The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 05, 1892, Image 6

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Durgess. C. R. Davis.
Coimcimem-Patrick Jovco, VV. A. Grove,
W. A. Hilands, 8. H. Haslet, A. H. Dale,
Joseph Morgan.
Justices of the react J. F. Proper, S.
J. Sotley.
Constable S. S. Canfleld.
Collector J. W. Landers.
School Director U. W. Rnliinson, A.
B. Kelly, D. 8. Knox, J. T. Brennan, J.
R. Clark, T. F. Ritchey.
Member of Congress G. F. Kriubs.
Member of Senate Harry A. Hall.
Assembly 8. 8. Towlkr.
President Judge Charlks IT. Notes.
Associate Judges II. White, C.
W. Clark.
Treasurer J As. B. Haooerty.
Prolhonotary -, Register dt Recorder, dtc.
Cai.viw M. Arnkr.
ftheriff. John R. Osooon.
Oomnnssinners C. K. LiEPERUR, Jas.
McIstyrk, Philip Emebt.
County Superintendent Geo. W. Kerr.
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioner! JohnN. Hkatii,
R. W'. Guitoh.
Count SurvejarJ. F. PRorER.
Coroner D. W. Clark.
County JuditorxV. W. Thomas, J.
A. Dawson, R. Flyhn.
8. of A., meets every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Proper A Doutt
J. C. SCOWDEN, Pres.
J. J. I.ANDER8, R. 8.
JVo. 369,
'I. O. Of O. Th
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, in the Lodee Room in Par
tridge's Hall. Confers the initiatory de
cree the first Tuesday night of each
month; first degree the second Tuesday
night ( second deitree the third Tuesday
nights third dogree the fourth Tuosday
J. II. FONES, Seo'y. 27-tf.
X)REST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
I Meetsevery Friday eveningin A.O.U.
W. Hall, Proper t Doutt block, Tionesta.
L. J. HOPKINS, Recorder.
Tin. 274. G. A. R.
Meets on the first Wednesday In each
month, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, ra,
J. B. EDEN, Commander.
Vj 1:17. W. R. C. meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month. In A,
O. U. w. nan, f roper as juouu, uiock, iiv
nesta, Pa.
Mrs. C. C. RTJM MERGER, Pres'l.
Mrs. ANNA PROPER, Sec'y.
for Forest Countv.
A. E. Stoneoipher M. D., President! J.
W. Morrow M. D., Secretary ; J. B. Siggins
M. V., Treasurer. " The Hoard will meet
In Dr. Morrow's office, Tionesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
o'clock, a. m.
and District Attorney,
Office corner of Elm and Bridge Streets,
Tio-osta, Pa.
Ai. nt for a number of reliablo Fire
Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made in this and adjoining
Tionesta, Forest County Pa.
Office in Keplor Block, Room 0, Tionesta,
LAWRENCE HOUSE, Tlonosta, Pa.,
Leonard AKiiew. Proprietor. This
house is centrally located. Everything
ntiw and well furnished. Suneiior Ac-
einnniodations and strict attention (riven
to oruests. Votrctables and Fruits of all
kinds servod in their season. Sample
room for Commercial Agents.
V.V o. C. Brownell. Proprietor. This is a
new house, and has just been fitted up lor
the accommodation ortho public. A por
tion of tha oatronaze of the public is solic
itod. 4-ly.
ITXJREST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa.,
. Jacob Bonder, Propriotor. This hotel
has but recently been completed, is nicely
furnished throughout, and oilers the finost
and most comfortable accommodations to
Kuesta and the traveling public Rates
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
Late of Armstrong county, having located
in Tionesta is prepared to attond all pro-
sessional nails promptly ana at an nours
Otfice and residence two doors north of
Lawrence House, Office hours 7 to 8 A
M.. aud 11 to 12 M.: 2 to 3 and 6 to 71 P
M. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 6J
to 74 P. M. may-18-81
Office on Elm Street. Calls attended to
promptly day and night.
Corner of Elm A Wainut Sts., Tionesta
fa.. Bank or Discount aiut Deposit. In
torest allowed on Time Deposits. Colleo-
tions made on all the Principal points of
the u. . uoueciions soiicueu.
.Shop In Reck building next to Smear-
Jiauuli A Co.'s store. Is propared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
tthexarsest and guarantees his work to
five perfect satislaution. Prompt alien
tion iriven to mending, and prices as n a
. eonuble as first class work cuu be done for,
of the firm of MORC'K BRO S,
Specif.Vsf iu Errors of Retraction of the
Kfv. Examinations free of efiargc.
Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human
or annuals cured in 30 minutes by Wol
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never faiUj.
Sold by Proper A Doutt, Druggifcts, Tiov
nesta, Pa.
1 XT It miin r a vm PV T v t a VfU A t un
TO THK purchase ANI HAT.K K
t'hnrrh anal ftabbnth School.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching, in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumberger.
Freaeliinii in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
A. T. Sagor, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rov." J. V. McAninch officiating.
Oil market closed yestetday 501.
-Bruce Crawford has had his house
Pay your taxes before October 8.
Don t neglect it.
Jas. IL Morrison of Marieuville,
was a pleasaut caller last Wednesday,
Buckwheat is about all threshed
and so we'll all soon be happy again.
Miss Maltie Morrow began the
winter term of school at Nebraska
-Coal can he had at tha Everhart
ru,.k nesrT.ickin.rville at five cents
per bushel. 3t
The large addition to Mr. Ritch
ey ' house is being rushed to complet
ion rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grifiin of
BalltowD, were visitors to towu over
Monday night.
A small flat key was picked up on
the street aud left at this office, where
the owner can get it
Mrs. J. G. Green, nee Kate
Knox, of Corrydoii, Pa., is paying Ti
onesta friends a visit.
Mr. S. C. Foreman of Grower
Mo., is paying a visit to his
and brothers of this section.
-Services will be held in the Pres.-
byterian church next Sabbath evening,
Rev. J. T. Brennan presiding;
Chas. Southworth was down from
Newtown Mills yesterday and gave
the Republican a sociable call dur
ing his stay.
There was a killing ftvel on the
hills in this section last Sunday night
About everything io Xhe vegotable line
was blasted.
Oil in large quantities was struck
on the Richenbrndo farm near Frv
burg on Monday of last week, while
Irilliug for gas
According to Weather Prophet
Dovoe, the comiug winter will be the
longest and most severe this countrv
has had for fifty years.
lUr and Mrs fi Af A m,.r d.ir0
to thank their friends and neighbors
for the many acts of kindness showx
them in their hour of bereavement.
W. J. Foreman has purchased
the timber on the King & Reed tract,
which streches from the river back
over the hill below Jamiesoo station.
Many new sidewalks are to bo
seen as a result of the reminders from
the Council. More are needed, how
ever, aud we trust the good work will
Dot be allowed to lag
-Republicans who have not yet
paid their taxes are again reminded
that they must do so by the 8th of the
mouth, next Saturday, if they expect
to vote at iho coming election.
The family physician. Mrs. Hel
co R. Shakers, 420 Walnut St., Read
iug Pa.rslates: "We always use Sal-
vatiou Oil for what it is recommended
io place of a physician. It never fills."
Mrs. William MurdeD, 197 Third
St., Albany, N. Y, gives it the meed
of praise, as follows: "I have used Dr
Bull's Cough Syrup aud God it has no
equal. No family should be without
Mr Abram Guitoo is over from
Tryonville to see his sister, Mrs. D.
Robb, who is critically ill at her res
ideoce on Vice street. She was a trifle
better at last accounts, but her friends
have little hope of her reoovery.
Mrs. Dr. Towler of Marieoville,
aod Mrs. J. II. Derickson of Tionesta,
go to New Castle to-morrow as dele
gates from the Forest county Union
to the State convoDtion of the W. C
T, U., which is held io that city.
An exchange advisbs farmers who
use steam eugines for threshing to ex
amine their insurance policies and see
if the necessary permit, or license is
attached to or written thereoo. Near
ly all the insurance companies grant
a threshing privilege under certain
Hon. Lowdeo F. Richards, of the
World's Fair Commission of Peunsyl
vauia, met the ladies of the Committee
having the World's Fair work of Forest
county iu charge, at the home of Mrs.
Kelly yesterday. He complimented
them on the work which they had al
ready accomplished, aud gave them
many valuable suggestions for their
future guidance.
Quarterly meeting service! will he
held at the Wesleyao Methodist la
Church, Stewarts Run, commencing
alurt'aT veu,I,Bt October 8th, and
coutiuuing over Sabbath. Rev. R. J.
Dutcher will assist. All are cordially
lion. Thomas Struthers, one of
Warren's oldest and foremost citizens,
uieu ai ma nome on me -ami uii., agea
ft( M Ua u,a. C Ua n;..nMr.
of Warren and to his public spirit and
liberality mueh of the town s prosperi-
ty is due.
Mr. D. F. Robinson and sisters,
Blisses lielle and .Lizzie Robinson, nt
Reyooldsville, Pa , are paying a visit
to their brother, G. W. Robinson.
Mr. R. is also accompanied by his
bright little daughter. He discovers
quite a change in the population of
Tionesta since his residence here.
There has been issued from the
office of the World's Fair manaeers a
circular which announces that each
public school pupil can have an oppor-
tunity to place a sample of his or her
school work on exhibition at the Co-
lumbian Exposition, provided that
work can stand the tests of examiua-
l'"n A E01"! chance for some of our
bright boys and girls is here presented,
Frank Law was up from Oil City
last week doinir some tinninir. He re-
spouted the Central House, doing one
of lhe "icest jobs yet seen in the town
He hR8 f"rme'1 a co-partnership with
J. H. Urquhort in Oil City, and any
one wishing their services in the line
ot roofing, spouting or sheet metal
working can have his wauts atteoded
to promptly by droppiug a line to the
firm of Law & Urquhart, Oil City. Pa.
One of the prettiest works of art
that has reached this office for some
lime is to a pamplet illustrating the
Nation's Capital, aud for which Hod.
J. B. AKftew has our thanks. The
White II(iU8o, famous Pennsylvania
Avenue, all tha massive public build
iogs, the many beautiful public aud
private parks are most artistically
shown, and as a souvouer of America's
most beautiful city it certainly is ex
-A. W. Stroup of German Hill- is
having his full share of bad luck just
now. A short time ago he met with bd
accident which might have cost him
bia right leg, having gotteo i between
a log aud stump while taking out
timber. Last Wednesday his best
team horse laid down and died, leav
iog him without a team, besides which
he has bad considerable sickness in his
family wi(hin the past six weeks. He
begius to think misfortunes never come
si ugly.
lur',": """' '
r- it ' 'p ...i . . r
oar people had mourned as dead, a ro
port to that effect having gaiued cur
rency some years ago, arrived iu Tio
nesta last week alive, well, robust and
cood-uatured as of old. Homer
,uaKes Kansas uis nome, nut nas
becu in many western states during the
past few years. He still has a food
ness fur bis native State aud takes
pleasure in getting back with old
friends in this sectlou once iu a while,
aud tbey are always glad to see his
genial countenance among them.
The Keeley Club of Tiouesta will
give a musical entertainment io the
school house ball this evening. Tbey
have had a Dice program io preparation
for some time, and will be assisted bv
ocal aod foreigI, uloDt froru TitU8ville(
Oil City, Franklio, and Meadville,
and will give their audience a good
eveuing's entertainment. The pro-
cecds are to go toward furnishing aod
fitting up the Club's quarters io the
old Universalisl church building,
which has beeu recently overhauled
and put iu good condition fur the win
ter, and which future entertainments
will be given. Turu out and give the
boys a benefit.
The Republicans of Kingsley
township are alive and active and pro
pose to make things hum during the
remaining weeks of the campaign
Yesterday afternoon a large assem
blage gathered at Starr and raised a
haiiddame Harrisoa aud Reid banner.
The crowd was enthusiastic, and the
bauuer went up with a hurrah, and if
the Republicans all over the country
are as wide awake as thoso who look
nart io this demonstration the election
of our gallant staudard bearers, is as
certain as tba 8ih day of November
comes. Let lhe ficbt nrocress all
along lhe lioe from this time on. The
euemy is ou the run and musl be kept
on the move.
The board of road commissioners
ot uarmony township met ou uie zan
uil, aou awarueu to i... y. rimm auu
W. J. Gorman the cootract of puttiog
up a township electioo bouse at lhe
Fogle furoi, whero the lower Harmony
Precinct will in the future hold its
elections. The contract culls for
neat as well as substantial buildiug,
costiog $3G7, and which will answer
for a mcetiog place for the transaction
of township business generally, aod
will obviate the necessity of closing the
school three or four days iu each year,
as is usually lhe rase where school
houses are used fur such purposes.
The pluu might be adopted with prof
it by other townships.
On Monday evening of this week
largely attended meeting of the citi
zena of Tionesta was held at the bo
rough council room for the purpose of
organizing a new gas company. T. t.
Ritchey was chosen president of the
meeting, and P. M. Clark secretary.
Mr. Ritchey stated the object of the
mcetiog, after which a full board of
omcers was eieeiea as luiiows
Ant T V Riinhn. rlorlr .T. T
Breouao ; Treasurer, A. B. Kelly.
Directors, (i. W, Robinson, J. T
Brennan, A. B. Kelly, J. F. Proper
Wra. Smcarbaugh, L. Agnew, A. M
Uoutt, W Hour Uiove. t , U. Ijansom
J. B. Hagerty and T. F. Ritchey
The name of the company is to be The
Citizens Gas Co., capital stock to be
$6,000, divided into 600 shares at $10
per share. Mr. Proper reported that
all the stock had been taken. About
6,1 the residents of the town luva
8'gea contract to take gas at the
reduced rates
As we hinted some lime ago, the
fixing and furnishing of a residence
with spick spaug uew furniture and
every other necessary adjunct, by our
popular County Superiuteudant, was
not all for the mere pleasure of seeing
what lie conld do, but, as will bo seen
bv reference to the marriage notices
111,8 weeK "e na8 ouccumbed to the
inevitable. The bride, Miss Ella
Leech, is well and favorable known to
many of our readers, being one of
Forest county's most accomplished
and popular young ladies. It is
i . .....
scarcely necessary to say that all the
acquaintances ot the happy couple will
jiu tl,e Kei-ublican in greetings of
pleasure to tbeio on this important
occasion, and the many congratulations
aud good wishes which will go out to
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will be sincere and
hearty. And as the years roll by we
1U'US'U w C8U "er
: : l n 1 -
oowjer a lines
"What 1m there in the vale of lifo
Half so delightful as a wife;
When friendship, love aud peace combine
To stamp the niarriage-bond divine?"
Pennsylvania Farmers at the World's
The largest aud best section of the
Agricultural Department at the great
World's Fair is devoted, as it should
be, to the exhibition of crop products
aud it must be a source of pride to our
farmers that Pennsylvania has been
assigned one of the best four locations
iu this magoificeut building. It is iu
the ceutre of the building, ar.r! one of
the four corners formed by the junc
tiou of the inaiu aveuues leading
through it from east to west and oorth
to south. Germany, Great Britain
and Towa iincnnv the other nnrneis
aud thus we are placed io close rela
tions with three of the greatest and
richest agricultural sections of the
world. This fact should be a slimulous
to our farmers to bestir themselves and
make such an exhibit of our crops as
will show the world how really great
we are as an agricultural Slate when
compared with the best agricultural
sections of the world
In this most favorable location will
be shown so far as tha space of tweu
ty-oue hundred square feet will permit
to the finest audience that has ever
a8aembled in the history of man, what
ever 0f ,,e beat of ihia Stale's splndid
farm crops our farmers may offer, and
we trust that io this exhibit Forest
county will bear a conspicuous part
The task of aiding the fanners of
this Slate in assembling aod organiz
iog their crop exhibit is one of the
many which have beeu placed io the
bauds of Col. John A. Woodward, of
Coutre county, well kuown throughout
the State by reason of his work at the
popular Fanners' institute, aod his
long service as associate editor of the
Farm Journal
If you wish to see your fui m pruducts
represented at the World's Fair select
a dozen of the choicest ears of corn, or
a quart of clover seed, or a peck of
buckwheat, or a like quautity of any
of the summer grains, and put them to
cure in the best way, then notify Col
Woodward. If your samples are ap
proved aud accepted you will be al no
expense in the matter, as the State
has provided funds with which to pay
freight and the cost of caring for them
Nne but tl,fi very choicest aod best
however, will be accepted. Mediocily
can bnd uo room in this great show
e think we could name many lann
ers in ibis county, who should be re
presented io this crop exhibit, aod
ho)e ,hev wi) promntlv write to Col
Woodward and notify him what they
vUh iQ exhibit. His address is simply
The Tionesta photograph gallery
will be open only ou Wednesdays uo
til further notice. On these days Mr,
Sires will give his personal attention
to lhe work and make the sittings
himself. No better guarantee of sat
isfaction could be asked. 2t
HI ( KI.ION' AUMl'A H.ll.VK.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, (salt Khcuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and ail .Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sule bv Proper A Doutt.
W. A. Kribbshas moved Into his new
house, and having his new store room
about completed, will proceed very short
ly to move his Btov;k of merchandise there
into. Chas. Andrews, who Is taking a course
at Grove City College, was home on Satur
day, returning to his studies Sunday. He
expects to finish the course in a year.
Sunday ball playing Is getting too num
erous to mention, Timo to call a halt.
Adam Frederick Is teailng dowu his
house at Newtown Mills and will moove
the same up to Kellottville, where he will
rc-build it on a lot recently bought of
Win, Tobev.
Aaron lean of Panther Rock Intends
moving his family to Salmon Creek on
Thursday, where he will be nearer his
Mrs. Strawbridgoof Titusville, Is visiting
her Kistcr, Mrs. Mnry Carter.
The Tannery Co. aro making prepara
tions to drive a water well on thoir prem
Thos. Gillooly is traveling and giving
entertainments with an Edison phono
graph. Will Walks.
The formal opening of the World's Fair
takes place at Chicago on the 21st of this
month. But the big show will not open
till next summer.
AH passenger trains going into Punxsu-
tawney are now quarantined until nil emi
grant passengers can be examined and
show a certificate issued by tho board of
health at the place whore they passed
Warrants for all the members of the ad
visory committee of tho Homestead strik
ers have been issued charging them with
treason levying war against the State,
They threaten counter arrests on the same
chargo against tho Carnegie company.
Frank Cooley, loader of tho notorious
Fayette county outlaws was shot dead on
Sunday last iu attempt to escapo from tho
sheriff, who had gone to his father's house
to capture him. His pal, Jack Ramsey,
escaped to the woods. Several shots wero
exchanged before Cooley was killed.
It is not unusual for colds contracted In
tho fall to hang on all winter. In such
cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are al
most sure to result. A titty cont bottlo of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will euro
any cold. Can you afford to risk so much
for so small an amount? This remedy is
intended especially for bad colds and
croup and can always bo depended upon
For aale by Siggins A Nason.
A human fiond from a foreign luud is
now in the Clarion jail charged with being
the father of two children by his own
dauglitoi. The two wore living at Fair-
mount. The girl, although unable to
speak English, tried to convey the im
pression, by an intorprotor, that she was
married to a Frenchman somo years ago
and that he was the father of her children,
but her monstrosity of a father said she
lied and that he was the father of his
daughter's childron and that it was no
body's business. Reynoldsville Star.
A reported outbreak of cholera at Hol-
mctta, N. J., created much excitement in
that vicinity. Investigation showed that
the diseaso was not cholera but a violent
dysenterry which Is almost as severe and
dangerous as cholera. Mr. Walter Wil-
lard, a prominent merchant of Jamesburg,
two miles from Helmetta, says Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Reme
dy has given great satisfaction in tho most
severe cases of dysontorry. It Is certainly
one of the best things ever mado." For
sale by Siggins A Nason.
Robert Bonner, of New York, was in
Mcadvillo recently, and in a brief con
versation with a Tribune reporter express
ed astonishment at the last remarkable
performance of Nancy Hanks, trotting a
mile over a regulation track at Torre
Haute in 2:04. Concerning Sunol, Mr.
lionner said that sho was iu tho pink of
condition so far as her general health is
concerned and that allsho requires is
training. This she will have In the south,
where she soon goos. "No one knows,"
added Mr. Bonner, "how fast Sunol can
go, under favorablo conditions and to a
bicycle sulky." The great horse owner
did not say so flatly, but deary gave the
impression that he believes his famous
mare will astonish the world before the
season closes iu tho South.
There is only one way to advertise, and
that is through newspapors. You may
disfigure barns and fences and rocks along
the country roads, waste your money ou
so-called business charts, and all that sort
of thing, and vainly imagine you are ad
vertising. But you are not. The news
paper that every wock visits thousands of
homes, aud is looked upon by Its readers
as a reliablo friend aud advisor is the me
dium through which the wide-awake bus
iness man will speak to tho people. Quack
advertising the kind you bite ou when a
stranger comes around with a "great
scheme," Is like quack medicine the less
you take of it tho better. The man who
appreciates the vuluo of newspaper adver
tising, and who has 'the business instinct
to know that all other methods are spur
ious, is tho man who meets with success.
Piinxsutawney Spirit.
Tho Indianapolis News, commenting on
the amount of information that has been
"diffused" in regard to the peculiar char
acteristics of tho cholera germs, says:
These germs may be carried about In the
wearing apparel and yet not efl'oct the
wearer, but jump ou to an Innocent by
stander. But there is no danger if they do
uot gut into tlio mouth ; therefore we
should follow the Mohammodati fashion
aud wash our hands before eating, ou the
supposition, of course, that we eat with
our lingers. They may come "iu our
midst" in large quantities and hibernate
until next summer, when they will spring
on us unawares. Now the theory is ad
vanced in Hamburg that the disease was
not brought there by Russian Jews, but
that these "commas" have been lurking
in the ground since the last epidemic, tun
years ago, and the digging up of the streets
for sewer and other improvements tins
season let them out. Tliuso announce
ments are slightly trying to the nerves, as
well as something of a strain on credulity,
and we ratliur long for the arrival of win
ter iu order that wo may give tliem the
cold shako.
The Hki'LHLH AN and the l'hila
delphia Weekly lre, the largest and
bust weekly in lhe Slate, for only 81.75.
Call aud take advautage of ibis offer
Continued from fircfimt ltgc.
-.., Mate Senator, A-c. in the
city and county of Philadelphia sep
arate convention are held to nom
inate the several candidates on the
county ticket. For each county of
fice, therefore, there Is a separate
group on the official ballot. In the
other counties, however, where the
same convention nominates ALL THK
roi xTV rANPtPATK. the latter are
Included in a slnle group. In other
words, the number of Republican
certificates of nomination determine
the number of Republican groups.
Section 14.)
O. If the voter desires he can make a
cross mark in the square oppositeand
to the limitT of each of the candi
dates for KACll office to be filled In
the Republican column, and his vote
will he counted as one vote for each
candidate so marked.
d. If the voter adopts the plan of mark
inn a cross to the ituiHT of each can
didate he should la- careful not. to
miss a name, as a name not crossed
would not be counted.
How to Vote, a Straight Ticket.
. The simple method, where the voter
dpstres to vote the "straight" or
whole ticket. Is to place a cross mark
to the lilniiT of the party name at the
head or top of each group In the Re
publican column. The only diffeul
tles in the use of the new ballot being
those which arise from an attempt
to vote a mixed or "scratched" ticket ;
. Republican voters are cautioned
airainst voting any but a straight
ticki-t (except, for good cause, ami
then only after careful Instruction),
as to do so Is attended with danger
that the entire ballot may be In
validated. f Where a Democrat desires to vote for
a candidate on the Repiibllcau ticket,
say for Representative In the Oeneral
Assetnblv, he can put an X at the
head of each group in the Democratic
column, except the Representative
group; and if there are, say, two
Representatives to be elected, he can X opposite the name of one
Representative nominee In the Dem
ocratic ginup, and another X oppo
lle the ii.ime of one Representative
nominee in the l!cpuhllcau group.
In other wolds, so far as he votes a
vtraight ticket he MAliKSHlKoltolU',
aud where i.e desires to "cut" his
ticket he M AUKS THK NAMKS of the
g Crosses must be ninikcd In the AP
ami alwavs at the HloilT HAND si HE
of the party column
h If a voter marks mokk NAMKS than
there are persons to be elected to an
ofiice his vote shall not he counted
Foil situ in-Hi K
Foil E.VAMl'l.K. -The voter marks a
cross to the right of t lie In
the Republican column. This mark
would indicate one vote for KACll and
KVEltY namk printed in that group,
1'liKMK coniT This year two con-gi-essnien-at-lai'Ke
are to he elucted.
If the voter, utter having placed a
cioss mark at the top of the group
nud to the right of the word "Re
publican," should desire to vote for
the Democratic candidate for that
office and should place a cross mark
opposite mid to the light of each of
their names, his vote for congress-tuen-nt
large would not he counted
for either party, because he would
by so marking vote for FOl'R instead
of Two candidates,
NAMKS upon the ticket, Noit COVRH
"I'Astkii," except in the case referred
to In the uext section.
When a candidate has died or with
drawn, ami a substituted nomination
Is made after the ballots are printed,
the new name will be printed upon a
"sticker," which should be pasted to cover the name of the de
ceased or withdrawn candidate. The
voter should, iu placing the
"sticker" over the name of the can
didate so deceased or withdrawn, use
ghhat caiik so as not to cover hour
than the onk namk. Cnder no other
circumstances can a "sticker" be
pasted over a name, or be placed In
the Republican column.
k Before leaving the voting shelf or
compart ment the VOTKIt MfT fold
his ballot, without displaying thn
murks mode by him, in the SAMK
WAY it was folded when handed to
him by the klkction oFFiCKit, anil
keep it folded until he has voted.
1. After leaving the voting shelf, and be
fore leaving the encloned space, h
Miall give his ballot to the electloa
officer in charge of the ballot box
tu This officer, without UNFOLDINO the
ballot, shall IT in the righ.
baud upper corner of the back of the
ballot, immediately to the left of tha
folding line, and then shall fold thn
corner so as to cover the number, a:i'l
paste It down o that the number
cannot be seen ami deposit it In the
ballot box.
B. The voter may make a memorandum
ol the number ot his own ballot.
O. No voter, uot un election oOicer, shall
be allowed to re enter the enclosed
space after he has ones left It, except
to girs help, as hereinbefore vLated.
Violations of Provisions of the Art
That Aro Punishable.
1. Allowing the ballot to he seen, with
AI'fAKKNT Intention of fhowing
I Casting, or attempting to cat, an uu
official ballot, or one Improperly oh
t. Interfering with voters
4. Inducing voters to show ballots
6. I'ucoveriug numbers.
6 Defacing, destroying, ot removing
official lists ot candidates, caids of
instruction, specimen ballots, or up
plies for marking
f Hindering voters.
B Filing false certificates, papers, or let
9 Signing nomination papers when uot
10. Forging Indorsements to bulloU
11. Destroying, defacing, or delaying the
delivery of ballots.
Willful or neKltgetit nnn performance
or niisperforiuaiice of otheiul duty.
13. Willful misfeasance of prinlersot bal
14. Appropriation or improper disposition
of ballots by printers.
15. HaviiiK ballot in possession, other
than sample, outside of voting room,
16. Coniitcrfi-iiinu oliielal ballots or hav
ing eountei feits iu possession. This
section diH-s not apply to sample bal
17. Violating any provision of the act.
n Itaby was k-k, we gave her Costoria.
- m she was a CluUI, ilio crux! (or Castorm.
- ii lu became Miss, utie clung to 1'astoria.
- .) &lie hud Chiltinui, she gave them t'oalor.'.
KKRIl LF.KCII At the residence of thn
bride's mother, Mrs. A. S. Whitehill,
Alliance, Ohio, Sept. 2tt, K(r2, by Rov.C.
H. Frampton, Ueorgn W. Kerr, Snpt. of
Schools of Forest County, and Miss F.Ua
Leech, of Marinnville, Ta.
ARNKR At tho homo of her parents, In
Tionesta, Saturday evening, Oct. 1st,
1W, Blanche May, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M. Arner, aged 9
yeats, 8 months and 111 days.
Tho death angel has agam visited a hap
py household and robbed one more bright
young life of its existence; ono more littlo
chair is vacant ; play-things undisturbed;
here a shoe, there a doll, nil speak more
eloquently to the grief-stricken parents
than any hu man tongue can do. Blanch
was a bright. Intelligent child; thoughtful
beyond hor years; vivacious In health, al
ways ready for fun, as she tormed her In
nocent plays; with a touch of daring that
made her a general lavorito with herplay-
mates. About two weeks ago sho became
alllicted with w hat seemed a slight cold
accompanied with hoarsness, with eroupy
symptoms, although nothing alarming
until w ithin a few days of her death. The
attending physician, Dr. Siggins, becotu-
inir alarmed at tlio sudden and dangerous
development of the disease, telegrapbod
for Dr. Ritchey of Oil City. 1'pon consul
tation it was doomed advisablo to operate
upon the throat as a possibility of saving
tlio little siillercr's life. With tho assist
ance of Drs. Siggins and Morrow, It was
done. Too late! Death had already mark
ed her as his ow n. With the Intuition, as
it wero, of the great change about to tako
place, sho requested her niAiua to dress
her doll fresh and clean aud put it with
some other cherished play-things in tho
bureau which she called her own. Also
bilked of the spot in tho ceinotory sho
liked, whero flow ers bloomed best. Sho
was frequently beard lisping her prayers
in simple, trusting faith, that Ho who said
Sutler littlo children to come unto mo,
for of such is tho kingdom of heaven,"
was about to receive her.
Tho fuuoral services wero held at tho
house at live o'clock Sunday evening. All
tho ministers being absent, Mr. Kelly,
Supt. of the Presbyterian Sabbath School,
conducted the services in a very aft'oetlng
and satisfactory manner. Mrs. SuoSharpo,
Mr. Ritchey and Mr. P. M. Clark sang,
tenderly and softly, two appropriate
hymns. A profusion ol lovely flowers
was sent by thoughtful, sympathizing
friends. Rev. Rankin arriving as the pro
cession was about to proceed to the ceme
tery, concluded the serviccsjliere.
Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, ITysten
les, St. Titus Dance, Nervousness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia, In
ebrity, Sleeplessness, Diz
Elncss, Brain ud Spi
nal Meanness.
This medicine has direct action upon
the nerve contors, allaying all irritabili
ties, and increasing the flow and powel
of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmlostl
and leaves uo unpleasant effects.
-A Valuable Hook n Kerrom
JJImjuhuh stint fre to snr adilrfiKS
and Mr inttientH can slno oblftlo
this metllt-iiio free ot oiiaric.
Thl. vnmAilv h. lifinn nrniifVi1 bv tha RaVHMld
P.Ktor KnvniK, ! Fort Wuviit-. Ind., etnc USltt, Uld
ill oow preparud under his rilrocUoa bytes
KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III.
Sold by Druir-tt al I per Bottlo. OfbrSS
Lariro81se,1.7S. 0 Bottles for MO.
elloel J illy ft, 1H1U.
Trains lo. .
nesta for Oil
and points wesi
follows: 1
No. till Through Freight (carry
ing passengers) !l::tS a. III.
No. Ill llull'ulo F.x press ll!:0!l noon.
No. til Way Freight (carrying
passengers) 4:17 p. IU,
No. ;i3 Oil City 10xj rcss daily.. 7:53 p. in.
For Hickory, Tidionto, Warren,,
Bradford, Olean aud thn Kast:
No. 80 Olean F.xpressdaily 8:41 a. m.
No.Ita Pittsburgh Hx press 4:17 p.m.
No. IMS Through Freight (car
rying passengers) 7:00 p. m
Trains fill and 00 Kiin Daily and carry
passengers to unci from points between
Oil City and Irviiicton only. Other trains
run daily except Sunday.
(let Time Tables and full information
from J. I,. CRAItl, Agent, Tionesta, Pa.
It. 1IK1.1,, tlun'lStipt.
(ien'l Passenger t Ticket Agent,
llull'ulo, N. Y.
Kstahlishcd over i years. Connect
Willi Allegheny College, and Conservab
of Music. Heated by natural gas t
lighted by electricity. " Over 12,000 studei.
placed iu good paying positions. Five
complete courses: Itusino-s, Shorthand
and Typewriting, l'oiiinniiship, Tele
graphic anil Norma! Knglish. Bookkeep
ing taught by Iho Principal, a practical
accountant of over thirty years' experi
ence. Shorthand aud Typewriting by
practical stuuographers. Penmanship by
two of lhe best peuini-ii In the world. Ku
glisli Department by tho oldust aud best
teachers in lliu Statu. Coininurciul IiW
I v one of the bust lawyers in l'i-iisyl vania.
Students can ciniimcm-u al any time. Id
pensos ono hall less than at any similar iu
Nlitution. I'niiiplete Scholarship, including
lliinkkceping. Hanking, Shorthand, Typo
wriling, Telegraphy, Penmanship, aud
Knglisli Hi auflics, (iiintlciiicu 7., l.ailies,
$JiO. Business scholarships fur all the above
branches excepting Shorthand, and Type
writing, (icutlciiicii, fiU. I.ady, 40.
Shorthand si-liolarsliips lor all branches:
excepting Bookkeeping, f-lli. Knglisli
llraiu'hca per quarter, f-i. Semi for the
Hiiiuitrr and spci iniciiH of Penmanship.
Ali scholarships limn unlimited. A. W.
SMI TH, Meadville, Pa. oet." 4t
WANTKD Wide awakn workers eve
rywhere for "SHKPPS' PHOTO
(iRAl'HS of tlio WOULD"; tlio greaUwt
book ou earth ; costing jluo.noo; retail at
J l.'ii, cash or installments ; mammoth il
lustrated circulars and terms free; daily
output over loon volumes. Agents wild
with success. Mr. Thos L. Murliu.Cciiter
villc, Tex., cleared J711 iu !' days; Miss
Ruse Adams, Wooslcr, O,, in 40 min
utes; Key, J. Howard Madison, Lyons,
N. Y., elol in seven hours; a iKiuaniut;
miigi'.ilieeiit outlil only f. Ilisiks on
credit, Freight puid. Address lilolio Bible
Pulilisbing Co., No. 7J.I Chestnut St.,
Pliila., I'u., or IKS Deal born St., Chicago,
111. oct j 4m