The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 18, 1891, Image 3

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iluiWM J. K. Wenk.
Onmeihnen North ward, K. M. Her
man, i-airioK Joyce, w. A. Hrovp.
South ward, H. J I. Ilaslot, Eli llolomnn,
A ij r..i '
11. I'lllU.
.ThxHccii of th Pence J. F. rropor. 8,
J. Hotloy.
Onnitable and Collector H. H. Canflold
AVAont Directors ). W. Itobinson, A,
B. Kelly, K. I,. Davis, D. 8. Knox, D,
W. Clark, J. T. Bronnnn.
Member of OnnprevtCi . F. Kmnni.
Member of Menate Harry A. Hall.
An.icmblu S. S. Towt.K.i.
President .nitric Chart. H.JJotfs.
Associate Judge John H. Whitk, C
W. Clark.
Tretsurer Jam. It. IIaooertt.
Prothonotary, Register S: liccorter,dtc.
.Vier(T. John R. Osooon.
C!nnitiioer C. K. Lr.DF.niJR, Jas.
MrlxTTRR, Philip Emest.
County Superintendent (Inn. W.KEnn,
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioners John N. IlKATrT,
County .Surveyor T. V. VnovKn.
(kroner Dr. C. C. Kumrkroer.
Convty Auditors V. W. Thomas, O.
W. HoiUNSON, II. Klvnn.
OT.IVK LODOF., No. BS7, F. A. M.
Stated Meeting held at Odd Fol
lows Hall the first Monday of each month.
T. J. PAYNE, W. M.
T. It. COBB, Sec'y.
8. of A., meet every Monday eve
ning In A. (. V. VV. Hall, Proper A Dotitt
J. J. LANDERS, R. 8.
r5TTff Jv7. .tfSfi.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, In the Lodiro Room In Par
tridge's Hall. Confers the Initiatory de
preo tho first Tuesday night nf each
month ; tlrst decree the second Tuesday
night; second doitree tho third Tuesday
niliht; third degreo tho fourth Tuesday
F. W. LAW, N. O.
J. II. FONES, Sec'y. 27-tf.
IOREST LOIMJE. No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday eveninu In A.O. U.
W. Hall, Proper A Dontt block, Tinnosta.
S. R. CLARK, Recorder.
No. 'S!i, ii. A. R.
Moots on tho first Wednesday In each
liUlitli, in Odd Kollnws Hall, Tionesta, la.
117, W. R. C. meets first anil third
Wednesday evening of each month. In A.
O. U. W. hall, Proper A Dontt block, Tio
iiestn, Pa.
Mrs. C. C. RTJMBEROER, Tres't.
Mrs. E. L. DAVIS, Sec'y.
for Forest Countv.
A. K. Ktonociphor M. D., President! .T.
W. Morrow M. 1)., Secretary i J. B. Kin'ms
M. D Treasurer. The Board will meet
In Dr. Morrow's ofllce, Tlonestn, on the
Ihlrd Wednesday of each month, Ht 1(1
o'clock, a. in.
and District Attorney,
Office comer of Elm and Bridge Streets,
Tinnesta, Pn.
Also avent for a number of rc-liahlo Fire
Insurance Companies.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Collections made in this and adjoining
Tlonesia, Forest County Pa.
Olllce in Kepler Block, Room 9, Tlonesta,
T A W RE NO K irOUS V Tlonesta", Pa.'.
1J Jnstis Kliawke.v, Proprietor. This
house Is centrally located. Everything
new and woll furnished. Riivoiioi- Ac
couinindntiona and strict attention (riven
t-icrnosts. Vegetables and Fruits of all
kinds served in their season. Sample
room for Commercial Agents.
pENTRAL HOUSE, Tionosla. Pa.,
V O. C. Brownoll. Proprietor. This is a
now house, and hasjust been fitted up lor
tho accommodation of tho public. A por
tion of the patronage of the public is solic
ited. 4d-ly.
Jit. SIGGiNS, M. D
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
I .ate of Armstrong county, having located
in Tio'iesta is prepured to uttend all pro
tessionut calls promptly and at all hours.
Oiltco a id residence two doors north of
liawrence House. Oitlc.e honrs 7 to 8 a.
M., and 11 to 12 M. ; 'J to 3 ami 0) to 7) r.
M. iSundays, U to 10 A. M. ( ll to 3 and 6
to 71 P. M. may-18-81.
Ofilco on Elm Street. Calls attended to
promptly day and night.
Elm Street, Tlonesta, Pa.
Does all work in tho line of modern
dentistry, and guarantees satisfaction.
in. a. rinunii, nr. iii i hi , warren,
U Pa. One of the oldest and most sue
j eossful nriictitiorers in this section of the
. State. Will visit lionesta every regular
f court week. inayJ8 ly.
TVTORA H. SEIGEL, Practicioner in Mi-
1 1 croliic Treatment for tho cure of ull
tortus of disease. No drugs, no medicines
to be swallowed. Catarrh, lung diseases,
intemperance, and in short all forms of
llltl'M.I i.rtll.l il if.liu lr.Hiluil iii..I.. I l.n
i ly discovered Microhio I'hilotiophy, the
f most successful modo known to science
I lor the curing of the people. Residence
f opposite, P. O., Tionesta, Pa.
liernfElmA Wainut Sts., Tionesta,
, lUuk of Discount and Deposit. In allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
ts made on ull the Principal points of
U. S. Collections solicited.
p in Reck building next to Smear
h .V C'o.'s store. Is prepared to do all
of custom work from the liucst to
siaisestaud guarantees his work to
1 period Mttlsluctioii. Prompt attou-
v en to meiuliug, and prices as rea-
s iirsi class uui k can ue done lur.
Chnrrh and Knbbnlh Nrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumborger.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. V. Shoup, Pastor.
Sorviisca in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning aitd evening,
Rov." J. V. McAninch oluciuting.
Oil market closed yesterday GO.
"Cold enough for you ?"
"How'g this for so open winter?"
And other similar new-fangled
interrogations were beard this morning.
Mrs. Normile and children, of
Hydetown are guests of Mr, Brennan's
Mrs. Martha Ball left Monday
morning, for Olcan, where she will
visit her sju, J. W. Ball.
J. J. Brooking is down from
Bradford visiting with the family of
his sister, Mrs. J. II. Hardison.
P. M. Clark has a good house and
lot fur rent in the borough. Cnll on
hitn if in need. tf.
Monday evening, Signalman
Foncs hung out his cold weather wash
ing, and yesterday morning the bliz
zard was on hand bright and early.
Tie President's thanksgiving
proclamation is issued, designating one
week from to morrow, Nov. 26, as the
day. Have you got your turkey fat
tening? Mrs, V. V. Grove is constantly
adding to her Millinery stock, and
new styles are almost daily arriving
Sho exteuds to all a cordial invitation
to call and look over her stock. It
Mrs. Seigel is traiuing the class
for the next Demurest Medal conttst,
which will take place Friday, No
vember 27. These contents ore highly
entertaining end have hitherto been
altendid by packed houses.
The literature on dress duiing the
last 10 years, would form an imposing
collection. Equally curious ami itn
posing alr)i would be tho collection of
all the empty buttles used in the last
ten years f;r Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Representative Mrs. Tuwler
wcro down from Marirnville on a
short visit Monday. The Doctor, who
was looking aud loeling well, our
thai, tea f.r a copy of the pamphlet
laws passed by the lust session of the
The Curry National Bank, which
was clcsed by the Bank Examiner a
fdv days ago, it is said will, in a few
days resume husiuess, and that credi
tors will get dollar fur dollar. This is j
good news, aud it is earnestly hoped it
may be verified.
This morning's Derrick says the
W. N. Y. & P. express from Buffalo
was 15 minutes late this morning.
The delay was caused by a heavy snow
sturin at Panama at Muyviile. 18
inches of snow had fallen by 11
o'clock last night. The snow did not
begin to full here until about that
If "Tattler" will write ogaio and
give us his signature, not f r publica
tion, we will be glad to give space to
his items. Correspondents ought to
understood by this time, no matter
how good their effusions, tbey can not
gain admittance without giving to the
publisher their name us a guarantee of
good faith.
The total eclipse of the moon
advertised fur last Sunday evening,
came off promptly as arranged for,
and, harriog the slight cloudiness in
the first part of the programme, the
exhibition was good. The uext of the
kind is booked for 1909, so that there
is no great hurry about getting out to
see the sight.
Mr. N. 8. Foreman, who recently
returned home from Philadelphia,
where he had goue to consult with
eminent physicians regarding his
health, is able to go out among his
friends somewhat, aud hopes by first
class care to fully recover from his
illness. We join in the general hope
that his restoration may be speedy and
complete. ,
With the thermometer indicating
about 15 degrees, the ground covered
o tho depth of two inches with suow,
and a little slush ruuoiug in the river
this nioroing, it really seems as if
wiuter had come. This is the firbt
"tracking snow" of the season and
one man, Mr. Tenny, was already in
t.L: : j . i ., . .
iuis uuruiug uuu siaieu mat ue uaa
wounded a deer, and was on the hunt
of a "Winchester" with which tofioish
his job and bring in the venison.
Empire Meat Roasters, all sizes,
at Lawrence & Suiearbaugh'a. 'Jt.
Martin Littlefield, an old and
highly esteemed resident of Hickory
township, died last Saturday night,
after a prolonged illness of cancer of
the stomach. Deceased was a member
of the M. E. church and had been for
a long time, and leaves wife and
family and a large circle of friends to
mourn his loss.
Quarterly meeting will begin in
the M. E. Church, Thursday evening,
and continue over the Sabbath. Com
munion services will be held on Sab
bath morning at the usual hour. Pre
siding Elder Smith will be present to
assist in the services. On Sabbath
evening the new addition to the church
will be dedicated.
Mr. W. E. Morgan has taken
chatge of Mr. Kelly's oil lease at
Dawson, and will "run the machine"
this winter. He will have several
pumping wells to look after which will
occupy bia time pretty steadily. A
good house has been fixed up in com
fortable shape and "Billy" will move
up in a short time.
Much to the disappointment of
the members of the Second Presby
terian church, word was received yes
terday that owing to the sudden Illuess
of Rev. McAninch, of Tionesta, he
would be unable to assist at the in
stallation of Pastor-elect Rev. S. A.
Cornelius. Derrick. We are pleased
to report Rev. McAninch much im
proved this morning.
Recent and persistent train rob
beries, in which the express companies
have been heavy losers, have brought
about a new order of things. All the
messengers aro now armed with re
volvers at the companies' expense, and
the rather ominous glitter of the Smith
& Wesson daogling in the bell of one
of lhee is a warning to evil-doers
which they will do well to heed.
On Wednesday night of last week
an attempt was made to "hold up"
Constable Connelly, of Hickory town
ship, while on his way from the depot
to his home on the East side. "Billy"
showed too much Baud fur the high
wayman, who, after a considerable
struggle, was glad to get away with a
whole carcast, and had the night not
been quite to dark would now meat
likely be a good thief a dead one.
Among the magazines for Decern
her, that Queen of ladies monthlies,
Peterson, is one of the earliest aud the
best. This cloeing number of its 50th
year is especially fine, being rich in
illustrations as well as in its literary
matter. The fashion department com
mends itself for the practical charac
ter of the plates, the descriptions of
style and the plainness of direction for
makeup. Suggestions for making
holiday gifts and other articles of
luierest udd to its value. Tents,
S2 00 per year. Address, Peterson's
Magazine, SOU Chestuut St., Phila.
A Bradford dispatch says an in
vestigation nf the hemlock region,
where the worms were abundant during
the summer, is not encouragiug to the
owners of the timber. As it looks
now, the timber infected with the
"looper caterpillars" in July and
August is dead, and in order to save
the logs it will have to be cut down
Aefore it is a year older. Fortunately
the damaged country is not of a large
area. Potter county, along the Cou
dcrsport & Port Allegheny railroad, is
suffering, also a section in north Elk
county has a bad area, on the John
sonburg & Clermont railroad, and
some smaller places on the Clarion,
below Ridgway aud Portland.
A few issues ago we mentioned
that Hon. Andrew Cook had gone
South with expectations that a change
of climate would benefit his health.
We learn from a Inter to a fiiend in
Tionesta that he is at Old Point Com
fort, Ya. His health has somewhat
improved, though not as rapidly as he
and his friends had hoped aud desired.
Dr. Dickson, of Pittsburgh, his physi
cian, is with him, giving him all med
ical attention that skill can command.
The Dr. is very sanguine of the judge's
recovery. Mrs. Cook, Miss Hattie,
and Wayne, are also with them, and
if good nursing and care are effective,
the judge's recovery is a certainty.
They expect to go further Soutfi and
spend the winter in Georgia.
W. Jennings Demurest of New
York, has set aside one million dollars
fur the furnishing of silver, gold and
diamond medals to successful contest
ants iu temperance oratory. These
medals are awarded uuder the direc
tion of the W. C. T. U. to the cboic3
of three disinterested judges. Two of
these contests have been held iu our
Borough, oath lime filling the church
to overflowing. The successful aspi
rants were Russell G. Dingman and
William Bible, with second prizes to
Miunie Landers aud Benj. Duvis.
Another of these attractive contests
will be held Friday evening, Nov. 27,
and we would advise all our friends to
be on hand at the first ringing of the
bell. A small admission will be
For bargains iu Furuituie g to
S. II. Haslet & Son's cheap furniture
store. tf.
Monday evening a goodly rjuru
ber of the citizens of the borough
met at the Gas oflice fur the purpose
of informally discussing a proposition
to secure the plant for Tiunesta for
the manufacture of the Richards
8and Reel, a new invention by Mr,
Wm. Richards, and which has received
such tests as to thoroughly demon
strate its merits, and at once place it
on the market as oue of the necessary
articles of the oil operator's outfit
Mr. R. was present and explained in a
very lucid manner the workings of his
patent, and stated that he was willing
anjanxious that Tionesta should have
the benefit nf the manufacture of the
same if the proper encouragement
could be secured. After considerable
discussion a committee was selectod to
confer with the raonied men of the
placo as to the feasibility of establish
ing a plant here and report at a future
meeting. Here is an opportunity to
start an industry that would nnques
tionably be a success from the start,
and a lasting one at that, and if the
proper spirit is shown by thoEe who
have the means at their command
there will be little trouble about tho
outcome. There ought to be no urg
ing neoessary in this matter.
Don't I If a dealer offers you a
bottle of Salvation Oil without wrap
per or labels, or in a mutilated condi
tion, duu't touch it don't buy it at
any price, there is something wrong
it may be a dangerous or worthless
counterfeit. Insist upon getting a
perfect, unbroken, genuine package.
Stewarts 1C tin.
This morning we arc getting a much
needed rain.
White & Braden, of Pluasautville,
paper bangers aud painters, are at
work ou our church this week. The
church was not fiuished last week, as
stated it would be iu our last letter,
but will be ready for services next
Sabbnth, and wheu finished will have
quite a flue appearance. J. G. Brum
ley made a trip to Titusville last
Saturday and got paint, paper and
carpet, and these, together with the
other repairs that have been made,
improves things wonderfully.
Nalhau Osten moved into the house
vacated by Fred. Fogle some time ago.
Rob. Baker made a trip to Marion
ville in search of work, lant week.
Nettie Thomson visited Wm. ByerV
family of Beun farm, last week.
Some of our people attended the
quarterly meeting at Hickory, lust
Captain Boiler and wife, of Tid
ioute, visited J. A. Dawson's, last
F. E. Metcalf and family have
moved from the Abbott farm onto tho
old Thomas Dawson farm last week.
Frank put runners under bis little
store Bnd had Mack Vaoderlin and
Art Handy haul it up to that place,
aad now the post oflice is handier for
some, if ou the whole not bo handy
fur others.
Thaokfgiving is ulmost here, and it
seems almost impossible it's so near.
We have had bo little bad weather
this fall it seems it can't be that time
of the year.
Nov. 17. Citizen.
The Pithole pioneers will hold their sec
ond annual rounion in Titusvillo Decem
ber 2d.
Twenty-live new cottages have been
commenced at Chautauqua since the as
sembly adjourned.
The extent of the scourge of diphtheria
in Stoueboro and vicinity has not boon
exaggerated. Rocontly thoro were eight
deaths In six days, aud 1( 0 cases were re
ported iu the village and vicinity. The
schools aro elosod and services in tho
churches discontinued.
.Mr. and Mrs. a. K. Webber, of Demp-
seytown, were the victims of tho nows
papor "special" liend last woek. Ho re
ported them both at the point of death
from disease contracted in butchering anil
eating a porker that had hog cholera. Mr.
ebbor had a slight rash, and that was all
there was of it. franklin A'cu-n.
Another murder is reported from Wals-
ton, near Punxsutawiicy, Pa. Mike Ru
nesh, an Italian, is said to have been kill
ed by Stovo Laure in a drunken row lust.
Sunday. Tho southern end of Jefferson
county has been furnishing quite a num
ber of such cases durimr tho nasL few
years, and the murderers have about all
e-icapeil. Perhaps that explains tho dilli
culty. Miss VViunio White, teacher of CI At'illir-
' - o
ton school, Room No. , makes the follow
ing report for the second motrtli : No. en
rolled, males 18, females Average at
tendance, males 10, females i:i. Thoso
present every day. Gile Bovd.
and Forest Reynolds, Eddio May, Wallace
Davis, llomor Royd, Herman Slau-hen-haupt,
Clyde and Jimmie I toy or, Jennie
May, Jennie, Nannie aud Lulu Isthman,
flora anu Jennie Williams, I.etha Elder,
Delia Reynolds, Clara Rover and Mury
Miss Kate Gueuther. teacher of Nnill.
town school, makes the following report
for month ending Nov. 1:1, lH'.il : No. of
pupils enrolled :J4. Average attendance
Ml. Per uout. of attendance IHI. Those
present every day during month, Hello,
Myraand Willie Rowiuan, IJcrt, Hessie
and Nettie Foot, Georgia and Amos Arch
er, Orr Carson, Ellio Uraham, Fred. An
derson, Rena, Edna, Anna, Ralph, Clyde
and Archie Machesuey, liny and A'lie
Gorman, Georgo dinger. Those absent
only one day, Albert Grahum, llelle and
Alia Anderson. Tho school deserves es
pecial mention for nuiictiinlitv. We Mir
dially Invite parents and school oflleors to
visit our school.
Take a pound of white eastile or brown
Windsor and stir it on tho fire with a lit
tle water. Add lavender water or any
other kind of essence whon it is boilod to
a smooth paste, but do not thin it too
much. Put in half a cup or more of al
mond moal or of common oatmeal. Keep
it In Jars for use. This is an excellent
preparation for keeping tho hands smooth
and white which was used by the belles
of olden-time.
Sorghum making, writes a correspond
ent, is a new Industry in Clarion county.
At the McDowell mills, In Monroe town
ship, as high as 150 gallons are being made
daily. Throughout tho southern part of
Clarion county the cane crop was excellent
this year, and tho largest ever raised
therein. Cane is not raised In tho north
ern part of this county, the citizens of
that section not having yet become inter
estod in Its cultivation. Pooplo who are
engaged in cane raising declare it is profit-
able. Clarion Democrat.
Some 15 years ago a young man of
Meadville, Pa., while out hunting, picked
up a peculiar looking dark-colored rock,
which had so much the appearance of lead
that he took it homo and melted and made
bullits of it. Not until several weeks ago
have tho real facts come out. The find has
boen so satisfactory that a company has
been formed to develop tho find. Two
men were started to work and moro will
bo put on as soon as the work progresses
A smelter and all necessary machinery
will be put In at once, and the work pros.
eculed vigorously as long as there is any
sign of profit. The vein is about four
inches thick and two feet wide.
Something About The East.
Faoundi'S, Nov. 0, 1801
Mr. Editor:
It was a mistake, the mention that Miss
Lillian Miles is to teach the Whig Hill
school. She Is still in the east, and will
be yet for some time. She is taking les
sons in- music, and is also enjoying her
visit there very much. In one of her last
letters she writes mo as follows:
Mrs. K. and I took a little trip to tho
city Monday. We boarded the 7:3:1 train
at Wellington, and whon wo reached Bos
ton took an electric car and went out to
Chestnut Hill, I think about five miles.
It w as a lovely ride through what is called
the "Back Bay" district. It is land that
has been built up from the swampy lands
bordoring tho bay, and uow one of the
finest parts of the city. Chestnut Hill is
the location of one of the reservoirs which
supplies tho city with water. The reser
voir is a lovely little lake with stone banks,
(or rather walled up with stone), surround
od by a beautiful park with shady wains
and drives. Rustic seats aro placed here
and tliero under tho trees and wo sat down
and for some time enjoyed the delightful
quiet and seclusion of the place. At the
ontranco to tho park Is a large arched gate
way with the inscription "City ot Boston,
Cliostnut Hill Reservoir." Upon it at an
other cutrance is a flight of stone steps,
and at tho top a pretty stone building,
built over the water. Here the water is
regulated in pipes which enrry it to the
city. There are many rocks overgrown
with ivy aud honeysuckle and varioties of
wild flowers, but no tame ones, and fre
quently the inevitable warning, "do not
cross on the grass or pull tho flowers.'
Wo returned home feeling that wo had on
joyed a pleasant dny.
Ou matriculation day of the University
I went to Boston on the noon train. Mr.
W. met me at the depot and we went up
to a rostaurant on Washington street,
where a party of students took dinner.
After dinner there wore a few toasts. Then
we wont up to the School of Theology
where wore gathered the Bon Ton of the
occasion, viz: Dr. John, Pros, of Do Pauw
University j Dr. Bowman, formerly Dean
of De Pauwj Rev. Joseph Cook, and oth
ers. After-dinner speeches were given by
all the celebrities and many of the pro-
fossors and students. The speeches wore
mostly humorous aud vory enjoyable. In
tho evening tho De Pauw students had
their annual reunion. I had tho pleasure
of mooting Dr. John, and of renewing my
acquaintance with Mrs. Dr. Bowman, who
renewed her cordial invitation to come to
New York ; said her daughter would ac
company mo to all points of interest in
the city. After spending a social hour in
the library we adjourned to tho refresh
ment room where ice cream, cake, fruit,
chocolate, etc., wore sorved. Then Dr.
John gave a littlo informal talk and wo
took a lato departure homo.
I have lately enjoyed a trip to Chelsea
with other delegates to attend the anniver
sary of the Y. P. S. C. E. Arriving at our
destination wo found the social part of the
program in full progress. Several hun
dred pooplo gathered in the vestry of the
elegant church, all enjoying themselves
apparently vory much; we joined the
happy throng and alter a half hour's so
ciability, tho folding doors of the immense
dining room wero thrown open, tho or
chestra struck up, the company formed in
a procession and marched into tho dining
room, which, by-tho-way, was a picturo in
itself. Long tables laden with everything
good, and ornamented witli autumn
leaves and flowers and largo lamps with
umbrella shades of every color possible.
The menu was elegant and included scal
loped oysters, lobster salad, pickled
tinguo, clc, etc. After the repast several
speeches wore made, a young lady render
ed a solo, the orchestra played, and, woll
ple;iscd, we departed for homo.
Lawrence & Smcarbaugh still
have a number of men's and boy's
overcoats, nf first class material and
made up iu good style, which they are
disposing i.f at less than cr;st. If you
want a cheap overcoat for yourself or
boy call ond look them over bef'ure
going elsewhcte. You can save
money. 2t.
Scowdeo & Clark have now in
stock, all nicely fitted, a fine selection
of sleighs aud cutters, which are
marked dowu to the luwest living
notch. Thoso cnnteuiplatiug a pur
chase will ceilaiuly miss it if they do
not inspect their fclock before invest
ing. If.
Itch, Mange, and Ncratches on human
or animals cured In 'M minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Tlds never fails.
Sold by Proper A Duutt, Druggists, Tio
nesta, Pa. unv.lrt-iim.
For Sale.
I have a work horse, 12 years old,
without blemish, good worker single
or double, which I will sell cheap or
trade for cattle. Have used him on
steam thresher this fall, and do not
need him now. J O. Bromley,
Stewarts Run, Pa.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
StllintS. swpnnnv ...ill....
sprains, all swollen throats, oo'itih?, ,.(,.
' f x' riy use ot one Dottle. Warranted
tho most wonderful blemish cure ever
known. Sold by Proper A Dontt. Drug
gists, Tionesta, Pa. nov.l.S-Um.
The Pulpit unit the Stnac.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth
ren Church, llluo Mound, Kan., says: "I
feel It my duty to toll wiiat wonders Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for mo.
My Lungs wero badly diseased, and mv
parishioners thought'l could live onlv a
lew weeks. I took live bottles of "Dr.
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining ttl lbs. iu weight." Arthur
Ixive, Manager Love's I'linnv Folks Com
b'nation, writes: "After a thorough trial
nnd convincing evidence, I am confident
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion beats 'em all, and cures whon every
thing else fails. Tho greatest kindness I
can do my many thousand friends is to
urge them to try it." Free ti lid bottles at
Proper A Dou'tt's Drugstore Regular
sizes 50c. and $1.00.
lirt'KI.KN'M A KM It' A M.M.VE.
Tho best Salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pny required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per
box. For sale bv Proper & Doutt,
Gives special trentnieut to all diseases of
eye, ear, nose nnd throat. Refracts and
lits defective eyes and furnishes specta
cles and eye glasses from olllce, securing
lit of frames an well us glasses.
1 Hearing, totrjinu, Making tho Old V
nnu uoni vui now.
HOP BALSAM is (umiiofxM of frc-li
bopa aud the bs-t bums, buKr.irmainl e.x-
peri.'irrtm kr.own
proilufinir rt'frolitntj
eloep, nun when tho
mhitl is at rcioe it
ns;lt,3 nut tire aiid
heals the body.
The healthful nr,d me
dicinal jirt.TM'i ttc-Hi r (ho
hup am well known.
Hop Hnlsnirt euro
fniiRb. CiiUh, .Am
rlniiii- Mirit 1 livnnr.
Cnttftiiiiiutlait. It run
chili, ami all Puliitnn
ary Compliilntn. It a
BtBLB to rulrtL'tlU'Km titld
rlt-nr tlii'lun; oi all ini)lI
matter. Muihcnt will nnd
the BALSAM exii'Mt'bt.botli
for thrm?lvraii(( I'lilldrmi. a
It cures wheu cuio U pos- A
IMe. Try It
IT CU R bS tho most ntub
torn cases, w in u all other
ri'meitlf have failed.
i-N IT ALLAYS tho rru'klnft
from thru trrrlblu Coutftt wbtm cure
is In tho balanco.
If you Bretvoubh'tl with Lung or Pulmonary
cuuipluiuu you MhouM Uko Ilor Uauak.
c in ri'innes iiiti Biiii.rpr
d Get a large bottle I Get a free sample
lor 35 cents. ac your uruggisis.
A. D. RICE & SONS. Fartville, N. Y.
Sick Heatl.ichPnnrt relieve nil the trouble Inc.
(font to a bilious stnto of the kvkIcih. such as
UuKinem, Nauxea. Drowniuefw, I is treat afUr
eatinj?, I'ain in the Side, &c. While their imwt
remarkable success ha been showu in curing
Headachfl, yet Cartkr'h Little Liver Pills
ore equally valuable in Constitution, curing
and preventing? this annoying cmmilalnt. while
they also correct all il mordent of lite stomach,
Mimulnto the liver and reguluto the bow eld.
Kveu it they only cured
Ache they would he almost pheeleHi to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will nnd
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not he willing to do without them,
iiut after all sick head
Is tho bane of so many lives that here Is where
we make our great uoast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
I'autkh's Little Liver Tiuji ore very "mall
and very easy to take. One or two pill's make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
pot grlw or purge, but by their p-ntle action
pleufte all who use them. Iu vials at Events;
five tor $1, Hold everywhere, or s nt by inaiL
CAT3 kSncXKX CO., New Tcrk.
UNI Ssuilk Small Fries.
sup mimmi
f ivTER PP
jfj pius.
lew Furniture Store
Lindal k Charleston
Ilavo openod a Now Furniture Storo in tho
Kepler Block, - Tionesta, Pa.,
And are prepared to aeconimodato their
patrons with tho newest and best furniture
at tho LOWEST FIGURES ! Everybody
will he treated tairly.
within a reasonable
Give us a call. Come and examine- our
stock. Goods shown with pleasure.
Kepler Block, -
t mm
"i t I M M 7 -1
Ami nl mires that aro within the resell o'
everyone. Come nnil look them ovoi
beliire von lin v.
Manufacturer of and Dealor In
AnJ all kinds of
Good Stoek, Oooil Carrlaiics and Hon
fse to let upon the mos-t reasonable teni a,
llo will iiIpo do
All orders left ot tho l'oat Ollleo v. A
receive prompt attention.
Administrator's Notice.
ISTATF, OF F. P. OHN, late of Klns
-J lev Townnhip, Forest County, cle
ceased. Letteix of administration npi i
tho aliovo named estate having leei
Ki-anted to the undersigned, all person
having claim against the same, wil
present them for payment, duly authi r
tiealed; and thoso indebted thereto wi
pleaso make immediate pavment to
O. W. OiSUOOll, Administrator,
Whin Hill, Forest Co., IV.
P. M. CLARK, Attorney.
Oct. 10, 18H1. Ct.
Tho Superb Qualities of our Two Dollar
Hats are only beftiiiniuir to bo known.
These Hats aro guaranteed not to brei'!
and have no poisonous dyes in the nwoat
bands. So our customers will have no
soro heads. We give fust as correct a
otylo for g-'.OO as lor fii.Ou.
Rut 'only the well known and correct
shapes of Ynuman. Dunlup, Knox
and Miller,
Prices ?J.II0, $iii, f 1.00 and f.l.oO.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Tailors, Mutters, furnishers, Mod
erate Prico Store,
3:1 SF.NFt'A STItKirr, Oil, CITY, PA
All goods delivered
dishineo from town.
.Tionesta, Pa.