! THE FOREST .REPUBLICAN. 4. r. WtNK, COITO ft PMOPRICTOK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1801. Rrrrnno of thf Slate. Auditor General McCamani, who ought to know whereof he sneaks, cs timates the revenues of the present year, during which the Borer revenue law will not be in force, at $7,6iG,00O, and the revenue for the next year when the Boyer revenue law will be in force, at $8,844,000, or $1,348,000 more than is raised under the present law. This is not as treat an increase as was expected from the operations of the Boyer bill. The Auditor General estimates that there will bean increase of 1,500,000 on capital stock, and a decrease of lax od personal property of $445,000, owing to the fact that three-fourths of tho personal tax is returned to the counties under the Boyer bill. Ha also says that if the bill passed at the last session of the Legislature diverting liquor licenses to the counties is signed by the Gov ernor, there will be a further reduc tion In the revenue of $400,000. The Auditor General, like all prudent financial officials, is quite evidently making his estimates from a conserva tive standpoint, and to tho Chief Ex ecutive of the State upon the supposi tion that the latter will doubtless base bis approval or veto of appropriations before him upon this opinion. These figures show a total revenue for the next two years of $16,540,000, to which must be added tho $2,527, 277.39 now in the general fund, mak ing a grand total of $10,067,273.30. This is a large sum of money, but from.it, however, must first be deduct ed the items in the general revenue bill, not vetoed by the Governor, be fore any money can be appropriated to other objects. For instance: The appropriations to the common schools for the two years is $10,000,000; for the payment of interest, $829,000; for the sinking fund, $200,000; for the support of the State Government, $559,400; for the judiciary, $1,220, 400; for the Legislature of 1803, say $550,000; for the salaries of school superintendents, $172,000; for the ed ucation of teachers in the normal schools, $180,000; mine inspection and salaries, $147,000; publio build ings, and grounds and other small items, say $150,000; making in all a total of $13,948,400. This leaves less than six millions of dollars to be de voted to the maintenance of the Na tional Guard, the penal and industrial institutions, the care and treatment of the indigent insane, the orphan schools, and such other institutions as are under State control, during tho coming two years. Remembering the liberal hand with which the recent Legislature distri buted the money the probabilities are that economy will be the order of the ?ay during the next two years. Of -course thia is a virtue that no one will need to apologize for exercising. At the same time that is often inconven- - lent and embarrassing. The large appropriation to the com mon schools, the return to the coun ties of three-fourths of the revenue derived from tax on personal property, and a large portion of the license fees, while largely reducing the burdens of the counties will make extravagance on the part of the State, impossible! Of thia, loo, the people will not com plain. The situation is not a deplorable one by any means. , It is oue rather for congratulation. Economy in pub lic expenditures is far to be preferred to extravagance. Harrisburg Tele graph. The Harrisburg Patriot takg Gov ernor Pattison severely to task for ap proving the appropriation of $6,000 for his inaugural expenses. The liquors, it appears, cost $1,107.70. Tbe 1'atriot't comment upon this is as follows: That Governor Pattison, the con stant and conspicuous advocate of purity in politics, decency iu the household, temperance io living, econ omy in public expenditures, should compel the State to pay for $1,100 worth of whisky and cigars spent for his own adulation is as amazing as it is mortifyiug. Hon. Columbus Delano, who was Secretary of tbe Interior under Presi dent Graut and who is now in Wash ington thinks the Republicans of Ohio are all right. Ha says: "Protection to all American industries that can be profitably carried on io this country has the unanimous approbation tf the Republican party, and has also the support of many thoughtful men of other political organizations; hence the principle on which the economic system rests which has been inaugu rated by the McKinley bill has the undivided support of Ohio Republi cans. Tbe agriculturists of Ohio fully understand that tbe tariff of 100 affords to their productions more and better protection than any legislation preceding it since the organization of pur government." The appointment of Z. X. Snyder, of Indiana county, to tho office of Stale Superintendent of Schools by Governor Pattison, since the adjourn ment of the Senate, is still contested by Supt. Waller, the present incum bent, who refuses ti be ousted bofore the expiration of his term of office, without knowing just how it is done. The Supreme Court will likely be asked to decide the point. Hon. John V. Foster, who has been assisting Secretary Blaine in all of his reciprocity negotiations, will have entire charge of all reciprocity matters nntil Mr. Blaine's return to active duty. Ho has almost concluded negotiations with another country, but until the matter is formally settled it is deemed best to make no announce meot of the name of the country in question. Secretary Foster has takeu a step which every one will approve in placing the inspection of immigration at all the Atlantic ports in the hand of Treasury officers. Such a step is, however, more needed at New Orleans than here. The State inspection has always been a farce there. It has been strict here. It would be a benefit to commerce and the public health if the Federal Government, in addition to immigration, hud control also of quarantine and pilotage. Nor cao naturalization be left indefinitely iu the hands of irresponsible State courts. rhifo. Frets. The Democrats of Kentucky held their State Convention recently aud nominated a ticket. Several resolu tions wero offered highly eulogistic "of Grover Cleveland, one of them in the following language: "That in 1892 tho colors of tho Democracy should be placed io the hands of the sou of truth, courage and manhood Grover Cleveland." A report of the pro ceediugs says that tho resolutions met with a storm of protest from all parts of tho house, one delegate going so far as to yell : "D n Grover Cleveland." A motion to adjourn was carried al most unanimously and the resolutions died an ignominious death. Franklin county cases are hereafter to bo argued In the Supreme Court when it meets at Philadelphia, nut when it sits at Harrisburg, end the poor devil of a client can foot the bills lor the lawyers fees. The macros have, in many cases, given lawyers the bint that they prefer that all cases should bo srgued in Philadelphia, and the lawyers, seeicg where the wind lies, shape their course aecordiDsrlv. If there is a new constitution, born of the present move for a convention, it would not be surprising to fiud the present Supreme Court dropped, and a provision for a wholly new court. Thero would be heaps of satisfastion in this for the vast majority of the people whom the court has not taueht to reepeet it by its recent course and by some of its absurd decisions. Uarruburg Telegraph. If the New York Timet has any readers, it owes them about as abject an apology as its befuddled brain cm devise. For months almost it has been informing thera if there are any that tbe delay in closing tbe Bering Sea was due to Mr. Blaine's protection of the profi'.s cf those of his friends who were interested in tbe seal trade. Upon hearing Sir Julian Pauncefote's evidence to the contrary, the Timet stammers out that it is "difficult to say" who is to blame for the delay. But this retraction, as the New York Tribune points out, will merely amaze the Times' readers if it has aoy. An abject apology is due, and, if the Timet bas no readers, it can apologize to Ananias, Baron Mun chausen, and Joseph Mulhatton, whose field of labor it has usurped. Vws The friends of Senators Gorman and Carlisle are working on a scheme, which, if successful, will prevent aoy Southern man being elected Speaker. They propose giving the Speakership to either the East or the West, pro vided that the South be given a place on the Democratic national ticket next year, and I am told by a gentle niaa whose relations with the two Senators named give him excellent fa cilities for being well-informed, that the prospects for their success aie flat tering. It is proposed, if possible, to put the ouo of these Seuators which shall develop the greatest strength at the head of the ticket, but should that turn out to be impracticable the second place will be accepted. Ii is stated that every Southern Senator is pledged to this programme, and that Senators Brice, Vorhees and several others are expected to come into the movement. It's a very pretty scheme, but there are many reusons why it will bo a very difficult one to carry out, as it will be fought to tbe bitter eud by both Cleveland and Hill. s END your Job Woi k to the KEPUJJ- unn utiice. Still in the Lead!! GRAND SPRING AND IMPORTED & DOMESTIC nosii:itv, uloykn AJf cohsi:ts Ladies' - and - Gent's Furnishing Goods, Curtains, Carpels iul Wall Paper, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. C2 30 h X1 MEN'S, YOUTH'S ami CHILDREN'S. Finest lino iu tho County. MERCHANT TAILORINGl Wo gunrantco perfect fits or no salo. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is immense. All the latest style?. In charge of experienced Milliners. Anil r flno selected stork such as kept uro iunui'i iii'aiuju firum, I1VO BUU ICt 11VO. DAVID MINTZ, Marienville, Pa. EVERYTHING NEW. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS ! DAVID BARETT'S Is the place to get bargains in Clothing-, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Jewelry, Grocer ies, Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. All goods knocked down to lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. DAVID SCOWDEN & CLARK. Manufacturers of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, AND CARTS, and dealers in Grain Drills, Tlows, I10RSE RAKES, AND Agricultural - Implements GENERALLY. Repairing Promptly Attended to, and Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Wo use the very best materials In our work, nnd siiuht nothing. Our urices are as low as honest work can be done for. We invito an inspection of our slock, aud respectfully solicit the patronage of the publio on the merits of our work, by which wo are willing to bejudgod. SCOWDEN & CLARK, TIONESTA, . - PENN. S. L. HENRY'S Meat Market, Is Headquarters for FRESH AND SALT MEATS, FISH, G AME, POULTRY, BUTTER,' EGGS, POTTED GOOD9, OYSTERS, FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON. We handle the best of everything, und all at prices thu lowest, with a disposition and desire to give our patrons just such cuts of meats and fair treatmoot as the most fastidious can ask. Cash paid for Hides, Pells aud Furs. Call and see us. Reck Building, TIONESTA, PA. R. C. HEATH, Agent for tho celebrated CHAMPION Reapers, Binders, and Mowers, Hay Rakes, Ratchet Spring Tooth Harrows, Culti vators, &c., And other Farm Machinery of tho latest patents. Also keeps on hand FISH GUANO FERTILIZER, beat Jin the wot hi. Call or address It. C. HEATH, Star P. O., Forest Co., Pa. SUMMER OPKNINO OF MY GOODS, NOTIONS, 3g in a first class dry goods establishment. BARNETT, Tionesta, Pa. A Tight Squeeze. The bears have been giving a tight squeeze to the money market. Shrewd people say there is trouble bruin. When times are close every dollar counts. You can keep up appearances by dress ing well at a minimum cost by patroniz ing the well known Moderato Price TAILORS, HATTERS & FURNISHERS, 33 Seneca Street. - OIL CITY, PA. : ir m k 1 , i- m m 4 A pamphlet of Information and ah. f( i strut of the laws, (bowing How to' f Obtain Patent.. Cereal., Trade V .StsAMnaj MUNN at GO. -V - " -w - J , Dr. W. F. CONKERS EYE AND EAR SURGEON, M'COLLUM BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. Gives special treatment to all diseases of eye, ear, noso anil throat. Refracts and tits detective eyes and furnishos specta cles ami eye glasses from olllce, securing lit of frames as well as glasses. DETROIT Hall the cost of hoisting saved to Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers, Machinists, Builders, Contractors and others. Admitted to bo the greatest improvements ever made 1n tackle blocks. Freight prepaid. Writo for catalogue. Fulton iron A Engine W ks., 10 Brush St., De troit, Mich. Estab. Jooli. myS. IARMERS AND FARMER'S SONS A w ho have a horse and rig at their dis posal, and who are lookiug lor prolitable employment may secure positions worth from thirty to sixty dollars a week by ad dressing A. J. Potter, 3 East ilth St., New York Citv. ) f Ml a M Loaded! m Tho shelves and counters in our sfnrn nrn loaded with a choice CLOTHING! Our Clothing Department is chock full of bargain.. Tho goods speak for the selvos and tho style nnd price, are what Is going to make them go. DRESS GOODS ! lad tment IS & L"? ' y "iT'""0"1' "ml at 11,0 h"tu"n wlt" V- Our as iment is complete and everything now. sor Domestic Goods ! we anrr.m?ply('yBZul?S 0i"an HATS! HATS! Wolmvi'lb'rr ditrorcn?vlOH. kt ,,08i"9 "''". ' fill A l.M T 1 ftTr-n KIIIILH Mt Jrti'i.vi, OllUriO FOR LADIES, GENTS, GROCETmilS! With us the Shoe Rnslness Is a specialty. Wo take great pains to have Inst the right styles at the. right prioe. We aim to keep a Mil lino of the cheaper grades e intermod ate grades, and also of lino Hnndturned Douglass. Wo have tho stoc'i and wo can tit any foot nnd any pockctbook with shoes selli th'em"1"8 Hh' W bVB "'e assor,mol,t- w 've tho right stylos nnd the price el, Jk'Ki 5f.wKLT' NA"A UARDWAKK. Every department ,, Come and see us. No trouble to show H. J; HOPKINS & CO. New Furniture Store NEW FURNITURE ! Lindal & Charleston Havo opened a New Furniture Store in the Kepler Block, And aro prepared to accommodate their patrons with the newest and best furniture at the LOWEST FIGURES! Everybody win oo treated lairly. All goods delivered within a reasonable distance from town. Give us a call. Come and examine our stock. Goods shown with pleasure. LINDAL & CHARLESTON, Kepler Block, - Tionesta, Pa. PROPER - (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN & SIGGINS.) DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clork, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTMHG, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DlhTMENT. mwmi PE0BU013 AEB OABU TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. S. H. HASLET & SONS, HAVE A FULL LINE OF FUBNITURE, AND UNDERTAKER'S - GOODS ! G-IVE THEM J CLX-i. TIOISTIESTA, - - PJBNN". selection of Spring BLACK GOODS ! Domestic Goods ! ! suckers, Uold Seals, Shallios, Prints, Ao. HATS!! HATS!!! "' w Rot It. Crush Hats. Tlrown and Dim ks In ali m SSi S AND C IIIinUKV OHmn MISSES AND CHILDREN SHOES ... . GEOCERIES!! goods. Tionesta, Pa., & - DOUTT, Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- r TIME TAULK In PI foot Jnnnnry I, 1H1I. V yi'traWlf J Train lenvoTloiio--4LfklL.,l In Tor Oil Cilv and Miinii ut ci ii J point wpHtns follow.! No. I3 Through Freinlit (carry. inn imxHi'iinpra) n:;w a. m. No. ai llulliilo Ex.ioms 12:(niH.n. No. 1 Way Freight (carrying - mHenifora) 4;i7 p m No. 113 Oil city Ex rcn 7:53 J., m. For Hickory, Tldionlc, Warren, Kln7.ua, Iirndloi-d, Olcnn and tho East! No, 30 Olcnn Kxprcs R:41 a. ni. No. 32 I'ittNburKli Exprom 4:17 p, m. No. Wl Through Freight (car- rying panNoiigern 7;02 p. in. Trnlnn 03 and im Run Dally and carry pRH.cngcrs to and from point botwre'n Oil City and Irvlncton only. Other train run daily except Sunday. Oct Time Tabic anil full Inlbrinattoii from J. L. CRAIG, Aircnt. Tionesta, Pa. , . R. BELL, (ien'ISnpt, J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Piwsonger A Ticket Agent, Unlliilo, N. Y. GREAT TRUNK I INF Iletwcon the EAST &c WEST I New York, Philadelphia, Boston, anil all point Eaat. Chicago, Mt. Paul, Cincin nati, Nt. I,oui, New Orleans, and all point West, North and .Southwest. Solid voMtiliulcd train, sleeping, Pull man dining and dny conchc, Ixitweiu principal citic East and Wot, The pop ular lino West Tor colonists nml land soek er. Rate alwny low a tho lowest. No extra chaigo for riding on vestibule lim ited. Before purchitMing ticket call on or addrps,It. If. WALLACE, Trav. Pns. Agt., Oil City, Pa., or F. II. GARFIELD, Div. Pass. Agt,, .Juumstown, N. Y. A BIG OFFER In Red Room Suits. Wo lead tho Tmdo in this line, and nowhere will you find such a variety of Fine New Styles in Antique Oak and Sixteenth Centu ry finish, and partic ularly tho one wo of fer for $10. Allother Furniture in propor tionately Low Prices. N. CREENLUND, 3:il EXCHANGE BLOCK, THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock. Good Carriages and iluir- giea to let upon the most reasonable tcrriiH. 110 win aito 110 JOB TEJL3CIIsrc3-1: All orders loft at the Post Olllco will receive prompt attention. of the firm of MORCK IJRO'S, OPTICIAUS, RneclallNt in Errors of Relraction of the Eye. KxaininutioiiH treu of charge. WAliKKK, PENN. It. AOXKW. OKOIHIK W. TAYLOR. AGNEW L TAYL0H, ATTORNEYS AND CUUNSKLLOltS AT LAW. Okkickh: Leninan Building. Washing ton, 1). I!. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Will practice bofore tho U. H. Km promo Court. Court of Claims. District Courts. aud Departments of Government. Mpucial attention given to the collection of aiuiy and navy claims, neiisiuns, pay. bounty, etc., cases arising under the cus toms, navigation aud internal revonuo laws, and patents. Correct forma, blanks and instructions mailed to claimants Iron of charge on receipt of their names and 1 . u. au.tiess. Cnrcats. nii'l 'J'rude-Marki obtained, and all fat em buelni ej conducted tor ModeraU fttt. Our Oiica l Opposite U.S. Patent Oltica. ' and kc rurrnru patent in leBa tunc than tboa reiuotu from Wanhiuton. huud Modul. druviiuK or photo., with do.crip tlon. We udvUe, if pHttilituttle or not, free of chiirpe. Our fee not due till patent la necurert. Pamphlet, "How to Obtaiu 1'utenla," with names of actual clients Inyouxblulu, county, or town, aeul (rot). AUdreM, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Pittnt 0c, Washington, D. C. CAl'T. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137. W. R. C meets lirst and third Wednosdav eveniim of each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, Troper k Doutt block, Tio nesta, Pa. Mrs. C. V. ItU M HKKtTC.lt, I'res t. Bliii V i V Mrs. E. L. DA YIN, tsoc'y. J