THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4l It. WINK, tDITOK a PROVMItTOM. WKDNESPAY, AUGUST 10, !8i President, RKNJAMIN HAK1USON. of Indiana. Vice President, Y 11 ITKIjA W HKin, of New York. fiTATK. Jtiriire of llio Supreme I'ourl. JUlMJK JOHN DF.AN, of lilair County. -Conirioss-nt-I.arjre, AI.KXAXIIHMl MclH)WH,. of Mercer County. WILLIAM LILLY. of Carbcn Countr. I'OINTV. Ascuil'l v, .1. J. HAltillT, of llowo Township. Trenaurer, i UINTA I.N JAMIKSON, of Tionesta Township. Surveyor, .1. F. PKOPFK, f Tionesta Koroufjli. Hah nnybody ever heard of aa Euglinh iron or steel mill tlmt paid the mine wages as were paid at Home etcad? This is directed at (lie Free Trader.) who are pointing to the Homestead aflair as one of the results of Protection. Con;kej has adjouroed. Tis well. It came very near accomplishing nothing, but in its latter days it sue eeeJer in nassinp a new exDressiou which bids fair to have quite a run. "Whore was I at" will stand as the principal achievement of the Fifty second Congress. Mizsard. Democrats in the East ore tie uouncing Chairman Carter as a free silver man and Democrats iu the West are denouncing him for not being a free-silver man. And thus they are refuting each other, as usual. They ought to compare notes and come to an understanding. Euwakd Atkinson, the able aud well known free trade writer, is com pelled by facts to make the following admissions in a receut article: "There has never been a period iu the history of Ibis or any other country when the geueral rato of wages was as high as it id now or the price of goods rela tively to the wages as low as they are to day, oor a period when the work man, iu tbo strictest sense of the word, has so fully secured to his own use uud enjoyment such a steadily and pro gressively increasing proportion of a -cousiBuiiy increasing prouuci. Fnroljfu Exultation. la the event of Cleveland's election the foreign manufacturers expect to swamp the United State with goods made by cheap workmen, aud conse quently solJ here at a cheap prioe and tbey are loudly exulting that Cleveland's success means the repeal of the KcKinley bill. It might be thought that these European maou facturors would keep quiet during the campaign, but they cannot contain themselves. Witness the following extract from an article iu Kuhlow'a German Trade Ilcview, priuted it Berlin, July 20th : "When the bill which bore the hou ored name of McKiuley was iutro duced into the Representative House at Washington manufacturers of Sax ony who exported their goods to tbe Uuited States were seized with the greatest anxiety. Branches of the axouy textile industries feared that their whole trade would bu destroyed. "We cau affirm with certainty " uot ouly that the industry of Saxouy will 'overcome the ill c elects of the Mc Kiuley bill, but that tbo prospect is uot so gloomy as was expected. "It is thought that the votes of the electors will shortly destroy McKiu ley's work in the immense Transatlan tic Union, will dispense with the password of 'America for Americans,' and, by giviug a splendid victory to the Democratic party, will open a freo path to our export trade. "These are the hopes which have roused so much ioterevt throughout Saxony in the result of the uext elec tion for President of the United States. "Articles which are cheap in price, but very largely consumed, caunot be produced so cheaply iu the United Stales as in Germany, owing to the high price of wages." There is a good deal of honesty iu the above extract. Tbe Democracy are expected to destroy McKiuley's work, and dispeuse with the password of "America for Americana." That is just what the Republican orators uid.spaperd have boeu 6aying all along. "A spluudid victory to the Demo cratic party will open a free path to our export trade." Very true, but lLat time will uot come tliis vtar. nor will it ever coma ii" tliu A merienn workiDgmao consults liib owu inlerebtii. Cheap xoodd uiauufactured iu Koroj e I ry uieo wuo nvo ou starvation wuyes will never uoiupeto with the saii;e ooiIh itiauufucturoil iu America by v rkiii;;iu;ii Nho make ijjoiJ withes, mil their !' .Cahlv. I. The apprehensions which the Dem ocrats feel about Chairman Carter are shown by the ugly fight they are opening up on him. Chairman Carter, however, continues to saw wood. The Slate elections near at hand fall due as follows : Arkansas elects a Governor and Legislature the first Monday in September, Vermcut and Maine fleet Governor, Legislature and Congressmen on the September first Tuesday of Com;ki. adjourned Ut Friday It went out iu a blaze nut of glory anything yo'i to call it. It was not a very creditable Congress. It bickered and fought aud wrangled and nude' a fpectiele of itself generally, much to the disgutt of he people. Hut what else could be expected where tha Democrats are in the majority? There will be no more howling from Democratic, throats about a billion dollar Congiejs. They say that and went more than forty four miiliou better. They "hollered" before they were ready aud there won't be any more of it from that source on that score. iMot any. Tut Democratic platform soys: We denounce Republican protection as a irautl. there is no wav in which that can be misconstrued or distorted. It is a threat to the whole existing economic condition of the natiou. Kuch being the case CJrover Cleveland knows that no man who stauds on it can hope to be elected President of the United States. So he seeks to "modify" it. The reason is exactly the same that led the Dem ocratic House of Representatives from passing the free silver bill, aud a free lumber bill, and a free iron ore bill, namely, a truckling cowardice about openly dcclariug a policy to the peo ple. It is accompanied by exactly the earoo reservation as that made by the House "Wait until after elec tion." If the Democrats are success ful tbey propose to play "mali "after the election." ror bargains iu b urniture go to fe. 11. lluslct S hou s cheap furuiture store. tf. CURE Sick Hradftche and ivlfew all the tmuhlen fne. dent to a hfliuus state of tlw system, such at lHzzim'KH, N'austa. Drowsiuess, Distress after eating. I'atn In the Side, Arc. While their moHt remarkable aiiccem has Itcen shown in curing SICK Headache, yet C'ahtkr s Littij. Itvbr P11.1 arc: equally valuable in Uonblijtation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whilti they alfto c trivet all disorders of the stomach, MimutAto the liver and regulate the bowol. Even if they oniy cured HEAD Aohe thrv would be almost priceless to those who imtftT from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness doec not end hero, and those who ouce try them will rind theso little pills valuable In so many ways that they wilt not be willing to do without thesu but after all sick head ACHE Is th banc of so many lives that herv Is where we make our greAt boast. Our pilU cure It while others do not. Oahtf.h'ii Little Liver Pills ar very small and vry easy to take, tine or two pills make a dime. They are strictly vegetable and dp not gripe or purge, but by their geutle action pleane all who use them. In viaU at 5 cents; five for $1. Hold evervwliere, or sent by mull. CUTIS VZSlCltfl CO., Vew Tcrtt. U 11 Sail U Fries. PUT Money in Thy Purse. It is u sutiblai lorv tl i i 11 n to cunlcinnlatu Tho.o who squander money on poorKoxls aim iiait liar.tiiis Imvc trim pocket books, lint tho worth ot your money. 1 hesu lii-sl warm clays bruit; iuquirics f ! LIGHT UNDERWEAR. From our larKO ashortineut wo particii' lari.u a tew : Nil k and Wool Mixture, $1.5o jier ijar- 111. HI. Ijtmbs' Wool and I.aiuhs' Wool .Mixed, 7.k: to (fl.iiO per )iariiiiiit. Sea Inland and Knyptiun lliilbriau. 0c per K'U'Uif lit. rreiii'li Kalbri'iirau, C. li. make, 7."i: to Vl.'iO per pai incut. J ndin I uii.cs, U.M- aii.l ;lSc per garment RECOLLECT: We cot you your proper size. It you are snort or lonu in tliu Ic's or arms, we haVH special lengths. Iloth half und lull sleeves and extra sics up to TO. McCUEN SIMON, I uuors, Matters, Kiirnisiiers, Modcralo Price More. Kxclusive averts lor Ir. I.i.cis .aiuMrv Woolen Umlerweur. Y iiiiiiaiiS coicbi alisl New Yoi k Mats and lV.lrlrk s l ii Mill ie to older ! ! , Vn. i , dmillistrator'ti KotiCO. I.i tier . '.I a. it: iii on (he estate oi t'attei:no (1. Noble, lute ( lliikory towni.hip, K .reht county, deceased, huiii bi t 11 1,1 .uut it lo .lie ui.ii(.TM:iiC.l, a!, pel sons in. I btci. i,, s.,i,( t will please make iiuiiicili.iie payment, and those bavin-; leaal ..iiii.. a-.rainsi thu '...iii.c i!l 1 1 ri 1. 1 I i.i witli in i'e! iv I ' IIAIli.l.s A. Mil. I ln..i,,Ni,at..r. "i 'iic-ii.. l a. I ip... :.i, v.i-.; CARTER'S H PILLS. tLi JlLaJH DAVID MINTZT Of Marienville, Pn., Oilers bargains tlmt never wer heard of before In this part of the f-oiiiitry for SPOT CASH FOB Tl NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Must have the room for new ood and innko room for Kail and Winter Rlock. Nl TIMDIt IHCY .OOIN AMI WI1ITK UOOIIS All must h'o, regardless of (, for pof cbnIi. .tiim.i.m:y ;ooiw. Jjidie if you want a Hat or Jioimet lo not forget this ISO ilay milr. ItOOTS AM) SIIOKH Miiht also bo s.ikl fur the Make or room. Jir.X'.N, HOYS AXI YH HI'S 4 I.OTIIIXj Will he roI.I. rcaraiif of cost, for spot rash, for tho canio rcMou. C'nriH'ls Mal. IIugN, CiirlnliiH, lrum-rT, Uranorv Volvn aul HaiiKliigH liiiiMt ko uh the rrwl. Knhy Carriiigi M, The U heeler fc WIKou Sewing Ma--hlii(, liiroiiHuaro, In fart iwythiiiK I have in stork must ro, reardloi or cost, in thin 30 day hih1 cash !al. I am nircnt for Jiinur MuCnll pattrnm. Anytliinu you want in thin llno n.l to 1 nlKO pay the lnulicst pne-cs for Ilidon, Witt, Wool and (liiiHeiiK. DAVID MINTZ. Marienville, Pa. H. J. HOPKINS k CO., LEADERS IIST QUALITY, CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Talk about Clothintc ! Wo have tho quantity, the quality and our prices are at the bottom Our (?'Hds ore new, fresh, and all piiarantcTd as represented. Koe the jroods and p't the prices before you buy. Dry Goods! Dress Goods! Domestic Goods! Don't matter what you want in the lry every description. Whilo Hoods of all kinds. Km broideries, Ac. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Ladies', lietit's, Misses', and Children's, they see what wo have and learn the price. HATS ! II ATS ! When you want a Uut look through our win pay you. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Satchels, Wall Paper, &c. We keep most anything peoplo want and won't lie undersold. GROCERIES! Our stock of (groceries is always tin t.i prices. e meet you at tho iionr. H. J. HOPKINS & CO., TIONESTA, PENN. Lawrence & D12ALKHH 1N- CLQTHING. DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. HOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! iOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN E VICKY DEPARTMENT. znCJOWflY lOBHCJl ABB CABH TAKEN IX UXl'UAStJK FOR HOODS. SIGGINS ISL'l'CHSSOKS TO DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, - IX OUK liltOCEKY liEPAKT.MEXT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND rim mmumr anocmuBS. liKKHIES, FRUITS Si VEUETAHLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which i in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. S. H. HASLET & SONS, HAVE A FULL LINE OF FTJRilSriTXJRE, UNDERTAKER'S GOODS ! GIVE TECElvS: .A. CMjILj. tioniosta, AND LOW PRICES 1 1 Goods lino, we have it. lilack Hoods of It won't pay anyone to buy Shoes until HATS ! HATS ! stock before you buy. We guarantee it Trunks, the slaudind. Fresh poods and reu.sonable Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS & - FONES, PKOl'EK A DoUTT,) Sc GROCERS, PENN. AND CHEMICALS ! - - PKnsr. Pit! Mason's If not, why not? You arc not taking any chances. ml 11 A dozen of the above customer. All new-comers who have not as yet dealt at Barnett's Famous One Arc entitled to the above dozen of Fruit Jars with every $10.00 purchase. Nine out of every ten who are asked where they buy their Clothing, Coots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Trunks, Valises, and Barnett's Tionesta, Pa. The tenth customer is a new-comer and us yet. We want that tenth customcr-to call and be convinced that I am selling goods lower than any business rounding vicinity. Hides and Pelts AGENTS lvo":::ir DEALERS JACK FROST FREEZER. A Sciontilio Miicbino mado on n Scicntiiie Primvplc. Save their eoiit u dozen times a year. It i not muisy or sloppy. A child can operate it. S 'lla at hiht. Send for prices and ilincounlH. 29 Murray St., NEW YORK Makes Ice Cream in 30 Seconds. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any ether Dressing at 5 cents. A Lit Tie GO3 A LONG WAYS . liecmife shoes once blackened with it can l-e kept dean hy washing them with water, l'eoplo in moderate, circumstances lind it proiitiihlo to buy it at 20c. a bottle, becauso wlir.t they epend for Blacking they saTe in slice leather. It b tho ehcniieJt blacking consijrring iii euality, rnd yet wc want '. Bell it rhc.'ijicr it it c;;n Ce done. Vi'o will pay SI 0,000 Reward fir a rro'pe tl.rt will cniil lc us to nu.ko Vi'UF'a Achi: I'.lackimi at niich a price tlmt 11 retailer can profitably tell it tit 10e. a Ixitile. 'l'liispfTerUepen until Jan.lst, WCIiir & ItA?IBOLPn.Fhiladelphio. CU1 Junuturt painted with PIK-RON ('.ii i:i the r.-.Tv.o of the paint), looke liko etaincl vi.iaislicd nev urn i lure. One coat w i' l ilo it. A child can apply it. You can chmpj a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to ra.ihog.tuy; there is no limit to your uu.ic. All retailers sell it. R. C. HEATH, STIRR, FOREST COUNT!. PENN. Agent for AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY of Kvery Iirweription. Mowers, Binders, Hakes, Drills, Plows, Harrows, Cultiva tors, Potato Diggers, Rollers, &c. BEST FERTILIZER KEPT IN STOCK. I handle none lint the very latest and lett of machinery and null ou the eioit'Ht lei iu poNilile. I'. u Ucs contemplating the purchase of HiivlhiiiL' ill Ibis line tihould consult me l lorc clnsini; a deal, as I feel t.atisne.1 1 i. :.i do l.i tier I y them than ti. py i .iu cNewhtTC. (.'oi rehpor.denco -iln- v. I pi' Miptly altended lo. you get n down Quart Fruit Jars? UTI Fruit Jars will be given away to every, Jewelry, will tell you and Produce taken. PROCLAMATION. Wiikiikah, Tho lion. CharleM If. Noycs, I'rctidont Juiluc of the Court of Common I'leaM and i'iiirter Ses-iioiiti in mi l for the county of lMii ist, Utw lusilcd his pi e opt for hiilding n Court Dl't'ommcii l'le.i-i, liuartcr Sessions, Ac, at Tionesta, lor lli I'ounty of Forest, to commence on tho hunt Monday of Au., beiua tho .'.Uli ilav or Aug., 1S;i2. Notice is therefore Rivon to tho Coroner, .funticeof the IVaceiiuil Cm. tallies of M.tid couiitc. Unit they lio then aud there in their proper persona nt ten o'clock A. M ot aaid day with their reeoids, iiupiinitionn, examination, and other remembrance, to do those IhiiijrM which to their ollieo appertain to lo done, and to those M hoare lioiiml in recoKiilzani e to prosecute against the iiriaonera ihat are or shall be in thejail of 1 orest Countv, that they may bo then mid there to prosecute MKiiinst them as shall ho just. (liven un der my hand and seal this 3nth day i f July, A. I. IWi'J. JOHN K. OSiiOoD, L.s. Hheriir. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby k'i ven that the follow. ift accounts have lieou tiled in my ollice and will bo precnted at tho next term of court tor coulirmation : First and final account of Frederick C. l-acy, lCxecutor of tho last will and testa ment of (feoi'o J. I.acy, late il (ireen township, Forest county. Pa., deceased. First and Anal account of W. O. tiloiin, ! Kxcoutor of tho last will and testament ol Lorenzo lleiuie, late of Jenks township, Forest county. Pa., deceased. First and final account of Karah A. Mnliuey, Administratrix of tho estate of I). J. Mohney, late of Jenks township, Forest eountv, I'a., dm-eased. I First and final account of Klizatieth A. ' Iloti hkiss, Administratrix of tho estate of l. V. Ilot.-I.kiss, lat of Harmony town ship, Forest countv, I'a., deceased. I First and linal account of J. II. Mazn, ! Aduiiiiistrator ul t!ie estate of Jacob Mao, . latent' Harnett township, Forest county, I'a., deceased. First and linal account or (i. W. Robin son, Guardian of Kdwiird C. ISenuett, late ol Tinncsta liorouj-di. Forest county, I'a. Attest, CAI.VIN M. Alt.N'KK, Clerk of Orphans Court. Tioiu sta, Fa , July 30, lMia. I TIDIOUTH MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY' j C. E. DANIELS, I MACHINIST, j FOUNDER & BLACKSMITH. I All Marhino nud Foundry Woiic and Itlacksmithiii): promptly il"iio at lowest rates and uaritntectl. .Sled shoes of ull kind ou baud. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY. works -Tho chimhi hbop, road Station, TliHOUTi:, near Iiail- ii:xr. IF YOU WANT a . ,-,jiecli,b!e jb ol printing at 4 re. price stud your r 1 3r 10 tln. ol'tic'. of SiJIln Price Store, at has not heard from i house in the sur TIM 13 TAPT.K In ellect July fi, 1IWI. Train lenvn Tio nesta fur nil City ami Miiuts West M follow s : No. u.l Tliiuiijili Freiliticany inr piistni.rersi No. 31 II111V.1I.1 K press No. (it Way Freight (earryinj; passengers) No. :i3 Oil City F.x rw daily.. ::w . in. 12: Oil noon. 4:17 lit. T:rsl p. 111. j For Hickory, Tidionto, Wurreit, Kiiixua, llradford, Clean and the Kast: No. Stl (ilean Kxpressdaily 8HI n. 111. No. :U l'ittburih ICxpres's 4:17 p.m. No. !nl Through FrciKht (ear- . ryins passeuHi h ) 7;K) p. m.r Trains T3 n-ul !K1 Kun Iaily and carry passcni rs to and from )xiints lHilwpitl Oil City and Irvineton ouly. Ulhur liaiua run daily except .Sunday. lictTimo Tallies and full information from J. li. CltAlU. Atreut, Tionesta, I'm. It. 11K1.L, (icn lSupt. J. A. KICM.OWH, Jeu'l I'assciiKOr & Tb-ket Agent, llullalo, N. V. 0 a? Tw Bottle Cured Her. TI (Uaaou low, July, UK I TO mewing 10 jtmn from diovkt la my bead, m muob K.lUt at Uum I dida't umM to raeovar, I took BMdlctoei fiom many do on,bnt did not gat any raUol aaUI I took raataa Koeuitf't Mara Tonia. Tba aaaood duM rollnad maaadS botUaa eund ma, H W. fliCK, HlumnLl.B, Pa., Maroh, lflal. Wa bogaa nalnn faatur Koonig'a Nana 'iioala lot our 14-yaat-old dancbtoi (bo had bad aft. lepUo Ata alaoe aba waa 6 yaai-a otdl oway a Jan ago wlUi but Uttla bopa ol any good, aa wa bad buaa to ottonUiaappoiutad in ocbaa lananliaa. but aoon attar oilug thla madidna aba bagaa va gat txituar, and a a bopa that any and all adtlat. ad with tbia tnrlbla dtaoaaa wUl try yoar waat darlai ramady. I racoinmand yoar tuadloiua ta avary oat aaaoted wtUa auy ntrmmt aiUviaaj ukaltmr, H. b. UNUUtM, mrP"A alaabl Boa aa rfarcaaa If II ftf tt UlaMm aeut fraa la aay addraaa I l f and poor paUauia can alno obiaui I lllaiial iiUl medirlua rraa ut ctwrsa. Tli 1 a ramady baa baea preparad by tha ftort laal tatitor Koonm. ol Fort WaToa. Ind. ai 00a aa4 u oo prapand uudar bla dmctloa by tua KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, Ilk Sold by Dminrtata at 81 par Bottle. ClbrfjJ Larsaalu,1.73. 6 BotUaa tor THE OLD RELIABLE LIVbK Y rAtSi.k.( OF 0 S. S. CHWFIELD, PROPRIFTOR. v (hhI StiM'k, fiiMsl CarrhiKen and ItiiK Vries lo let 11 1 mil tho most rea-sonable terma He will also ilo a JOB TIE.A3UEi:TG- All Did. is leu at tiie Post Otllce will je.eiva prompt .lUtntion, ? 1