t. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. W 15 DN ICS DAY, H KPT KM II Kit H7, 18!3. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Ilurge. C. 11. Davis. (SrandJnm, Joseph Clark, V. A. drove, W. A. inlands, 8. II. llaslot, A. IX. Dale Joseph Morgan. Jnaticr.a uf lit Peace J. F. Propor, S. J. Hotloy, OonntiibteH. H. Canflohl. Collector S. 8. Canflohl. M-Aoo Director D. H. Knox, J. T. Hronnan, J. 11. Clark, T. P. ltltehoy, U. W. Holoman, J. K. Wonk. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. M ember of ConqreMn. F. Kmnns. Member of NcnnteWKtinx A. Hall. Assembly J. J. IIakhit. President J uittje Cm aiu.kr II. Notes. 4o!iaf JuilgeiJonn II. Writs, C. W. rt.AHK. Treasurer Q. Jamiksofj. Prothonotary, neijisler A Recorder , Ac. C.AI.VtK M. A UN Kit. Sheriff: JoilK It. Osgood. Vommitnionem C. F. Er.DKnun, Jas. McIntyrk, Philip Emkslt. County Superintendent O. W. Kmtn. District Attorney P. M. Ci.abk. Jury fJnmtnoncr Jno, N. llKATII. 11. W. Guiton. County .Surveyor S. F. PnorKH. (roriei D. W. Claiik. Comity A uditorsV. W. Thomas, J. A. Dawson, 11. Flynk. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONKSTA IjODUE, No. .Wit, 1. 0. 0. F. Meots every Tuesday evening, in Odd Follows' Hall, 'Partridge building. 'iXJRKST I.ODOE, No. 1H4, A. O. U. W., I Moots every Friday evening in A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionosta. AHHINMTON CAMP, No. 420, P.O. 8. of A., meets every Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. VV. Hall', Tionosta. CAPT. OKOIU1K BTOW POST, No. 274 O. A. It. Meots 1st and 3d Wednes day evening In earn month, In Odd Fel lows, Hall, Tionesta. CAVT. OKOllOK STOW COUPS, No. 1.(7, W. It. C, meots first and third Wednesday evening of eaeh month, In A. O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. B O A It D of KX A MINING SURQKONH third Wodnosdav of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in Dr. Morrow's olUce, Tionosta, Pa. 13 M. CLARK, 1 . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, and District Attorney. Oflieo, cor. of lm and Uridgo Streets, Tionosta, Pa. Also agont for a numbor of reliable Flro Insurance Companies. at F. ItlTCHKY, . ATTORNKY-AT-IjAW, Tionesta, Pa. EDWARD K. IIAM, ATTORN E AT LAW, Tionosta, Pa. Ofllce with 8. D. Irwin Esq. pvTl. F. T. NASON, XJ Physician, Surgeon fc Druggist. TIONESTA, PA Office on Elm Stroot. Calls attondod to promptly day and night. T n. SIOQINS, M. D., v , P hyslcian. Surgeon A Druggist, J W. MORROW. M. D., Physician, Surgeon Dentist Olllico and residence threo doors north of Lawrence House, Tionesta. Protossion al calls nrouiiitlv responded to at all hours. nit. I'RKSTON STEELE xJ Homoeopathic Physician A Surgeon TIONKSTA, PA. Olllce In tho rooms formerly occupied by E. L. Davis. Calls made night or dav. LAWRENCE HOUSE, L. AGNKW, Proprietor. Tionesta, Pa. Centrally located, greatly eiilnrireil. newlv turnishod throughout, and completo in all its appointments. Sample rooms for Commercial Agents, Hood Livery in connection. GENTHAL HOUSF, O. C. DKOWNELL, Proprietor. Tlonsela, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to muko It a pleasant stopping placo for the traveling public PUliST HOTEL, Wost Hickory, Pa. Jacob Homier, Proprietor. This hotol has but recently been comploted, is nice ly furnished throughout, and offers the finest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public. Hates l eusonable. MAY, PAHIC A CO., HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Walnut tits., Tionesta, Pa., lfank of Discount and Deposit. In rwf nllnuAil on Time Deposits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. pHIL. EMEHT, FANCY HOOT SHOEMAKER, Khon In flock building next to Smear- iinirh Co.'m store. Is nrenared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satislaction. rrompi atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JOHENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. tluGUsr Mosaic J it. of the firm of MOKCK BKO'S, OPTICIA1TS, Specialist In Errorsof Refraction of the Eye. Examinations freo of cliargo. WARREN, l'ENN. Fred. Grcttenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, (las or Water t it tingsaiidfenifiral lllacksniitliing prompt ly done at low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and aatisfactiou guaranteed. Shop in rar of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGEIt. Broker in Jl hal Estate And General Insurance. Wild LatidHfor Hale. JFartna far Sale. irotines iC Lots far Sale iroascft for llent. Do you wish to sell or exchango Itoal Estato? or doalro Insurance on your buildings or housoliold furnlturoT Call on mo. Chnrrh and Mnbbnih Hrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. I M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Proachinir in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rankin. Preaching in the F. M. Church every ftahhath evening at the usual hour. Rev. A. T. Nairer. Pastor. Services In the Presbyterian Church every Habbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch omciating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil morket closed yesterday 66. Wanted 1,000 feet for shoes at Ledebur & Miles' tf. Leaves are turning, and soou H the beautiful autumnal hues will be painieu on me nuisiues. U K. DrauDury puts new rows in old wringers, does a good job and ma charges are reasonaDie. iry mm. Mr. W, Y. Siggins of Harmony, Butler county, was shaking hands with old friends here a day or two of last week. The goat was rampant at the B. P. O. E. rooms Tuesday night, and F. A. Wheeler, of Tionesta was made an Elk. Warren Mirror, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kerr leave Friday fur tbe World's Fair. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Yetter of Marienville McCusu & Simon, Oil City's famous tailors, hatters and furnishers, have something new to tell the people this week in their ad. Read it We were In error in stating that the teachrs' institute this year would beeio od Doc. 18. It should have been Dec. 25th, one week later, Dr. Stonecipher of Marienville attended a meeting of the pension ex amining board, of which he is Prcsi dent, held here last Wednesday. Representative Haight will please accept our thanks for a copy of Smull's Hand Bouk for '93, with out which a print shop wouldo't he in it. P. M. Clark Esq., ,is attending the State conveutiou of tho Knights of the Maocabees, at Butler, this week, as the representative of Tio- uesta Teut, No. 164. The many friends of Dr. Siggin9 will be glad to learu that he is on his pins again, and almost as good as new, The doctor is gaining strengh rapidly and is feeling "tip lop as he express- es It. Tbe Sires Photo. Gallery will he open Thursday hereafter instead of Saturdays. Parties having work done there should nolo the change of days, aud govern themselves accord- iogly. 2t. Mr. Adams of Rtissellburg, Pa., the one armed saw pounder, has been doing some work io this section for a few days past. What Mr. A. don't know about saw pounding is not worth mentioning. WI nt Wm ahorthand dur. ing these long evenings T It is very simple and easily .i ..D;i i..,n.j Yn tlllU v0 1 I T tVMSUlU w could put your time to a profitable use. Full particulars will be given by addressing "II,".care of box 76, Tionesta, Pa. A l.r, barn with its contents situated at Red Clyffe, Forest county, and belonging to Mrs. Alice G. Kuu- selmao, was totally destroyed by fire on Friday morning of last woek Loss about 81200. Fully insured. Clarion Rep.- Gazette. Tbe trial of the Edinboro Nor mat School prosecutions, in which Prof. Cooper was prosecutor, came to a sudden close in the Erie court on Friday. Tbe jury took only ten minutes to acquit Scrafford and place the costs on Cooper. Franklin Aews, Samuel Hackett, the counterfeit er arrested here aod taken to Wil liamsport for trial in the U.S. Circuit court last week, plead guilty to the charges preferred agam-st Him ana was given foor years in the peoiten- tiary. It is thought inaj lie mo shortened his sentence considerable. The Epworth League baa a rare treat iu store for those who atteud the musical entertainment at the M. E. Cnurch tieil Saturday evening. The celebrated New Orleans University Singers have been engaged for thai evening, and those mho have ever heard them heretofore will not need to be urged to go again. Tbey are simply excelled, as all will say who hear them. Popular prices, 25 and 15 cents. Don't be Hirprlsed. Should you fall t-i get your paper next week, riou'l faint. Fact is, we're thrown out lome pretty broad hints about home that we couldn't think of going to the World's Fair unless accompanied by our better half. We probably overdid ibis. At least she finally look us at our word, n,l agreed to go, and now we're in for it. And there being no available timber about to keep the print shop agoing, our only allerration is to stop the press for a week, throw busi- to the dogs and see the big show. Bo if you don't see the Republican next week don't let it break break your heart. We'll make it all up "at the end of the year." The following marriage licenses were recently issued by the Reorder of (Jiarion county: Henry 15. Dotter- er of Forest county and Lilly M. Black of Shippenvile. John E. Swartzfager of Forest county and Mary B. Kuntzhels of Paint town- ship. -The new firm of Ledebur & Miles are out in a new ad. this week. They extend a cordial invitation to the Dublin to call aod inspect their gtock aod pricc8 before makiog pur. chases elsewhere, and euarantee best 0r satisfaction iu all respects. try them. If all go who are calculating on it Tionesta will send a pretty good delegation to the Worlds Fair this evening: Mr. and Mrs. K. Al. iter- man, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Puffinbcrg, Sheriff Oscrnod. Kditor Muse of the 0 , I Vimucaior, anu u.e eu.ior .,. uie runi.iuAw aou wiie. The new Presidine Elder of the Franklin district, Kev. Unas. u. Mead is a son of Rev. O. L. Mead, who served the church many years . since. He is a vounir man nossessea of fine ability, thoroughly educated, au eloquent preacher, and in all re- specls qualified for the work. Frank- I in Neivn. I , , . , . jo ok out ior norse tnieves, Bays the Blizzard, who are disDosine of I ' 1 their booty at low prices. Fiftyfour head of horses have been stolen in Clearfield and adjoining counties within the laBt six or seven weeks, - I Tbey are being taken out of stables and from pasture held, and general- ly sold to iuooceut purchasers. -Chairman J. I. Woods was down from Marienville one day last week, Mr. Woods is alive to the interests of the Republican party of this county, and so far as his part in tbe campaign goes, there will be no laggiue. The Republicans should laod their ticket this fall by majorities ranging from 300 to 500, aud we believe tbey will. Get out the vote. Atteution is directed to tbe card of Edward E. Boll Esq., Attorney at Law, in this issue. Mr. Ball is from Haven, Pa., where he was one 0f ,ne eding attorneys of tbe Clin ton enuntv Bar. and he comes anient? us with the best of recommendations. We welcome him as a citizen of our pretty town, and bespeak for him a I good practice. Perhaps the haudsomest wagon ever turued out by Scowden & Clark went to Capt. Haight last week. It was a light one calculated for either one or two boree work, aod waa ex ceptinnally well built throughout, The boys are finishing up some of the 1 nicest work in the vehicle line just now that has been seen in this section. Iospect their goods before buying eisewuero. The Derrick of Monday says "A three-year-old son of Rev. C. R, Thompson, of Plumer, died of scarlet fever at the home of its parents baturciay uigtii anil was ounea oun- 1 r. . ... I I . day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Thompson na 018 remaining mree cuuureu r a11 dangerously sick with the same disease." Rev. Thompsons many Forest county friends will be paiued lo learn of bis sad affliction. After four hours deliberation Saturday the jury iu the Crecraft murder case at Meadville reodercd a verdict of not guilty and Marvin Newton and Emma Crecraft, who were arrested in the early summer of the present year on a charge of pois- ouiug John Crecraft, the husband of one of the defendants in July, 1892, was free. It is alleged that some of tj,e mo8t nromiuent witnesses for the prosecutioa re to be prosecuted for perjury. Derrick. Tb(J officill8 of lhe gti Jllieph & Council Plu9's railroad hit neon a ,.j ji,..,., .,,. nf rail, road train robbers ou Mouday. They i a i were uo tmed ot an intended ruDoery aud substituted a "dummy," loaded with policemen, for the regular train A desperate fight ensued, aud two i , . i , . . i . . , robber, were killed outright three captured and oDe escaped inis is the light kind of medicine. Let the railroad officials do a little detective ... ,.. ....... 1 . r. V ,l..a I. , ,1 .. i , .1 train ..111. in,. Ul III). a.lll4 Jill II B,U W..'g will not be such a flourishing business io the future. -Robert Hunter died at his home in West Hickory, on Monday, after a short illness, of inflamalioii of the bowels. He has been a lifelong citi zen of the county, and was always known as a quiet, industrious and highly esteemed niau. His age was about 45 years, and besides a widow, leaves several children and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. The funeral will be held here to-day, the interment taking place iu River side cemetery. The bereaved one have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their great loss. 11 appears the announcement that the Commission to select a silo for the proposed borne for feeble minded children in Western Pennsyl vania, had settled on a lotatinu near the villiage of Polk, Venango coun. ty. pretnatured, as the member have not fully decided on the ques tion. Several good sites have been offered but there are objections to all of them. A meeting at which the matter will be finally disposed of is shortly to be held, io the meaulime Trustee Dubs, of the Economy Socie ty, is anxious to sell the State the de sired amount of land from the famous Economy farm, along the Ohio riv- er . While theT have undoubtedly . . experienced some of the annoyances incident to hard times, it is probable the farmers have felt the effects of the stringency lees thau people in the cities and towns. The agriculturist are never driven to pauperism for want of work, of a home or of food, fuel nr elolhinrr When the laboring - - - e a classes in mo cu.es ana towns are inrown oui oi worn iney are not tue only ones who sutler in consequonce. i ne mercnouis, wno carry mem on ibeir books, in anticipation of a re turn of the good times, are crowded lr . . L L : 1 1 . 'Pi. 'or money io meei meir uuis. i ue farmer always has something to do, and something to eat, even if it is nut pie. Blizzard. Memorial or Mrs. S. A. Moan. Sarah A. Shnun was born. Oct. 3rd. ' I 1830. in Callensburg, Clarion county, Pa. Here her girlhood days were spent. She was married iu Edeu- burg, Clurion Co., Pa., March, 1848, to Mr. Samuel Sloan. Tbe first 14 years of her married life was spent I iu her native cuuty. In 1862 Mr. S'0"" removed his family to Venango county, and again in ie1 to iiones- . bere Mrs. Sloan departed this life on tbe morning of Sept. 20th, 1893. She united with the Presby- terian Cburcb at Concord, Clarion Co., Pa., in 1857, and with the M. E church by letter at President Veuan go Co., Pa., in lobo. ebe was a faithful and devoted christian. Cheer fulness and hopefulness were the leading characteristics of her life Sustained by these graces, she uever faltered in ber work nor saw any obstacles in ber way which she did not believe that, by God's help she could surmount. With this sun ny, hopeful uature was joined a warm sympathetic heart, that made her alive to the joy and sorrows of others, These elements uf character made ber a general favorite of all with whom she became acquainted. She was uctive in all kinds of church work and constant in her attendance when her ou tbe means ol grace health permitted it. She was a faith ful wife, a kintl, sympathelio mother, aud an obliging neighbor. She was especially active in tbe promotion of I the cause of Missions and temperance. She was president of tbe W. II. M. S. aud the W. C. T. U. a number of times, and filled the office with credit to herself and honor to the society. She was an invalid for the past two , confined to her bed duriug lho Un ix montLg of Ler ,ifu g,ie bor8 Ler lujrcringi( wbicb i re iolen8ei wUh gfeat palieoce and Christian fortitude, always manifest- itig a spirit of cheerfulness. She loved singing and prayer, aud always joined in both during devotional ex ercises. Many a love-feast we have enjoyed around her bedside. Truly can it be said of her she eudured hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. She fought a good fight, (he kept the faith, and when the K i(i'8 message came she was ready to re ceive the "crown of life," The husband and four dauchtcrs survive her: Mrs. T. J. VauGieseu of Leechburg, Pa., Mrs. W. R Dunn of Washington, D. C, Mrs. F. T. Nason and Miss May of Tiouesta. The fu neral eervici i were conducted at the hm.aa t 4-Kfl n. m Rent 91st. and when tbe setting sun was throwing its I,;IL. tops i - , ... . i . . . .. we lam ner mortal pari io rest, iu Riverside Cemetery, till the morning of the resurrection. Her body sleeps . . i.i . ..i I. the dust but her sunny soul moves on miu l'ie joyous company oi saints and augels, whose song is "a sona of eeree." a veritable etctl- , , , , , ! . , . .nH mIiah. .ftDinnfl II n , 1 .) F I li. I DIUI, WU1 W ...IDV MU.H.iw .uw leadership of the risen Master, Lord aud Savior, is fioin height lo height and from glory to glory. Husband and children, brothers and sinters, did not say farewell, but are waiting for their night to pass and the shad ows to lift, that they may hail her happy enfranchised spirit with a joy ful "good muriiing." "Precious in the sight of the Lord is tho death of his saints." J. R. Rankin. Itntlirr Rocky October Weather Rev. Hicks predicts that October will come in with reactionary storms well on their way to the ea6t. Some mow, rain and high winds may be expected along about 4th to 7th, and on and touching the 9th and lOtb the disturbances of greater magni tude will most likely occur. This period will be followed by a cold ware, and heavy frosts northward may he looked for. The next storm perioj is from the 15th to the 18th, which will bo preceded by warmer weather, growing colder again with snow to the north and west, with gen- cral rains, and severe autumnal gales in the lake regions. Cool days and nights will continue up to the reac liilmiu ill n n rin4 1st tat in artniil f Vt . . ,": .,u. i,u on the 22d and 93d nn.l nprhnns ns lute nn lha 95th , , - Another cold dash after this period. The last netiod of the month runs from the 26th to the 30lh. The last f,,ur rlavs uf October will be attended by a cold wave, AMAXS & SCHELLH AMMER, Plumbers. ..,, i(ll..lwl :,, the ht.ildincr i. , ro, , ,-. , . , , , j n t:j of plumbing. Will be glad to fur nish estimates on all kinds of plumb ing, Tinning and Furnace work. 3t. SF.WST K0TES. Have you ever seen times like those?' said one Democrat to another. "Yes, in '57 when we were In Leforo," was the re ply. Wichita Kagio. James Anderson, of Scrubgrass, I K XT.., 41... t , ,. rp . . ,.,ou ' . . . . ... spaBOn from 0 acres, an average of 44i bushels per aero. The F.diuboro Normal school loud has assumed such serious proportions that tho matter of removing tho school to some other place is being agitated. Erie wants to have It taken there. The McKean county courts will have another murder trial to dispose of at the next session. George Snyder In a jeal ous frenzy kicked his wife to death on ,le J4th' ,nHt ,n tho WOO(ls near Mt. Jewett. There Is alarm In Jamestown N. Y., over the spread of diphtheria In that city, About 100 deaths from the desease have occurred sinco spring. Jamestown has no sewers a "penny wise and pound foolish" system. The Bucktail reunion will be held at Willianisport, October 12. Comrades can attend the McKean county Associa lion reunion at Kane on tbe 11th and go to tVilliainsport that night, roaching there a little after 12 o'c'.ock. Articles of food that are damp or juicy should never be left in papor. Paper is merely a compound of rags, glue, limo and nimiliar substances, with acids and chemicals intermixed, and when damp is unfit to touch things that are to be eat en. The Harmony Socioty is advertising 3,000 acres of its Economy lands for sale, There are 1,200 acres laid out in town lots and the plan will contain handsome streets and boulevards. The plateau on which the I,ltta ls lo,,ated is 80 foot above the river and is a delightful place. The Slate Industrial School will be lo cated at Scotland, Franklin county, a few miles from Chambersburg. Tho Sol- diors' Orphans' Schools' Commission de cided this matter after a long session on Thursday last. Hoiling Springs, Cum- borland county, was a close second, the vote beiug 6 to 5. Peoplo who have been kissing tho Hlarney stone in the Irish villiago at the World's Fair, at 10 eta., a kiss have been smacking just au ordinary stono. The fact has been conclusively proven that no part of the stono has been taken from its original placo iu the old castle build ing in Ireland. Kovcral Moadville morchauts have been approached on the old check dodge, says the Guzette. A stranger appears and in- "P18 8"ns bargains for somothing, meantime thinks ho might as well pay for it now if the merchant can chaugo a check for amount larger than purchase, will lltivo 11 lauuil Jill in n ur in tnu, We have not learned that any ono was caught. Homo parties are traveling over the country with a sample of seed wheat, which tbey show and claim will yield M bushels to tho acre. They propone Unit they will furnish the seed and 1 00 pounds of phosphate per aero, and ask in return one-half of tho crop. This is certainly a good bargain for the seed, but it is still better when the signed paper turns out to be a note for two or threo hundred dollars. Ex, About in years ago Dr. K. H. Hrown of Troy, Jefferson county, began to treat a patient, Mrs. A brain Shaffer of near King gold, who was alllicted with uropsj. i i a nun. mi-UUvl.ii-u Then as now ..U..K flkB.I.. if nw...uMitr lo rnort to llin " J -- nietllo1 kn0wn as tapping. Year alter year Dr. Hr iwn would relieve the patient by drawing from her as much as several nallons of water at a time, after which Mrg. HllRm,r wouKn)W IiK, ,'ter Hflot Bllll fool rime went on and Dr. Brown crossed over tho Great Divide, K"1 ,he nropsh-al patient kept her usual I health, and the young Doctor Kruwu fol- 1 ' n Iiim-. 111.. trtiMtliuoit. Iiu,ul l,v liia lullii.r .,, at ri.KU times drains away lho I water, until, it is said by reliable inform- ant, that moro than 2000 pounds havo been removed. Mrs. Shaffer Is about (iO years of age and attends to all tho cares of the household, anil has for tho past 1" years lived at New Maysvillc. Clarion Jncksonian. Andrew Cooper, of Meadvillo, has sur vived a rcniHrkablo surgical operation. On the 2Ttli of Julv ho was cut in tho bowels by a circular saw, lacerating the Intestines. Dr. T. B. Lasholls found It nocefsary to romovo entirely about seven incites of intestine. The patients life hung on a thread for a long time, but tho Meadvillo Tribttno reports that ho woii II. r,,,l,i i. ........ i.- i r.. belter h . , . a.,.i(ftnt. There Is plenty of beer to be had on the World's Fair grounds but tho glass of beer there contains about five inches of foam and one of beer. Will some statistican please furnish us with data whereby we can compute tho number of inches it will take to make the editoriul boot mako a better Impress on tho fellow who did not pay his last year's subscrip tion and who feels slighted because his name is not In tho papor every week. Mr. Jewett Horald. O. Carner, w ho lives near Mount Hope, was bitten on the fore finger on tho Kth Inst by a pet gray squirrel. He paid lit tle attention to the wound at first, but his arm soon began to swell and lie suffered great pain. A physician who was sum moned pronounced the patient an tier ins from blood poisoning caused by the squirrel's bito. Tho right arm will pro bably have to bo amputated, and, even with that, there Is but slight hope of Mr, earner's recovery. He suffers great pain, and is at times delirious, requiring con stant watching. Mr. Carner is about twenty-five years old. Venango Specta tor. Comparatively few understand why a person in charge of an estate is styleed an administrator in one case and an execu tor in an other, although their duties are precisely the same," said an old attorney An executor is named in tho will to ad minister the estate. An executrix is female. If there is no will tho feniinule ...,...,.....:...,,.,,.. ..i,ni.,iui,i. It .,. i : tho will as an executor refuses to serve the court appoints another person and he is styled the administrator witii tho will annexed. If a person iu charge of an es tate dies or dofmilts and is removed his successor is called an administrator de bonus nor, or an administrator of tho re maining assets." An exchange trutl'ully says : Years ago the world knew nothing of insomania It is a nervous disease, the offspring of civilization. We live too fust, work too fast, eat too fast and think too fast. No wonder we are a nation of nerves. Ev ery man is on the qui five. Ho Is afraid that someone elso will get ahead of him. When he goes to bed he takes his hosi uess troubles along with him; he plans how to make one dollar do the work of five. Ho may succeed measurably in this enterprise, in his air castles, but when he comes to practical living he finds his theories unavailable. And ninety-nine hundredths of all tho insoiu nia known is caused by such a reason as this. The endeavor to live beyond one' legitimate means always entails worry perplexity, nervousness, insomnia and all the ills to which the mental man heir, as well as iiltimato failure One cannot make something of nothing. One can not spend and keep at tho same time, It is not strange that sleeplessness troll bios those mentally harrassud. It would be singular if they could sleep. Lieduber V Miles have every thing men wear, and shoes for ladies and children. tf. Robinson sells 10 pounds of Rice for 40 cents. 2t Everybody IJeails It. The Pittsburg Dispatch's unsurpass ed special service to Washington en ables it to publish the fullest accounts of tbe doings ot Congress. Daily letters from the World's Fair, sport- iiig news, full base hall reports aod jteresliug fiction by brilliant authors each day aro among ils speciul fea tures. Rider Haggard's story now being published in the Sunday issue surpasses all previous efforts of this great author. One Way to Take Comfort. The George A. Horns' patent re clining and folding chair is one of the newest and best articles ever olliied to the public. 1st. It costs no more than uu ordi nary rocker. 2nd. They eau bo adjusted too as many comf-rtable positions as any high priced reclining chair. 3rd. 'liny serve for a nuppiug, lounging or smoking chair, 4th. The invalid will find iu the . i co,fr, 0f ,xli t.mjr . n new desire to live 5th. They are strung mid durable and not liable to get out of repair. Cth. No home is comfort without one. l'o not fail to see this comiort able chair. For sale by W il l 1A.M F. Wm.NOAHK, TioueBta, Pa. A toml Thlim lo Kt-i hi lliiiul Some years auo we w eie vol v much subject to severe spells of cholera morbus; and now wlicn we led any ol tbe hymn tons Hint iiHuiilly precede that ailment, such assickncHsat thestoiuai-h, iliurrho-a. etc., wo become scary. e have lound ( iiaiuberlain's t.'olie. Cholera and Diar-rho-a Remedy the very tiling to straight en one out iu sui-ii cases, and always kiiep it about. We are not w riting tins for a pay testimonial, lint to let our read ers know what is a i;ood thing to keep handy in the house. Troy ( A'mi.iiia) t'iirf. For sale by Siggins A- Herman. Among the incidents of childhood that stands out iu hold relict', as our mem ory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe sickness. Tho young mother viv idly remembers that it was Chamber lain's Cough Koniody cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her uw n oil spring and always with the best results, ior aaie by Siggins dt Nasnu. Excursion Ticket l Cliirngn, Account of the World's litir. The Erie Linen have pli"ed mi sale at ll of ils iicki t nliict Special " Excursions to C'hicugo and return, ai.il the agents Hill give all desired information lo purticj who iitcnd going to the "Great Fair." The rates by lh Erie will always be as low as I he lowest The trains uf the Erie run direct to Cljieiigo without chat.ge o. cars. Pullman Palace slecptni; cars s'srt from Mcadville daily, and berths can be secured in advance. It' partic -Aho intend visiting Chi- eng. nil! notify me, I will cive them all the detailed information regard ing fates, time of trains and any otlit r information they may desire re garding the trip, nr if time will al low, I will ealll on them personally. F. A. Bi:atty, Passenger Agent, Erie Lines, Oil City, Pa. For a lamo back or for a rain in the side oi chest, tvv snturatiw' a piece of tliuini'l witli ('hninberlsiu's Pain Halm and binding it onto the all'coted parts. This treatment will cure hiiv ordinary use in one or two days. Pain lialin also cures ilieiiniHtisni. ,o cent bottles for sale by Niui:iiis cfc Nason. ii.-n P.iby waa sick, .vo .-am lior j 'm'i h--u .slio wiu) ft Cliilil.she crjH;l for C. -linn bUo became Miss, ftv.- clui-ir i :i- .' 'iVhen she bad Chililrt-n, she jjave t:i- Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, lositively cured by tultnini.-tcring Dr. liiines' iioldcii Specific. It is manufac tured as a powder, which can bo given in a n'.ass ol lieer, a cup ot eotlecor tea, or In food, without tlie knowleitiro ol the pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will etfect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every in stance a perfect euro lias followed. It n ever talis, (.'ores guaranteed. 4M page hook of particulars tree. Address tlOL- ii;.n sriaint; ru is.) khco t., i;iu- cinnali, ( aug.lO-ly. I.v tiriiim'. During the prevalence of the ("Jrlpp tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon nr. Kings New Discovery, not only lind a speedy recoverv, but escaped all of tho trouble some alter allccts of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in etfecting rapid cures not only in cases of LaOrippo, but in all Diseases of Throat, Uhest ana l.umrs, unit nax eureu cases oi Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Irv it and he convinced, it won t dis appoint. Free Trial Dottles at Siggms x .Alison s Drug ssioro. o Siri-nwth and Health. If vou ore not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Hitters. If "La Onppo has left you weak an, I weary, use Eiectric Hitters. This remedy acts di rectly on Liver, Stomach, and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perforin their functions. If you are nfllictod with Kick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Hit ters. One trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Large bot tles only 50c, at Siggins A Nason's Drug Store. 6 IIAltlt TI.MKH IM.ST. The country probably never before ex perienced such a hard panic with so little general etfect on business, and I bo coun try lias never been iu as good condition as it is iu to day. The demand tor arti cles of known purity an quality lias been steadily incrcuidiig instead of decreasing. So it is witli the ryo whiskies bottled by Max Klein. Tlio'public know that Silver Akc, Duiui siie and Hear Creek ryes are the finest in the country. They know that doctors recommend tlieiu ; that as a stimulant they are unsurpassed. They aro for sale by all first class hotels and dealers at If l.i'iO jl.Jo and tfl.OO per quart respectively. Send for a nitalc gue of the finest w hiskies, wines and liquors in the state, to Mux Klein, to Federal St. Al legheny, Fa. HI ( Hl.liN'M AliMl .t HAI.V K. The best Salve ill the world f ir Cuts, Rruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, 'fetter, Chapp'M Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skill Eruptions, and posi tively cures Files, or no pay rco, Hired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satislaction, or money relimdod. Price !!" cents per box. For sale bv Siggins iS Nairn. MARRIED. II IN DM AN HKEN NEMAN At the homo of tho bride, August 24th, lS'.Kl, by Hev. J. Edgar Hrown, Mr. Milton T. Hindmaii, of Corsica, Jefferson county, l'a., and Miss Millie Urunue iiiuii, id' Claringtoti, l'a. i:.ic;i.r. i.u im. THE HEST ROOFING It is uneiiialiiil for house, barn, factory or out buildings, and costs half the price of shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for use ami easily applied by anyone. Send stamp lor samples anil state si.o of roof. EXCELSIOR PRINT & ROOFING CO. 1V Duatie St.. New York, N. V. 7 A NT ED A FIllST-CI.ASS DRY tint )1)S Salesman to otter Dress Hoods, Skirtings, Hornets, Cassimeis, Coltonadcs, etc, to retail dry goods trade and general stores iu Tionesta and North Western I'cnnsy ivania. No objection lo another Hide line. c pay a good com mission on sales and duplicates. Ad dress Manul'ai'turer, Hox l.i'.'J, Philadel phia Post ollii-c. Auditor's Notice. 1 n re estate ol .1 E. Hc-rliii, de ceased. 1 In the (lipha V of Forest Coi J No. U Dec. Ti Iu the Orphans' Court ountv, l a. I.V.U. The undersigned appointed Auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of J. C. Howiiiau el al. Administrators, hereby gives notice tli.it lie w ill iillend to the du ties of Ids appointment at his ollii-e, iu llieCouit House, in tho llorough of Tio nesta, on Thursday, ictober it, lM' i, al 1 o'clock P. M., al which time aud place all parties interested can intend if they sou proper. JAS. T. If it EN N A N, Auditor. S. H. HASLET & SONS., GENEP.Al MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AM) UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, l'ENN.