X - r' i (til FORES REPUBLICAN. 4. (. WINK, tOITOS 4 fSOfSltTOS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, IfWS. The Pennsylvania Legislature. The legislature of Pennsylvania cotiveoed al Ilsrrieburg yesterday al nonu, but asiito from the election l officer for the session and the read inn of Governor Pattion'i message, little actual busioeeg was transacted At the caucus Monday evening Speaker C. U. Thompson, of Warren, was re nominated by acclamation, notwithstanding the claims of the op pnsion, which failed to materialize. Chas. E. Voorbcei of Philadelphia, was elected Chief Clerk ; A D Fei terolf of Montgomery, Resident Clerk, aud a full list of minor clerks In the Senate Gen. Gohin was elected President prolem; E. V Smiley, of Venango, Chief Clerk ; Reading Clerk, J M Carson of Butler. There will be somewhat of a fight reade against ex Chairman Andrews, whojo.n hia contest bel. re the Craw ford county court, but there is little doubt but that Mr. Andrews' cert 1 6 cate will be recognized by the House, nd the seat given to him. The joint Senatorial caucus will he held on the 17ih inst , and while there are few who think they are opposing Senator Quay, his re election is ooe of the foregone conclusions That question whs settled last spring when a few mugwumps called for vote of the people at their primaries, which vote they got in the oeck. The Senate and House will likely adjourn to-day lor one week to give the speakers lime to arrange the dit ferent committees. The news from Mr. Blaine's bed side continues fitvorahle to the cou dition of the disiioguiahed patient, and though the physioiaus bold out little hope for bis ultimate recovery, the nation feels a relief to think thai the final shock is al least postponed for a time. It is possible the great statesman may yet live to take the contemplated trip to a more congen iel climate and agtio recuperate his streugth. Judge Henderson handed down bis decision ou Saturday morning lust in the Crawford County Court at Meadville, giving Ex Chairman An drews the certificate over Wilbur P. Highy, his Democratic competitor. The qoeuiou raised by Andrews was in reference to the right of voters in townships to cast their rotes at poll ing places located in adjoining bo roughs. The Crawford Court decided the act le6niog such electious was unconstitutional. Mr. Cleveland has set his font on would be Senator Murphey'a aspira turns in lurk Slate, aud brought it down so dog goned hard the lift was nearly knocked nut of the Mur pny onom at one swipe. Ureat is Grover, and if he don't ruu Ihe entire machine to suit himself 'tis a fuuny thing. The President elect may uot be as strong a partisan Democrat as some others, but he's a mighty atit) Clevelaud man, nnd the ft How w ho dan't dance to his music roust leave tbe ball room every time. Governor Sylvester Pennoyer, of Oregon, is a Democrat himself, but disapproves of Mr. Cleveland's alii tuda regarding the New York Sena torship in these words: "The i in pert ineul interference of tbe President elect with the selection of a United States Senator from New York is both unprecedented aud alarmiog If tbe New York Democracy bows to such dictation it would indicate that Mr. Clevelaud has not only become tbe boss of his party, but the czar of ot the nation." The Democratic par ty is not altogether harmonious. It is reported that a great many bill of all sort and for all purposes will be offered in the Legislature dor ing ibis session, and that the flood will be larger than in any previous year uuder the new Constitution. It may he all right fur members of the Legislature to iutroduce these bill, but they should remember that all such must run the gauntlet of two committees and two legislative bodies, and finally pass under the scrutiny of the chief executive. A hill mutt Lave extraordinary merit to pass the ordeal safely, and there moot be a a strong demand for legislation to carry it through the various channels smoothly. Tbe great (rouble is that legislators cannot be ma le to under stand that nine tenths of the hills in troduced never get through more than one body, and that wlen Ilia day for final aljournmnt arrives hundred of bills are simply "on the calendar," and that is all 1 he uiee legislator does not introduce any and every hill placed in his hands. He i want to know, and he must be con ' vinced of, the neceMiy for such Ing i iuUtjon tVf're he mkes chargnof it. llarrisburg Tetegrajjk. ' THE ECOXOMt SIHIEIV. Death of J n cob llmrlct, Ihe 1'afrlar dial Head of Ihe ( ommuuilT Father Jacob Heurici, the head nf ,the Eeoomy Society, died at a few minutes of 5 o'clock Christmas morn ing. Death was caused by old age, though probably hastened by the xevere cold weather id the last sever al days, which weighed very heavily upon him. Father Heurici was horn in Baravia, January 15, 1804. He came to Economy in 1826, an tecame engaged as a school teacher In that year he joined the society and in 1847 he was elected trustee, a pos ition which he held until his death. The death of Jacob Heurici, re calls to the attentiou of the general pi) b lie this remarkable society, foun ded by George Rapp, a German, pie list who was inspired with the idea of restoring Christianity to the primi live condition of the first church at Jerusalem, in which the niemhers held all things in common, Rapp aud his baud of religious enthusiasts set tied first in Pennsylvania aud Indi ma, reluming soon lo Pennsylvania, where they remained. In each loca tion they prospered in the world's t;nods, and the little band nf aged men and women serving at the vil lage of Ecniiemy hold property reaching well into the niilliouB Their lands are among tbe most pro ductive in the state and are under laid with cnal, natural gas aud oil. They have engaged in lumbering uud t her manufacturing enterprises, and whatever they have touched bus turn nd to gold. Prosperous as the society has been from a material poiut of view, it has -ignally failed of reulizing the ideal of its fouuders that of leaveninu Christianity with the communistic idea. Adopting celibacy as one ot their cardinal principles, the society of Harmotsts failed to recruit their numbers bv the natural process, and they have quite as signally failed in ncuring converts from the outside. Commuuisni failed to attract the sin cerely religious young men aud women f the country, and the shrewdoess of the Ecouoiuist leaders saved them from heing imposed upon by adven tures teekitig mere food and shelter. The ricult has been that I ho society has decreased in numbers and ha failed to impress its principles or practices upon the surrounding com muuity. All that remaius is a band i I. . ... oi out peopiu enormously rich in ihe aggregate without heirs or pros peel of continuous succession. Sigually as the society has fulled of realizing the dream of its enthusi astic founder, possessions have at tracted tbe couvetous eyes of greedy adventurers, and is now au open ques tion whether its accumulated millions will eventually eurich some uuscrup ulous pretender or escheat to the State. The successful management if the property of the community up to this time has been due to the re uarKante executive ahuty of two men -George Rapp, the founder of the society, and Jacob Henrici, his successor, who has just died. Tbe temporary continuation of the com munity uow depends upon whether a real successor to Henrici can b r I a .... . iouuu. ai nesi ine end must shod come unless some young blood can he infused into tbe organization, of which there is at preseui no indication. John Duss, tbe junior trustee, is in charge of tbe society aud has beeu elected successor to Father Henrici at a meeting of ttie board of elders. Duss bas power si absolute as the Czar of Russia. He is intelligent, far superior to any tnau in the comniuui ty. Besides having autocratic au thoriiy over all, he controls the ac liou aud votes of tbe board of elders If he so winded and the state laws sb uld not interfere, be bus it in his power to appropriate every vt-stige of the society's possessions to his own use. This authority was vested last Thursday aud the agreement was signed by nine tenths of tbe members, It is stated that the wealth of the so cit-tv has beeu greatly overestimated but just what the interests are valued at cauuol be learned. Some latere tins' Mutistlcs. The forthcoming report of Secre ary of Internal Affairs Stcwail will show some interesting assessment Hlatislio, as follows; Taxable. 1,576,149; cleared land, 15,574.295 timber laud, 8,269.142 ; value of real estate taxable, 12.308,767,431 ; value of real efale exempt from taxation 1234,801.553; total value of all real estate. $2,543,567,984 ; value nfgala ries and emoluments of office, offices, posts nf profit. prfesion8, trades and occupations, 8 1U4 0l.aU'J ; aggregate value of all property taxable for county puip.mes, $ 2 459.538 840 ai nt nf county lax assessed, $19, K29.6M0 78 , amount of money at in lerest, including mortgages, judg meuta notes, bonds, stocks, Ac 1000 606 620; value of pro,,eriv lax able for state purposes, f 606,680,464 amount of Stale tax assessed, $'2.!(i3. 031 91 J lotnl debt of varn n counties of the State, 8G3.G02 502 4.'? Stale Treasurer Morrison and An ditor General Gregg summarized tin finances for this year thus: Total re reipts from all sources during tru year ending November 30th, 1892 I10.748.7fl9 08; total payments. 111. 727,908 68; total debt paid during the year, 11,417,106 ; net debt of tn. Slate November 30th, 1892, 12.60(5. 592 53; in thn payments are include 85,000,000 to the public schools; Homestead riots $375,223 46 Three fiurths of personal properly lax, tin der the act of 1891, is returned to tin counties and is now heing paid, whicl will reduce the general fund aboul 11.000.000. BuliHtce in general fond November 30th, 1891. $5 720.721 80: balance in general fund Novembei 30th, 1892. 15 398.191 86. Tiios B. Carter, Chief of the Si re! Service Bureau, has called al lection to the danger of counterfeit of the World's Fair Souvenir bal' loUrs, predicting that the crook will have a great opportunity in pro duping I'm: smiles nf these coins, n they can be made from forty cents worth of metal and sold for one d. 1 lar each, and pliiced on the marke as the genuin- will be there is little or no protection to thp public. A met lean Cholera. From the Daily Reveille. Whatcom, Wash "T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi date tor Sheriff, wad tascn violently ill at Clearbrook. He had all thesymptomsot Asiatic cholera, and tor an hour or two it was retired lie would die. Thoy finally Rave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which re vived him until a pliysiuan arrived." That ia precisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recoininend for cholera. Send for a physical! but give their medi cine uitil the physlean arrives. For sale by Signing Nason. The I'se nnd Abuse of Whiskey. This aulijpct could bo dwelt mv n ton considerable length, and yet mui-h would remain untold, but all aVee that the use, the proper uno o! cure rve whiskev ia an absolute necessity, espeeiull v so now. when nature insists upon heinji stimu lated. All reuulur phvsicianx prescribe rvewhiskey, and Instlv claim that Klein's Silver Age Htid Dnqiiesne Whiskies are most rename. 1 nev do this not mil v tr eatise thev have tried them but because the Icadme hospitals use them- timl them the best stimulants in the world, fc'ilvr Ace sells tor 81.60 and Diidiicsne for fit. 25 per full quart. For sale bv all dealers and druggists. Ask for lliem or send to Ludwii; Mayer, Oil City, Pa. In a recent letter to the niuuiifactiirera Mr. A. W. Biildridne, Millersvillo, 111., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Kives the best satislaction of any cough medicine I handle, and as a seller,' leads all oilier preparations in this market, I recommend it because it is the bust medi cine I ever handled for coughs, oolds and croup." For sale by Sigglns fc N'ason. Dcucrrluff Pralsr. We desire to savtonurcitizena. that for ynara we have been si liinir In-. Kimr's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Tills. Bu. -kirn's Arnica Salve and Elcetric Millers, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or fiat have ;iven audi universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitute u Riiaiantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purrliase pm-e, it sntislai tory results do not follow their ue. These rcmidies have won their (treat popularity purely on their mei ns. Siius and Na suii Di uggials, 1 Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, positively cured by administering Dr. Haines' tiolden Specific. It is iminular lured as a powder, which can be given in a it ass of beer, a cup l cotteeor tea, or in food, with, mt the knowledge of ilie pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate driimer or an alcoholic wreck. It lias been given in thousands of cases, and in every in stance a perfect cure nan followed. It never taila. Cures guaranteed. 4H page book of particulars liee. Address GOL DEN SPECIFIC CO., J 85 Uiice St., Cin cinnati, (.'. itUB.IO-ly. V7U';-H 1 "Til -A- v. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -OF- TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD. PROPRIETOR. (iood Stock, fiood Carriauos and Bug gies to let upon the most reasonuble terms. He will also do JOB TE A-ILOIILTG- All orders left at the I'ost Ollico will receive prompt attention. Fred. Crcttcnbcrgcr GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. AU work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, lias or Wuter Hl- liogsaud licnui'Rl ithu-ksuiitliing prompt- ivuoue. hi tow nates, itepamug Mill Machinery given special attention, and fcalisluclion guaranteed. Shop 111 rear of and just west of the Shaw House, lidioute, Fa. Your patronage solicited. F K E D. H ET 1' E N U E KU E H. Executors' Notice. Notice is hereby given that Letters Tes tamentary 00 the Ksta.e of Jasper 11. fniigniaii, laie of Tionesta liorougli, de cea.ed, have been granted by C M. Ar tier, lteuisicr. to tne undersigned, and all pnisons indebted to, or having claims against, said Estate are notilied to make seltleiue.it with us wiihout di-lity. AllItIK (I. DlNUMAN, M. W. L. DlNOMAN, D. S. Knox, Exn-ntors of the K-tHlo of Jasper II Dingman, deceased. Tiunoata, Fa., Jau'y d, 16'J3. Fnr iho 1 ui li 10 David 11 1 viz, For this pari HAVE concluded all Departments, stock, the largest in Forest County, as well as the finest. I .will sell cheap for Cash to reduce at least one-half of my stock, in Clothing, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, K lib bers, Millinery, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Looking Glasses, Pictures, and pic ture frames, Trunks and Valises. In Dress Goods, I have Silks, Satin cs, Henriettas, Broadcloth, Cashmeres, Flan nels, and most anything you want in thut line. In Millinery, the to L'Iohks ami raps 1 nave all stylo, -t"ck on hand, so wih soil them regard lea 1- lira aud Fur Caps, which I must close, out ia large. I am agent for .lames McCall's Olnvp - Wlii-eler A Wilson Sewing Machine, which paia lor limes, fens, rur, uinsctig Hoot and iseeswax, at 1.YII niNTZ'S The lnler. BarnettiiReady TD RECEIVE EVERYBODY WHO WANTS TO BUY Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys, bers, Queenswaro, A toll line of Jewelry, Trunks and of all kinds and Plush and Fur Caps. Gents' Furnish ing goods. Groceries. THE GOODS ARE ALL NEW. The quality of goods past insures us a large trade this season. E. cry body Is invited to call and inspect our Laroand Magnificent stock of Mercbau disc. Cash paid for Hides and I'elts. R. BARNETT. EST RAY. Came to tbe premises of the undersign ed, at Newtown Mills, I 'a., on or alint Nov. 25, IS'rj, a yearlina heifer, red an I white, without s'peei 11 marks. The own er is hereby untitled to come forward, prove property, pay cliarjies aud take same awiiv, otherwi.-u it will bo disposed of aceordiox to Imv. Wheeler, Dnsenbiirv tV Co, Dec. 13, l!i N OK DI NANCE. He it enacted bv the Iturgessaiid Conn ci. of the llorough of Tionesln, 1st. That a sidewalk hohuilton Die East side of Vine Street, from Helen Street to .Mac Street, lid. Said side walk to be four (4) feet in w idth. aud built ot i inch hemlock, with 2 stringeis of oak or hemlock inches tiierbondcr, with tour Hid nails to each 1) rd. :t.l. Said side walk to be built within thirty (HO) days from this date by the own ers of Uud ahnliing thereon, or it will be built lor them at llieir expense. Fassko November aim, A. D. 1S9J. Attest, C. It. DAVIS, Burgess. J. T. Pai.k, Secretary. The Bell's Rung On that Summer Suit Buyers of Clothing are exposed to two dangers. Thev pay too much or too liitle. In either case they are exiravair ml. We do not make cheap clothing, but MODERATE PRICES are our hohbv. Every season wo have certain staple lines of popular goods, of which we make LEADERS That is. we sell them so closn that the slick one wonder bow we do it, and chumps fall to catch on because thev think they can not be first class at the price. This Hcnson'a I.r till era: Clay's Black and lllue Engl Wh Worsteds lor dressy Suits, in Cutaway Suits to Order, PRICE, frsn.oo. A Itlaek and I'lue Worsted Cheviot, Latest ami Must Popular Fabric-lor Busi ness Suits. Sack Suits to Order, PKICE, 2S.0O. McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers, Moderate Price Store. Exclusive agon. a for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Underwear. Younian'sci U-bi ated New York Hats and Ped rick's Cusioui shirts to order. l5 AND at SKNECa STHEET. OIL CITY. PA. iTr.AV. F.CONNElTS EE, tAlt, XUSE i T1IUIIAT SUICEUN. OV. SAVINGS BANK, OIL CITY, PA. Ollice Hours tl to II a. III. j 2 lo 4 p. III. 7 to it p. m. Sand ty, 4 to H p. 111. Practice limited to above spouialties. Hnlirloto I 1 ivnuoyo . tiii: n; aim; it, of the Country. to reduce my Stock in having an immense iinest French goods. and must noil ttioni out as I have too liiu a of eo-t for fash. I also liavpatini lineol soon. So come, nt onco, while the Stock Fittinir Viitterns, and for the High Aim I keep In stoek. Highest market price Boots and Shoes, Itub- Glassware, Blankets. Valises, Hats & Caps all Styles for winter. we have. sold in the THE Philadelphia Press, Daily, Sunday, Weekly. A KAMILYPAPER WHICH ISCLEAN U N s E N S . T I O N A L AND J USI' Til h PA PER t OK TH E AMERICAN 11 O M E. The J'irs.i bas tlio best possible organ ization to secure news from the most im portant sources, and witii nearly 4u0 cor respondents 11 Pennsylvania, New Jer sey and Dulcware, Ihe Slate and oesr-Ht home news is covered with a routine care fulness and attention to detail noteven at tempted by any oilier puper The I'i cat has also too best of corres pondents ii. all the great cities of Un united Slates, as well as financial and railroad experts in Chicago and the West, who keep tho paper more than abreast with events. Tlie com 111 ns of tlio.S'tmi Ve-l are en riched by contribution troin those whose names are written liigli In our li-tnf ureal authors, novelists, s-aviHl. as well as from men of hi jh rank in public lite 'I he best authors, know that their best au diences are the readers of tho Daily, Nun tin.v and Weekly J'l rnn. In pontes Ihe Prean knows no other master than the peonle and the past year has seen, as has been seen before,' Un marked fact that it is subservient lo no political boss. Ii hits no political am bitions to footer, but looks after the inlei estsot its readers and deliversitself upon the isues of the day ill a manner both frank and fearless, letting the tacts speak for theiiisclvcsandevadiug no I. sues, but meeting them all on the basis of fair play loall men at all times, lis pages know no distinctions aud the rights ot onecluss over another are neither recognized nor supported. Advertisements of Help Wanted may he inserted in The Ve for One Cent a Word. Advertisements of Situations Wanted i Cent a Word. Sdeelal days for advertisements, Sunday, Woduesday, Sat u rday. TERMS OK THE PRESS. Hy mail, postage free in the U. S., Canada and Mexico. Daily, (except Sunday), one year $0.00 " " " one month... .fie " (including Sunday), one yesr... 7. ft' ' " " one lie nth... .05 Sunday, 0110 year 2,0u We- kiy Pie.is, one year I on Drafts, Chocks anil other Remittances should be made payable to Ihe order of THE Pit ESS CO., Limited, Philadelphia, Pa. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DE8ICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ate, For Information and free Handbook write to .Ml'NM k CO., 1 HllOAUWAV. New YullK. Output bureau for aecurmir patent In Auieru-a. l-.rery patent tukeu out by ua ia trnuKltl Iwfore Uud nuuiio bj a uotice given free ot euaxve m Uie Scientific meriwn La tv eat circulation of any aclenttfle paper tn the world. Sl'lendidlr lllualraled. No intelligent man ahould be witttuub It. Weekly (IJ. 00 s iear; tl.fitiaix nt'intlis. Aildt-eKa Mt'NN at CO., 'bSUoilLlu. at)l llrOHdway, ew York Cltj. 1? VR.MEItS AND FARMER'S SONS L w ho have a horse ami rig al their dis posal, and who are looking for profitable rmplo incut may secure positions worth from thirty lo 8'Xty d"llitr a week by ad dressing A. J. Potter, 8 East 14th St., New JScientiflo Americas orK city. s ELECTION OVER, NOW a!e HURRAH EVERY iPAfflMT AND MORE COMING EVERY DAY. Ovn roul niul Clothing. An eleoant assortment tbt Hann, With prices to suit tho pocket book. Irr (iood. Wo hnvo a very lariro and well selected stock of thn Newest nnd mo-t Stvlish Slmdos In Dross Ooods of every descrip tion. Dress Flannols & Blankets. We sells thn Famous Ttoniltorcor Flan nels and Itlankets. Our assorliiwnt of Dress KUnncW Is awav aheatl of anv ever oUetod in tbis place beloro. Hosiery. Underwear. We have it in all grades tnsoit nil kinds of trado In Hosiery and Underwear. Jnsi ak for what you want and we have it. A full linn for Ladies, Ueuts, Boys, Misses aud Children. COME AND SEE US. H. J. HOPKINS & CO., TIONESTA, fENN. SIGGINS - & - NASON, (SUCCESSORS TO SIGOINS A KONES,) DRUGGISTS tfc GROCERS, TIONEbTA, - - - PENfJ. IN OUR C.ROCKRY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FRESHEST GSQCEEIES. BERRIES. FRUITS A VEGETABLES OK ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which is in charun or a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDEi. WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, ' JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. S. H. HASLET & SON,S HAVE A FULL LINE OK FURNITURE ! UNDERTAKER'S - GOODS! o-i-v-e them: .a. ct..Xj. TIONESTA, - - PENN-. CARTERS H Iver 1P jplLLS. 4Lj Kick Heailaehr and relieve sll the troubles Incl dent to s bilious atale of the a lt-in. such as Diuiiieaa, Nausea. Drgwaiucas. Dit-trtws afu-r eaniiK. fain In Hie 8ile. Ac Wliile tlirlr moat remarkable success bas been shown in curiug SICE Headache, yet CiiiTcii'a I-im i Lrvtn Pills are equally valuable In Conltauon. curing and preventing thm aniiovtnffconiiUiint. wlnlo they albo cortvel all disorders of the ttumaeh, Ktimulat the liver and regulate Uiq bowela. Lveu ii Uiey only cured ME A Ache they would be almost not' tats to thorn who Buffer from Utia diHtrenhtiiK complaint: but fortunately their jroodn doe not end hre, and thone who once tr them will II nd these little phi vatuahle In o man? ways that they will not be wlUmg to Uo without tUuiu. but aXlcr ail aick bead AGE1, us la the bane of ao many Uvea that here f where we make our jrrent boawt. Our curu it while others do not. Carter's Littlc Liver Pills are very small and very etuty to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly ve?etah)e snd do not grip or puive, but by their crentle action pluaue all who um t)iem. In vials at li& o-ntfi; five fur . Hold everywhere, or sent by nmil, Cmtl KX)lCU:i CO., Kew Tcrl HfH blS3. biFr!:s. READY! FOR US! PACKED WITH G0G1! Wraps, Jackots and Shawls. We sell tho nicest nnd best .lackets for thn money of anv store in thl part of theCouuly. Don't buy any until you sen ours. 'I he piles on our counters melt like snow iKilote the sun. flats, Caps, Soots, Shoes. Every Department Is loaded. Our stoek of KuhbcrOoodsiscomplcte. We rlltho smallest child anil the largest man, and the in Ices tire right, Goods of the boat grades. uitot'icitir.s. Our Grocery Department Is always kept op to the standard with nice fresh goods, bought lor cah and sold at tbe Lowest Possible Price. Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- AND TIME TABLE iu effect Jany. 1, 18U3. Trains leave Tlo neHta for Oil City mil points west as now Nil M3 l lin.iiKti H rt-inht (i-sn y inir pHMsi'iinnrs) No. HI lliitliil" Ex press.-.""."". Ni. 'Jl Wuy Freight (i-ttrrvinir paK8i'ii(iers) " No. aa Oil City Exj ressdiiii'v. l:40 i . ui. 1 -:07 noon. 4:15 p. 7:63 p. Kor Hickory, Tiilioute.Warren.Kliizua Itrailli.nt, oleiin snd the Enst: ' No. 80 Oleiin Exprws dsily... 8-.JI R ) No. 82 l'itlbiirrn Express.... 4:15 p' ni' No. isj TlirniiKlt Kroinht (car- o. 00 My H reiylit (oarrying passeiigurs to Tionesta; 8:11 a. ui. Trains 03 arid IIU Hun Daily nnd carry pHKMoiucrs to and lioin points letwteii Oil City and Irvmcion only. Other traiaa run daily except (Sunday. tjctTiino I able and full Inroi-matlon from !S. O,. CLAItK, Aeynl, Tionesta, i'u. r . It- HELL, Ueu'l .Sur t. J. A. HELLO AS. 1 IJt-n'l Passenger A. Ticket Agent. isultalo, -. of the firm of MOUCK BHO'8, OPTIOIAUS, Kpet-ialist In Errors of Itelrsction of tbe Eye. Examinations free of charge. WAHREN. HEN N. I OH WOltK of every description exeou tud al ILU Hi-.l'UHLlCAN otllce. N. 1