f 1 r THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 17, 1801. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Jlurge.. K. Wenk. Ctmneilmen North ward, R. M. Her man, Patrick Joyce, W. A. Ornvn. South ward, 8. II. Haslet, Ell Holoman, A. II. Dale. Justices of the Peace J. F. Propor, S. J. Hotley. Constable and Collector 8. S. Canflold. School Director O. W. Robinson, A. n. Kelly, K. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox. D. W. Clark, J. T. Brennan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress O. F. Kiunnn. Member of Senate Hahky A. Hall. AMembly 8. 8. Towlkiu President Judge Charlm H. Noykh. Associate Judges John H. Whith, C. W. Ct.AKK. Treasurer Jai. n. IIaookrty. Prothonotary, Register dt Recorder ,dtc Calvin M. Arnhr. Sheriff. Joint It. Osooon. Commissioners C. K. Lkdbbur, Jam. Mi'Iwttrk, Philip Em est. County Superintendent duo, W. Kbrr. District Attorney P. M. Clark. Jury Commissioners JonmN. HKATII, Joric MnMtZENimmmi. daunt y Surveiar J. F. Pnorr.ll. Coroner Dr.' C. C. Kumukrokr. Cotcnrv A uditars W. W. Thomas, O. W. Robinson, R. Flynn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLIVE LOPOE, No. 557, F.AA. M. Hinted Mooting held nt Odd Fel lows Hall tlio first Monday of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. U,. T. B. COBIJ, Soe'y. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. P. O. 8. of A., meeta flvorv Mondny eve ning In A. O. U. V. Hall, Proper A Doutt block. J. R. KDEN, Pres. J. J. LANDERS, R. 8. TIONESTA LODGE Jfo. 30!, MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. In the Lodge Room la Pari fridge's Hall. Confers the Initiatory de ttroo the first Tuesday night of each month ; first degree the second Tuesday night; second decree the mini runsnsy night; third degree the fourth Tuosday night. F. W. LAW, N. O. J. II. FONES, Soc'y. 27-tf. I VtRKST I.ODOE. No. 1S4, A. O. U. W., I Meets every Friday wvening In A. O. U. W. Hall, Proper A Doutt Mock. Tionesta. J. II. HAGEHTY, M. W. J. R. CLARK, Recorder. CAPT. GEORGE 8TOW POST, No. 274, . A, R. Meets on tho first Wednesday In each numb, In Odd Fellows Hall, Tionestn, Pa. JONATHAN ALHAUGH, Com. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forest Countv. A. R. Stoneclphor M. D., President: J. W. Morrow M. !., Secretary i J. R. Siggins M. D., Treasurer. Tho Hoard will meet In Dr. Morrow's office, Tionesta, on the third Wednosday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in. P.M , CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and District Attorney, Oftlco corner of Elm and Bridgo Streets, Tionesta, Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable Firo Insurance Companies. f. L. DAVIS. IV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections mado In this and adjoining counties. T. F. RITCHEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Forest County Pa, F. 15 BIHLE, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, Olllco In Kepler Block, Room 0, Tionesta, ra, T A WRENCH HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., lj Justls Sliawkev, Proprietor. This house Is centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. Suneiior Ac co-nmndatUms and strict attention given to guests. Vegetables and Fruits of ail kinds served Jn their season. Sample room for Commercial Agents, CENTRAL CENTRAL HOUSE. Tionesta, Pa., V.y O. C. Brownell. Proprietor. This is a new house, and has just been fitted up lor the accommodation of the public. A por tion of the palronago ot the public is soiuv Ited. 4tl-ly JB. SIGGINS, M. D., Physleiun, Surgoon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA f W. MORROW. M. D J. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Irfite of Armstrong county, having located In Ti'esta is prepared to attend all pro fessional calls promptly and at all hours. Oftteeand residence two dMra north of Lawrence House. Omoehonrs7 to H A, M.. and 11 to 13 M. : 2 to 8 and 6J to 74 P, M. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 61 to 7 p. M. may-18-81 DR. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIOKKSTA, l'A, Office oppposito Oas Olfico. Calls at tondud to promptly day and night. DR. A. FISHER, DENTIST, Warren Pa. One of tho oldest and most sue cassful practitiorers in this section of the State. Will visit Tionesta every regular court week. inayltti-ly. ATOKA II. SEIGEL. Practicioner in Mi 1 1 erobic Treatment for the cure of all tonus of disease. No drugs, no medicines to be swallowed. Catarrh, lung diseases, intemperance, and in short all forms of morbid conditions treated under the now. ly discovered Microbio Philosophy, the most successful modo known to science for the curing of the people. Residence opposite P. O., TiouosU, l a. MAY, PARK A CO., HANKERS. Coruor of Elm A Wainut Sts., Tionesta Pa.. Hank ot Discount slid Deposit. In torest allowed on Tinio Deposits. Collee tions iniide on all the Principal points o the U. S. Collodions solicited. JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer tn HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS TIONESTA. PA. pUIL. EMEUt7 FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Reck buildinu next to Smear juugh A Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to le coarsest and i us ran tots his work to e perfect satislnctioii. Prompt alum given to mending, and prices as rea blo as first vluss work can be duuo lor. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOUESTA, IF.A.. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PROPKU ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND THE PAYMENT OK TAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND HALE OK REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SAME. Chnrrk and Nnbfcath Hrfcool. Presbyterian Sabbath. School at 9:45 a. in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab bath evening bv Kov. Rumbergor. Preaching In'tlie F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. F. F. Slump, Pastor. Services in the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Hov. J. V. MoAnlnch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yesterday 68. Mrs. F. A. Wheeler, of Titusville, la visiting Dr. Siggios' family. Maricnville will celebrate the Fourth in grand style this year. John Charleston lost a good team horse on Monday night from colic. Remember the strreopticon exhi bition at the school hall next Friday evening. Mrs. Q. V. Zents and son Lewis, of Clarksburg, W. Va., are visiting relatives in this section. Mies Savilla Keister, of East Hickory, was the guest of Miss Lizzie Randall over last Sabbath. G. W. Bovard and David Bar nett are laying a substantial tile drain from their properties to the river. Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Nason visited tho doctor's parents at Townville, Crawford couoty, during the week. Corb. Agnew has a neat little dwelling house nearly completed in the north ward, and will occupy the samo Bhorlly. Wheeler's new mill at Stowtown, s about ready to begin cutting. It is better mill than the one burnt last winter, so we are told. J. T. Brennan has had a Deal iltle cellar built to oue Bide of his house in the north ward, and is having ao addition to his houso built over the same. Attention is directed to the an nual reports of the Auditors of Tio nesta aod Harmony townships, iu this issue, and which are gotten up iu com' prehtnsive style. -Charley Butler gut the tips of the Gngers of his left hand too previously near the slasher saw of Lawrence & Sinearbaugh's mill yesterday morniog, and now he'll have to carry them around iu a sling for a few days. -The annual re-uniou of the North western Association, Dep't of Pa., G II., will be held in Franklin tbi year, on Wednesday, August l'Jtn uext. It is likely a large delegation will attend from this section. Mrs. Emma Whitemau of Ktl ltttville, was down from that place over Sunday and stayed w ith her sister Mrs. Hagerty. On Monday morning she returned home, Mrs. L. J. Hopkins accompanying hor for a week's viait, rrothonotary Arner s youngest little girl, iu some way unknown to the family, hurt her arm so badly at the wrist as to require the attention o a physician, who found the arm con siderably bent but thinks none of the booes broken. Allen L. Maze, son of Jackson Maz?, of near Cooksburg, this county died at his home on the 9lh inst., after an illness of but two days. Deceased was a member of Camp 504, P. O. 6, of A, and was aged 18 years, mouths amf 13 days. John Grubbt is drilling a water well on the Robinson property, occu pied by J. C. Scowdeo, aod soon Joe will not be at lbs mercy of his neigh bors for his supply of water, which by tbe-way, is running pretty low in some of the wells of the town. Mrs. Hannah Ittel died at her home near Cooksburg, this county o the 8th iust , aged 52 years, 11 months aud H days. Mrs. Ittel was the widow of George Ittel, whose tragic death less than a year ago, by a falling tree, the Republican chronicled at the time. Landors & Bovard started the machiucry iu their haudle factory last week, but have yet considerabl "trueiog up" to do before tbey ca commence turning out regular work They will shortly have a practica wood worker employed and then thiugi will hum at tho new industry Mr. J. A. Bhriver has concluded to migrate to the fur west, and will next week start fur Chehalis, Wash iugtoo, where he will enter the employ of Messrs. Lacy & Mealy, who have purchased the Russell lumber plant a that place. Add. will oflur his entire stock of horses, cattle, farmiug ituple menu, household goods, &c, at public Eale next Friday, June 20ih, com mencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Those wishing anything in that line should be ou baud promptly, Through the county just about now the roads are beiog "worked" and some very respectable highway is beiog manufactured as a consequence. And the effect of the big road scrapers on the roads where used is quite noticeable and in such a vay as to make one feel quite friendly toward the machine. Tionesta base ballists have ar ranged to go to Tidioute next Friday to play a game, and are trying to get special train for the purpose. Should they fail, however, they still expect to get half rate fare. A good many are talking of going. Tionesta will send p a good team, and a fine game may be looked for. The school board of the borough met on Monday evening to elect teachers for the ensuing term, follow- ng being the result of the balloting: Room No. 4, Principal, T. E. Arm strong, of Rouseville; No. 3, Miss Ida Paup, of Tionesta ; No. 2, Miss Ger trude McElbose, of Clarion county; No. 1, Miss Aggie Kerr. Under the new revenue bill, known as Treasurer Buyer's bill, the ucreae of appropriations to schools will be very great, and local taxation will be considerably relieved. Under the old law Forest couuty received last year $2,598.00; the new law will give us $6,406.66, an increase of $3,898 00, which will not be bad to take, thauks to a Republican legisla lure. This is the season of Hie year when the rose slug fastens itself on the rose bushes and devouers the leaves, This pest can be destroyed by the use of the following simple remedy : Take one tablespoonful of hellebore, scald it, and add one gallon of water. Sprinkle the bushes with the aid of a prinklinr; can or whisk broom. One or two applications will effectually de stroy the rose slugs. The silver cornet band will here after give a concert every Friday eve ning under the street lamp In front of the Bank. While these concerts are ree a contribution box will be erected that all who feel so disposed may pat ronize. The boys hope in this wav to get enough to at least keep them in new music, and as they have never been in the least stingy of their music, we hope our citizens will be liberal with their dimes, in return for the de lightful music they have been listening to in the past, and which will be forthcoming in the future. Give the boys a show. The legal bass fishing went in on Memorial Day, May 30, and will con tinue the remainder of the year. It should not begin until tho 4th of July, as June is the spawning month for this game ;h. Strange that our law makers don't bite at this fact. New Castle Graphic. We dun't kuow just how it is with tho bass over iu New Castle, but up in this country the edi tor who would assort that June is the spawning mouth fur them, would be informed that he wa) considerably "off his eggs," as bass commence nestiug about May 20th aud by the 30th are through with the business and ready for their bait The observance of Children's Day iu the Presbyterian church was an occasion long to be remembered by all who were so fortunate as to be present, and the church was filled to overflowing. The program consisted of singing, recitations aud responsive readings, including the beautiful ser vice of the "Arch of Character." The church was never before so lovely with happy children, flowers and plants, and the hour and a half required in which to complete the exercises, will long remain a green spot in the mem ory of all. Children's Day will be observed in the M. E. church next Sabbath, to which all are cordially invited. r-Goveroment work on the dyke nt Pitbole Riffle has begun, under tbe direction of Chief Engineer Arris, Assistants Craig aud Elder were here Saturday arranging for teams and la borers to assist in the construction of the dam, which we understand is to extend from the left bank, at a point where much of tho water shoots through back of the bar, down to nearly opposite the mouth of Pithole Creek, thus throwing ull tbe water iuto tbe main channel, and making it navigable in tbe lowest stages. This riffle has for years been a great and about the only hiudrance to lumber men in low water. Work on a similar dam at Greeu Island at East Hickory will also begin shortly. The following from an exchange, is a pen picture of the career of many a mau : "It is easy enough to get rich All that is necessary to do is to trust nobody, befriend none, get all you can and save all you get; to stint yourself aud everybody that belongs to you, and to be the friend of no man and bave no man for your friend ; to heap interest cont upon cent ; to be mean miserable and dtspised fur some twen ty or thirty years, and riches will come as sure as disease, disappointment and death. And when pretty nearly enough wealth is collected by a disre gard of all charities of the human heart, and at the expense of every en joyment, death will finish the work. The body is buried, the heirs dance and fight over what you have left, and the spirit will go where? By all means get rich. It will pay the devil." Saw Hill Plant Burned. Tho lumbering plant of John and Robert Wade, located in Kingsley township, and formerly owned by E. Russell & Co., was totally destroyed by fire at an early hour on Friday morning last. Tbe watchman had left the mill only a few minutes before, and as the mill had not been running for a few days past, the origin of tbe fire is shrouded in mystery. Around the mill was piled between four and five hundred thousand feet of manu factured pine lumber, considerable hardwood, and much of the past win ter's stock of logs, &c, all of which was consumed. In fact, the flames licked up about everything in reach. The loss at a low estimate will reaoh $5000. We are not informed as to whether or not there was any insur ance on the property. The Messrs. Wade, owners of the plant, were former residents of Ediuboro, Eiie county. Kcllcttville Items. BY A TRAVELER. ellettvillij doing a quiet steady business or seems to be. There is no "boom" about the town, but it is do ing its share of business just the same. The Kribbs block, across on the other side of the creeksmiIeB out se renely aud pleasantly from among the little birches aud other bushes; aud tbe other block, its neighbor, looks no less good-humored. X Back of the town the brush " and woods is being cleared up and the effect is to disclose a very pretty effect in tbe way of a small landscape. Without joking a bit you will go a longer distanco many a time and see not half nor fourth so fiue a natural scenery as can be seen from any of the hills around the mouth of Salmon Creek. Bui there's mure money in tanuiog even for a echool teacher, or in peeling bark or wrestling with spliutery boards than in landscapes in this country. Wheeler & Co. are peeling some timber on their tract here where the fire came along last, or, rather, this spring. John Watsou built aud lives in a new house near the end of tbe bridge. Iu one part of it he keeps a meat market. A young man by the name of Shaw was brought in from the woods Thurs day eveuiug with a badly cut foot. Kellettville is to bave a new school house this summer. We have no doubt but that it will be a good one. It should be. Kingsley generally keeps step along with the best of them in school nintlHra. iThe Newtown mill is ruuning. Aud, by-the-way, it is about the ouly up right mill in this section, or along with tbe one at . Stowtown, the only two mills of the kind, Both are owned by tho same firm. The grading of the railroad up Beaver is completed as far as to the old shingle mill ou the old plabk road, or as far as to where the old mill used to be, 'causa it's been and been burned recently. Richards & Co. are still seeking tbe oleaginous on the wilds of Whig Hill. Here's success to a pluck that surely deserves it. Stewarts Ituu. Stewart & Co. finished tbeir No. 7, on the Wiley, this morning. Good for about 25 barrels. Shaddick's well just across the line, which wo spoke of last week, is not cased yet. Tbey got a crooked hole at about 150 feet that delayed them. Mr. Watts, Mr. J. A. Dawson's nephew, is the guest of Mr. D.'s family. Rufus Copelaud is quite sick with some kind of swelling on the side of his neck. Jas. Hogg bss a sinker bit and rope socket stuck in No. 6, on tbe Jocelyn. lie was trying to drive a plug down below tbe Quinn sand with the bull wheels, when be got stuck and is having to put up a beam to get them out. II. M. Zshniser and J. G. Bromley start fur Mercer county Wedoesday morning to attend the Zabniser reunion. U. S. Zabniser was at Marienville last week aud stopped over nigbt with his nephew, J. J. Zabniser, of Ne braska. Rev. Brennan will preach at the White Church next Sabbath morniug and at the Jackson school house at 3 o'clock p. ra. Alex Berry was over lo Stewarts Run one day last week and traded horses with U. S. Zabniser. June 16. Citizen. Oranges, lemons, cocoaouts, aud fruits of all kind are uow handled by Lawrence & Smeaibaugb. It. jiiraory. i donce.l Derrick correspondence. Wheeler & Duseobury have their mill running at last, and the first bill they will cut is a government bill of 150,000 feet for two wing-dams at Pitbole and Green's Island above Hickory. Their mill is a first class mill of the kind, and is equipped with the latest improvements. Tbey will build another mill at the foot of their pond in the near future. Guy llilliard was struck by a slab on the eyeball and sustained a serious injury to the eye, but with care will make a complete recovery. ( Lewis Keister is raiftiog the timber for tbe Pitbole dam above tbe bridge. Heuderson & Collins utilized tbe raise in the creek to run in a stock of logs. Ed aod Smith Sutlcy are home from Poverty Hill. David Fenstamaker is home from Salmon Creek. Mrs. James Connelly is on the sick list. Grant Fiek, after a nine months' sojourn to the lower oil regions, re turned home Saturday. Richards & Co.'s No. 4 is drilling on WhigJIIill. i. jm. raiterson brought iu a nice well on the furnace tract a few days ago. Hague & Co.'s well in Beaver Val ley is down and dry, although quite a quantity of gas was found. Clyde Boyle, a student of the West em Pennsylvania Medical College, stopped over Sunday with friends here. Warren Wbittou is out of the bark woods for a few days, also Fenton and Sed KifTer. Miss Edie KifTer is visiting friends at Mayburg. Hilton Church is bunting up a loca tion for livery 6table. Mrs. Henry Church is able to be up and around after a month's illness A. B. Hoyt has purchased a fine pony and cart from Al. Lusher. Excursion to Kock City. The first excursion this season, un der the management of the W. N. Y. & P. Railroad, will ho tbeir annual ride to Rock City, taking in Olean and Bradford, on Sunday, June 28th. A special train will leave Titusville at 7:30 a. io., passing Tionesta at 8:56, Hickory 9:08, nod stopping at inter mediate stations along tbe route as far as Warren, after which no Btops will be made till the party arrives at its destination. Fare fur the round trip from here aod Hickory is placed at tbe low rate of $1.50. At Olean the party will take Narrow Guage trains for a ride through Western New York and Pennsylvania's most picturesque scenery. A stop of thirty minutes will be made al Kock Uity, giving ample time to view the City of Rocks ami all its strange rock formations. Those who wish can ppend the day at Rock City, or continue with the party to Bradford, where tbey arrive at 1:30 p. m. Throe and one-half hours will be allowed at iiradiord tor dinner, sight-seeing, visiting friends, renewing old acquaintances, etc. Returning, tho trains will leave Bradford at 5:00 p. ui., enabling all to reach home at a seasonable hour. Mr. S. B. Newton, Excursion Agent of the Road, will give his personal attention to the comfort and safety of passengers, which is ample guarantee in that direction that all will enjoy a pleasant trip. A Beautiful Journey. Mr. L. F. Gohr, of Chicago, will present his marvelous scientific exhi bition df views, representing a trip around the world, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sunday School, iu School Hall, on Friday evening, June 19. This entertainment comes highly endorsed by the press and clergy, and will no doubt be a rare treat, such as has never been tendered to the people of Tionesta, in this line of select en tertaiuments, and is greeted by large aud enthusiastic crowds in neighboring towns. At Renuvo, over 100 people were turned away owing to lack of space in the hall, and if tho people of lionesta could conceive of the merits of this beautiful exhibition in its real significance, there would not remain even standing room in the ball. Views of famous places and subjects will be made to stand out on a largo screen like solid objects and with marvelous beauty, aud no oue will regret the small amount it will cost to see them The only ones to regret will be those wbo tail to avail themselves of the on portuoity and hear afterward of their unspeakable rrandeur. Watch for posters and dodcers. Admission 25o, Children under 12 years, 10c. 2t. An elegant liue of Shallss aud other dress goods, just suited for the present hot summer weather, at David Barnelt's. Call aud look over the stock ; you are bound to be suited especially when you see tho price Come quickly before the lineal are gone. 2t For bargains iu Furniture go to S. II. Haslet & Sou's cheap furniture store. tf. East Hickory, Of Interest to Old Soldiers. The following taken from General Orders No. 23, by Cominandor-ln-Chlef Veazey, will explain itself: Congress provided in tho last census law that a separuto enumeration should be mado of all ex-Union soldiers, sailors aud marines and the widows of those deoeased living on June 1st, 1800, said enumeration to cover tho name, longth of service and present address. It is estimated that there will be In round numbers about 1,000,000 names, and tho results, when published as provided for by law, will make eight large quarto volumesof 1000 pages each, orabout 200,000 names, records of sorvico and ad- dressos, to oach volume. Tho Superintendent of census, the Hon. Robert P. Porter, has taken a deep Inter est in this matter, and realizes that this groat compilation is to make the largest set of text books in the world. Their great Value now to all tho comrades and their place in tho Nation's history demand the neatest possible correctness, and no do serving veterau's naineshould bo omitted. The Superintendent of Census hits re ceived numerous complaints from com rades In different parts of the country, saying that when the Census was taken they did not realize its importune and that their record of service was not reported as fully as they wish, whilo others claim they were absent from home and were not taken nt all, as veterans. All Posts of the order are requested to give this matter attention, and each Post is authorized to send to the Census Ollice, Washington, I). C, for blank cards to be used for obtaining the names and service of those incorrectly taken and those who believe they were not enumerated at all These cards contain instructions for fill ing in the desired information and are re directed and "franked" costing no post age to return. When it can be done without expense to tho Posts it would be well to have this order inserted In your local papers, as all veterans are interested. The publication horetoforo known as the O. A. H. Directory or National Roster of the Grand Army ot tho Rcpublc, author ized and commended by our order, will bo issued sopartely owing to the enumeration mado under wo present census law, as abovo explained. Comrade VV. R. Austin compiler of the G. A. R, Directory, will assist in the Government work, which will bo completed under the same general classification as was proposed for tho National Roster. Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of Washington Camp No 3S3. P. O 8. of A., of Clarington. Pa.. held May 3D, 1891, the following resolutions wess adopted : iiekeas. An all-wise providence has seen proper that the angel of death should visit our camp, for the third time, and sud denly remove from oar midst our lleloved Brother, Jacoo .Maze. 1! ESOiiVED. That while bowing In humble submission to the divine will, we sincerely mourn the loss of our friend and brother. KesoXved. 1 bat the sincere and heart felt sympathy of our C amp be extended to tbe wife and family in their bereavement. Resolved. That as a tribute of respect to the memory of our departed Brother, the charter of the Camp be drapsd in mourning for a period ot tnirty uays, mat these reso lutions be recorded on tha minutes of our ( amp, published in the Camp News and County papers, and a copy be presented to the family of our deceased Krother. J. M. Huff, ) A. U. SLAJIQENHAm-T, Com. T. BOSBUKN. ) Clarington, Pa., June May 30, 1891. David Barnett invites you to Call and inspect his fioe stock of clothing for men, boys aud youths. He takes a back seat for none, either in quality of goods or lowness in price. 2t. Tbe Republican and tbe Phila delphia WecM'j rress, the largest and best weekly in the State, for only $1.75. Call aud take advantage of this offer. A Hafe Invrslmi-nl. Is 0110 which is miaiantood to bring vou satisfactory results, or in caso nl failure a return ot purciia.se money, on tins sale plan you can buy from our advertised briiKiriat a bottle of Dr. Kimr's Now Dis covery for Consumption. t is guarnn- un'ii uriiiif reiici 111 uvui y cane, wnen used for any nlfection of Throat, T.ungs or (. nest, sucn as (joiiNiimpunn, intluninm turn ot i.ungs, isroncliitis. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeablo to taste, perfectly sain, and can always bo depcuded upon. trial bottles free at Proper it Doutt's Drugstore. SIICKIT WINM. We dosiro to say to our citizens, that for years wo have been selling Dr. King's M'r Discovery lor Coiisiimiitlon, Dr, King's New Life Pills, iluckleu'a Arnica Salve anil Electric Hitlers, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisluctiou. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These rouiedies havo won their great popularity purely on their merits, l'roper it uouii, uruggisis, IU t HI.HVN AltMl'A HAI.VK. The best Salve in the world fjr Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, ('hupped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures l'iles, or no pay reouired. is guaranteed to give perfect saliNluction, or money relundeil. Price So cents per box. 1 or sulo uv l'roper iY Douit. MARRIED. HOLMES TACKKlt At Tionesta, Pa., June 15, 1H91, by S. J. Selley, J. P., Mr, Samuel Holmes, of Venango county, aud Mrs. Nellie 'Packer, of Allegheny county. PAYNK GREKNAWALT By IS. II Reynor, Esq., June 4th, 1891, Mr. Wui Payne, of (iill'oylo, Forest Co., Pa., aud Miss Maj'gio T. (ireonawalt, of Leeper, Clarion county, Pu. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN THE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS of Eoro-t County, Pa. ELMER E. CUMMINGS vs. T II. ISA L LKNTINH, K. D. Nob. 17 and Is, l'eb y Term, !!)!. L. S. CLOl'GH it CO. vs. PLIN McCON and T. 11. HALI.KNTlNi:. E. 1). No. Ill, I'eb'y Term, l-l'l. Having been appointed by said Court as Auditor in the uUive eases, notice is here by given that I will attend to the duties of 11'iy appointment lit tlio otlico of Hull A Thompson, in the HnrougH of Wanuii, in the Couuty of Warn 11, 011 Wednesday, thelMth day fcf June, A. D. IvH, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said duv, at which timo uuc place all puriics interested iu tho dis triluitiou of the fund iu Court may attend and) bo heurd. D. I. HALL. Auditor. arren, Pa., May iMth, lS'Jl. at. NOTICE. To oil persons tt homtocrer : You aro hereby notified that a team of grey geldings, weight about 'hh, and a team oi nrown mnres. welirlit snout li sHi. now in possession of Plin McCon, of Jenks Township, Forest County, Pa., bo lnng to me, anil nro subject to my order at any time, and you are warned not to ineddlo or interfere with said property in any way whatsoever. r.1 H KA IM UUMMINUN. Corsica, Pa., June 10, lrtiU. 3t. Harmony Township Audi tors' Itoport. R. O. Carson, Treasurer, in account with th 3 Koail t und of Harmony Township for the year ending March 1), 1811. DR. Balance last report $ 372 65 Am't ree'd from K. H. Head, Col... 3M 31 Ain't received from County.. 009 53 1371 30 CH. Am't of ordors redeemed Percentage on orders redeemed... Am't to balance J 622 sr. ,. 10 45 .. 838 09 f 1371 39 roon pusd. Ralimce In hands of Treasurer last DR. report- $393 83 CR. liy ordors paid $57 00 Percentage on orders paid 114 Balance In hands of Treasurer 335 9 $393 83 K. II. Head, Collector, In account with tho Road fund of Hnrmony Township, for the year ending March 9, 1891. To ain't of duplicate for Uppor Harmony $101 41 To am't of duplicnte for lower Harmony 195 82 Am't returned ou work road 218 6 $575 79 CR. By exonerations $2h 74 Land tax returned toCounty 131 13 6 per cent, allowed off for prompt payment HI Cash paid Treasurer 3N9 3a 6 per cent, for collecting $109.81 . ... 20 49 $.575 79 R. O. Carsou, Treasurer, In account with tho School Fund for the year ending June 1, 1891. DR. Balance last report $ 461 63 Am't roe'd from E. B. Head, Col... 140.1 00 Ree'd from County returned lauds 578 72 Am't of Stato appropriation 240 21 $3183 50 cn. Bv ordors redeemed $1774 50 2 per cent, on ordors paid 35 40 Ualance in nanus 01 treasurer 010 01 $ 2683 56 E. B. Head, Collector, in account with Harmony Township School t una lor the year ondlng June 1, 1891. DR. To am't of duplicate $1791 90 Am't of ilog lax 01 o" $1843 40 CR. By am't paid Treasurer $1403 00 Land tax returned to County 194 60 5 per cent, oil' for prompt payment 33 8tt Kxonorations 30 28 5 per cent, for collection 70 15 Ualancouuo Treasurer m oa $1843 40 Wo, tho undersigned, Auditors of Har mony Township, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of tho Treas urer and Collector of said township, and lind them as sot forth in the foregoing report. John Thomson, Ukoiuje L. Kino, Auditors. Attest, F. K. Metcalf, Clerk. SCDWBEN & CLARK, Manufacturers of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, AND CARTS, and dealers in Grain Drills, Plows, HORSE RAKES, AND Agricultural - Implements GENERALLY. Repairing Promptly Attended to, and Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. We use the vory best matorials In our work, aud slight nothing. Our prices are as low as honest work can be done for. We invite an inspection of our stock, and rospoctfully solicit the patronage of the publio on the merits of our work, by which we aro willing to bojudged. SCOWDEN & CLARK, TIONESTA, - TENN. A Tight Squeeze. The bears have been n'vlng a tight sliiee.o to the money market. Shrewd people, say there is trouble bruin. When times are close every dollar counts. You can keep up appearances by dress ing well at a minimum cost by putronir.. inir the well known Moderate Price TAILORS, HATTERS & FURNISHERS, Mt ( l! V NIMOX, 3! Seneca Street, - OIL CITY, PA, IK YOU WANT a respectable Job of printing at a reasonable price soud your vrdor to this otlico. V