THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1892. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Her- flurgcxs.S. K, Wonk. (vnetlmrn North ward. R. M, man, Patrick Joyce, W. A. Grove. South ward, 8. H. Haslet, Ell Hnloman, A. II. Palo. Justices of the Peace J. F. Proper, 8. J. Hoi Id v. Constable and Collector R. 8. Canfleld. Srhool Director Q. W. Robinson, A. B. Kelly, K. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox, D. W. Clark, J. T. Brennan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. ffsmhtr of CnnirressO. F. KntTina, Member of Senate JlARnY A. Mali.. Assembly 8. H. Tow I, Kit. President .woVc Cn A M.V.S II. Noyks. 4socio tttty John It. White, C. W. Cr.ABit. Treasurer J Am. R. Haoobrtt. Prothnnolary, Tteijister it Recorder, Ac M. Akk, Nheriff. Joni R. Osooop. 0.n.nMienr O. K. Lkdkbor, Jas. McTwttrk, Pniur Kmkbt. Cbunty Superintendent G KO. W. K RUB. District Attorney P. M. Clark. Jnri fmmoners JohuN. IIkat.i, It. W. Ouiton. Oiunri; Sh (' .T. F. Troprr. Contify vditnrs W. W. Thomas, J. A. Dawson, R. HTHX. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. T O. ft nt A., meets everv Monday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall.Froper A Doult bl' k" FRED. INFIELD, Pres. J. J. IiANDlCRS, R. 8. TIONESTA LODGE JVo. 369, !w i. o. of o. f1. MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. In'tlie Lodge Room In Pr- trldge'a Hall. Confers the Initiatory ne pre tho first Tuesday night of each month; first dogroe the second Tuesday night! second degree tho third Tuesday night; third degree the fourth Tuesday nlvbU A.H.DALE.N.O. J. It. FONES, Sec'v. i7'"' 1 WREST LODGE. No. 184, A. O. U. W., I Meets every Friday evening In A.O.U. W. Hall. Proper A Doutt block, Tionesta. JAS. CANFIELD, M. W. ,T. XL CLARK, Recorder. AplToKOltOE STOW POST, No. 274, G. A, R. Meets on the first Wednesday In each month. In Odd Kellowa Hall, TioneHta, Pa. J. B. EDEN, Commander. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING ACENCY, TIOITBSTA, HAUTintTT.An ATTENTION OIVKN TO THE PROl'KR ASSESSMENT OF LAN1H AND TH K PAYMENT OF TAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND KAI,K ir REAL ESTATE, AND TO 1HK Kh.iTiAU AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SAME. Chnrrk and ftnltbnth School. Presbytorlan Sabbath School at 0:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath Hchool at 10:00 a. m. Prnachins in M. 13. Church every Sab bath evening by Rov. Rumbergor. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rov. F. F. Nhoup, Pastor. Service in the Presbyterian C hurch every riabbath morning and evening, Rev.' J. V. McAninch ofneiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. pi APT. V 1:17, GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. W. R. C. meets first and tuml Wnlnlav evcnlnir of each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, Proper Doult block, Tio nesta, Pa. Mrs.O. O. RTJMBEROER, rres't. Mn. ANNA PROPER, Soc'Y. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS for' Forest Countv. A. E. Ktoneclnher M. D., President; J. W. Morrow M. !., Seeretnry i J. II. Higgins XI. TV. Treasurer. The Hoard will meet in Dr. Morrow- orneo, Tlonesta, on tho third Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in- P. M. . CLARK, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, and District ATTonNKV, Offlco corner of Elm and Brldgo Streets, 1 ionesto, Pa. Also agent for n number of roliablo Fire Insurance Companion. j. U DAVIS. Vj, ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made in this and adjoining counties. T. F. IUTCHEY, ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW, Tionesia, Foreat Covinty Pa. K. I1IULE, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Olllce In Kepler IUo-.k, Room 0, Tlonesta, P. ' I" A WRENCH IIOCSK, Tioneata, Pa., J Justi Sliawkcv, Proprietor. Thla houae In centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac p.iinmodationa aud strict attention given t.i glioma. Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds aorvod in their sonson. Sample room for Commercial Agenta. f CENTRAL HOUSE, Tlonesta. Pa., y.l O. C. Urownell. Proprietor. This is a new houso, ami has Just been lltted up tor the accommodation of the public. A por tion of tus patronage of the public is solic ited. 4lMy. ITO REST HOTEL, West Hickory, P., . Jacob Homier, Proprietor. This hotel lias but recently been completed. Is nicely furnished throughout, ami oilers the finest and most omifuiUible accommodations to uiitwts and tho traveling public. Ratos reasonable, It, SIOOINS, M. D., Phvsician, Surgeon A Druggist,- TIONKSTA, PA, JW. MORROW. M. D., . PHYSICIAN A SUROEON, Ijile of Armstrong county, having located in Tio:iesla is prepared to attend all pro lessional calls promptly and at all hours. Oltloe a id residence two doors north of Lawreute House. OlHce hours 7 to H A. M.. aud 11 10 12 M. : -1 to 3 and 01 to 71 p m. iSundays. 0 to 10 a. m. ; 2 to S and 6i to 71 P. M. may-18-81 JJR. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN & SUKHKON, Ofllco on Elm Street. Calls attended to promptly uay auu nignu CUAS. H. DAVIS. DEN TAL SUROEON, Elm Street, Tlonesta, Pa. Does all work in the line of modern dentistry, and guarantees satisfaction. MAY, PARK A CO., HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Wainut Sts., Tlonesta, Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. pHIL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Rock building next to Smear jaugh A Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion i;iveu to mending, and prices as rea sonable as first class work can be done for. of the firm of MORCK BRO'S, OPTIGIAITS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the Eye, Exam iuatious free of charge. . -Bi, p&:N. Oil market closed yesteiday G21. Esquire Win. Richards, of May burg, was shaking bands witb friends bere this week. Mrs. Albert Hsydeo and little boy, are up from Pittsburgh this week visiting Tionesta friends. Revival services are being con ducted by Rev. Rumberger, with good suiceis, at the M. E. Church. Ice of a fair quality is being packed. Some of the early birds have already completed their harvest. Rev. F. F. Shoup, of Sharpsville, Mercer county, accompanied by his little bov, visited friends here during the past week. Rev. David Litshaw, presiding elder of the Clarion district of the M. E. Church, died at his home in Clarion yesterday of grip. Muster Claude and Misses Ousste aud Mud Campbell, of Tionesla, re turned home Monday morning, after visiting relatives in Ihe city Saturday aud Sunday. Oil City Blizzard. George Walters, who conducts Landlord Brownell's meat market, killed the prize porker of this section 0110 day last week. It tipped the beam at 490 pouuds, and was a rare specimen of swine. The wife df I'r. Ditto, living ou the Juhu Ilunlei (arm across the liver, died fr. ni the grip Monday. For a number of years the family were residents of Faguodus. Iter age was about forty. Tidioule Xews At the license court at Franklin, on Monday, Judge Taylor grunted 41 of the 47 applications, one was refused, and three held fur consideration. Of this number Oil City feels 21, Frauk- liu 13, Euilenton 4, Plcasantville 1. Alex. Fitch, who has suffered severe attack of crip, departed for Erie, Monday, where he will place himself under the care or physicians at the hospital, his trouble seeming to hang on longer than he thibks it ought "I have found a cift f r my fair." Naturally it may be supposed it is (lower for her hair, a diamond for her finger, or a box of candy, but it is fur better tliau these. It is a bottle of that famous Salvatiou Oil to cure her neuralgia, pretty dear. Word received from Stonebora couveys the pleasnut news that Mrs. J. 15 inner, who bns been dangerously ill for some time, is now in a fair way to recovery. Her son and daughter of Chicago, Mr. Chas. B. inner, and Mrs. 15. V. May, have been with her during ber serious illness. Rev Mr. Dell, who has been the guest t-f Rev. McAninch during the past week, assisted him in conducting communion services at the Fresby terian Church last Sabbath. The at tendance, of communicants was unus ually large, and several united with the church by letter and on confession of faith. The third and fourth rooms of the borough school were closed during part of the past week, owing to the illness of Miss l'aup of the third room, and absence of Principal Arm strong at the sick bed of bis father. The pupils have enjoyed their short vacation to the full extent sliding and skating. The Republican, is a new, and by- tbe-way, very handsome, bright faced, eight page paper, published at Kaue, McKean couuty, by L. Rogers & Co., with J. V. Raker as manager. That the new enterprise will be a success goes without saying it could not be otherwise with our old friend Lucius Rogers at its back. Abundant pros perity to the new beauty. May it live long to fight the battles of pure Re publicanism. ' . The spring elections come on apace, February I61I1 being the day. The man who wauts office should uow be beard, and our columns are open to all who wish to announce, and we'll do the job cheap, very cheap for a song, in tact, aud you may sing it yourself. We've also gut an office which we'll not begrudge to any one, and the woithy citizen who is anxious to cover himself witb glory can have it and welcome, just for the askin', so far as we're concerned. Don't all speak at once.' One of my children having had a severe case of whooping cough I was induced to try Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up, the child was entirely cured by the use of two bottles. In view of the above, I deem it a pleasure to forward this testimonial of its efficacy. James Buckley, 1936 Lombard St., Philadel phia, Pa. Mr. Kennedy Hawk, of Ne braska, returned this morning from the hospital at Pittsburgh, where he had another operatiou performed on his right leg, which bad been bother ing him of late. While not over san guine that the operation has been a complete success, he stills feels hopeful that the wound will heal without further difficulty, in which hope his many friends heartily join. Marcus Ilulings, known through out oildora as one of the most public spirited and useful citizens within its limits, died at bis home In Oil City on Monday night of this week, aged 68 years. He was a man of large means, and spent much of it in a charitable and benevolent way, and he will be missed and mourned by a very large circle of friends. He was closely related to the Hulings family formerly of this place. The following paragranh from the jVews hits ofT the situation ..feabouts as well as in Franklin, aud ou the "misery loves company" score, is a little bit comforting anyway: "The doctors in this city have been a very busy lot of men during the present season. The calls upon them were for a lime so numerous aod frequent that about every one of them had to get along with only abwt forty wiuks of sleep per day." The Tidioute Xews very properly observes that "1892 is going to be an expensive year in the matter of mutual life insurance, particularly among those orders strong in the north. The death rate although covering more territory, will be greater thau from yellow fever in auy one year in the south. But the obligated brotherhood should stand firm and meet the relief calls. That is the object of the orders and the only cause of their being. The dwelling bouse of Jack Reed, but not occupied by him at the lime, situate about one mile from Marien ville, on the road leading to Tylers burg, was burned to the ground on Saturday night last, taking fire be tween 10 and 11 o'clock. The house was a substantial one and, together with, an outbuilding also destroyed cotails a loss on Mr. Reed of $1,500 to $2,000, the iusu.ance on which had expired but a few days previous to the fire. The trouble over the injury to James Manross, of Hunter's Stalion, mentioned in our issue of two weeks ago, culminated in the arrest last week of Mr. John Booher, a neighbor, and on Friday a hearing was had at the injured man's house, presided over by Esquire Petligrew, of President, who, on the testimony adduced, bound Mr. Booher over to court in the sum of $1000. The nature of Mr. Mauross' injuries being such that be is unable to leave his home at this time the trial will likely not come up at tbe present terra of court at Frauklin, where it must be had, the alleged offense having occurred in Venango county. A resident of forest county was iu the city yesterday, and claimed bis object io cuming to Oil City was to fiud some of the members of tbe Fur, Fin and Feather club and notify them that the game laws are being seriously violated in the vicinity of Tionesta. He staled that deer are being bounded regularly aod that less than a mooth ago a 200 bound buck was driven into tbe river and killed withiu a half mile of Tionesta. Derrick, Jan. 26. The Derrick has been mis iuformed in this matter. We are told by a reliable parly that the deer iu question was driven into the river near President, by dogs that bad been started on a fox chase. we have not heard of any other violations of the law. Forest county sportsmen are not guilty of any such tricks. We accompanied Sheriff Osgood on a flying visit to the hustling towu of Marieuville yesterday. Business coutioues fairly brisk there, and the tnwn looks neat, new and enterprising, even in mid winter. Our stay was too brief and the temperature too frisky for a general inspection, but 00 one can spend even an hour there without being favorably, impressed with the place and its people. About 2 o'clock in the af'leruoon the populace was aroused by an alarm of fire at tbe large new school building, and re spooded promptly with buckets and water, but it happily proved only Mrs. Jane Shriver, wife of James Shriver, of Plum township, Venango county, died at her home on tbe 19th inst., aged 68 years. The family were former residents of Tionesta, this being their native home, but many years ago tbey removed from here, finally locat ing at the above named place. Mrs. Shriver leaves a husband, (brother of our townsman Z. T. Shriver), two sons and one daughter, together with a large circle of friends, to mourn her loss. She was a woman much esteem ed bv those who knew her, and one of more than average intelligence. sick, wo understand is no better. Ida Sponce la home from Michigan, where sho has been for almost a year. Preaching next Sabbath by Rov. Bren nan. Jan. 25. Citizen. A New Departure. Chas. F. Black & Co.'s new store in the Holeman Building. On Monday, Jan. 25th. Messrs. Chas. F. Black & Co, Gent's Clothiers, Hatters and General Furnishers, of Oil Cily, opened a branch store io tbe Holeman Build ing for tbe avowed purpose of bestow ing upon the inhabitants of Tionesta and vicinilv. in fact, upon the entire people of Forest county, an opportu nity of which it is hoped advantage will be taken. They are carrying ao elegant aod complete line of Men's, Youth's and Children 8 Clothing, to gether with a stock of Hats and Fur nishing goods which surpasees anything of the kind ever brought into tbe county. Io order to make their stock the more complete and at the saroo time offer to their patrons every con venience which it is witbin their power to bestow, they have associated with themselves Mr. F. M. Stephenson, the well kuown Boot and Shoe dealer Oil City, whose reputation for hand ling the finest and most complete line of footwear in the entire oil country aod vicinity is as general as is his reputation for remarkably low prices. Tbe Shoe Department will be under the direction of Mr. Milo N. Miles( chief clerk for Mr. Stepheoson, whoBe experience and generally affable and agreeable ways will eusure Mr, Stephenson's putrons prompt and care ful attention. The entire stock of their combined interest is, in fact, as regards quality and price, an exact counterpart of the very superior lines earned by each of them iu their Oil City stores, aud if the success which has followed their efforts to please and accommodate the trade iu Oil City is any criterion by which to judge of tbe result of their efforts in that direction here in Tionesta, we feel safo in sayii g that our readers have indeed an op portunity to grasp. In addition to Ready Made Cloth ing, Furnishing Goods and B iota and Shoes tho new firm will do Custom Made Work, having secured for that purpose the services of Mr. T. J. Van Wert, of the firm of Geary & Smith, of Oil City, Pa., whose success as a cutter is as well known as is tbe quali ty of goods handled by the firm which he represents. For fear of a misunderstanding of these young gentlemen it may not be amiss to mention that they are not opening up a Bankrupt Sale, since they have not yet become bankrupt nor are they trying to dispose of a stock which is the accumulation of many years. And that this is true follows from the fact that the firm of Chas. F. Black & Co. began business in Oil City only last February, and in consequence the goods here in Tiones ta, since they are for winter wear only, have all been purchased within the past three or four months. We have no hesitancy in recommending to our readers Messrs. Chas. F. Black & Co., together with Ibeir associate Mr. F. M. Stephenson, and if, for no other purpose than that of meeting and knowiug the affable, whole-souled and gentlomaoly manager of tbe store io llie Huleman Building, Mr. JNeil tor tuue, we would ask our friends to call on the lionesta liraoco 01 iuessrs. Chas. F. Black & Co. Clarlngton. Robert Illllard and H. J. Grey, who have boon on the alck list for tho past few weeks, are alowly improving. John Cassatt had the misfortune to have his foot smashed to-day. The boys had a social hop in the hall last evening. It was the best that was ever given in this place. Wonder why some of tho young ladies of this place change their minds so often? One of our boys had bad luck a few nights ago by getting lost, bnt turned np all right next morning. A. W. Fitzgerald was in town this morning. Son of tho boys were down from Mar- icnvllle on Friday evening. XX. Jan. 23. McDonald Production U Going Down, Aod to make tiroes average II. J. Hopkins & Co. will sell 150 fire-test oil for 7 cents per gallon. 2t For bargains in Furniture go to S. II. Haslet & Son's cbenp furniture store. tf. As to ladies' Newmarkets; well, you can gel 'era at about your own figures at Hopkins & Co.'s now. They must go, and are going at less than half the usual selling price. Cume and sen. tf. NEWSY SOTES. scare, and grew out of the fact that the walls next the flue became over heated, leading tbe principal, Prof. Elliott, to believe they had caught fire and were charriug between lb studding. There was general relief of fueling when tbe danger passed over, but tbe children were not so happy while tbey gathered up their foattered hooka and papers. Stewarts Bun. Rev. Shoup, of Sharpsvillo, Mercer county, who was our pastor at this place last year, is visiting friends here aud at Tionesta. Ho preached at this place last Sabbath. . The people of this place are all glad to see him. Come again. There Is considerable sickness here at present. Artimus Handy, who was get ting over tho grippe uieely, went to work, took a relapse, and was quite bad, but is better at present writing. Mrs. Handy and one of tho childron now have the grip. Jas. Cumming.i, who has been home for a week, went back to his work Monday, Azro Copeland'a family 'most all have the grip. Mrs, C. was quite bad this morning and had to send for the doctor, The rest are all doing well, we understund. Airs. Manross and family went to Erie last week, whore they expect to make their future home. A. J. Handy lost one of his team horsos last Friday night. This loss falls quite heavily on Mr. Handy. Mrs. Clara Metcalf returned home last Saturday from a week's visit with frionds iu Tionesta and Hickory. R. J. Christy, our school teacher, was sick on Sabbath, but was able to teach Monday. Oib. Thomson, who has beeu home for some time expects to return to Chicago tills week. Diiigmaa A Dale's lumber and ties are being moved to the river very rapidly on this snow. Mr. J. M, Vandorlin was home from Marieuville over Sabbath, but started back this morning. Mr. Marshall, w ho we reported aa being As a substitute for the present composi tion of cigarettes what's the matter with rubber wrappers and ssafcctlda fillings 7 lilizzard. According to tho first official report of IIoskinsA McClintock, assignees of the Messrs. Pelamator, made last Monday at Meadville, the general croditors of the In solvent bankers will not receive more than eight or ten cents on the dollar. In the case of Brecno A Fair, vs. The Torpodo Co., tried at Warren last w eek, tho Jury on Saturday brought In a verdict of 1 1,400 for plaintiffs. They had sued for fcJ.OOO. The action was for damages for the destruction of ice houses and buildings near Oil City, caused by tho explosion of a boat load of nitro-glyccrino, Nov. 30, 18S9. When Jay Gould was a struggling young surveyor, with hardly one cent to rub against another, he stamped his ini tials and date on a copper cent, and put it in circulation. Recently Mr. Gould re ceived some pennies in change at the Twenty-third Street Ferry, and on looking over them he found the coin he bad stamped was among them. Among the anciont Germans was a fa vorite drink called "metheglln." It was made of mead and honey. This honoyed diink was used especially at marriage festival", which were kept up among the nobility for a month, the festive board being well supplied with methegliu. "Honah-moon" signified the moon or month of the marriage festival. Hence the modern honeymoon. Ejc. Our sportsmen rejoice over tho fact that the ladies have discovered an unobjection able name for the skunk, says an exchange The correct thing nowadays is to call these oderiferous pests "Russian Sables." Un- Kler this name their furs, which are really very fine, are much sought after, single skins easily bringing $1.25 and likely to go higher. These highly perfumed night prowlers are sometimes called pole cats, because, as Josh Billings says, a long pole is the best thing to kill them with. It is probable that the production of the old Matthows well No. 1, of Jennings, Guffey A Co., in the McDonald field, will never be equalled. It Ib the most remark able well ever drillod in the history of the oil country, as since Its opening in July it has produced altogether withiu a few thousand of 000,000 bbs. of oil, and may yot put out many thousand barrels before it finally expires. It was a fortune in itself, as the value of the oil it has pro duced is not less than $300,000, while tbe actual investment in the well was proba bly not over 7,C00. On Thursday, for the first time in its history, tho production fell bolow 20 bbs. au hour. Franklin A'eu-s. An election of the officers of the W. N. Y. A P. railroad was hold In Philadelphia! Jan. 14th, which reaulted in a victory fof the Philadelphia stock holders, and will probably give the control of the road to the Pennsylvania railroad. The new board 00m prises Samuel G. Decoursey, Nicholas Thouron, George E. Bartol, Charles M, Lie, William C. Bullet, J. Rundul Smith, William T. Tiers, E. W. Clark, Jr., John K. Barclay, all of Philadelphia ; Gustav E. Kissell, John B. Probst, William Mor tons and Edward L. Owon. Tbe old mem bers who wore defeated for re-election were President Culvln II. Allen, Adolph Eider, P. P. Pratt and Isaac N. Seligman. The election brought out au unusually heavy vote, 175,000 shares being repre sented out of a total of a possible 107. The result insures the election lo the presiden cy of Samuel G. Decoursey. The town of Caribou, Maine, the native home of our esteemed townsman, J. 11 Hardison, lias a ci'izcn, says the Ilcpubli- can, who claims to uavo aiscoverea an electrical power in the'earlh, by means of which be is aide, with the use of electrical instruments Invented by himself, to transmit sounds any distance, simply by connecting wires with the earth at differ ent points, and making uso of the positive and negative electrical current forces in the earth. This system promises to do away with, and make unnecessary, the uso of all batteries which are now used for transmission of sounds by the telephone and telegraph, and to use tho natural forces of the earthfiustead. The inventor bat a line about one mile long in success ful operation, and all those who have ex amined it say it is something wonderful. If this discovery proves to lie all that is claimed for it it will work a revolution in the electrical science, and powers which have heretofore been useless, because un known, will be developed and do the work which is now dono by oxpuusive machinery. The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know "from per sonal experience just how good a thing it Is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of Its siauueh friends, becauso the won derful thing about It is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place In the house. If you have never used it and should be afllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at Proper A Doutt's Drugstore. Brt'KI.KN ARNH'A SWI.TK. The best Salve In Ihe world for Cuts, Bi-uises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CliHpp"d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money relunueti. 1'rice 'it rents box. For sale bv Proper A Doutt, per The First Htrp. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep," can't think, can't do any-thin g to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, vou are tnking tho first step into Nervous Prostration. Yon need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Hitters you will find tho exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the uso of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, go-id digestion is restored, and the Liverand Kldncvs resume healthy action. Try a Isittle. Price 50c. at Pro per A Doutt'B Drugstore. P. M. Clark has a good house and lot for rent in the borough. Call ou bim if iu need. if. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured In :10 minutes by Wool ford's SaniUirv Lotion. '1" is never fulls. Sold bv Proper A Doutt, Druggists, Tlo nesta, Pa. nov.lS-(lm. BARE HEREW To save the people of Forest county the trouble of going away for their clothing, we have opened - BRANCH - STORE, In the (Opposite Bovard's Drug Store), in which we shall keep at all times a complete line of READY MADE & CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING-, No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from au attack of la crinne if nronerly treated. It Is much the same as a suvore cold and requires pro cisolv the same treatment. Heuiuiu quiet ly at home ami take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete, recovery is suro to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneu moiiia. Among the many thousands who have used it during tho epidemic of the pat two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted iu pneumunia. 25 aud 50 cent bottles for sale by Propor A Doutt, Druggist. Jny. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soil or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs splints, sweeney, ring-bone, siinos, snrains. all swollen throats, coughs, etc, Save -0 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Proper A Doutt, Drug gists, Tionesta, Pa. nov.l-tin HATS AND CAPS, FUItXISIIIXG GOODS, A AND BOOTS & SHOE& The latter goods are from the well kuown houso of F. M. STEPHENSON, La borton Block, Oil City, and the slock will be kept up to tho standard of the main sto Below we give a few prices which we dofy our competitors to equal. MEiVS AIM) YOUTH'S SACK SUITS ! Lot No. 7543. Cotton Worsted, "KM, Unions, 7KA4, Unions, 55IS, Unions, 7K24. Hair Line Casslnicro, 7BIII, Victory. 77H1, Black Cheviot, (Dom.j, 7794, Union Cast-imero, 7?7tt, Union Cassimere, 7853, worsted, 7s-'S. Scotch Mixture, 7800, Bluo G!nv'ot. (Dom.), Regular Price. $5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.50 12.00 12.00 8237! Heavv we'.lit. all wool, 12.00 78:18, Scotch Tweed,- l-AH 731, Victory 78H2, Worsted, . J-s-W 7842. Fancy Worsted, 7808, Fancy worsteu, 12.10 i2.;jo Cut to. $1.50 5.00 5.00 5.50 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 9.00 8.50 9.50 8.25 9.00 10.00 Lot No. 7098, Heavy weight Blue Middlesex, 8050, Homespun, 8284, 4-button sack, round corners, 7907, Imp. Black Choviot, yoyo, Nawyer cassimero, Regular Price. $14.00 .! 14.00 ' 1 14.00 17.00 18.00 7805, Fancv Stripe Worstod, 10.50 7895, Silk inaid bound Chev., 17.00 79'.'4, Straight front bound Cheviot, 18.00 8282, Doublo breasted fancy Cheviot, 22.50 8147, Double breasted fancy Cheviot, 23.00 8010, Double breasted smooth Cheviot, 18.00 7997, English Worsted, 20.00 1. I V I! I 21 IS I Three and Four Button Clay Worsted Cutaway Suits, Prince AlbeC Suite, Dross Suite, and everything in the line whlcu we bandlo in Oil City. Men's and Youth's Overcoats and Ulsters Ixit Regula No. Price K18S. Moil's Ulsters, -$20.f 2000, Boy s Ulsters, ! Lot Regular Cut No. Price. to. 8085, Men's Ulsters, 0.00 ?,i.00 8192, Men's Ulsters, I0.u0 8.00 8297. Men's Clstors, lo.uo i.uo Men's Overcoats in Meltons, Beavers, Kerseys, Clicviois, Chinchillas, an Beavers ranging iu price from $4.00 to $27.00 and which wo are selling hero at fro, to 30 per cent, less thau regular prices. Here, tho same as In our Main Store the CI 1 1 LDRKN'S DEPARTMENT a Main Feature. As is well known by our former patrons our stock of CHILI CLOTHING is unsurpassed outsido of large cities. HATS AND CAPS. J Hats and Caps originally worth from f 1.00 to $5.00 will bo closod out rangiug from 25 cents to $2.00. The reason we are making such a cut in this depa. is that a good many of them are a littlo out of stylo and we wish to cleuu up the The stock of FURNISHING GOODS embraces everything carried by flv'-. Furnishers, aud at prices iu the same proportion as tho clothing. .J v We have marked this stock ol goods, In a great many cases, at prices l the saino gsd can be manufactured for to-day for the purpose of reducing and realizing CASH 011 sam, and request everybody to call and exauiiiiu and judge for yourself a to values. We aro satisfied we can unit you jYi quality price if you will como in and give us a chauce and if wo soil you one of our auiU fool sure vou will coma and sue us again when iu need of anything iu our line. BOOTS & SHOES In connection with our Branch Store Mr. F. M. Stephenson, or Oil fit,' n. In a stock of Hoots, Shoes, and Rubber Goods. Mr. Stephensoii does not intend undersold by anybody, so if you are iueod of anything iu his line call and see 11 0 is selling Men's Rubber Boots at gl.00 a pair. Ladies' Rubbers at 20 aud 25 c Children's Rubbers at 10 cents. His stock of Men's leather Boots is closing regardless of cost. In Ladies Footwear he can supply you with a aV.oe at any f you may mention. No trouble to show goods and quote prices at V, M. Stephen Shoo Department of our Hi audi Store. NOTE. The Terms of Sale are ONE PRICE and STRICTLY CASH. CHAS. F. BLACK & C isoi.i:?i iiiii.itixj, TIOIsriLST,