THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WtNK, Editos 4 Propsictos. WEDNESDAY. JULY in, 1893. iu:iuiti,iCAX ticki:t. COVNTV. Prothonotarv, e. CALVIN M. ARNEK, Tionesta Horo. Sheriff, HARRY MAZE, Jenks Twp. County Commissioners, W. M. COON, Harnett Twp. V. A. CONN ELY, Hickory Twp. Auditors. M. E. AUHOTT, Hickory Twp. W. L. 8TROUP, Howe Twp. .Turv Commissioner, J. II". CARPENTER, Kingsley Twp. Not less than 500,000 workiog moD are out of a job in this coutry. Now let the Democratic Congress meet. Hoke Smith brands Union sol diers pilferers from the government which they risked their lives to pre serve. They will have a chance to braod Hoke some day. It is announced that siDce Dan Lamont has reached Buzzard's Bay Cleveland has started in to write his message. Just as if everybody did n't know that Lamont wrote the mes sage long ago. It is now rumored, or suspected, that the President is disappointed in Carsisle. Shouldn't wonder. The country is. Kentucky statesmen may be good judges of politics and whiskey, but they're not famous in finance. Franklin Xeics. There was a banner carried in the Democratic procession a year ago which reati, "Cleveland and dollar wheat." Can anybody tell where that banner is at? Or where the dol lar wheat is at? Or something or other concerning the whole combine? It is altogether probable that if a Presidental election were to be held this fall that some of the hundreds of thousands of voters throughout the country who voted the Democratic ticket "just for a change," would be found ready to experiment the other way. Blizzard. The New York rress truly says that nothing meaner or more un patriotic has been witnessed in Amer ican politics than tbo scheme of the present administration to assail the good name of the veterans under the preteuse of houeety and to plunder them of their hard won pensions un der the plea of Economy. Governor Waite, of Colorado, is coming East to stump New York and Pennsylvania in behalf of free silver. We welcome him to Pennsylvania, but he must not attempt to ride in blood up to. his horse's bridle while here. This is a State full of peacea ble citizens, and they draw the line at wholesale gore UarrUburg Tele graph. They are raking Ohio with a fine tooth comb to get a Democrat to run against McKinley, and all tbo fel lows who are "mentioned" have tak en to the woods. Why Dot drive Frank Hurri up into the clearing and corral him ? He is the very embodi ment of free trade ideas, and the fight between him and McKinley would be interesting for McKinley. Hurd wouldn't be in it. By Hoke Smith's raid on the pen sioners last month he claims to have saved the Government 150,000. And the poor old veterans who have been deprived of their pensions, although they were crippled in defense of t'je Government, will not look kindly up on that kind of saving. But the or der has gone out to raid the pension list, and the first victims are those who are first considered. They will all be served alike. Friends of Secretary Gresham are already beginning to boom him for the Democratic nomination for Presi dent iu 1896. One of them, General Torrence, of Chicago, openly pro claimed in New York recently that the sole object of Greshara entering the Cabinet was to be in line to suc ceed Cleveland, and that be never would have given up bis life pusition on the bench if be Lad not been as sured by Cleveland and Cleveland's friends that he should be the notui uee. It will be three years yet be fore the nomination will be made, and even should Cleveland and his friends succeed in nominating Greeb am it will do him no good. The next President of the United States will be a Republican. No Democrat or Mugwump need apply. The pres. ent experience under a Democratic admiuiHtration has opened the peo ple's eyes and they don't want any more Democrat iu theirs. Ermllng Responsibility. With tho suspension of industries 11 over the country, with more wage workers out of employment than in the worst time of business depression for twenty-five years, with banks fail ing everywhere. And with business and finances generally unsettled, the Democratio party will begin its com plete control of the legislative and executive branches of government under logical Democratio conditions. The majority of the people wanted a change, and they ate getting a suf ficiency of that commodity in rapid and effective sequence. Some of the Democratic leaders who are in Washington waiting for the return of the administnation are Irving to circulate a sentiment that all the disturbances are due to reac tion from the high pressure of Re publican ascendancy. The people, however, will know the cause. The friends of the administration have been conferring on the situation, and propose to take the edge off the un favoroble condition of the country since they came into power by mak ing a few speeches in the line indi cated. There are a few Republicans like Speaker Reed who will make matters lively when the Democrats try to find a scapegoat for the sudden change in the prosperity of the country. Secretary Carlisle is again in Wash ington and is much perplexed over the general upheaval of business and industry. He sees before the admin istration a very serious condition of things which must be met. He has conversed freely with men from all parts of the country, and found the same feeling of distrust and uneasi ness dominant everywhere. Carlisle lias discovered that the financial ques tion is in some respects simply an in cident, as the industrial problem is one which will more directly operate upon political movements and popu lar sentiment. There exists a decid edly panicky feeling in administra tion and political circles. They look forward to the fall elections with great anxiety, and well tbey may, for their doom is fnrshadowed. The State's Health. The State Board of Health is not doing any sleeping over its work. It has hustled to some extent in pre paring for a visitation of the cholera, and has bo arranged matters that no immigrant train carrying cholera sus pects can get through Pennsylvania without running a gauntlet of inspect ors who will have full power to act and to do whatever is necessary for the protection of public health. Furthermore the Board is about to issue a circular in which are laid down, five fundamental measures fur preventing or repressing an epidem ic, as follows: First, protection of supplies of drinking water; second, early discovery of cases; third, prompt insolation of the sick and of those who have been in contact with the sick or with tbeir clothing or ef fects ; fourth, thorough disinfection ; fifth, prompt and proper disposal of the remains of the dead, and full de tails for the accomplishment of these essential measures are given. It is gratifying to note that the Board's plans are now so nearly perfected that it is prepared for instant action in case cholera Bhould appear within the State's borders. At present the State's health is very good. There are a couple of localities in which contagious diseases have panicized the people, notably in Reading, where small-pox bas trea ted a scare, but the Board of Health has taken measures to repress the di sease, and no further trouble is ap prehended. What this country has to fear is an epidemic of cholera when the dog days set in, and the quarantine authorities in New York relax their vigilance to engage in re creation. Pennsylvania, however, is well watched over, and it is far ahead of other States in its preparations to meet an epidemic Ilarrieburg Tel egrajih. Glad to hear, via Washington, that there is a general concurrence among Treasury officials that the financial sitaation has improvod and continues to improve, Now, who will vouch for the accuracy of this information given out by the Treas ury officials? And, by the way, what has be come of that report on tin plate in dustries, propared by Major Ayres, aud presented to the Treasury De- meut? Carlible promised to make it public as soon as he got through ex amining it, but he has evidently for gotten his promise. It is an uufttir suppressiou of information that con cerns an entire uatiou, but what else could one expect from a rank free trader like Carlisle. Fortunately, a live trades-paper, Tin and Terne, has secured the tin statistics from the manufacturers themselves, and made them public, gn that Major Ayres figures will not be news when given out, unices some of Carlisle's hench men have doctored them to suit their own ideas of what tin plate manufac tures should be iu this country. It is said that Mr. Cleveland is ap prehensive about tho result of the elections this fall and is especially anxious to be sustaiued iu his own State. There may be some doubt about New York, but the other States North will make Mr. Cleveland open his eyes very wide. Advertisement. riioiiiniriox TICKET. State Treasurer J. L. Kent. Supreme JudpelX, J. Amos. rrolhonolajyS. T. Work. Sherif N. G. Colo. County Commissioners Wm. Lownian, George S. Hindman. FINANCIAL REPORT of Hickory -L Township school District, T. J. How man, Treasurer, In account with Hickorv township School Fund for the year ending Juno 6, lSi;t. To am t roe'd from Collector $2W1 3S To ain't ree'd from Co. Trons'r 640 00 Toam't roe'd from Stato Appro.. 847 18 Total receipts 1478 60 Cn. By orders redeemed. For building and furnishing $ 65 0!) For renting and repniring 41 0 For teachers' wages 21(1 26 For fees ot treasurer )! 70 For fuel and contingencies 1H7 K!i For salary of Secretary 26 00 For debt and interest paid .......... 66 40 For other expenses 34 00 Total expenditures (Ottoo 43 Cash on hand 878 13 Ain't duo dis't from all sources... 475 30 Total rosources J1363 49 U. V. WARDEN, Pres. of School Board. Attest, G. B. EVANS, Soc'y.l NOTICE. There will bo a meeting of the Stockholders of the Tionesta Va ler Supply Company In the olllee of T. F. RiU'hev in Ticmestrt' iwo'i at 7:00 o'clock 1 tlm increasing the Capital Stock. . w. kuuisun, Pres. L. J. HOPKINS, Soc'v. Tionesta, Pa., July i2, 1S1KJ. . M. Hliitcmnii, NEW STORE! Having purchased the store formerly owned by J. F. Overlandcr, next door to W. N. Y. A P. R. R. Station, I am pre pared to furnish the public with any thing in the line of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also tho FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR ! I guaranteo prices as low as the lowest, and all goods delivered l'reexif charge Call and see me.- C. 31. AVHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOITESTA, J?J. S. H. HASLET & GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Rug gies to let upon the most reasonable terms, lie will alto do JOB TELwOZZLTO- AU orders left at the Post Olfice will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE in eil'octJany. 1, 18H3. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west us follows : No. 3 Through Freight (carry ing passengers) 9:40 a. in. No. 31 Buffalo Express 12:07 noon. No. til Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:15 p.m. No. 33,Oil City Exj ress daily.. 7:53 p. ui. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 30 Olean Exi )ress daily... 8:41 a. 111. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. m. No. Wi Through Freight (car rying passengers) 6:50 p. iu. No. lio Way Freight (carrying passengers to Tionesta.) 8:41 a. in. Trains 03 and 00 Run Daily and tarry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvincton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time Tallies and full information from S. Q. CLARK, Acirnt, Tionesta, Pa. R. BELL, Gon'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger it Ticket Agent, Bullalo, N. V. Dr.W.F. CONNER S EYE, EAR, NOSE k THROAT SIMEON, OV. SAVINGS BANK, OIL CITY, PA. Ollice Hours 9 to 11 a. m. s 2 to 4 p. m. 7 U W p. 111. Sunday, 4 to 0 p. m. Practice liuiilod to above specialties. -Jlyilk L.,ft.fniinli-ryiTtr,i WHAT - TO - LOOK - FOR - AT fJEW COH B THB LATEST STYLE k FATTEIS. ouit imv ;oois ii:iAiroii?vr Was never so complete as now. Lading should not fail to aon our Hummer Dress Goods and Whito Hoods. In very latest styles, direct from Taris, and prices that can not he beat, should not fail to look through this Department beforo buying. BOOT & SHOE CLOTH IM4 IHilViltTMEXT. . You will find tho very latest styles and patterns. Gentlemen, you should , not fall to I00K at this stock. Ami In youths' anil children's clothing I have tho largest stock in Marienville. Price that will mnkn vou stare. Hats and 1 aps in all mo most popular makes ur.rAri 1 me r is now complete W Neckwear, tShirts, Ao. CAHFI?T IKIAIlTMliXT. In this Department you will find tho latest designs and patterns. Curtains, Drapery, Shades, and Wall Paper, Rugs, Mats and Hangings. SIH1XJ CAPFX AII WKAFN, All Tnilor Mado and very stylish. Remember, you will Hud the largest slock in Forest County at DAVID MINTZ'S, MABIENVILLE, PA. N. B. Highest price paid for Wool, Pelts, Beef Hides, and Ginseng. BARNETT! BEATS THEM ALL! WHEN It Comes To BARGAINS ! You have doubtless boon thinking of getting a New .Summer Suit, and quite likely have concluded to make the investment when vou find what vou want at the right tiguro. We think we have it. At least we would like to'ahow you goods aud prices bofore you go elsewhere, and thoiefore invito you to call ear ly. In price, stylo and quality, we ll stay by tho best of them. And then in Ladies' Dress Goods, We have mdo a special effort to get tho pattorns that are bound to please while for lino quality and low price there is nothing that can compare with our line. Our Summer Goods are especially neat and catchoy. Ill Furnishing Goods, Both Ladies' and Gents', we take special pride in our atock, for we fool confi dent they will please the customer, Our Summer Underwear has been select ed with a view to its wearing qualities as woll as for the comfort it will afford. Collars, Cutis, Ties, Dress and Outing Shirts wo have in ondlcss variety. Hats, Caps and Shoes, Don't fall to come to us when you solost vour hat for the summer. We'll fit you out and you'll be more than pleased. And in iShoesI There's whore take thecako. All kinds. Sizes, Styles and Pricos. For Ladios, for GonU. for Boys, for Girls, aud last, but not least, for Babies. GEOCERIES, Our Grocery Department is supplied, as usual, with the freshest and purest tho markot allords, and don't tuck on tho fancy prices, oilher. Come and seo. BAKNETT, TIONESTA. SCOWDEN & CLARK, MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, WAGOXS A AD SLEIGHS. First Class LAWN MOWERS, AT J $4.00, and upwards. -ALSO DEALERS IN- PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS Mowing Machine, llurxe Ilnkcs, CSnrtlen Tool, AND FARMING MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. Call on us belore you buy. We can save you money. TIOITESTA, IPJL., RAMBLER: -BICYCLES Uonuulley & Jeffrey Co. make of Bicycle aro tho BEST IN MARKET Their No, 1 and 2 aro consid ered the beat Road Wheel aud aro fully Guaranteed in all re respects. For prices and par ticulars inquire of n. If. MnUFIUF, TIONESTA, PENN, Scud for Catalogue. IF YOU WANT a respectable Job of printing at a reasonable price seud your order to Una office. JO f 1 tho Millinery Dcnartment voir find tho Ladies Department is complete. We have tho II nest shoos for Ladies, Men and Children in tho markot. and styles, OUR HUNTS' FURNISH ('0 have tho very latest stylos in The Celobrated osnoit.M; aiowiaru MACIIIXF AT $40.00. This is rare Bargain. WE ARE OPENING SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS, Aud are prepared with a superb stock of the World'a Finest Productloua to make Clothing to order, PERFECT IN FIT AND CORRECT IN STYLE AT MODERATE PRICES. Got your ordor in for your WOKI.irs FAIR SUIT. And don't iorgot that we are also head quarters for FIXINGS. By "Fixings" wo mean Hats, Shiits, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Whito Vests, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas, Mack intosh Coats, Etc. McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers, Moderate Price Store. Exclusive agents for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Underwear. Youmau's celebrated New York Hats aud Pudrick'H Custom Shirta to ordor. 25 AND 29 SENECA STREET. OIL' CITY, PA. J-IUL L. J. HOPKINS. HOPKINS (Successors to II. Want to say something about Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoos, IIats,Caps.andiGoncral Merchandise CLOTHING. DRESS GOODS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR WHITE GOODS WASH GOODS. SHOES. HATS. -WHEN IT GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED! .".r0 Mr,1" 11,0 ''""in1"- Our Grocery Department 1 kept right up to tho bos ,var etll 0nrVV,,,tl8T,,,p,,,,t,."l,tl,0 ',H,In nro 1" ' of o best varieties. Bought for cash and sold at " ivo and let live" prices. Como and see us. You will llnd us at home from early morning till eight 'o'clock at night. ONE DOLLAR PAY'S FOR A SUIT For a Boy 14 Years Old at MILES & COMPANY'S Who will sell goods to tho POOR of Tionesta and vicinity. We aro clos ing out our odds and ends at prices that are no relation to tho cost Ro mombor those goods aro second to nono in Forest County, and are away out of sight in prices, bocauso wo won't koep thorn over till next season. Don't miss a chance to savo money. WE LEAD ! LET THOSE FOL LOW WHO CAN. TIONESTA, ZPEZtsnST. SIGGINS - & - NASON, (SUCCESSORS TO SIGGINS A FONES.) DRUGGISTS dc GROCERS, TIONESTA, - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND rim FBEsicmr mocmrgg. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which Is in ehurgo of a thoroughly competent Clerk will always be found tho ' PUJIEST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -dealehs in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :00UHTBY AHK0ASH: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. "We have never had such a fine array of harvest machines to show farmers as this season. Every one shows invent ive skill, strength and symmetry derived from the touch of The Wood machines, as for 1802, are winning crowds of new friends. Uxamine the new chain-drive, and balance reel, on tho Wood harvostor. Examine the new spring lift and the new axle extension on tho "Wood mowers. Ex amine the Wood hand-dump rake3, virtually self-dumping. CHARLES A. HILL, AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN ( FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND, -INCLUDIXG- REAPKRS, BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES, SPRING TOOTH HARROW S, GRAIN AND CORN DRILLS ALSO BUGGIES, WAGONS AND CARTS. A FINE QUALITY OK LUBRICATING OILS FOR ALL KINDS OK R4P ID AND SLOW MOTION MACHINERY. Uf It A I - Botore making purchases I would ask Farmers and others to iiiHi.ect nlv stock aud pricea. Everything ot the beat aud most approved quality, and at priori with in the reach of all. J CHARLES A. HILL, Tionesta, F. K. LANS(n & LANSON, J. HOPKINS ot CO.) Wo have just opened up our Spring Stock of Clothing, and without a doubt it Id tho most com pinto aHsortmont wo have over had. You could scarcely mention a stylo or color but what wo would have it, in slzesjto fit tho boy 4 years old or the man weighing 230 lbs., and tho price la what adds to the beauty of tho goods. AWAYfDOWN. In Dress Goods wo have excelled all provlous elTortsiii this Hue. Our assortment is nioro varied, embracing all tho now novelties in Worsted Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Velvets, Ac. It will pay you to look them over even if you don't want to liny a cent's worth. LINE OF BLACK COODS. In White Goods, Flouncing and Embroidery, wo take back seat for nobody. Anything you want in Wash Goods, rrlnta, Gingham, Sliallies, Sutlincs and Novolties wo have In endless variety. With our Shoo Department chock full and more2comlng ev ery day, wo don't see why wo can't lit any foot In any atylo. Wo have complete lines iu Ladle', Gent's, Misses, Boys' and Children's, Including Fancy Callers. Fresh arrival or HaU Just opened. Allitho;now,shapo and colors, suitablo for old mon, boys and children. JCaps for girls, caps for boys, cap for men. COMES TO- iglit. Smearbaugh, . ITS' --.v ,j.vrr:.'A: )