THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, Coitom 4 Proprietor. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 18P2. HEI'IJIIXICAX TICKET. NATIOMAI.. President, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. Vice President, WHITKLA W KEIP, of New York. STATE. Judge of the Supreme Court, JUOGE JOHN DEAN, of Blair County. Congies-at-Large, ALEXANDER McUoWELL, of Mercer County. WILLIAM LILLY, of Carbon County. COUNTY. Congress, CHARLES E. ANDREWS, of Clarion County. Assembly, J. J. HAIGHT, of Howe Township. Treasurer, QUINTAIN JAMIESON, of Tionesta Township. Surveyor, J. F. PROPER, of Tione9ta Borough. Republicans of Forest Conntv. Once more we are called upon to docide by our votes which of the two great political parties shall have coo trol of the National Government for the next four years. Each party, in its platform of principles set forth, represent entirely opposite views upon many of the importaut questions of the day. The Republican party un der the leadership of Benjamiu Har rison stands squaeily upon.ihe platform adopted at Minneapolis, which de clares in favor of a Protective Tariff, Reciprocity, Houest Money and a Free Ballot; a platform that declares in no uncetain tones in favor of protection to American labor and American manufactures that is, that the tariff shall be so adjusted that our laboring men shall not be called upon to work for the etarvatiou wages paid for the same kind of work in England. Whitest the Democratic parly, under the leadership of Grover Clevelaud, standi) upon a platform adopted at Chicago which comes out squarely for a Tariff for Revenue Only, which plainly means Free Trade I and makes no provision for the protection of labor or manufactures, but practically says to the laborer of this country that "you are receiving toe great compen sation for your labor. You should be satisfied with the same wages paid for labor in England, in order that we cau buy our clothing cheaper V for they do not pretend to say that any thing the laboring man must buy to live upon will be any cheaper than it is now. They say that to nodertake to protect labor or manufactures is un constitutional 1 Grover Cleveland and the Demo cratic party promise you, if placed in power, to repeal the ten per cent, tax placed on Slate bunks by the Repub lican party, thereby substituting the old time State bauks that were in vogue under the Democratic adminis tration of affairs when the Republican party took possession in 1861, and which gave to tho country the best money system in the world, and which we have to day. Do you want to ex change our present system for the one in vogue then, when you didu't know that the dollar bill you had in your pocket at bed time would be worth a farthing when you arose in the morn ing? We hope not. The Democratic press aud speakers everywhere are silent on this point, but persist in qtiihbliug about the tariff plank, which they say does not mean free trade. So says Senator Hill, but Henry Waterson, who was most potent with the Southern Demo crats in framing the platform, says it .means just what it says. We wish to ask all young men who are castiDg the first Presidential bal h t to look at this matter fairly ; and we are glad to say to you mat our platform of principles is not evasive and does not have to be apologized for nor explained away as does that of our Democratic friends. e therefore call upon every Republican in Forest County to do his whole duty, bee to it that every vote is out, to the end that our principles shall be carried out. And we invite all young men and all others that believe in Protect ion to American labor, good sound money, and honest and fair dealing with the oil soldier, to join us iu car rvioe these principles to success. We expect every Republican to do his whole duty towards the electiou of our County Ticket. Capt. Haight IB entitled to our undivided support and will surely be elected, lie is in full accord with all our principles and is a Republican from the ground up The same ran be sair1 of our worthy candidate for County treasurer, Quia tain Jamieson. There is no possible reason why he should not receive the undivided vote of the party to which he has been devoted duriug his whole life. We truet that every Republican in Forest county will put his shoulder to the wheel, and give our whole ticket, from top to bottom, the full party vote, and thus will ours retain the proud distinction of being the Banner Republican County. Amos F. Lkdebur, Chairmau When Democrats like Speaker Crisp report that they "think Isew Jersey will be Democratic this year, it is time for the Democracy to won der "whero are we at." Cleveland is supported by tl "solid" South and "solid" England Harrison will be elected by loya Americans, who are for protection home labor aud industry, for an bnn est currency, and f r a free ballot an a fair count. Vote the straight Re publican ticket. Proclamation or (Jcnornl Election. Whereas, in and by an act of the General Assembly of the Coinmonwenlthof Penn sylvania," entitled "An Act to regulate the nomination and election of publlcoffioers, requiring certain exponses incident there to to be paid bytlieseveraloounttesRiid cer tain other expenses to be paid by tba Com monwealth, and punishing eertain offenses in regard tosucb elections," passed the Il'tb day of June, A. I). 181)1, it is made the du ty of tho Sheriff of every county within this Commonwealth to give public notice of the General Elections, anil in such to enumerate: I. The otlloers to be elected, and give a list of nil the nominations, except for elec tion officers and assessors made as provid ed in this act, and to be voted for in every county, as far as may bo, in tho form in which' they shall appear upon the ballots, but the proclamations posted in each elec tion district need not contain the names of any candidates but those to be voted for in such district. II. Designate the place at which the election Is to be hold. III. He shall also give notice that everv person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, orof thU State or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether" commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under tho Legislative, Executive or Judiciary de- Sartmentol this State or of the Lnited tales, or of anv city or incorporated dis trict, and also that every member of Con gress and of the State Legislature and of the select or common council of ar y city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict is, by law, incapable of holding or ex ercising at tho same time, the office or ap pointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer of anv such election shall be eligible to anv office to be then voted for, exeept that of an election omeer. I, JuIIN R. OSGOOD, High Sheriff of the County of Forest, do hereby make known and give this public notice to the electors of the County of Forest, that a General Election will be held In said county, on Tuesday, November 8th, 1892, between the hours of 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. at tne several Election Districts, The following are the officers to be elect ed, and a list of all the nominations made theretor, ana which are to be voted tor In the form in which they shall appear upon tne nauois: Officers to be elected Thirty-two persons for Presidential Electors. Two persons for Congress-at-Large, One person for Judge of the Supreme court 01 tne state ot rennsyivania. One person for Member of Congress tor tne stn casirict 01 Pennsylvania, com posed of the counties of Forest. Elk. Clarion, ciearneia ana centre, One person for Assembly ot Forest County. une person lor Treasurer ol uorest County. One person for County Surveyor of For est county. List af Nominations - Prrsldrntlnl Electors. REPUBLICAN. Benjamin F. Jo ties. 62 Irwin Avenue. Auoaneny uiw. u H dam ood. r:3l Green Street. Phila delphia. w. Henry bayeu. Radnor Township. ueiaware uounry. J. Francis Dunlap. 43 South Prussian St . juanneim. John L. Lawson. 1322 Snruce Street. l'Miaaeipma. John Mundell. 119 North 13th Street. i-nuaaeipma. John Hunter, 1302 South Street. Philadel phia. Alexander Crow, Jr., .'112 Spring Garden St., ruuauelnuia Cbaries B. bluer, 4703 Lei per Street. rnuaxieipnia. .Maxwell C lower. East Brandvwine Town ship, Chester County. William H. Grundy. 12 Kadclifle Street. Bristol Traill Green, 222 Spring Garden St., Eas'on. James K. Mosser. Hanover Township, Lehigh County. J. M. W. Geist. 1 ,57 East King Street, Lancaster. Henry A. Knapp, 301 Quincy Avenue, Scranton. William J. Harvey.10 South Franklin St.. u unes-isarre. .lames Mulr, 512 Mabantongo St.. Potts ville. John H. Sbeibley. Carlisle Street. New Bioouineia. Cos Durland, 130 Main Street, Houesdale. Pierre A. Stebbins. Allegheny Avenue. Coudersport. Lloyd T. Rohrbacb. 241 Chestnut Street. auDDury. s. a. Hcnocu. Market street. Middleburg J. Schall W'ilhelnj. 228 East Market Street. yorK. LodIs J. McGregor, First Avenue, Hyod niau. James B. Laox, 35 West Pittsburgh St.. lire nsDurg. Kobert ritcatrn, Cor. Am hereon & Ella- worth At., Pittsburgh. James H. Lindsay. 172 Ridge Avenue, Aiiagneny tny. I nomas L, Lincoln. Cor. Markets; Greene Sts., C armlcbaers. Sylvester D. Bell. 131 East Diamond St, Butler. Mathew U. Taylor. 150 West Sixth Street, trie. Charles F. Barclay. Sinnamahnning Jesse K. Dale. 223 East Long Street. Du bois. Cong-raw at Large, William Lilly. 67 Broadway. Mauch Chunk. Alexander McDowell. 4116 State Street. siiurou. Judge of Supreme Court. John Dean. X. E. Cor. Allegheny aud jones bis., noiuuaysDurg. Congress. REPUBLICAN. Charles E. Andrews. Pcnti St.. New Bethlehem, Clarion County. Representative. REPUBLICAN. John J. Haight, Howe Township. County Treasurer. REPUBLICAN. Queutin Jamieson, Tionesta Township. County Hurvoyor. John F. Proper. Elm Street. Tionesta jiorougn. I'reaidrutial ttlartors. DEMOCRATIC. Mortimer F. Elliott, ID Central Avenue, V fcllnboro . JohoC. Bullitt, 125 S. Twenty-second St. I'lniaueipiiia. Thomas B. Kenuedy 225 East Market St, LtiamDersourg. David Thompson Watson, 261 Itidge Ave nue, Allegheny City. Samuel Gustina Thompson, 10 to Spruce m , rnuaaeipni; Clement Keevea Wainwright, 1U33 Spruce et., j-uiiau-ipuia. Adam S. Conway, 334 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Cnas U. Latl'crty, 3Q13 Spring Garden St fuiiaduipi la. William Hedwood Wright, Fisher's Lane, I'lilladuipma. Uorga K. uuss, 127 East Barnard St., West Chester. John O. James, Broad Street, Doyleatown. Cornelius W. Hull, Hartford Street, Mil ford. William Nolan, 153 North Fifth Street, Beading. James Duffy, Marietta, Lancaster County. I barlea DuPont lireck, 708 Madison Ave nue, Scranton. Sam el Willson Trimmer, Berwick Street, While Haven. Win. G. YuengHug, 501 Mauaotongo Slr?t, Pottsville. Samuel 8. Leiby, Main Street, Maryiville. AzurLalhrop, Moutrose, Susquehanna Co. TorreuceO. Hippie, 224 West Main 6 tree t, Look Haven. Thomas Chalfant, Danville, Montour Connty. Wm. David Hlmmelreich, Third & Mar ket Bta., Lewlaburg. Peter Henry Strnhlnger, Abbottstown, Adams County. Henry B. Piper, 213 Pennsylvania Ave., Tyrone. Joseph D. Orr, Seoond and Market Bta., Leechburg. Charles A. Fagan, 245 45th Street, Pitts burgh. Andrew A. Payton, 81 McClure Avonue, Allegheny City. John I. Braden, 223 West Wheeling St., Washington. Michael Liebel, 139 West 21st Street, Erie. Thomas McDowell, Main and Mill Streets, Port Allegany. James Knox Polk Hall, Ridr,'way, Elk Co. John Conway, Rochester, Beaver County. Congress at Large. George A. Allen, I3P East nth Street, Erie. Thomas Polk Mcrrltt, 230 South 6th Street, Heading. Judge of 8upreme Court. Christopher Hoydrick. Elk St.. Frank lin. Congress. PKMOCRATrC. George F. Kribbs, Clarion. Itspresentatlre. DEMOCRATIC. J. J. Greenewalt, North Pine Grove. Jl 'entity Treasnrer. DEMOCRATIC. M. E. Grable, Marionville, County Purveyor. D. W. Clark. TionesU. Presidential Klertora. BV NOMINATION PAPERS. Abraham A. Marker. Prohibition Partv. High Street Ebensburg. John C. Boteson. Prohibition Party. 0 Alain street, if ollisterville. James Black. Proh b tion Party. S-3 North Duke St., Lancaster. William F. Bovd. Prohibition Party filfl Suirjiicl.snna Ave., Philadelphia. William K. Brickoll, Prohibition Partv, 48 Center Ave., Pittsburg. Edward Campbell, Prohibition Party, 46 East Main Street, Uniontown. 1). McClure Fair. Frohib tion Party. Campbell Street. Blairsville. Iwlwln rt. Uearhart. Prohib tion Pnitv. Effort. George II. Goebol. Prohibition Party. 1SH3 Getz St., Philadelphia. Ueorge K. Greiss. Prohibition Partv. Alburtis. William W. Hague. Prohibition Partv. Main Street Tldioute. Benjamin Harding. Prohibition Partv. 290 South Main St., Pittston. unaries w. Huntington. Prohibition Party, 428 Centre St., Williamsport. Charles F.. Hvatt. Prrhil,itin n.,l Til East 14th St.. Chester. Jonn u. Jones. Frohib t on Partv. 182n X - i. ,1,1. c m. :i i .. i Elisha Kent Kane, Prohibition Party, Kane. Frank S. Lourimoro. Prohibition Pariv. run n avo., sew jjrignton. .11 Ij. Liowden. Prohibition PnrLv. Nn- braska. Robert F. McClean. Prohibition Partv. M- - t. - i .... ' m est mmn oi., i-vew uioomneui Kobert L. Montgomery. Prohibition farty rurbotvlile. Antrim F. Morgan. Prohibition Party. vtuuKeriown. A. Foster Mulin. Prohibition Partv. Baltimore St.. Mt. IIollv Sorinirs. Franklin G. Percival, Prohibition Party, 2i Boutn ia nt., rnnaueipiiia. Athur J. Pilgrain, Prohibition Party, Mabantongo and 13th Sts.. Pottsville. vv uuam J. Kobison Prohibition Party. oo union Ave., Aiiegneny. riarr Bpangicr, Probibition Party, 248 rairview ru, xuarieua. Atlie A. Stevens. Prohibition Partv. Lincoln Ave., Tyrone. r ranKiin n. Taylor. Prohibition Partv. 3WW Baring St., Philadelphia. Airrea u. Tliomason. Prohib t on Party. ioo i. spouse ot., recranion. James Potior Thompson. Prohibition Pnrty, 114 Napoleon St.. Johnstown William N. Wallis, Prohibition Party, Licking St., Patterson. welcome J. Weeks. Prohib tion Partv. f tin v lutv. 1.' . ; : ' Congress at Large Simoon B. Chase. Prohibition Partv. oi centre nciuare, caston James T. McCrory. Prohibition Party. 871 Wylie Ave.. Pittsburgh. Judge of Kuprome Court. Amos Briggs. Prohibition Partv. 1303 N. iirouii at., rnuaoeipuia. Congreso. PROHIIlITION PARTY. William S. Bigelow. 113 Presuutsle St.. i'liuipsuurg. Hepreseiilativr. PROHIBITION PARTY. F. E. Allison, Nebraska. County Treasurer. PROHIBITION PARTY. VV. H. Frost, Pigeon. Presidential Elerlors. BY NOMINATION PAPERS. L. F. Armburst. People" Party. Greens uurg. J. W. Boak. People s Partv. Hariaiis- burg. Kobert lirett. People u Party, 1)17 Noble St., pniiaiieipnia. frank uuoli. people s Party, 1423 Ger inantown Ave., Philadelphia. C. A. Burrows, People s Partv. Sharps burg. M. Li. Cowley, People s Partv, Washing ton. E. S. Crooker, Poople's Party. Union City. A. J. Liietz, people s Party, 4-13 Wright .St., phiiaiicipiiut. W. E. Ewor, People's Party, Corry. John O. Exlev, People's Partv. 1027 South 20th St.. Philadelphia. I). II. Fisher. People's Partv. Entriken W. A. Garduor People's Party, Andrews Settlement. Wm. Giant, People's Party, 2j0 Rich mond St., Philadelphia. . B. F. Greenman, Poople's Party, Eldred. Wm. Hefier. People s Partv. Danville, G. C. llickok, Poople's Partv, Mvrtle. II. Hock, People's Party, '2514" North 10th St., Philadelphia. J. M. Hower, People's Party, Blooms burg. A. H. P. Leuf, People's larty, 2342 North 17th St., Philadelphia. S. J. McMauus, People's Party, Am brose. O. G. Moore, People's Party, Knox. C. M. Morse, People's Party, New Wil mington. W. A. Olrastead. People's Party, Sau ford. Ephralin Phillips, People's Party, Ma hoiiingtown. Clarence Price, Poople's Party, Danville. C. P. Shaw, People's Party, Austin ville. Perry Smith, People's Party, Richards ville. H. C. Suavely, People's Party, Lebanon. G. E. Ward, People's Pal ty. Economy. J. A. Welsch, Poople's Party, New Cas tle. J. E. White, People's Party, Elbridgo. F. M. Windsor, People's Party, liurt ville. Congress at Large. S. P. Chase, People's Party, Brooktield. G. W. Dawson, Poople's Party, Beaver. Judge of Kupreiue Court. It. B, Castle. McCombs, People's Party, New Presidential Klerlora. BY NOMINATION PAPKRN. Gus Arlt, Socialist Labor Party, 431 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia. Fred Bauer, Sisialist labor Party, Ev erson, Fayette County. Chas. liuckofun, Solialist Labor Party, 1719 Peach Street, Erie. E. M. Brandt, Socialist Labor Party, 11 East German St., Erie. A. Cullen, Socialist Labor Party, 155 W. 25th St., Erie. Joe. Diebold, Socialist Labor Party, Ev erson. Favotte Couutv. Julius Frocblicb, Socialist Labor Partv, 700 Callowbill St., Philadelphia. Chas. Hainiiieruiuellei, Socialist Labor Party, 73) Wallace St., Philadelphia. Henry Uoehl, Socialist Labor Party, 256 North 6th St., Philadelphia. August Lange, Socialist Lalior Tarty, 33 Franklin St., Pliiladolphia. Charles loothcr, Soclnllst Labor Party, II Cnrson St., Pittsburgh, Christ Mast, Socialist Labor Party, Scottdale. W. II McOovern. Socialist Labor Party, 11th A Holland Sts., Erin. Allen Pardon, Socialist Iabor Party, Cor. 14th it Sassafrass Sts.. Frle. Henry Peter. Socialist Iabor Party. 8 BlulT Street, Allegheny. John preseott. socialist iabor Party. Wis Peach St., Erie. Chas. Kicker, ."Socialist Iabor Party. I81U N. Sixth St., Philadelphia. Otto Hot ho. Soclnllst ljtbor Partv. 438 Franklin St., Philadelphia. Chas Schleicher, Socialist Labor Party, 635 West fith St., Erlo. Fr. Schotto, Socialist Iabor Party. Cor. 14th and French Sts., Erlo, wm. scott, Noclalist l,abor Party. 10 Carson St., Pittsburgh. Jac. Scngera. Socialist Imbor Partv. 1408 Dover ml, I'liiiiuieipniH. jac. Mmon. socialist Labor Parly. Scott dale. Matthew Smith. Socialist Labor Tarty. oo i mm Ave., Piiisnurgn gh. JOI rone Johu Stain, Socialist Labor Party, Ty William Stiumcn. Socialist Labor Partv. o . narioiie St., Philadelphia. Aiioipn atarae, socialist ljnuor Party, rjversou. John Stoln. Socialist Labor Partv. 122 S, Kith St.. Philadelphia. P. Totzhauor. Socialist Labor Party. 413 Vine St.. Philadelphia. Joseph Trosek. Socialist Labor Partv. ovo i-tooie otreei, i nnaueipnia. John Westwater, Socialist L ; Labor Tarty, Addison St., Pittsburgh. Henry Winter. Socialist Labor Partv. rairmount Ave., Philadelphia. Congress at Large. J. Mahlon Barnes, Socialist Labor Par ty, 017 Callowhil St., Philadelphia. Thomas Grundy, Socialist Labor Party, ao smion at., Piusourgn. Judge of Supreme Court N. L. Cricst. Socialist Labor Partv. 128 riymonnt St., Piusuurgu. PLACES OF HOLDING ELECTION. The Electors of Barnctt township at j aeon juar.e s l arpentor snop. The iMooiors ui ureen township as ioi lows: Those residing in the Election Dis trict of Guitonville, to-wit: those cm braced in the following boundary, viz Beginning at a post, the north corner ot Warraut No. 5133, thonce south fortv-uve degrees west throe hundred and twenty rods to the west corner of said tract, thence south forty-live degrees east along divid ing line between tracts No. olJ.f and ooOo to the north corner of tract No. 5501, thence by the northwest line of tract 5501 and the southeast line of tracts Nos. 5505 and 5504 to the south corner of tract No. 5504 thence southwesterly to the northwest corner of tract No. .'1330, and southeast coi ner of tract 5502 on the Clarion county lino, thence bv the same east to tho north east corner of Clarion county, thence north by tho Jcnks township lino to whore the said Jcnks township line crosses the northeast line of tract 5500. thence north westerly by the nonhoiist line of Green township to the place of beginning, shall vote at tho School House at Guitonville. The Electors of Grocn township residing outside of the territory embraced in the above described Election District ot Uul tonvillo. shall voto at the house of L. Ar nor. in Nebraska village. Tho Electors of Harmony township as follows: Those residing in the election district of Upper Harmony, to-wit: those embraced in tne lonowing uouuaary, viz: Beginning on the Allegheny river at the Tionesta township lino; thence northerly by said line to the back lino of tho river tracts; thence along the back line of the river tracts to West Hickory Creek thence up said West Hickory Creek to the Warren County line: thonce cost along said Warren County line to the Allegheny riven thence down said river to the place of beginning, at tho old Duon it Turner store building, West Hickory. Tho Eloctors ot Harmony township re siding outside of the territory embraced in the above described Uppor Harmony shall vote at the Township Electiou House on the Fogle Farm. The Electors or Hickory township at Burns Harness Shop, in Last Hickory. The Electors of Howe township as fol lows: Those residing in the Election Dis trict of Middle Howe, to-wit: those em braced in the tollowmg boundary, viz. Beginning at a point where the west lino of Warrant No. 3108 intersects the line of Warren and Forest counties; thence south bv west lines of Warrants 3108, 3103, 311, 31H7 and 3185 to a point where tho west line of Warrant 3185 inter sects with the Jenks township line; them by Jenks township line east to a point where the eastern line ot saia warranl 318.) intersects said Jenks township line: thence north along the eastern boundary lines of warrants 3185. 31S7 and 3180 to the northwest corner of subdivision No. 00 of warrant No. 2003; thence cast along the north line of subdivisions Nos. 00, 08, 05, 04 and 01 to the northwest corner of war- aant No. 2730; thence north along the east linos of warrants Nos. 2!K3, the Fox Estate, 2W1 and 2735 to where the east lino of 2735 lntor-ects the Warren and Forest County lino; thence by said Warren and Forest county line west to the northwest corner of Warrant 3108, tho plare of beginning, shall vote at Gusher City School House. The Electors of Howe township residing in the Election District of East Howe, to wit: Those residing within the territory embraced by the following boundary lines, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the war ren aud Forest county line where the sunn is intersected by the east line of warrant 2735; thence south along the eastern boun dary lilies of warrants 27:15, 2tt)l, the Fox Estate, and warrant 2003 to the northwest corner of JUbdivislon No. 51 in warrant 2730; thence east along the northern boun dary lines of warrants 2736, 208 and 24(4, to the Elk county line; thence north alonu the Elk and Forest county line fo whore the same is intersected by the Warren an Forest county line; thence west along said Warren and Forest county line to the northeast corner of warrant 2735, the place of beginning, shall vote at Urookslou in Brookstou Library Hall. The Electors of Howe township residing in the Election District of Frost's, to-wit: Those residing with! n the territory ein brac ed by the following boundary lines : Com mencing at the northeast corner of warraut 2461, and in the line dividing Elk and Forest counties; thence south along said dividing line to the line between Howe and Jenks townships; thence west along said last mentioned line to the southwest corner of K. L. Blood's subdivision; thence north along the west line of the K. L. Blood subdivision and warrants 3803, 4545, 2878, 2080 to northwest corner of subdivi sion No. till iu warrant 2003; thence east along the north line of subdivisions 09, 68, 65, 64 and 61 of warrant 2003 and subdivi sions 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55 of warrant 2736, and subdivisions 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of warrant 2808 and the north line of warrant 2404 to the Elk county line, the place of beginning, shall vote at John Black' Car penter shop, at Frost's Station. The Electors of Howe township residing in tho Electiou District of West Howe, to wit : Thoso residing west of the above de scribed Middle Howe, at the Balltowu School House. The Electors of Jenks township as fol lows: Those residing in the Election Dis trict of Byrom, to-wit: those embraced in the following boundary, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner of tract No. 41113 and the northwest corner of tract No. 4134, thence northeasterly to the southeast cor ner of tract No. 3643 aud the southwest corner of tract No. 3564, thence north by the western line of tracts Nns. 3564, 3046, 3(44 aud 3801 to the Jenks township line, thence east by the same to the northeast corner of Jcnks township, thence south by the east line of Jouks township to the southeast corner thoreof, thence west to the southeast corner of tract No. 4120, thence north to tiie northeast coiner of said Warrant, thence west to beginning, shall vote at the School House at Byrom- town. The Electors ot Jenks township residing outside of the territory embraced in the above descii lied Election District of By ri'iu, shall vote at Central Hall in Marien VlllH. The Electors of Kiugsley township at Newtown School House. Tho Electors of Tionesta township at the Court House in Tionesta borough. The Electors of Tionesta borough at the Court House iu said borough. I also niako known the following pro- Islons of tho new Constitution of Penn sylvania: AKT1CLK VIII. HUFFRAOB AND M.KCTION. Skc. 1. Every male citlr.oii twentv-one years of age, possosslng the following (tialillcatious, shall bo entitled to voto at all elections t First. He shall have boon a cill.en of the Unitod States at least one month. Seenntf.-Ho shall have resided In the State one year, (or, if having previously boon a qualified elector or native born citizen ol the Stato he shall have remnved therel'orm and returned, then six months.) immedi ately preceding tho election. 2 ntru. no shall nave resided in I no election district where he oilers to vole nt least two months immediately preceding the election. j-urth. If twenty-two years of ago or upwards, ho shall have paid within two years a stato or oountv tax which siiati have been assessed at least two intuit lis mid paid at least one month before election. sec. n. i ne uenerai election snail bo held annuallv on tho Tuesday next follow lug tho first Monday of Novotnber, but the General Assembly may, by law, fix a diflornnt day, two-thirds of all th mom bers of each House consenting thereto. Notice is hereby given. That anv poison excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any oftlce or appointment of profit or trust undor the United States, or this State, or any city or corporated district. whether commissioned officer or other wise, a subordinate ofllcor or ogont who is or shall be employed under tho legisla ture, executive or Judiciary departmentof this Mtnio. or in anv citv, or oi anv incor Hiraten district, and also that every mem or of Congress and of tho Stato Legisla ture, or of the select or common council of any citv. or commissioners of any in corporated district, is by law incapahlo of holding or exercising at the time, the oftlce or appointment of Judge, Inspector or clerk of anv election iu this Common wealth, and that no inspector, Judge or other ollioor of such election shall becligi tie to be then voted for. Tho Judges of the aforesaid districts shall rcpresontativolv take charge of the certificates of return of the election of thoir respoctivo districts, and produce them at the Prothonotary's otlico iu the Borough of Tionesta. as follows: "All Judges living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's otnee. or within twenty- four miles if thoir residence be iu a town, village or city vpon the lino of a lailroad leading to the county sent, shall before two o'clock p. m.. on WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER NINTH, 1802, and all other fudges shall before twelve o'clock, m., on Til U llsDAY, NOVEMBER TENTH. 1802, deliver said returns, together with the return sheets, to tho Prothonotary of the Court ol Common Picas ot Forest county, which said return shall bo tiled. aim the day and Hour ot tiling marked therein, and shall be preserved by the Prothonotary for public inspection. Given uuder mv hand at my otlico ill Tio nesta, Pa., this 24th day or October, in tho year of our lxrd one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and in the one hundred and seventeenth year of the Independence of the United States. JOHN K. OSGOOD, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIKTUK of a writ of Alias Tes tatum Fieri Facias to Forest Coun ty issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Clarion County, Pennsyl vania, and to me directed, thcro will 'be exposed to sale by public vendue or out cry, at the Court ilouso, in the Borough of Tionesta, Pa., on MONLAY, NOVEMBEK 14, A. D. 1SH2, at 1 o'clock p. in., tho following described real estate, to-wit: K. W. SHOTTS vs. PHILLIP IJYEHS, Alios Testatum Fieri Fucias, No. ;I4 No vember Term, 1892. J. E. Woad, Attor ney. All the defendant's right, titlo, interest and claim, of, iu and to ull that certain piece or parcel of land situated iu Tioneita Township, Forest County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at a post by a pine, the original northwest comer of Warrant No. U88, of which this pioce is a part ; thonce from said corner north three degrees cast ninety-four rods to a stone corner, south eighty-soven de grees east forty-two and five-ninths rods to a stone corner nineteen links west from chestnut witness to said corner; thence south three degrees west ninctv-fonr rods to the original southern line of Warrant No. 828; thence by said Warrant line north eighty-soven degrees west forty-two and five-ninths rods to tho place of begin ning. Containing twenty-live acres, bo the same more or less, it being the west ern part of a larger tract conveyed to Ja cou Mealey by Arnold Pluinmer, and rom Jacob Moalov to Solomon Hvers and wifo to Philip E. Byers by deed dated tho tenth day ot Oct. 181m, and recorded m Deed Book No. Id, page 434, ilc Thereon erected one house 18x24, two stories high, one small hum, aud some fruit trees there on growing, about ten acres cleared. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Phillip Byers, at the suit of li. w. noiis. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied witli when the property is stricken down : 1. When the plaintiff or other leiu cred itors become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of liens including mortgage searches on tho prop el ty sold, together with such lien credit or's receitit for tho amount of the nro coeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must bo furnished the Sherilf. 2. All bids must bo paid in full. 8. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the next day, at which time all property not settled lot will ugain be put up and sold at tho expense aud risk of the person to Whom nrsl sola. "See Purdon's Digest, Nin'h Edition, page no ttnu Biiiuns forms, page Mi. SherifTs Oflice, Tionesta, Pa., October 24, tsuz. PROCLAMATION. Whebbas. The Hon. Charles H. Noves. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Ac, at TionesU, for ths County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of Nov., being tho 21st dav of Nov., 18'.r2. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, .1 ot the Peace and Con stablos of said county, that they be then and there in thoir proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., of said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their oflice appertain th be done. and to those who are bound iu recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners ihat are or shall be in the jail of i-oiesl County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against thorn as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 24th day of October, A. I). 1B!. JOHN R. OSGOOD, L.S. Sheriff. WANTED Wide awake workers eve rvwhere for "SHEPPS" PHOTO GRAPHS of the WORLD"; the greatest book on earth ; costing (100,000; retail at :i.25. cash or installment: mammoth il lustrated circulars and terms free; daily output over looo volumes. Agents wild with success. Mr. Thns L.. Martin. center ville. Tex., cleared 711 in U duys; Miss Road Adams, Woosler, O,, f2i in 40 min utes; Kev, J. Howard Madison, Lyons, N. Y.. f 101 in seven hours; a bonanza magi'.illcent outfit only $1. Books on credit, Freight paid. Address Globe Bible Publishing Co., No. 723 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa., or 8f8 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, oct5 4ut IF YOU WANT a respectable Job of printing at a reasonable price send your order to this otUoe. 92-Fall k DAVID MIMZ, THE L1LUHUI, Has the Largest, Finest and Best Stock ever brought to (his part of the Country, consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoos, Rubbers, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Quecnnsware, Glassware, Blankets, Quilts, Yarns, Carpet Warps, And tho handsomest stock of MILLINERY GOODS Ever brought here. Trunks ValiscN. Full lino of IVraps Tor JLimIIvn, SIImmcm," Children nnl KablvN. Hal and Cup. r-Agent for Wheeler A Wilson High-Ann Sewing Machine. Also have a fut; Hue of John Me' 'all's Bazar Dress Glove-Fitting Patterns. A fine line of , PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, AND LOOKING GLASSES Highest market price paid for Hides, Pelts, Furs mid Ginseng Itool. DAVID MINTZ, Marienville, Did you get Mason's Quart Fruit Jars? If not, You are not taking any chances. FOR 10 DAYS ONLY, A of the above Fruit Jars will be comers who have Bametf s Famous One Price Stor Are entitled to tho above Doaen of Fruit Nino out of every ten who are asked Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Trunks, Valises, and Jewelry, wiH toll you at BAENE TIONESTA, PA. The tenth customer is a how-cnnur nnd Vi e l!Ut that tetltll CUStOinnr to call lower than any business house in tho surrounding vicinity. Hides and Pelts and Produce taken. S. H. HASLET & SONS HAVE A FULL LINE OF FURNITURE UNDERTAKER'S - GOODS GIVE THEM J C-AJLiIj. tionesta, ECONOMY STANDS GUARD ! AT THE DOOR OF WEALTH. -DO IT'S TRUE ECONOMY TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER WHEN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FANCY PRICES. WE ARE NOT CATERING FOR THE M1LLINAIRE TRADE. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE HUSTLERS FROM WAY BACK WHO WANT A DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A DOLLAR. People who don't care what they pay Often don't cure when they pay it. WE ARE MAKING HIGH GRADE GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING OF THE FINEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC MATERIALS. PERFECT IN FIT, CORRECT IN STYLE, AND AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. McCUEN iV SIMON, Tailors, Halters, Furnishers, Moderate Price Store. Exclusive agents for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Underwear. Youman's cflvbruted New York Hats and Pedrick's Custom Shirts to order. -' . " v.. .ir:..-JLi. y-33, i i THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Slock, Good Carriages and Bug- fies to lot upon the most reasonable terms le will also do job techto- All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Winter,93 a dozen of Avhy not ? given away to every customer. All not yet dealt at Jars with overy $10.00 purchase. whom thov buv their Clothlmr. Bo. rpnri bus not bnn-. I fmn, im -vol Ami be cnnvitioil thut. f am uaUImiv wn. .1 AND - - pmisrisr. A NATURAL BBJfXSY FOB Epileptic Fits, Falling; Sickness, nyste: ics, St, Titus Dauce, Kerrousne?, Hypochondria, Melancholia, Li ebrlty, Sleeplessness, Diz ziness, Brain and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action m the nerve centers, allaying all IrritaL tics, and increasing the flow and pov, . of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmiu and leaves no unpleasant effects. FREE"! A Valuable Book en le- ana joor patients can io o... tlus medicine fi of cimriie. Thla mmMtrhu XmnD DratlAred b thS K7-: Paxtor KoeniK. of Fort Waua. lod. sKicelMu. uuowvreputta uudtirtilBdirocUoa byUis KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, ! 8oldbTDrufn?ltsot 1 perBotde. 6fc--Larzo Size, 81.75. C ltUosfbr B9. Fred. Orcttcnborgf GKNEBAI. BLACKSMITH & MACHI' All work pertaining to Machinery, ginos, Oil VVell Tools, Gas or VVaU-. tings aud General Blacksmithing pr lv done at Ixiw Bates. Kepairim Machinery given special attention, satisfaction guaranteed. Shop iu roar of and Just west c! Shaw llouso, Tldioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. KRKD. GUKTTENBE1U Confirmation Notice Notice is hereby given that the ing accounts have been tiled in m and will be presented at the next t court for confirmation : First and final account of Geo. V vard, Guardian of Elizabeth Dice, child of John Dice, deceased. First and final account of TL Bowman, Executor of the lafct -Ujslumcut of Mary Green, late o! : township, doceasod. AttoH, CALVIN M. Alf Register, and Clerk of Orpha. Tionesta, Pa., Oct. 13, It'Ji. JOB WOltK of every desert pi ted at the REPUBLICAN iVf- f 0 WMHMM