t HE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. K. WIND, tOITO. 4 POOMIItTeH. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1892. Announcements. Hatkh. Congress $20; Assembly $10; Johnty Treasurer $8. Announcements and tickets strictly cash in advance. ASSEMBLY. We re authorised to announce Capt. J. J. if AIUHT, ol Howe township, an a -i.-jf'date for Assembly, subject to Repub lican us;cs. We are authorized to announce Ir. S. 8. TOWLER, of Jenka township, ns a candi date for A ssetnbly, subject to Republican n sagos. CLARKSOX'd ESTIMATE OF SENATOR QUAT. National Chairman John S. Clark ton hat authorized a publio expression of hit estimate of Senator Quay's ser ices io the Republican party in the Presidential campaign of 1888, and in a letter to Colonel Frank Willing Leaeb, assistant secretary of the com mittee, dated Asheville, fr. C, March 5th, aod given out for publication last Thursday, gives his reasons in full for styling Mr. Quay as "the greatest of political generals." The letter of Chairman Clarkson ft, in fact, a re production of his address beforo the National Committee meeting in Wash ington, November 23d last, an address made in executive session and never before published. After an eloquent tribute to Senator Quay, whom he defines as "tbe greatest political general that tbe first century f partisan American politics has do ped," Mr. Carkson does not hesi- to say that "the Republican party this day has never fully appreciated ther his power or his service. Tbe Democratic party recognized it imme diately and trembled before it through out the campaign and fell before it at the election. And from the day of the election Matthew 8. Quay, the man whose genius had found the plan and whose courage had furnished the way o defeat the Democratic party, was a larked man. "No man can defeat the Democratic arty of the United States without eing trampled down in its malice if t be within tbe power of fury, hatred and calumny to accomplish it. No sooner was the election over than the plan of beating Quay to tbe earth was begun by tbe Democrats. It started in Tammany Hall, the most corrupt of political organizations known in America, and was seconded by tbe Democratic press of New York, tbe willing servants of Tammany Hall ig ' all its meanness and malice, t or a few weeks after the election every Re Eublican paper in tbe United States lazed with eulogies of the great leader and tbe great chairman. "Soon this eulogy was crossed with tbe Democratic venom, and the Re publican press, instead of seeing the motive and striking down the malice, began to loiter and to hesitate and then to apologize, and fiaally some to turn about in the unworthy work of helping the Democratic party to de stroy tbe great Republican fighter Tbe Democrats knew at once by tbe light of Ibe election that they, had more to fear from Quay than any other American. 1 bey fear him more to-day. Tbey have followed him with unpitytog malice, with unceasing cal corny, aod with a cruelty which enly politics could either originate or per petaate. "It is much easier to shirk than to ..defend a friend in this latter time. I have none of such timidity. I call no tbe other men with whom I served with Mr. Quay, and all will bear wit nest that Mr. Quay i methods were honorable, straightforward, bold and manly. He has tbe genius to know ' Democratic inBtinct and Democratic wrong. He could detect them early and checkmate them quickly. There were no men on tbe National Commit tee willing to commit a penitentiary offense for tbe Republican party, and God grant there never shall be. There was and is no man on the National Committee who would not like to see bribery punished at tbe polls by tbe "disfranchisement both of the bribe giver and bribe-taker. The whole Republican campaign lies in the edu ' cation of tbe masses aud the preven tion of Democratic frauds. "The time must come, in the years of reflection, when the Republican party will see that after be bad won this great victory and the Democratic party sought to destroy bim for fear that he might defeat it in another great victory, tbe masses and the papers of tbe party did not stand to - bis defense as they should have done. I am sure there is no member of this committee who would be false either to honor or friendship as not to hold up his band in open defense of Mr. Quay in the national campaign, of bis methods and of his victory. I talk of him only as we knew him when he came to us at national headquarters. I do not pretend to speak as to hit affairs in Pennsylvania, for I know nothing of them. The people of that Christian Commonwealth judged him for all bis weaknesses and rewarded him for all bis strength." To tbe above just tribute the Phila delphia Inquirer adds: "Quay gave up four mouths to that contest. It was a continuous vigil. It was bard work night and day. The victory waa won, but the man who won it was broken in health. That health be bas never fully recovered. Wben threatened with pneumouia the other day, be went to norma. the attack came, and he barely escaped with his life. But for daring to take ordinary precautions bis enemies have iu begun to hoont because of beence from tbe Against eutocralio ar emo aetnocjs l' -ain most vigr . interest fair play for every one. Buch tactic are contemptuous, and unworthy of any paper claiming to be juit." This is the way au Eastern paper sizes op the Mugwump situation. "The personal flurry nt the Mugwumps is at an end. They started on preju dice against James O. Blaine, and they behold in him the foremost of American statesmen, first in peace nod first in the hearts of bis countrymen. They idealized and idolized Grover Grover Cleveland, and ho is out io volootarily as Blaino is voluntarily. They have nothing to do but bury themselves as Mugwumps nod grad ually become repentant, and regenerate aod grow op with the Republicans." The Nrw IMneavrry. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking abont'it. You may yourself bo ono of the many who know from per sonal experience just how pood a thing it Is. If yon havo ever tried it, yon are one of its staunch friends. liecanse the won derful thlnn about it Is, that when once given a triHl. Dr. King'c New Discovery ever after holds a place In the house. If ynu have never used It and should bo afllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouMo, secure a bottle at once and plvo it a fair trial. It is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at Proper fc Don Us Drugstore. The First Htep. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat. can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking tho first step Into Nervous Prostration. Yon need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring vour nervous system to Its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonio and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the Liverand Kidneys resume healthy action. Trv a bottle. Priee 50c. at Pro per dt Doutt's Drugstore. -New Washington, Penn., people are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article has merit. A few months ago David Byers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. He has sold it all and ordered more. He says: "It has given the best of satis faction. I have warranted every bottle, and havo not had one come back." 25 cent, 50 cent and $1.00 bottles for salo by Proper it Doutt, druggists. mar, Mercantile Appraiser's List for Forest County, A. 1. 1892. The vendors of Foreign and Domestic merchandise in Forest County, will take notice that they are appraised and classed by the undersigned Appraiser of Mercan tile and other License Tax, for the yoar ltsta, as follows, to-wit: RETAIL DEALERS. BARNETT TOWKsniP. Name. Class. Tax. A. Cook's Sons... 12 $12 50 Maple Crook Lumber Co 11 15 00 J. B. Fearsall & Co 10 20 00 Shippen Bros H 7 00 QREBN TOWNSHIP. Bowman Lumber Co 13 10 00 Collins A Kreitlor 11 15 Oil Collins & Watson 14 7 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP, Dunn A Turner 11 M. K. Hardenburgh 1:1 15 00 io no 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 O. W. King & 8on. 14 F. K. Metcalf. 14 J. B. Machesney 14 Isaac siggins 14 W. P. Siggins 14 W. G. Wilkins 14 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. T. J. Bowman 12 J. 8. Henderson 14 12 50 7 00 Wheeler A Duscnbury 13 Bowman it Ledebur 14 HOWE TOWNSHIP. E. B. Beaver 14 J. E. Corah 14 S. Crawford 11 Forest Tanning Co 10 W. II. Frost 13 3. J. Green 12 Goldman Bros 14 Curtis Johnson 14 J. L. Saxton 14 JE!Ii TOWNSHIP. Amsler Bros, it Co 10 M. C. Carringer 14 H. V. Curll A Co 13 L. 8. Clough it Co 14 J. O. Groleinund 13 John Hoover 14 P. Haskell A Son 14 H. H. Hensll 14 M. Levy 13 Cbas. 8. Leach 13 Miner, Green A Co 12 David Mints 11 Geo. B. Montgomery 13 A. D. Neill 1.1 A.Faltrovitch 14 Robert Parish 14 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 20 00 10 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 15 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 T. J. Heyner 13 Slaughehboupt Bros 10 it. ieiner... 1 1 A. D. Stull 13 8. 8. Towler 14 J. F. Wanner 14 E. A. Yetter A Co. 14 KlNOhXKY TOWNSHIP. M. Andrews 13 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 J. Barnhart 14 Berlin A Co .'.14 J. E. Corah 14 W. A. Kribbs 14 G. W. Osgood 14 Tionesta Lumber Co 11 TI0NK.STA TOWNSHIP. J. F. Ovcrlundor It 7 00 tionksta Donovan. G. W. Bovard 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 JO 00 10 00 7 00 12 50 20 00 7 00 Mrs. G. W. Bovard 14 J. T. Brennan, real estate and insurance agont 14 Chas. F. Black A Co 13 S. II. Haslet A Sons 13 H. J. Hopkins A Co 10 Lawrence. A Suiearbaugb 13 Lindal A Charleston 14 Proper A Doutt. 12 O. W. Robinson 10 M. Wile, Trustee, David Har nett, Manager 14 BILLIARDS. BARSETT TOWNSHIP. Samuel Grav, 2 tables.. J. B. Hart, i table 10 00 30 00 HARMONY TOWN8IIII Jacob Bonder, 3 tables A. W. Weber, 2 tab!es 60 00 40 00 JKNKM TOWNMIIP. M. C. Cnrringer, 2 tables Louis Mullen, 'I table KINOSI.EY TOWMSUIP. Elif Johnson, 2 tables 40 00 4U 00 10 00 TIONESTA BOltOUOU. O. C. Brownoll, 3 tables 40 00 Uuukle fc Anderson, 2 tables.... 40 00 TAKE NOTICE, All who aroconeerned in this appraisement, that an appeal will be held at the Treasurer's Office, in Tio nesta, on Monday, the 4th dav of April, A. 1. 1S!)2. between tbe hours of 10 a. in., and 3 p. m., wben and where you may attend if you think proper. J. K. HILlaKD, Appraiser. SEND your Job Work to tbe ltEPUB UCAN Office. DO YOU Overcoat or a FOR YOURSELF OR BOYS! - v . -ay- t DO you want a .Ladies Joar, wrap or Shawl for your wife or vour order to me as I gains in this class of for Spring goods. It will pay you to buy of me. Don't you fonret it. I must close this lino out in GO days, so hurry up with your orders and get a I lfr ( i nrw) a I Jnnfa nrwl Rlirtrtcs TTo cs o n 1 Caps, Millinery, Ladies' and- Gent's, Boys and Misses' Underwear, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &&, is always full and fresh and i.. il 1 x j. i 1 -r . in me latest styio as goods every week from New York. No larger or better stock to select from in this part of the State. Mail orders attended to promptly. DAVID MINTZ, Marienville, Pa. B uffalo D. BARNETT, Manager. The entire DRY - GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C, Late the property of been bought under the hammer, must be sold without delay, Come early and get HOP BALSA! NATURE'S COBBLER. Repairing, Mending, Making the Old y ana worn uui new. ITOP BALSAM is composed of fresh hope and the best guui., balsams and ex- peciorauiB Known prod ucin g refresh In g nlwp, and when tho mind is at repojo it oai-ieU nature and Loflls the body. The hca.thful and me dicinal pr;pfrTlnof fh hop are well known. Rnp Balsam will cure Concha 4'otriff. An inniiti poro nrit Connamptlon. 11 r n chltia and all Pulmon rtrj" Complaint. It at tut to mtswtltenblrTTnur.d clear tbe Itinera of all morl.M matter. Mother will find t he 6A.L8A 11 excellent .Hot h it cure when euro U poa albl Try It. IT CURES the most otub born r-asoa, whrn all otber rr inert l en hare failed. it ai i avft WW 1 nriiw 1110 rui ning Dcln: rellovoa Uio iufTrrcr from that t?r riblo Cough wfcc; cura U in tho balance. If you aretmuhled with Lnntr or Pulmonary compuun ia you anoiua uuf-o our vxlhaa. Get a large bottle Get a free sample lor 35 cents. at your druggists, to not acosot suhntftHte. Wbolraale lrot. 20S and BOS Waah1nton Straat, BUFFALO, N. V. Charter Notice. Notic la hereby given that an applica tion will be uimlo to the Governor of the Commonwealth of PennsylAania, on Fri day tbe 15th day of April, lWrj, by K. D. Steiner. J. C. Confer. David Mint.. N. K. Hoover and George Brown, under the Act or Aiweinuly or 1'cniiHyivanm entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of Natural Uas Compa nion." approved tho 2!tn day of May, 188o, for the charter of an iuteuded corporation to bo railed tbe "Poor Man's Llnht, Heat and Fuel Company." the character and obiect whereof are tho producing: and transporting of Natural Gaw, to be mined. drilled and excavated for in the townships or jenKH. Harnett. Klnnsiev Green ana Howe. In the County of Forest, and State of Pennsylvania, and Biinplv the tanie to consumer in niui about Marienville, in said countv, and in the townships a to re said, and lor these purposes to have, pos seas and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges 0 the said Act of Assembly ami its Supplements. J. H, WATSON, Com JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA, PA. TUo Ohnso Clrotilnr rfTr-T L, WilhStucl Hi udiiloi-ki Warranted 1'iilmukaUo IIJ.I'STHATRII t'ATAl.HiLJt Hl. CHASE 1URUINE MFG. CO., 0rtn9, Kits. Dr. W. F. C0NNEKS EYE, EAR, NOSE k THROAT SLRCEOX, M'CQLLUM BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA OlUce Hours 0 to 11 a. m. ; 'I to 4 p. 111. 7 to p. rn. Sunday, 4 to 6 p. 111. Practice limited to above specialties, J WANT AN Suit of Clothes daughter ? If so send am offcrinc: biff bar goods to make room bargain. My lino of l am receiving new : Store f stock of - CLOTHING, AOTIOXS, JEWEL.IIY, PROVISIONS, David Barnett, having regardless of cost. the best selections. Cattle Ordinance. Be it ordaitiM fty the Iturjet antt Town voimeuor J innema liorough, una it is hereby (nucted by the authority of the same. 1st. 1 hat from and nfter tho first dav of April, A. D. 1802, it shall not be lawful for any own, heilers, horned or other cattle to bo permitted to run nt laruo in Tionesta unroiiKii, except In beinjr driven to and ironi innir n HifM rn nnuiiirA np irnnntui but the same shall bo put up and properly secured by the owners thereof, under a penalty of Ono Dollar for each and evorv animal so remaining at largo, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. au. It is hereby made the duty of tho "inn loniHHDie or rounu master or saiu Boroii 'li to take un and iinnound ftnv and all ru. h animals noma- at larira as afore said in miid liorough, when he shall notify me owner or owners thereof or such seizure aud Impounding, and il they shall not, wiiiiin live days from such notice. rechi ill their oronertv hv nnvlnir the above penalty and costs of keeping to the uurgess or some memner or Council, then It silull be the dlltv of mild oMcnr laftnr having given ten days notice theroof) to sen saiu animal or animals in tho usual manner 01 sales tiy constables; the war rant therefor to lie made by the Ilurgess under his hand and seal, upon complaint or information of the High Constable or 1011 nd Master aforesaid. ad. J he H nrh Constable or Pound Master is hereby authorised, in case of sale, to retain all legal costs and foes, and ino surplus, lnctuainu the nenaltv afore said, In all cases to be paid to the Horizons. to be by him paid to the Dorouuh Treas urer, and after paymont of penalty and costs, to bo disposed of by tho Burgess and Council according to law. The High jonsiauie or i-onna Master shall be al lowed a fee of fifty cent for each seizure, out or said penalty, and such cost for notices and sales as are allowed Consta bles by the laws of this Commonwealth for similar services. Passed February i-Tth, A, D. 1892. J. K. Wknk, Hurgots. Attest, P. M. Ci.ark, Socretary. CURE Pick Headache and rrllee all the troubliwincl. dent to a bllioua atate of the system, such aa puumum, Nausea. Drowaiuesa, Distresa after ealiiiK. Pain in the Si.le, trn. While their moat reniarkahle success has been shown in curing Headache, jet Carter a Littls Liven Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, cui-insf and preventing thw aunoyine complaint, while they auto correct all dUuruera or the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel. Ci'dh aa wrcj viaij vmou HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who Buffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their giKxlueiw does not end Itero, and thoae who once try them will find these little pills valuable In so many ways that ttiey win not be willing to CIO wluioui tnein. But after all Hide bead ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our frreat ooaat. Our pills cure it whilo others do not. ( aktivk m Little Ltteb Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pill make dose. They are strictly vegetable aod do not gripe or purxe, but by their gentle action pleatie all wbo ute tltein. In viale at a5 oeutg; five for fl . bold everywhere, or sent by umuL CASTS! KEDICIUI CO., Vtv Tort (alii Sdlh SxiH Fncs, CARTERS River 5t!n PILLS. "i, WE ARE THE LEADERS IN QUANTITY, QUALITY, AND LOW PRICES. Everybody Wants! ou want, we want, we all want, everybody want, want, want 'tis everybody's duty to mako a dive Into the largest, freshest and best selectod supply of Fall and Winter Overcoats, Clothing, Flannels, Dressgoods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Cloaks, Coats, Jackets and Wrttps ever ottered for solo in this part of tho country, and to llnd ovory department full and complete. Don't fail to find your way to THE POPULAR STORE OF M I H T3T7"TTTC? At 1 ,r lJ -i-JI VJTi If you want a nice black Henrietta. If you want a nice colored Henrietta. If yon want beautiful black Bedford Cords. it you want good warm Press rlannels. If you waut any kind of Dress Flannels. If you want nice tine Dressgoods. If you want low priced Dressgoods. If you want the latest stylo Winter Wraps. If you want a handsome Wintor Jacket. If you want a gixal I'lusli Coat. If you want a nice Plush Jacket. If you want Jackets lor misses or girls. lr you want wraps tor misses or clulilrrn. If you want to gar.e on a lot of nienShawls. If you want ladies' coarse Shoes. If you want ladies' lino Shoos. If you want ladies' Rubliera. If you vtant ladies' Rubber Boots. If you want to buy the Finest and price; if you want to trado in a store whore Silks to Baled Hay j If you want to buy you want to trade whero tho stylos aro the lowest, and whero yon will moot with prompt attention, and square dealing, come to H. J. Hopkins TIONESTA, PENN. unjf-mnii ii MjiMMsawMMM aMs PROPER - (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN & SIGGINS,) DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WIIX ALWAYS BE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IX SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in chargo of a thorough!)- compolcnt Clerk, will ahviys bo found tho PUHEST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIIIST CLASS QUALITY IN EVKUY DEPARTMENT. mVET BY PRODUCE MB 0MH TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOlt GOODS. S. H. HASLET & SONS, HAVE A FURNITUB, - UNDERTAKER'S GOODS ! a-I-VIE THEM -A. C-IjIj. TIONESTA, J. E. CORAH'S Cash KELLETTVILLE AND BALLT0AVN, PA. Curry a full line of Genorul Merchandise, Including Biich bh Groceries, Flour, Food, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, Hardware, (iueonswure, ClgarH, Tobaceo, Patent Medicines, and in fact everything unuully found in flint clans country stores. Country produce tho sains as cash, taken in exchuagb for kchmIs, PRICES TO SUIT THE CASH ! Notice In Divorce. Leopold Broenoel, 1 In the Court of Com mon Pleas ol Forest Co., I'a., No. 4, lec. Teiin, 1.VJ1. liueiiHiit, 1 vs. ! Marv I'. I'rocnoel, HeHoi:dent. J To Mary J Jlroeuoet, Respondent, You are hereby notified to be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas lor the County of Forest, to be hold at TlonesUt. In and lor sunl County, on tlio Thinl Monday of May next, to show cause il any you have, why Leopold Jtroenool should not he divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, accord inn to the prayer of petition or libel tiled lu aaid Court, JOHN R. OSGOOD, Sheriff. I. M. Clark, Attorney. -It. wants i from childhood to old ago 'tis to moot wants j and wo want you to want j mo JU VU., . I want Trunks, Satchels or Bags. It .i ou waut good Underwcor. If you want the best Wool Hoslorv. It you want the host lOe. Cotton Flannel. If you want the best 25c. all wool Flannel. If you want the best limine! Skirt patterns. If you want the best all wool Blankets. If you want good cheap Blankets. If you want 8 yards Carpet for f 1.00. If you want handsome Ingrain Carpets, If you want floor Oil Cloth. If you want large Smyrna Kugs. If you want those now animal skin Bugs. If you want good working Shoos. It you want dandy dress Shoes. If you want Shoes for boys or girls. If you want Rubber of any kind. If you want Rubbor Clothing. Freshest Groceries, at the lowest possible you can get anything you waut from Fine whore you get tho most for vour money j If latest, tho goods the best, and prices the & Co.'s Store, & - DOUTT, PENN. AND CHEMICALS! Smearbaugh, HATS. CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS FULL LINE OF AND - - IPJESTN". Stores. Fred. Orottcnborgcr, GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil V ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings aud General Blacksinithing proinpt v done at Ijow Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hliop in rear of nnd Just west of the Shaw House, Tid Unite, I'a. Your patronage solicited. FRED, GRKTTEN11ERGER. JOB WORK of every description execu ted at the REPUBLICAN otlico. TIME TAIILE In effect July fi, 18UI. Trains lcnvo Tlo- neMn for oil City points west a follows 1 No. 03 Through Freight (carry- , vt.sn a. ni, 12:0lliinoii. No, el Way Freight (carrying passengers) 1:11 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exj ress daily.. :i3 p. 111. For Hickory. Tldlonte. Warroii, Kinzua, Dradtbrd, Olean and tho East; No. 30 Olean Express daily 8:11 . in. No. .12 Pittsburgh Express 4:17 p. m. Co. Wi Through r relglit oar- rylng passongors) 7:00 p. 111. Trains 03 and OB Run Dally and carry Passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time 1 nines ami 11111 imorinniion from J. I CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta, Pn. R. HELL, Gen lSnpt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger it Ticket Agent. Uuttalo, N. Y. The Beat Remedy in this world, r ayt J. Boftwrrof Bjracots, R. Y Is Fastor Kocnlg's Him Tonio, bocausa my son, who was partially paralysad ttojM yean aa and attaoksd bj flu, has not bad any symptoms ol them siooe be took on bottle of the remedy. I mott heartily thank for it, ntarroaa Prostration, Slecplea' en, nail IVeakaess. Waar Bbooobtom, Qnabee, Oct. 1, MO. TbeFartor Koenfg's Nerre Tonle I ordered waa for a young lady of my household, wbo waa al tnott aeeleee to bereelf and others, owing to proeurauon, ueepieienees. weaitnefts, To-day there In quite a change. 3 he reon is much better, stronger, mud lea aerTout. Hha win eontmue to uea your meat. auie, 1 think it is wr y good. r, DAAV1A, FREE! TeJwe.ble Hank aa Memaa :ilsMeee aent free to any addreea end poor patients ean also obtaia UiU medicine free of etiaraa. Thla mined has been nrenared bT tbe Reverend Saator Koenui. ot fort Warue. lnd. alnoe Uti. and mow prepared under his direction b the KOENIQ MED. CO., Chicago, CIS. Sold by Dnunrlats at 81 par Bottle. 6 br 8 o.rgo SUo, S1.73. 0 Bottles for 9. ACT1E BLACKING it cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS lioranso sliocs onco blackened with it enn I kept clean by washing them with water. IVoplo ill inodcrnto circumatanccs find it proliluMo to buy it nt 20c a bottle, brcanmj wh: t titer spend for Slacking thrjr save in tlioo lather. It U tlio chmj-est llarkitiR cotifWcrlnir IU (.r.ulilv, mid yet c want '.. tell it clii!jcr if It c:in bo dono- 'o w ill pay SE 0,000 Reward fir a recipe thnt will enable us to moke SVoi.vi'j Aoi'.J liLACKiNii at such a price tl'at n retailer can prolitaUvK.il it nt 10c. n bottle Tliusofi'criiiopcn until Jan. 1;1, lt'J'S. WOLF? & n ANDOLPn,rhiladclphla. Old JurrMurt painted with PIK-R03 (tliis is the name of tlic paintl, looks like Gtainod and varnished o furniture. One coat will do It. A cliild can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to your fancies. All retailers sell iL s.oo. The Supj-rli (JiiHlilles of our Two Dollar Mats are only licuiiiiiing to le known. These Hats are Kiinriintot-d not to break nnd have no poisonous dyes in Hie aw cat bands. 80 our cnstnnii rs will have 110 m ro heads. H o give fust aa correct a iityle for fiOO as lor f.".(X). NO JAY STYLES But only the well known nnd correct abat es of Youmnii Dunlnp, Knox mid Miller. . Prices f J.lKI, 5 '..V), $:1.00 and J3..h1. Mall ordcis promptly filled. McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Halters, Furnishers, Mod crate Price Store, KF.X1.C.V STREET, OIL CITY, PA it V: l-VIa" THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages, nnd Bug gies to let upon the mott rcu-sonuble terms. IIo will also do JOB TE.A.ri2sTO-1 All orders left at tho Post Olllce will receive prompt attention. TIDIOUTK I M&P.HINF SHOP X milNDRY C. E. DANIELS, MA.CIIIISriST, FOUNDER & BLACKSMITH. . All Machine and Foundry Worlc and Bhicksmithing promptly done at lowest rates and guaranteed. Sled shoes of all kind ou hand. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY. WORKS Tho Curson Miop, near Rail road rJtatiou, TimOUTK, (JQC A WEEK and upwards positively t$itJ secured bv men agenta selling Dr. Scott's Genuine Electric Belt, Suspensory, etc., and by ladies selling lr. Scott's Elec tric Corsets. Sample free. State sex. Dr, Scott, 818 Broadway, N. Y. Nov.lU-am. I'll TfTrXTlTl I Ti 1 iM LAtf ami 0 hi . v : ' .'... :.l