THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. .- ...... i.uiFd , u n i u i i zo, irwo BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. C. It. Davis. CouacWmen. Patrick Joyce, W. A. Grove, W. A. Illland. 8. II. Hastot, A. II. Dale, Joseph Morgan. Justices of th Peace i. F. Proper, 8. J. Setloy. Constable 8. 8. Can field. Collector J, W. Landers. Grtinnt Director (J. W. Robinson, A. H. Kelly, D. H. Knox. J. T. Drennan, J. n. Clark, T. F. Kit-ihey. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Afemher of Congress O. F. Kmrtns. Member of Senate If ashy A. Mali,. Assembly J. J. Haioht. President Judge Charles H. NoyKs, Associate Judges Johts II. Whitk. O. W. Clark. Treturer. Jamikson. VofAoaotory, ReqisterA Recorder, de. "-Oalvii M. Arnrr. Sheriff. Job k R. Osgood. Cbmainer C. F. Lkdedor, Jas. MoIicttrb, PftlLIP Km RUT. Itounty Superintendent O. W. KkRR. District Attorney P. M. CI.ARK. jury fmmoner Jno, N, Hkat.T. K. W. GrriTON. Counfy Surveyor .T. F. Proper. Coroner P. W. Ci.ark. County AuditorW. W. Thomas, J. A. Dawson, R, FLYiti. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGR. No Sn9,I.O.O. K. Meet evorv Tuesdavevenlng, in Odd Follow' Hall.'Partrldge building. INREST I.ODGE No. 1H4, A.O. V. W., I Meets every Friday evening in A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. WASHINGTON CAMP. No. 420. T.O. 8. of A., meets every Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall', Tionesta. C4.PT. GEORGE STOW POST. No. 274 O. A, R. Meta 1st and 3d Wednes day evening In each m.inth, In Odd Fel lows, Hall, Tionesta. AT. OEORI1E 8TOW CORPS, No. :7, W. R, C, meets Hint and third Wednesday evening of each month, In A. O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. BOAHDnf EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forest County, meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in Dr. Morrow's oiHce, Tionesta, Pa. M.CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, and District Attorney. Office, cor. of lm and Bridge Streets, Tionesta, Pa. Also agent for a number of rellablo Fire Insursmie Companies. E U DAVli ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, Tionesta. Pa. Collections made In this and adjoining counties. W F. RITCHEY, J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tloneaia, Pa. Jb. siggins, m. i)., Physician, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. j w. morrowTm. D rhyslcian, Burgeon fe Dentist. OIHIee and residence three doors north of Lawrence House, Tionesta. Profession al calls promptly responded to at all hours. LAWRENCE HOUSE, L. AO NEW, Proprietor. Tionesta, Pa. Centrally located, greatly enlarged, newly furnished ihroughoui, and complete In all its appointments. Sample rooms for Commercial Agents. Good Livery In connection. CENTRAL HOUSE, . . O. C. BROWN ELL, Proprietor. Tlonseta, l a. This Is the niostcentrally locaUfd hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. 170 REST HOTEL, : West Hickory. Pa. Jacob Bender. Proprietor. This hotel lias but recently been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, ami otters the finest and most o-nnfortable accomm da lions to guests and the traveling public Kates reasonable. - DR. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, TIONESTA, PA. Office on Elm Street. Calls attended to promptly day and night. MAY, PARK A CO., BANKERS. Corner of Elm Jr Walnut .St., Tionesta, Pa lla.ilr nf niuwtm.l .n1 In. terext allowed on Time'Deposita Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. 8. Collections solicited. pUIL. EMERT, PANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop In Heck building next to Smear Juugh Jt Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from tne Ui.est to the ooarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atteu lion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JyiRENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS, COLIIRS. BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. HON EST A. PA. READ THESE UNPARALLELED OFFERS! THE HARRISBURG SEMI WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Published by the Harrlshurg Publish' ing Company, Js the largest and best newspaper pub. ea at me capiuu 01 renmtvivuma, Each number contains thirty-two columns ti lie with the latest news, stories, market re ports. Legislative Pro ceedings, and mis cellaneous rea ding. TRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, OK CNE CENT A COPY. . Semi-Weekly Telegraph and American Agriculturist for t wo Dollars. Seinl-Week!y Telegraph and American I'armer ior une uuiiur. 8nail-Weealy Telegraph and Home Aiagitz ne, enueu ny Mrs. j on 11 a. l.ocan Hiuutbly ) lor one dollar and ten cents, Meml-Weeklv Teleu-iaph and Jones' History of tbe'JuniaUt Valley for the price 01 tne book alone, two dollars. Reliable Agents wanted to solicit sub scriptions in every School District in ronusyivaiua. Daily Telegraph, fo per year. The cash must accompany all orders, nu ue auurvssHU 10 M. W. McALARNEY, Maragnr. Harrisburjr, Pa. BllOIlKit IN Real Estate And General Insurance. Wild Landa for Sale. Farms for Sale. Houses & Lots for Sale Mouses for Rent. Do you wish to set. it exchange Ronl EstatoT or desire Insurance) on your buildings or household furniture? Call on mo. t'harrfe an4 Mnbbnth School. Prosbvterlan Sabbnth School at 9:46 a. in. 1 M. E. Snhbatb School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rankin. Preachtnir In the F. M. Church every 8n bath evening at the usual hour. Rev. A. T. Saner, Pastor. Services In the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rev." J. V. McAnlnch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. KEI IBUCAN CAUCUS. The Republican voters of Tionesta borough are' requested to meet in caucus, at the Court louse, io said borough, on Monday evening, Jan 30. 1893, for the purpose of Domi nating borough officers to be voted for at the ensuing spring election. A full attendance of the Republican voters is requested. By O.NDtR Committee. Oil market closed yesterday 631. Harry Maze was down from Ma rienville a day or two last week, shaking hands with old friends. Mies Ida Moore of Brookville, has been the guest of her friend, Mrs C. S Kirchariz, during the past f.irt night. Why is it that when a lady is walking by the side of a young gent and chances tn slip she always falls toward the y. g. T The ice hat vest is about at an end in Tionesta, not for a lack of ice, hut icehouses. The quality was nev er finer nor the quantity greater. Dr. Stonecipher of Maricntille, si tended the monthly meeting of the pension examining board here last Wednesday. The Dr. is president of the hoard. Without being slangy it is per fectly correct to say that when a young man take's his best girl out on the ice and she rauont skate be will have tn let her slide. The Wesleyan Methodists have been holding a successlul revival meeting during the past two weeks at their church at Stewart Run. .The meeting is still in progress. Grove Bros started the drill in the well nn the E M Payne tract, on Johns Run, Tionesta township, yes tcrday. With no bad luck this well ought tn be finished in three or foui weeks. What the result will bo wel 1 that's tn he seen. The testimonials which the mail brings in every day run thus : "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cured the baby of Croup." "It cured roe of a moBt distressing cough ;" or "it cured my little boy of sore throat." "We could nut du without it." Boyd, the 12 year old son of Warren Jones, of Newtown Mills died on Friday night of last week, nl membraneous croup, after an illness of but a few hours. He was a bright young lad, and his death is a heavy blow tn the talher, who has nur sym paihy in bis severe affliction. Should be kept at stables and stock-yards. Salvation Oil is the best friend tint only to man, but of dumb beasts as well. For swelled joints, strained tendons, old sores, saddle galls, and minds of all kinds there ii no remedy like Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents per bottle. . The Presbyterian church at Ty lersburg was destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening of last week. The fire originated from a defective flue, evidently, while services were in progress. The edifice had but recent ly been completed, and was a very neat one. No insurence, we under stand. An exchange very properly says: After a day's hsid work a man draws up his chair tu the fire these cold iiiglns, the advertisements on fences and trees are out of reach of the eye, and the hand bill has long siuce blown from the front yard. He calls for his paper, aud the wise man prof its by cutching him at his leisure with a double column space. T. D. Collins, of Nehranka. For ert county, who left here three weeks ago on a trip to Californeu aud Waoh , iugicii, arrived in the city Friday al'ieruonu on his return home. In three weeks he traveled nearly 8,000 miles.- He spent three days with his son at Seattle, Wsfch , and one day al Shii Diego, Cnl , with his broiher, J V. Collins, formerly proprie'or of the Collins House, this chy.Bluxird. The weather of llie past few days. Idle perhaps not so nearly I ke the "old faidiioued winter," it certainly vastly more endurahle and coraforta hie. The sleighing continues excel lent, while the hauling keeps up about as briskly as usual. Again the question arises, who could fiud lanli with such a winter? A call has been made for a Re publican caucus at the Court H-iufc next Monday night which all Repub licans of the borough are expected to atteud. We believe most of the par ty would prefer the old style of citizens caucus, hut the party caucus seems to be the only way out of the muddle under the Baker ballot law, heuB the call. Gen. John A. Wiley and staff, of the 8ecoiid Brigade, are arranging to give a military reception in Franklin to Governor Pattisou and staff The Governor has accepted the iovitatioti aud has notified Gen. Wiley that he will be present 00 the date fixed, Fri day, Feb. 3. The reception and bill will be held in the Nursery Club rooms. The o Hirers of the Second Brigade, the Governor and staff, and mauy distinguished guests will be in full uniform. It will be the social event of the seasou in Franklin. The Tionesta public school libra ry association has been revived after lying in a dormant slate for several years, and now bids fair to become ne of the substantial institutions of the the town. Subscriptions that were taken when the project was first set on foot are now being collected, and with a snug little sum accumu lated by the schools will form the nu cleus of what will doubtless develope into a spleudid auxiliary to the school. In a short time a meeting will be called fur the purpose of or ganization. The series of meetings which has been conducted in the Presbyterian Chuic-h since the first of the year came to a close last Sabbath. The meetings have resulted in a very sub stantial acquisition to the Church, twelve having united on confession ot faith, aud one by letter, al) of whom have been accepted and taken into full communion. At the M. . Church the meetings are still in prog ress, a good many having gone for ward, nearly all of whom bave pro fetsed converting aud expressed a determination to live better in the future. What sort of country is Mon tana, anyhow? While folk have been supposing that everything was frozen stiff io that tuoutaiuous section of the Northwest, along comes a press dis patch from Great Falls, dated Jan, 19, saying that farmers about there have been pl -wing for the past three weiks and that the thermometer ranges at about 50 degiees above zero Franklin JVetf. The only way to account fr this remarkable slate of weather is iu the possible fact tha,t the Baikersville lynching fake liar has in some mysterious manner got ten up into that country, The Republican voters of Kings ley township met at Newtown Mills, on the 19th iust , aud placed in nom ination the follow ing ticket for the Spring election: Judge of elctions, Otto Rudolph; inspector, John Shaw, road commissioner, Edward Gillespie; school directors, Andrew Welter, and B. F. Winaos; constable, G. W. Chamberlain; auditor, Jeff Dean; township clerk, Frank Gillespie; tax collector, Carlos Heath; overseer of the p lor.Chas. Soutliworth; treasurer, G. W Osgood; pathmasters, W. II H, Jlotterer, Otto Rudolph, Conrad Burhenn, J II. Shunk, A L. Wellor, Thomas Giflbid, Orlando Bingman. The Y. P E C E of the Pres byterian Church will have special ex ercues on Thursday evening, Feb. 2d, it being the 12th anuiversaiy of the organization of the first society by Dr. F. E. Clark, in Willstoo, Me This is pupillary known as "Endeavor Day," and is generally observed by all the societies, which now have a membership of about 1,400.000 The exercises will consist of papers, pre pared by the members, giving a short history of the society, its objects, and influence, and sketch of "Father En deavor" Clark's trip around the world; als'i recitations and special music. All are cordially iuvited to attend. Hon. Harry A. Hall, Senator from this district, last week iutrduc ed an amendment to the act of '89 in creasing the scalp bounty. He said that his personal knowledge of the destructiveness nf wild cats had led him to prepare the aniendmeut. "Ou a tract of 600 acres up in my county" said Mr Hall yesterday, "wild cats killed five deer. I went out one day recently and duriug the day scared up nn less than twenty of ihe animals I shot one weighitig forty pounds, which will he mounted under the di reel ion of the Slate ornithologist, B II Warren, and put in the Pennsyl vsnia exhibit at the World' fair." Uaritburg Patriot. As to this matter of the world owing every man a living, that is a mistake. The world does not owe any man anything until he earns it. The earth is full of good things for all, but we must hustle around and get them or do without. Had the first mao sat down under a shade tree viih folded arms and said, "The wi.rld owes me a living, and I am not going to exert myself to get what be longs to me," the chances are that business, so far as mankind is con cerued, would have slopped right there. No, my son, the world owes you nothing, but you owe tho world your best endeavors, in return for which you will get a living. Ex. Near Gilfoyle, nn Saturday eve ning, engine 17, having detached all the cars aud caboose, was runuing to Williams' Siding when it suddenly left tbe track, tumbling clear over, the engine going one way and the tender the other. The whole Shifter crew, with the exception of the con ductor. D G. Moriarty, were in the cab of the uuruly engine, and all jumped aud escaped with slight bruis es but Frauk Yetter, who was not so fortuuate. Tbe engine fell upon him and but for the soft snow his life would bave been crushed out. As it was, one of his arms was badly bruis ed. He expects to be able tn go to work shortly, having accepted a con ductorship of a through train. Ma rienville Express. Ibe First Hun. Mr Ed and Readeiih: On Dec. 14th, 1892, a bill was introduced in Congress by oue Antony, of Texas, having for its object the overthrow of the dependent Pension Act of June 27, 1890. To the "boys in blue" this comes with no uocertiin sound We can't be mistaken in that sound ; it is so much like that spirit which flapped its dark wings over tbe Harbor of Charleston in that mentor able year of 1861, and reverberated over tbe hill tops from Maine to the Pacific's quiet shore, bearing the sol emn truth to nur ears that Sumpteris fired nn. Did the heroes of tbe east, vest and north remain inactive wheu 1 hat dark companion of treason belched forth its fury at tbe grand old star and stipes? No, they sprang forth like magic in defense of that flag and met the dark hosts uf treason ou more than two thousand bloody fields at great sacrifiie, and fought in to submission the southern treason staiued horde I What right has Aoto ny of Texas, or in fact any of his class tit dictate what shall be paid to the loyal soldiers who wete compelled by such meu as Antony to sacrifice the comforts of borne for the piril of war innumerable, in order to save from dissolutiou the fairest coutitty the suu e'er shone upou ? Tbe terms of Mr. Autony's citizeuship was sub mitted to by him at Appomattox; he was to return to his borne aud be Bub missive to tbe laws of bis country, aud his ouly plea to citizenship to day is based upon an unwise prnclania tiou of an unwise President, who owed his position to an assassio's bul let. But you say, his bill bag not be come a law yet. No, it has nnt; neither will it become a law during the pnseut Congress. But, Sir, like the first gun at Fori Sumpter spoke to this nation, go speaks this first gun to my comrades who are now, or may hereafter be, drawing a peusion un der the act of June, 1890. The writer of this article is receiv ing no benefit by virtue of said Act, but fools ii his duly to speak up in defense of hi comrades, their widows and orphans, and, God being his help er, he shall do so to the best of his ability. We bave realized the works of a Judas, of a Benedict Arnold, a Booth, a Guiteaii, and now we bave ou our hands an Antony, and it re mains to be seen bow mauy more of such characters we shall see in the not distant future. Comrades, are you prepared and willing to have your just rights taken from you by the very men you met un der the accursed stars and bar? I you are willing to submit, then all right. If you do not propose to sub mit, then speak out iu unmistakable language. CoMfUDE. A big cut in prices of wioter good at Barneti's, who is determiued not to cairy over any of these goods if low prices will sell them. 25 to 50 per cent, seems like a big cut, but we'll give it rather than carry the stock over. Come io and see. 'We cau't enumerate tbe half. 2l. For bargains iu Furniture go to S. II. Haslet & Son's cheap furniture store. if. Don't overlook the fact that Baroett i culling aud slashing prices these days, and customers are hound to get the benefit of gome rare bar ains in all kind of wiuter good if they call early. The goods must go Prices uo object 2t. Am yon reading your own paper T Itorough niid Township Llecilons. Major Geo. W. Merri. k, of Wells boro, one of tho ablest lawyers of Northern Pennsylvania, recently fur nished the Advocate of that place a synopsis of tbe Baker ballot law, go far as it relates to borough and town ship elections. It is altogether the clcaresi digest of the law we have seen, therefore wo publish it iu full, as follows : "1 Tho borough and township Au ditors are charged with the duty of preparing the tickets and delivering them to the election board. Tho tickets are made up, (a) from parly nominations, made by a cau cus ; (h) from no inatinn papers. If by a caucus, the certifii-at of nomination shall bo signed by the President and Secretary of the cau cus, who shall add their places nl residence and an affidavit of the truth of what they certify, and a certificate of such oath shall he aonexed to the certificate of nomination. 2 If by nomination papers, the paper shall contain : First Tbe psrty which the candi dato represents, expressed in not more than three words. Second The name of the candi date his occupation and resideuce. Third The offico for which such candidate is nominated. This nomination paper roust be signed by legally qualified voters of the district and not less than three per cemtum of the largest entire vole for any officer elected at the last pre ceding election, iu said election dis trict. Each elector so signing shall add his occupation and residence; aud uo person shall subscribe to more than one nomination for each office to be filed. 3 Any political party which, at the last prectding State election poll ed three per centum of the entire vote cast in the State, may Dominate by caucus for local elections in any election district though that party may uot have pi, lied three per ceo turn of the ctitire vote in that dis trict. 4. If anv political party nominate candidates by caucus candidates in tbe name of the same party, cannot be nominated by tiomiuatiou papers. 5. If any political party, quali fied to nominate candidates by cau cue, fails to do so there may be as many candidates for each office, placed upou the ticket, in the name of that party, as shall file proper nomination papers. 6. Certificates of nomination, aud nomination papeia must be filed with tbe Auditors : In townships, teu days before the day of election, Iu boroughs, seven days before tbe day of eleciion. 7. All objections to tbeso paper must be filed within three day after the last day for filing of certificates and nomination papers. Objections as to form must be filed witb Audit ors and decided by a majority of them. All other objections must be filed in the court of common pleas. 8. Tbe ballots of white paper, and specimen ones, tinted paper, must be iu the general form uf those used at the election iu November last, aud seventy-five of each k'md for every fifty voters ou tbe Assesssor' list, must be deliverod to tbe Judge of Election the day beforo the day of election, together with card of in struction and Assessor's list of voters, to be furnished by the County Com missioners 9. It remains the duty of Con stable to publish notice of elections. 10. The expense, of the elections are paid by the county. SEWSV NOTES. The latest musical phenomenon In Par is a monkey which plays the violin. They are not uncommon In this country. KImira Star. The A. O. U. W. Lodge at Seattle, Wash., initiated 501 new members on a recent night. This is I elieveu to be the largest number of candidates ever initia ted by any secret society at one tlmo. 8am Jones, editor, preacher, lecturer and evangelist, has returned to Journal Ism, and will mako Atlanta, (ia., the scene of his labors. What gains by the chang) journalism, the ministry, the platform or the annual revival meetings? The consolidated O. A. R. Posts of Oil City have chosen the name ol Rutherford B. Hayes for their new organization. The day after the death of the ex-President a tologriun was sent to department headquarters, asking the privilege of us ing tho name, which was grunted. Over a year ago Will J. Rodgers, a youog business man of Butler, tout d a nicely written note in a basket of grapes, written by MissMary Bailey, of Panama, N. Y. He liked the stylo of the note and last week the two were united in mar riage. Ratln-r roinatic. Kioluulon News. Arthur Johnson, 73 years of agu, be came an iuinute a few days ago of a Michigiin poor-housu. The pauper is a graduate of Yulu, Is master of several languages, an educator, and tun years ago could command 500,000. His change of circumstance ia accounted lor by himself thus; "It was not drink or dis. sipatiou that brought me to my present dependent position. I havs never otud tobaoco or intoxicating liquors of any kind. It whs speculation that ruined me." Thousands w ho have nisdo haxto to be rich have had a similar experience, but on a smaller scale. In some case the penitentiary was substituted for the poor-house. Hngh Di m psoy, whose trial for com plicity In tho Homestead p' isoning cases occupied the courts In Pittsburg for more thsn a week, was found "guilty as Indic ted" by thejtiry on Friday last. Sentence was suspended by Judge Stow pending a motion for a now- trial. Tho maximum period or imprisonment for such offense is 10 years, and a fine of $300. Frozen potatoes can be restored to palataileness by pooling them and letting them lie In a cool place with plenty ot cold water poured over them. In twenty-four hours nil the suirar Ibat has been formed during the freezing process, will have een removed, and the potatoes can now be boiled in fresh water and will be found to bo perfectly palatable. Tho pennant to bo borne at the mast hesd of the United States mail subsidy ships Is 20 feot long, 8 feet G inches at the mast, and 5 feot at tho end of swallow tail ; Its field is red, boidored by nine Inches of bluo. In the uppr left band corner is an eagle In blue, wph arrows and a branch In its talon, and bearing on tho breast is a shield wito stars and stipes with red and white. Tho "New Peterson" for February is an advance on the January number, ad mirable as tlu.t was in every repect. The illustrations are still better and more numerous, and the stories and miscella neous articles are as good as they are varied. Tho "New Peterson" is meeting from tbe outset with a complete success which is certain to last, because it is throughly deserved. Terms, two dollars per year. Address Peterson Magazine Co., Philadelphia. Weather prophet Hicks says that the months of March and April will prove exceptionally stormy, wet and cold. The equinox of Venus falls In the mid dle of April instead of the middle of May, a was the case last spring. These facts Indicate a battle of cold rain and snow will fall iu the months of March, April and tho early part of May, instead of lasting through May and into June a we had last Spring. His predictions so far this winter have come true to a very great extent. It is claimed that L. C. Parker, of Lib erty, lnd., has succeeded in making a cheap and superior gas for fuel and light ing purposes. 1 he mains aie exposed to zero weather, but it does not atlect the qualities of the gas in the least. The gas is made from decomposed crude pretrolo um, water and ah , the process being very simple and inexpensive. From each 100 barrels of the crude oil used 10 to II! bar rels of the best grade tur-nsphalt are ob tained, which is easily sold at from $4 to $5 per barrel. Seven to eight gallons of the oil produces 1,000 cubic feet of gas. Tbe cost of production does not exceed in or 20 cents per 1,000. The process is attracting considerable attention. Young man, at this time the begin ning of the year would it not be a good plan to stop aud take an "inventory" and find out justexaclly "whore you are at?" Are you earning more money than you spend, or spending in re than you earn? This is an important question. If the latter is true, it is something which you'll be a little alow in finding out, but you will eventually get to the end of the string and then you will find that the tradespeople and the people with whom you have been associating, as "friends," knew long before you did that you were acting foolishly. To make an income of $50 plaster up a $100 hole each niontn will become very tiresome business 'er long, and those w ho have had tho exoerience, claim that the end, or climax, always comes In the midst of a very cold winter, Indeed. Young man, if you are without credit, you are sadly handicappi d. In buslnoss and in society the "dead beet" is soon spotted, shunned and sent to the rear. Franklin Citizen. School licports. TIONESTA SCHOOL ITU MONTH. P3 3 3 I CO Room. 2 No. 4 40 35 94 15 6 No. 3 38 35 W !?1 . 6 No. 2 32 30 UO 27 11 No. 1 50 47 fW 19 27 Total ... 1(10 147 OU 82 49 Those present every day : Room 1. Agnes Kerr, Teacher 1 Jesse Graham, Roy Bovard, Samuel Haslet, Edward Joyce, Cbarlio and Ronnie Charleston, Philip Blum, Tbos. Fulton, Willie Clark, Waller Sailor, Archie Dsvis, Teddie Murphy, f hanio Saulsgiver, Howard Kelly, Alice Agnew, Florence Shawkey, Katie Osgood, Edna and Kafe Shoemaker, Ida Setley, t race Armstrong, Eva Davis, Pearl Wyant, Lulu Carr. Edna Corn, Hazel Colt, Annie Clay pole. Room 2. Gertrude McKlhocs, Teacher: Linus shriver, Archie Iloleiuau, Bruce Haggerty, Archie Marriau, Hurry Blose, Harry Bankhead, Frank Joyce, Fred Blum, Adolph Blum, Paul Clark, John Lawrence, Kate Agnew, Netlio t'iurk, Dora Setloy, Florence Fulton, Maude Butler, Alice Amur, Helen Sinoarbaiigh, Maude Grove. Room 3. Ida I'atip. Teacher: Lester Holonian, Leuard Blum, Clarence. Gor man, Archie Clark, Robert Fulton, Har ry Davis, Joo Joyce. Hugh Brace, Mil Ion Corah, Garfield Grove, Ella 13 row -nell, t'lamlio Graham, Bertha Bitrnott, Ida Font's, Mav Clark, Iva lloluuian, Mario Smcarbaugh, Forenee Huguerly, Daisy Craig, Amy Walters, May Smith. RiKini 4. T. E. Armstrong, Principal: Jamas Morrow, Harry Davis, Jay llank head, Wilbur Shawkey, Gilbert Davis, William Agnew, Joe Kuukiii, Clara Gor man, Zeta Setley, Lilllo Bradbury, Blanche lluntur, Anna Anderson, 1 ill ia Morrow, Edith Liavls, Sullie Rankin. EAST 11KKOUV SCIIOOl 2 II MONTH. Grammar Room Number enrolled 40; average Hltemlunco 40; percent., 0,(. tionor Roll Chut. Hillurd, Clareuce Webber, Orion Clark, Sal'ay Osgood, Ormin Whillon, Thomas Connolly, Ella Douglass, Mable Itlllard, Ma-uie With rt ll Flora Osg tod, Cora Tremalno, Ester Brecht and Maude Connelly. L. J. Dkn, Teacher. Primary Room Number eurollod 45; average attendance 3.1. Roll of Honor Kthel lloyic. MHBgie Morns. Gossie Al iMingh, George Warden, Charley Lusher, Frank Armstrong, Andrew Armstrong, Mark Weber, Wilbur Ledebnr. Guy Hil lard. Mav Sloan, Teacher. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It Free. Call on tin- advertised Drug gist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send vur mime and aidless tn 1 f . K. Hucklemfc Co., Chicago, nuil get a sample box of Dr. King's New'e Pil Kiee, as well as a copy of Guide to Health sod Household Instructor, Kroe. A.I of which is guar anteed to do you good and cost you noth ing. Siggins it Nasnn's Drugstore. 4 Nee the World's Knlr for Fifteen Cents. Upon receiptor your address and fif teen cents in postauo stamps, we will mail you prepuved our Souvenir Portfo lio of the World's Columbian Exposition, tho reuiilar price is Fifty cents, but as we want ou to have one. we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. Ii contains lull paue views of the crest buildings, with descriptions of samo, and is executed in highest style ol art. If in satisfied with it. alter yon get It, we will refund the stamps and let you keep tbe book. Ad dress H. K. Bocklen & Co., Chicagp 111. 4 BIC RLEN'S AUMCA SALVE. Tho best Salve in the world f lr Cuts, Bi-uiBcs, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp-d Hands.Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay req uired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rlundod. Price 2 cents per box. For sale bv Siggins t Nason. v'heu Baby was sick, re pore her Cnstoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Caxtoria. When she bad Children, she gave IIh-mi Castor's A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Our combination with tho Philadelphia Weekly Prcsx affords an opportunity for obtaining an iu.mrnso amountof reading at a very trifling cost. By this arrange ment we are enabled to furnish both the Republican and the Weekly at the very low price of 81.75. Any person sending us tins amount will receive the to papers for one year, an advance of only 25 cents over the price of the Repub lican alone. Old subscribers who pa up all arrearages and $1-75 in advance cau have the advantage of this splendid otter. The Weekly Press is the very best weekly paper in tile country, containing 10 pages weekly of the choicest General News, Household and Agricultural reading, Strong hditorials. Young People's De partment, a good I'oiiiinued Story, in short everything that goes to make the most desiiaolo family reading matter. With theso two pnpers'ln your family you will be sure of the best' se-vlce in' each department. The bECUBLiCAN is the oldest and best of the coin tv papers, sup plies you w-eekly with all die home news of inlcre t. such as no citv weekly can possibly give, and the Weekly Ihens pro vides you with all the world wide news and a mass of general reading such as no lireal paper can possibly furnish. By taking advantage of our combined ofle'r you get the best of eao class of reading In its proper place aud at a price so rea sonable that you cannot afford to deprive Yourself and family of the benefit of it. No such otter has ever been made by any responsible paper in the county, tsub scribe now. MARRIED. DAVIS-POWNELL-At the office of and by C. H. Church, J. P., East Hick ory, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1893, Elijah Davis, and Clarissa Pownell, both of Hickory township. WHITNEY KENNEDY In Tionesta, Jun. 23. 189.1, by Hov. J. V. McAnlnch, Mr. Walter Whitney and Miss Anna Kennedy, but I) of Watson Farm, Forest county, Pa. TIOIVISSTA AIAltKKTH CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour t barrel choice - - 5.006.25 Flour "j9 sack, - - 1.251.50 Corn Moal, 100 ttis - - 1.2A1.60 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.25 Corn, Shollod - 7075 Beans 'f busiiol - - 2.50(3.00 Ham, sugar cured ... 15 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 15 Shoulders ..... 12 Whitolish, half-barrels ... 8.50 Sugar - f-fofl Syrup 60(4,60 N, O. Molasses uew ... 60 75 Roast Rio Coffee ... (25 Rio Coffee, ... . 26 Java Coffee .... 3215 Tea 80(3,75 Buttor 25 Rice (u,g Eggs, fresh .... 2h(gk Salt lake best .... j,O0 l.ard J5 Iron, common bar .... 2.50 Nuils, 50d, keg .... 25 Potatoes .... 75rifcUO Lime tS bbl. .... 1,00 D-icd Apples sliced per lb . . 6 10 Dried Beef ..... 15 Dried Peaches per lb 10 Dried Peaches pared per - 15 1 EVERYBODY reads 7'A Pilsburg Pts J patch for tho reason that 11 contains more news, both general, special, and telegraphic ; has morn contributors and uud more spicial correspondence than any other newspupor betwseu New York and Chicago. WA N'TED -Wide awake workers eve ry where lor SHEPP3' PHOTO GRAPH of tbe WOULD ": the greatest book 00 earth ; costing tluO.OOu; retail at $.V.5, cah or installments ; mammoth ii. lustrated circulsrs and terms liee; daily ouipiu over I5' 0 volumes. Agents wild with success Mr. Tbos L. Mai tin, Center villo, 'lex., c eared 711 111 9ilay; Miss Rose Adams, Wnustcr, !., t-'i io 40 min utes; Rev, J. Howard Madison, Lyons, N. Y., I01 in seven hours; a bonanza; uiUL'inlicuiit ouilit only il. Books on er.dil. Freight paid. Aildrtws Globe Bible Publishing Co., No 73 Chestnut St., Phila., 1'u., or 3. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. ocl5 4m NEW RELIGIOUS CYCLOPEDIA.- Wanted an intelligent lady or gentle man to introduce our new "Coui-iso Cy clopedia of Religion Knowledge" to the ailentioii of 1 he christian people of Tio nest i ami vicinity. Nearly liKK) pages. Over ijWO titles, lirandest religious retor inice book ever publishiHl. Sells splen didly. For terms address A. J. Potter .Manager, 3 East Hth St., New Yoik. C O A A W EEK and upwards positively OC -uc tired tiv men ugsiitaselling Dr. SiuiliV Genuine Electric titlt,Supmai , ulc, ami bv ladies selling Dr. .Soott's Eioo trio Corseis. Samplu true. Slate sex. Ir. Scott, tno Broadway, N. Y.