THE FOREST REPUBLICAN.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY !8. lf-03 BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burg C. R. Davis. Councitmen. Pntrick Jnyon, W. A Grove, W. A. Hlinnd. . II. Haslet, A H. Dnlo, Joseph Morgan. Juttee of Ms feuceS. F. Propor, R J. Hotlev. Contnhle R. R. Canflold. Cotec-or .1. W. Landers. Director H, W. Robinson, A, B. Kelly, n. H. Knox. .1. T. Brennan, J R. Clark, T. K. Rltchey. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Afemher of Conor a. F. Kninns Member of .Senate If abut V. Hall. Amhty J. J. Haiout. Prtniiieni Judge Cnt rlbs H.Noyks. Aoeinte Judge JoHn II. Whitr, C. W. Clark. Viurr Q. Jamikbok. VotAonofary, Regiter& Recorder, rf-e. ''AI.VIN M. A Rum. SAsrtjr. John R. Osaoon. Ootn m t f Her s C. K. Lkoebitr, Jas. McInttrr, Philip Emrvt. 'n(v Yuritrneo'ef O. W. Krrr. Piatrirt Attorney P. M. Ci.ark. jury H()mmjonr I no, N. IlKAT.I. R. W. GPTTO?f. . County (i-H"Vor -J. F. PROPER. Coroner D. W. Ci.ark. Cnnvty Auditor V. W. Thomas, .1. A. Dawbow, R. Flyivi. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE. No WW. t O.O. P. Meet every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellow' Hall, Partridge building. IoREST LODGE, No. 14, A.O. U. W., Mests every F riday evening in A.O.U. W. Hal), Tionesta. WASHINGTON CA M P. No. 420. pTo. R. of A , meets every Saturday vo nlng in A. O. U. W, Hall', Tionesta. CAPT.dKORGF.8TOW POST. No, 274 G. A, R. M t 1st and Sd Wednes day evening in earn m.mth, in Odd Fel lows, Hall, Tionesta. CAT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 17, W. R. C, moots first and third Wednesday evening or each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, Tioneata, Pa. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS f r Forest County, meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in Dr. Morrow's oitiee, Tlnneata, Pa. P M.CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. and District Attorn et. Office, cor. ol lm and Rrldure Streets, Tionesta, Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable Fire Insurance Companies. LTdavis attorn f.y-at- law, Tionesta. Pa. Collection made In this and adjoining counties. 1 F. R1TCHFY, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, Tlones'a, Pa. JB. SIGQ1NS, M. I)., Physiolan, Surgeon A Drucglst, TIONESTA, pa. J W. MORROW M. D Physician, Surgeon A Dentist. Otllioe and residence three dwra north of Lawrence Houhh, Tinnenta. Profession al calls promptly responded to at all hours. LAWRENCE HOUSE, L. AG NEW, Proprietor. Tionesta, Pa. Centrally located, greatly enlarged, newly furnished throughout, and complete in all its appointments. Hum pie rooms for Commercial Agents. Qood Livery In connection. pENTRAlT HOUSEj V O. C. BROWN ELL, Proprietor. 1 Tlonsela. Pa. This is the mostcentrally locatod hotel in the place, and ha all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the tiavedng public REST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jaooh Render. Proprietor. This hotel . has but recently been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, and oilers the finest and mmt comfortable accomm da tiona to guests and the traveling public. Kates reasonable. DR. F. T. NA80N, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIONESl'A, PA. Office on Elm Street. Calls attended to promptly day and night. MAY, PARK A CO., - HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Walnut Six., Tionexta, Pa., Hank of Discount -nd Deposit. In terest allowed on Tune Deposits Collec tions made on all the Principal points of - the U. H. Collections solicited. piIIL. KMERT, FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop In Heck building next to Smear jaugu A Co.'s store. I prepared to do all Kind" of custom work troiu tne Hi. est to the ooarsesi and guaraou a his work to ?ive perfect satisfaction. Prompt attoti ion givou to mending, and prices rea sonable. JyHKNZO FULTON. Manufhcturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS. COLL.RS. BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1IONESTA. PA. READ THESE UNPARALLELED OFFERS! THE HAURISUURG JSEMI WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, PublUhed by the rg Publish ing Company, Is the largest aud best newspaper pub . ed at the capital of Pennsylvania. Each number rontulns lliiriy-i wo coluuius tille ' with the latest uewK, stories, nim kot re ports, legislative Pro ceediiists, and mis-cellaneousrea- -ding. PRI?E ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, OH CNE CENT A COPY. Semi-Weekly Telegraph and American Agriculturist for Two Dollars. Seml-Week!y Telegraph and American farmer for One Dollar. H-ml-Weekly Teleirrnph and Home Magaz ne, edited by Mrs. John A. I.ouan (uioiuiil ) lor one dollar and ten cuiiIk. Semi-Weekly Telegiaph and Jones' lliMVory of the JuniaU Vallev for the price of the book alone, two dollars. Reliable Agents wanted to solicit sub scriptions in every School DiMrlct in Penusylvatiia. ' Daily Telegraph, $6 per year. The cash miiHt accompany all orders, ami be addrmsed to M. W, McALARNEY, Marager. Uaxrisburjj, Pa, ii uo k icr ix Heal Estate a.xd qexeral Insurance. Wlhl Landufof Sale. Farms for Sale. IIohhcr P LotHfor Sale Houm for Rent. Do you wish to sel. i r exchange H"nl Eotntof or desire IiiHiiraui-e on your buildings or household furniture T Call on mo.' Church and Sabbath Hchool. Presbvtcrinn Rabbiith School at 9:45 a. in. t M. E. Sabbath School Rt 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Bun kin'. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sa bath evening at the usual hour. Rev. A. T. Sairer, Paxtor. Services In the Presbyterian Church every Snhbnth morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market flooeil yesterday 531. Dr Tolr was down from Ma rieuville nil business at argument d mrt yesterday. All precincii have been liearrl from and Elk county wants 97 li censes i tiia year. Mr II. 8. Hall of Pittshurg is vi.iiii.g the family of bis brotlier in law, Dr. Biggin. Vquire Isaac Junes of Fseunrlus was a elcoo e visitor at the Kepuli can ffii e yesterday. Dr. Morrow attrnded the dedica tion of the new United Presbyterian Church at ICedtl) ll'c, l hid couoly, lasl Subbalh. The Blizzard shiveriiigly ex claims that it is possible to overdo the tiling, even in the matter of "old fashioned winters." Mis Alice Hoiightaling of Wi! nx, Ps., ami Miss Loll a shields of I"'iialia con nly, were guests of Miis Gertrude Mi El hoes during (be past week. This isn't the most healthy weather for small game, and 'tis like ly "bunny" will not be so plenty next season uulrss there comes t soft spell snot), D-ivid M.ifgiove F'-rd nf Hyrom town, Forent county, and Miss Hsitie Jones of Fraukliu, took out marring license in Venango couuty, one day last week. Ed. Riser was able to come to town yesterday for the firt time since the new year, having been laid up by a haid lunIe with grip during this floe mu of sleighing, Mrs Albert Hayden desires to hank friends here for the kind at-is and many expressions of sympathy bestowed upou her during her recent sad niiisiou to Tiutiesta, the burial nf her husband. "An excellent remedy" is what Mr. W II Ames 712 S, 17th St , Si Louis, Mo., says ot it, in these words: "I have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup sud found it to be an excellent reme dy for coughs and colds." 8erices at bmh the M E and Prei-hylerati Churches are being con. tiuued nightly, with prayer .neelings every afternoon at three o'clock. The meetings at both churches have t.eeu well attended and fruitful ol good results, While othtr towtiS about ushave been "hollering for more gas" during the past extra cold spell, Tioiiesia has snugly enjoyed a good supplt, aud one has beeu obliged tu step oiii of doors ill order lu find huw really cold it was, Don't overlook the fact thai Burnett cutting and slashing prices these days, aud customers are hound to get the beui fit of some rare bar sins in all kinds of' wiuter goods i they t-all early. The gouds must go Prices no object. 2t. Mrs. V. F. Rumherger, mother ol Hev. C C. Ittiuiberger, died at her home in Craigiville, Armstrong county, on Thursday, the 12th inst Her illnesa was not of long duration .-he was 76 years of age, and the mother t'f len children, six of whom survive bur. The Pennsylvania Commissioners of Fifhtrieg are now prepared to re ceive applications for brook trout fry. Appln annus should he Si-nt to the following cnmmiwsioiier: Henry C Ford, 823 Vine street, Philadelphia ; VV L Powell, Hsrrii-burg; 8. B Slillwell, Kcralilou ; H. C. Deinulh. Lancastei ; Louis Siruber, Erie; G V. Welshoiis, Pitisburg. Mrs. Jas Dack returned Satur lay Isst from Kellett ville, accompan ied by her daughter, Mrs. Dr Barber, who has lately recovered from a seri ous illness. One of the principal oh jects of Mrs Barher's visit here was the purchase, from agents at Titus ville, of a new piano, which will add materially to the pleasures of the Doctor's new home. PleuMntille Jcord. I In r no in used to gay that "when a merchant withdraws his advertise tn cnt from the newspaper it is a pre! ty certain sign that he Voes not wsnt your trade. He is tired and and heeds rest; so keep away from him." A bad case nf rheumatism cured with 75 cents. Mr. Aug. Schei fie. St. Louis, Mo , writes: "Last reek 1 had a very bad attack of rheumatism, used three bottleg of Sslvali. n Od which stopped the pain and cured me. While walking on Main Sireet Tuesday afternoon, Philip Dean, of Msrienville fell and broke his left leg above the ankle. He was carried to i he C ulter House and Drs. Rimer aud Sloan put him in as easy shape as possihle. To-day he was taken home. Clarion Jackmnian. August Carlson, section foreman at Jamiesnn station, had the great toe ol his right foot crushed by a railroad lie on Tuesday nf last eek, aud the injury has since given him considers ble trouble. A few days after, Dr. Morrow found it necessity to ampu tate a goodly portion uf the injured toe gangrene having set in. Sunday night last was the cold est of the season thus far. Monday morning the borough thermometers t-howed all the way from 8 to 12 de grees below zero, depending on l.ica lion. At Billy Clark's, on Hunter Run the mercury dropped to 16 hp low, which was two degrees lower than that nf the previous night. The Derrick urges the establish ment of a woo buying house there as a good move f the hns'ness intt rests of that place, which prompts the meddlesome Franklin Newt to re inaik that "there isn't so good a clip of lamb's wool at the Oil Exchange as there used to be, hut the farm grown wool ought to he sufficient to make something of a trade." A two-inch pipe line is being laid by Kshle Bros. & Grey from Porcupine Run, in President town ship, to Rouseville, where it will connect wilh the line of the Valley Oil Works It is a private liue and is to be used in handling the produc ing in President township of the Kentlemen named, who have 27 uells dulled nu a 400 acte lease. Frank lin Newg. Township and borough caucuses should be hold three weeks earlier liis year than usual. The machinery f the new ballot law is much slower and more cumbersome than hereto fore, and iu order that there he in. friction, nominations should be made at once, as time must he given to gel the ball-as printed and distributed, aud it cau't be done if all wait till the last moment. -Forest Lodge, A O. U. W , will install the following officers next Friday evening: M- W, Chas , F Thomson ; Foreman, II. E. Smith; Overseer, G. W Walters; Recorder, L J Hopkins; Financier, S J Ret ley; Receiver, J. B Hagerty; Guide L. Fulton; Inside Watch, J K. Clark ; Outside Watch, .1. E. Weok. L,J. Hopkins is the newly elected Reiresi titative to the Grand Lodge Judging from the amount nf ties that have been hauled through this place to the station duriug this ex eel lent run of sleighing one is led tu wonder where all the timber is coming from, as it was thought that class of material had long ago been stripped itJ' completely hereabouts But the hauling continues w'thoui ahatemeut, and we apprehend if the rleighing were to lasl till summei there would still be lies to haul. Wm. Taft, who drives one f E L Dewoody's teams iu the lumber woods at Fox creek, Green township, net wilh an accident tin Thursday morning last which may yet result seriously. He had hitched to a large stick of limber, and when the horses were pulling about as much as they were able to, one of the tugs hr- ke and the end next to the driver flew back wilh terrific force striking Taft in the pit uf the stomach. He has since been suffering very severely from the injury, and there is danger from intlamation, iu which event the case might terminate fatally. Mr Taft is a young married man. Considerable excitement was no fssioned yesterday afiernonu about 4 o'clock, by the sounding of the fire alarm whistle, which called nut the town. The building recently vacate by Henry Shoemaker, and which stands on the Hulings lot near the handle factory was on fire aud burned fc the ground. A good many of Mr Shoemaker's bed clothes weie left in the building when he moved out, be ides his kit of carpenter tools, near ly all of which were consumed. Two lillle children were iu the house, and were playing with fire, which was the came of the mischief, the flames get ting beyond control before being dis covered. The building was not of niu h consequence, and Mr. Shoemaker's heaviest lues is on his tuols. No iu surance. Ths Kttlatiniiig Jicpuhlican an noiinces that through the instrument ality of iis junior editor the Alleghe ny river has been thoroughly stocked with black bsa. A number of thone fish arrived at Kittanning and others were distributed along the line. Over 25,000 in all have been placed in the river between Pittsburg and Oil City. It will require a much larger riuniher, however, to thoroughly stock so long a stream, Who's been lying to the Pless autville Record man f Hear him: It is either the coldest spot on earth down around Stewarts Run, or the community can figure on having the highest liar in Forest Co., in its midst. One individual reports that his thermometer went so low during the past week that it broke off a ten penny nail on whicn it hung, and smashed in a thousand pieces on the door step. This is awful cold. At a meeting of the voters nf Timiesta township at the court house Isst Saturday afternoon, the follow ing t'n ket was nominated fur the Feb ruary election: Judge of elections, Asa Lnvijey; Inspectors, A. V St roup, John Wiles; School Direct ors, George Swab, Henry Wolf; Road Commissioner, John Wolf; Overseer of the Poor, Ernest Sibhle; Auditors, J. B. Eden, Charles Warden; Assess or. J H Weutworih; Collector, Hen ry Rhodes; Constable, J. h Eden; Treasurer, W.n. Lawrence; Clerk, J. W. Mong. This is the fifth week of good ting winter weal her, during which period there has been hut nue day on which it might be said it thawed The cold seems to be very general preading over more terJilory than any we have had in a number of yeais, and coal and fuel famines are reported from every section of cotiu try. Along the Ohio river, from its source tu its mouth, the distress iu ths direction ig very great, and should the severe weather continue much longer the suffering will be dif ficult to overcome. Some people seem to regard the sanctuary as a plase fur visiting and transacting business. Atone nf the churches, Sunday morning, the pastor was compelled to stop, in the midst of the mnn eloquent and impressive part of his setruon, and request some young pe pie who were whispering to desist. Exchange. This is one of the most ill bred, not to say sacrileg ious, practices that can be imagined, and is often carried on by those whom one might suppose were better reared, and who seem to think no nne is aware of their conduct. None of these actions escape the eye ot the minister, wheth er he seems to notice them or uoi, while perhaps one half the congrega tion sees tud is disgusted. Skating is the out door craze this wintei. In the cities and towns about all the folks appear to he get ting their skates on. The maiufac turers and hardware dealers found themselves unprepared for the rush. The sale uf skates in this city has heen u .usually large, and the Derrick reports that in Oil City over 1,000 pairs of skates have heen sold since Christmas. One of the firms order ing from a New York house a few days ago received an auswer that the latter houe had disposed of 10 000 pairs wiihio the previous ten days, and were sold out. -Franklin AWs 1 he same ennditiou of affairs holds good in these parts, where the skate market has heeu about the livelest thing in business circles. The Franklin News notes its pur chase of a consecutive numbering machiue and announces in ability to print ballots for the February elec tions. There is uo warrant in the law for the numbering nf the hsllot stubs, and last fall a number uf counties did not so numher them. This nuiu beri. g freak was one nf tl.e rulings of t tie Secretary nf the Common wealth. Last May iu a letter from the Secretary's office over the sigui Hire of the Chief Clerk, occurs the following language: "It is not th proviuce of Ibis Department, nor in deed was it so contemplated by the law to give any decisions in an offi cial capacity on any part nf the law. lis interpretation must be entirely with the County Commissioners or their Attorney and with the Courts" If language meaus anything we rhould sy that the County Com mis sinners nf each county may decide this question of uumheriug to suit ihemelves. Wilh no numbering one bugbear uf many country offices wuuld be removed Tidioute Jfcwt. A big cut iu prices of winter goods at Bsruetl's, who is determined not to cat ry over any uf these goods if low prices will sell them. 25 to 50 per ceut seems like a hig cut, but we'll give it rather than carry the stock over. Come iu and see. We cau't enumerate the half. 2t. For bargains in Furniture go to S. H. Haslet & Sua' cheap furniture Wore. tf. Heath r'roin Itlnoil Pol -.on. Mrs, Airn A. Copeland died at her home in Harmony townsnip, on Friday m irtilug last. Ahiut one week previous she was hiiten on the thumb by a dog, causing an ugly wound which became very painful. Medical aid was summoned, but lit tie relief could be afforded the suffer er. Blood poison set in and the en ire arm became greatly swollen Her Condition grew rapidly wo se and more painful until at the time indicated death came to her relief. Mrs. C' pel a nd was a most exemplary Christain woman, and by her gentle disposition won the high esteem of ev eryone who knew her. She will be most sadly mixsed by the community in which she had proved heiself a ministering angel to many a family in need of such an one. Her age was about 67 years, and besides a hus band and several children mostly grown she leaves a large ci'de ot friends to mourn her loss. The fu neral was held on Sunday. LUt of Jurors, Feli'y Term, 1893. GRAND JURORS. Archer, W. L farmer, Harmony, Burhenn, Oeorge, runner, Kingsloy. Cunins, James, farmer, Harnett. Clancy, Joseph, driller, Howe. Frank, L. W., sawyer, Jenks. Frost, David, laborer, Hnwo. Foreman, W. J , lumberman, Hickory. Gross, Dave, laborer, Jenks. Ilulitigs, Albert, farmer, Barnctt. Henderson, J. F., laborer, Harnett. Hepler, W. C.. farmer, Tionesta tp. Holiday, Honry, Jobber, Kingsley,' Johnson, James, farmer. Hickory. Maze, E. C, farmer, Barnett. Moon, W. D., laborer. Harmony. Shaffer, Charles, farmer, Hickory. Sowles, A. W., laborer, Howe, Walters.Jno., board housekeeper, Jenks. Walters, George, teamster. Borough, Wort, Michael, farmer. Hickory. Whitehill, Dave, farmer, lenks. Whitoomb, Will, laborer. Hickory. Woodington, James, laborer, Tionesta tp. PETIT JURORS. Agnew, Lenard, Landlord, Borough. Atwell, George, laborer, Kingsley. Allan, W. C, merchant, Harmony, Ball, W. N., laborer. Borough. Bowman. F. S., lumberman, Green. Cosper, Ed., laborer, Howe. Carson, John T., agent, R Tough. Coon, Wallace, laborer, Jenks, Crawford, Bruce, pilot, Borough. Kenstermuker, David, laborer. Hickory. Fogle, Benjamin, farmer, Harmony. Foy, Solomon, la orer, Jenks, Goodwin, Ed., laborer, Oroen. Hunter, 8. E., laborer. Hickory. Hill, Truman L., farmer, Hickory, Hepler, J. R., farmer. Green. Haslet, Philip, farmer, Kingsley. Heath, Carlos, larmer, Kingsley. Kilmer, W. F., clerk. Borough. Kellogg, J. J laborer, Barnett. Kllnestiver, Charles, h.borer. Green, Kellogg, Philip, farmer, Jenks. Littlefleld, L. I!., rnrmer, Hickory. McCulIouuh, J. M laborer, Green. McCIoskey, Hugh, Jr., farmer, Jenks. Neely, James, laborer, Jenks. Osgood, W. L., farmer. Kingsley. Puffenberg, A. J., supt., Kingsloy. Rudolph, Edwin, laliorer, Hickory, Robinson, G. W., merchant, Borough. Suminerville, John, laborer, Hov, Snyder, S. S., laborer. Jenks. Showers, A,, shoemaker, Hnwo. Scerena, Charles, farmer, Hickory. Biggins, W. P., merchant, Harmony. Terrel., J. G., sawyer, Green. Work, Josiab, lumberman, Barnett. Wertz, Math ins, farmer. Green, ' Wray, W. I,., rurmor, Jenks. Whitton, John, farmer, Green, Wenk, J. E editor. Borough. Ward, Samuel, laborer, Barnctt. Itules for the Journey of Life. Never ridicule sacred things or what others might esteem as such, however absurd they may appear to you. Never show levity in the bouse of God. Never resent a suppose I injury till you know tho views and motives of the author of it, and on no occasion relate it. Always take the part of an absent per son who is censured In company, as far as truth and propriety will allow. Never think worse of another on ac count of his differing from you in politi cal and religious "objects. Never dispute with a man who is more than sevunty years of ago, nor with a woman, nor with any sort of an enthu siast. ' Don't affect to be witty, or to Jest ho as to huit the feelings of another. Say as little as possible of yourself and of those who are near to you. Aim at cheerfulness w ilh. ut lovity. Never court the favor of the rich by flattering tho vanities of their riches. Spesk with calmness and deliberation on all occasions, especially of circum stances which tend to irritate. Frequently rovicw your conduct and note your failings. School Reports. Report of German Hill school for fourth month, ending Jan. 13, 1893: Number enrolled a); average attendance I'J. Present every day : Anna and Em ma Zuendcl, Rosa Bin hen, Maud Wei lor, Alma Lohmeycr, Maggie Heluens. Mary Bush, Willie Elilurs, Albert Bchrens, Vernon Ralston, Henry IIiinIi, and Con rad Ledebur. Rosa 1). II untkr, Teach er. Tho following iiHinod pupils of Sliilver School, Tionesta twp., have not been ab sent during the month ending Jan'y tt, I83: Carrie tstiiziuger, Nettie Mealy, lilanc-iie Ktitxinger, Pearl McMichael, Alelhla Wallace, Jennie Mealy, Clyde McMicliael, Wilton Hepler, Arnold Pas Miner, Arthur IStilzinger, Harry Wolf, Leslio PassHuer, Clyde, Stitzinger, Char lie Passuuer, Bruce Ktiuinger, Claud McMichael and Sol. Mealy, builio Stitz inger, Sadie lloruor, Allco Stitzinger, and Charlie Wolf mi&od one day. Num ber enrolled 29. D. D. Waonku, Teach er. Ar yon reading your cvn papet t Starr. Harry Thompson wanp from Ncbras i Sunday visitlmr fi lends. ks: A few of Rosa Riirhen'i'synung friends gave her a pleasant surprise one evening last week. f "sj J. N. Heath Is apain on the Hill. Carlos Heath and Bon We.lerare work ing at Hickory. Rov. A. T. Sager will preach in the church here next Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ItoNtnn hnvoromnmnnn,! hou 'Usokerplng near Ross Run, whero Mr. , is working. H. C. B Zunndel and E. Burhenn are cut ting logs for F. Lohmeyer. Mrs. Wm. Heath and sons, and a num ber of others from this section, attended the Mineral of the late Albert Hayden, in Tionesta, Isst Thursday. Mrs, H. E. Lovel Is on tho sick list. FROM AKOTHEIl COBRKSPONDEST. The themnmeters on the Hill have sUmd one-fourth Inch below zero for the lat week. Postmaster Heath Is still slowly mend ing from his late serious illness. Webster Cooper, who has been vNlting frionds and relatives on tho Hill, has re turned home. Rev. Dean preached a good sermon at the church here last Sabbath evening. G. W. Wellor drives a fly horse these days, and if you want a tine slelch ride Just call on him. Asa Heath is shoving the lines over Amos Ledebsr's team these days. Warren Wrinkles. The pointer on thestandard thermome ter lingers playfully around the zero mark. Tho only really warm places these days are In the churches where re. vival meeting- are iu progress. Rev. Ilummnaoii is repeating his suc cess of last winter. And while we can not give the official figures, there have heen about one hundred conversions so far since the first of this month, ntifl no signs of decreasing interest yet. tne lumiierinen are hustling to get their timber to the river bank, anil sonic very nice pine is being put in at Glade. A quite serious accident occurred to Charley Bridenbakor on lat Saturday as be was hn'plng bind a load of timhor. -l he hook flew out and tno binder, which was a very stitrone, struck him across tho face, li dieting a very serious wound. It was with great difficulty that the Mood was staunched. Ho is doing well and hopes to be out in a few days. The family of Mr. Coll. an nmnlovn nf the Veneering wooks, mrt wilh a great loss last week by the death of husband and father. By somo means he walked into the vat of boiling water and was ter- noiy scalded so that death ensued the next day. Ho was a in em bet- of the Presbyterian church and of severs' fra ternal orders, and leaves a family of three children besides tho wife to mourn his loss. Mrs. John Smith of Bradford, who was visiting her sister. Mrs. C. O. Ferrv. was called home on Sunday lost by the illness of her husband. x KEWSV NOTES. The Pennsylvania railroad company will in the near future adopt two cent rate on all its branches. This will do away with excursion and round trip tick ets. There will be but one style of ticket sold and that will bo unlimited as to time and at a two cent rate. Private lams, of Homestead notoriety, was arrested and run Into the lockup at Parkersl.urg, W. Vii., recently, for as saulting a woman in a house of bail re pute. This might o settle tho case- in the mli.d-i of tli oho who Inve been slopping over with sympathy for lams. Recently two oung men, Harry Klin gensmilh, and Jacob Nelson, were mak ing a i ace track of Main s'roet, Green ville, when the former ran over Mrs. El liott Sevloy, who lived over the line in Crawford county, and sho has since died. Both men are bound over to court- Mercer Dispatch. The visitors to tho Chicago exposition will be able to see the elephant in very large porportious. A syndicate has be gun work on a J-JoO.000 steel building near the Fair grounds, that will be shap ped like the "olepliunt" building at Con ey Island, but much larger. It will be I115 feel high, and it will swing its trunk, flap its ears and wag its tail. The swing ing, Happing, etc.. will bo done by ma chinery. There will be two floors within this beast one for a grand promenade and dancing hall, with gallery, and the "stomach floor," where will be located a groat restaurant. Most fads, like the souvenir spoon fad, have their day and then die nut, but the postage stamp collector seems to !o al ways iu It. This fad has already lasted for more than a quarter of a century, and bids fair to hold its own for as much longer. Somo of the collections really rise to an historic value. Ilcrr Kriedl, of Vienna, has a collection of some 100,00), all of his specimens Leing rare, and con taining among other curious examples a number of stamps used iu Paris during Ihesiege of 18701871, when the postal service was carried on by means of bal loons, carrier pigeons and tho sowers ol the city. An Interesting decision bus been made in the Erie county courts Iu regard to land tenure. Tho Pennsylvania road has been proceeding against some "squat tors" on land claimed by the railroad. One of the riuftmdciits claimed that she was the ownci of the land by virtue ol more than twenty-one years, possession. The railroad claimed that she should re. kon her holding from the death of her husband, and that he had not hold the property for twenty-one year while she not being un heir, could not continue the holding in an unhmkcri line. The court held that as partner of her deceased husbuiid, tho wile ooiiKl continuo iu the line ol holding, anil the m than tucn- ty-ono years' undisputed possession ol the two lives gave her a title to tho prop erty. The case will probably bo carri ,-d to the supremo court. A mysterious sllliction seems to have broken out at Curcnsvillc, Clearfield comity, as the following trom the Review will show : "There seems to hu an epldemicamnng the people iu this section, of theeves. and in most casus the revolt has been los ol sight. Several months ago C. R. Noiris wblla at work suddenly lust the eight of his left eye s then by an accident David Way lost the siulit of his left eye; then C. A. Rornbauirh lost the sight nf his left eye and last week N. II. Heller waa sud denly diprlvod of tho sight of his left eyes Mls Flora Brown Is also losing the the sight of both ryes, and Mrs. Win. Dale Is blind In one eye. These are re cent cases and are causing considerable alarm as no one knows at what time they may bo similarly afTected Another case is tho 9-year old son of the Review man, whose left eye Is almost totally blind. While in Philadelphia last week a noted specialist examined his ojes and an nounced that there was no hope lor a restoration of the sight, but that the right cyo was perfectly good and could be saved." ollce to T.ix-1'uyer. You are hereby notified that 6 per can t. will bo a bled to all taxes In Tionesta Bo rough not paid on or before Jan. 31. J. W. Lamdkrs, Collector. Tionesta, Jan. 9, 18i3, Hperinien Cases, 8. H. Clifford, New Caxsel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, mid he was terribly reduced in flesh and strenutli Three hoitles ol' Elec tric Killers cured him. Edward Shepherd, llarrisburg, III., had a runninv sore on his leit of eiuht vears' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes if Hockleo's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound aud well. John S raker, Catawby, O., had live largo fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle. Electric Hitters and one box Biickleu's Arni- a Nalvjcurod him entire ly. Sold by Siggms & Nasaon's Drug store. 3 Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or I. nogs. Dr. King's New Iii-.covery lor Consump tion. Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give relief, or money will lm paid back, .suit' rers from l.a Grippe found it iust the thinuaiid under its us. had a speedy and pcrtccf recovery. Try a sample bot tle at our expense sud learn lor voursntf Just how gisid a thing it is. Trial bottles tree at sigiflns anil Nxsons Drug Store. Large size file, and 1 00. 3 III KI.DN'st A It MCA HALVE. The best Salvo in the world fir Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp -d Hands.Chilhlains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money rHinoled. Price Hi cents per 1 . . . 1 - 1 . . ! . ' o"-. x-uj suie uv iason. When Baby was sick, tto gTe her C-Mtoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Custorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Costorfa. When she bad Children, sho gave them Castor's. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Our coinbinniinn with the Philadelphia Weekly I'reaa affords an opportunity for obtaining an in.inrnse amountof reading at a very trilling cost. By this arrange ment we nre enabled to furnish both the Rkpcbi.K'am and the Weekly Vm at the very low price of tl.JS. Any person seudinu us tins amount will receive the to papers for one year, an advance of only "5 cents over the price nf the Kkpub 1.1CA alone. Old suPscrilsars who paX up all arrearages and ?1.75 in advance can have the advantage of this splendid otter. Tho Weekly I'rt is the very best weekly paper in the country, enntai'ninir 10 pages weekly of tho choicest General News, Household and Agricultural reading, Strong editorials. Young people's De partment a good Continued story, in short everything that goes to make the most desiranlu family reading matter. With these two papers in your familv you will bo sore of the best se-t-ice in each department. Tlni b KCl'BLlcAN is the oldest and best of the com tv papers, sup plies you weekly with all the home news of intern t, such as no city weekly can pos.ibly give, and tho Weekly threat pro vides you wii h all tho world wide news and a mass of general rending such as no local paper can possibly furnish. By taking advantage ol our comhioed ofle'r you get the best of eao class of reading in its proper place and at a price so rea sonable that you cannot alibi d to deprive yourself aud family of the benefit of it. No such oiler has ever been made by any responsible paper in the countv. Sub scribe now. TIOMOSTA IA1KKT8 CORRECTED EV EKY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour barrel choice - - 6.00,6.26 Flour V sack, - . 1.25 1.60 Corn Meal, Hill tts - - - 1.115 1.60 Chop feed, pure griilu - - 1.25 Corn. Shelled .... 70(g,76 Kuans bushel - - . 2.50(3.00 Ham, sugar cured ... n Hrcak fust Bacon, sugar cured 12 Shoulders - 9 Whitelish, half-barrels ... 8.60 Sugar - Syrup 6060 N. O. Molasses new ... 5075 Roust Itio Cotfco ... (u,25 Kio Colfeo, ... . 26 lavaCoil'oo .... 8JQS5 Tea 20 75 Butter 25 Kico 8 Eggs, fresh .... 2A Suit lav 0 best .... 1.00 Lurd 121 Iron, common bar ... -2.1)0 Nails, 50d, -f keg .... 2.Z6 Potatoes .... l(i(a,V0 Lime t bbl. .... 1. 0 ll-ied Apples sliced per tb 610 Dried Beef - - - 16 Dried Peaches per lb 10 Dried Peaches pared per - 16 IVERYHODY reads 77J Pitsbuig Dis IJ Hitch for Hie reason that it contains mom news, in it h general, special, and telegraphic ; has morn contributors ami ui el uioro spiciul correspiiudeiice than any other newspaper between New York and Chicago. U 7 ANTED - Wideawake workers eve r where for 'Sll EPPS' PHOTO liKAPII of": the greatest book on eai lb ; costing gloO.OOo; reUtil at ft ..'1, cash c.r insbilliucnls ; maiiimotli II lustruteil eireiiliirs and terms ti ee; daily otilpui o er Uf 0 volumes. Agents wild Willi sin-i ess Mr. ' In I,. Mai tin, Center ville. 'lex., c eared f7 11 111 Udays; Misa Itoso A1I.011H, WiHisier, ., t-'i 111 40 uiiu iiics; Rev. J. Howard Madison, Lyons, N. Y., IUI iu set en hours; a bonanza; mauilieenl uiitut only il. tiiKiks on eredit, I-ruiglit paid. Add less Globe Bible Publishing Co.. No 73 Chestnut tel., I'll 1 la., I 'a., ur AoA Dcti lsjru bi , Chicago, 111. ocl5 Ua SEND your Job Work to tho KEPUB U0A' UIU00.