The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 15, 1893, Image 4

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Fins lire found mnnnij tho irmmrntes
tt Efypt and in ircliitorlc caves.
A lmpfirmnt IHflrrrMe.
To mass II apparent to 11ioiiaii1,w1io think
Ih.mwlnw 111, that lliy kit not nfTcctad with
any dlivMr, but that the ytm simply nstxt
elsanalnR, l to bring comfort home to their
hcartp, it matlv condition Ik raally cured by
using Kymp of Fig. Manufactured by the.
California Kl Syrup Co.
imTsorimm. itttof jtiutoo, i
l,ui')ricTr. tm
Frank J. Cheney mnkee oeth that he 3 thf
color irtner or the firm of F. J. Cheney A
to.. doing hulnrM In the City of IVkmIo.
tounty aim Stale afore.aM. and that paid firm
will iey1he mm i( flu-for each and -very
wuwof ratarrh that cannot be cured oy the
IN of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Krakk i. CHK!T
Bworn to hefore me and siilwrilwii !n my
preeenre, this 6(h day of December. A. I)., jm.
I --- i A. Y. O LAASON.
rl,-' Xntfiry PltNle..
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and
acts fiiren:! ly on lite hlood and nuirniir enrfacet
Of the system. Srnd for teMiniotiinK free.
u ,j V'-1 Co., Toledo, a
Vr Bold by Pruuulsta, '
There are a lanre number of hypenlc physi
cians w ho ilnim that disr-tnc is a'hvavn the' re.
ault of a tranvrealnn of Nature' laea. The
proprietors of dHrftcld Tea are both phya'clan
and have devoted ycarMo teaohlliK the people
how to avoid aickneaa hv followinif Nature's
lawa. They jrive away with every pac-katie of
OarflcM Tea a little bonk, which thev claim
will enable all persona. If directions are fol.
lowt d. to avoid sicknesH of all kinds and to
nave no need for tiartUUl Tea or any other
Wntl.-Wl Dale People to buy 50c. Hot
t lea of KoreMine Hloot ltlitera of all dealers
"rlc- (Sivea you Strength and Viiror
tha Froshnrss of Youth.
"Phown'b Rhonchiai. Tiiov-iier' are excel
lent for the relief of Hoarnencaaor Sore Throat.
They are cxt eodluly effective."- Christian
norid, London, Kng,
If a Allot ed with an re ere nae Dr.laaao Thomp
on VEya-watar. Uruiclata ' iK1-ter bottla
Mr. Harreii Heed
Laceyyille, 0.
Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa
ralysis of the Throat
"1 Thank God and Hood's Sarsa
parilla tor Perfect Health."
"Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffering hu
manity I wish to state a few facta: For several
?era I have suffered from catarrh and heart
allure, getting so bad 1 could not work and
Could Scarcely Walk
I had a very bad spellof paralysis of the throat
aome time ngo. My throat seemed closed and
IcsHfil nof airnffoir. The doctors said It
was caused by heart failure, and gave medl
pine, which I took according to directions hut
It did not seem to dn me any good. My ife
urged me to try Hood's Sarsnparllla, telling
ma of Mr. Joseph c. Smith, w ho had been
At Death's Door
but was entirely cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
After talking with Mr. Smith, I concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken
two bottles I felt, very much better. I havs
continued taking It, and am now feeling excel
lent. I thank God, and Hood's Sarsapanlla
and my wife for niv restoration to perfect
health." IIaiivf.v Hkkd, IjceyviUe, 0.
Hood's tilla do uot purge, aln or gripe, but act
promptly, easily and emrienlly. oenu.
Valued Indorsement
of Scott's
is contain
ed in let
ters from
cal profes-
sion speaking of its gratify,
ing results in their practice.
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites can be adminis
tered w hen plain oil is out of
the question. It is almost
as palatable as milk easier
to digest than milk.
Pr.e,rd b, Rrott t Bowne, y V. All d,rri.t.
i .
Troy, N. Y.
Th follnxcimt trihute to J) A V.VS
power oner Ut.U CHllttSH! C'
1'I.AlS'l S, trim urnt ur i.ii Win. (irmnn
of lite irell-knmrii (i lt( t ) M' S I'llAU
MACX;' JJil CumjrtM ,St., lr-,y,.. J'..-
G ESTI.K.MK.N I have la-en trolilileil with
aud lisl'l.i-Kli ini lung lime.
1 employed the btot loctorii iu ihu city:
they Uh mu
Old Chronic Complaints
were hard la r. Their ni.'.lirinu dhl
me bo kmmI. J elopnol Hiking it sMJ
bouglil a liolile of lA N A .s s Us A I' A It II..
I.A. IW-tore 1 httd taken half t it 1 fell
kouer. 1 haw uikeu three t.ulllco of
and am hi'lt.-r thun lor vi-nrs. If UAH
!: tteMlIKH nlH M:. 1 ran
! HiiliiluH I Maul and tl ltMa not
ttlaln-k uie iu the I. j-i. ,
l mir.-- Irulv,
Trov, N. Y. 1HS. Ml' LV tKliGCSON.
The best treatment for a young
orchard is to keep the surface of the
ground mellow end clean. If while the
orchard is starting the owner feels that
he must use the laad for tome productire
crop it should be some hoed crop that re
quires clean cultiratioo. Corn answers
well for this purpose, the partial shade
which it affords the young trees during
the hot months being of some aeaa
tage. Pear trees should bare no ma
nuring, as the; will not stand forcing,
blight setting in when they grow too
rapidly. Chicago Times.
HesTT feeding is pro6tabIe feeding.
Experiments carried on at dairy centres
favor it. Cows making the highest
yield are those that are most generously
fed. Where the average yearly yield of
butter was 150 pounds it was increased
to 250 pounds by means of heavy feeding
from the same animals. Of course there
were other causes involved in the in
crease, such as careful handling, im
proved processes, cumWined with better
attention to the herd, but the more gen
erous feeding was the main factor. A
recommendation to try it should be un
necessary to every dairyman whose re
turns are unsatisfactory. Americau
The danger of feeding wheat, espe
cially to horses, is that it is glutinous
and apt to pack in the stomach and
cause indigestion. This is avoided by
chopping the grain coarsely and mixing
it with cut bay or straw. A liberal quan
tity of salt should be given with this food.
But when the wheat is smutty there is
another danger, which is the effect of
the smut on the animal. This fungus
haj an effect on the nervous system by
which some inflammatory diseases are
apt to be caused. The animals may es
cape injury ior a time, but the danger
will always be imminent while the smutty
food is given. Boiling would kill the
fungus and prevent trouble. But as the
fungus is especially dangerous and in
jurious to female animals, both ptegmut
and otherwise, these should never be
given any smutty food. The effect of
the smut is to produce abortion, or in
flammation of the mucous membrane
that results in gangrene. New York
A farmer's wife who does not pretend
to handle many bens, but simply suf
ficiency for her own use and those she
ells once a week at the village near by,
has four dozen eggs each evening and "a
few over. These four dozen average her
from twenty to twenty-two cents per
dozen, or eighty cents a day as an aver
age, tnd six days would bring (4.80,
and $19.20 per month, for at least six
months of twelve in the year, (115.30
per annum sure, but more than that by
$25 is about certain. This one item,
without speaking of the number of sur
plus chickens that she will sell in the
market, will pay the taxes on the farm
and buy some clothing besides, and still
some farmers can't see where there is
much to speak of in a flock of chickens,
ducks or turkeys. Certainly with the
reasonable facts here before you it should
convince you that you are wrong, and
the time to begin for your own good is
right now. American Farmer.
The eye of a potato is a bud uuon the
thick, fleshy stem known as the tuber,
for potatoes grow on underground
branches above the true roots. J. C.
Arthur, of the Indiana station, has
studied the best size of cut tubers for
planting. Pieces of uniform weight
gave but a small increase in the number
of stalks by increasing the number of
eyes to a piece. An increase in the
weight of the pieces caused a decided
Increase in the number of stalks. The
dense group of eyes at the seed end of a
potato acta physiologically as a single
eye, an 1 not as a number of crowded but
independent eyes. The question of tho
right number of eyes to the piece of
seed potato tuber has long engaged the
attention of experimenters. The results
of the Indiana trials sbo that the num
ber of eyes per piece is of little conse
quence, but the weight of the piece is a
very important factor. The indicated
manner of cutting potatoes for planting
is to divide them into pieces of suitable
weight and size without regard to the
distribution of the eyes. Instead of try.
ing to have one, two or three eye pieces,
as the case may be, the approximation
should be to one, two or three ounce
pieces, or tome other definite weight.
The larger the size the greater will be
the provable yield. American Agricul
During the hot weather butter-makers
are greatly troubled with toft buttor.
This is largely due in most cases to im
proper haudling of the milk, cream and
butter. Where persons have spring
houses or refrigerators butter that is solt
when churned can soon be brought into
a firm, preseutablo appearance, but it is
fur better that it should come from the
churn in the right condition. Srass-
butter, made from ricb, old pastures,
free from weed, and from such varieties
as June or Kentucky bluo grass, orchard
grass, red top, wire grass and white clo
ver, or fro ie mixtures of some of these
sorui, if churned at a little below sixty
degrees and properly handled, should be
of a texture that will give little or no
cause for complaint. During the hot
apt lie, however, taere is a teudenoy for
the butter to be soft, notwithstanding
any care which may be taken of it.
As the result of experiments mado at
the Ontario (Canadian) experiment feta
tion, to test the effect of food on milk
and butter, Professor H. H. Dean reports
that the addition of a smull quantity of
meul, especially cotton teed meal, to the
food, hus a tendency to make the butter
firmer and raise the melting point from
one to four degrees centigrade. During
the last summer about one pound pur
day of cotton seel meal was fed to each
cow at pasture, mixed with brau or
some graiu rueul, bud not a churning of
soft butter occurred during the whole
season. Whether this was altogether due
to the cotton seed meal, he is not pre
pared to say, but believes it had much
to do with it. New York World.
We should certainly advise you to
have your sund corn ctacked on the
ear, and then ground cob and all. The
extra expense should not exceed the cost
of sheiliug tLe corn with labor reckoned
at a fair price, and we think that pound
for pound the corn and cob meal, especi
ally if the cob is small aad well dried to
as to grind well, it worth at much for
feeding purposes as the meal from clear
corn. We know that analysis does not
shew it, and this led tome farmers to
doubt the reliability of the chemists, be
cvife they were sure that they had found
the same quantity of each to produce
equally good results. When two facts
are appareatly exactly opposed to eacb
other, there is tome unknown property,
or other fact, to be looked after. In
this case the unknown quantity wai
the digestive power, and it is now well
decided that tho corn and cobmeal not
packing so closely in the digestive
organ, nor passing through them at
rapidly, is more thoroughly digested
than the clear cornmeal. Or that the
undigested amount wasted on feeding
clear meal is greater than the adultera
tion, if it can be to called, of the cob.
And the cob has tome nutritive proper-
ties, though not enough to pay foi
grinding and feeding it without the
corn, and perhaps also it lias, from its
mineral elements, a power of stimulating
digestion. You speak of shelling th
corn yourself, to that the shelling costs
you nothing, but there ought to be bet
ter and mora profitable work for an able
bodied man than shelling corn, even on
rainy days. Go to the barn and card
and brush the cows, or to the thed and
build tome chicken coops for use next
spring. Whitewash the henhouse or the
cellar, or, if you cannot find any work
that will improve the farm or buildings,
sit down by the fire and improve your
mind and rest your body. And we do
not believe in doing unnecessary or un
profitable work just for the sake of work
ing, unless it may be for the take of
keeping out of mischief. There it usu
ally some profitable work to bo done oo
every farm, and time tpent in thelling
corn results in a loss instead of a profit.
Boston Cultivator.
Hent in confinement require green
Dampness in the poultry yard la tho
great assistant of roup.
If the purpose la to obtain eggs, it if)
generally better to use pure breeds.
Grass should be thrown to the henl
in a condition to that they can pull It.
A fitting and a non-sitting breed pro.
duce a cross that site in almost ever!
It is highly important thatstrawberrn
runners should be cut before the fruit is,
made. ,
In nearly all cases it is best to be read jj
to set the iiens whenever they show aj
If you have no reading circle in your
neighborhood, now is a good time to or.
ganize one.
A fodder cuttor will cut the clover
fine, when the hent will pick it up with
out difficulty.
The principal reason why cooked food
fattens poultry more rapidly is that it it
more readily digested.
A neglect to clean out the houses, re
move the surplus food, etc., may bo
very important factors in inviting lice.
Pullets that are hatched in February
will usually bogin laying in September,
in time to take the place of the moulting
A safe rule is to keep a good hen that
has proved herself, unless you are cer
tain you have a better one to take her
A neglect to supply water for a day,
or the omission of a meal, will some
time cause a falling off in the number
of eggs.
The California Fruit Grower advisot
that "peach yellows be regarded among
peach growers as cholera, and treated
All hardy bulbs may be planted outof
doors as long as the ground it not frozen.
Bulbs may now be started in pots for
house culture.
It is a good time to make those light
bushel boxes that crate up one above to
other and are to handy In field and cel
lar at root harvest.
The man who has no time to clean hit
boots before entering the house generally
finds time to find fault with hit wife be
cause the it not good-natured.
There it an increasing tendency among
farmers to do all that it possible in winter
to save tome in spring and summer, and
it is a nopelul sign of tbe timet.
The old maxim "Look after the
small things, and the larger ones will
take care of themselves." is as true in
poultry keeping as with any other pur
Cabbage plnuts, when required in lartre
numbers, can be grown cheaper than
they can be purchased at twenty-five
cents per 100. Enough seed can be
bought for five cenu to produce 1000
plants, and there is always nleuty of
time to grow them before setting them
out in June or July for winter use.
Farmers do not want the kind of cat
tle that will barely exist or live on the
least amount of poor feed or poorer care,
or rather no care at all, or as tome tay,
on huz'.'l brush and pennyroyal; but the
animal is wanted that will convert the
greatest amount of the farm product into
cash, and at the same time do so with a
If tbe orcbardist will annually feed hit
trees properly and generously; will pre
vent other growth from undue interfer
ence; will make the best use of arsenical
spraying; will thin his fruits faithfully
at the tight time aud handle the product
with care, he will be likely to be as well
recompensed for his trouble as the busi
uees U susceptible of.
A tTrrrxnoua vrt ron rmt!ir.
Arelibtahop Ireland tati the flgnrea tieat,
when he say "'that an average of I5 per
dar la bv no menna an unreasonable eati
mata of the aunt paid to aaoh aaloon in th
country for drink." Multiply this by 2SV
000, the number of aaloona, and w have ton
grand total of S,7Vl,()t)0 per day, or for HtiJ
day (Sunday heinij the beat dajl tho tu
peiidous mm of tl,8i3,7A0,()0J in one year.
Something fhoul I he done t) punn'i till
men who trade on the weal-neaa for atron
drink of tho Mojaro Indian All alon j the
rieaert are white men who nro atupeetei of
ellins; liquor to the Indiana, an I it !
tlttty of too authorities to aw to It that tula
vile traffic la ended. The Indian agent are
generally at fault, but tinder tie preaent
ytem of appointment it i difficult to Ret
any efficient work don by theao olHdala,
who usually obtain poaition f ir tho rhvtc-a
of making money and not lor tho aakeof
helping the Indians. San Francisco C hron
icle. Tit it no's PROTKSIT.
I feel Inilienant, sir, hecauao I am made
an object of compv iaon with sundry de
Iwavea ecimens ot the genu homo. The
tired man cams home from town on day so
drunk he could acarcely move. When ha
attempted to feed me he tumbled into my
tye, anil I had to root him out of tho way
to get my corn Now, I never in my life
acted in any such disgraceful wajr; so what
on earth did my master mean when, bo told
the hired man that ho acted like a hogf
Why, I was so mad at the insult to my kiud
that I grunted as hard and vehemently as I
could. Of course, beinir only a hog, I
couldn't swear, as a man would have done:
but tho idea of my getting drunk as that
fool of a hired man dull Why, when h
tumble, I into my pen and hi bottle of
whisky fell outof hi pocket and got broken,
do you Mippote i would touch tho uaity
slulT! Not much, I prefer good, wholesome
awill. Farmer's Review.
The "Hospital," a mddical periodical nit
specially inclinej to temperance, sayaj "1'he
custom of taking wine, or spirit or beer
between meals on au empty stomach in one
word, tho pernicious habit of "nipping'' is
highly injurious, The morning nip, between
breakfast and the midday meal, which is
frequently taken by domestic servants,
nurses, work people and "city men," ren
ders the hiker less fit for.his daily work than
ho would otherwise he. and i often the first
fatal step toward dram drinking and the
shameful life of tho woman drunkard, ot
which we are hearing so much at the preaent
time. The flushing ot tbe lace, caused by
tho dilatation of tbe amll blojii-vesaela usu
ally induced by alcohol when taksn alone, is
symptomatic ot what takes place in the
stomach. The direct action of alcohol
on tho mucus membrane i to produce totn
porary congestion or blushing ot tho inter
oal surface of the stomach. The congestion
ultimately becomes chrouio If nip or dram
ot spirit are indulged in, with the result
that the mucus membrane become thick
ened and indurated, a quantity of tenacious
mucus is secreted, tho digestive ferment is
paralysed or destroyed, aud alcoholic dy
pepsia i establish!."
J. N. Stearns, of Now York, Secret iry ef
the National Tetnperanos (Society, has been
in Chicago making final arrangement for
the World's Tern nerauce Congress to cou
veiie in that city during tho week commenc
ing June 5, under the auspice jf the World's
Congress Auxiliary. In submitting bis re
port Mr. Htearns give assurance that the
congress will be the largest of the kind ever
conventd. He says that paper have been
invited from some of the most eminent
writer of the world. These paper embrace
tbe scientific, religious social, political,
medical, legislative and economic aspect of
the temperance question, together with
hour of work, cuilee-houses, the allianc,
total abstinence and other phases of tho
question. Writers have Iweu invited from
every great temperance organititiou on the
globe, and from every country a sketch of
tho temperance movement withiu its bor
ders 1 he Department ot State was askol
to tend out a series of question relating to
the temperance cause and it extent aud
progress to all Ameriein Consuls, a id cheer
fully responded to the request. Tho Ns
tioual Tavern Association ot (ireat hritaiu,
has appointed aixty de.aatea, who will ar
rive iu Chicago, Juno 1, and are booked to
top at tho Moody Institute. The National
Temperance Society has asked every church
in Chicago to set apart Sunday, June 11, to
be known ft Temperance Su idav, wneu a
largo number of the leading advocate of
the cause will be in the city.
The Rv. Hugh Price Hughes recently
held the ot a series of Sun lay afternoon
conference on licensing reform iu SU
J aiiies' o H ill, London. He said the liquor
traffic was a very strong power, and it
would naturally in the coming con diet have
tho support of every betting man, every
scoundrel aud every criminal. On tbe other
baud, the cause of temperance would secure
the tupport of the churches, which wer
roused at last. He knew cf no subject which
met with such a quick response as temper-
ance reform on any I bristian platform. I
X hen, again, they had tbe women of England I
on their ai ie. who, although they had no
vote at present; when they aid get them
would ue them on the ideof social reform.
Ue believed they were going to see a great
insurrection of women against thi drink
monster. Then they had a third method)
they could pray. That was their weapon
alone. lie did not suppose tho most vivid
imagination could picture a man praying for
the euccexs of tbe drink traftic. He thought
that before they were twelve months older
they would give the liquor tratho uch a
blow as it has never hai before, and on
from which it would never recover. Deal
ing with some proposed remedies, Mr.
Hughes advoc.ti as a beginning tbe limi
tation of ous public housa to every 1U00 per
son. This would close DU, 000 out of the 11,
0J0 at f res jut in exisleuce. It the Govern
ment simply titikere I with the question the
liquor interest would kick them outof ofUoe,
for they (the teuiperauoe people) would not
be there to help them. After dealing with
various methods for the limitation of the
driuk traffic, Mr. Hughes said they would dis
cover, after trying all sort of method, that
the only way to improve it was to improve
it otS the face of the earth altogether.
When whisky was iureutsd the devil be
gan to hup.
Whisky and idleness ara two of the main
pillars upon which the turoue of tbe devil
It is a wrong impression a man fret when
he thinks he can pull himself out of trouble
with acorksurew.
Women are employed at railway (witches
and crossings in Italy because they do not
get intoxicated J often.
Uue million two huudrei thousand mem
bers of tne (Salvation Army bare declared
that they will neither taste, touch nor ban
die iiilozicatin j beverages.
"Many thieve go down red lane" is the
old proverb, meauing tuat we swallow many
thln that ateal our comfort and happl
nos. Hod lane i a good name for the throat.
Kailroai men who drink will no longer be
employed by president Auitin Corbin. Man
already employed wuo are touud drlnkiuf
in business hours will be discharged . That
action will be one of the most powerful tem
perance lussoun ever delivered
There are said to be three countries in
Africa iu which the liquor traffic ha been
practically annihilated. These are the
Orange free State, the British territory m
rtnsuto Laud, uudor the govarnmeut of Sir
Marshall I'larKe, aud the North Bchuaa-
laud, under Kuauia, the native Christian
An iuteresliuir observation i mentioned
by a Freuch meiical j mrual. In the parish
I of Fauboru, Prussia, ara several distilleries
of alcohol, and the inhabitauts of the place
are very largely miou an I all sorts of lui
beciled, whiuu is in strikiug contrast to the
hualthtuluess of the popu ation iu neighbor
ing villages, which havu no distilleries.
Lat year a sadoou keeier made the at
tempt to import bar maids from London.
Tweuty-four hours at tor this announcement
was uiMle, telegram and letters had gone
to the white riuiKiuurs urging t hem to con
centrate agaiust this new outrage upou wo
niau. Their imiitiuns ware immediately
drawn up and lumei by Mrs. Mary T. Burt,
President ot tue New York IStato W. C T.
U.v and her sturdy i-Uu J:.',000 womeu of
tue Empire Suite couoeuiruted their el
torts umhi Albany au i a law ws ied
prohibiting the hirj ui women in the uraui
bliops of thai cjmmouwdaltu,
If Ton TTere o:i tho Moa i.
If lunar conditions are favorable to
human existence, and it is not certain
that they are not, and you could be trans
ported to the top of Tico or some other
lall peak or rock on the surface of our
"silvery lister world," how do you sup
pose th intra would look from tuch vant
age ground t You would ptobably first
turn your eyes in tho direction of our
earth, tho world yott had just quitted,
but to you it would bo a strnnizor. In
place of tho somber clobo you would
naturally expect to behold Jour cyet
woulii be greeted with a moat wonderful
siht. The earth would appear to you
to bo sixty-four time. Inrcr than the sun
appears to tho residents of this mttndnno
sphere; this becauso tho earth has eight
times tho diameter of tho moon, there
fore sho must necessarily show tho
moonites sixty-four times ns much sur
face as the mnon shows us. The sun,
on the other band, would appear no
larger to you from your observatory on
tho moon than it docs from our globe.
Tho earth's atmosphere being blue it lias
been decided thnt the enrtli must appear
as a blue ball to nil outside onlookers.
What a glorious sight it must be to our
lunnrinn neighbors to look upon a bright
blue, swift revolving bull sixty-lour
times larger tbHn tho soul. --St. Louis
Among nil the great men of the period,
Gladstone is tho earliest riser. Half
past five sees him "up aud about" every
morning of tho year.
B Maydipend upoi thy you treat thwrn.
Ing hiclt nature given. A few bottle of
fv S. S. taken at the propt-r time may iniur good
keallb for a year or two. f hen-tore act at one for it
that aaturs lie assisted at th right time
nevi-r fail to relieve the avstem of Ini
purities, and is an excellent tonic aUo.
H Wants to Add His Name.
" Permit me to add my name to your many other
eertiticatealn commendation of the jrreat curative
properties contained in 8wlft' Specific (8. 8, S.) It
u certainly one of the het tonics 1 ever used.
"John W. Daniel, Anderson, S. C."
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed tree.
T'" ll1l II llllMIIISi mi mii
ur. Kilmer's
PpriniriHirt. Mich.
Saves Another Life!
Suffered for Eight Long Years!
MKS. MILIEU SAY9 : "I had lwn troubled
foreiKht yours with stomut'b umt hwirt di:B
culties." 1 1
cultiee." I lived mostly on mi is, as every
thinir hurt me so. My kidney and liver wer
I inaUirrililcsiute. Con Id neither sleep not
rat. 1 hud been treated by tho best (. huairo
doctor and olsewhero without any benefit
whatever. A a last reaort I tried your
tin-amp -Hoot, and have only used thret
bottles. Can nowcat anything, nomuttoi
what. Nothing hurts me, and can (to to tsxl
and if't a good uighia sleep, swump
Hoot cured me. Anyone doubting thii
Statement can write, and 1 will gladly annwer."
.r-. (iiniln-l emrtenw or line
WAMun-nl''. If r'" J beoHlted, .bre
Vki ITrfirf will rvruiiirtuyoutlu- WM'
luvalUsi 4. atlde t Hc-aUm IVn
aiiil lUoUmUllnOl lvW...uh.Hi
l'4jiau)uai fre.
T-j TT. Kllnwr W; mufnmmwm, n. .
1 ot tlit)
: o
A f ITB C or Th''' Neck l ure,
hi Hail. Kl.
hi.blN, liellsvtlla, N. J.
at at
Boschee's German Jsyrup is more
successful in the treatment of Con
sumption than any other remedy
prescribed. It has been tried under
every variety of rlimate. In the
bleak, bitter North, in damp New
England, in the fickle MiddleStates,
in the hot, moist South every
where. It has been in demand by
every nationality. It has been em
ployed in every stage of Consump
tion. In brief it has been used
by millions and its the only true and
reliable Consumption Remedy. 00
Cure CoBiomptloa, Coughs, Croup, hor.
Ttir4 &u!4 by all liuuisi oa a Cwraaw.
G''"ffsJvC v a - ? , ruiTt eoo. t L
mm tB Nftwsrf hrubfruiu.T.r introduced eri.d.u''h a HMilionu . " J
. 1L oarBollloBiT.T.Jii.lrrrnidTrC'riik.rrT. i r..tu tb. um. ll k 7
JT f1 I leTrB f'a lownfo'd Ih.j ar.s Mumof c-mudI b..Mtf. Shrubs s-mv
Oo rlnt of mI
feet r'ilnS 4
Fair of North China.
Northern China Is the country of fairs.
In any given district thcro is a cowtant
succession of Urge gathering! at which
It is not. uncommon for as many as 10,-.
000 persons to bo congregated. The fairs
are sometimes called tho "poor man's
market" for the great display of second
hand clothing which tho owner wish to
dispose of.
At Techou and at another point on the
Grand Canal thorn aro annual fairs hold
from tbe beginning of the twolflh month
to tho fifteenth day of tho same month,
at which thcro it a great displny of for
eign goods, especially woolens, sold nt
The Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable to progress in cookery
and to the comfort and conve
nience of modern housekeeping.
Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking
powder offered to the public U. S. Gov't CAtmisfs Report.
For finest food I can use none but Royal. A. Fortin,
Chtf, IVhift Jloust.or Frtsidtnts Cleveland and Arthur.
To the Ftiitertftk AVtv Yk Werid:
" Mr. loiSn ivemmill, nf th- place, wm thrown from t
wagon, Austaining a most crous iiuury to her iin, and wu
unable to walk. Her daughter ptovldentially procured tw.
bottles of
which Mrs. Gemmill ued. liefote th nerornl bottla wai
cxhauttcii, she was able to walk about, and has been
Yety truly.
Justice to All.
It is now apparent to che Directors of the World's Columbian
Exposition that millions of people will be denied the pleasure of becoming
the possessors of
World's Fair
Souvenir Qoins
The Official Souvenir
of the Great Exposition
The extraordinary and growing demand for these Coins, and the de
sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be afforded for
their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution.
To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited
Throughout the N-tion to un. with t e Banks in placing Columbian Half
Dollars on :ale. Tnis is done that th- masses of the people, and those
living at remote points, may be' afforded the best possible opportunity to
obtain the Coins.
of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest in seizing upon these
new advantages.
$10,000 Was Paid For The First Coin
They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must enhance their
The price is One Dollar each.
Go to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have
If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to us, ordering
not less than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered.
Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free
of expense. Remit by registered letter.or send express or post-office money
order, or bank draft to
Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 111.
(n a World Where 11 Cleanliness Is Next (o Godliness " na
Praise is Too Great for
Dm Tn.niv
Oar mammoth
tbrM nrt fru:t noTalttei. will b maiM
ei.iiet iii.m fur -' U-'i; lcnll,-tiom 1W S4.
Do Mot Be Deceived
with HafttfS, K name I a and Faints which slain the
hum la. Injure the Iron aud huru red.
The HiNtutf sun bu Fol I in la Hrtlllant, Odor
lees, Durable, and the consumer ivays fox no tin
or glaa passage with every puivhtaae.
It you want u own m home, it you want to pay ot
a niortttuK. if you want U Invent your uionty at the
bltfiienl ruu of Intercut contlaU'Ut with aaiiety; If you
want a Kriiianeut, lurnttlvw ai-uey for a buiMlutj
ami loan antMrclultou, with 91,iNi,UH) attm-u and skni,
UJ tieiMixlieil with Hunk In lejartiui'iil; if any of
alMrVt) w.uita aro youra thru write theUKAMTK htatk
1'Koviimvr AhHiM.'lATloN, I'ulltiMir liuiMUig, New York.
W A NTEI I-ot-aland traveling aKt'ntsaud pnn mo
uth tor the Maryland but hi lug ami Iamix AnauM-liv
tiou; llleral ooimiiikMou. tr jjui llvulam atiilrei. K.
I'. i'rUcht-U.hwreUu-y.LAW lluilUlug, baitlinort, Md.
atuuaiui: aud Instructive. he ml
uame, ahlreaa aud one ceut atain
rr.rh V r0. cults ASl IUujAIjW A V
lira hittt.n j
rnri lo,
BtYH t Here's a sua p. bend
10 ela. with uaiue aud al(ireiwof
ti IXiVH WllU ft'tUl BlOflfH ttilU Ufl
thebutV WuKLb n-KUlai ly for ti lnotj.
iwveu ooliililt-te atortea lu Krb. Nil.
hample vny for ttiamp. bo1" woatuj, Lynn, Mhm.
cheaper rates than at other tlmAs. This
is called tho fair of tho grain fleet, tnd
Is ono of the products of the vioious syt
tern of grain tuxes. About 400 vosselt
are annually e "ployed for transporting
tho Shantung grain tnx to Tungobow,
near Poking, and upon their return these
vessels bring largo quantities of goods
from Tientsin, which are told at tho
fairs. While tome of the fairs are hold
at times rigidly fixed and nover varied,
most of thorn jtro wholly uncertain as to
time North China llorald.
A Salisbury (X. C.) woman Is ropottod
to bo cutting her third set of teeth.
No tool rrqatrrd. OH a hammer nNl tn rtrrra
nn.l e tnnb th. m aaiMr ami n"'. Carina tha Hindi
nisn'tit-i m.xith. Hwiulrlna; no ho o to ba mit In
Up Oiitiipf nor hnrr Mr Uis Kiveta. They ara atrM.
tonali and rfnrnfcle. Millions bow In us All
nuth. nniform ir nrt), put lin In hoaoc
Ask rssr alalr for Ihfia or sn4 tta tw
stamps for a boa ot luo, assorted slaea. Man'fd by
H'ALTHAtt, f Aft.
This b truly I he grMUtst noveUjof lbs oscy
tury. This shrub grows 10 to 1A fret hiuh.
roTcrlng t lor If in aariy sprlnf with baauitiTuI
liowmrs which ara suocwUvil by great quan
tities of luscious fruit, ll is hardy, as beauti
ful as s 1'iciure, while l'u tVaat is lacomparmbi.
It will grow sdjt aud frywh?ra and Jonas a
grand aUdilluD to our lawn and garden shrub.
tUuhtftuc; 10 for SI.-.U, postpaid.
A. shrub of wondrous beauty; eoTcrs Itaalf
with a groat mass of)ur whit. dsllciousJy
fragrant blossoms. Thtrsa ara followed by
largo, dsrk colorrd berrlrs, excellent fur We
sauce, etc Each, 25c.; 10 for f l.vtft.
Everybody is fund of cranberries, and wa
have a shrub I hat will flourish aud bar pro
dlgiously tnevery seoliou of America. Each, We.
Tha above S rara Novelties, postpaid, only S0c;
with catalogue, 68c.
catalogue is mailed upon receipt of Sc. for postaga.
SALZER SEED CO., La Crosse, Wis.
Hoida cue worsi rup
ur with rsis ue
dor aii cJrx'umsuanry,
Prw I al. I nitrursuM,
IlltutraulOU. aoj r;ili
Iwr wit-. iia t, r y i,Kt i
mraly M3blti 1. u.f. l(.a
ll.l.u, 111 Brul
nr. Ns vor Cit.
t P4TKFiTaU. t
Illustrated Publications,
M i ubm'Is. N orth tl.kou. MoBtass,
I (osUn, SuhiniVHi and Oraftfs, (Ss
U-Tlkrtainoltrsj Ur.ilnsa4 T1l
."dii. n..aUKUl,n. HuLdHH. Aiin
u... s. uasuaa.Lu UaB. r. a. a. st. rni, au
Garfield Tea s
t'ureaMek lleulawhe l(el.irea( oiuiiii-xini t'r wv' r
pill. btMUultt f jrwa. tiAKritU0iTu.(4-..31 W stUi Hi., p.
Cures Constipation
CJoaauapilvea and (Htopla
ho have weak iuos or Asib
jb. should use futo h Cure lor
Oonsuuipllon. II has cnrvtl
liouaatf, It has not injur
ni on it is not had to ik.m.
tt lii th betil cuuijih ayrup.
rtoia evrTwbera ISAe.
It I K Baa its