r . K- THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . t. WENK, Editor Proprictor. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 18S3. IlKrUIILICAX TICKKT. 8TATK. JuiIro of Suprpiim Court. Judge D. NEW LIN FELL, Philadelphia. Stnto Troiwuirpr, Col. SAM I" EL M. JACKSON, Armstrong Count'. OOCNTY. Prothonotnrr, . CALVIN M. ARNER, Tlonpstn lloro. Sheriff, HARRY MAZE, Jonkft Twp. County Commissioners, W. M. COON, Harnett Twp. W. A. CONNELY, Hickory Twp. Auditor. M. E. AHROTT, Hickory Twp. W. L. STROUP, Howe Twp. Jurv Commissioner, J. R". CARPENTER, Kingsloy Twp. Republicans, Taj Tour Taxes. Every Republican should have paid a Stale or Caunty (ax within two years and at least 30 days before elec tion. Oct. 7 is the last day on which you can pay your tax and vote at the election, Nov. 7. Congressman Stone of Warren will please accept our thanks for a copy of his speech in favor of the silver repeal bill. It is among the foremost speeches that have been de livered in the house during the pres ent sesbion, so conceded by frieDils and foes alike. Did space permit we should be glad to reproduce it in our columns. Since August 26th this country has bad seven railroad accidents in which 72 people were killed and 116 injur red. Is it not lime for railroad men to pause and consider whether their boasted precautions against accident are perfect? What is the. matter cheap roads, or cheap and incompe tent labor? The record is a fearful one, the blunders costly. State Tteasurer Morrison has made public the fact that the State debt can be entirely extiuguised in two years, should the Legislature so decide. The net debt now amounts to only $2,400,000, or about forty five cents per capita. The Treasurer shows that the debt will really take .care of-ilsflf,"" the provision of the sinking fund being sufficient for every dollar we owe. Trustworthy reports show that cholera still prevails in many Euro pean centers. It is in Austria, Hun gary, France, Russia and Italy, as well as many African and Asiatic centers. Only the prompt and effec tive measures taken by this govern ment have kept the scourge from the United States. The danger is not over yet, and there should be no re laxation of watchfulness and care. Have Samuel Gustine Thompson and Frank C. Osborn the least idea that they are going to be elected? If they have, tbey had better dispossess themselves of it right now. They will never get within athousaud miles of the winning post. Io fact they are not in it from the start. They are mere figure-heads for a party that has no hope in this Stale, that can not expect to win, and that will nut be downcast at all if it does not win. The Pennsylvania Democratic Convention endorsed Hoke Smith's pension policy, which of course in cludes his uncalled for and cruel raids on the peusious of the old vet eraoB, and then it nominated an anii soldier ticket. Neither Thompson or Osburu were io the army. On the olher band Judge Fell enlisted when a mere boy and served to the close of the war, while Colouel Jackson fought in many battles and made a famous charge at Gettysburg. The old soldiers of the State will know for whom to vote at the Dext elec tion. A dispatch from Washington un der the date of Sept. 23, says: The President of the United States will be arrainged iu the Senate next Mou day for violating the spirit of the Constitution in endeavoring to des troy the independence of the law making branch of the Government, by seekiug to coerce Congress into the passage of the repeal bill. No tice to this effect was clearly indi cated in a resolution this morning presented by Senator Stewart, of Nevada, upon which the Seuator an nounced that be would address the Seuate next Monday. This resolu tion declares that the independence of the co-ordinant departments of the Goverotueut must be raantained, and that the use of power and iufluenoe of one department to control the ac tion of another is in violation of the constitution and destructive of our form of government. The introduc tion of the resolution crented quite a sensation and the discussion of the matter will certaioly attract great at tention, as it indicates the ioteution of the silver Srnatoss to divert the discussion of the Senate to the alleged attempt of the President to control tlio legislation of Congress. As Thos. B. Reed observes, "the spectacle of the Democratic Governor of West Virginia making not only the committee room but the entire cspitol vocal with his outcries against the propose I proposition to interfere with the protection of eighty-seven and a half per cent for the product of the great and growing State and bis denunciation of an attempt to dis turb the property which is bringing her steadily to the front is oue that is calculated to attract the attention of even gentlemen who feol themselves oppressed by the many treaties of free trade." The President yesterday sent to the Senate the name of Wm. II. Hornblower, of New York, as the successor of the lata Justice Blatch ford on the Supreme Court bench of the United States. His reputation is entirely that of a lawyer, he never having a part in politics. Ha is about forty-two years of age, and will be the youngest member of the Court. He graduated from Princeton as late as 1873, and has since then achieved promiueoce at the New York bar. His name probably counted for some thing with Cleveland, the Oil City Blszzard thinks. The Democratic State Convention was as tame as milk aud water. It did not do anything, and, to use the Gilbertaiu expression, it did it very well. It was called together to do nothing, and altogether it bad an easy task. Its candidates were handed over for endorsement, its platform had been prepared for it, and every thing was cut and dried. It toox its medicine, and did not kick. In the years to come when the Democracy prate of the Republican machine their attention will be called to the Democratic convention of Sept. 19th, 1893, and tbey will shut up. So successfully have the Ameri can manufactures competed with the Scotch in the making of Axminster carpets and in the perfecting of ira proved machiuery, that the Scotch manufacturers pay a royalty to an American manufacturer for the use of his improvements. Good House keeping. The Scotch manufacturer will soon have things all his own way again unless the Americru manufacturer should emigrate to Scotlaud and erect a carpet factory where be also cau get cherp labor. Messrs. Wilson & Co., Tariff Tinkers, Washington, D. C, are fixing matters so as to re store all mnuufactering enterprises to Great Britain-. American Economist. Governor McKinley, the great Buckeye statesman, is sweeping every thing before him in bis campaign. The old soldiers who love him lurued out io great numbers to bear him the other day, aud this is what he told them : "I want the old soldier to face his accusers. I do not want a cowardly assassination of my comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Democrats talk as though the only thing soldiers entered the army for was to draw pensiens. I know there was not au old soldier wbo knew when be enlisted that there was such a thing as a peusiou." Brave words, aud they were brave ly cheered. McKiuley is all right. He will have 50,000 majority. Defeat Sure and Deserved. Under the above caption the Pitts burg Dispatch independent in politics, gives its opinion of the democratic platform utterances at the late liar risburg convention : So remote is the prospect of the Democrats having any show what ever for success iu Pennsylvania this year that it is the platform rather than the ticket put up by their Con vention which will command notice. It is diflicult to think of a literary task cuvolviug mure eniharrasssuient than the construction of a Democrat ic pltttfurm to elicit a popular re spons iu Pennsylvania at the pres ent lime. With the turiff the lead ing question before the country after the repeal of the silver bill, and with Pennsylvania's interests directly an tagonized by the Democratic national platform and threatened by a Demo cratic majurity in Congress, the lead ers of the pai ty iu this Slate are re duced to the uecessity of either apol ogizing for or chutupiouing the atti tude of the natioual leaders. Were the influence of Samuel J. Rauilall, aud his courage still domi nant among Pennsylvania Demociats the platform yesterday would not have been an rcho of the "lurid' for revenue only" and free trade utter ances of Chicago. But, in placo of lining up with Pennsylvania interests for pretection, as would have been be coming and which would, iu the end gain Pennsylvania Democracy more credit even within the national confines of tho party there is a quick and almost abject subservience to the economic doctrine of the anti protectionists outside the State who are in power in the national councils. In the face of general uneasiness and prostration of industries because of the menace of tariff tinkering ou an anti-protection basis, our Democratic friends at Harrisburg "hail with sat isfaction" the assurance that the vital cause of "tariff reform" is not to be abandoned, and declares for "taxa tion for purposes of government only" which we suppose is mild language, specially adapted for Penn sylvania, to express the Chicago principal ot "tariff for revenue only." Time-serving desire of Pennsylva nia leaders to stand well with the national administration and with the national lenders doubtless also some consideration of the loaves and fishes which are being served from the Washington table can alone account for deliverances egainst n protective tariff at a Pennsylvania Couvcniiou. The great industries of the slate have beeu built up by the protective poli cy. Hundreds of mills and factories, aud thousands of men throughout the Stale are now idle, largely because of the menace and interruption to busi ness by the free-traders and other ami-protectionists at Washington. Any party which passes by this con dition of things without remonstrance, and which "hails with satisfaction" a continuance of the campaign of "re form" that briugs such results, is not representative of Pennsylvania's in terests. At a juncture like the pres ent, when labor and capital of the State, hand in-hand, are pleading daily at Washington aga'ust the menace to Pennsylvania industries, such au attitude will justly doom the party indulging it to a more over whelming and ignominious defeat than ever it before sustained. Such is the result that can reason ably be expected in Pennsylvania next November. It will have been most richly merited. Advertisement. PROHIItlTIOX TICKET. State Treasurer J. L. Kent. Supreme Judyc II. J. Ames. rrotlionotaryS. T. Work. Sierijt''S. G. Colo. County Commissioners in. Lowman, GeorgeS. Iliiidiiian. Agents Wanted For The Only Authorized moanAPiiY OF JAMES G. BLAINE. By GAIL HAMILTON, his literary execu tor, with the co-operation of bisfamilv, and for Mr ltlaiu's Complete Works. "l'VEN TY YEA R8 OF CONGRESS," and his later book, "POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS." One prospectus for these 3 BEST SELLING books in the market. A. K. P. Jordan of He., took 100 orders from first 9S calls ; agent's profit 817". 0. Mrs. Ballard of O. took 15 orders, 13 Si-al Kussia, in 1 day ; profit $26.25. E. N. Rice of Mass, took 27 orders in 2 days ; profit 847. 25. J. Partridge of Me. took 41 orders from S6 calls; profit 875. .5. E. A. l'almer of N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 davs ; profit 898.-'5. EXCLU SIVE TEU1UTORY given. If you wish to make LAKCiE MONEY, write immediately for terms to. Henry Hill Pub. Co., Norwich Conn. C. M. Wliitciiiin7 NEW STORE! llavint; purchaHed the store formerly owned by J. F. Ovcrlundcr, next door to W. N. Y. A P. It. U. Station, I urn pre pared to I'urniBli tho publio with any thing in the lino of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES. tobacco ai cigars, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR! I guarantoe prices as low as tho lowest, and all goods delivered free of charge. Cull and see nio. C. M. WHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOITESTA, ipjl. HoiIjOITY, 3P.Aj Now Try TliU. It will cost you nothing and surely do you good, ll you have a Cough, Cold, 01 any trouble with Throat. Cheat or Liiutrs. Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consump tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will bo nuid hack. iSulfrrurs from La Grippe found it just tliu tiling and under its uso had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a aliunde bot tle at our expense and lourn lor yourself just now good a thing it is. Trial hollies tree at Siggius ami Nusoif g Drug Storo, Large bizu fOu, and $1.00. a GREAT REDUCTION IN P1UCES AT MINTS' THE LEADING HltY GOODS HOUSE. Wo are offering our entire stock of SUMMER GOODS srsW" rrl"M "r"or 10 ,,mk0 White Hoods, Irish Lawns, Novelty Suitings, French Uinghnins, Outing Cloths' Sateens, Mud ins, Chintz, Cheviots, Parcales, Embroiderer Flouncing, Ladies' Fino Underwear, Parasols, Fans, Gloves, Milts, Hosiery and Novelties. A completo lino of FINE DRESS GOODS. In Silks Henriettas, nil Wool Cashmeres. Satin Broad cloth, Dress Flannelettes, Etc. FINE MILLINERY, All the latest and of the latest styles, closing out regard less of cost. DRKSS TRIMMINGS, Tho largest lino CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING I A complete bottom prices. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Fino lino of Outing Shirts, Suspondors, Hose, Four-in-hand Ties, Ties in all styles and colors. BOOTS AND SHOES, The leading shoes In tho Citv in Kangaroo, Dongoln, Calf, Etc., for Ladies, Gents, Y utlis and Children, and in' prices thai will suit all. 1 1 E A DlJU A RT ERS FOR Trunks, Valises, Straps, Ruby Carrniges, Bicycles, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Pictures, Frames, (jueensware, Glassware, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtains and Poles, Bod and Table Spreads and Linens, Hammocks, Um- ureiius, macKimosiis, luinuer .ioous, v.w. The highest market price paid for Hides, Telts, Furs, Ginsong Root, Wool, Eto. DAVID MINTZ'S, MABIENVILLE, PA. BAENBTT! BEATS THEM ALL! WHEN It Comes To BARGAINS I You have doubtless been thinking of getting a New Summer Suit, and qulto likely have concluded to make the investment wlion you 11 ml what you want at the right figure. We think wo havo it. At least we would like to show you goods and prices borore you go olsewhero, and theieforo invito you to call ear ly. In price, stylo and quality, we'll stay bythe best of thorn. And thon In Ladies' Dress Goods, inive m ndo a special effort to got while for lino quality and low price nut-. -ur .-milliner umius are especially neat una catcney. In Furnishing Goods, Both Ladios' and Gents', wo take special prido In our stock, for we feel con II- dnilt thev will nlnuwo th fnulima- Our Aiiimnnp lln,ln.u-n.p lnB ed with a view to its wearing qualities Collars, Cull's, Ties, Dress and Outing Hats, Caps and Shoes, Don t rail to come to us when you selost your hat for the summer. We'll fit you out and you'll bo more than pleased." And in Shoes! Thoro's whero take the cake. All kinds. Sizes, Styles and Prices. F'or Ladios, for Genta, for iwjs, ior uiris, miu nisi, nut noi least, lor isauios. GROCERIES, Our Grocery Department is supplied, ...... v. ....x. n tiuu vuv:ik uu mo BARNETT, L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noWp. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair. Beat In the world. $5 CO $4.00 $3.50 42.50 42.25 2. ran If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $3, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well, If you wish to economize In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. IT. A.. uiruujjAa, iirpcKion, AIMS. soia PJ HOPKINS A LANSON, Tionesta, Pa. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CAfiFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug gies to let upon tho most reasonable terms, lie will also do job TE.iisra- All orders left at the Post Olliee will receive prompt attention. TIMIC TAliLK In elloctJany. 1, ISii.'L Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. U3 Through Freight (carry ing passengers) (1:40 a. III. No. Ml ItullaloFxpress 12:07 noon. No. til Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:15 p. in. No. aa uil City E ressduily.. 7:53 p. in. For Hickory, Tidiou to, Wan-on, Kiii7.ua, iiruoioiii, menu anil mo J .asl : No. 30 Glean Fxiu-ess daily... No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... No. Wi Through Freight (car rying passengers) No. Co Way Freight (carrying 8:41 a. in. 4:15 p. m. 6:50 p. in. passengers to Tionesta) 8:41 a. Ill Trains (13 and Wi Hun Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Tiino Tables and" full information from S. q. CLAHK, Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. K. iiKLL, Gen'lSiipt. J. A. FKLLOWH, Gen'I Passenger & Ticket Agent, liuihilo, N. Y. TF YOU WANT a respectable Job of - priming at a reasonable price send jour oruor io una oiuco. t t- -ltd mm t.y 2.00 p 4I.7S ffXJt Pamps, Pineapplo Tissues, Challios, In this or a ljolnlng counties. stock in all tho lutost styles and at rock tho patterns Hint aro bound to please, there, Is nothing that can compare with our as well as for the comfort U will afford Shirts wo have in endless variety. as usual, with tho freshest and purest the JUIU-y JirHM.at fllllur, I U111Q HIHI BOO. TIONESTA. IVVAXM TIII V AltE ! Prieos that will Interest and please you Another tremendous Fall Stock is now on our eountors. To get a move on these goods wo offer the following prices : Fall and Winter Overcoats As low In price as the ready mado article, but Oh what a diil'orcnce in the style, fit and finish. Scotch Sorgos and Homespuns $18 to $20. Kliglish Serges $22 to $24. Meltons, Kerseys and Venetians $20 to $30. FALL AND W1NTKR SUITS. Scotch Cheviots in sack suits, bluck, blue aud fancy mixtures $22 to $24. Clays, black and blue. Eiiglish worsteds, for drossy cutaway suits, $30 to $33. TKOUSUKS, $5.00 to $8.00. 50 doz. Black aud IJrown Wintor Derby Hats. Special price $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hattors, Furnishers and .fihirt Makers. Moderato Price Store. 25 AND LD SKNKCA STREET. OIL CITY, PA. RAMBLER: BICYCLES Ciioriiiiilley fc Jellrey Co. make of liicycle aro tho BEST IN MARKET Their No, 1 and 'i aro consid ered tho best Road Wheel and are fully Guaranteed in all re respects. For prices and par ticulars inquire of 31. II. Mat.Ulltl, TIONESTA, PENN, Send for Catalogue. w L. J. HOPKINS. HOPKINS (Successors t H. Want to say somothing about Hats, Caps and Goncral Mcrcliandiso. CLOTHING. DRESS GOODS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR WHITE GOODS WASH GOODS. SHOES. HATS. -WHEN IT GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED! U'..M.Ii,l,l In II. a I...-! n . . "" Vi-"' '"n. v-ur wrocery iieparinient Is Kept right up to tho standard, i ho assortment is complete and tho goods aro ahvavs fresh and of tho best varieties. Hought for cash and sold at "live and let live" prices. Conio and sea us. ou will iind us at homo from early miM-ning till eight o'clock at night. II. W. LEDEllUrt. Fall and Winter Goods! JUST OPENED! W1 l'.?n .t,, ?EIH';ST V'.'."" In SUITINGS and OVERCOATS for Men. Hovs aud and t h ldron for r ail and Winter wear. Wo hove tho largest lines in tho County, of tho best goods and standard makes, at prices to suit tho times. BOOTS & SHOES. cir.iJXor!0..'.'1 ''"o fvorythlng for Footwear nt prices that defy competition SCHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY. All our Friends and patrons aro invited to conio and look at our goods and prices before purchasing. Wo guarauten satisfac tion and fair doaling. COME AND SEE US, AT IIOLEMAN ItUILDING. LEDEBUR & MILES, (Successors to O. F. MILES A CO.) TIOITBSTA, - - IPElItTZSr. SIGGINS - (SUCCESSORS TO DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON Iu our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly eompotoiit Clork, will always bo found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -dealers in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY. JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOEV SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :C0UffT3re EOBUOI Am CASH: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. mm We havo never had such a fine array of harvest machines to show farmers as this season. Every one shows invent ive skill, strength sad symmetry derived from the touch of ' WALTER The Wood machines, as r.uda for 1 202, aro winnir.fi crowds of new friends. Exatnioo tho new chain-drive, and balance reel, on tho Wcod harvester. limine tho new spring lift and the new aslo extension o. xti Wood mowers. Ex amine tho Wcocl hand-dump r"'-.-C!:-, virtually teif-dumping. .It., CHARLES A. HILL, AGENT Foil AND DEALER IN FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND, INCLUDING REAPERS, HINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, (J RAIN AND CORN DRILLS. ALSO JJUG01KS, WAGONS AND CARTS. A FINE QUALITY OF LUBRICATING OILS FOR ALL KINDS OF RAP ID AND SLOW MOTION MACHINERY. Rol'oro mukiiitf pun-luusu I would ask Fanners and (illicrs to inspect my htork and prices. Everything ot tho bent uml imwt approved quality, and at priee with in the reach of all, CHARLES A. HILL, Tionesta, Pa. F. It. LANfOtf & LANSON, .1. HOPKINS ,v CO.) Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, We have Just opened up our Spring Stock of Clothing, and without a doubt it is tho most completo assortment wo havo ever had.J kYou could scarcely mention a stylo or color but what we would havo it, In sl.esto lit tliej.boy A years old or tho man weighing 250 lbs., nud tho price Is what adds to the beauty of tho goods. AWAY DOWN. In Dress Goods wo have excelled all previous olforls'ln this lino. Our assortment Is moro varied, embracing all tho now novelties In Worsted Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Velvets, rtc. It will pay you to look them over even If you don't want to buy a cent's worth. LINE OF BLACK COODS. In Whlto Goods, Flouncing Hod Embroidery, wo tako a back seat for nobody. Anything you want in Wash Goods. Prints, Ginghams, Slialllcs, Nullities and Novelties wo havo In endless variety. With our Shoo Department chock full and inorooiniiig ov ery day, wo don't see why wo can't lit any foot In any stylo. We havo completo lines in Ladle', Gent's, Misses, Hoys' and Children's, Including Fancy Cullers. Fresh arrival of Hats Just oponod. All tho new;shapos and colors, suitablo for old;mon, boys and children. Caps for girls, caps for boys, caps for men. COMES TO- O. F. MILES. & - NASON, SIGGINS & FONES,) & GROCERS, PENN. Smearbaugh,