The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 31, 1894, Image 3

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liurgcss C. It. Davis.
Counntmrn. Joseph Clark, W. A.
Grove. W. A. inlands, 8. 11. Haslet, A.
11. Dale Joseph Morgan.
Justice of the l'eaceJ. F. Proper, 8.
J. Hotley.
Oonniable S. 8. Canfleld.
Collector S. 8. Canfleld.
fkhool Director 1), 8. Knox, J. T.
Rrennan, J. R. Clnrk, T. F. Kltchey, G.
W. Liolcman, J. K. Wenk.
Member of Congress U. V. Krthiir.
Member of Senate Ha hut A. Uai,l.
Assembly S, J. Haioiit.
President Judge t'nni.KH H. Notes.
Associate Judges Joun II. White,
0. W. Clark.
Treasurer Q. Jamiesoh.
Prothonotnry, Itegislerit Recorder, ft.
Calvin M. As. nun.
Sheriff. Jonw T. Carkok.
Commissioner W, A. CONWKLY, Pr
Tkr Yocwok, W. M. Coon.
County Superintendent O. W. Kerr.
District Attorney V. M. Clark.
Jury Oonimissionert . II. Carpkw
TEit, GroZukndkl.
County HurveyorJ. F. Protbr.
Coroner D. W. Clark.
County Auditors M. E, Abbott, W.
L. Stroup, J. W. Elliott.
hboular terms ov court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
miONESTA LODGE. No. 300. 1. 0. 0. F.
A Meets every Tuesdayevonlng.ltiOdd
f ollows' Hull, cartridge uuiuiing.
IOREST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. U.W.,
I Meets every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
S. of A., meets every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. VV. Hall, Tionesta.
G. A, R. Meets 1st and 8d Wednes
day evenlngln each month, In Odd Fel
lows, uau, Tionesta.
y 137, W. R. C, meets Bret and third
Wednesday evening oi eacn inouiu, in a.
O. U. W. liall, TiouoBW, Pa.
fTUONESTA TENT. No. 164. K. O. T.
J. M., meels 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. V.
hall TionoHU, Pa.
and Dihtrict Attorney. Olllce, cor. of
lm and Bridge Streets, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a number of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesia, Pa.
Tionesta, Pa.
Office with S. D. Irwin .sq.
Phvslclan- Surireon A Prutrclst.
Plivslclan. Riiranon A Dentist.
Oinioe and resideuce three doers north of
Lawrence House, Tionesta. rrolession-
al sails nromntlv resnondod to at all
XJ Homoeopathlo Physician Surgeon
Office In the rooms formerly occupied
by E. L. Davis, Calls made night or
dTbowman, M- t.,
. Phvsician & Surgeon,
Office In building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to,
night or day.
L. AGNEW, Proprietor,
Tionesta, Pa. Centrally located, greatly
enlarged, newly furnishod throughout,
and complete In all its appointments,
Sample rooms for Commercial Agents
Good Livery in connection.
J A. J. PUFFINBERG, Proprietor,
Tinnanin. Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
l, snared tn make it a pleasant Btopping
place lor the traveliug public. First
class Livery In connection.
r West Hickory, ,a.
Jacob Render. Proprietor. This hotel
lias but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers the
itnnut nml most corn fortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling public
Kates reasonable.
Corner of Elm dr Walnut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa.. Bank of Disoount and Deposit. In-
irl allnwHil on Time DoDosils. Collec
tions made on all the Principal points of
the U. S. Collections solicited.
Nhon in Keck buildinur next to Smear-
jaugh Jc Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
cive nerfocl satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion t'iveii to mending, and prices rea
TVod (ilretteiibercfor
All work nertaioimr to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Waier Fit
iiM,r.iwliniiHral lilacksmithiug prompt
ly n.,p ut T,nw Hates. Renairiiiit Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
l.Kil.I' IlKAXl.
It is uneuualed for house, barn, factory
or out buildings, and costs half the price
of suiniiles, tiu or iron. It is ready for
use and easily applied by anyone. Send
stauip for samplos and statu sizo of roof.
15S Duane St.. New York, N. Y.
JUtt, T, XiVnnnf
Broker in
Real Estate
And General
WiUl Lands for Sale.
Farms far Sale.
Mouses e Lots for Sale
Mouses for Rent,
Do you wish to sell or exchange Real
EstatoT or desire Insurance on your
buildings or household furniture T can
on me.
Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills,
Powers of Attorney. Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titles examined ana - jsnem '
.. 1 l . . .1 mn.(.ni
aiid loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to lot,
open to tlae inspection ol those interested.
Particular attention paid to the collection
of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of lands and payment or
taxes, mounting accounts, acknowledg
ment of deeds, and depositions taken.
Church and Habbaih Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preachms in M. E. Church every Sab
bath eveninir bv Rev. Rankin.
Preaching In the F. M. Chnreli every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev.
F. F. Hhoun. Pastor.
services in ue rresoytenan jniircn
every Sabbath morning ana evening,
KOV. J. v. MOADincn oiuciaung.
Oil market closed yesterday 80S.
Mrs. Suie Sharp U visiting with
Franklin friends.
Come and see what a dollar will
buy at Lsdsou's. 2t.
lilies Lell Shugart of Tidioute,
spent Sunday with Miss Efla Clark.
People having ice bouses are
now looking up me crop id mis
1 J. Osgood of East Hickory
gave the Republican office a pleas,
ant call Monday.
A pair of medium weight bob
sleds for sale. Call on or address,
David Baruett, Tionesia, Pa. tf.
A good second-hand Portland
Cutter for sale at a bargain. In
quire of A. H. Dale, Tionesta, Pa. It
The Tionesta water and gas com
names have a notice id this issue
which may be of importance to many,
Read it.
F. X. Kreitler, of Nebraska,
Forest county, spent two or three
days in town the latter part of last
week on business. Brookvule Demo
A large stock in Lumbermen's
wear, such as wool gooos, Arctics
and overshoes, at Baroett's. These
goods will be sold at prices which
will please. 2t.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Herron and
daughter, Effie, of Grand Juuction,
Iowa, who have been the guests of
Mrs. Herron's brother, Mr. Kelly, for
the paBt three weeks, took their de-
parture yesterday.
What Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
U.. A fn. ntW. fnr nA.rlv two
tt .ill An fnr vn. If
you will try it once you will be con
vinced that it is the best family
medicine, and you will never be with
out it.
Marv. eldest daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. James Coonely, of the Bo
tough, died on Thursday morniog
last, from measles, complicated with
heart disease. The deceased bad
been an invalid from iufancy. The
funeral took place on Saturday, the
remains being iuttrred in the Cathn
lie cemetary at Tidioute
Tbe death of Frances J., wife of
J. J. Greenewalt, Esq., occurred at
ber home in Baroett township, on the
21st inst. Her trouble was heart di
sease. She was aged about 50 years,
Ma m, nf ATri Dltlliel
" o.d.v. --'
Black of Tionesta township. Tbe
funeral took place on Wednesday.
Interment at Wilderness tnurcn.
Besides tbe regular normal
I course the Clarion Normal sustains
the following departments: College
Preparatoiy, Music, Stenography,
special elocution and Military drill.
StudeuU are p6'00'118'1 to euter al
I . I. I . nnnnanianna Kaeilftllfina ATP
45 minutes io length and the iostruc
Hons not to be excelled in thorugb-
Congressman George F, Kribbs
of Clarion, bas caused the the arrest
of Editor John J. Shick, of the Jack
Ionian on charge of libel. Tbe trou
ble grows out of tbe publication by
Mr. Shick of some pretty severe stric
ture on tbe course of Mr. Kribbs in
connection with the appointment of a
postmaster fur Clarion borongb, for
which Mr. S. was an applicant.
Wheu you want to buy a suit of
clothes just look around, and when
you have made the round just buy
where they are as cheap and better,
whioh. of course. Is at Lbdiod's, 2t.
Mrs. C. C. Thompson, wife of
es-&peaker Caleb C. Thompson, died
at ber home io Warren, of a compli
cation of ailments, Sunday after a
long illness. The deceased was 47
years old and is survived by her hus
band and two childreo. Speaker
Thompson has a host of friends in
this county who will bear of this be
reavement with feelings of profound
There is joy in the lumber woods
to-day, for nothing in nature could be
more welcome than the eight or ten
inches of snew which covers the
ground. With a fairly "zeroio" at
mosphere for the neit three weeks
the woods will be full of activity,
which even the Wilson bill cannot
prevent. There's nothing wrong
with this kind of weather, at least in
this neck o' woods.
The Tionesta Gas Co. has let the
contract to Grove Bros, for drilling
or rather finishing a partly drilled
well on the company's territory on
Hemlock. It is to be put in shape
for attaching to the main line at a
moment's notice, not because of pres
ent need, but as precautionary matter
in case anything should go wrong
with No. 3, where the present supply
of gas is now taken from.
A correspondent at Starr postof-
Gee writes about a school exhibition
given at the Uerman mil school
bouse on the zbtb inst.: it was a
graod success and was so largely at
tended that not only the building
was filled but many had to remain
ontside. 1 be school room was more
beautifully decorated than on any
previous occasion, and the stage was
elevated so that the people in the
back part of the room could com'
mand a good view without difficulty
At 7:30 p. m. the entertainment was
begun by an openiug address follow
ed by music, after which the large
program, consisting of recitations,
dialogues, tableaux, essays, and vo
csl and instrumental music, was very
successfully carried out, eaeh perform
er doing his or her part exceptionally
well. The entertainment lasted till
10:30 when all departed for their
homes, feeling that they had enjoyed
a most delightful eveniug's treat.
Hon. Ephraim Cowan, the vet
eran founder of the Warren Mail,
died suddenly in Washington, D. C,
on Tuesday evening, Jan. 23, 1894
He had been somewhat indisposed
with an attack of grip, but was not
considered dangerously ill even up to
the hour of his death. For nearly
forty years Mr. Cowan has been th
editor and proprietor of the Man,
and by a straight-forward, honorable
course has not only made it one of
the most reliable journals of the
State, but by consistent and conscien
tious effort been largely instrumental
in making Warren county what it is
to-day, one of the reliably Republican
of the State. In this work be has
for a number of years past been ably
seconded by bis two sous, Willis and
Dwight, partners in the proprietor-
ship of the paper. Mr. Cowan has
beld many offices of trust, and at the
lime of bis death was private sec re-
ty t Publio Printer Palmer, at
WaSDIOCtOn. 110 W88 in ID6 I iO
Tear of his age. lbe funeral servi-
ces took place from his late residence
in Warren on Saturday last.
Tionesta Junior C. E.
The Tionesta Junior Christian Eo
deavor Society was organized during
the summer of 1892, but no records
were kept till Nov. '92, when the
members numbered nearly forty,
wbioh bas been our number ever
sioce. ine society lias oeen in ac
tive service ever since its organiza
tion. All Sunday School papers aud
. i . . . . .... . . i ,
all the gospel literature me raemners
get are carefully saved lor the box or
barrels which we send occasionally to
home missionaries. One large box
was sent to J. B. Mitchell, Medina,
Mich . in Dec. '92, and a barrel of
clothing and literature sent to More
head. Miss.. Feb. '93. and another
box of doting Nov. 13, '93, to J. B,
Curreos, Omaha, Neb. In June '93,
$2 00 worth of provisions were given
by the society to a needy family in
the town. In July I oa cream was
served by the Juniors for two nights
and 828.71 netted. From Sept. to
Christmas eight scrapbooks were fill
ed for Christmas gifts to a children's
hospital in Allegheny City
Tbe Junicrs bava lots of fun, too.
Three socials were held during the
year, two scrapbook socials at which
all cut and pasted at the pretty pic
ture books, and one "Nickle Social"
which cleared $2.20 for tbe soeiety
To the church extension fund of our
church we gave $25.00, which paid
for tbe little chairs io the Sunday
School class-rooms. Amount io
Treasury now, $6.18.
Sarah Morrow, Pres.
Marie Bmearbauuh, Seo
Gertrude McKluoes Supt.
Another lot of FilUbury flour
at Lsoson's. It.
Wood Work tor the Chnreli.
The revival services of the Presby
terian church which closed last week
were attended with a measure of
success that must be very gratifying
alike to pastor and members of the
congregation, not alone on account of I
the goodly number received into
membership, but because of the very
healthy condition in which these ef
forts have left the church. A feature
in connection with the meetings, and
which doubtless added materially to
their success, was the meetings held
for men only. The first one held in
the afternoon of the Sunday preced
ing these services was attended by
nearly all the men in town not con
nected with other churches. The
pastor stated that the object of the
meeting was to consider what could
be done toward helping to make the
meeting successful in accomplishing
the object in view. Many suggestions
were offered by those present, which
might be summed up in a single state
ment: "Attend ourselves and endea
vor to get others to do so. lhe
large attendance of men at the meet'
ings of the the two weeks following
showed that they were in earnest.
Last Sabbath afternoon another
large and quite enthusiastic meeting
was held at which the question of
"how to make permanent the work
so auspiciously begun" was discussed.
lbe results or these meetings bsve
already begun to show themselves;
for instances, one class in Sunday
School bad an increase of ten men on
Sunday last, and still "there are more
to follow." The question of "how to
reach the men" has been largely
solved in this place it would seem,
They are ready to go if properly ap
proached. Rev. McAninch is enthu
siastic and indefatigable in bis efforts,
and his popularity with young and
old has largely told in favor of the
church in this work.
Hicks on February Weather.
lbe month is expected to come in
cloudy with rain, sleet and snow up
to the 7th, when a regular storm per
iod, with snow, is predicted lasting
till the 11th. This period is to be
both preceded aDd followed by a
sweeping cold wave, insuring cold
weather until about the 14th. The
17th is the central day of the next
storm period, and by the 21st will
reach the eastern section ; this period
will also be followed by a severe cold
wave. The month is expected to go
out in cold winter weather. Accord
injj to these forecasts, our winter is to
come io February, when, if Mr,
Hicks is correct, we will, or should,
have sleighing and enough freezing to
insure an ice barvest. .Let s watch
and see.
The lumbermen have been improving
the time tbe last few days putting in their
wares, the plank road being the only
road where sleighing is Indulged in. A
few inches of snow would add greatly to
the hauling.
Some time ago mention was made
about the protracted meeting at Whig
Hill, which was held in the newly dedi
cated M. E. Church, by both M. E. mem
bers and Free Methodists. Since last
week the latter named denomination has
been holding meetings In the F. M.
church with good results. The young
people from here seem to take a lively
interest in the meetings, as several are in
attendance nightly.
Mrs. Thomas Gifford, of Mayburg la
quite sick.
The Ropublicaus of Kingsley twp. met
at Whig Hill school house on Jan. 27,
and nominated a full ticket for the regu
lar spring election.
The Democrats of the same twp. met at
Newtown Mills same date at 2 p. m. and
also put a full ticket in tbe field.
A few of Mrs. M. Audrews' many
friends called on ber Saturday evening.
The people present were Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Kribbs, Mr. Web and Bert and
Miss Sadie Ampler, brothers and sister of
Mrs. Kribbs, Miss Ella Ardery, Miss
Nellie Jackson, Miss Oertie Griilln, Mr,
Thos. Gillooly, Leslie Catlin aud Joe
The Kellettville P. O. has been both a
money order and postal note office for the
past month. Something new for us.
The querry among tho gentle sex Is
why did Less sacrifice that darling inns
tache. Let her grow Lewi.
Wm. Tobey's fast trotter gave an ex
hibition of bis wonderful speed one day
last week by whirling Mr. Tobey and cart
over the rough hubs and having bis own
way until the sulky could stand tbe
strain no longer and gave way, throwing
Mr. T. out and smashing the cart all to
smithereens. Fortunately the occupant
was not injurred in the least. This is
not the first time that this animal has
had his own way, and it is high time that
he should be checked.
The ice crop in this vicinity looks
mighty slim and with most of the win
tor past there are small prospects of a
very large crop.
Kellettville seems to have a desire to
let the people in the outside world know
what they are doing, as they have a re
porter who occasionally dots down a few
items for the HarrUburg Telegram.
Will Walks
Tbe attention of base ball play
ers who receive wounds of one kind
or another every day, from bat or
ball, is directed to tbe fact, tbat Sal
vation Oil is the best application io
in use for tbe cure of cuts, bruises
I and sprains. 25 cents.
Republican Nominations.
The following nominations have been
made by the Republicans of the several
townships, so far as we have been able to
learn :
Judge of Eloctions, Wm, Pattersons
Inspector, S. T. Beckwithi Road Com
missioner, N. G. Cole ; School Directors,
W. W. Bowman, II. A. Dottererj Collec
tor, Joe Hlnderer; Treasurer, F. X.
Kreitler ; Clark, Loon Watson j Over
seer of the Poor, M. Wertz 1 year, Ed.
Klser, 2 years t Justice of the Peace, B.
A. McCloskey.
Judge of Elections, R. Rudolph ; In
spector, H. E. Lovell; Road Commis
sioners, A. II. Downing, J. I. Dean;
School Directors, Christopher Zundel, J.
II. Shunk ; Clerk, John Shaw ; Treasur
er, R. C. Heath ; Overseer of Poor, Con
rad Burhenn; Collector, J. M. Zueldel ;
Auditor, G. S. Ilindman; Pathmasters,
A. L. Weller, Henry Deshner, L. H.
Barnes, W. L. Osgood, W. H. Dotterer,
David Sutton, John Weller.
Judge of Elections, Asa Loyejoy In
spector. A. W. Stroup; Road Commis
sioner, George Swab ; Overseer of Poor,
Henry Rhodes ; School Directors, John
Wolf, Robert Mealy; Collector, JeBse
Carson ; Auditor, W. W. Thomas; Clerk,
James Mong.
Justice of the Peace, T. J. Reyner and
J. O. Glonn ; School Directors, J. C,
Campbell and Robert Paraish ; Collector,
Phill Kellogg; Road Commissioner,
John Hoover; Pathmaster, Andy Truby;
Overseer of Poor, H. H. Harp, John
Glenning; Auditor, W. C. Brown;
Treasurer, Chas. 8. Leech ; Clerk, Ed.D.
Stelner : Judge of Election, S. M. Hen
ry ; Inspector, Ed. Fitzgerald.
Burgess, C. R. Davis ; Council, John
R. Osgood, F. R. Lanson, A. B. Kelly
High Constable, Wm. L. Hunter ; School
Directors, L. J. Hopkins, L. Agnew
Collector, D. S. Knox ; Overseer of the
Poor, W. A. Grove ; Judge of Elections,
R. B. Crawford ; Inspector, H. O. Davis ;
Auditors, H. H. Shoemaker, A. VV,
The Democrats of the Borough nomi
nated the lollowing ticket on Monday
evening: Burgess, T. F. Ritchey; Coun
cil, S. H. Haslet, Patrick Joyce, R. M.
Herman; High Constable, John Hood ;
School Directors, D. W. Clark. J. B.
Hagerty ; Collector. Philip Emert;
Overseer of Poor, J. B. Siggins ; Judge
of Elections, J. S. Hood ; Inspector, J.
W. Stroup.
Road Commissioners, W. J. Gorman,
J. S. Vail ; Overseer of Poor, R.
W. Pimm ; Constable, Collector, and
Assessor, J. K. Green ; Clerk, George L.
King ; Auditor Hotchkiss ; Justice
of the Peace, James Mclntyre. Election
officers for Lower Harmony Judge, H.
M. Zahuiser; Inspector, Bert Thompson.
Upper Harmony Judge, R. W. Pimm ;
Inspector, Patrick Mooney.
Judge of Elections, George Krider;
Inspector, A. E. South worth; Road
Commissioner, George Patch ; Justice of
the Peace, John Stoughton ; School Di
rectors, W. J. Foreman, Lewis Keister,
Gus B. Evans ; Constable and Collector,
J. C. Church ; Overseer of Poor, John
Burns; Auditor, Hainmie Foreman;
Treasurer, Jas. S. Henderson ; Clerk,
Gus B. Evans,
Porter Haskell of Main street, while
talking with a friend yesterday just be
fore dinner time, was taken by a violent
case of hemorrhage of tbe nose, and two
physicians were called to administer tbe
proper remedies. In a short time he
was all right again. Clarion Jacksonian,
It is a peculiar fact that for the first
time in a quarter of a century a barrel of
apples Is worth more than a barrel of
flour, and tbe relative difference prom
ises to prove larger before the year is
closed. Fair apples now retail at f3
barrel, while flour can be obtained fully
a dollar cheaper. It is also cheaper to
buy good oranges by the box than ap
ples by the barrel. Ex.
Advices by the steamer Belglo from
China, announced the complete aniiihlla
tion by earthquake of the town of Kutch
an, Persia. Twelve thousand persons
were killed in the awful disaster. Ten
thousand bodies have been recovered to
date. The once important and beautiful
city of 20,000 people is now only a scene
of death, desolation and terror, fifty
thousand cattle were destroyed at the
same time.
We all admire the beautiful bymu
"Nearer my God, to Thee." Now if you
will take a bushel of potatoes, a sack of
tlour and a big chunk of meet to some
poor family, who are suffering for the
necessaries of life, it will bring you near
er to God than all the spiritual songs you
can sing for the next six mouths. Tbe
songs are all right and exert a good inliu
ence, but when mixed with a charitable
doed the combination gives much peace
ful rest to the conscious.
A few days ago Judge Doty of West
moreland county, Pa., decided in a test
case that theatrical companies, exhibi
tions meuageries, circuses, etc., are re
quired under the law to pay a license of
J50 In every county where they do busl
ness. unless they have a state license,
The decision is made on an old act of As
sembly which was passed in 1815, wheu
the state was hard up for money, aud
which has never been repealed. Its en
forcemeat to the letter would play ha
voc with most of the theatrical troupes in
this State and would make them very
scarce withiu our borders in future,
However, Attorney General Hensel aud
the Auditor General have accepted J udg
Duty's ruling, and have iustructed coun
ty treasurers to collect tho foO fee, ex
cent where a State license is held. The
latter costs ? 1,000.
Of peculiar happenings, one occurred
right here In Bradford a few days ago,
that many say they have never beard the
like of. Master James Lludsey a few
days sinco found in the front yard of Mr,
C. E. JudU's property on Congress street
a pansy stock, containing some six
eight buds and one full blown pansy,
Tho flower was perfect, unusually large
of the mottled variety aud seemed to be
quite hardy. -Record Another of these
peculiar happenings can be recorded as
transpiring in our Mountain City. On
Sunday last Mr. W. O. Marvin wore a
buttoniere of pansies that ho secured
from a slock in his garden, and be it
said ffrom undori.the snow ;whlch had
fallen In the small hours of the morn.
The pansies were noticed in bloom tho
day previous by Mr.jMartin and reserved
for the Sabbath. Kane Republican.
J. II. Connely, of Greensburg, Ind.,
who died about ten days ago, participated
in one of the most dramatic episodes of
the late war. He was the officer in
charge of the signal station on Kenesaw
Mountain, from which was sent Gener
al 8herman's celebrated message, "Hold
the Fort." At the last reunion Connely
attended he told the story of the famous
dispatch from Kenesaw,lropenting it as it
was dictated by Sherman.
Feed of all kinds cheap for cash,
at Lanson's. 2i.
Since winter has at last come,
Baroett is offering woolen goods at
from 25 to 40 per cent, below former
prices. The goods must be sold and
prices will not stand iu the way. To
prove this call and see. 2t.
Cheap lime to buy a dress.
Lanson is trying to clean out before
inventory. 2t.
Go to Ledebur & Miles for bar
gains in underwear, gloves aud mit
tens, tf.
Hard weather to sell, but a good
time to buy, overcoats at Lanson's It
The Republican is now only
one dollar a rear. Subscribe and
get your neighbor to do likewise.
What's Grand Pap's Wonder
soap? Buy a cake at Lanson's and
try it. 2t,
Bargains in shoes at Ledebur &
Miles'. tf.
J. A. (Jault re Uo will save you
money on groceries. Send for their
monthly price list. J. A. Gault &
Co., Kittanning, Pa. 2t.
We pay the highest market price
for good second growth white oak
spoke timber, delivered at Oil City,
or at stations on the W. N. Y. & P.
Railroad. Eagle Spoke Works, Oil
City, Pa. tf.
The great offer being made by the
Pittsburg Dispatch to take the sixty
teachers of Pittsburg, Alleghony and
other points in Pennsylvania, Ohio,
West Virginia and Maryland, to Atlantic
City in July is the talk of the hour. The
additional inducement that tho twelve
teachers of the sixty who receive the
largest number of votes will be taken on
supplementary trip to Philadelphia,
New York and Boston after the Atlantic
City trip is over is Indicative of the liber
alty which governs the Pittsburg Dis
patch in everything it docs. Give your
favorite teacher the benefit of a splendid
summer outing.
About a year ago I took a violent at
tack of la grippe. I coughed day and
nigt for about six weeks ; then my wile
suggested that I try Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. At first I could see no differ
ence, but still kept taking it, and soon
found that it was what l needed, it i
got no relief from one dose I took anoth
er, and it was only a few days until I was
free trom the couKii. I tnuiK peopio in
general ought to know the value of this
remedy, aud I lake pleasure in ark now
lodging the benefit I havo received from
It. Madison Mustard, utwav, Ulilo.
and 50 cent bottles for salo by Siggins it
"During the epidemic of hi grippe
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy took the
lead here and was much lietter liked no re
than any other cough modicine." M. M,
isanirs, aruggists, ciiaiswortn, in. me
grippe Is very much the same as a very
severe cold and requires precisely the
same treatment. This remedy is prompt
and etlectual and will prevent any ten
dency of the disease toward pneuniouia.
t or sale by aiggius . Llermau.
Wee the World's Ealr fnr Flllrrii t'euis.
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, we wi
mail vou prepaved our Souvenir Portfo
lio of the World's Columbian Exposition,
the regular price is Filly cents, put as we
want you to have one, we make the price
I1UU1IIIM.1. X uu will nun ii a w 11 iv m hi v
and a thing to be prized. It contains lull
pane views of the Kreat buildiims, with
descriptions of same, and is executed in
mgliest style oi art. it not satisiied witii
it, alter you get it, we will refuud the
stamps and let you Keep the hook. Ad
dress 11. E. Bucklun t Co., Chicago 111. 4
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. Kinn's New-
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try It Free. Call on tho advertised Drug
gist and got a Trial liottle Free. Send
your name and ad doss to U.K. Ilnekleiuk
Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.
Klnu s jew l,ue I'llls free, as won as
copy of Guide to Health and Household
instructor, free. Ail oi which is guar
anteed to do you good and cost you noth
ing, siggins dt Herman s Drugstore.
-The persistent cough which usually
follows an attack of the grippe can be
fiermanently cured by taking Chaiuber
ain's Couch Remedy. W. A. McWiiire
of McKay, Ohio, says: "La grippe lolt
me with a severe cough. Alter using
several uiueruiii iiicuii'iiu-n w iiuiiui renin,
1 tried Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
which effected a permanent cure. I have
also lound it to bo without an eitial for
equal fur children, when troubled with
colds or croup. 25 and bo cent bottles lor
sale by Biggins Herman.
A Horrible Itullroud An-iileul.
Is a dully chronicle in our papers : also
the death of some dear friend, w ho has
died with consumption, whereas, if he or
she had taken Otto s cure lor I hroat ami
Lung diseases in time life would havo
been rendered happier and peihuns
saved. Hoed the warning I If you hare
a cough or any atluclioii of the Throat
aud lungs call at Siggins it Herman, Tio
nesia, or W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory,
sole agents, and get a trial bottle tree.
Large size 60c. 4
Tbe Trouble Over.
A prominent man in town exclaimed
the other day : "My wife, has wear
ing hur Ule out from the t Herts ol Dys
pepsia, Liver Complaint and Indigestion.
llurcase halltml the skill oi our liestphy
sieians. Alter using three packages of
Hacou's Celery King for tiie nerves she
is almost entirely well." Keep your
blood in a healthy condition by tho use
of this great vegetable compound. Cull
onStguiiisdi Herman, Tionesiu, or W.
G. Wilkins, Wust Hickory, sole agents,
snd gel a trial package I rue. Large siio
&uc. 4
Tho best Salvo In the world for Cuts,
MniiKPs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Clmpp'vl Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay req uired. It
is guaranteed to give perfect sstislartion,
or money refunded. Price 2o cents per
box. For sale bv Siggins A fiaon.
Ilnn'l Tnhsrro Mpll or Smnkc Your Life
away is the truthful, startling title of a
littlo book that tells all about No-to-bao,
the wonderful harm less guaranteed to
bacco habit euro. The cost Is trifling,
and tho man who wants to quit and can t
runs no physical or financial risk In us
ing "No- to bac." Sold by all druggists
Hook at drug store or by mail free. Ad
dress, The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana
.Mineral springs, Ind.
When Baby was sick, we guT her CastorU.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
Whra she became MIkb, she clung to Cantoris,
When the had Children, she gare them Oaftoris.
LEECH McCONN Jan. 18, In Clarion,
Pa., by Rev. J. S. Elder, D. D., Sam
uel P. Leech, Marienville, Pa., and
Cora L. McConn, Strattonville, Pa.
Extract of Rules of Tionesta Water
Supply Company, and Tionesta
Gas Company.
All applications for water must be
made to the Superintendent or Compa
ny, who will issue a permit to the owner
oi' the premises or the plumber doing
the work, w hich permit must be return
ed to tho oltioe of the Water Company
within forty-eight hours after the com
pletion of the work, setting forth on
bacK of said permit, the location of the
premises and purpose lor wnicu toe
water is to be used ; no additional con
nections or fixtures nor any alteration
of any tap, pipe or cock, shall be made
without a permit issued oy tne nuperin
tendnnt or company."
All persons wishinu to have gas con
nections made or changed must make
application to Superintendent of Gas
Co., who win issue a permit to me per
son wanting connections made or chang
ed, stating who is to do the work. No
chanue or addition of anv light, burner.
or valve can be made without permit in
writing issued by (Superintendent or tne
Company, unless the work is done by the
Attention is railed to the toregoing
rules; esporinllv those who have been
changing gas or water pipes or fixtures.
Anv one who violates the aoove rules is
liable to be dealt with according to tbe
act of assembly, May 2!l, 18h5, or an oct
of April t, 1H74.
A. W. KICHABDH, Blipt.
Whereas. The Hon. Charles IT. Noyes,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and (.miner sessions in ana lor
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Hessians of the Peace Or
phans' Co'irt, Over and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for
th; County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of Feb., being the 26th day
of Feb., 18(14. Notice is therefore given to
the Coroncr,.i usticesoi tne reace ana con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o ClOCK A. 41., OI Slliu uay Willi wiuir
records, inouisitions. examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their olhce appertain to be done.
and to those who are bou nd in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners ibat are
or shall bo in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
nga'inst thein as shall be just. Given un
der mv hand and seal this 30th day of
January, A. 1). 1W4.
JOHN T. CARSON, L.8. Sheriff.
and Jeweler of 2r, years' experience,
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
AIwhvs guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keoley Club
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of William It. Heath, late of Kingsley
mwnsmp, roresi county, ra , aeceaseu,
having been granted to the undersigned,
ail persons indebted to said estate are re
( nested to make payment, and all having
claims against the same will please pre
sent tliciu duly, auiliuiuicated, iur settle
ment. U. C. HEATH, Administrator,
Jan. ', 18U4. Starr, Forest Co., Pa.
Is the condition that confronts us at this
season of the year. To keep our bands
at work during January we must have
Vill be made into Perfect Fitting, Cor
rect Stylo Clothing at two thirds their
Scoteh Cheviots, Houie-spuns and
Tweeds Sack Suits to order f 18 to 22.
English Worsted Suitings in Stripes,
Chucks and Mixtures Sack Suits to or
der, f24.0 to $30.00.
Martins mul Clays, Black and Blue
Worsteds for dress, iu Cutaway Suits to
order, f'J.0O to $35.00,
Trousers, f.i.OO to $8.00.
A few of those elegant Fur and Etesian
Heavers and Montgiiucs for Ulsters aud
long overcoats price $25.
If you have never patronized our
stores ask your fi lends about the saving.
of the linn of MORCK HKO'S,
Hpcciulint ill Errors of Kel ruction of the
Eye. Exainiualious free of charge.