1 HE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WIN, COITOS PftOPSItTO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1H, 18M. EX-rKLMDtNT 1UVLS DEAD. El President IIye died at bit home in Fremont, Ohio, si 11 o'clock last night. He had lieeii ill but short time of pneum inis. Thia travel bul one ex Presiitent now living. SENATOR HVW REELECTED. Both Senate and II. .use at Harris hurg yesterday oipd for Uoilt-H States Senator, the remit beiiii thai Senator Q'lay km re elected by an overwhelming msj-irity. The lw branches ut the Legislature will id eel in j iiut session In day to Vote on the question, which will virtually be a ratification of yesterrlav's prureeil ings. The vote stood -Houttr, 132; Senate, 33, fur Q lay. Dalzell receiv ed 1 vole. What is this news from New York J Hill and Choker have fallen nut? Doubted. Tbey cauunt afford tu din agree. Senator Quay is opposed to open ing the Woil l's Fair on Sunday. Here is another reason why that slum organ, the Ney York World, should abuse bim. By. proclaroalii.il President Hurri Ion declares polygamy practically dead and the "twin reliu" tardily fol lows its mate, "American slavety," to that bourue from which no harbar ism returns. The Democrats of Pittsburg hav nominated Republican Mavor Oour ley for City Controller. Mr G.iurlej seems to he on all sides of politics ii the Smky City. Perhaps be docsu'i know where ha ia t. Intending visitors to theColumhi an Fair will be interested in ihir cheerful observation of the Chicaifi. Hermld: "In view of the iueiperi euced crowds which will sunn be en tering the city, branch ruorguet should be erected at each of tin grade crossing." Tug Chicago gentlemen who art clamoring iu the committee rooms nl Congress that the World's Fair door be opened on Sunday should learn that the Americau people will rim stand any fooling with the Americai. Sabbath. The efforts of the Suudat desecrators will he in vain. There was only one Benjamin F Butler in this world, and the Amen can peopla will hold him in loviuy memory. Sturdy, honest, a bolo fighter, quick to act for the right, hi life was one of constant activity, and he will go dowu iu history as one ot the most picturesque characters ot the ago. A Chattanooga judge has declared that he will not hold poor people ar rested for stealing coal, aud has al ready dismissed several cases of tha character. There may not he much law back of his decision, hut there U no denying the fact that he has a heart, and that is more than the un scrupulous rascals who have tUe pow er to force uo the price cf cual were ever accused of possessing. Thlre are some remarkably well informed newspaper men iu Washing ton. One ot them telegraphed th Pntshutg Commercial Gazette that "Si h ley is a wholesale liquor dealei and Democratic politician." This is probably why he was supported f"i Congress by the Prohibitionists. Be cause man happens to be a Demo crat it does Dot necessarily follow that he is eugaged in the wholesale liquor business He may be a retail er. Blizzard. A DIhpatc'H lr..in Washington says tbat a u ii id tier of ladies aud cleigy men made arguments before the Con gressional Committee in favor ot opening the W-rld's Fair u Sunday What kind of ladies? And of what denomination were the clergyrueu T Thia ought in be known in justice to the various churches which have so persistently fought the desecration ot the Sabbath and which will never let up in the good fight as long as the op ponents of the Americau Kahbath coutiuue their warfaie upon it. A prouiitieui Republican oewupa per begins an editorial ou American shipping. "Time was wheii this conn try led the world on the ocean." True, and it will do so again when the tariff ia made to ronf im to Deru ocratic ideas. I 'indicator. Hats! Your party hasn't got the sand to touch thw tariff" with a ten foot pole, aud when io full possession, of the Government will dance around tha issue as gingeily aa it did in the case nf the big surplus left hy I ha Republicans eight years ago. Afraid to touch It fur fear of bluuderiDg. The quarantine hill which parsed ilietetiate lat-t week is a very radical measure, but it is a treat improve ilietit over the present law, lnch, as far as liatii nal ' quarantine goes, is vague and incomplete. A practice has grown up under it which is much better than the law itself and which, witb improvements and extensions, is made the law in this hill. The Utter does not interfere with State quarantine, hut requires I tie Marine H'.sptlal service to en operate with and aid Stale and municipal hoards of health. It requires great precau tions to be taken and enforced by United States consuls at the foreign port! in the case of vesstls clearing or the United States. The Secretary f the Treasury is rt qui red to send to the nearest national quarantine ves sels arriving at ports not provided with facilities tor treatment. The President is f rmally given the power which he already eiercises unchal lenged to suspend immigration in the interest of public health It ia pro. hably as radical a measure as a Dem ocratic House, tender of Stain rights. would be willing to pass, and is a ureal advance over existing quaran tine legislation. The New York World opposed Murphy for Senator. It uow says: "Iu the Democratic party of New York, as at present orgmiz-d, the fundamental principle of Democracy, hat every man shall have a fair chance ia not recognized. No Demo crat tu this blate has a fair Geld. Nohody can be a candidate for any ffk-e except by favor of an oligar hy which assumes the right to parcel ut all the offices in the gill of the party in secret council to out self. No man can present himself to the people nr to the Legislature as a candidate wilhoul he consent of the ring unless he is prepared tn incur its hatred and re vetige. lis arrogance has reached oucb a degree that it dares affront public sentiment by forcing the elec- ion and appointment of men to the highest office who are notoriously lofil in qualifications and character. Mayard, Scannel, K ch, aud Murphy re recent evideiicts of its impru lence. The people have had more than enough of such despisii.g of heir sentimeuts and their interests The existing oligarchy is an iucubus ii the Democratic parly." Commenting on Judge. Wood ward's decision with respect tu the 'inploymeut by Road Supervisors of members of their families, I he Read ing Timet says: The decision of Judge Woodward, of the Luzerne Courts, ngaiust the right of a Super visor to employ members of his own family or teams owned hy themselves ni the work of road repairs, should e generally known. The. laws very properly forbid the public officials trom profiling by their owu delegated authority iu the mailer of contracts, and this decision would uo doubt be reaffirmed hy the m-ist of the Judges f the State were the matter properly Drought hefore I hem. Persons vio lating so plain a principle of law cau nut legally collect the mouey alleged to he due for audi service. The de ciaiou is iu harmony with the law as well as with cnhimou sense, aud its Huforceuieut would aid in preventing a very common uuusa iu the case of -uch officials. It is proposed :o introduce a hill iu the next L-gislature, says au ex change, providing fur pulling a slop to deer killing fr a period of three years. Thai there is necessity for -uch a law every true sporsiiiau will readily agree Al the present rate of killing off the deer it will he only a few years until they are extermi nated, and the most exciting sport known to PHimsvlvania hunters will end. Ridgway Advocate, Right you are, hul the legislature will do uo such sensible thing. The average legislator is about as fined io pass upon common sense earn laws as that "hot place" is for a pow der house. And, by the W8y, we no lice that a "committee." has been ap pointed by a dowu east "sportsman's associaliou" to look alter game law legixlalion this winter Ii'sdi liars to buttons that uot nne of litis committee knows a sandpiper from a flv-up the creek, aud yet they'll donhllesa be consulted as tu what should bo doue with the game laws. The Republicans iii the Connecti cut Legislature rtfl-cteil credit on thenihelves and ibeir Siale and did the ualiou ami l lie Ivepublicau party a service by n.. minuting General Jo seph R U.aley tin another term iu tha Senate. General llawley has been through all Ins service at Vah mgtnn a uoeiui leyteialor ana the model of the representative of a New England Hute. lie lias shown equal ability and indeji, udeiice, and hi return f.r hi years moie insures to Connecticut a K.-nator a ho repra aetiU the beit desires nf bis State aud aod tie beet purote of bis party. The Farmer's AHinice people are now after $21 f 0.000 with which to build s railroad lr..in Mexico to Can ada. They intend to ask Cmigrcsx for this I tile trifle Of cunri-o the) will get it Ih.y have doue so much good everywhere that they are just the sort of persons that should re ceive a nice little reward in the shape of twenty one millings and more. The ides of a railroad from MeXic. to Canada is a goud one. We dou'l understand why ii wasn't thought id long before this. One would harilli he puough. There ought to be two It is too bad that the projectors of the scheme are so notoriously sel6sb in all the legislation they favor. The decision of i he l-.wer court on the conviction id' the l'lt .idiurg Lead er for publishing a newspaper on Sunday has been suslaiued. The Jude thinks the old law is a good one to keep on the statute bonks, hut admit tlit its repeal ia only a question of a very short lime if it is as rigidly enforced as iu this case. He says the friends of lht law are iu worst enemies. A law which requires so much discretion in us vnforcitueut Would seem to need some little amendment tu in tike it applicable to the present do y and generaliuu. Ot late years arrests tor violation of this old law have been made more often through spile lhau out of regard for the Uw. A BOY iu Philadelphia was touud dying on the steps of his home recent ly, aud txpiied shortly alter being taken into Hie h use. His death was caused by cigarettes Fioiu morn tu night, except when he ate, he flunked cigarettes, and the puis 'D perinea tel his entire system. The crusade agaiust cigarettes cannot be too vig rout. II is said that a bill will be introduced iu the L gUlature al its preseul session to abolish the ruanu fact u re and sale iu thin State of cigar eltes, and it ia hoped the bill will pass We pass laws to abolish the manufacture aud Mile of oleomarga rine, and lei lite deadly cigarette go. Nobody ever heard of oleomargarine being deadly. SPEAKINO AUDIT BEN Bl'TI.ER, at least a score of the men who couldn't meet him in a lair aud square fight have now taken the warpath agaiust him with some hope nf nut being knocked out iu the first round. The l's' and Xhti.e of Whiskey. This subject could be dwelt up-n to a considerable length, and vel iniicli would remain nnioid, t 1 1 1 all rree that the uma, the proper use o; pure i ve whiskey ia an absolute iipiictutv, eoeciallv so now. w hen nature iimi-ts upon being Humil iated. All reuiilar plivsicianH prescribe rye whiskey, nod justly c-iuim thai Klein's Nilver Ape and luiiitMie Whiskies are niohl reintnie. I liev ilo tins not only ctue they have tried thorn hut because the leadintr hospitula use them- ti tit I them the best hiiinulantn iu Die world. filver Age aells tor 91.50 and Uuquesne orI.Z5 per lull quart. For sale bv all dealers and d nihilists. Ask for lliein or send to Ludwis Mayer, oil t'iiy, Pa. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, positively cured by adiiiinisleriiiK Dr. Maine' (iolrieti Npeeilic. It ia manufac tured as a powder, which can be given in a it ass of Ix-er, a cup ot cotleeor lea, or in food, with. .ut the knowledge ot the pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will etrect a permanent and speedy cure, w hether the patient is a moderate drinaer or an alcoholic wreck, ll has I icon given in thousands ot cases, and iu every in stance a perfect cure ha-, followed. It never tails. Cures icuaraiileeil. 4H pane lnok of pai'ticuliira lice. Address lit L DKN SPECIFIC CO., 185 llace St., Cin cinnati,!'. aug.lO-ly. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -OK- TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CAKFIELO, PROPRIETOR. I'Jood Stock. Good Carriage and Bii( tries to let upon the most reasonable terms. He will also do JOB TB A-IMIIILTG- All nrdora MX at the Post Olllee will receive prompt attention. Fred. Grettenberger C. EX Kit A L BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaiuinu to Machinery. En gines. Oil Well Tools, lias or Water Hi- tin);" and Uencral Itlacksiuituing prompt Iv done at Low Hales. Repairing Mill Machinery iiivei) special alluuliou, and satiHlactiou guaranteed. Shop in rear of and lust west of the Shaw House, Tidiouie, Pa. Your patronage solicited. r RED. till KT f K N E ROER. Executors' Notice. Notice is hereby given thai Letters Tes tamentary on IIih Hsia o of Jasper II. Inuuman, late of Tiooesta lloroiigh, de-cea-d. have been granted by C M. A r uer, Reuilcr, Io the undersigned, and all pel sons iuili.liied to. or having claims aguinst, said Kstate are uotiticd to make bt-ttloiue.it with us without delay. A 1)1)1 K (I. lllNUWAN, M. W. 8. lUNUMA.N, Ii. S. Knox, Exe.'Otora f the l'.-taie of Jasper II. Iingman, doi-eased. Tloiiuta, Pa., Jan y 2d, 1803. IK Y"U WV'' a ie.ii,ectuble Joli of X printing at a reasnuable price stud jruur uruof vj uu oiikxi. MARIENVILLE, PA. i N OKI) Ell TO MAKE ROOM for my Spring Stock, I will close out my entire stock of Winter Goods regardless of cost, for Cash, as I will need all the room for my Spring stock. In goods that have to be carried over to next fall, I will sell at the lowest possible prices. My Stock is still large in all departments, so come early and get your choice at reduced prices. I am acut for James Mi Cull A Co.'a Bazaar Ulove-Filting Patterns, and foi the High Aim Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine, which 1 keep in Block. Highest market price paid lor Hides, l'elts, Fur, and Uiusuug Hoot. 1.VII MIXTZ, Mnrieiivlllr, Ia. Here's Your Chance! A CHEAT CHANGE IN THE WEATHER, BUT NOT GREATER Til AN THE GREAT REDUCTION OK PRICES AT We don't propose to carry over any Winter Goods If A BIG CRUSH IN PRICES ! will i-oll them. Wc therel'orefore offer you a 2A to SO per cent, reduction on every dollar' worth of Winter jtoods you purrliaso from us. The (Slock ia too large to at tempt enumeration, but we give you A FEW POINTERS: Mnn'a Overcoats worth 12 0i, will sell fr tN.no. Boy' a ami Youth's Sizes, 13 to 18, worth IM.00, will ao tor M.00. Child's, w ith cape, worth tt.t'O, take 'em along lor S2.50. All Wool Flannel, worth 40c., knocked dowa to 30c. Blankets. Q uits, Underwear, Lumbermen's wear, H lerv, and everything In winter goods at proportionate reductions. Come Bud see lor yourself. We mean just what we say ! APPEAL NOTICE. Commisskinehh' (IKFICKl ok t-'oKKar County, I T'Onksta. Pa., .Ian. 9. 1S"2. I Notice U hereiiy tri ven that the Commis sioners of Forest t'ouniy will ni"et ut their otiice in tlio Court lioiie, atTione--ta. Pa., on the 14ih ami l.'ithof i-Vbruary, nexl, tor the purp s of boldiiif; a Court of Appeals from thii A-sessineot of VSS'i. t'. K. I.KUKBCK, Jan McIsiviik, I'nii.ii- EMKar. Attest, County t'umuiisstonera. J AS. T. BllKNNAN, Clerk. ESTRAY. Came to ll-e premises nf the undersign ed, at Newtown Mdls, Pa., on or alsmt Wnv. ", IKUii, a yearliinr heifer, rod ami while, without s'peci u marks. The own er ia hereiiy notilicd to conio lorward. prove propei tx, pay charges and lake same away, otlierwisu it will lie disposed of accoidinK to law. heeler, Dusenbury A Co. Dec. 13, m2. LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. Aulborities in this enliuhtened ago all auree that the huiuaii hoily should la clothed, nexl the skin, with all wool garuients. The First Wealth is Health. It Is money saved to dress your body properly. Coiiih Hnd let us help you do so al moderate price. I KT Y ii RALES OK ALL WOOL UNDERV7KAK laogiinr in price from 75 cents to f l.OU per uarinenl, AT tl.no PER GARMENT wo can sell you a wool and camel's hair, soft and duralile. AT 81.25 PER GARMENT an till wool or wool and camel's hair mixture in natuial culms. AT a 1 .: PER G A RM ENT we can give vou a white tell or natural all wool un oeishiri and drawer, never sold ill this market uiiitur f j."o. UOHK Our natural won) and black wool cash mere llo-e al 1H cents per pair are lead ers. Y.,u can't match lliem at 4U cnla, McCUEN & SIMON, I'ailors, Hatters, l-'ui-nisliers. Moderate Puce ntoro. I'.xclusive ageu.a lor )r, Jaeger's Sanitaiy Wis-len Underwear, Youman'sci K-loated New York Hals and Pedriek's Cusioin whirls to order. AND a SI'.NKCA STREET. OIL CITY, PA. Dr.AV.F.CONNEUS EE, EAK, MISE k TURIIAT SIKCEON. OV. SAVINGS BARK, OIL CITY, PA. Olllee 1 1 ou i s 11 to 1 1 H. m . J 2 to -i p. m. 7 to k p. m. Sund iv, 4 to (i p. m. PrViioe liiuiusl to alM)Ve Hm.-lullic. David Mintzs, T EC IB Philadelphia Press, Daily, Sunday, Weekly. A KAM ILY PAPIClt WHK'II ISt'LEAN UNPENS ATI ON A L AN H J US I' I'll K PAPKR KOR Til K AMERICAN 11 0 M E. The Press has the beat possible organ ization to secure, news from the most im portant sources, aiel w itli nearly 4n0 cor respondo'its :n Pennsylvaiiiii, New Jer sey ami Doleware, Hie Stale and uear-al home news ia covered with a routine care fulness and attention to detail not even at lelnpied by any other paper The I'resi has also Hie best nf corres poi.deuls in all the great cities nf Ihe United suites, as well as fiuaucial aud railroad experts Iu Chicago and the Weal, who keep ilie unper more than abreast with events. l'ne col uuins of the. Viindniy Prats are en riched by contributions iroin those wluwe names are written high iu our li-tof ureal authors, novelists, tsavists. as well as trom m- n of hinh rank in public life 'the best authors know that their lt an- iiiences are the readers of the Daily, Sun day and Weekly Pre. In iMilit ca ihe Press knows no other master than tins puonle an I the past year baa seen, as has lieen auen tasfora,' the marked tact that it is suiiservient to no iHililieal boas. It has no political am bitions to fotr, hut looks after the Intei - estsol ll readers and deli vera itself upon me iiHiies iu me. oay iu a manner ts.tn t ran K and learless, tutting the lacta apeak for themselves and evading no I sues, hul inei-tnig them all on the baia of fair play oall men at all times. Its pages know no distinctions and the righla of one class over another are neither recognized nor supported. Auveruement nl Hem Wanted mav bo inserted in The Press for One Cent a Word. Advertisements of situations Wanted VCcnta Word. Sdecial days for advertisements, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. TERMS OK Til IS PRESS. Ry mail, postage free In the U. S., Canada and Mexico. Daily, (except Sunday ), one year $0.00 " " " one mouth... .fto " (including Sunday), one year... 7.fto " " " one mouth... .65 Sunday, one year .uu we-kiy Pies, one ear l oo Dralts, t'heeks and other Remittances should be made payable In the order of THE PllESS CO., Limited, Philadelphia, Pa. Scientiflo American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADI MARKS. DKSICN FATIMT8, COPVSIOHTS. to For tnformatlnn and free Handbook write to SI INN a CO.. 41 BltoADWjkT. New Vi.uk. Olilunt bureau for aut-urliiif patenta Id Aiuenra. Kvvrr patent taken out bp ua la brought belura Ui6 pubtiu bj a uuitce tfiveo Irtsi of oliaxif e la Uie ticutific mencati I.aryest etrculatlno of any sr)nti6o paper tn the world. toDltinUitllT llustraUttl. Kn UitHlliffMiit biftu should to without it. Weekly, 93. OU m year, ri-ai six rutniiiis. aiiuidri uuix.s lAf Vl ill-Lb tittut, abi isroaUway, hew York City. 17 MtMKHS AND PARMKIt'M SONS I wlio liave a liome and r'ltt al their dia posal, and who are looking for protitab'e rniplnx uiclit may seclirt, poaitiona worth from thii ly 10 a xty dollars a week by ad-(IroM-inu A.J. PolUir, 8 Last MtuSt.,'Nuw York Uilv. v ELECTION OVER, NOW aIe READY ! HURRAH FOR US! EVERY DEPARTMENT PACKED WITH GOODS! 0 AND MORE COMING EVERY DAY. OvrrrontM niil I'loUilng. An elp'.-mit SMnrtuir-nt tht Saaon, with prices to suit the pocket book. Drew Goods. Wo havo a very laran and well selected stock of thn Newest and most Hlyliah Nliadea In UreaaUuutlauf every descrip tion. Dress Flannels & Blankets. We sells the Famous Kmnhero-er Klan nela and Itlankcts. our assortment ol Ureas Kl.nnels la awav ahea I of any ever offered in this place before. Hosiery. Underwear. Wo have it in all (trades to suit all kinds of Iradt) in Hosiery and Underwear. .Inai ask lor what vou wantand we have II. A Tull line for Indies, Uents, Uoya. Miasra and Children. COME AND SEE US. H. J. HOPKINS & CO., TIONESTA, PENN. SIGGINS & - NASON, (SUCCK880K3 TO SIOUINS A FOXlvS.) DRUGGISTS Si, GROCERS, TIONEbTA, - - PENN. IX OUR OROCKRY 'DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which is In chanro of a thoroughly compoient Clerk, will always ho round the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & dealeks in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS. CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :O0CTHTBY PBODUO! MID 0ASH: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HOODS. S. H. HASLET & SON,S HAVE A FULL LINE OF FURNITURES ! - UNDERTAKER'S GOODS ! G-IVEI THEM .A. CA-XjIj. TIONESTA. OURS Sick Headaolif and rrllera all the troubles Incl (lent to a bilious aUO of thH s htvm. such as tiisiiivaa, Nsuas. Uroaaluttas. Diatreaa afn-r ealina;. fain in Hie Slite. to While tlirlr moat rmariktile success has beeo alios n In curiug SICK Hcdche, yet Cabtcb Ijtti.k Liven Pills are equally valuable in Conitiaiion. curiiiK and pruvantinfc thia ai moving iMnnnlaint. while thfy also crrect all tliMonleris of the stoma)., Btnnulato the liver and regulate Ihe bowel, fcvea it they ouly cured Ache thy would he almo pneekva to those who Buffer from Una Uulre..inir complaint: hut fortunately thfir froodntr dnea not end hre, and thcwie who once tr thtm will dud these little pills valuahle In ao maiiT way (hut they will not be willing to do without them, but after ail aick bead ACHE ia tli bane of ao many Uvea that here U where we make our frreut boaat. Uur tiUa cure tt w hile othern do not. C'artkk'm Litti,c fJVKH Tin UT verw small aai very eiv to take. One or two pilla make doee. They are atrtetly verrtaiae and do nl Kripe or puttee, but by their tcentle action pleaae all who uae them. In viala at 2& ent; ore for $ . ekld ewrT where, or aent by uuui KSSICUTI CO.. Ktv Tort 'idE Cdlln HlCai CARTER'S Wraps, Jackets and Shawls. We sell the nicest and let .laekota for the money of anv store in th' part of the County. Don't buy any until vou see ours. The piles tin otir counter melt like snow hol'ore the aun. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Every Department is loaded. Our stock of MiilihcrUonilMtapoinplfio. We 111 the smallest child and Ihe liirtrect man, and tlie irli-es mo l inht. Qootla oflhobest grades. .ICK ICltll M. OnrOroeery Department Is always kepi up to tho Miamlaril with nice fresh jroods, lioutrlit lor ca-U and aold at the Low cut Possililo Price. Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS AND - - - PICNN. TIME TAI1LE In -tlei Jany. 1, 1N03. Trains leave Tio iiHHtit tor till City nut points west as mllow : Nn.ua 'I In-uugu i- n jh-lit n arry - inn ihknkiiui-m) :40 a. HI. Nu. 81 Huliiiln ExpruMM 12:07 uixin. No. j Way Freight (carrying )Ui-iignr) 4:15 p. in. No. AS Oil City Ex rtwaduily.. 7:53 p. in. For II kkuryl'idi' line, Warren, Klnzus, linuiioril, i iichii nuu ine mlhii No. ao iiluxn hxprorui rimly... No. 32 I'ltiDiHKii KxpreHs..,. 6:41 a. to. 4:15 p. (u. So. INJ I hroiiKli FreintH (t-ar- rvinu iiaiiiiutiiMi 6:50 p. 111. No. till v uy t riojilit (carri ing (jasju'iigiTo io iioiu'elaj 8:41 a. m. Trains 1K1 u:id HU Run Daily ami carry ittsMnK''i al"' Hiiiii pomtH Uutween Oil (.'H v anil li viiiHtoii only. Other trains run ditiiv exi-opt fSuiulay. Ot t Tiiiiu I ali us ana full inlorniHtloii from 8. l. I'l.AHK, Aent, '1 ioiiubla, f. Ii. liKLL. (juii'iatiol. J. A. FELLOrtS, lien'l Fasot-ngor A Tii-ket Agi-nt, Uullaio, N. V. tlUGUST MQZICIS. JiS of the tirni of MOHCK BRO'H, OPTICIA1TS, )in-lnlit ill Errors of Ki'lrai-tioii of th Eye. ExamiiiatioiiH fretot' i-hsrgn. WARRKN, PENN. I oil Wnltli ol evi-rv (leKi-ciptlon ciecu 1 it I ill .uu KKl'UiiLIC'AN oUico. SasasuaWaaw