r THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, Editor 4 PRormtTen. WKDNKSHAY, JI'NKK, ISM it i:rii it i.i va x tic 14 rr. HTATK. .finite of the Supremo Court, JUIH5K JOHN DKAX, of lllair County. Conti css-Bt-LRrKO, MAJOK AIjUXANPKR McIKUVKM,, of Morccr County. UKNKHAT, WILLIAM LILLY, of Cnrlien Conntv. Announcements. H.VTKS. ConirrORS 20; Asenilily $10; County Treasurer Announcement and ticket strictly rash in advance. ASSKMBLY. W arc aut horizon" to announce CnpU .1. J. IIAIHHT, ol Howe townnhip, ax n candidate fur Assembly, subject to Repub lican usages. Wo are authorized to announce Pr. S. S. TOWLKK, of .looks township, as a candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican usages. TREASURER. Wo are authorized to announce A. M. rioiITT, of Tionesta, as n eandidato for County froajuirer, subject to Republican Usages. Wo aro authorized to announco QI'IN TAIX JAMIKSON.ofTionestaTownslilp, as a candidate for County Treasurer, sub ject to Republican images. Secretary Maine Resigns. Secretary of Slate Blaine astonished the'eountry on Saturday last by ten dering his resignation of that high office to President Harrison, who promptly accepted it. The two papers are very brief and are as follows : THE RESIGNATION. I respectfully beg leave to submit ray resignation of the office of the Secretary of State of the United States, to which I was appointed by you on the 5th of March, 1889. The coudi tion of public business in the Depart ment of State justifies me in request ing tbat my resignation may be ac cepted immediately. I have the honer to be, very respect fully, your obediont servant, James O. Bi.aine. THE ACCEPTANCE. Your letter of this date, tendering your resignation of the office of See re tary of State of the United States, has been received. The terms in which you state your desires are such as to leave me no choice but to accede to your wishes at once. Your resigna tion is therefore accepted. Very respectfully yours, Benjamin Harrison. Coming thus on the very eve of the Republican National Convention, the occurrence has set the people to won tiering, the first impulse being to construe Mr. Blaine's action as a virtual acquiescence in the movement to nominate him for President. It is scarcely probable, however, tbat this is his intention, and it will not be a surprises if his next utterance comes in the shape of a letter or telegram that under no circumstances will he accept a nomination. The agony will soon be over, at all events, and tben we shall know who our next President will be. rolilical l'alaver. Protection does not protect foreign manufacturers. The tariff is a terror to Democrats aud foreigners. Democratic dark horses are keepiug well groomed these days. They say that Hill has nipped the New York Flower in the bud As a popular economist, Watcb-Dog Holman is very unpopular. Col. Watterson has been resting his mouth for as much as a week Mr. Gorman will not uumuzzle his boom until about the last week ia June. "Boies or bust" ia the Democratic slogan in Iowa, and it ia quite likely It will. The "Billion-Dollar Congress" will not be in it with the bi-billion dollar Congress. Among other things Holman is saving up is his record. But that will not pay him proGtable iuterest. Cleveland would be more likely to be the Democratic nominee were it not for the May convention in New York. It takes Mr. Holman of Indiana, a long time to discover the difference between judicious economy and inju dicious stinginess. No matter bow unmistakably stupid a Democratic editur is, be can get himself quoted in the New York S'un by booming Hill. John R. McLean announces to an expectant Democracy, through his paper, that he bas no candidate for President. This means the collapse of the Hill boom. Tnu Republican national convert tioo ut Miuueapulij Lad accomplished uulluug defiuite in the direction of nomination up to last eveuiog, and it h not expected that a ballot will be reached before tomorrow. Blaine ami Harrison are adout the only ones Miked of. No Rt ri M.tcAN should absent Lira self from llio primaries next Saturday. Tlie polls will lio opened at 2:00 p. m. nml remain open till 7:00. Congress lias nut done all it lias to do, but tbo Democrat aro afraid to do anything more, an it is doubtful whether Congress will get itself ad journed this summer. Hon. Lewis Emery denounces as a canard the report tbat ho intends running as a fusion candidate on the Democratic People's party ticket for Congress iu the 37th district. New Convert. Epb. Coltmau is singiug the praises of tiu, tin, Ameri can tin. lie has a consignment from Apollo, Pa , otid stubbornly claims it to go ahead of any imported metal be ever used. And thus everybody lives and learos. Tidioule Xetct RF.ITBUCAX PRIMARY ELECTION. Pursuant to a Resolution of the County Committee, passed May 16th, ISO, it is ordorod that the Republican voters of Forest meet on SATURDAY, JUNK 11th, at 2 o'clock p. ni., at tho following named places of holding ptimnry elections to-witj: Harnett, Jacob Maze's Carpenter .Shop. Barnett, at Rodclytt'o. iireen, at Nebraska, Forest House. Harmony, at Fogle Farm. Harmony, at West Hickory. Harmony, at Fleming Hill. Hickory, at East Hickory. Howe, West, at Hall town. Howe, Middle, at Cooper Tract. Howe, East, at Brookston. Howe, Lower, at Watson Farm. Jenks, East, at Ilyromtown. Jenks, Central, at Mnricnvlllo. Jenks, at dough's Mill. Jenks, at Parish. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsloy, at Starr. Kingsley, at Whig Hill. Tionesta Township, at Court Hoitso. Tionesta Township, at lllocher's, Tionosta Horough, at Court Houho. At which time and places they will their votes nominate: One person for Congress. One person for Assembly. Ono person tor County Treasurer. by Each election precinct will also elect one person for Member of the County Com mittco for tho ensuing year. The polls will remain open until 7 p. in. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, lionesta Borough, on tho loiiowing ruosday, Juno IV, at s o clock P. in. Attention is called to the Act of Juno 1881, regulating Primary Election, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon tho discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or alliruiatiou iu piesenco of each other. John R. Osgood. Chairman Republican Co. Coin REPUBLICAN FRI.VARY RILES. RULES GOVERNING THE RKPUH LICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. I. Tho candidates for tho seveial ofllees snail navo ineir names announced in one or more of the county papers at loast three weeks previous to the Primary Meetings stilting the otliee, and subject to the action ot the party at tne said primary meetings. 2. The voters belonging to the Upuhli can party in each township and borough shall meet on a day to bo designated by tho County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock P. Al.,anu proceeu to elect one person lor Judire. andltwo persons for Clerks who shall form u Hoard of Elections to receive votes and determine who aro the proper persons to vote, and who shall hold the polls open unti". 7 o'clock P. M. After the polls are opened, tho candidates announced shall be balloted for: tho name of each person voting shall be written on a lint at tho time of voting, no person being allow ed to vote more than once for Die same oftiee. 3. After the polls are closed I lie board shall proceed to count tho votes thut each candidate has received, aud make out the returns accordingly to be certitied by tho Judge aud attested by the Clerks. 4. me Judge Lor one ol the Clerks ap pointed by the Judge of the respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, iu Tionesta, on tho Tuesday follow ing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M., having the returns aud a list of voters, and the person having tho highest number of votes for any otliee, shall bo declared the nominee of the Republican party. 6. The Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority, the returns irom any district where there ia evidence of fraud, either iu the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or more persons voting at the Primary Meeting who are not Re publicans. 0. Any two or more persona having an equal number of votes for tho same ollice, llio Judges Mian proceed to ballot for a clioi'-o, the person having the highest nuiiincr m no me nominee. 7. The Return Judgesshallappoint Con ferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whose acceptance of said appointment shall be a pledge to suport tne portion wno may roueive the largest iiuiulier of votes cast for that office. 8. Tho Return Judges mav at anv time change the modo ana manner of selecting candidates as they may be instructed by the people ut their primary meetings, due notice being given by the County Coin- muieo. ii. Tho Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be requiren to issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. And now as to mowing machines! Scowden & Clark handle the D. S. Ooboro macbiue, which, while not thoroughly known iu ibis section, are still up with the best of them. They will guarantee them to be such, and will put them up with any machine ou the market in all respects. To cap the climax tbey offer them for sale at 845, which is far below the selling price of all others, thus saving cus tomer the usual agent's commission and more too. All they ask is a trial uf the machine, as each one is sold with a positive guarantee to give per fect satisfaction. They also handle the Thomas buy rake, which they sell fur lees money thau anybody else will sell you a rake fur. Come aud see us ; we are ready to stand over every claim we make. tf. BK KI.KNMAUMCA AI,VK. The best Salve in the worUi for Cut, BniUMjH, Sort), Ulcer. -nlt Klieuin, Fever Sores, Tftlur. Chappy, liaiuis. Chilblain, Corns, and all fSkiu Kruptiona, and imsi tively cures Piles, or no pay require.!. It is guaranteed to trive jierte'rt Kiitisiiu tion, fir ihoim'V ro.iinat'ii, rice J rents b-jx. i' jr ale bv I'i'uper Jt tuult. jM-r I WILL NOT BE OUTDONE. ttiiiii,l l.i I ..,1,1 1 linvo tlin tinixt linn nf You tlnd in this department. Ciishinero. Armadale Zephyrs, Bedford Cords, Pineapple Tissue. 1 rivli Law n, ami llrcss Goods of all been so complete. IX IAlIi:S' AXI CJUXTVN lF.IAHTMi:.TM, Yon can find anything you want. Ladies' v orktng Shirt. It will pay you to seo this JIILM.MIRY. In this department I beat them all. It Is the most complete lino ever seen in this part of the Stale and ladies you should seo it of Hats and ltonuets, at low prices; Paris styles. KlIOi: AM In this department vou find tho fine grado of other makes. .SI iocs for tho ladies, also a line line for children and babies. For the gentl. -men I have boots and shoes ot all kinds. T' ' shoes ami working shoes at very low prices. IX 1 1 AT. AXW . A IAS, I am up with rest of dealers and keen the very mis iicparuncni. I,A1H:S WKAP.S. Al! Tailor Made. A perfect lit and in tho latest styles. CLOT 1 1 1 X ii I K I A ItT.TI KXT. 1 ou will Imd the lamest and liest selected the had in Clothing line. Can not and will ity of goods. Gentlemen, if you want a suit ifi ii, mm juu win uo w,n uiTu juu itre ut CAItMiT DF.l'AItTJl i;XT. You find Carnets. Floor Oil Cloth. Drantnir Curtain. Window stim.lna n.mi- r,.i and Wall Paper. This department would cheap as if vou wont to the city for what vou If you want any of the following articles such as a Baby Carriage, Bicycles, Uin- brollus. Parasols, and Qneenswaro. send to me. and vou will net it cheaner tlinn nnv oiner House, i am aurent for tho latest improved Wheeler it W I son sowimr machine ii is me nesi ami ngiitast running maehinn pian or ior casn. Also agent tor McCall patterns for dresses and underwear, i ugliest market price paid for Ueef Hides, DAVID MINTZ, R. BARNETT, Gen TIONESTA, PA. mm mmm momm IS ELEGANT, And wo nro prepared tor anything in the line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing goods, Hats, Neckwear, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Jewelry, Groceries, Canned Goods, and in fact everything in the chandise, all Fresh, Handsome. Call in. save monev on your "We have never had such a fine array of harvest machines to show farmers as this season. Every one shows invent ive skill, strength and symmetry derived from the touch of WALTER A.WOOD. The "Wood machines, as made for 1 692, are winning crowds of new friends. Examine the new chain-drive, and balance reel, on the "Wood harvester. Examine the new spring lift and the new axle extension on the "Wood mowers. Ex amine the "Wood hand-dump rakes, virtually self-dumping. CHARLES A. HILL, Agent, tiotst:esta., :p:Eisr:sr. HOP BALSAM NATURE'S COBBLER, ! Repalrinrj, Mending, Old I ana worn uui New. HOP HALS AM Is rom nosed of fresh I hop aud tUe bet gumn, UtlsaaiH and ex- p r oa uc i n s r i ree ti l n r ftl-pn, a lid when tlie mind ia at repore it aabista nature mod heals the body. Thf healthful and me dtelualpropertlfflof tho hop aro well known. Hop Italsam will on re ('oagha. Colds. Al thnin. Korti Throat. rniuDinllon. II r a D ctiiit uDd all Pulmon try Complaint, it KlAta to "raise tht tthlrgtn and clear thelunjf of all morbid m alter. Mother will find the UAlJAMexceHt-nt.tMHb roruibmMivtauucmiareu. it curu wnt-n euro u pot-1 IT LUKtdhemofttsttib torn cauea, when all other I rt-ineditt! nave failed. I IT ALLAYS the racking fiflln t rlievtn tlie guntriT I from that terrible Coutfb wheu cure u id itu) DaiaootJb i; you are troubled with Lung ar Pulmonary Get a large bottle Get a free sample Ior 35 cents. at your aruKgists. IV) not accunt at aubntttut. WboUaasdr Witot. 1S and tea WuahlnKton traat,l UPFALU, N. T. The Olxaiso Circular With Steel Hestihlneit tVsrrssteil I sbnuksble CHASE TURBINE MFG. CO., Oringt, Msu. Dr. W. F. C0NNERS EVE, EAR, NONE & THROAT U RGEON, M'CCLLUM BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA Olliuo Jlotii H U to 1 1 u. in. ; J to 4 11, in. 7 to n p. in. Sunday, 4 to p. in. t'la'.-lk-e liuiitt-'l to above bpetiullicsi. vT 1 III1V (UlClllM In Hits Hurt of the count rv. kinds and prices. This stock h:is never White Goods. Gent's Press Shirts, to tho lino before you imy. before you buy. Tho very latest styles IEOOTN. of Tucker it Marvin's, and n number latest styles. You should not forgot stock over seen hern before. I inn.l at not be beat in prices, styles nml the mini. for yourself or boys, como tj my storo me rigui pinoo. make yon feel sure of getting goods hero as want, aud It would if von bnntrlit nf m in the world. I sell on the insi stall nient PclU, Ginseng, and Wool. Marienville, Pa. Merchandise ! to meet the demand way of General Mer New, Seasonable and We feel sure wo can purchases. B. BARNETT. H. CJ. HEATH. blAKH, rUntSI COUNTY, PENN. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Of Kvory Description. Mowors, Binders, Rakes, Drills, Plows, Harrows, Cultiva tors, Potato Diggers, Rollers, &c. BEST FERTILIZER KEPT IN STOCK. I hamllo none but the very latent and boat of mac liinory and Hell on the easittHt lenns poasible. Parties contrinplatiiiK the purctiase ol anything in tins lino should consult 1110 before tlohiiiit a deal, as I ft.rl aatiHlird 1 ran do better bv them than they i-au do elsewhere. Correspondence solieileu aiul promptly attended to. J- ORKNZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, ' COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1XONKSTA. 1A. H. J. HOPKINS L CO. LEADERS IN" UUITT. ID LOW CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Talk nbout Clothing! Wo have tho riunntitv, the quality and our prices are nt tho bottom. Our goods aro now, fresh, and all and get tho prices before yon buy. Dry Goods! Dress Goods! Domestic Goods! Don't matter what vou want in the Dry every description. White Goods of all kinds. SHOES I SHOES! Ladies', Gent's, Misses', and Children's. they seo what we havo and learn tho price. 'FT A TQI T-T A T1 t -L -.1--t.V. 1 k7 i J I--i I C7 I When vou want a Hut look throuirh our will paj' you. CaiIcts, Oil Cloths, Wo keep most anything pooplo want and won't bo undorso'.d. GROCERIES! Our stock of Groceries Is always up to jirlce. wo meet you at tne tioor. H. J. HOPKINS & CO., TIONESTA, PENN. SIGGINS - (SCCCKSSOH.S TO DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, - IN OUR GHOCKHY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND THE Fimg&E&F GJlQCEmES. BERRIES, V V 1 IS ,fc VEO ETABLES OP ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clork, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COM I'Ol'NPKli WITH UTMOST CAKE. Lawrence & DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IX EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCUANfJE FOR fiOODS. S. H. HASLET & SONS, HAVE A FULL LINE OF FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKER'S GOODS ! GKTV-IE TI-IEinv: J OTL TIOJS3" JUST V, Fred. Grcttcnbergcr, BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Miuliinory, Kn- irine. Oil Vell J imiIb, lias or Water Fit tinjri anil Conuml lllai kniiiliin iiroinpt- ly anno at i.ow ituuw. iteiinmiii: Mill Machinpry uivcii Miiecial aituntuni. and 8util'ac-tion giiaraiiU-ul. Shop in rear of and inst west of the Hliaw Udiise, Tidioule, fa. Yonr iiatronnge solicited. FRKO. I H KTTKN UK KU K It. CHARLES MARVIN STOCK FOOD. Celebrated Kloctioneer Hiatal, the liihost grade of Stoi k Food over ottered to the .Stock Raiser. Owners of stock will bo more than pleased when they observe tho improved earriago, glossy coat aud perfect health which this Food (luickly and surely produces. Ask your dealer for it. and ii' he don't have it, write to CIlAKI.hS M it V I X M'l'lHK FUtll) CO., at Frauklin, I'a., for eirculars, pi ico list, Ac. I in. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been taken out by the undersigned, on tlie es tate of Thus. Powiuill, deceased, lale of Forest Count v, i'a., all peixins beim; in debted to said decedi-nt will plcaso make prompt pa.vuieet, aud those havinu claims ugaiimt said t-stato ill presenl them for settlement. Also all claims against, or indoblodnefs to, T. L. io null, doeeiised, will be presented to tlie undersigned. S. .1. Wnl.l'OTT, Adiuiuiblrator. T. F. HITt'llLV, Attorney. tit. I! guaranteed as represented. Seo tho goods Goods lino, wo havo it.- Black Goods of Embroiderios, Ac. SHOES! SHOES! It won't pay anyone to buy Shoos until T - T A HP GJ T T-T A T'Gl t J LiX 1 k7 I J L--A. 1 kJ3 i stock buforo vou l;uv. Wo guarantee it Trunks, fcatche.s, unll raner, Vc. the standard. Krosh goods aud reasonable & - FONES, PHOPKK .V DOl'TT,) & GROCERS, PENN. AND CHEMICALS! Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS - - PJGISriSr CURE Sick Ilendnchoftntl n'llfve nil the trmiMe Inrl dent to u bilious statu of tlie itysteni, such a Pixlnewt, Naiuea. DrowaineM, Ditftreaa af( r eauiiK. Fain in the bide, &o. W hile their most remarkable siiccem has hen shown iu curmg HeaJarhe, yet Cikteh's I.itti b Ijvkh Vuaa are equally valnahle ii Constiaiinn, eunnff and prtiventiiiK anmi incoint'laiMt, while tln-y also vorrei't all Uiyordtrn of ttm tttiimarh, itjinultte the liver and regulate the bowels, fcveu if Uiey only cured HEAD AcIip they would he almost priceleu to thosd who suffer fnun this ili.vtreKSint; complaint: hut fortunately their K0"""' tloeti not eiul here, and thnne who once try ihem will find those linlt- vuhmhle in s many waH (hut they will not be willing to do without them. Lul ttiior Oil bick Lu-ad AGS-3E in the bane of ao many lfvos that here 1b whero we make cur 'nvit boubt. Our (Jills cure it w hile othem do not. Caktkk'i Lrrruc Liver Tili are very small and very easy to take. ne ir two lulls make a d8 They are strict ly vegetable aud tlo not trrifx or purge, hut by their gen tin act it o Kleuae all who use them. Iu viaU at lift centtt; vu ftr (1. Sold everywhere, or sunt by limit CABTEK VLDlCUrfi CO., New TcrL 3dlB i:HI:::, Small Price. CARTER'S fivER r;! j PIILS. -UJ TIME T A ISLE lit died July 5, 1HHI. fS Trains leave Tio nesta ior i n i t iiy and points west a J follows: No.ua Through Freight (carry ing passengers) H:!W a. m. No. Ill llnlhilo Express 1U:0!I noon. No. til Way Freight (carrying passengers) -1:17 p. 111. No. :)1 Oil City Ex ress daily.. 7:f.1 p. in. For Hickory, Tidioule. Warren.'Kinr.ua, Bradford, Glenn ami tho East: No, HO Oleim Expressdaily 8:-)! a. in. No. .'12 Pittsburgh Express 4:17 p.m. No. !mi Through Freight (car rying passengers) 7:00 p. m. Trains n:t and !'0 Run Daily and carry passengers to nml from points between il City ami lrvineton only, inner trains mi daily except Sunday. liel limn 1 miles ami inn inioriiiiiuoii from J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta, Ph. It. HELL, Gon'lStipt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gon'l Passenger it Ticket Agent, BufValo, N. Y. fflore Than Na(i0xl. XII 66 CrrBEVER Pu, Brooklth, N. T., Jane IB, "90. for oyer twelve years my son has boon B,tHlcS ed with spasms ; he would have one every two weeks until about six months ao, tben even two week. We took him to a number of Drst-clees lihyftclnns and we tried everything and any number ol remedies without deriving any en- oour&pement In his case, and had oommenced to deaalr of eyer being able to cure him at all, when we beard of Pastor koenig's Nerve Tonic and oonoludcd to RlyeH atrial. Tht mult hat more than $atufld tut It Is more than three lonuis sinoe ne commenced to take tills Nerve ouio and he baa never been sick sinoe. I'leaee a4eptour mont sincere thanks, for we feel tbat 'ou nave not oniy enreu mm oi a groat anuotloo ut nave .a veil bis life as well, as we do not think be would have lived long Iu the condition o was in noiure ue oomuionooa taking your va). aable remedy. UUtl At. 1IU FREE A Talnnble nook n Vermok IinoHHPs m-ni rree to any saursfia and MKr futtiflntii can aleo olHaui tills inodiclno free of cliarire. This mmmlThu hppn nratiarod bvthe RcToreBd tutor KoentK. at Fort Warns. lad. sines IBTtt. and U now prepared uoderhls direction bjtns KOENiC MED. CO.. Chicago, tit. Sold by DmtsltU at SI per Bottle. OfbrSS Iatso Hire, S 1.1 S. 6ltotUosfo.-0, ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS Itci.uso pIiocs oneo WnrkonoU villi it ran i'e kcj't clean liv wnsliiiiR them -ith rnter. rco lo in iiiocienito ci renmstnnees find it prolittiMo to Imy it nt 20c. n lir.ttle, licraiiso vluit tiny n-icui (or Blacking they kito in thr? liihcr. ; U Li llio rlicnixt Miulang considrnn.cr id r.ulilv, rml vet vo -:itit o sell it rlio ii.T if it i-un lc done. AVo will pay Si 9,000 Reward fir a woipo thut will rtmli'i! us to rn:l;o Sv .i-K'u AfMi: l'.l.ACKlsii ntnii li ii piico t!i;.t n rvtJiiliTinn rlit.ilily roll it nt Ilk-, a Infill', 'lliisoiiuriurjicn until Jan. 1st, k'.'o. v;c.LPi' & rt.,.::ici.rH,rhii:Kiciphio. Cld jun.ilmc I'liinlcd with PSK-RON (tliU b tlio name of the rminO, lnokg like st.iiuol und varnished titw furnitnrr. Ono coat will do it. A child can apply it. Yon cau chanpa a pine to n walnut, or s cherry to niahogiiny; there ia no limit to your fancies. All retailers 6cll iU Tin Siiiicili f lalifics ni' on i- Inn Hollar Hats nru only licLinnintr to I n known. TIiit Hats urn liuiiuiiIim-iI nut to I leak aiul liavn no pniwiiiiniis dyes iu tho Mvpitt Imiiils. So our riiMtomerH will have no .-.i. ro lieails. Wo nivo lust us eoi root a itvle lor :.'.M us lor f.'i.(Kl. NO JAY STYLES Hut only tlio well known aud correct KlitH " of Ynniniin HiinlHi, Knox und Miller. Ti i s f.'.no, $J.r), J t.Oil and ?.1.."0. Mail onl.'.rx ironit!v tilled. McCUi:X & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters. Kin niKhei's, Mod cntte Triee Stoi e, :t.l SKXKt'A STIMCKT, CIt. CITY, PA . .1 fe--ti-U&'VS&iil -CtiKyTrrsV THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OK TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CAWFIELD, PROPRIETOR. tl ood Stock, fiooil CurriiiujiiH and fStiK ffiim to lot upon the inoct reasonulilo terms lie will also do JOB TIEUIMIIEItTG- All orderM left nt tlio l'ont Otllce will receive proniil attention. MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY C. E. DANIELS, MACHINIST FOUNDER i BLACKSMITH. All Machine, and Koiiiulry Win it an.) lllui'kMiiiiliiii'4 iroiiiill' done al lowest rates nml jiii.u.uitecil. Sled xlioea of all kiiut on hand. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY. WOltKN The Catsoii Shop, near Kail- road Station, TUHOlTi:, ENGINES SAW MILLS, r tii ic i:si 1 1 x i n ci 1 1 x kh. e.st Maehinery ut l owest i'liees. A. B FARQUHAR CO., YORK, PA.