithor. Come and see. TIONESTA. Know! a Better Advantage ever before. backward season you can now buy anythlna Tionesta. See them. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watcli case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY BE HAD with caes bearing their trad, mark Sold only through watch dealers. without extra charge. Don't use your knife or finger nails to onen tour Match c.oo. oena lor aa opener (Ireo ). TIME TABLE In effbet Nov. 10, 1803. Trains leave Tio nema for Oil City and points west an follows : No. ThrouKh Freight (carry. in pBHHenjrHrB) It:40 a. B1. No. 31 ItuUitloExprosH 12:07 noon No. Ul Way Freight (carry ing pansmigers) 4:i5 p, m No. 33 Oil City Kx ress 7:53 p. ui. For Hickory, Tidioute.Warren.Kinzua, Bradlord, Olean and the East : No. 30 Oleun Express 8:.i a ni No. 32 PittMburgh Express.... 4:15 p! m! w .uiwiu rreigut(car- rying passengers) No. GO Wuy Freight (carrying passengers to Tionesta) 6:50 p. m. 8:41 a. in. Trains 03 and 90 Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. OetTime Tables and full information from M. O.. CLAKIC, Aegnt, Tionesu, Fa. i . . H. BELL., Geu'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, v Ueu'l Passenger & Ticket Agent Bulftuo, N. Y. i .rmi US.PRISj3TG. THE WEATHER CHANGES:! Tho Administration changes. Tho Storekeepers aro changing. And tho old reliable Iron Building is willing to change for Cash as largo and good a stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE as can bo found in Forest County. Glad to see NQ TROUBLE (SUCCESSOU TO COUNTY AUDITORS'j REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1893. QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Treasurer, in account. with Forest County for the year ending January 1, 18!4. DR. To balance received James H. Hagerty, former Tress.. . 9,170 73 To amt borrowed of E. Huntor.. 10.IH10 ki To State tax refunded mil til 022 01 20 00 8 00 10 00 2 50 27 50 80 00 To seated land refunded, 1892... To balance ree'd of U.W. Sawyer To Jury Fees To furniture sold To Court House grass To old bridge plank sold To making tax returns To liquor license 0 00 io county lands redeemed 1,150 21 ro iiik aoifi j (is Received from Greon Township 447 So To seated tax, 1893 15,087 02 To sixty day list, 1893 109 00 To unseated tax, 1893 5,814 88 To Interest on taxes fj 85 der ledeemed 100 00 By balance County account 10,659 09 $13,018 11 iwirnou QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Treasurer, In account with the State or Pennsylvania for the year ending Jan. 1, 1894. To 8taU tax, 1893 $ 620 39 By State Treasurer's recelpt...$ 020 IS By 1 per cent com. on $020.39... 0 26 $020 39 $026 39 QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with the Redempt ion Fuud for the year ending Jan. 1, 1WI4. To balance last settlement $ 8,415 28 T amount from Individuals 215 48 $3,630 76 ARNEK, Prothonotary of County, for the year CALVIN M. To orders drawn $ 640 68 By fees $ 640 68 JOHN R. OSGOOD, Sheriff of Forest County, In account with Forest County for the year ending Jan. 1, 1894. To Countv orders drawn $ 714 R9 By fees ; 714 89 To Jury fees 8 00 By Jury fees '.. .'...Z 8 00 T22 89 C. F. LEDEBUR, County Commissioner, year ending To County orders drawn $ 837 45 $337 46 JAMES McINTYRE, County CommUsioner, in account with Forest County for the vear endinir Jan. 1. 1K'I4. To County orders drawn $ 303 50 $303 60 PHILIP EMERT, County Commissioner. year ending To County orders drawn $ 308 25 $308 25 FOREST COUNTY as: mo.W? !!e u.mlers!r"!e'1 Auditors of met at the Commiss oners' oHi,.A In audit and adjust the several sccounts o7 the" Trer; r4"r ProXn'ouT Di trict Attorney and County Commissioners for the year ending January 1 1894 and we find the same to be as set lorth In the foregoing report J""ury . n ...r T,n'iwShereor we hBVe hereu,lto hnd and seals this lMth day of Jan uary, A. v., 1894. J. VV. ELI JOT T, L. 8.1 ) Attost, J, W. BLACK, Clerk. EXPENDITURES of Forest County ii-i.i. . j. ""k. i, 11 Constables 244 38 Sherirt 's lees Piothonotarv fees 111 bii 640 08 8;i4 iWI 100 63 4H2 10 154 20 312 60 I,6,i2 03 24 99 130 2l 127 10 611 85 802 81 1,(K)9,20 126 00 319 67 497 88 Commonwealth costs Ko pairs and supplio Books and stationary Stenographer Janitor J 11 ry fees Express and dray age Expense Koad view Prinlinij Eelections County Commissioners I ounty Auditors. Assessors Western pen i ten tiarv"" " (Jas and gas fixtures 3;to 60 33 10 IS 60 738 38 uridge lews Auditors Harmony twp .' Refunding orders Costs W. fe I), case 30 73 f.xp s bridge case Warren Co... Tax returns 2.r2 00 41 60 Registering Notary Public 1 1 w 11 60 FINANCIAL RTATEM ENT of Forest A Balance In Treasurers hands Due by Barnett Township Due by Howe Township Due by Hickory Township "'. Due by Tionesta Township J ...uu.m ..... ,,u)U Seated lands returned 1.. 1 : . : .. - Liiauiiiiies over Ubsois LIABILITIES. Bonds ouutundiug OutsUndiug bills FO RKST COUNTY as: ' the EoTT n. ?.)?! "t. unty, publish ending Jan Jar Is, VV. wTtn" or' wK,f:;Kvw',il,,'U,'i .'sij County Commissioners. Attest, J. T. DALE, Clerk. N 1" al J you all in. TQ SHOW GQOB HOPKINS A LANSON). cn. By ( ounty orders reiloemed... $20,180 04 By seated lands returned 071 fll By Collectors com missions 159 53 By oiii pons redeemed 1,280 00 By exonoratinns allowed 400 87 Paid Chas. 8. Looch, Treasurer Jenks Townshp, account liquor license 114 00 Paid A. B. Kelly Treasurer Tio nesta Borough, account of liquor license 228 00 By tax on loans 128 00 Ny H percent commission on County orders redeemed.. 863 87 I'y X per cent commission on coupons redeemed 67 60 By 5 per cent commission dis bursement liquor license . 18 00 By 1 per cent com. on 110,000 or By amount paid individuals $ 177 89 By 4 per cent com. on $177.89... 8 00 By balance 3,444 89 f3t630 76 Forest County, In account with Forest endimr Jan. 1. 1894. 172-j 89 in account with Forost County for the Jan. 1, 1894. By 78 days servlceat $3.50 $ 273 00 By expenses allowed 64 45 1337 45 By 88 days service at $3.60 a day 308 00 By expenses allowed 65 ;50 $303 50 In account with Forest County for the Jan. 1, 1894. By 88 days service at $3.50day$ By expenses allowed 308 00 25 ikw o Forest County do hereby certify that we tl. j :i ,"i " . JT? if.' V.!)uliiJ u W'J ! Co""y Auditors. ABBOTT, for the year ondimr Jann.rv l.t iuiu - . .. - j - inaiatent so ri nr.. 70 00 243 68 63 10 68 H8 7 75 9 07 15 00 633 31 8 64 108 00 9 60 10 00 10 00 10 00 1,699 40 02 00 188 00 101 00 275 02 827 75 22 64 172 00 67 11 45 00 1,000 00 1,038 t7 Estimating timber upstart Lunacy lees Jail physician Coroner j" Supreme court costB....7.'.'.".""' New Indices Witness fees ". County Institute Justice of the Peace... Court Auditor Interpreter Watchman Furniture Prothonotary office.. Boarding Jurors ' Tax on loans '.'..'.'.2 Jury Commissioners cfc cierk." Counsel fees Warren intaue hospital Postage Scalp bounties """,".""!!"! District att'y f;ouiiulBsloiier,'c.7erkl"l""!"'.".'.'. Treasurer's CoiiiiiiIumI,','J Interest 1 Vko on Col lnt.,ru' tir. '.e.t tn vw.u.w .uiiiuuoaiuii 19 63 county for the year ending January 1st. 1894 1.-TU ' - 9 1U,D SI OOfl 11 Zlk V t4t tiH ,, ... AV,Ofl7 U-t $32,793 23 ,.,0 7 000 00 793 23 andL Z Mv U' vi. niVNk'i.v n J 4