THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNF.MDAY, II, IBU2. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Iliirpess.C. R. Davis. I iiinmf7e?i-Ptrlok Joyce, W. A. Grove, W. A. inlands, 8. H. Haslot, A. It. Dale, .timeph Morgan. .lu tiiret 0 the reace J. F. Tremor, 8. ' "tlOV. ( nn.nUhlH. s. Canflelil. t'liltertor J. W. Landers. s,-hont Director G. W. Robinson, A. i. Kelly, HM H. Knox. J. T. Bronnan, J. C lark. T. F. Rltchoy. FOR EST COUNTY OFFICERS. "a6r of Cnntrea. F. Km hum. Member of Semite Hahrv A. Hali,. A J.imj-8, N. Tiiwi.k.i, 'resident .Twlge CiiAni.KS II. Noyfs. A mncinte Jutiget Joint H. White, C. . "l.ARK. vrtr-Ja. R. HAonRHTY. 'othtnntarv, Ite.qisterit Recorder, A'e. 'VI M. AlNKR. ''"rjT. JOHW R. Osoonn. i itllllmtM-f). F. l.KDEIIOn, JAH. Ikttrr, Phtmp F.mrst. .until tiiperintcntlent Geo. W. KRRR. ,Hitriet Attorney P. M. ('UltK. Jury Commissioners .lour" N, IlKATit, ; W. OriTOK. f'nuntv fititrvevar J. F. PRorrsn. i rnner T). W. Hi, ARK. . uory AvlitoTS W. W, Thomas, J. . Dawson, R. FI.YWN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. r ASHINQTON CAMP. No. 420. V. O. " H. of A., meeta pvrv Saturday rvo lis A. O. U. W. Hall, Proper A Doutt .I. C. NCOWDF.N, Fro. J. LANDERS, R. H. TI0NE3TA LODGE No. 8G9, .".TS every Tuesday evening, at R clock. In the Lodore Room In Par .'"Hall. Confer tho Initiatory do '.ho flint Tuosday niahtV of each ; first degree the aeooml Tuesday . seisind degree the third Tivwdav ; third degroo the fourth Tuesday J. C. SCOWPF.N, N. n. TONES, Beo'y. 27-tf. vST T.ODOE. No. 1R4, A. O. U. W., els every Friday eveninir In A. O. U. '1, Proper A Do'utt hbck, Tionesta. W. P. WALTF-KS, M. W. 0PKIN8, Recorder. OROROK STOVvTpOST, -. 274, O. A, R. ii tho first Wednesday In each i. Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta. Pa. J. B. EDEN, -omniander. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. W, R. C, meets first and third evening of each month, In A. ml!, Proper Doutt block, Tio- C. C. RTJMRERGFR. Prea't. y.SA PROPER, Heo'y. of EXAMINING SURGEONS i-ft County. loi'oclpher M. D., President; J. "jw M. I)., Secretary i J. B. Slggins reaxurer. The Biiard will meet iinnv'a orflce, Yloneala, on the ic.esdny of each month, at 10 in. s LARK, ATTOKNEY-ATLAW, . and Dibtrjot Attorn ky, vneruf Elm and Bridge Streets, la. "t for a number of reliable Fire Cmnpanien. A. VIS, ATTORN EY-AT-T, AW, TloneKta, Pa. .n made in tlila and adjoining ITCH FY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tloneata, Foreat Comity Pa. IHLE, TTO RN K Y-AT-L A W, l!or Block, Room 0, TloHeata, t.NCK HOUSE, Tioneata, Pa.. nxrd Acnew, Proprietor. Thla i-entrally located. Everything ' well furniatied. Bupetlor Ac inous and strict attention given Vetrutablea and Fruita of all ivod in their aeaann. Sample t'ouimercial Agenta. iiAL HOUSE, Tioneata. Pa., . lirnwtiell. Proprietor. This la a .He, and haa juat been tltuxl up lor .Hiioilmion of the pulilie. A por u patronage of the public, la olit-4tl-ly. T HOTEL, Weat Hieknrv, Pa.. . liunder. Proprietor. Thia hotel 'cently been xtmpleted, Im nicely i throughout, anil otfein the finest - r Hiituriable aceoiiiinodalioiiH to r the travel iiip public. Ralca HNS, M. I., iau, Surgeon fc DriiKKiwl, TIONESTA, PA. UtOVV, M. D., " ' i ll VSICIAN A SURGEON, I irnnii oounty, having located p.rppared to attend all pro promptly and at all bourn. . i.-ildunea two doors north of Houne. Office honra 7 to 8 A. 12 m.; 2 to 8 and 6) to 7) r. vh, 1) to 1ft A. M. ; 2 to 3 and fl) may-18 81. r. nason, HYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIONESTA, PA. . l-h.i Street. Calla attended to .Uy and night. UUC A CO., BANKERS. ;m A Walnut Sin., Tionosta, ci Oirtcountxnd Deposit. In I on Time Deposits. Colleo i all the Principal points of iinciiong solicited. r BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Jc(-k building next to Smear- ,'tj Hiore. Ia prepared to do all stoni work trAm the fii.cnt to i kuJ (iiiarantWB bin work to i autiHfaution. Prompt atten- mending, and prices ax n a- : rut clans work can. be done for. U FULTON. . fi.eturer of and Dealer in , COLUPS, BRIDLES, And all ktudaof UEMISHING GOODS. '; I ON EST A. PA. F. CONNEUS i SE & T11R0AT SL'BCEOX, ;S BANK. OIL CITY. PA. y to II a. m. ; 2 to 4 p. m. mhUv, 4 to 8 p. m. tsl Ul tiW0 iiVjRtiWWB. JAS. T. BIIENNAN, j REAL ESTATE, j RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOZtTZEST-A., PA. PARTICITT.AR ATTENTION CIVKN TO THE PROPER ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND TUB PAYMENT OFTAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND HALE OF REAL ESTATE, AND TSTHE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT I I THE HAME. C'hitrrli and Hnbbitit Hrhool. ProKbvterlan Hablmtli Wirhool at I):4S a. m. I M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rnnkin. Preaclilmr in'tlie F. M. Church every Sail mill evening at the usual hour. Rev. A. T. Niuinr, Pastor. NorvicoK In tho rroNbytorian Church evorv rinbbaih morning and evening, Uov." J. V. McAninch oniclnting. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Christmas will aooo lie here. Oil market closed yesteiday 04. Teachera' Institute next week Ailcnd. J. W. Slroup is recovering from his Into serious illucfs. I'ost muster Hoatb, of Slarr, in re gaining his heal I h slowly. The borough fcchnnls will close on Friday for a two week's vacation. David Mintz, Marionvillo, call? attention to his many choice bargains iu a new al. this week. Read it ; Sunday night was the coldest of the srawoti. At daylight Munday morning the thermometer registered 12 degrees above zero. Dr. Morrow reports the arrival, last Wedntsday, of a very fine boy at the home of John A. June, of Fox creek. Green towuship. Lawrence & Sruparbatigh hove a nicely selected slock of holiday goods, suitable to all ages, tastes and pocket bonks. Call before selcctiug else where. 2 1 Franklin Netvs: Miss May Gr.ive, of Tionesta, speDt Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. I. H. Borland. Mi si Artie Rnbinsnu, nf Tionesta, is the guest of her friend, Miss. Emily Wood bum. Among the important events that orcurrcd at the famous Sanitarium, Bt Hydetown, was the arrival, on the 6ih i ne t , of a bright little daughter in the household of Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins. Don't forget the entertainment by llie borough schools next Friday eve ning at School ball. Program io full will he found io this issue, and the pupils will give you your full mouey's worth tl you attend. Columbus postage stamps will be issued about January, 1893. The) will be the same width and twice as lng as those now iu use, and will comprise a series of pictures com memraiing the discovery of Ameiica. Mrs. Fannie Digoam, 141 Motl St., New York City, makes a miracu lous cure of ber rheumatism. fe,he writes: "I nwe unspeakable and never to be forgotten gratitude to Sulfation Oil It made miraculous euro of ray rheu malisut." The season for shooting pheasants end December 15th and for quail and rabh'ns mi Jan. 11. Franklin News Them's just where you're nlT The sea sou for shouting quail and (her ends December 10tht and for pheasants and rabbits ou December 31st. lie finds it "a wonderful core for a had couch." Mr. Win. F. Auder son. 341 Water St.. New York City, N Y., gives this iudursemeni : 'I have found Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup the wonderful cure it is represented to be. It is just the thing tor a bad cold In the Uniter States there are al together 2.223.148 oienihrra in all the mutual benefit orders, according In ihe latest estimate. The A O U. W elands Cral with 276.152; Knights nt Honor, 132 499; Hoyal Arcanum, 124.7C6 ; Kuighta and Ladies nf lion r. 61,552. The C M. B. A. has 34, 494, and the Cathnlio Ivuilili ot America 21,915. Good audiences greeted the per formances nf ''Old llick'ry Farm," at the Keeley Club room Monday and Tuesday evenings. The play was nicely rendered, each purticipaut doing well. It has many laughable as well as ser ious and pathetic parts, all of which were brought out to good effect. Messrs. Alexauder and Philips who filled two of the leading places, are a go- d team. C. M. Agnew Esq , was last week appoiuted to a position iu tbo War Department at Washington. Mac. has lakeu the civil service exaiuiua lions aucually fur the last three years, and wins the place solely by reason of bis owu qualifications, bis appoint ment bring chargeable to uo particu lar locality other thau the State of Pennsylvania at large. We cougrat ulatc Mac. and predict that hit pro motions will be rapid, if ability and fitness are taken into account. G- W. Osgood, merchant of Whig Hill, "ill pay the highest prices for all kinds of furs, and is prepared to take all that come iu. 2t. The Adsms and American lit pre companies have a rate rar no hand. Morn power to the war. Tho eiprcs companies could engage io nothing that would please the people more. Let it go on and on and on. Elk Democrat. And so any we all of us. A rar of extermination would not in the least injure the people, who have been long suffering and patient while the express companies have been collecting their robber tales with a degree of regularity painful to con template. Some time ago the dwelling oc cupied by Joho Wilson, near Stewarts Run was burned to the ground, con suming nearly everything io the way of household goods, family wearing apparel, etc., and leaving Mr. Wil son's family io quite destituto circum stances. That noble band of "good Samaritans" the Woman's Belief Corps, cBtne to tho rescue io their usu al way, aud the immediate want of the family was greatly relieved, and a good supply ol all the necessaries of life was sent to them. For these fa vors Mr. Wilson and family desire to return their heart felt thanks to the good ladies. In accordance with the arrang ment Suggested in the Brockwayville Jleeord the democrats of that borough voted for a candidate for postmaster there, on Saturday last, There were four aspirants, Mrs. Fred Walker, J. C. Burns, J. R. Miller aud Mrs. Ella Short. After voting each caudidate signed a paper pledging his support to the person who should receive finally a majority of all the votes cast. Af ter the first ballot the name of Mrs Short was dropped, aud after the sec ond Miller's was dropped. The re selt of the third ballot was, Mrs Fred Walker 27 votes, J. C. Burns 25 votes Tho Democrats of this neck will scarcely go to os much trnublo as that to settle the p. n. questions that are quite likely to occur. All arrangments for the teachers' institute to begin in the court house next Mouiiay are completer1, and the prospects for a successful meeting were never belter. Supt. Kerr has spared no pains to make this institute one of the best, aud his efforts should aud doubtless will be well seconded by the teachers of the couuty. An able corps of instructors has been engaged for the day sessions, which promise to he exceptionally interesting. Dr. Hed ley's lectures will be fine, and should draw good houses Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The Demurest medal contest Monday evening is bound t please all, as these contests always have done. Thursday evening a Drlsarte aud musical entertaiument ly Miss Brownie Bates and Prof. S. G. Smith will be given aud will be among the best features of the week. The attendance at all the sessions ought to be large Thu family of Mr. H. M. Fore man were shocked by the receipt of a telegram on Monday evening couvey ing intelligence of the hopeless illness of their eldest son, Nelson. This was followed yesterday rooming by anoth er message announcing his death Mon day night. Several weeks ago the boy weut ou a visit to his graud parents, near Ktttanning, and was shortly af terward taken down with typhoid fe ver. When the disease bad run its course be began lu improve aud bad eo far recovered that his parents were tuiending to bring him home thia week. We are witheut particulars at this writing, but presume the child was seized with a sudden relapse eud ing io death. Mr. Foreman went on yesterday. Nelson was a quiet, manly boy, ond a general favorite with his playmates, who will share the sorrow of the grief strickeu parents in their sore affliction. The sympathy of the entire community ia also with them iu this bereavement. The deceased was about 11 years of age. The remains are expeoted to reach here to day. George B Walters, whose serious illness was briefly meutioned in these columns last week, died at his home in Newmansville, Clarion county, on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1892, aged 60 years. Mr. Walters was a well knowu figure in the section where be spcut his lite, where be was respected as a strictly houest man. lie began life as a lum herman, being for a number of years btigaged in that enterprise with our townsman, Judge Proper, ou Coon Creek. Afterward be jobbed exleo sively for John Cobb A, Sons, huviug for a number of years handled aud put to market the large output of that ex teusive lumber firm. For a term of year he cooducted the grist mill at Nebraska, but for the past eight or leu years he bad lived ou bis farm oear Newmansville. He leaves a wife and two sons, besides numerous other relatives, to mourn his Uoalh. The funeral took place from his late resi dence last Thursday, the remaius be ing interred io the cemetery at the Wilderness cburch, beyond Tylers burg. For bargains in Furniture go to S U. IUslet & Sou's cheap furniture store tf" lU,OOIl!URTr KOllHMtS. Last Wednesday evening shortly af ter the supper hour four masked men eutered the dwelling of Wm. Sliner, who lives near the Myers grist mill, half way between Tylersburg and Lickiogville, Clarion county, and pro ceeded to club and beat the inmates, Mr. Stiner aud bis two maiden sisters, io most brutal manner. After hav ing them pretty well subdued the des peradoes rausacked the bouse aud so cured upward of one hundred dollars io money which had been accumula ted by bard work and close economy. One of the ladies managed to get out and give the alarm, or at least made such ao outcry that the thieves deem ed it prudent to leave. As Boon as the neighborhood was amused a large posse took up the trail of the robbers, tracking them some distance in the woods, but did not succeed in over hauling them. Mr. Sliner was so bad ly injured by the blows inflicted upon htm that the services of a physician were necessary to dress bis wounds. Some six week ago Mr. Stiner's barn was fired, a horse stoleo and an other one burned with the bam. It seems strange that these outrages can not be stopped. Toe question is, how long will the authorities of Clarion county sit idly by and permit such dastardly crimes to take place in their border without the slightest effort on their part tn hunt the villiaos down? The Eatray law 4 gain. The law relating to the faking up and disposal of estrays seems to be so often misapprehended that our farmer readers would do well to clip this no tics out and perserve it for future re ference. If you take up a stray ani mal you must, within ten days, give notice to your Township Clerk, who must make au entry of tho same; then you advertise the animal io your local paper ; and sixty das after such ad vertisement has appeared, you apply to a Justice of the Peace to sell the animal. He issues a wairaut to the Constable, who gives ten day's notice by posters, and then he sells it, and you get your pay for expenses. The penalty for taking a stray animal aud not giving notice is 85 and besides this the owner can come upon your placo and take it away without paying you anything. Mariiiivillc. Sleighing ia tho prinoipal topic of our lumbermen. An unusually large utimbor of hunters is to be seen in this immediuto vicinity. The Free Methodist Society has held a aeries of successful revival meetings hero, organized a elaxs, and intends building a meet'ng house. A. J. Wallace has disposed of hia groce ry store to the Zellor Bros, of Leoper. This ia a good stand, and tho boys will un doubtedly build up a large trade. Frank Reek's handle factory will be iu running order in a low days. Mr. Reck intends to put in machinery for manufac turing all kinds of bandies, and will cer tainly bo successful in his undertaking as he haa many advantages. There is quite a little hustling uoticeublo for the postmastersbip of this place under tbo incoming administration. As the spoils belong to the victors, there is no fault to find about this, but the public de sires the otllco centrally located and a competent p. in. Uood authority says that while two hunt ers of this plao- were ou tho chase, they ran a fawn into a treetop, and there it broke ita back s they came upon it, tied its logs, cut its throat, and then shot it. The "law relating to hunting and slaying deer ia very much discussed by hunters. They seem to thiuk that there ia a mistake iu tho wording of tho law. It does Boom a little complex to the ordinary mind, as it is given iu Smull's Han J Rook. JJd. Willsou's houso, at Byromtown, with all its contents, was destroyed by tire ou tho 8tu inst., without Insurance. All who lend a helping hand may feel as sured that they are doing no more than their duty. The P. A W. tt'y trains blockade tho public road at this place, which is very annoying and inconvenient to travelers and tho business men of tho town ; and tho same company harbors a pool of stag nant water and filth opposito tho depot, which is ceitaiuly dangerous to the health of the citizens. How long w ill tho citi zens put tip with this state of affairs? OlisKBVKR. Clariiigtou. Snow has come and the Timber makers are about through iu most of tho jobs, making work aomowhat scarce iu thia part. Tho boat men are very uneasy for fear of no rise in tho Clarion river. James Rood gave town a call the other evening. The boys of town are bringing in rabbits by the hundred. Mr. William lloyer is arranging things for a first class livery stable iu town. All the accommodations in market stylo. SiioniY. STARK Mr. Heath is on tho iiicud, which wo aro all glad to hear. Webster Cooper, of Butler county, is visiting relatives and friunds in tho vicin ity. Miss Lizzie Dieco was a visitor on tho Hill last Sunday. O. W. Wellor has gono to Elk- couuty, whoro ho is engaged iu rig building. As Usual. Hopkins & Co. have pilod every thing back to make room forChrimia good. Their store is full of Toys for children aud suitable presents for old er people. Select your presents early, before tba best aro gone. 2t. THE srRINU KUXTIOSS. What U Norsnry to Do and How to Do It. We have received numerous inquir ies from difleretit parts nf the county about the man tier of making and cer tifying nominations and conducting elections under the new ballot law for officers to be elected next February, and wo venturo some suggestions for the consideration of those interested io the subject. The county is required by law to defray the cosls of printing the ballots aud cards of Instruction for the eleo tions in each county, together with the cost of delivery of tho same to the election oflicors, and also pay nil other expellees incurred under the provisions of the act. The county is accordingly liable to pay the election expenses for holding city, borough and township elections. The certificates of nomination deter mine the groups into which the names nfthe candidates shall be arranged. Tho political parties will hold conven tions and nominate officers (at least that seems the only way provided by law) aud the certificates of nomina tion for candidates for township and borough officers and election officers and school directors are by law di rected to be Gled with tho anditors of the townships and boroughs at least ten days before the day of election. Exery certificate of nomination must be signed by the presiding officer and secretaries of the convention, or the presiding officer and secretaries of a prin ary meeting, to which must be added their places of resideuce. The certificate must be sworn in or affirmed by the officers of the primary meeting or convention, as the case may be, before a magistrate that the facts there io contained are true to the best of their knowledge aud belief, and a certificate of the oath must be annexed' to the certificate of nomination. Objection to form, or appareut conformity, or nonconformity, to law of certificates or papers designed for borough or township officers must be made within three days after the last day for filing the same, and are to bo decided by a majority of the auditors. All ohjec tions to the validity of the certificate or papers must be decided by the court of common pleas of the county or a judge of such court. One authority is of the opiuion that in boroughs and townships composed of more than one election district the officers of the primary meeting from each electinu district should unite io the certificate of nomination of bor ough or corporate officers, as a burgess for instance, aud that the officers of such meeting in each separate ward or election district should make and file a separate certificate of oomioa Hon for ward or district officers. There is usually no convention nor return judges or board in the election of borough officers, and it is believed that a certificate of nomioatioo for Corporate officers of a borougb, di vided into wards and election pre cincts, made and filed with the au ditors by the officers of the primary meetings in each ward or district, is a substantial compliance with the law. The auditors of townships and bor oughs are required by law to have the ballots priuted and distributed, and they must certify the cost of printing aud distributing to the county com missioners for payment. Great care must bo exercised in tbe preparation of the certificates of nom ination aud papers, aud particularly in the printing of tbe ballots. The uamea of tbe candidates Dominated for office must be arranged in groups as presented iu the certificate of noni ination under tbo designation of the office, with thu party, descriptive words or political appollaiiou at tbe bead of each group, and must be print ed iu the order of the vote polled by each political party ut the last pre ceding eleutiou, beginning with the par ty which secured the highett vote. Io all other cases of iiomiualion by pa pers, the names of the candidates for each otlicu shall be arranged under tbe designation of the office iu alphabeti cal order uccording to the surnames. Tho casting of tho ballots is doue in the same way as at tho geuural elec tion in November of this year. It looks as though Santa Claus had unloaded at Hopkius iV Cos store. Get any thing you want there. 2t. Whilo iu town cull at Scowdeo it Clark's commodious wart-rooms and examine their line collection of sleight. All of the latest patterns, aud a price to please and fit ail pocket book, tf. Mis. Seigul will sell her house bold goods at private sale, ou Dec. 17, 1892, consisting of 1 bed room set, 1 bed aud spriogs, 2 sets chairs, 2 rock ers, 2 tables, 1 stove aud pipe, 1 sew ing machine, 1 stand, 1 longuge, 3 wash sets, 1 cupboard, 2 carpets, dish es, Ac. (io, friends, and buy the lady out. 2t. Make the children bappv. Buy your Christmas goods al Hopkins A OoV 2 1. An E cuing niih the UlnU. Tho public school of Tloio-ia Mil nivo "Bird" eiitortainini-nt at School Hull. Friday evening, Dec. 10, lsti2. PROURA.M. Music Vacation la here. Prayor. Music Bird Carol. Declamation -TheOwl. Robert Fulton, Declamation Birds mid egg, civile Foreman. Music Bird of the Wild wood. Class exercise Birds' .Trades. Declamation Legend of the Robin's Red Breast. Linus tShrivcr. Music Merry sings tho Lark. Declamation The Cuckoo. John Riteh- Recitation Warblings of Blackbirds. Ella Brownoll. Music Bird sonir. Recitation Ten little Ilirdies. Katie Osgood. Music Mocking Bird, .foe Ran Kin. Recitation Robert of Lincoln. Allco Amor. Recitation Mauda Sotloy. Music Robin Redbreast. Declamation Farmer Nick's iSiare Crow. Roy Bovard. Declamation Tho Early Bird. Lester Holcmnn. Music Seren ado. Recitation Tho Owl Critic. May Hill ing. Class Exorcise Little Birds Thanks giving. Music Tho Birdies' Ball. Declamation Tho Red Rooster. N'ew kirk Carson. Music Wood-bird Song. Recitation Tho Wron. Carrio Pennoll. Recitation Tho Sea Oull. Mary Fred rickson. Music Male Quartette. Admission 15 and 20 cents. Doors open at 7:00 o'clock. Performance will cotn monco at 7:30. XEWSY S0TES. The population of ntnerica is said to bo increasing at tho rato of 7,000 per day, Tho body of Curtis Piorco who disap peared from Flora, Indiana county, in Ju ly last, was fouud last Sunday or Monday in an abandoned coal bank about four miles from Punxsntawney, on the P. it N. W. railroad, It is believed ho was murdered. Some excitement prevails in Warren, Pa., over tho organization of a new natur gas company, which claims to be able to coutest the field against tho Pennsylvania Gas Company. Thoso interested say thoy have ample territory and funds. If so, a fight between tho rival concerns is among the probabilities. Kittanning claims the champion eater, Last Saturday night ho ate at one sitting, 42 doughnuts, and immediately offered to bet that he could eat right then and tbore ton cans of cove oysters, remarking lnci doutly, that he would undortako to oat twenty cans, but ho had not expected to be challenged, and had eaten a big turkey supper. We'd like to borrow that fellow's appetite for use at somo of these benefit suppers. The Greeuvlllo postofUce has boon bur glarized aud a similar attempt made on the Corry postolVico, and wo have like re ports from all sections. It seems to us that common courtesy would BUggest that these fellows wait till after tho 4th of March, and gut iu tho regular way Would it not be a wise precaution to put an iron ceiling iu the Moadvillo office f After publicly calling attention to it the Gazette washes its hands of this matter. Meadvillo Gazette. Wui. Hoover, a Ponliold jeweler, is like ly to die from a curious ailment. Three months ago his collar button rubbed a lit tlo raw place ou tho back of his neck. It became a sore which had grown until it has eaton a hole iu his neck as large as a saucer, and tho doctors do not seem to be able to stop its progress. The paliont has become so weak and emaciated that his stomach refuses to hold food, aud death stares him in thefaco. Bullefonte Gazette. A few days ago whilo aleiitin Huof- nerof'Lucinda was returning home one night with considerable money on his per son, at a lonely placo in the woods he heard a gun shot and cries of help, mur der, etc. Mr. Huol'uer, however, offered no assistance, believing that this was only a trap to get bim into tho woods and rob him. Other reports of finding a murder ed man have not boon verified. It is al together likely that Mr. Hiiefnor sized up tho situation aboutcorroct. Clarion Jack sonian. Report of Tionesta Schools, 3d Month. Room No. 4. T. K. Armstrong, Prin cipal. Present very day 1 Bruce Clark, James Morrow, Lewis Arnor, Harry Davis, Jay Bankhoad, Wilbur Shatvkey, Gilbert Davis, William Agnew, Edgar Corah, Clara Gorman, Lillio Bradbury, Graham, Kittio Hoplur, Blanche Hunter. Lucy Huling, F.uima Lawrence, Tillio Morrow, Jessie Corah, Zcnie Loh- 111 ver, Anna Korb. Room No. 3. Ida Pttup, Teacher. Pres ent every day: Leonard Blum, Archie Clark, Robert Fulton, Harry Davis, Joe Joyce, Hugh Brace, Milton Corah, Bertha llarmitl, lila rones. May nark, Iva llolo inan, Marie Hiiiearbaugh, Jennie Brace, Umitt). foreman, Aiuui Walters, tame i'ennull. Room No. 2. Gertrude McKlhoes, Teacher. Present every dav : Archie llolenmo, Carl Wcnk, llruce Haggurty, Frank Hood, Archie Morriain, Warren Kliawkey, Harry Buukhcad, Gordon Has let, r ranK Joyce, ien. I arson, r roil tiluin, Adolph Blum, Paul Clark, John Law-r-'iieo. New kirk fai'oii, Arthur Dingiuaii, Joseph SalKivcr, Kato Agnew, Florence Fulton, Holon Krediieksoii, Maude But ler, Helen Siiieurbaugh. Rooiu No. L Aggio Kerr, Teacher. PreM-nt every day ; Clyde Foreman, Jos sib irabuni, Roy llovard, Samuel Haslet, KdMard Joyce, Vim. Char lesion, lienlllo Charlimlou, I'lulip tiluin, Chas tSaligivur, 1 1 Bible Llfl-ler, 'lie'.. Fulton, Harry Car sou, John llil.-liie, Hoy Kels'le, Chas, Hood, Clai k, kstx Osgood, Ida tselluv, Maude Setley, Msuda Kolley, ICva Davis, Pearl Wyaut, Lulu fair, Jdua Corah, (ra Armstrong, Fdua Mvoujukur, bate bb-j4uskvr- S -8 fl 5$ 5 o . Room. 3 gf ? g. ? r i 2 2. j LT 5 S 3 L No. 4 30 34" !I5 20 4 No. 3 3S 32 03 lti 9 No. 2 33 31) 12 22 9 No. 1 49 44 07 27 23 Total ... 159 140 04 K IS David I'.iriH-ll nil! piy the high est cam prire f-.r l,i leu and pciti tf Itiirrlcnn ( Imler. From llin i 1 ,'. mil,-, What'-oin, Vli. "T. C. Horned, tli di'iiDH-ratlo ramli date for Mn-riir. - tuseu violently ill at Clearbrix.k. He Im.l nil the y liiptoin of Aintie cholera, and tor au hour or two It was feared he would die. They finally gave him a d.s. ,,f r bamlrlain'a folic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcincly, which re vived him until a livlean arrived." That is precisely what the manufacturer of that medicine re-oi.,nieud for rholora. Send Tor a pliy.1. .in but Kvo their medi cine until the liv.ii nii arrives. For sale by Sigttins A- Nason. HI I KI.K'.i AHMf KW.VK. The best Halve in llm world f irCuts, Bruises, S..n-s, t leers, Suit Riieiim, Fever Sores, 'l etter. Clmpp-'d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krupiions, and imat lively cures Piles, or no psv reqolrnd. It Is giiarHiilccd to imo perfect satisfaction, or money rluiided. price cents per box. For sale bv Proper it Doutt, Tlir Hrst xtr. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, nod vou wonder what ails you. You should heed tho warning, you are taking the first step Into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve T"nlc and in F.leetrie Bitters vou will find the - ... e,i 1,-11,1 inn viiur nervous system to its normal, heslthv condition. LI K.H.i..! 1... .- I I . . . .. nui pi i-inu n-siins iniiow ine use 01 this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your uppelite returns, co il digestion Is restored, and tho I.lveraud K idnevs resume healthy action. Trv a bottle. Price Me. at Pro per A Doutt's Drugstore. The New Discovery. You have heard your friendsand neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per sonal experien -e just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you aro ono of its staunch friends, because the won derful thing about it is, teat wheu once given a trial, Dr. Kim's New Discovery over after holds a place iu thn house. If you have never used it and shnu'd be alllicted with a cough, cold or anv Throat, Lung or Chest troui'le. secure a'bettle si once and give It a lair trial. It is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at Proper A Doutt Drugstore. The I'se and Abuse or Whiskey. This subject could bo dwelt upon to a considerable length, mid vet much would remain untold, but all agree that tho uao, the proper use ot pure rye whiskey Is an absolute necessity, especially so now, when nature insUis upon being stimu lated. All regular physicians prescribe rye whiskey, and justly claim that Klein's Silver Ago and Diimieson Whiskies aro most reliable. Thev do this not onlv b eauso they have tried them but because the leading hospitals use thein-find them tho host stimulants in the world. Silver Ago sells for ? 1 .oil and luticsne for (M.25 per full quart. For wile by all dealers and druggists. Ask for them or send to Ludwig Mover, Oil Cilv, Pa. Iu a recent letter to the manufacturers Mr. A. W. Ilaldriilge, Millersvillo, 111., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handlo, and as a sollcr, leads all other preparations in this market, I recommend it because it Is tho best medi cine I ever handled for coughs, colds aud croup." For salo by Sigglus & Nason. Drunkenness, or tho Liquor Habit, positively cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It is manufac tured as a powder, which can be givou iu a glass of beer, a cup of cotleo or tea, or in food, without tho knowledge of tho pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinaer or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every in stance a perfect euro has followed. It never fails. Cures guaranteed. 4K pago book of particulars tree. Address GOL DKN SPF.CIF1C CO., IM Race St., Cin cinnati, O. aug.ltl-ly. Wtifu Baby was sick, wo cae hor Casiona. When she was a Child, she cried for Cantons. When she became Miss, she clung to Cutoria j When she had Children, ttho gave them Castorla.' fORKECTTD EVKKY TUESDAY, BY nri.iABi.i-: dealers Flour barrel choice - - 5.000.2S Flour sack, - - 1.25l.fi0 Coru Moal, 100 Hjs . 1. 26(31.60 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.25 Corn, Sholled - 7075 Bonus bushel ... 2.60Q3.00 Ham, sugar cured - - (($14 Breakfast Bacon, sugnrciired - - 12 Shoulders ..... 9 Whtteflsh, half-barrels ... 8,50 Lake horring half-barrels Sugar - &(,( Syrup 60G0 N. O. Molasses new ... 50(375 Roast Rio Cotleo ... Rio Coffee, ... . ojq Java Coffee .... 3285 Tea 20Q75 Butter (,425 Rico sQi Eggs, fresh ... . ,,25 Salt best late .... i.oo I-ard fu,jij Iron, common bar .... o jy Nails, 60d, 'r keg .... 2.25 Potatoes .... 75($y0 Lime f bid. .... io D-iod Apples sliced pur tf. - - tifijlO Dried Itoef .... - IS Dried Peaches per Ih - - - 10 Dried Peaches pared per X - 16 ESTRAY. . Came to tbo promises of the undcrsigu- od, at Newtown Mills, Pa., ou or about ov. 'JS, is'.ij, a yearling hoilor, red and while, without special marks. The own er is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tako same away, otherwiMO it will be disposed of according to law. heeler, Dilsunbury ic Co. Doc. 13, liMU. A N ORDIXANCK. Bo it enacted bv the BurgusH and Coun cil of thu lion, uuh of Tionesta, 1st. 1 1 1 ii I a sidewalk be bin t on tho Fast sidu of Vine Street, from Helen Street to IVIav hi reel. 2d. Said side walk to lie four i4) feel in width, and built of P, inch hemlock, with 2 nli'iugcis of onk or hemlock 3x6 inches thereunder, with lour bid nails to each board. Sd. Said sido walk to bo built within thirty (H0 dava from this dato by the ow n ers of land shotting thereon, or it will bu built for them at their expense. i'AMEit November 2rilh. A. D. Ih92. Atlest, C. it. DAVIS, bulges. J T- lUi-b, ttuuruwrv.