r r v 4 r THE 1AR.U AND GARDEN. t WASTK FBOM ItMlWrSO SOtT,. Few rralizo how much is lost by lead ing land uncovered in winter. AVhcn the country was new unil forest numerous, (now lay evenly spread over fields that are now wind swept, mid nil the snow piled over tho fences in hanks. These banks are usually blockaded before the spring by the fine dust produced on the surfneo by repeated frcc.injj and thawinir, which is always the richist part of the soil. Boston Cultivator. ORADtNO F.COS Ron MATtKET. Extrns, first, seconds, thirds ami known marks comprise tho classification of egfs decided upon by tho Boston Cham ber of Commerce. Extras comprise tho best quality, fresh laid clean eggs in sea son, put up in the best manner. Firsts comprise fine marks of cpg such as come in car load lots, or smaller lots and are packed in fine order, fresh in season and reasonably clean, such stock ns gives sat isfaction to most consumers. Seconds comprise all stock that is merchantable and inferior to firsts. Thirds comprise nil poor stock in bad order, rotten etc. j stock not considered roally merchantable. Known marks comprise such sorts as aro well known to the trade under some par ticular designation or mark, of such qual ity as those familiar with the mark gen erally understand it to be iu the season in which it is offered. Extras, tc pats at the mark, must not lose to exceed ouc dozen per 100 dozen and firsts not more than two dozen per 100 dozen, or one T&ul one-quarter dozen per barrel, if sold iu barrels. Farm, Field and Stockman. DEADENING TIMBER. A Southern farmer writes, in the South, where the laud is usually cleared by deadening the practice is convenient, but more coolly in the end than complete clearing at tho first. Land is cleared of the small timber at a cost of about $5 per acre, while it cosU nt least $25 to clear it completely. Iu general there is no practice that is in common use with I out some advantage, and this applies to the deadening of the timber in tue first clearing. Where timber Li scarce to (lrndpn it is nn ennnnenv' ntlmir!ca ' -V j. w .j, .... ..w.,,JV tfflU1 is burned and destroyed. I IMMli.4ftrV... ..-rtl nu. .l:..u I 1- a large quantity of standing timber, once of no value, but now worth more thuu the cost of cleariug for tho lumber and lire wood in it. Timber will keep sound many years, and where there is no market for it and a possibility of a future v.ilue, it is ad visable to kill and leave it for future use. The common method iu the South is to leave the largo tfmbor which is not in the way of growing crops, and after a few years to seed the land to grass, and Tradually clear it off at leisure. There i no damage or benefit to the land in any ay by leaving the timber to stand. ew York Times. WARM WATER FOR COW9. Varin water f -ijws to drink is tho Auujecff up fwlisc'ussiou iu the conven tions uhd papers at this time. It is wonderful how much experimenting en be douu and how very little is fouud out. One wise man will try ft here and come to one conclusion while another wise man will try it there and come to quite another conclusion, each thinking he has settled the question forever. The outside party will reud the report! and immediately seo that each one of those parties tried the experiment under entirely different surroundings. Oae may have kept tho cows warm and decided in favor of cool water while tho fether reversed this by keeping his cows cold and deciding in favor of warm water. The proper way would seem to be first to put the cow in the proper con dition, both as to housing and feeding and especially having plenty of meat on her bones, then try her with water at all the temperatures from blood heat to freezing and the one she then thrives under is the best for a cow that is prop erly kept. Any other plan simply tests the matter of one error counteracting another error which is knowledge scarce ly worth knowing. Do the thing right or don't do it at ull. American Dairy man, . , . C' A RARE BUT BEAUTIFUL PLANT. ' Imantophyllum miniatum is a plant that seems to be very little known, writes Eben Reiford. I have never "'Ksen it in any private collection except my (iwdi v Tt resembles tho Ajapauthus very much in foliage, though its leaves are broader, and hardly as long, and are perhaps darker in color. It sends up Us leaves and flowers from a large bulb, and increases rapidly. In order to se cure strong, blooming plants It is well to remove most of the young bulbs, as, if allowed to remain about the old plant, the pot soon becomes full of bulbs, and as a result you will get but few flowers. The Agapauthus,bears its flowers, which re small, ou the extremity of a t:ill Jilk where the Imantophyllum has a stk more like that of the Valletta, and 'i flowers resemble those of that plaat nut exactly in shape, but tliey arc 'ko in color, while those of tho Im .ophylluin are an orange red. From Jiree to five flowers are borne in each cluster, and each flower lasts several 2ays. The plant is evergreen in charac ter, and fs one of those which can be kept growing the year round, like the Calla, witiout injury. My plant has never hinted at renting, aud from my experience with it I should hardly know bow to go to work to make it rest if I wanted to. As it blooms regularly each year, and has fine, lare flowers, aud deems In most perfect health, I do not insist on its taking a rest, but keep it growing steadily ull the tiaie. I cannot understand why it is not more extensive ly growu. It is quite as attractive as many varieties of the Amaryllis, uud much more easily grown. Indeed, my plant gets no more care than a geranium, und does us well as 1 could wish it to. It likes a good deul of M ater at its roots, aud a rather large pot. Mine grows in a soil composed of loam, leufiuoid aud sand, aud has good druiungu provided. It geuerully tloouis iu March or April, and is to the spring decorutiou of the tilting room or greenhouse what the Vullotta is to the silting room or green house in full one of our best pluuts. Wheu 1 say that I know of but one firm of plant dialers from whom it can be ob tained, its lurity will be understood. Ladies' Home Journal. CnoOblSO lillOSZIS Tl'HKKYs. The broue turkeys probably piy as B'ill as uuy breed of birds, aud iu start ig a flock of this breed great cute is ded. Age, siie uud general syuiiue f are ail to be considered, or the deal ers will palm off inferior birds nt the high prices of tho perfect ones. Tho perfect Oronr.o turkeys should have black aud . glossy plumage, and those from seven to eighteen months of ago should weigh between fourteen ami sixteen pounds. The cocks of the same age should turn tho scales from twenty to twenty-five pounds. The marks of auro Are generally uumistakablo on bronze turkeys as well as upon other poultry. The legs especially grow scaly as tho birds grow old, and when flvo or six years of age they turn to a light pink hue. They aro alsa less lively in actions, and act moody and tame. Tho color of their plumage Is also a pretty good guide to their age and purity of strain. Tho plumage of a young tur key will sparkle with golden bronze and purple hues, which cannot be mistaken. It shines and glitters in the sun as if it came out of the glossy black color of their feathers. The downy feathers lie close to their bodies, and tho wholo bird Is trim and pretty looking. There is nn appearance of general quickness aud activity about them, which is not notice able in poor breeds or in old turkeys. When tho cscks and hens havo been selected for breeding purposes it should bo remembered that the quality of tho flock is to ho kept up year after year. To do this the cocks nre more essential than the hens. Young hens nl.ra.ys par take more of tho male parent than the fe malo, aud a full-bred cock will often transmit all of its good qualities to the young of a half-bred turkey hen. Fart of tho flok should be kept over every year for future breeding purposes, aud only the best hens should be selected for this purpose. The color of tho plumage, size and general activity of the hens should influence ono in this choice. Then it m.iy often be necessary to purchase one full bred cock, for this is the best way to keep up the strain of the family aud prevent deterioration. Qiite a number of flocks of bronze turkeys have lost nearly all their characteristics by lack of this pre caution. They need new blood aud out side strains to give more vitality and strength to them. When this is neglected the turkeys gradually become common or dinary turkeys of the barnyard. Ameri can Cultivator. FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. Perkin ducks do best where there is no water. Eggs cannot be produced without lime for the shells. The earlier the pullets aro batched the sooner they will begin layiug. Tho beginning of the yeir is a good time to begin keeping accounts. Iu small yards two cocks aro worse than none on account of fighting. In-breeding is tho father of a good deal of swine trouble Change boars. Extra care is neoded with the chickens that are hatched early, but it will pay. Success with young chicks demands warmth,dryneis, liberal feeding and puro air. A few days in tho spricg will make a considerable difference in the price; try to be early. Never leavo a horso after driving iu the mud until his feet aud lejs are rubbed dry. When the fowls aro confined, as they must be largely at this tiuie, scabby legs will be more prevalent. The best market usually for largo tur keys is during the holidays; after that medium fowls sell the. best. The colt needs silt and the best way to give it is to let him have freo access to a manner or bos which contains suit. Teach tho boys in a practical way that the farm is the foundation of their suc cess in life and they will not flee to tho city. With comfortable stables the horses will not suffer. But the mora comfort able the stable the more the horse nocds a blanket when left standing out-doors. Why not work tho stallion I You want the colt's to work, and if the sire spends his life in the stall doing nothing won't he be likely to breed laziness into his colts? What is the uso in paying twelve to twenty dollars' service fee for a colt from a good horse and then making a scrub of it by roughing it . through the first winter? Oats must be very high in your locality if you cannot afford to feel the colt and calves some. In fact, if you bavo younji animals that nre worth raising at all, yol cauuot allord to go without feeding oats. Experimenters on the other stdo ol the Atlantic have found that by a cheap method of supplying atmospheric elec tricity to tho growiug crop, the yield of potatoes has been increased from 300 tc 450 bushels por acre. J. J. Mechi, tho well known English scientific farmer, says that whilo he hates cruelty, ho thinks it real humanity to re move the horns of cattle, and at the cost of temporary sullering to secure them a peaceful enjoyment for the rest of their lives. An intelligent faimer, milking twenty one cows, stated that five of these did not pay their way, though tho average production of tho whole herd was 225 pouuds yearly. At tho same time ho could not seo that it woall ba for his interest to dispose of the five aud milk sixteen. Don't be afraid of starting sheep. You cannot lose even il you do nut gain largely at first. Study and application will make you an expert, wheu vou may safely increase your flock. Ko stock eeds less daily care, costs less to main tain, and pays better aud surer divi dends. B-'iu small. A correspondent ot tho Santt Barbara (Cal.) liiJcjienJeiU writes that beuu wee vils cuu be destroyed by sprinkling tho beans with beuz'mo or spirits of turpen tine. Jle says that subjection to a dry heat of 150 degreees Fuhr. for an hour will also destroy the grubs and uot it. jure tho geruis of tho beaus. If you keep poultry in peus and yards throw in all tho vegetable nud garden truck you enn spare, reduced to eatable size. Haw potatoes, onions, turnips, eurrots, cabbage, beets, celery tops, etc., chopped hue. All will uid iu pro ducing winter eggs, aud remember meat of some klud is almost a necessity. As a rule a dairy farm -an be known as socn as the eye lulls ujiou it. It tells of iucreasiug fertility, of larger har vests. So, too, inuy one reud ut a glauce the story wheu the hay is sold, but it is not so promising, there are uot the same evideuces of prosperity. A glauce at the farms should settle the problem with the individual farmer. Caught Great Eagle. F. Marker, who is working out at A. IT. Smith's sawmill on Rifle Creek, sets large trap, thinking to cntch a monster bear, whoso tracks were seen in the neighborhood. Several days after ho went out to look at his trap, but instead of tho bear he found a largo cnglo, tho largest, perhaps, ever seen in tho Rocky Mountains. Tho caglo had been caught in tho powerful jaws of tho trap by ono leg just above the claws. lie had dragged the immense trap, whirh wns secured to a log by a chain, into somo brush more tlinn twenty-five feet from tho spot whero trapped, and was dead. So largo aud strong wns ha leg that it was not broken. The caglo was too large to carry, so tho trapper cut both legs off as trophies. He measured the huge bird, and it was twelve feet from tip to tip of its out stretched wings. Myrtle Point West Oregonian. I? i mm Ml nit Mattte A. Cobb, of Providence, R. I. Undcubtcdly many disenses may be prevented if the blood is kept puro and the general health-tone sustained by the use of Hood's Sarsnpnrilla. When this is done, tho germs of La Grippe, Diphtheria Pneumonia, Soarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Malaria, Mr., cannot IoiIk In the syntem. After all such nroa 'miIuk diseases Hood's Sarftaporllta bo been found if Inestimable value In restoring desired health and rliror, and purifying the tainted blood. Koreinniplc rend the following from Miss Mattlo l. Cobb, of lTovldeuce, R. I., and her mother. Miss "obb la a young lady of 18, a Picture of Health ind Is In the front rank In herntudles In the High School. Her father Is a well-known police onlcer: "I write to tell how much tcood Hood's Snrsuparllla las done for me. Sometime ago I had diphtheria and vas sick for a year afterward, lielng Weak, Blind and Helpless t used one ttottle of Flood's Rarssparllln and It mnrfe He real stmug." Mattik A. ColiH, bouth Chester .venue. Providence, K. I, "As mv ilnmrhter wanted to write how well she tlkcd HimmI's Sarsapnrllla. 1 thought I would sny a 'ew words. I thlult It Is the Greatest Blood Purifier ?ver brought liefore the people. Home of iny friend sny 'go away with your medicine.' 1 said the same unce. but gjucemy daughter has taken Hood's Sarsaparilla My opinion ban rhaiiKtl considerably." Mrs, Geo. N. Com, l'rovuit'uce, K, U llnoi. I 1 1 1 m are purely vegrtaMc and are the best liver lnvlKttrutor nixl faniMy cathartic. Sheridan's Condition Towders It Ton ran't iret It mend to tie. We mail ue puck 4V. Kive $1. A S 1-4 lb. run li.W. fltx. ub. Ex. mid. 1 L B,JOiLN:ON AOo..aU'uiaom Hons 8t.. Hotoa, U nlrm. ADWAY'S READY RELIEF. CURE AND PUEVKNT4 Colds, Coujhs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations, Rheumatism, Neuraliat Frostbites, Chilblains, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, DIFFICULT BREATHING. CURESTRR WOlifeT PAINS In from one to twentj mluulea. NOT u.Sb HULK ut..-r reading this aU verllMMueht need any one SUt t'M WITH rAlN. ItudwHr'a Ifeitriy Hellel la u rure Cure lor fcvery liiiu, pi-Hiiia, HrulNea, luilte in luu lluck. Client or l.lmba. It ttt luu birxl II lid i the Ouly I'AIN UU.tlt.UY That Instantly stop the moat excruciating paint, allays lu!liumatuu, uud cures Cougctlous,whethur of the Luitg, MuiiiiiL'b, llowvH ur oUiur Uiuds or organs, oy oueuppl.catiou. A hulf to u le,utp.uiirul m half a tumbler of water will In a few minute cure Crams, hpusms, &our Momaeu, Heartburn, Iservousuess, blceplessnew, sick Hcaaacuc inurruua, iyseulvry, iuc, flatu lency uuil all luteruul palus. 1 here u uot a reme llul u teut In the world that wilt cure r'ever ami Auue ami ull other Malarious, bllloui aud other fevers, unlcl by It A II A Vis I'll. I., so quick as ItAlllVA V'B UfcAllk Utl-ltr. sVillycenta per buitle. Kolil by OragglatSa V HK Isl'Kli TO Ai KT IIAIIWA V'H. There is nothing that may not happen to a thin baby. Thers is nothing that may not happen to a man who is . losing his healthy weight. We say they are " poor." They are poorer than we at first suspect. Do you want almost all that is known of the value of plumpness told in a way to commend to you careful liv. IG and Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil if you need it. A book on it free. Scott & CowNr.,Ch.muts, 13s South jth Avenue, New Yorl.. Y)ur iliu-.'lil keeps Sou's I'.mulsioa of cod'hver eilull umii'.s cvtry wlicrfe do. 8w oTuit'sYiny Pills OThedvipcpi i;,tli il.-.i.Uat-d. wlielh-Q frlrom en-t'Ki, of work of mlml orw OImmI v or cxpimurt' In iiiulurml regions a will liiul TaU'tt 1'iHh tin) most ki-iiUUJ rvi-turistlv f ver oUfreit the. lmuli.l. Ely's Cream BalmgSi M il. I. C I ItE gf.L0,"H!f CHILDREN I Ol t AT A It I! II. Apiily Halm luu.ca.-h u lrll. F, 1 .uV" 'J? t,Y Wtiw., ! rVncu Kt., N. V, t .Jt'fi'rK Sew! TEMPERANCE. it web noon. A wportor of the Now York WorU re cently united Dr. Oeorgw F. bhrswiy, an emi nent Brooklyn phjmioian, if whisky is irood preventive of the drip. Jle replied: "Whisky la npver o;ooil to wnni off anything. IJVkvI food 1 the beat mean" with which to wni off, disease. To done with whiaky in like mid inir ahn,viiiritothe Are. There la no physical, mental or moral excuse for n man's drinking whisky as a preventive of diseAse." A TOUNCl rAtlMltR'g FAT. A special despatch to the Cleveland I.vid er, dated C'elina, Ohio, snyst "Herman Henlstocken, the seventeen -year-old son ol J. 11. Henistocken, a wealthy farmer near Willow Dell, Darke County, was sent to Berlin yesterday morning with a loid of (Train, with instructions to sell it and run chaw some groceries. He met a lad, W il liam Suuke, a schoolmate, and they went in to a saloon end treated each other several times. Denistocken became beastly drunk, ISunke got bis team, put him in the waxon and started for home. lie went a short dis tance and fell to sleep. ills team turned oil to wrong road and stoppe I in a fence comer about til teen miles from hia home. His parents were alarmed at bis failure to return, and a searching party Immediately set out. W hen he was found he was frozen stiff. They took him to a farm-house ne.tr by, and after several hours' hard labor ht was revived, but cannot live. He was never known to have touched intoxicating linuot before. It is feared that hut father will lose hut mind." LIQUOR PRODttCTIOf. The annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue gives the quantity of spir it in distillery warehouses, September 80, 1891, as l(H,S10,81ia gallons. The quantity of distilled spirits in the Unit.d States, ex cept what may bo In custom iMiided ware house. October 1, lS'.ll, was lf3, 945,773 gal lons. Whatever, therefore, may be true of the Croton-water supply for New York, there is no immediate danger of a whisky famine for the country at large in the liu'tit of these tlgures. The total number of dis tilleries registered and operate 1 during the year is given as 404'J and JS19 respectively, a decrease of 2.8 in the number reUtcrcd, and a decrease of 239i in the number oper ated. The commissioner announces his purpose of substituting weighing for gaug ing in mo&t places in ascertaining the quan tity of distilled spirits subject to tax. The figures of the Internal llevenue report, large as they are, have an ominous signifi cance as to the extent to which alcoholic! beverages are still consumed by large num bers of people. They indicate conclusively the urgent ueed of Increased educttionnl temperance missionary work. .National Advocate. BKKR A!D POVERTY. The study of statistics is said to rouse the Chancellor of the Exchequer to enthusiasm, and dull Jgures properly introduced to one another have told Btirring tales. Mr. Chts. Booth's figures about the poverty of St. George's-in-the-East and the figures lately published by the rector m his annual report ihout the public houses iu Jils parish ought to be brought side by side. The inhabitants of St. Ueorge's East are among the poorest in Londou. Indeed, .Mr. Chas. Booth reck, ons St. George's to be the poorest district in East London, containind 48.8 per cent, of what he calls "the poor," compared with oU2 per cent, in V hitechapel, and 44. 7 per cent, in Bethnal-green. There are, nevertheless, 81 public houses to supply with drink the 11,000 people who 00 cupy the rector's district one house, that is, for every ISft persons. On Fridny evening, October 30, 1S1I0. many of the public houses were visited, and, taking the averaga 45 per sons were found in each house. On Sunday, November 7, 77 adults were counted enter ing one door of a public house. On one evening, in the short space of 85 minutes, 67 children were counted entering drink shops with oans, jugs or bottles. From such fig ures it would seem a moderate computation that 300 a year must be annuity paid in over the counter to keep up each of the 81 houses; 10,300 is thus spent every year by 11,000 of the poorest people in Londou. Pall Mall Budget. America's danger and msorace. The craving of alcolul.bejotton of alcohol, ever waxes danger; the moment comes when it i9 a wild passion, a fiorco ma .ness, says Archbishop Ireland. In slavery to it woman lorgets honor; the lather in hellish laughter casts to the vender of liquor that solitary dimo that would slay the starvation of the child; the husband pawns the cot of the dying wile. The muscular giant crouches in terror be fore the shrine; youth yields u; freshness of mien and hopes of fortune,an.1 mo.'ks for its sake a mother's tears and a bride's love. Old ago at its bilding puts on the garment of idiocy, and closes iu earthly journey in dis grace and sin. Intelligence will not ward oft iis arrows; poet, orator, statesman go forward chained to its chariot into Mamer tine gloom. Piety does not with stand the fury of ita breath. The very cedars of Lebanon have been laid low, the roral oaks of the forest have been uncrowned and flung into the deep val leys of ignominy and death. The home is made desolate by it. How sacred the home 1 It is God's appoint 1 treasury of pure and sweet love! There happiness bubbles forth from ever-living springs; virtue germinates aud blooms in native aoil, watere i by pro pitious dews from the skies. Tho homes of the land are the social units of which tbo aggregate is the nation. The nation in its wider sphere of action is the reflection of its homes. The poisonous breath of alcohol passes over the home; it is the passage of death. The drunkard's soul exhales hatred and sin; hearts of wife and mother break in anguish; the ceaseless tear-drop of sorrow glisten on the eyelid, aud the veil of gloom and despair darkens their faces. Alcohol's hellish work goes beyond the drunkard's home. There is physicial an I moral conta gion; other homes are smitten, and alcohol lifts up its sceptre within their enclosure. The drunkenness of an employe endangers au entire industry; that of a trusted guardian of public interests ruins fortunes and de stroys precious lives. Poverty is begotten, the sober and industrious are taxed to re lieve it. Citizens of America, know and realiie the danger. Evil bearing alcohol floods your land; its murky and noxious billows are donning ajainst your homes, and their angry crest rise ti the very summits of the pillars upon which are set your free re publican institutions. Intemperance is not the festive rollicking of former times; it is bestial In its degrada tion, hellish In its crime begetting power. Indeed, intemperance is increasing the world over; it has become the virulent malady of the nineteenth century, a fact which does not make our own local condition the more hopeful. The saloon keeper is alcohol's soldier; he is America's danger and disgrace. Sacred Heart Heview. TKMPERANCK NEWS AND NOTES. Almost any man cuu be made to talk if a corkscrew is used to draw him out. In the past year more than 2,000,000 bar rels of beer were brewed in Milwaukee. If you must use liquor to keep warm have it In your boots rather than your brain. One moderate drinker is worth more to the devil than a thousau J out aud-out drunk ards. A dissolute linguist, a toucher of seven diiferent lauguaKes, has beau jailed ut Lar amie, Wjo., for beating bis wile, who sup ported him by taking iu washing. One of the best moves the devil can make is to persuade a big-headed man to trust iu bis own strength. Every drunkard used to think he could drink or let it alone. Moonshiners' whisky has a sting to it. It leaves a sensation in the throat as if pow dered glass had just passed down. In the moonshine district nearly everybody, young aud old.driuks this stulf. A recent compilation of statistics on the subject shows that the average relation of convictions for drunkenness ou Sunday to population is iu England one conviction to every 97,414 of population; Wales, oue con viction to every oJ.uoti of population. A correspondent of the Boston Traveller says in a recent letter: "There have been but two arrests iu Portland, Me., this week out of a population of 4U,0U0 persons. This is the fruit of enforced prohibition, and it Conies pretty near to 'peace on earth.' " Chicago sends g reetlng to tha Anti Lottery party of Louisiana and la helping ttia cause to borne extent Itself. Se qourt records. ' t Nuts and NnirHlon. A good story is told of Dr. Dio Lewis, who wished to ninkc a marked imprest Ion on the minds of his boarding school girls. They tensed for nuts nt dinner, and wrro promised all they wanted. The next day nothing but nuts appeared on tho tnble. "Now, girls," said Dr. Lewis, "eat all you wnnt and you will be as well oil as if you hnd your usunl dinner; but nuts taken after n heavy meal nro too much for tho stomach to bear, and surely bring on indigestion." The Plowman snys; "Scientists have pronounced nuts in excellent article of diet. In this case Ihey nro not to be cnten as a doscrt, but as tl o main staple, of tho meal. Nut trees beautify n lawn and serve for utility uid orniiniciit at tho fame time. The ;ost of planting and growlDg Is small, rim market for nuts is assured. They may be called ono of tho staples of com merce" New York Horald. I.a Urlppr. On December 19th, 1 was confined to my room with tho Grippe. The Treasurer of lbs "Commercial Advertiser" recommend ed that I should try a boltlo of "Aycr's Cherry Pectoral," as it had cured him of the t amo complaint. 1 lent for a bottle, and in two dnys I was able to resume my business, and am now entirely cured. As I took no other remedy, I can bnt give all the credit to tho "Cherry reotoral," which I gratefully recommend as a speedy spcclflc for this disease. Yours very truly, F. T. Harrison 90 Park Row, New York, N. T. Sot tho Meriiniftc, but tho Virginia. There never was a Confederate iron Mud of any other ironclad named Mcrri tnnc. The Confederate ruui wus the Vir ginia always. SI10 wns constructed upon the hulk of nn old United States frigate sailed tho Mcrriiuac. Why people should vo on calling tho Virginia tho Merrlmnc we cannot see. History and fact not liwuys synonymous ugroe in this case. The Conledcrate ironclad was tho Vir ginia, not tho Mcrrimnc. Norfolk (Va.) Landmark. OWons and IltiAiiRF.KEsa. The Irritation n'hieh induces couirhinu: immediately re lieved by use of "ll-ou;u' ilruuc.'itul 2Vcfts." Sold only In buxei. FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline's Ohkat Nkhvk Kkstoiiku. No tits utter first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treat tse and $- trlitl bjttLj iree. Dr. Kllue. Ml Arch St.. Hhlla Pa For Investments In Heal Kstnte for mann faeiurinif, for merchamihe. lor almost nny thtnif, write (0 the l.end and Hiver Improve .iiout Co.. West Superior, Yisi-uusln. Yaltiuble information will Imj sent tlioi-o interested. There nre ailments that rub young wo.nen of tioth Health and Hcanty and make them pre maturely old. Lydia F.. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound will restore both if taken in time. OIVIS KNJOYS Both the method and results when byrap of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy tein effectually, dispels colds, bead aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is ine only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in Its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made tt the most popular remedy known. Syrup or Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP COL tAM fMMCISCO, CAL. MNWVUi. Kf. ttw 0K MV "German Syrup 5). Just a bad cold, aud a backing cough. We all suffer that way some times. How to get rid of them is the study. Listen "I am a Ranch man and Stock Raiser. My life is rough and exposed. I meet all weathers in the Colorado mountains. I sometimes take colds. Often they are severe. I have vsed German Syrup five years for these. A few doses will cure them at any stage. The last one I had was stopped in 24 hours. It is infallible." James A. Lee, Jefferson, Col. na u 1 1 mi sr- sat a Kidney, Liver and PladderCure lUtcmiiatisi.i, lumhairo, pninhi JnintHor Imck.lirU If i1utla Urine, fn'iiitnt culls, irritutmn, inthmmtioa trmv(.-lt ulo'iutiuu or cuturrb ol LUUdur. Disordered Liver, Tmptilrr1 filiation, trout, hiHloiiR-ivartacha, h M I'-UOOi t un a kidney ilillit ultie, XiuUrJjfpe, urmary trouble, blight's diauttttt. Iisipurc l&iood, Scrofula, malaria, gen'l weukness or debility. ;aarHlr- I'M oontrnta of One Bottle. If not boa. SfUeU, Lrui.'l.uj w Ul I'eluuU to you w.e ft-it-v iild. ( 1 1 At DruiilaU, SOo. SUe, Ijl 1.00 Size. invalid, G.ude to H.ltti"free Tyuwulutlon fraSi Da. ivtuuit it Co., bi.NUiULMiow.K. sTV7-.l TrCAiiV'-.it K 1 Catarrh Can't bsClr4 - With loesl applleattons, ss they rannot reaeh the sest of tit rIlM Catarrh Is a hloed or eon ttlttittonal dlxeaae, and In order to cur It yon have lo take Interna remedies. Hall's Ctarrh Cure Is taken Internally .and airUdlreetly on the hlood and muentis enrtanes. Hall's Itotarrh Cure la no quaes m edit Ine. H was prescribed bronsof the t.eat fhytoians In this ooantrv for years, and Is a remtlar prescription. It to rompced of the best tonics known, combined with ths best blood purihers, aettns; dfreetlr on the muenns surfaces. 1 ha perfect combi nation of tha two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for loallniotiials free, t'. J.t'nsarr A Co., Props., Toledo, O, Bold by rlrngtflMt.. nrlca Tao. The worst cases of female weakness readily field to Dr. Swan's 1'aetlles. baiuples freo. yr. Hwan, Ueaver Jam,Ws. pKKrtiAM'a Pti.t post only rent a Ho. They are nroverltlally known Ihrouuhuut lbs world lo Go "worth a guinea a hon." Mrs. rinkham's letters from ladles In all parts of the world average One Hundred por lay. Phc has nevor failed thorn, and her fame la world wide. coavUKHT last The wrong way, with Catarrh, is to stop it without curing it. Tho poisonous, irrita ting snuffs, strong caustio solutions, "creams,'1 balm and the like may, perhaps, palliate for a time. But they may drive tho diseaso to the luns. The wrong way is full of danger. Tho right way is a proved one. It's with Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem edy. It cures, perfectly and per manently, by it-s mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, the worst cases of Chronio Catarrh. It has proved itself right, thou sands of times, when everything else has failed. And this makes its proprietors willing to prove that it's the right thing for you, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing. If they can't cure your Catarrh, they'll pay you t500 in cash. They mean it. They're certain of their niedv cine. What Is It? J 11k uauic i'lxkhr I .a Mr am Omar Liuhtkr. UlTm a brtirlit tight from m niinuie to an hour. Halfatnllll n In dolly tine. lmllPiK'ncaiilf to tiie nok er. Kits tlii vest pocket In n)Kaii(l price. Sample, exi'irw paid. fl.UU, A Kkke Tii-kict to Tim World's Fair. How? Huyonoof our Mauio Pot-urr 1'ankk, pave your dim1, and you will yH I hen' li limit fee I in It. The Hank lock, rKl'tra deposit! aud tMaa Ittwlf wheu fifty dime i$; have been deposited. l'rli", pout mid, llfto. Airnta vantni. Write for catalogue of Alatrlc Novellloa, MrntUm thi iki 1 xt. Katlnfactlon iruiirantped or monvjr refuutteU. Maxto Introduction Co., :1 ttroadway, New York. nn NaT RF DFCFIVFn wiin rtn, EimiueTs, anil faints wDlch stala lue nsnu. iiiiure tne iron, ann uurn on. The Uislng Sua Slots Polinh Is lirllllant.Oanr-let.-. DurHble, and the eoiiBumer pays for notlu ur gifts puckaKe with every puri'DAte. IF VoM den't nt contort M ou don't ih to look well drsssotf. If rou don't want the best, thea nsi don't want Ihs Isco Back Suspsnder. four dcsler his It if heisslive. Ilhoisn'theshruldn't he your deslsr, Wa will msll psir on receipt ot tl.oa None genuine without tho stamp St pots. . , Lace Hark f nfnrnder Con H 1'rtuoe l lnel, M. X. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. A PROFITABLE Bl'MINEriM ON A LIMITED CAPITAL open to auy entcrprUinpT iirty lu every town and village in tho Uultet Ktaieii In which there la uo Dewmlealcr. Ftir particular addruun Til K AMERICAN FWK COMPANY, NEW VOHK. CIVEN AWAY! I This is tha mnt biaii tiful uew K(MIK of the yer wb ich we ffiva ENTIRELY FREE U,onrrntoni0rof ISW. If ynu are intrrHll in rtOWEII nd for our CATALOCUE of th. trAnd.Bt noTt,lt,r and poiallt. r offen.,1 IT WILL PAY YOU. write now. ROBT. SCOTT A SON, Plilladolphla, Pa. THE LARGEST SITV? T.4TK JIM l N A I. In tin' l'. S. onl 1 ir year. If you wmit in huy or pu-ll through Iu itiluinni, ml ilr'M THK W1DK AWAKK, Lim Moluo, Iowa. Wt pAM MAKE MONEY for you hy d4rl HufB luvcBiuieuu In th prov penm Sfnteof WanhlnKton. Writ ua. OAMWI.LL ft WAKNKIi, Invfalmeut Haukem, Kalrhaveu, WaMb. HnUC lTt I V, Uookt-KKanifa, Liuint brm, U l7l t Jritmautip, arUVniU), bhurt-lutmt, etc. Thokoluiily 1 AUdHT bv U 1 1.. Circular (rj liryani'a t'ollege, 4H7 Mala bu, UufTalo, N. DAISY I'H.I.IIU.KIItM II (II. II Kit U.W.Nl;rrixu.llrocklon.MaM.U ! SSktllllffsJ Morphlna H ablt ller OPIUnLsnvHtNrt. hlns Habit Onrad In 10 cured. L.baMMttOkia. ' "flUf wwm. UK' uwsssisiaiuias 1111 Hsu. Yvi-w.' o'-x. V Rf AR API tail nuniu W9 COMING INTO A KINGDOM! Spi, Wisconsin, The Great and Growing Metropolis at the Head ot Lake Superior. For Inmtmints In Real Estate, For Manufacturing, For Loaning Money, For Merchandltlng, . FOR EVERYTHING The Best Place la America. Sflcericr Real Estate Will Advance 500 Per Cent, in tne Next Ten Tears. moito im m riyer IMPROVEMENT CO., m West Superior, Wisconsin $500.00 WILL BE PAID FOR A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE o o o o IT) rjACOBSOl TRADE MARK Win PsoMrri.r AMD First AaunxT XIIIEUIVILTIOIVX, Lambais, Hoadache, Tsothanhaa NEUnALGIA. Ion Tbroat, Swellings, Frost-blts, OCX-A-TICA. Rpralna, Prnleos, Itnms, HcaldSa BIICHRltl . vor.rxtn co Bsnimsrs. M4 NVS U 5 pnTQBiAs UNEXCELLED I AffLIKU KXTEIl.NALLY ton Ruenmatlsm, Neuralgia. Pains (a thj Limbs, Bict or CH3st, tfanps, S)n Throat, Colds, Sprains, Bralsji, StiDgsoi Insects, Mosquito Bites. TAKEN INTKIINAI.lv It arts llks a tiharnt lar C'halora Hsrkse, lllarrhara, Hrsnniarr, (Jollo, Cramye. N s'a,Mlckl lleaducbo. iVo. Warranted porlttctlr hnrmleH. iKfiaaacki arrampanrlnc rarh bottle, al.a dlrvrllaae loraaw.l lis rtlOTIIINU aail PKNKl'KA TIM. snallltra ars Inlc Immudlatulr. I'rt ll and l couvluooU. Frioo Hi and J J oaats. Bald tor all drs . staler DF.I'OT, 4A Ml'HKAY UT., NEW VOW K Musically, it is of immense importance -what one you buy. Its life will be mauy years ; years that will make or mar your musical life. Then dou't make a choice that you will regret all these years. Iu the Ivers and Tond you not only get a first-class piano; you get all you pay for. We send on approval, at our risk and expense, or di rect you to a dealer who can supply you. Write for Cata logue. Iver? & Porjd Piarjo Cornpzvpy, Boston GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a , W. BAKER Si CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from whirh tho otosm ot oal hoe beu removed, Im absolulrltt pur ouedl il 4$ sutiM. 1 No Chemicals ara aned in lit preparation, il boa more tftnn rc timt m0 strength of Cocoa raliad wltti Starch. Arrowroot or tiuffarv 1 and la therefore far more eoo- L no ro 1 cal, co$thig let than on ictntacup. ItlttdohciouaaDOtus lrhltiff. etrrnfftheolnga BAaiLV SIGkstbd, uud admirably adn).U'd for invalid W Weil u for ik' norm In heelih. Bold by Croccrs eyfry where. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Masft I MONEYMUSHROOMSS B More rr-Miey in tlieni for les outlay than f: ony other crov. jay oue with a cellar or sta l ie can raise ihriu.--Our Primer At Trice- y list tella the whole V. miry. tree. Mend , iur it. A brick of our I celebrated English r Mushroom jiawti liuiileil, poKt-pald, dinkr & Co., 8eed vdruwem, importers fc! land Dealera, Phila- drlnliia. I'a. : iGardiner,a Seeds: New Cntnloene for ij uow reuuy. tree, tsena for it. ICIlOlUri Wa.hliiKlon, It.C. "Successfully Prosecutes Claims, Iai. Principal Examiner U.B. l'enslon BurMU, Hyr.lu lat vrar. iiuAlUiUvaUugclauus, atl auuA t. Maul Namoaad Addrssa of Every ASTHMATIC CURED TO STAT CUBED. sjusta,LO. N. V.' OR. TIFT'S A8THMLN liUltc-.t. c will insvil trial V U II C U bottle r f" m-m THEM. TAfTUOI.M.CO.vtOCHt.UM-l.r KcE lid u yriu iTIELLi uow. 50o, a year, f Kf P bead tor tutiiiula. iir. PATENTS i W. T. FtivtiieraU, WiLHhlntitnu, l, O u-iaii4 iie. H rrfcJTmk IU Pr U. an 1 wi$Ht iH frtUII MUCH I won mr eor-wl,bttbr UHimtunl nitiiL'iu a Stuiipi frw. Terniory. Or. UrMi4, J.' t U'way, N. V nplao'i Remedy for Catarrh la the TlMit, FiMt to Vm, and Cheapest. I U3 Hold by druKijiHU or Hunt by uiail, 60c. K. T. ITaxolttne, Warren, Pa. mm owner vfthe polar lights, tks constant $tttr in ths Surthrrn KelgHti, IHvner of huabanHru, aaff Wnf and tradi, ttretry, mining and ail thinya tnudti. Minister, I, to the tcuU world' wtal; liy wHHtnQtrt, ntjine and vessel of atefl COUGHS, COLDS, CON SUMPTION, LA GRIPPE. &o lis auh-kly a FdUESTIMS fill (ill WVK I P. l-rlcu !!. (A 01 O o o o uud rj:. w b-jtlle. livoler ui llii.l l.y wliult'Sttltf UrUfc'glKl cvtiywliure. If Mm S .'r K. a