The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 03, 1892, Image 4

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lrjM. J. E. Wonk.
Connctfmot North ward, R. M.
Minn, Pnlrick Jovce, W. A. Grove.
Houth wnrd, H. II. Haslet, Ell Holnman,
A. II. Dale.
Jnstiees of the PtaeeJ. F. Proper, S.
J. Hetlov.
Constable and Collector H. Canfleld.
fichaol Directors O. W. Robinson, A.
B. Kelly, K. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox, D.
W. Clark, J. T. Brennan.
Mtmhtr of CnnitressO. F. Kninns.
Member of Nrnate Harry A. Hat. t,.
Assembly H. S. Towi.Kii.
President .Tudqe II. None.
Associate Judges Jour II. White, C.
r(murr Jam. R. ITAOoinTT.
Prothonotary, Register it Recordrr,&c.
Calvin M. Arurr.
A'ArT. Jonx R. Okoootj.
r-iflntionfri-O. F. LrOKOPR, JAS.
MoIwttrk, Philip Empbt.
Oo unty P erinten den t O no. W. K K a n.
Mfri'ee AMorv P. M. C'lARB.
Jury Ooffl((w(mer John N. IlKATit,
f.'oanfy Surveyor 3. F. Proprh.
Coroner D. W. Clark.
Comifv ufftforn W. W. Thomas, J.
A. DAWSON, R. Flthk.
s. of A., meets every Monday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Ilall.'Proper A Doutt
block. !
J. J. LANDERS, It. 8.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock. In the Lodge Room In Par
tridge' Hall. Confers tho Initiatory de
preo the first Tuesday night of eaefi
month ; first degree the second Tnesday
night; second degree the third Tuesday
night; third degree tho fourth Tuosday
n'S"U A. II . DALE, K. O.
J. II. FONES, Soo'v. 27-tf.
1 WREST IODHE, No. 1H4. A. O. U. W
Meeta every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, Proper A. Doutt block, Tionesta.
.T. R. CLARK, Rocordor.
No. 274, . A. It.
Meets on tho flint Wednesday In each
. nunth, in Odd Fellow Hall, Tionosta, Pa.
J. B. EDEN, Coinmaiidor.
IS7, W. It. C, meeta flrat and third
Wednesday evening of each month. In A.
O. U. W. hull, Proper A Doutt block, Tlo-
n"U'Mra. C. C. RUMREROER, Prea't.
Mri. ANNA PROPER, Kcc'y.
for Forest County.
A. E. Ktonecinher M. P., President; J.
W. Morrow M. !., Secretary ; J. It. Sigglna
M. l Treasurer. The Board will moot
la Dr. Morrow's office, Tionesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
o'clock, a. in.
and District Attorket,
Office corner ol Elm and Drldgo Streets,
Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a number of reliable Fire
Insurant Companies,
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made 111 tbla and adjoining
Tionesta, Forest County Pa.
Olllce In Koplor Rlwk, Room 0, Tionesta,
IAWRENCH HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa..
J Jiistia Nhawkov, Proprietor. This
home la centrally locatod. Everything
new and well furnished. 8upetior Ao
iMinmodationH and strict attention given
to gnesta. Vegetables and Fruits of all
kinds served In their season. Saniple
room for Commercial Agents,
C CENTRAL HOUSE, Tlonosta, Pa.,
. X. O. Ilrownell. Proprietor. Tills is a
new house, and haa just been titled up tor
the accommodation of the public, A por
tion of the patronage of the public la solic
ited. -iv.
IOREST HOTEL, Wont Hickory, faTT
. Jaoob Render. Proorlutor. This hotel
haa but recently been completed, Is nicely
furnished throughout, and offer the linos t
and most nuiifoi table accommodations to
guests and the traveling public, Rutos
, leasonable.
bTsiggins, M. D.,
Phvslcian, Surgoon A Druggist,
I -ate of Armstrong county, haying located
In Tlo'iosta ia prepared to attend all pro
fessional calls promptly and at all hours.
O trice aid residence two doors nortli of
Jjiwrenoe House. OIHoe hour 7 to H A.
u., aud 11 io 12 M. ; 2 to 3 and 6k to 74 P.
M. HundnrH, tf to 10 a. u. ; 'i to S and 61
to 7 k P. H, may-18 81.
TlU.NKMl'A, tA.
Otnoe on Elm Street. Calls attonded to
promptly day and night.
Klui Street, Tionesta, Pa.
Doe all work in the line of modern
dentistry, and guarantees satisfaction.
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In
purest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions made on all tho Principal points of
the U. 8. Collections solicited.
Shop ill Reck building next to Smear
jnugh A Co.' store. Is propured to do all
ginds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guaraubx' hi work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion (riven to mending, and price as rea
sonable as first class work can bo done for.
Church nni Hnbbnth Nrhaol.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 n.
m. J M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Hab
bath eveninft by Rev. Riimberger.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at tlio usual hour. Rev.
F. F. Shoup, Paslor.
Services in the Prosbytorian Church
every Salmath morning anu evening,
Rev. J. V. McAnincli officiating.
Oil market closed ycsletday 61 i.
Rorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Z. T Shrlver,
Saturday last, a daughter.
Mr. J. A. Ryerly was down from
Hickory this morning.
Wo had a pleasant call from our old
friend L. B. Wray, of Marienville, this
Ladles' and Children's untrlmmed
felt hats for fifty cents, formorly one dollarf
at Mrs. W. W. Grove's. It.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Myers, of Pitta
burgh, arrived this morning on a visit to
Mrs. M.'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Clyde Smith of Stewarts Run, was
called to the bedside of bis mother at
Sandy Lake, who Is seriously 111, on Sat
urday last,
Alex Fitch returned from Erie hospi
tal, Monday, very much improved in
health. In fact, about aa well as ever,
barring a little loss of flesh.
Beginning next Saturday evening
Camp No. 420, P. O. S..of A. of this place,
will meet on Saturday night of each week,
instead of Monday, as heretofore.
Charlie Russoll killed a fox last Fri
day not far from town. At least ho said
he did, and kept such a straight face while
tolling it that we took the story in all
-All of Mr. J. B. Pearsall a Forest
county friends will symputlilr.o with him
In the loss of his little six -year-old son,
Wayne, who died of grip on Saturday
Inst, at Grove City.
John Emort, a brother of County
Commissioner Emcrt, foil on the icy
pavement at Marienville, last Thursday
evening, and fractured the bono of one of
hi legs below the knoo.
Miss Iila Puup, teacher of Room No.
it, has been suffering with the grip during
the pax t two' weeks, and in oonsequenco
the pupils of that room aro enjoying a
vacation. She is improving.
Skating is all the go now, or was be
fore the thaw. The few places where the
loo was good for akating have been well
used. We have some good Kkaters, but
most of them are out of practice.
'Tho powor of music, all our hearts
allow," but there are a few ignorant per
sons who havo not learned yet, that all
colds are curod by Dr. Bull's Cough Syr
up. Buy it and try It, 25 conts a bottle.
The King's Daughter will hold a box
festival In the lecture room of the school
house. Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. All
the ladica aro invitod to come and bring
bx. Proceeds for bcnovoleut purposes1
Save at least thirty cents per hundred
by buying Flour and Feed at Proper A
Doutt's, who offer No. 1 Chop at $1.10;
Com Meal $1.10; choice Whito Oats 45
cents, and other Flour and Food in pro
portion. It.
Editor Keplor of the Democrat, whose
lllnoHS has kept hi in at his Centre county
farm for several month, returned homo
yesterday, considerably Improved In
healthy His n phow, Mr. Aaron Kepler
of liancaster, accompanied him.
"There Is a slavo whom we have put
In prison." Aye and we'll keep him there,
ho was a tyrant once, but his reign is over,
his sceptre lies in tho dust. His namo is
pain, and his couqueror is tho far-famod
nd world-renow lied Salvation Oil.
County Commissioners Lodebtir, Mc
Intyre and Emort, started on their tri-en-
nial tour of tho county for the purpose of
bearing appeal from the recent assess
meiit, on Monday of this week. It will
take until the !2th of the month to finish
the Job.
Dentist Chas. II. Davis, goes to Buf
falo to-day, where be will locate and prac
tice his profession. Mr. Davis bad, by
giving exof&ent satisfaction, built up
nice practico and we had hoped to have
him remain. We wish him success in hi
new and wider field.
A fresh milch cow belonging to Post
master Knox laid down and flunked out
on Saturday evening last. Cause un
known, but presumed to have choked ou
a frozeu apple. A year ago apples wereu
ao plenty as to be laying around freezing
for cows to choke on.
During those thaws it would be a good
thing If the sidewalka were cleaned of the
slush. A little time and energy expended
lu this direction would add much to the
comfort of pedestrians, especially the la
dies, and give to visitor the impression
that our walks are used.
The dwelling occupiod by Georgi
Rlosser, at President, was destroyed by
fire on Saturday morning last, together
with about all Mr. 13. ' household goods,
entailing a loss upon him of about $-00,
with no insurance. Tho building belong
ed to Mr. Clapp, who will erect another in
its place as soon a possible.
The family of Frank E. Bible, Fjh
bava gone to Philadelphia, which will
their future home. Mr. B. will roniain in
the county till after the February term of
oourt, when he will join hi family. Dur
Ing their two years' residence In Tionesta
they have gained the estcecu of all our
people, who are loth to have them depart
from tboir luidHt.
Yesterday was Candlemas, more gen
erally known as groundhog day. The
sun didn't poep through the dense fug aud
"'oud o "d so in Inter g. h. failed
Constable Canflold announcosby post
ers that an election will be held In the
Borough, .oil Tuesday, February 10, for
the purpose of electing the following offi
cers t Burgess, High Constable, three
Councilmen, Jugde of Elections, two In
spectors of Elections, two School Directors.
Tax Collector, Assessor, Overseer of the
Toor, two Auditors.
A dwelling bouse belonging to II. V.
Curll A Co., situated at Gilfoyle, was de
stroyed by fire on Wednesday, 20lh it It.
Its contents were also destroyed t the loss
will be about $500, with no Insurance. It
was thought the fire occurred from an
overflow of gas, the occupants of the
building being away from home at the
time. Cfarion Jlcpublican.
A young daughter of Jamos Thomas,
who live at Haskell's Mills, was fatally
scalded, last Thursday, by upsetting a cup
of hot coffee on herself. Sho suffered the
most excruciating pain until Monday
night, when she died. Marienville Ex
press. M r. Thomas was a former resident
of this vicinity, and is a son of County
Auditor W. W. Thomas.
The January oil report of the Penn
sylvania field sliows 183 completed wells,
87 of which were dry ; 370 wells drilling
and rig up on the last of the month ; new
production 12,309 barrels. As compared
with December this report shows a de
crease of completed wells of 21; decrease
of new production 3,039 barrels ; decrease
In dry holes 6; net decreaso in drilling
wells and rigs 19.
Tbursdny, January 14, was Warren's
day in Congress. It was tho occasion of
the presentation of life size portraits of
ex-Speakers Randall and Grow, executed
by W. A. Greaves, of this city. Congress
man Stone made the presentation address
in behalf of the state of Pennsylvauia, and
it I
is neodless to say was equal to the re-
uirements of the occasion. Mr. Greaves,
who was present, received many glowing
and deserved compliments on bis work.
Warren Ledger.
W. W. Komble, Esq., for the past few
cars a resident of West Hickory, died at
his homo on Wednesday of last week, and
as buried at Tidloute, his former home,
on Friday following. His trouble was
grip, from which ho had suffered some
ino. His age was seventy years, and he
was a brother of Dr. KembU of Tidioute.
He leaves a wife and four children Miss
Sena, Mrs. Wilkins, and Henry C. Keui-
ble of Hickory, and our former townsman
Grant W. Kemble, now of Tltnsville.
-Sheriff Ray of Venango county, de
parted for the penitentiary Monday moru
iug from Franklin having in tow qu.te an
n voice of prisoners. The ATeu-s gives the
names of the convicts and their terms of
sontence, as follows: Chas. Johnson, lar
ceny, 1 year and 2 months; John Edinger,
larceny, 1 year and 2 months ; Wm. Bish
op, rape, 1 year and 2 month.; Ilaivey H,
nans, burglary, 6 yen s ; George Rob-
nson, burglary and bai u burnlug, 7 years
and 6 months,
A fatal accident occurred at Clough's
Mills, Jenks township, on Wednesday
afternoon of last woek, A young man
named Wm. Huntzberger, whose parents
ive ncarSbippenvllle, Clarion county, was
assisting in tho unloading of some logs
from a slod when be fell and was caught
by a log which struck him on the head,
crushing It so badly that ho lived but a
short time. Ho had only begun work on
tho job that morning. He was aged about
27 yors, unmarried, and was a nephew of
Michael and Joseph Mong, of Tionesta
Squire Briggs of Balltown, and bis
fiery little pony, Bob, gave our town quite
an exciting show yesterday afternoon. He
was driving up Elm St., and when oppo
site the Lawrence House, the pony took
fright and despite all the sawing ou the
bit which the plucky Squire could accom
plish, Hie race continued until the corner
at Bovard's drug store was reached whero
Mr. Briggs was spilled out and tho rig
next fetched up at the bridge toil houso.
Here tho proceedings ended, and strange
to say nothing s injured, but the sus
pense of the largo crowd which the runa
way attracted was qulto painful until tbo
driver's safety was assured.
Tho young people's society of Christian
Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church
hold a vory Interesting meeting last Mon
day evening, the occasion being the elev
enth anniversary of the founding of tho
first society. Recitations were deliyorod
by several of the members as also short
addresses and report. This la the strong
est young people's religious socioty, and
has a membership of 1,100,000 scattered
throughout the whole world, and is doing
wonderlul work in training the young
for successful work in the Master's King
dom. This local society is quite strong,
having a membership of about 70, more
than half of whom are active members.
Van Varnci', who lives near Sawtown,
drove to Oil City Saturday afternoon. He
states that while on the road hero two fine
deer ran across the President road about
two miles lrom McPherson's corners. Av
few moments later a bound followed hot
on the trail. Mr. Varner tried to kill the
hound with a revolver, but the speed of
tbe animal prevented him from doing any
damage. He could uot say that anyone
was bunting the deer or whether the dog
had started them on hia own account, Tbe
hunters in that vicinity are indignant at
the owners of dogs allowing them to chase
the deer out of this section. Derrick. It's
strange this outrage wasu't laid to the
door of some Tionesta dog. j
"One of the boys" writes in a sarcas
tie vein from President to the Derrick
relative to game law violation. What
seem to rankle In the craw of "one of the
boys" 1 the fact that the iortsuieii of
this vicinity refuse to lay under tbe false
charges of irresponsible pothunters that
they area set of law breakers, wholesale
and retail ; and because tbe papers here
chose to enter a protest against such im
putation last week, "one of the boys"
proceeds to "walk off on bis ear" and get
a right smart mad on about it. What tbe
Refuhmcan said it is ready to stand by.
We deny that any Forest county parties
hounded a deer into tbe river and shot it
this winter, and we didn't imply that any
President or Venango county geutlemeu
had been hounding- deer, and "one of the
boys" or two of tha boys, or half a dozou
of the boy could uot so construe our re
marks, uuless, perchance, Ibey bad been
"hit" by them. If "one of the boy"
knows a much a bo would have folk
failed to uenuve aooui oynamiiing, seining, eio., H
of which 18 his July as a citizen, not to say ports
. - - air o Fur, Fin
believe about dynamiting, seining, eto., it
Louisa, wlfo of George Henderson,
the colored barber, died at 5 o'clock
Tuesday morning, at her home on Pine
street, after a ahort illness, of inflamma
tion of the brain. Eleven cbildron are left
motherless. Tbe case is very sad one,
and while no power on earth can bring
back the mother, aid eon be extended to
the father and children, who, we are In
formed, are very poor, and will appreciate
any aid that may be furnished. The be
reaved husband was the first colored man
who volunteered to go from Crawford
county when thero was a call for troops in
1861. Help tho old soldier. Mcadville
Gazette, Jan. 2!). Mr. Ucndorson'a many
old Tionesta friends will sympathize deep
ly with him in his distress, upon learning
the above sad news.
Mrs. L. H. Johnson, who formerly
lived In tills section, where she was well
known and highly esteemed, died at her
home in Scotts, Kalamazoo county, Michi
gan, Jan. 18, 18112. The deceased was born
in Onoida county, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1823.
When yet a child her parents moved to
Chautauqua county, whore on Fob. 11,
1850, she was unitjd In marriage with
Luther U. Johnson, and shortly after they
moved to this (then Venango) county.
Five children were born to them, all boys,
of which three still live. It was hero sho
united with tho M. E. Church In 1850, of
which church she ever remained a con
sistent member. In 1800 they moved to
Orleans county, N. Y., whero they re
mained three years and then moved to
their prosont home in Scotts. Her death
resulted from typhoid pneumonia. On
the night of her death Mr. Johnson was
stricken with paralysis of tbe heart, and
is now in very poor health. All tho old
friends of the family in this section will
bear this ploce of news with sadness.
Forest County Interest at the World's
Fair to be Looked After by
tbe Women.
A mooting of the Ladies' Auxiliary
Society of Forest county to tho Board of
World' Fair Managers of Pennsylvania,
was called by the Chairman, Mrs. A. B.
Kelly, and hold at ber rosidenco lu Tio
nesta, Thursday, Jan. 28. Officers were
elected as follows ; Presidont, Mrs. A. B.
Kelly ; Vice President, Mrs. E. L. Davis ;
Secretary, Mrs. J..B. Sigglns; Treasurer,
Mrs. Chas. Wbiteman.
Mrs, Chas. Randall and Mrs. A. B.
Kelly wore elected delegates to tho con
gressional district convention.
A committee of eight, to be called In
spectors, was elected; their duty shall bo
to solicit exhibits of woman's work
throughout tho county ; all exhibits ac
cepted by them to be brought to Tionesta,
aud Inspected by the county committee,
or described to the committee through
correspondence with tho Secretary. The
members are: Mrs. Orion Sigglns, West
Hickory; Mrs. T. D. Collins, Nebraska;
Mrs. M". Andrews, KHlettvil'e; Mrs. Jas.
Henderson, East Hickory; Mrs. Dr.
Towler, Marienville; MissGertio Griffin,
Balltown i Mrs. Suie Sharpo, Tionesta;
Mrs. John A. Dawson, Stewarts Run.
Our ladies engage iu this labor with t!ie
same enthusiastic vim which characterizes
their work in all things which they under
take, and we feel an assurance that Forest
county's collection of exhibits at tho great
fair in V'i will compare veiy favorably
with any that will be represented. We
trust this county society will keep us in
formed rrom lime to time or tne progress
it is making.
Fire at Wet Hickory.
Wni. P. Siegitis of West Hickory,
met with a serious loss io the destruc
tion of hi general merchandizing es
tablishment, at an early hour last Sab
bath morning. shortly after 2:00
o clock me nre was aiscoverea, ana
despite all efforts the building and
about all it contents were licked op
iu the flames. The fire is thought to
have originated from a gas jet that was
near the ceiling. Mr. Siggins places
his low oo building and goods at
$5,000, on which he bad ao insurance
of $2,600.
Tompkins-Tobey Wedding.
Oo Tuesday evening, February 2,
1802, at tbe residence of Mrs. LatTerty,
Titusville, Pa., Mr. John A. Tompkins
and Miss Ilsttie L I obey were united
in marriage, Rev. Jas. T. Breooan, of
Tionesta, Pa., officiating.
Mr. f red. LatTerty and his sister,
Miss Mosie, close friends of the bride
aud groom, "stood up" with the bap
py couple. After the ceremony the
guests, which were confined to the rel
atives of the bride, the family of Mrs.
LatTerty, and few intimate friends,
sat down to aud enjoyed a roost sump
tuous wedding supper.
Mr. Tompkins is a prosperous young
business mao of Gerry, Chautauqua
county, N. Y., while Mis Tobey is
well and popularly knowo io Tionesta
and vicinity, where she bas resided all
her life. The Republican joins
heartily io the general good wishes
that will go out to the happy young
Our towo seems very full of busiuees
at present, the river is frozen over and
it bauks are lined with timber.
We understand protracted meeting is
to commence io tbe M. E. Church this
evening. We wish them a grand re
vival. The last ball being a grand
success the boys have issued cards for
another un Feb. 12tb. Professor
Ilillard is at present tbe guest of bis
father. Miss Breonemau is enjoy iug
a visit among friends io Corsica.
A number have beeo kick with the
grip, but all are at present reported
better. The boys seem to he enjoy
ing the coasting season. We think
if last week's correspondent would visit
the kitchens of some of our houses he
would find out the reason some of our
young ladies change their minds, tbe
chorus frequently sung, is How tbey
tittered, bow tluy chaffed ; How my
neighbors and their sisters laughed,
wbeu they heard my mother said, fate
had only left to me Old Hald Head.
Feb. 1. Mysteky.
Prohibition -M eel lug.
A meeting of the Prohibition County
Committed of Forest County, will be held
ill Dingiivtn A Dale's olll'- Tionesta, Pa.,
'o iday, February 'i ' M.
ested iu the cause
ally invited to air
One Saw Mill, with one 45-horBe
power boiler, 25 horse power engine
12x16, one gaDg edger. Everything
complete. Mill at Pebble Dell, on
Tionesta Valler R. It. Address,
Wilson & Wagner,
Byromtowo, Forest Co., Pa.
Many peraons who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled wltb a
persistent cough. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will promptly loosen this cough
and relieve the lungs, effecting a perma
nent cure In a very short time. 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by Proper A Doutt,
Druggists. Jny.
No healthy person need fear any dan
gerous consequences from an attack of la
grippe if properly treated. It is much the
same as a severe cold and requires pre
cisely the same trcatmont. Remain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as directed for a severe cold and a
prompt and complete recovory is sure to
follow. This remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in pneu
monia. Among the many thousands who
have used it during the epidemics of the
past two years we have yet to learn of a
single case that has not recovered or that
bas resulted In pnoumonia. 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by Proper A Doutt,
Druggists. Jny;
English Spsvln Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc.
Save $50 by uso of one bottle. Warranted
tho most wonderful blemish cure ever
known. Sold by Proper A Doutt. Drug
gists, Tionesta, Pa. nov.l8-6m.
McDonald Production U Uoing Down,
And to make times average II. J,
Hopkins & Co. will sell 150 fire-test
oil for 71 cents per gallon. 2t.
For bargains in Furniture go to
S. II. Haslet & Son's cheap furniture
store. . if.
A Mafe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring you
satisfactory results, or In case of failure a
return of purchase money. On this safe
plan vou can buy from our advertised
Druggist a bottlo of Dr. King's New Dis
coverv for Consumption. It is lruarnn
teed to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or
Chest, such as consumption, jnnaiuina
tinn of Lungs. Bronchitis. Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is
pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly
snte, ana can always oe aopenoca upon.
Trial bottlos free at Proper A Doutt's
Tho best Salve In tho world fjr Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 couts per
box. For sale bv Proper A Doutt,
Wo doslre to say to our citizens, that for
years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovory for Consumption, Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or that
havo given such universal satisfaction.
We do not hositato to guaranteo them
every time, and we stand ready to refund
the purchase price, if satisfactory results
do not follow their use. These remedies
hove won their great popularity purely on
their merits. Proper A Doutt, Druggists.
Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human
or animals cured in 30 minuies by Wool
ford' Sanitary Lotion. This nover fails.
Sold by Proper A Doutt, Druggists, Tio
nesta, 'Pu. nov. I8-6111.
P. M. Clark has a good bouse acd
lot for rent in tbe borough. Call no
him if iu Deed. tf.
HOOVLER DRAKE. In Tionesta, Pa.,
Feb. 1, 1892, by Rev. J. T. Brennau, Mr
Francis M. lloovlor, of Tionesta, and
Miss May Drake, of Tidioute.
writ of Testatum
Veudi. Exponas, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of McKean Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and to me directed,
there will be exposed to sale by public
vendue or outcrv, at the Court House, in
the Borough of Tionesta, Pa., on
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22. A. D. 1892,
at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following described
real estate, to-wit :
tatum Venditioni Exponas to Forest
County, No. 119, December Term, 1891.
C. L. Covoll and A. P. Huey, Attor
neys. All the right, title, interest and claim of
the defendant or. In and to all that certain
lot situatod in Marienville, Jenks Town
ship, Forest Count r, Pennsylvania; being
known as lot No. 21. iu Bevier section of
town property in Marienville, surveyed
by Jos. It. Caidwellk beginning at a post
at southwest corner of South Forest Street
and a 20-foot alley i thence along south
side of said alley west 120 feet to east side
of northern extension of Merchant's alley
thence south sixty feet to northwest corner
of lot No. 22; thence east along the north
side of lot No. 22, 120 foet to west side of
South Forest Street; tlienco north along
said street sixty feel to the place of begin
ning. Being sixty feet front on South
Forest Street and ono hundred and twenty
feet back, ou which is erected one two-
story frame store room, about 24x50 with
one story ell, one dwelling 24x32 feet with
small eli, ouo barn about 20x24 feet, and
wagon shod, and uecessary outbuildings.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of S. L. Leach, at the suit of
Lewi P. Ross.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the plaintiff or other lein cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must lie paid, and a list of liens
iiieludiinr morliraue searches on the prop
eitv sold, together witli sueli lien credit
or's receipt lor the amount of the pro
eenls of the sale or such portion thereof us
he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day, ut which time all property not
settled loi will Uiiain lie put up and sold
at the expense and risk of the person to
whom first sold.
Seo l'urilon' Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 44u and Smith s rorms, page .Mil.
JOHN R. OSOOOlt, Sheriff.
Sheriff Oilico, Tionesta, Pu., January 'it).
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of S. Stettheimer, Assignee, for
the bcnelit of creditors of J. M. Miulz, bas
been tiled with me aud will bo presented
to the Court of Common Pleas of Forest
County. Peon's, at Tionesta, Pa., tor eon
tirmulioii or allowance ou the Fourth
Monday ot February, A. D. I8'.i2, uulesa
To save tho people
the trouble of going away for their
clothing, we have opened
In the
(Opposite Bovard's Drug Store), in which
we shall keep at all times a complete line of
O Xj o t
The latter goods a o from the well known houso of F. M. STEPHENSON, I-am-borton
Block, Oil City, and the slock will be kept up to tho standard of the main store.
Below we give n fow prices which we defy our competitors to equal.
Lot Regular Cut
No. Price. to.
7543, Cotton Worsted, fco.tfl $1.50
783!', Unions, 7.00 5.00
7864, Unions, 7.00 fi.OO
5518, Unions, 7.00 5.50
7S24, Hair Line Cassimero, lO.oo K.50
78t?l, Victory. 10.00 7.00
77fil, Black Cheviot, (Dom.), 0.00 7.00
77i4, Union Casimere, 0.00 7.00
787rt, Union Caisimerc, 0.00 7.00
7853, Worsted, 0.50 7.50
7825, Scotch Mixture, 12.00 10.00
780ft, Blue Cheviot, (Dom. ), 12 00 10.00
8237, lleavv weight, all wool, 12.00 9.00
7838, Scotch Tweed, 12.00 8.50
731, Victory. 12.00 0.50
7bov, worsted, e..K
7842, Fancy Worsted, tl.OO
898, Fancy Worsted, 12.00 10.00
Three and Four Button Clay Worsted
Dress Suits, and everything in the lino which wo handle in Oil City.
Men's and Youth's Overcoats and Ulsters !
Txt Regular Cut
No, Price. to.
80S5, Men's Ulsters, KO0 $.1.00
8192, Mon's Ulsters, 10.00 8.00
82117, Men's Ulsters, 15.00 12.00
Mon's Overcoats in Moltons, Beavers,
Beavers ranging in prico from $4.00 to $27.00
to 30 per cent, less than regular prices.
Here, tho same as lu our Main Store
a Main Feature As is well known by our
CLOTHING is unsurpassed outside of largo
Hats and Caps originally worth from $1.00 to $5.00 will be closed out at prices
ranging from "5 cents to $2.00. The reason
is that a good many of them are a little out
Furnisher, and at prices In Ihe same proportion as tho clothing.
We have marked this stock of goods,
the same goods can bo manufactured for to
and realizing CASH on sam, and request
and judge for yourself as to valuos. We are saiistiod w can suit you in quality and
price if you will come in and give us a chance and if we sell you one of our suits wo
feel sure you will como and seo us again whon iu ueod of anything in our line.
In connection with our Branch Storo Mr. F. M. Stephenson, of oil City, has put
in a stock of Boots, Shoes, and Rubber Goods. Mr. Steph -nson does not intend to be
undersold by anybody, so if you are Ineed of anything in ai lino call and see him.
He Is soiling Mon's Rubber Boots at $1.00 a pair, Ladies' Kubbers at 20 and 25 cents.
Children' Rubber at 10 cents. His stock of Men's Le ilher B.sits ho is closing out
regardless of cost. In Ladies Footwear he can supply you with u shoe at any price,
you may mention. No trouble to show goods aud quote prices at V. M. Stephenson'
Shoo Department of our Blanch Store.
NOTE. Tho Terms of Salo are ONE PRICE aud STRICTLY CASH.
Buffalo : Store!
D. BARNETT, Manager.
The entire stock of
itoois a- kiioi.h, .otios, ji;tvr.i,v,
Late tho property of David Barnett, having
been bought under tho hammer, must be
sold without delay, regardless of cost
of Forest countv
Tt Regular Cut
No. Price. to.
7UIW, Heavy weight Bluo
Middlesex, $14.00 $11.00
8(1.-), Homespun, 14.00 11.00
8284, 4-bin ton sack, round
corners, 14.00 11.00J
7907, Imp. Black Cheviot, 17.00 14.50
7575, Nnwver Cassimere, 18.00 15.00
780.", l-'aiicv Stripo Worsted, 10.50 14.00
7895, Silk bound Chev., 17.00 14.50
7994, r-traight front bound
Cheviot, 18.00 15.50
8282, Double breasted fancy
Cheviot, 22.50 19.50
8147, Double breasted fancy
Cheviot, 23.00 20.00
8040, Double breasted smooth
Cheviot, 18.00 15.00
7907, English Worsted, 20.00 17.60
Cutaway Suits, Prince Albert Suits, Full
8388, Men's Ulsters,
2600, Boy's Ulster,
Regular Cut
Price. to.
$20.00 tia.oo
16.00 14.00
Kersoys, Choviofs, Chinchillas, and Pateut
and which we are selling here at from 10
former patrons our stock of CHILDREN'S
we are making such a cut iu this department
of stylo aud wo wish to clean up the stock.
embraces everything carried by first clsas
in a great many cases, at prices lower than.
- day for the purpose of reducing our stock
evorybody to call and examine the goods
J Come early and get the best selections. J