THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WKDNKSDA Y, NOVIC.MRF.R 1H, 1802 UOUOUGH OFFICERS. Ttnrge. C. II. Davis. J,'"i'n?J'"' ''""'k Joyce. W. A. Orovo, W. A. lllhinds, S. II. Haslet, A. II. Dal. Joseph Morgan, ' .fiutleei of the V'lce -J. F. Prnpor. H. J. Sotlov. OmMiithleH. H. Cnnllold. . folleetor3, W. Landers. AVAoo Direror O. W. Robinson, A. V Nr"y' H- Knox, J. T, Hionimn, J. H. Clark, T. J". Ritehoy. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Mcmher of Om.WM l. F. Kittitas. Member of tlriwte Habiiy A. 1 1 am,. Ataembly 8. S. Towi.K.t. Preniilent Jmlqe Chaiilks II. Novi:s. .Unneiatt Juilget John II. Whitk, C. W. Cr.AiiK. Ti efiAurer Jam. 11. IIaooeiitv. I'lnthonotnry, llegUtcr tt Calvin M. Akkkii, shfrisr. John It. Osnoon. (iii'iiiH(iiri(!, F. I.kdkiiur, Jan. Mi Inttiir, Tiiimp ICmkqt. hnnlv 'Superintendent liv.o. W. Kkiiii. IHstrict Attorney V. M. Cl.AltK. JlO'.l ()llim(.WIOIICC-JOIIHN, HKATif, II. W. OlTITON. tsOunty Utirvetior J. F. Propkii. (toroner I). W. Claiik. County A viiitorx W. W. Thomas, J A. Dawson, It. Fl.VNN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. P. O. S. of A., meets every Saturday eve-ulng-in A. O. IT. W. Hall, Proper A Uoult block. J. C. SCOWDF.N, Pros. J. J. LANDKRS, It. S. TIONESTA LODGE JVo. 3H, " TKETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 !l o'clock, in the Lodge Hooin in Par tridge's Hull. Confers tlio inltintnry de cree the first Tuesday night of each month; first degree tho untind Tuesday Mt'htj second degree tlio third Tuesday l ialit; third dogroo tlio fourth Tuesday night. J. C. SCOWDF.N, N. (. I . II. FONKS, Sec'y. 27 -tf. ltiRKST I.ODCE, No. 181, A. O. U. W., Mectsovery Friday evoningin A.O. U. ". Hall, Proper .V Doutt block, Tionesta. W. 1. VAI,TEIIS, M. W. J. HOPKINS, Itecorder. A PT. OF.ORUB STOW POST, No. 1.71, U. A, R. ' is on the first Wednesday iu each mil, iu Odd Fellows Hull, Tionesta, Pa. J. IS. F.DICN, Commander. ' T. (iEORGK STOW COUPS, No. i 17, V. It. C, moots first and third nesday evening of each month, in A. . W. ball, Proper Doutt block, Tio- '.Mr. C. C. RUMHKHUBR, Pres t. !rn. ANNA PKOPF.H, Sec'y. I API) of F.XAMININO SURGEONS ' i'ir ForpKt Countv. '.. K. Stoneolpher M. 1)., President; J. Morrow M. I)., 8ocrotary ; J. H. SicginH !., Treiuiurer. The Koard will meet i'T. Morrow's ofnee, Tloneata, on the r i Woilnenday of each month, at 10 rk, a. in. M.CI.ARK, ATTORN EY-ATLAW, oud District Attounky, ilieo corner ol Klin and llridge Street, nela, I'. Mio Uont fur a number of reliable Flio Miranee Companies. 5,' U DAVIS. J. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, TionosUi, Pa. Colloctions made iu thin and adjoining eountiex. M F. RITCIIEY, ATTORNKY-AT-IiAW, TionoHiu, Forest County Pa. V E. ISI ULE, ! ATTORN KY-AT-LA V, lice in Kejilor Illock, Room !, Tiimesila, A WHENCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., Leonard Aunew, Proprietor. This iih is centrally located. Everything (ivand well furnished. Supeiior Ac .iiumodntions and strict attention given iciest. Vegutablcs mid Fruits of nil ' inds served in their season. Sample rvtoiu for Commercial Agents. pENTRAL HOUSE, Tionostn. Pu., V. a. C Brownell. Proprietor. This is a new house, and has just been titled up lor ' no accommodation of the public. A por : Vn of the patrouago of the public ia holic s'od. Hi-ly. JVIREST HOTEL, West Hickorv, Vn, I Jacob Iiender, Proprietor. This hotel h;ts but recently been eompleled, is nicely iainished throughout, anil oilers tlio liuest .ml most canifortable accoiiimodutions to .(u atA tl.n ... .vi.l.l... Kiinalile, j Jl. SIGGfNS,M. D., l'liysician, Surgeon & Druggisl, TIONESTA, PA. : V. MORROW. M. D., PHYSICIAN i SURGEON, : of Armstrong county, having located i iv esta is prepitred to attend all pro- Kiiiul culls promptly and at all hours. ico id residouco two doors north of ; rence House. Ofltce hours 7 to 8 a. i., and 11 iO VI M. ; U to 8 mid (ij to 7) p. i. rsuiulays, 0 to 1M a. m. ; y to 8 ami H 7i p. M, . may-18-81. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN A- SURGEON. TIONESTA, PA. mice on Elm Street. Calls attended to mptly day and night. I AY, PARK ez CO., I RANKERS. i u r of Elm Walnut sis., Tionesta, .., lUiik of Discount ami Deposit, lu st allowel on Time Deposits. Colleo i iiiailo on all the Principal points of U.S. Collections solicited. IL. EMERT, i'ANCY HOOT A SHOEMAKER. pin Reck building next to Smcar- ii A Co.'s store. Is prcpiired to do all of custom work from the iii.est to coarsest and guarantors his woi k to n perfoet Batisliiotion. Prompt alien- n kriveo to mending, and prices as rca r..)lo as lirst class work can be done for. ORHSZO FULTON. i Mauufucturer of and luulur iu .ESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. , W T. CONNEKS Z, EAR, ROSE t TIIKOAT SIKUEO.X, ?, SAVINGS BANK, OIL CITY, PA. o llouiTi U to 11 a. in. ; 2 to i p, m. . ui. Sunday, 4 to tt p. ui. i o Uuiiled to aUoe apociultlus. JAS. T. URENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOKESTA, PA. PARTICULAR ATTENTION (JIVKN TO THE PROPER ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND Til E PAYMENT OF TAXES. ALSO TO 111 K PURCHASE AND SALE OF ur,l, KSTATK, ANII TO THE RENTING apiu MARAHEMKMT Or THE SAME. I hnrrh nnd Rabbnlh Mrhaol. Presbyterlnn Sabbath School at 0:45 a m. : M. E. Sabbath School al 10:00 a. In. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab' balh eveninir liv Rnv. ltnnUin. Preaching in'llio F. M. ('hureh every oi.Miiii evuiiing ai ino usual nour. itov. Services in the Presbyterian Church I'n'ij nmiiiaui morning aim evening Rev. J. V. MeAulnch olneiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yeliday 52; iMiss Alice Uarr ot UH itv, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. (jreo. Duokle. Mrs. Feltoti has moved into the houso lately vncated by Mr. Hillard in the north ward. George Folwcll of the 1'leosaDt. villo Record force wan a caller al the Kkpuiilican oflice last Wednesday. Joe Morgan, George lloleman and George Critchlow ore taking out square timber for Lawrence & Smear baugh at Devil lloll ow this winter. James Landers has laken a pos ition with Orion Siggitis Kpq., of West Hickory as book keeper and general over.eer of his business at that place. Thanksgiving day one week from to morrow. Jlavo you spotted that turkey yet? If not, 'tis lime you were. Crow will have to suffice for eoiue of us. Billy Clark was tho first to try the sleighing last Thursday, having driven to town that morning in a sleigh, bells and all, to make his customary milk circuit. The Veuaugo county Poor House was destroyed by fire last Thursday. Thebuilding cost upward of of $100, 000 when built, and was insured for 340,000. While iu town call at Scowden & Clark's commodious warerooras and exaiuino their floe colleclioo of sleigbs. All of the latest patterns, ami a prices to please and fit ail pocket books. if Mr. Chas. Carman, from Peters burg, III., writes : I know Halvatiou Oil lo bo a very good remedy for neu ralgia, rheumatism, bums, toothache nud cuts. We are never without it." Among the Republican's wel come callers this week was our old frieud Kev. C. Ii. Thompson, now of Plumcr, Pa., who attended the En- worth League convention, iu which he took a prominent part. Mr. A. W. Richards has been eu- gaged to superintend uod nianase af fairs for the Gas Company, keeping tho books, looking after the wells, lines, etc. Al. has already arrived and entered upon his new duties. Tho marriage of Miss Bessie Leg uard Mj. Augustus Steele is to be col emuized ut the bribe's home iu Wauke gan, III , to day. Misa Legnard has many friends in Tionesta who will wish her a blissful married life. The IIm'ubucan joins the many Irieuds ot Mr. II. M. Morrison, of Ma ricQville, iu congratulations and good wialiea on I ho occasion of his marriage, due uotice of which appears iu this is sue. Success and long life to you aud yours, Milt. Uev. J. E. ilillard has moved his family to Franklin, where be was ap pointed by the last session of the M. E. Conference to a circuit embracing three charges. The best wishes of many Ticnesta fi iunds go with them to their uew home. The pleasant smile which Treusar elect Jauiiesou is weariug thesedays is not wholly on accouut of thb baud some majority lie received, but the little girl which came to his house just previous to election to keep his three boys company has much to do with bis exuberance of spirit. Courad Ikenburg is the second lucky bear slayer io this sectiuu, hiv ing brought down one on the bead waters of Bear Creek last Friday. The half of it was sold bere, and weut like- hot cakes. The varmiut had robbed a number of the farmers' bee hives up around Guitonville. Next week will be court week. There are a number of importaut civil suits on the list and ome Common wealth bueiuess to occupy the attention of Judges, lawyers, jurors aud witness es. The latvh-string of our office door is out to all who wish locall, either for sociability or to square up that little account. Manuie Wilsou, a former Tiouesta boy, was a visitor to town the past week. He came dowu from Uock City, McKeau county, where he now lives, lo pay a visit to his father, W. C. Wilsou of Kelletville. It was his first return since his departure from Tionestd, uearly 30 years ago, aud be fouud great chdoges tiuoo then. Bessio May, infant daughter of Mr. aod Mts. John Saylor of this place, died on Sunday evening last of membraneous croup. The child was aged 1 year, 1 month and 12 days. The parents have the syTnpathy of all our people in their sudden bereave mcul. Mr. Cox Mill lias abiding faitb in the existence of oil ou Bear creek, Kiugsley twp., and has about com pleted arrangements for pulling down another well Ibis soasoii. It will bo somewhere on the Spooner tract but the exact location has not been decid ed" upou. Another well is talked of on Whig Hill, also. Brookston, this couuty can boast of having to of the youngest election officers it is posriible for any board to to have, at its recent election. Messrs. Gilderslceve and Gregg, both seived on the board, both are Republicans, aud neither is over 22 years of age. Doubtless a similar occurrence did not take place anywhere in the U. S. at the late election. The county commissioners, at their meeting last Wednesday, arrang ed a compromise with the Tionesta Bridge Co. for 17.000. At the irial in Warren last spring the company got a verdict for $18,000. The county was granted a new trial, but rather than go to that expense a compromise was agreed to as stated. The action of the commissioners is generally com mended. If any of our readers are iu favor of the establishment at the scat of Gov ernment a Road Department, similar to the Agricultusal Department, thev can fiud a set of blank petitions at this office asking Congress to make provis ion for the same. While eveiybody is io favor of good roads, raauv will doubtless conclude that "departments" around Washington are getting like legal holidays, too uumerous. -News was received at Claiiou Tuesday morning of last week an nouncing the death of Hon. David Maclay, at bis home in Montana. Mr. Maclay was for roaur years a resident of Clarion county, residing near Sligo. In 1872 he was elected to the State Senate as a Republican from this dis trict, which was then nearly as strong ly Democratic as now. His death was caused by a complication of diseases. Conrad Burbeon, of German Hill brought in the first deer of tbe season last Saturday, having slain it the day before. It was a nice "spike" buck, aud adorned the front of Heath & Giering's meat market, where it seem ed quite a curiosiiv to the people. Not mauy years ago ia Ibis laud it re quired something over 200 pounds and a fine set of horns in the deer Hue to attract more thau a passing glauce. Now a spotted fawn will draw a fair sized crowd, aod a "yearling" will cause a whole community to water at tbe mouth. Ralph, son of 11. M. Zabnioer. of Stewarts Run, met with a painful aud quite serious accideut on Monday of this week. V bile taking out ties he was standing on u slick of limber chopping when the stick moved suffi ciently to throw him off balance just as he was in the act of striking a blow with tbe sharp ax. The blade of the axe struck him on the right foot diag onally severing all except the great toe aud a considerable portion of the oiilside of the foot. Drs. Siggins and Nason were called and fouud the foot so nearly severed that amputation of the part was necessary. They left their palieot feeling quite comfortable, aud at lasts accouuts be was doing well under the circumstances. Forest County's Bis Vole. Forest couuty, notwithstauilintr the quietness of the campaign polled the largest vole iu iu history on Tuesday of last week. There were 1727 votes polled on the ditlereut State tickets, as follows: Harrison !3H, Clevelaud CG0, Bidwell 108, Weaver 20, and 1 f r tbe Socialist Labor candidate. Tbe uew ballot seems to have given very gener al satisfaction among the voters, aud while the ballot was most too cumber some lo suit they were well handled, the percentage of defective ballots being very small considering that it was the first attempt of tbe people to vote un der the uew system. With some mod ifications as to the certification of can didate, and allowing more time for tbe printing of the tickets, &c, the new law is likely lo become more pop ular with each succeeding electiou. At any rate it has come to stay, but tbe delects must be cured. As to tbe result io our county the Republicans bave reason to be proud, aud wbile other sections went wrong, they bave the satisfaction of feeliog tbat they did their duty, and are ready to do it agaio. Tbe Woik of the cam paign was arduous in some reepests ; first, on accouut of the general apathy which prevailed, and secondly because of tbe fewcandidatesou ourcouoly tick et. Nevertheless our energetic young chairman, Amos Ledebur did uot wa ver io bis efforts, and by hard aod coustaut work succeeded in getting out a magnigcieot vote, with ths nicest re sults possible. All houor to little Forest. She's right when all others fail. Official Vote of Form! Count , Xovcinhrr H, 1H92. DISTRICTS. - I 13 O 3 Harnett Ureen Nebraska Oreon On i ton villo Howe Hal I town Howo Cooper Tract Howe ItrookHton Howe Front's Jenks Hyromtown Jen ka Marien villo Harmony West Hickory., Harmony Foglo Farm ... Hickory , K ingsley Tionosta Tow iiHhip Tionesta Ilorough ....... iistf no ! 75! fill 6! 24 7 12' ! 22 6 2 111,177 I 52; 4,-,! I 3.V 21 ! Total . ...... 1.....1H3S,;G0 MAJOIUTIKS-Uarrlson over Cleveland, 278; Andrews over Kribbs, 280; Ilaight over Oreenowalt, 185; Jamieson over Oraybill, 182; Proper over Clark, 75. Weaver, People's Party candidate for President, got 3 votes in Hickory twp., at Cooper Tract, 1 at Guitonville, 7 at Marienville. The Boeialist labor ticket got 1 vote Harnett twp. For Congress-at-Large, Lilly, Rep., had (144; McDowell, Rep., 042; Al Ion and Mcrritt, Pern., 052 each. Supreme Judge, Dean, R., 025; Ileydriek, D., 077. Epworili League Convention. Tho F.pworth League convention of Franklin district was held io the M. E. Church, Tiouesta, commencing Monday evening of this week and ad jouruing last evening. The sessions throughout were most interesting and beneficial. On the arrival of delegates from a distance the young people of lionesta League made' a special and successful effort lo welcome them, Tbe reception committee met the del cgates at tbe trains and conducted them to the church, which was beau tifully decorated with flowers and ev ergreens. The first session opened at 7:30 p. m., with Rev. M. Smith, President, in tbe Chair, First there was a soog of wel come by tbe Tionesta League choir. Rev. McAnincb led in prayer. Miss M arie Steward, of South Oil City, saug a beautiful solo, after which Rev. J. Boll NefT, the popular lecturer of west ern Pennsylvania was introduced. His subject was, "Into the King-Row and Crowned," aod for nearly two bours he held the attention of the au dience, while he spoke upon the differ ent movements upon tbe checker-board of life, aod showed bow every man could at last become a crowned King, and sit down iu the King's Row. Af ter a male quartet had rendered a beautiful selection, Rev. Teets pro nonuced the benediction. Tuesday morning opeued ai 8 o'clock. After devotional exercises aud the eurolliug of delegates, "the Work of the Cabinet," "devotional meetings," "work of literary depart men:," "the Bible and tbe League," "why we need the L'pwortb Herald," aud other topics were discussed by dol egates aud ministers present. A duet was sung by Arthur Diugman and Linus Shriver, the beuediclion pro uonnccd by Rev. Thoburn, nud tbe session adjourned for dinner. The afternoon session opened with E. K. Creed in tbe chair. "Junior League" was discussed by Revs. J. b. Neb", J. M. Thoburn, J. H. Clemens. C. R. Thompson aud others Quartet by Messrs. Dingman, Clark, Nason and LaiiHin "Our Pledge," a paper read by llev. F. D. Sutton. At last evening's session a number of resolutions weie passed, but a limit of space makes it impossible for us to give Ibeui in this connection. Amoug others was one heartily thanking tbe people of Tionesta for Iheir generous hospitality aud kiuduets to tha viiiom- also returning (banks to the speakers, singers, anu ali others w ho iu auy way contributed to the success of ibe con vention. Kmlenlon was selected for the next annual meeting. Kcllcttville. The hr.-4 deer killed this beasou around hero wan captured at Newtown Mills ou last Friday, bv Harrv ltinlolnli. This iu Harry's lirst good luck and to aay that ho was wen pleased Just ask the boys down tuur way. Tlio election passed oil' very quietly in K ingsley township. There were 148 votes polled out of 108 on tho registry list. Mrs. lilmini Arnold, who has been suf fering with dropsy for tho past 0 months, died on Nov. 8, at Columbus, O., Hospital, where she was taken a week before to bo treated. The remains were interred at Columbus for tho present. The deceased was aged about 41 years. W. A. Kribbs has sold his half interest in hia leather job to his partner, Henry Grace, Mr. (4. has 5 teams on the road. Win. Carter and A. I,. Weller save a good supply of rigs in their new livery stable, which eau be hired at reasonable rates. Forest Proper is 011 a business trip to New York. Wm. I Soil 111 has taken a job of cutting aud skidding 300.000 feet of chestnut for the Tionesta Lumber Co. Fred N. Stock, of Oil City, delivered a lecture iu tho school house on the evening of Nov. 3. Mr. Stock is interested iu the liuilding mid Loau association of N. Y. and it was for this purpose the lecture was given. Iu a recent letter to the uianul'uctuieis Mr. A. W. Italdridge, Millersville, 111., says ; "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives tho best satislacliou of auy uough medicine I handle, aud as a seller, leads all other preparations In this market. I recommend It because it is the best medi cine I ever bandied for coughs, colds aud croup." For suie by Biggins fc Nasou. President jCon gross.' AHvwnbly Treasurer 8urv r 3 ST -1 I I o ; r. X C. w' i - ; a . 3 , J ! 3 Si : : ; t i : ' I 1.1 120 !I4 771 f2 81 24 1 7 18; 12; 24! 8 i 22' 31 11 nm 171 12 10l lOMi !, 118 l lit 1 17: . 14 78 52 12 80' 4!l! 13 i 71 511 4 8i 2.) 3 ; 10: 21 5j 21 .... 14 H I: 15' 8- h 15' 8 1 31 1 6 !' 2! 10 I 111 11 1, 23: II 1 24: 8 1 j 24 8 5' 33: 27 4 I 84 2!' 33 27 3 SHi 11' 3 33 lllj 2 32 15 12.1W207; 12 117 258 l:bVI2l() I: 55 43 ltd 35l 51, 37 H 88 20 7 i 45 17 3 401 21 lit:! 8 60 11 i 8!l! 4S 13 21 111 7f 71 ! 5 I 7i 04; 7 : 7 tit 8 j 6.y 38 (I I 77! 2! I 5 ! 50 50 8,1 93 44 8 100 371 7 ! 70i 61 17 S 10 1 10 A2j (4 Sfl! 22 wi; 4h 7(i! ti2. (Hi' :til 111' 42 1081 flli(i.V 100, 0037181 81 004 722 17!K)715 From the papers we learn tbat a Dakota editor now iu Maine, ou one occasion occupied the pulpit for thelo cal preacher for the purpose of deliv erint, a lecture for the "Truth Seekers Society." Speaking of a certain tor nado, he said: It blew the cracks out of the fence in Dakota; it lurned a well wrong side nut in the State of Mississippi; turned a cellar upside down in Nebraska; blew all the staves out of a whiskey barrel in Iowa and left uothiog but tbe bung bole; chang ed tbe day of the week in Maine ; kill ed au honest Indian agent iu the far west; blew ibe hair off a bald beaded mau in Texas ; killed a truthful law yer in Illinois; blew the mortgage off a farm in Minnesota; scared a red beaded woman io Michigan, and took all the wind ont of a political orator aud the convention iu Cincinnati. " NEWSY NOTES. Mayor-oloet Oilroy, of New York, in his sworu statement of electiou expenses, puts them down as a total of $2,343.50. The peonies are reported as ovidonco of consci entious truthfulness. So soon tho oU'ccts are showing. A dis patch from Youiigstown, Ohio, under date of Nov. 12, says: The Falcon Iron and Nail Company, which has been engaged in putting in foundations for a largo tin plato plant at Nilos, Ohio, has decided to com plete the work already laid out but will not finish tlio improvements until the pol icy of the Democratic administration is do tei niiuod. If favorable to the tin plate in dustry tho works w ill bo lighted otherwise they will be changed to some other indus try. A Persian poet gives the following In struction upon this iinoortant subject: "When thou art married seek to please thy wife, but listen not to all she says. From man's right Bide a rib was taken to form tlio woman, and never was there seen a rib quite straight. And wouldst thou straighten it? It breaks, but bends uot. Since, then, 'tis plain that crooked Is woman's temper, forgive her fault and blame her not; nor let her anger thee, nor coercion use, as all is vain to straighten what is curved." This is Hill Nye's detinlioii of a news paper: "It is a library, it is an encyclo pedia, a peom, a history, a dictionary, a a time table, a romance, a guide,a political resume, a ground plan of tho civilized world, a low priced uiultum in parvo. H is a sermon, a circus, an obituary, a ship wreck, a symphony in solid brevier, med ley of life and death, a grand aggregation of man's glory and his thamo. It is iu short, a bird's eye view of the magnam inity and meanness, tlio joys and deaths, the pride and poverty of the world, for a few cents." From the Lick Observatory, California, comes the comforting assurance thatf the comet discovered by Mr. Holmes on No vember 6th, was observed there for poai tiou by Prof. Barnard on the night of No vember 8th. It is easily visible to the nuked eye. It is about two degrees South of the nebulae of Aoromedu. Its spectrum was observed both visually and photo graphically by Prof. Campbell. IJoth tho nucleus aud coma givo a stiong and continuous spoctrum showing only a trace of usual green band. This spectrum is throughly unibue among the eemctury spectrum. All these things are highly unimportant if true. Notice to G'u Consumers. At a meeting of the directors of the Tiouesla Gas Company, held Nov. 3 1W'2, the following resolution was passed: "That the rates of the Tio nesta Gas Compauv be reduced in ac cordance with tbe heading of Ibe pa pers signed by tbe consumers, aud that this resolution be published iu the Forest Rei-uiilican aud the Demo cratic Vindicator. T. F. RITCI1EY. Pres. Tionesta Gas Co. American Cholera. From the Daily IleveilU; Whatcom, Wash. T. C. Uurnett. tho lieiiiovrali,- i-muli- date lor Sheriff, was taken viiilmittv ill ut Clearbrook. He had all the symptom of Asiatic cholera, aud for an hour or two it was feared ho would die. Thoy linally gave hliii a dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, which re vived him until a phvsicaii arrived." That is precisely what the manufacturer ol Uial medicine recommend for cholera. Send for a physicaii but givo their medi cine until the physical! arrives. For sale by Siggins & Nason. MARRIED. MORRISON-CALK-At the residence of Mr. Samuel Cale, iu Corsica, Pa., Wed nesday, November 2d, 1SH2, by Rev, F. P. Rritt, Mr. Milton R. Morrison, of Ma rienville, Pa., aud Miss Ulauch R. Cale, of Corsica, Pa. HI I KI.KN'w AKM A NAI.VK. 1 no lirst Salvo in llm world for Cuts, urines, Mores, l Ir-ors. Salt Rhruin, Fever nores, letter, t;impp'd Hands, Chilblains, tJorns, and nil Skin Fniptions, nud posi tively cures Piles, or no pav required. It It guaranteed to give pert'el-t satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 rents per box. For sale bv Proper ifc Doutt. iiriiiikenness, or the Liquor Habit, ...-ui,,,,, run-ii iiv iKimiiusiering l)r, Humes' Golden Specific. It is inunul'ae- uireu a a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of cnllee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will " I'crmiiiiiMii ana speedv cure whether the patient Is a moderate drinkor " mcoiinne wreck. It has been given in umiisaniis 01 eases, nud in everv in stance a perfect cure has followed". It never fails. Cures guaranteed. 4S page ,,, u- iiiiirs iree. Address GDI, DKN SPKCIFIC CO., H., H,.0 St., Cin emnati, O. aug.lo-ly. SHERIFTS SALE. I , '"'-'' "I sundry writs of iovart racias issued out of tlio ouri 01 common Picas of Forest bounty, Pennsylvania, nnd to me direct ed, there will bo exposed to public sale or ; r ' 1 1,1,1 -""' i noose, 111 tlie Ilorough of Tionesta, Pa., on MONDAY, NOVKMIilOR 21, A. D. lsiij, al 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described iropuny, 10-wll : UVA.I.K.S PRATT aud DAVID -iiil,M' vs. .1. A. WATKRIIOUSF., IIORRACK P. PKItltlN, C. . CAMP and H. J. PK.M HKRTON, Levari Kacias mi. o .ovemuer Term, 1H2. M H IJylos, Att y. All the riirlit. title. iiit.,ui ,.i;.,. .,,..1 demand of the defendants of, in and to all that certain Leasehold Mtuato, lying and being in the Township of Howo nnd Coun ty ol Forest and State of Pennsylvania uii janiis 01 .v. j. tlii.eltinc, C. W. Stone aim win. i-miisey, and demised and leased unto r. J. Melviu and A. R. Walker bv U',e wli(1. A .J "oltiiie. C. W. Stono and W. M. Lindsev. bv virion of in.... denturo of lease bearing date the 2fth day ol May, A. 1). Ihm, fur the term of years irom me date thereof, for oil and gas purpose, and recordod in the Record er's Olhce in and for Forest County, in Deed Hook No. Hi. at page 243, Ac.; said Leasehold being bounded and described as follows: All that certain Leasehold Lstate in all those lour certain tracts of land situate in tlie Towimhin nf itr.... County of Forest and State of Pennsylva nia, being part of Warrant No. "ai!, known and designated on a plat or draft made by T. F. liarnes as the south half of su juivisioii -a and K," and tho north half of su bdi vision "F," each containing (if. ty (50) acres, aud sul ing sixty (liO) acres, and in all two hundred and ten i210), boing the same estato ere- aiu oy lease irom A. .1. Ha.ellino, C. V. Stone and W. M. Lindsev to T. J. Melvin and A. H. Walker, daleil Mav 211, A. D. 1W2 and recorded in said oflice in Deed Hook No. Hi, page 213. also 1 no Leasehold estate in all those two certain tracts of hind situate in the Township, County and State aforesaid, bo ing parts of said Warrant No. 31113, known and designated on said plat or draft made j. ,j. .......t-, mn norm nail 01 sub division "A" and '-C," containing in all one hundred (100) acres, being tlie same estate created by agreement mado July 31, A. D. 1882, between said . J. Hazeltine, w. M. Lmdsey and C. W. Stone, with J. Milton tuller, recorded iu said oflice. in Deed Hook No. l(i, pago 245. also 1 tie Ijeasohold estate in all that certain uaci 01 land situate in tlie Town shin of Howe, County ami State aforesaid, and beimr nart of suiil Wnrrunt m., 'iiu i kuown and designated on said plat or draft mnde by T. F. liarnes, as tlio east half of subdivision "K," containing thirty-live ' - . cios, more or loss; tlio whole of said subdivision "K," containing seventy (70) acres more or less, was leased by A. .1. Hazeltine, C. W. Stone and W. M. Lind sey to L. A. Ri-eiinnman and S. M. Reid, by Indenture of Lease dated August 10, A. 1). lisoa, recorded in said ollice iu Deed j.oon nu. 10, page ::i, una in nnd bv a certain petitioner ncrrcement and assign ments made J une 3d, A. D. 14, by and be tween Asher 11. Walker. J. Milton Fuller, Thomas.!. Melvin, C.C.Mel vin, P. M.Shan- 11011, Samuel Li. IiayneundC. 1-2. liarnes, lirst parlies and then owners of an undivided one-fourth (1) of said Leasehold estate in all of said subdivision '-K," ami the L'nion Oil Company, second partv and then own ers of an undivided ono'-fourth of said Leasehold estate in tlie whole of said sub division "K," and L. A. Ili-eniienian and S. M. Reid, third parties, then owners of an undivided half of said Leasehold estate iu tlio whole of said subdivision "K," the whole of said Leasehold ostato in the west half of said subdivision "K" was parti tioned and assigned to said third parties aud the whole of same, in tlie east half ot said subdivision "K" was apportioned and assigned an undivided one-half to said lirst parties, ami the other undivided half to the Union Oil Company, second party, which entire Leasehold estato in tlie east half of said subdivision "K" so created and vested as aforesaid iu said lirst parties and second parties intended to be herein conveyed unto the party of the second part hereto. Also The Leasehold estato In all that eertain tract of land situate in the Town ship, County and Slate aforesaid, bounded aud described as follows: lleginning at a point eighty rods south of the north linn of Warrant No. 31H.I. and one hundred rods west of the eut line of said Warrant, running thence south eighty ISO; rods; thence west one Ii 1111, 1 red rods;'norlh eight y (80 rods; thence east one hundred ( l(Hl rods to the place of beginning. Contain ing fifty (50) aen, and being the south half of Lot "D," aei-onliitif lo the 10 110 and allotment of lands of Liudscy, Hael- tine and Coiupunv. situate in said War rant No. 3l!l;i, said distance and propor tions being approximate, and (he in tention lieing to convey a lease of the most southerly portion o said Lot, containing fifty (50) acres strict measure; being (he same estate created by agreement of lease from R. 11. Stone lo J. II. Ilardison, dated August nib, ls2, with sundry assign ments, recorded ii, K1j, odicii iu Deed hook .mi. to, pago 240, vc. Also The Leasehold eslme iu all that certain tract of land situate in tho Town ship, County and State aliiresiiil, being part of Warrant No. 2!ml known and des ignated as lot No. 8, bounded as follows: llegiiinini; on tbe southern boundary line of said Warrant al a point sixty-nine and tivo-teiiths (till 5-Kli rods from the southwest corner of said Warrant; thence running east on sai. I southern boundary line one hundred and thirt v-nino (l') rods, llieuce north on a parallel with the western boundary line of said Warrant 115 rods, thence west una line parallel with said southern boundary lino one hundred and thirty-uino ( I.IH) rods, thence south 011 a line parallel with the western boundary line of said Warrant 115 rods to tho place of beginning. Containing 0110 hundred (100) acres mere or less, being the same estate created by lease from J. M. Itonliaiu to J. M. Fuller, dated August lo, 1882, recorded iu said ollieo iu Heed Hook No. Pi, page 2 4. Also Tlio Leasehold iu all that certain tract of laud situate in tlie Touuship, County and State aforesaid, being part of said Warrant No. 2HHI, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at tlie soutli west corner of said Warrant; thence running cast 011 southwest boundary line of said Waarant sixty-nine and live-icntlis rods; llieuce north on a line parallel with the western boundary line of said War rant to a point intersecting the northern linoofsnid Warrant two hundred ami thir ty (2:10) rods; theneo west 011 tint northern boundary line of said Warrant to tho northwestern corner thereof sixlv-niuo. and live-tenths rods; thence south on the western boundary line of said Warrant two hundred and thirty (230) rods to the place of beginning. Containing one hun dred ( 100) acres, more or loss, being the same estate created bv agreement of Icaso from J. M. Itonham to A. II. Walker. P. M. Shannon ami Tliounis J. Melvin diitod August 21st, 1SS2, recorded iu said ollieo iu Deed Hook No. L", pao b. Also Tho Leasehold estate iu all Una eertain lot nr piece of land situate in tho Township. County and Slate aforesaid, snd described 11s follows, viz.: Four pieces or parts of Warrant No. 3IH.I, iu the County of Forest and Stain of Penn sylvania, containing three hundred and thirt v CI.'Ki) aeics more or less, being lots marked I), J, , and It, according to a certain map ol lauds awarded bv Lindsev, IIa7.oltine and Company, and Slone and liarnes. iu Howo Township, Forest Coun ty, Penna.. Imso, from which the subjoined extract shows the location of the saiil Lots relating lo ea-h other and to the houiidn rys of said Warrant, lo-wit : I J I ! 31 Subject, however to a certain lease dale,) August ll, lss2, 111:1, le by K. H. Slone to .1. H. Ilardison, of the south half of Lot ' I ' aforesaid, emit ilium u fifty (50) acres, and to all the terms, ooenants and provisions thereof, being the same estate in said lands created hy article ol agreement made No vember 11, A. I). ss-, between W. P. Hook and R. 11. Slone of tho one part, and T. J. Melvin, A. II. Waker, P. M. Shan non, J, M. Fuller, s. ;. Ila.vne, C. C. Mel vin and C. C. Parsons, a co-partnership as Melviu, Walker, Shannon A Co., and the L'nion oil Co., said Corporation, and the Union iil Copany, In equal undivided interests. -All the right, title, interest, claim and demand of said parties of the first part of, in and to a certain Leasehold es tate in a part of Warrant No. 21H1, known and designated as Lot No. 7, one hundred and one and 27-loo acres. All the right, title, interest and claim of said parties of the tirst part of, in and to a certain lease to cut and remove all the growing timber, except such trees and bushes which are marked as corner or line trees, from a certain tract of laud containing one hundred and one acres, known nnd designated as Lot No. 7, being a subdivision of Warrant No. 2!11, in Howe Township, Forest County, Pa. A i.rii All the oil wells situate 011 the lands hereby conveyed, and the rigs, ma chinery, fix tines and appurtenances there to belonging, together with all and singu lar the mining rights. 'Taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of J. A. Walerhouse, Horrace P. Porrin, C. C. Camp and II. J. Pemberton at the suit of Charles W. Pratt and David Phillips. ALSO, CIIAllt.F.S W, PRATT nu.l DAVID I'll I LLI PS vs. .1. A. WATLHHOUSi;. I IO Kit. UK P. PF.RRIN. C.C.CAMP mid II.. I. PKMRF.RTON, Levari Facias No. 7, November Term, 1SH2. M. II. IJylos, All y. All tho right, title, interest and claim ot tlie defendants of, iu and lo all that cer tain piece, parcel or lot id hind situate in Howe Township. Forest County, Pa., bounded and described as follows: He ginning on the southern boundary of Warrant No. 2W1. at a point sixtv-ninn and live-tenths (ii!i 5-101 rods from the south-western corner of said Warrant: thence running east on said southern boundary line one hundred and thirty nine rods ( ; tlience running north on a line parallel with the western boundary lino 01 said warrant one hundred and fifteen (115) rods; thence running west on a line parallel with said southern boundary line one hundred and thirty nino (I3!i) rods, thence running south on a lino parallel with tlie western boundary line of said Warrant one hundred anil fifteen (115i rods lo the place of begintiimr. Containing one hundred Acres (ion A), tnoro or less. Also All that certain Piece. parcel or lot. of hind situate in Howe Township, Forest Co., Pa., bounded and described as fol lows: Hcgininng al the southwest corner of Warrant twenty-nine hundred and ninety-one (2H!il thence running east on tlio southern boundary line of said War rant sixty-time ami live-tenths rods; thence running north on a line parallel with tho western boundary line of said Warrant to a point intersecting the north ern lioundarv line ot said Warrant two llllll, I led and thirty 230 rods; tiieucn running west ou the northern boundary line of said Warrant to the 1101 Hi western corner thercol sixty-nine and liye-tenths lid 5-101 rods : thence running south on the western boundary line of said warrant two hundred and thirty (23o roils to the phuo of beginning. Containing, one hundred looj acres, more or less, being oil tin eastern end of said Warrant. Al so All that certain piece or parcel of laud situate in Howe Tuwiishin. Forest County, and slate of Pennsylvania. a part of Warrant 2HSII, bounded and de- Hied as follows; lleginning (IU the northern boundary lino of said Warrant at at a point two hundred and eight ami live-tenths rods from tlio northwestern corner ol said Warrant, running thoncecast on said northern boundary lineouo liund- I ami lliti'tv-nniu llllii) rods: thence south on a line parallel witli the western boundary lino of said Warrant one hundred aud lil'iccii II5) rods; thence west 011 a line parallel with the northern louiidary line ot said arrant 1311 rods: tlience north 011 a line parallel with tlie western boundary line of said Warrant 1 15 rods lo mo place of beginning. Con taining one hun, lied acres, more or less, lieing Lot No. (I, of subdivision of said warrants, as desig nated una diagram conveyed by J. M. llonhani et al to S. i. Ilavno el al. record ed in Deed Hook No. Ill, page 207, except ing and reserving out of this grant an equal 1 part ol all petroleum and gas or oilier valuable or valatile substances lo J. M. Houhaiu his heirs and assigns, and a deed conveying the undivided hall' of said land to the I' nioii oil Company, Deed lioou .(!. 10, page o. Al so All thai certain piece or parcel of land in said Howe Township being "0 acres of Ibe trai t of loo acre conveyed to Michael Murphvbv Robert Deniiison et al. being iu the eastern part of Warrant No. 3I1IS, bounded and described as follows: lii-ginning at tlie southeast corner of said Warrant No. 3IH8, running thence north along the eastern lioundarv ol said War rant No. 3llis to tho Warren County lino: thence we-il along said Warren County line MUllieicul distance that by running thence south to the southern boundary linoofsnid Warrant No, ;i:8 and norin ern boiiiidaiy line of Warrant Ulna, and tlience easl along aid southern boundary line of Warrant 31H8 to the place of beginning, will contain tot) acres. Tlie 50 acres nil, 'tide, I lo be conveyed hereby lo be apportioned out of the one hundred acres aloresaid, as follows: The said liKl acres to be divided into four equal portions ol 2.1 acres each by line running cast and west parallel with the northern ! boundary lin.i, and the said lots 1 : to be numbered I, 2, 3, slid 4; 1 from tlie lop down, from north 2 I lo south 1 and the lilty acres iu- 3 I tended to be convoyed being tlie 1 middle 50 acres and lols 2 and 3, 4 a -cording to the plat iu tlie mar- gin ol Heed Hook No. Pi, page 41. Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of J. A. atcihouse, Horrace P. Porrin, C. C. Camp and II. J. Pcmhortou at the Hit if of Charles V. Pratt and David Phillips. TKRMSOI'S.VI.K.-Thc following must be strictly complied 11I1 when the prop erty is stricken dow 11 : 1. When the phiiiililt or other lieu cred itors become the purchaser, ib ,.,,sts 011 the w i ns must be paid, aud a list ,i liens including mortgage searches on the prop erty sold, togdher with Midi lien e editor receipt for the amount ol the proceeds of the sale or sin h poi lin Ihereof as he may claim, must be luriiislicl the shei nf. 2. All bids luiist be paid iu full. 3. All sales in, 1 sciih-.l immediately will lie continued mini 2 o'clock p. in., of the next dav, at w in, h time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk ol the person to whom lirst sold. See Purdou's digest. Ninth Tdilion, page 44'i, and Smith's Forms, page 3M. Joll x R. osi;ool, sheriil. Sheriff's (Hike, Tionosta, Pa., Oi Uiber 20 11'-.