' 1 NEWS AND NOTES FOR WOMEN. Chantilly lce is rcvircd. .Yellow lcsrls in millinery. Velvet still holds its own. The new parasols ace most elaborate. Flowers continue to rulo tho toilette. Everything is trimmed with feathers. An evening yellow has a greenish cast. There is again a rnge for trimming laces. The brunette is going to have her in nings. Dress buckles nro made of metal and pearl. Fashion never seems to tire of the polka dot. Flowers are worn invariably at the eud of a round waist. The imported powus and many ribbon bows. Tho true cornflower blue plitth lavender cast. wraps show has a pur- In spite of tho attractive grenadines, lace nets aro good sellers. The brocho China silks in self tones make stylish tea-gown fronts. Diamond buttons on shoes actually button and are actually diamond. Three female physicians are doing u thriving business iu Adrian, Mich. 1a gowns of figured China silk vary those of biack, white and plaiu color. A girl in Iowa recently ran nway from homo to avoid practicing on the piano. . Tho daughters of tho Priucess ol "Wales are reported as haviDg no taste is clothes. Mrs. P. D. Osgood lias been post mistress of Penobscot, Me., for twenty eight years. A funeral took place the other day at Hannibal, Mo., at which six young wo men officiated as pallbearers. An at tempt is being mado to establish a library for medical women in London, as well os a new medical iustitute. Lace straw is quite as transparent as the metal laces aud trcllis-liko founda tions one sees everywhere in millinery. I Muguet, or lily of the valley green, frasier or strawberry lc.if, emerald and -Russian are among the moro subdued greens. Mrs. John G. Carlisle, wife of the Kentucky Senator, has a set of spoons which aro very odd. Tho bowl of each is an antique coin. Ministers declare that in muo cases out of ten brides aro much morn t elf possessed than bridegrooms during the marriage ceremony. A fashion writer says that nt least one third of the handsome hats one sees on the fashionable promenades of New York were made by their wearers. Banana is a very palo yellow, Cythero is a shade darker, and Cleopatra is of a rich golden hue; paillcte, straw and corn color are pale eveniug shado. Mrs. Laugtry, tho English actress, U the owner of a pin cushion made of tho ailver in which ve;y blcs were once server to tuo Kings of Ireland. - - Spanish combs ara worn with carriage costumes of black silk. As a comple ment to this, black undressed kids nro worn with all ball gowns by young misses. Lady Brooke is said to be not only tho handsomest woman in tho British no bility, but the hnudsomost woman iu Great Britain. The Prince of Wales hath said it. . Quite a new blue Is hyacinth, which, true to nature, 13 exactly the color of the beautiful spring blossoms. Pcrvencho or perewlnklo bluo is of a darker shado, inclining to lavender. Spr Medicine Is eo important that everybody knows its ne cessity ami value. And there's nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla To Purify the Ulood, create an nppet'te nnd ' overcome That Tired Feeling. 100 Doses One Dollar Should Have .-a iu Hie JIuuae. Jtrupitcd on Suyar, Children i.ore t ti.ll JoHKHflK'S AKOIiYNB IJMHKVT for Croup. I'lild., fcor Throat, l.m.lllf la. i 'ollc, I mini" anil 1'alns. Ka lMf buinuier 1 ,.mlatiita, Cut., l!iiii-. liko uiaglu Til I Mi Of' IT. Ib uac ovrr -a b llis lu one family. lr. I. R Joh.in Co.- U la .lily .vara Mn.-a I firs, learni-.! of .our .It.iivM.a'a 4viivsk I.imm.vt. tnr mora tAtia f"rtv vtm I Ita.e iin. iI it In niv familv. I I.Kaiit It aa niw nf tin- lt ami afi-t f ami) r rrin'-ilnn Hint ran fimiin, uar.l nut-runt or .'Mt-i nil. In ail rn .A l. H. 1M.AI.1.3, Ijvii' u and lingual i i(tll (,, Ilaiin'.r. M. Every Sufferer ill ltln'Uin:ili.ni, S . Nt-inhlpti atart ti. Ki . .mil n i. Am iima. hnkra iirtiii'-ri, m'tri ta. l.,iriH-tiwi, Hutf'iit-feft In Bo.lv or ..nut. Mm ffiW ol.i AniH.ytif r-il-t lulu or Milium, nl liml in f rt Soli) i vi-h w lirrt- 1 cum'. rnniii:lt-t by inn. I. a hoiUt-ft, 3'atU Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPC?K05PKITES of Lime and Soda uud ltyiofhottitrm nit the i'Cigul&el i CKnialii HiecuiHi CvnuuutytivH. 1115 1 "colt's Errtils!cn.w.Mj lUmaly lor CONSUWriON, t "ula, Urouchitiy, Wasting iH- J Ciirocic Cuughn and Colds. colt a !'.uiu!8iuu aa! Uku uMililT. EvEBMoTHEB i. p. jti us a. l i:i,ri)f scows i ilHULSlli: i THE FARM AND GARDEN. MARTINS. Every farmer who desires to make his home attractive and pleasant for himself and family, should not fail to provide a home for the mtrtins. They are always cheerful, happy and gay, and their merry prattle is welcomed by everyone. Bo side this, they are said to be good to keep away chicken hawks. Make your boxes now, while you bavo some idle time. H you will take the trouble to dress the lumber and paint the box, you will be amply repaid for your work, for every day through tho spring and slim mer they will remind you of whnt you have done for them. Farm ami Firetide. roTATOKS FOK SEED. Potatoes to be used for seed re quire no special preparation. They should, of course, be sound and in a dormant con dition when taken out for planting, and the usual practice 13 to cut the tubers into about four pieces that is quartered but some growers divido them even more, leaving not exceeding twoorthreo eyes on each piece, dropping thrca or four pieces in each hill, or, if cultivated iu rows, drop a piece every twelve to fii tecn inches in tho row. Dusting tho freshly cut tubers with hard wood ushes or rolling them in plaster will usually prove benclical, as it prevents the attacks of wircworms and adds something in the nay of nourishment to the young plant9. American AyrimUnrift. 11EMKDY FOn THE nonF.nS. A cultivator in Southern Missouri succeeded in repelling tho borer from his young orchard trees by the following remedy: He found that when lime and ashes were applied around tho trees, if they were not already too badly injured, they healed over and the borer left them. To excludo the borers Irom other trees, a wash was made of soft soap, ashcs,limo nud coal oil, and applied four times in tho year, or twice in spring and twice in autumn. This lemcdy appears to have been effectual, for not a tree has been lost since using it. Cuution is, of course, necessary, for sharp, fresh wood ashes, mid a huge amount of coal oil, may each be too severe a remedy for young trees wiih tender bark, and especially if ap plied to young peach trees for the grub. In audition to the borer, tho remedy was found to be efficient for excluding rabbits. Keio York Observer, CLOVER AS A WEED EXTERMINATOR. Among its other excellent qualities as an agricultural plant it is a common ex perience among farmers that clover is one of the best exterminatois of weeds. Air and sunshine are as necessary for tho life of weeds oa they are for cultivated plant:, and when growing together, if one 13 thrifty enough to outgrow nnd CTri-shr.cIow the other, if not disturbed, it eventually takes possession of the ground lo wuen clover is tuickly sown on fecund naturally wectly the two yearly luowirgs ana tlie si, ado will prove too much for nearly, ml varieties of weeds, and when the ground is plowed for a umcreni crop it will not only bo en riched, from tho clover, but will be com paratively free from weeds. But it must not be forgotten that land may be so tin fertile that clover cannot be grown upon it without first manuring it and putting tho toil into a suitable condition for re ceiving the reed, while a great many kinds of weeds havo the faculty of rrcwing on very poor land without nny iertiUzcr whatever. Stm Qrkant Rcu Delia. . THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE BERT. From no ouo of our root crops can a ncro profitable additional use bo ex rjco'.cd in tho neur future than from the Led. The sweet, juicy substance nnd ugreeablu flavor of many of tho varieties lmve long mado it a favorite esculent for the table and stockmen are now using tho largo sorts more and more ns cattle food. When fed with hay or fodder, the combination is probably as good a substitute as can be furnished for milch cows in lieu of grass. Where hay and grain havo been cheap, raising beets for stock feeding has not been extensively practised, but as land and animals and their usual food becouio more valuable, the use of roots for feeding must become more common. But it is ns a sugar-producing plant that we may expect tho most profitublo uo will be found for tho beet. There 1110 now iu Kuropo hundreds ol beet ciignr factories yielding satisfactory rev enues to their owucrs and paying mill ions of dollars to farmers for sugar beets. In onr own country it has been well as certained that thcro are largo areas well adapted to its cultivation, und in Cali fornia and tome of the other States the manufacture of sucar from the beet has assumed proportions that are decidedly iucouiagiug for the future. If in addi tion to its successful manufacture aided by huge capital aud expensive machin ery tome fortunate investor shall point the way to a feasible and cheap method of domestic manufacture then tho most enthusiastic believers in the possibilities of the sugar beet will have their hopes realized. Atto lork World. SWEET I'EAS. Wc arc all admirers of this sweet eceuted unnuul, writes Gypsy in Farm and Firuiile, but many teem to fail in cultivating it. I'rcparo tho ground cuiiv, even in Jlurth, if there comes warm spell so that the frost may be out of the ground. I'i.iut tho seed (piite thick and about an inch iu depth. The toil does i.ot need to bo so very rich; just gcod, common garden dirt, en riched with u small amount of thoroughly-rotted manure, liight hero is a point I wii-li uiuuttur flower growers would cote and hied. Manure must be old enough to bo thoroughly rotted to give most fatisfuetory results. The peas should be furnished with support as soon as they are two or three iuehes high. Wire netting is excellent. If the vines once get tangled on the grouud it is ditlieult to struighten them. They grow slowly at first, and you will think tlay me. not going to amount to anythir.', aud that they were started too early. Have patience. Keep down the weeds and give them "rope.'1 By and by your care will be rewarded, and thousands of blobsoius nod you a happy good-inuiuiug. Do not allcw tecd-poils lo form if juu wish the bloom to be cou tinuous. Il is a ood plau to plant a few for sied by themselves iu some cor ner of the garden, where they may ma tuieuuly aud not injure the looks of the l!oer display. If vou n:;;ke several different plantin.'a ot two ivir-ki lietv, eeu, vou will rave tucccMiou of bloom, uli vuiuuicr. Ilu begin early, or the last planting will probably give you but very few blooms. oiudi.ino grapevines. Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago, ono, Colonel lluchatt, of Mctz, in France, was experimenting in girdling or teinoving a narrow ring of bark from the bearing canes of grapeviaes for tho purpase of its influence on tho fruit. By removing a ring of bark a half inch in width the downward or return flow ol sap, after it has been nssimilntcd by the leaves, is checked at the point of baik denuded wood, lluchatt claimed that his iurention or discovery would be of value in hastening tho maturity of tho lruit as well as improve its quality, but tho latter claim has rarely been admitted by vineyardists in this country or Europe. This girdling or aniular incision of the vino hae been practiced to a limited ex tent in this country but far more ex tensively iu France, and by men who sought to determine its true value in tho production of grapes for wiue makiug and other purpose". After these many yeais of waiting we are informed through a recent issue of tho Hmtt llortieole that the subject of so much controversy is now finally settled and its advantages are summarized as follows: (1). It pre vent the dropping off of tho fruit. (2). It increases tho fertility of tho vino, the si.o of tho hcr.ies aud bunches. (3). It increases the quantity of the iuico in tho fruit, and for wine-making purpose.1! it adds to the saccharine properties of tho must or wort aud improves tho quality of tho wine. (4). It causes tho fruit to ripen cnrlier and thus changes second-early varieties to the early class. (5). It causes the fruit to set earlier and better, especially on tho90 varieties which are often unproductive through excess of growth. While we doubt if American culti vators of tho grape have found that girdling improves tho quality of tho fruit., it certainly increases the size of the berries and bunch, and hastens ma turity at least two or three week. American Agriculturist. rAItM AND GARDEN NOTES. It is said that linseed oil, it applied to tho knot on its first appearance, is a remedy for black knot. The Jlural Keio Yorker Is inclined to regard the Ucitenbach Norway maple as tho bes' of thepurplo leaved trees. After the garden crops aro well under way the hens will prove beneficial rather than injurious, as tucy will destroy many insects. The Windsor cherry, ono of the dark- colored sort, is in many rc3pccts equal to the Black Tartarian, while excelling it in hardiness. Chickens like ripe toniuloes-, an1!, will eat ripe cucumbers, not green oues, but they will eat green and ripo grnpos. Keep them out of tho vineyard. Insects do not like wood ashes. Use the ashes for tho trees and vines. If you havo no ashes buy some. Ashes contain bcth limo and pota?h. Keep tho heifer in tho full flow of milk as long us possible after slio has her first calf. Au old maxim is that every thing depends on the tirst year with a heifer. Nothing pays as well as csgs now. A good flock of fowls will givo a larer profit, in proportion to tho capital in vested in them, than anything clso on the farm. One often sees tho hint given thnt sheep require less cure than other stock, and so aro more profitable. On tho con trary, they should have constant care and good attention. Tho editor of tho Dairy World says there is no such thing as ovcr-produc tion in a prime nrticle of butter. There simply au over-production of ignor ance in tho dairying." Those who grade and pack their fruit carefully, honestly and tastily have an immense advantago over other competi tors, all things being equal, in bad as well as iu good seasons. Vick says that white, sweet-scented violets do well for quite a number of year planted where they aro apt to bo bad places in tho sou, aud will always thrive if the gross does not crowd them too closely. All fallen fruit, no matter how small or how early in the season, should bede stroyed. It is in the fallen fruit thnt many insects mature. They can bo better destroyed by destroying tho fruit than iu any other manner. Ouo of the best safeguards agaiust dry season is to use hind plaster in tho hills of corn. A very small amount of plaster will answer. Put it on tho hills after covering the seed. It attracts moisture and is of itself a fertilizer. Many cellurs are damp that could be drained with drum tile. A spirit level laid on the cellar window sill and sighted, affords an easy method of learn iug the difference in the slopo of the land where it is desirable to drain the cellar. A solution of kainit, or muriate of potash, at the rutc ot one ounco to the pint of water, has been found to bo sure death to many insects, sucu ns green fly cabbage maggot, etc., by coutnet. Thi: simple and sufo remedy is worthy of trial. Tho broadcast seeding of fodder corn is ouo of the agricultural absurdities tha tomo farmers persist iu fDllowine. Kod der corn should always bo grown drills three feet apart anil carefully cul tivated. Then one can get a heavy crop of uood fodder; but broadcast seedin argues laziu'Jaj and a head that does no think. Tho old be liioned pumpkin growin in the cornfields of our lathers will bo remembered by mauy of us. Upon tho whole, wo think that when wo "im proved" upon the methods of our fathers in this matter, wo did not make much of an improvement. The pumpkin is not to bo sneezed at for pies, and it u uo mean feed for stock. Hoot crops consist mostly of wator,and are often overestimated as to value for stock feeding. They make an agreeable chiinttf of diet, but they eauuot be reck oned directly us fat or flesh-produciug. Ciiain, hay, cotton-seed aud linseed uu-ul, eia all belter thuu roots. The Kuglisli mipB roots because they cannot i.iiso Indian corn successfully. The California fVu( Grouer says that melons may bo obtained a month earlier tl.au usual by pluutiug tuu seeds iu squares of sod which have been placed in a warm, sheltered spot or iran.e, where they can be protected from liuv.. As soon as dauge. from this tonne i a p.ist, the Linares lire the s'piares are leuiovui and sel iu j the Held where wuutud. TEMPERANCE. ROrNNircO AT TIT BIOHT BfrD. Scientific instruction on the evils attnil ant on tlie tit ot alcoholic atimulnnt in non given in thirty-tlmw States. This is begin ning tempornnee work at the right end. At that can he rlnne to save the pluves of utrom drink should l done. It Is better work however, tn prevent eouls from helnir thin enslaved than to reacuo thnws in chains, Here, mrelv, tn therfTVirtto train the vnnnc. an opportunity for common union In tern peranre work, lo thin all tempernnc workers should direct thoir erne.it atten tion. A'eio York tifiwrrer. TOTAl, ABSTINK.NCB I! MA. Jlr. W. R I'alno. of ftnn-Un.l Ima ra. turned from his tour thrnugu lndln, lm pressed with the temupranni nl ht la allnine throughout the southern part ot thnt country. A powerful propaganda of total abstinence pi niriplen hni liemi set on foot, the chief nptwtlo being a Hindoo nseetic who has exchanged reliioin contemplation for this more useful work, nnd promise, tn hl way to be ns Kiiecrsiful iu effecting conver sion, to t-iiiperanes nt Xnvicr was in pro moting Omstinnity in India, In nil direc tions guilds nnd easle are exucting the total abstinence pledge from their members. Th movement lins brnus,t together adherents of opposing religion, nnd everything proves t,uc remarkable progress nlres.lv niadj. A VAST ARM V Ol LIQUOR BKLLRRR.. The number of rtnil Honor rlonlnra In tha United States, aecordiiiir to the oftleial re turns of the oflWrs of the internal revenue or the vonr ending May t. IS'.ki. wn 18.VW. or one liquor denim- to every Blft inlinbl tntits, on the bnsisof the census of 1S). In iew York there was one retail denier in dis- illod honors toeverv 150 inhntiitnntst in Now Jersey, 1 to 175; in Ohio, 1 to W: in nnsvlvauia nnd Msssanmisol t.- 1 to am- n Indiana. 1 to 3i3: in Delaware. 1 to HIO: nnd in California, 1 to T5. Tho average in II tha States which have general license awi is one dram shon to 'J50 inhabitant. In Maine there is one dealer in distilled liquors to every 750 Inhabitants; in Vermont, 1 to p'-D; in Iowa, 1 to u'JO, and in Kaunas, 1 lo SOJ. INTEMPERANCE AMONO WOMKW. Archdeacon Wat kins, nt the convention of tha British Women's Temperancj Asso- eiuuon mieiy uem in nuinionanii, ttngiaim, denloring the fact of the spread of the evil of intemperance among women, even the so called higher and middle classes, rcpeato tha statement, "that no small part of the evil, at least in certnin classes of English society, is to be traced to grocers' licenses." Lady jienry pomerset spoke strong words of en couragement to all temperance workers. Wie saitl that nope beat high in their hearts; there were better times coming when the tide had set iu which would sweep before it all that had so long been an obstacle. The year naa been a memorable one. For tuo very first time those who knew nothing of the forces that were gathered around tho cause, were obliged to reeognira the invinci ble power of the few; for in all grent moral questions it was not majorities that were go ing to prevail, but the men of conviction against the men of theory. Nhe hoped to see the time when women would vote side by side with men, fur tbeu they should have a true sentiment on great social questions. It bad been found that during three hours on one Sunday night in Ixnid'ou b(l,008 human beings v,fUo meu.' yO.TSt women and ill ill children cntBl'.u 'JWl public houses. If that was tho case with 200, how many iu tho same perioil entered the 10,tKHl public housus which uisgracea tue metropolis LAW AID TUB LIQCOR TR AFFIC. The Pittsburg Christian Advocate, co-n. menting upon the legalization' of the liquor tratlic, says: We have made laws to authorize hit an miv If they pay twenty-fivedollarsa year in soma emuuxs nuu a luousnnri uounrs a year in others, to set up iu all towns and cities their vice prouncing, urunkard making establish meats! And so we do what a heathen Chi nese crfnperor reiusea to ilowe run our municipal governments and our (State nnd national governments largely by the grent revenues whicli are collected from tha vices anil crimes of our people. And now we hnve minions on minions of money invested in wineries, distilleries and breweries, ami in wholesale and retail liquor houses, and mill ions on nn'iions in the immense stoeks of liquors. It has come to be a gigantic busi ness. It Is strong and mightv. It has been established by legislation. It cannot be de- stroyedwithout legislation. We have per mitted it by law, we must prohibit it by law. It exists iu village and towu, iu city nnd State aud nation, by tho sanctions of law aad the protection of the 'Government. It stands to reason that, in order to aliolish it, we must take away toe shield of law and the protection of the Oovernient everywhere, and enact prohibition laws and Constitu tional amendment!. Men mako the laws which lccnlliu) tho liquor trallic; only a minority of such men, snd of those who elect them to ba legislators, are total abstainers. To change these liquor telling laws, the men who authorize them must somehow lie reachel nnd converted, how shall it be done .Vutiumit Advocate. DRINKING! HABITS. "There are a great many men who aro overworked and underfed," said a physician; 'they think they are too busy to eat lunch at midday, and resort to stimulants as a sub stitute for food, it only takes a minute to step into a barroom and take a drink. This makes them feel better for the time, but tha e fleet soon passes awy and another is taken to get I HI. ol tlie empty leeliug. 1 lie hamt throws until H takes eigut, ten, or more driuks a duy to keep thein going. Alcoholio stimulants aro the worst thing in the world for an empty stomach, finally causing catarrh of the stomach, iutirferin- with the secre tions of the liver and distroying the ability to ussimilate food. YYheu a man comes to me in this coudition tlie first thing 1 do Is to cut off his whisky or whatever form of stimu lant he is addicted to, and substitute food for it. I can't substitute solid food, because Ins stomach won't retain it. I must get him to take somethiu that will. This is whore hot milk and vichy comes in. Cold milk is too harsh. It shocks bis weakened stomach. Hence I give it to him but. Y'lchy lightens and livens it; makes it more easily digested. I tell him to take a glass two-thirds milk, one-third vichy, twicj a day; to order it over a bar, anywhera he can get it, and to let whisky aud all stimulants severely alone. If he obeys the orders I will cure him and safe his life. A good many men among my own patients, fast growing prematurely old und bringing upon themselves a multitude of ills by the steady use of alcoholic stimu lants instead of the nutritious food which they should take, have been reclaimed by the use of hot milk and vichy. If you find you are losing your appotite for food aud eoi re kpondiiijjly gaining that for alcoholic stimu lant, try it. It will do you good." .Vein Oredns iicuywir. TKMl'KKANCE NK.WU AND NOTES. Corn in the Held is allocked, and when it ts Hindu into whisky it is shocking. YVbeu a man is driven to drink, it is be cause he has himself looaentfl the brake. According to Dr. Norman Kerr, the two things to guard uguiut m easo of the ap proach of cholera are panic and alcohol. A petition against tin employment of young girls as hnrmaidi, hns been presentel the K.iir of HeJoii. The pjtitioit had 10,000 Signatures. The Ilritish euuteon srsto-il has b.eu adopted in the barracks of Germany, with a view to keeping the soldiurs away from tho liquor shops. Iu Ireland the number of arrests for drunk enuess steadily increases. In lb37, thera were ('J.U'Al arrdsU lor tha. cuue; iu 1H-S, the number reaches til, V JO, uud iu ISS'.l, climbs up to aj.lrio. The W. C. T. lr. of Baltimore has pur chased a building in t'en city which is being fitted up for their heaJipiarters. The build ing with its furnishings will cost about t,. (Ji, of which 6uiu il,utw has already beau subscribed. Ono of tho l.efct moves the devil can make, cays the .'urn's Jlura, is to persuade a bi htaidedinan lo trust in Ids own strength. There isn't a ihun'iar.l on earth today who ilhin't start out with tuo ideu that ha could drill U or lot it aloao. Dr. Nausea, in lis recently published vol ume, auvs that his experience during tha crossing" of Greenland lot bini to "takea de cided aland uguir.st tho u-w of sliuiuUiiUsund narcotic, ot all kinili-. tro-p ten ami con hand le 1 ulcjuoUc drinks ou the other.' Queer Superstition. Tho Zulus of Africa beliove that per sons who die sudden or violent deaths havo been killed by tho rainbow. AU individuals among them who lose their lives by falls, drowning or wild beasts perish because the rainbow has devoured thoir kn-la, or spirit. In tjhe New He brides there is, or was, a colony of pro fessional difcaso makers, who livoby col. Iccting such rubbish ns the skin of n banana which a man has eaten. Tho banana skin is rolled up nnd slowly burned, tho result being that as it burns tho consumer nf the fruit Iwcomcs moro and moro sick until ho makes up his mind to propitiate the wizards by pres ents. But even the wizard are not se cure against such influences, and nt times they themselves discover that sonibody is burning their rubbish and so nro driven to appeal for mercy. The custom of ringing the "passing bell" took its rise from tho notion that its sound would drive jnw ay tho evil spirits that stood waiting nt tho bed of a sick man for his soul. Abyssinian sorcerers attach to the Imnge of a person whom thry wish to tor- turo by indicting injuries upon his like ness tho name of tho victim, nnd to pre vent this tho people conceal their baptis mal names. ICntAfiifun iVitr. t'nn the snle of nn Inferior nrliele constantly Inerense for '4 ymin'r lMihblna's Klertrie. Simp liss lMen on I he market- ever store IHIVT, nnrl is to-tley as ever, the hrat find pnrvsf fnniily soap ntHiie. iry it. . inir grorer win get il. Tim tunnel from Hcnthind to Irolnnd will kohI $ln,oiin."iin. Tn lMspel Oolita, liradnehos nnd Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or billons, or when tho blood Is Impure or sluggish, tu pcrmnnontly euru linhitunl constipation, to awaken the kidneys nnd liver to a healthy no tivlty. wit limit Irritating or weakening them, inw riyrup of Figs. , The Convenience pi hollo Train. The Krte Is the only railway running solid trains im-r ltsown trucks between. New York mdt 'hieiiKo. No change of ears for nny cine of passengers, llntes lower than via, any othel urst-i'UtSb line. t lleeelmiu'a Tills cure llillous nnd Nervous Ills. Its sometimes said patent medicines are for the igno rant. The doctors foster this idea. "The people," we're told, " are mostly ijjnorant when it comes 10 mecncai science. Suppose they are I " What a sick man needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medi cine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's ical Discovery believes " and Golden Med cures the "do the "don't be lieves." There's no hesitancc about it, no "if" nor "possi bly." It says " I can cure you only do as I direct." Perhaps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine tails to do eood. buppose the doctors went on that principle. (We be the doctors pardon. It wouldn t do ! ) Choking, sneezing and every other lorm ot catarrh m the head, is radically cured by LJr. bages catarrh Remedy, l4iity cents. JJy druggists ADWAY'S READY RELIEF. 'ill K CIIKAI'KST AS I) HV.HV MKIH CIN'K 1'OIt FAMILV I'M 14 IN THfci WOlll.D. NUVKK 1 AILS TO KULIKYH PAIN. Cnrea nnd I'rcvonts Colda, Coughs, bores Throat, Inflammation, Kheu iiiatiHtii, Neuralgia, HchiIhi ho, Toot bnclie, AhiIi ma, Dilli-t-ult nrcnthliiv. CPRES THE WUHST PAlNslu from one to twenty minutes. Not one hour utter rcii'lliid thla advening iupiiI need uy on 81'KKKK WITH 1'AIN. 1.NTKHNA1.LV, bait lo lisupooutlll In half tiinillir of wster will tn s few nitnut eureCraniia Himama, Hour Momucta, Nauaea, Voinltliui. lieurt burn, NrTiiusneaa, hlepleiil)tHS, Hick HMlulacU. llarrha, Colk', Klatulency tul hII Inlerual tialna. 50c. Per llolllr. Hold hy llrungials. PDWAY'S U PILLS. An Excellent and Mild Cathnrtic. Furoly vegetable. The tafest and best medicine in the world for the cure of all disorder of tha Liver, liloliiai li or llowelx Taken aceorJIug lo Ulractlons Uley will restore tieatth anl reuew vitality. Price. o. u box. KolJ hy all druKfitati, or mallM bjr KADU AV CO., 22 Warren blrevl, Nsw York, on rocclpt of prlca. erman yrup" Those who have not A Throat used Roschee's Ger man Syrup for some anai-uns gevere and chronic Sneclaltv. trouble of the Throat and Lungs can bard lv appreciate what a truly wonder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear ing, strength-gathering and recover intr are unknown joys. For Ger man Syrup we do not ask easy case's. Suirar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine zoes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat aud Lunar Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, nain. couching, spitting, hemorr hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf ol despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Svrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it. "G fatarra Can't fc Cured With local nnnllcntlins. as tliev cannot reach thesest of the disease. Catnrrh -ft binod or ronslitionnl disease, nnd In order In cure it yon lmve to take internal remedies. Hall's t'ntnrrh t'ure Is taken internal I y. nnd c direct I y on I lie Mood and mucous surfaces, llnll's I'nlnrrh Cure Is no quack medicine. It whs proscrilied by one of the best physiclnns In this country for j'usrsj nnd is a regular prescription. It. is rum posed of the host Ionics known, combined with llieliest blood pnrlllors, noting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two InKt-odicnts Is whnt produces such wonoorrui results in curing catarrn, nentl ror testimonials free. r . J, f 'hkmkt Co., I'rops,, Toledo, O. Bold by drugglstsprlro TOo. INDIANA bankers recently formed nn ftsan. lion. FITK elnnned free hv Iln Ifl.tNK'a rinvas. r khv n KKHTOiiKit. r.o Ills niter llrst day's use. Marvelous cures. I realise and &i trial 1 free. Dr. Kline, ll Arch Ht I'hlla.. Pa. bottle BEWBE Cheap imitations should be avoided. S. S. S. WILL CURE. My daughter had a caae of chronio Eczoma, which for over five year had baffled tho skill of the beet phy aiciana. As she was daily growing worse, I quit all other treatment and commenced using S. S. S. Before finishing the second bottle the scaly They nevers cure and are often dangerous. incrustations had nearly disappeared. I continued using S. 8. 8. until she was entirely cured. I waited before reporting the case to see if the cure was perma nent. Being satisfied that she is freed from the an noying disease for all time to come, I send you this. V. VAUGHN, Bandy Bottom, Va. BOOKS ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES FREE. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. a- Susan n bp a eai . Hit AH STOP, AIIHVD I'lilll Ulltl rm uftmMwfaM ikl -VASELINE- FOIf A O.NK-iOM.AIt III lL mdc ui hr mill w will .Irtivr, irou oi ail ciiatrtjj, tj any par 1 1 Onetw.wi.uinshott.Anr Pup V49lla Oi twoomic iMXtle ut Va.ollii9 I'oiuj 1 One Jar of VuimIIiih CiH.i CrH,u,L One cake of YitAel.tie Omnplior loi, 1 1 One t'nke uf V am-1 tuo isuap, liuwiiCn I, I ) ' OneC'akeor V'Hwllno!kap, eniilitlr )eate 1,1. l cu twu-uuao butuv ut WHiut Vswollae 4i ' l.U H-wftf. On noaoiioit-u tt par 14 1 li 1 1 4 t frwn tfour.truitfftat any I aieiin ,r rtrp irMia 1 trfr rt unlets kit: ite i wtt'i our nantA (w tu ytt-t wtu UtiniyrvdtweutumittUton un' fat tiltti or nil' it l t bvaebroiiHb .Ulg. to,, -J I him NiM IS, V, L EWIS' 98 LYE Powdered nnd Perfumed, 3f (PATKNTKD.) i Strnnge.it anil pure! I.yenniirlo. - rf linm t he first perfmneil Hord im K'pininilillileMiri(ioiiMiiiii- 11 f. It in till) Ix'nt for Boftoninj wator, cleansing wasto pi pea, disinfecting sin ks, closots, wash ing bottles, paiiitH, trees etc PENNA. SALT MFG. CO., lien. Agents, Pliiln., Best Truss Ever Used. Will Uuld the wom with rnmlori. Worn night andiluy. l'osltlrrly cure rupture. Bent by n ail everywhere. Reod for dearrtptivtf cataUKua and testimonial, to ;.V. Ilonao ft! fir. Co t'14 llrondway. New York lty. BAGGY KNEES lOB!TirBI-T RKMKniKLV Onwlv Fnnt KirAi.'i. AtliHUl tT ItuJiiU ut lUrtrard AmhiMi ..... CgiU-iiea, alto, b? pmtlonal ami butrtne-s mvu averv Vbare. If nt fur in y-mr town tend a to V J. C.mCKLY, TlftVaahiitfton Ruin. Hoi ion. Many wrrow shall lie to the wicked." IV ,: M'A SOU 1 ronltlvo cure. NerToiiH A 'hyUi Ue lillity, Mount Iennn.n. i-acK of (JotiM dfiice, Tulpl talton llcorl.W ctik Meniury, !!., hv mall. $-tuui'ino. UvattiiPiit. In; Diuilfvy' in-oiltm (Ih'mUhI) freo. lirn tKW Mkhic ik t o., u WaNhlnai'n Avt Xt runtiin.ra FRAZERKI WEST IN TIIK WORLU tr Oet lue Ueuulnu. Bold fTerrwbere. PATENTS v V. T. FliKarrahl. nalihiBtuii. O. '. u-page honk tret. $1 00 !r month snrl xpnapiitn aril Nursery Htwk. iliihllerawautfil uotv. o. i. uhkks, Kyravtitu. N .V. iuarAK i sis E 3s. JZl si'lvca ielTef HtTiii.'i f "lit Iu TXV J I .ySaaaV J Apply ni'o (. A'ostr.'I. It la unick!u Abmrbr. t 7cV--S J 600. UriiBBlBU or by mail. ELX 11H08., 60 '.Varreu UU, IN. Y.B .Jf V- 5 Dal spas DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. WHY not Imy from lat WOHDCIirUl i ai.il in lun mm? TIIB WONDERFUL LU8URG CHAIR Comb I ties n. room-full rricclM I of i'lialm In one). IwkIhs niakioica Luunso, Hrtl,nr inmltfi apiiliance of e ry fitKrtpitui Fanry ( biilra, Korkvra, &o W Write at once for Cutaluguu. lliSSHY OtIKI iSfTirl gtnmut and the LUBURC MANUFACTURING CO. Philadelphia. Pa. IJi'iil. A 103, No.. 3J1, am, 3'J5 Nonb Mil Mrri-i. 'When slovens gel Bottoms or rnep&nsv-wnen C r- a. re given never tired of Two servants in two neighboring houses dwelt, But differently their daily labor felt ; Jaded and weary of her life was one, Always at work, and yet 'twas never done. The other walked out nightly with her beau, Put then she cleaned house with S A POLIO Best Couch Modioine. Cures whore nil ele fuila. rV4- taste, t lul'lren take it without objection, ily uruggibls. twM tLa VfAT1 1ITT1TiT t onflaniea sneroiapeaia mi i;iiivrai it nowieiff t If 111 lllBll a btn ly re;roaca una uairlj aver kulijeol that rau b l Ii-hmIiI uf. j VIII llllllll ( outtluia lu a oui.'jeae4 lorm wiu.t tau otherivUe 1 learueJ utxlf J 1 l 11 r I irom a threat m ay tare Euoyclopwliaa, llei loiiariN, Ae. K wa Ifcif JL III lillBllUt ir'' u" txiok or parer Ihera ate frrjneut redreiuf to a irtwjian llllllff oa ul( whUh thn iieueral r alf wuun! Ua lo urnta tafin a a. Va KJ 1 1 Ulllf lltiia uiura ab -U', aui twtiuu, UDl4V be Lai a laiga Horary ol rent 1 7 ' ftoo t lo lef.T lo, ht can learn uot-nin but lirj, uo nivi Ui aui uia wit'dB tniiw C'eariy ami (MKi uatfVaiU au r-wt w lk uii ty xUi aVHITf1 ere cured bu SoreIhrdm WoLindsXUts. Swellings THE CHARLES . VOQELER CO.. Bl'tlmora. Ml, urn u ir OF THEfd. There is only one Sa S. S. Take no other. e . sa... l mmfBmFi7m iii, licoii-i fr"1 ,0,?vA ...J lire-I ATAR?rrS lv .1 II i.lll f II 14liUIl . JlOlklPE S 0 vv.I - ' v( li r.u s mm r J U Ml UNEXCELLED ! AIri.lF.I EXTKKNAM.Y run Rheumatism, Kenralgia, Pains in thi Limbs, Back or Chest, Mumps, Sora Throat, Colds, Sprains, Braises, Stings of Insects, Mosqnlto Bites. TAKEN INTERNA 1. 1. V 11 nrl like n rhiiriii lor rholrrai Morbus, llliiri him, ltsriilrrv, ollc, t ramps, Nau sea, Hick llemlni lie, A t. Warranted" prrlrrlly harmless. (Hreaalll arroinpanyliiii rni h Imllle. also illrei-il lorHiM-.l lis MMITIIIMJ ami I'KM.TH A TIM. qnalliles aro Irli liniiirillulrlr. 1 ri It anil tir coiivineril. I'rlra UH nnd 30 arms. Hold by all drug, fa's. ItKI'OT. 40 Itll'KH AY HT.. KEWVOHK. PAINT. jtfouihes Addition of an CQUALf PART OFOIt-aS! OR jCirimeo in fAftttt Uh ere wr have no Ageut will nrraugt Willi any nt'tlv Mr climit. ! k M N PROF. LOISETTE'S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. Crlt1clet.it on two recent Memory bytem. Reatj tout Aril Ut. Full Tables tf i'oaumu forwar.laJ ubl lu tbune who atuil (aniieil diructwl envelop. Aluo 1'ionperU.s 1'Obl' r Kfc.Ko U LotjUio Ac tl Never Koirfuttlm. A'lilreMt A'ruf, UJISKITK, 't Fifth Ave.. Now Yor'c SICK WrAK. NrRvora, HV RKTcimn mortal gejl well Dh'l keep well. Hen II h Hrlit tellH how. Uu-tft. a year, twiinple copj fr. Ir, J. II. DYK. I.'iuor, liiilTnlo, N. V. STAMMERING. rritK PARANTEKO "rench-'iermnn method Kt'k'a Wc boo Bedford I v., Hrttnklyii, N. Y- Ihe I.araral Furtorr of CAliC Jillilillemru'a or OHT L 111 uln a' rutll. r 1,000 Articles EtrRicmnom l dimt to contumrrt, tln'ri'hy avlD 30 ! 50 per rrul. Our Now . Autuiuatln flrak. . all Coarliss, mention omuU uviuteA. Hdy they polish the cleaning up Uironiinendod by Physioians. l'li-asanl and ngreeuluo to tho wlin iha oas vol u tart be' luru at on I'd to t'i i M i v ui t ri ejiiin j. 1 pi (A', tOlUltly IHUal(rMl X bow u tVlvaf, iWvJb I Jm sUji IM Lauua4 ak.I. s-sW " ws according fo "11 UlRECTJONS with each BOTTIE. jjrTobias STHP irfTltSC?011 rt'rr!' to contumrrt, tln-n-hy ff-avl i ovlna; 30 t 50 per rrul. I .Tj.;5-i aSjsaa Vs?iuml'ir,lrak SaKxVl;' S'w'VYT nS. 1 ... icc wriTt, W rsr ett.&qn tv , - . ILJI!', r !."r-j"M Hloihu' mi, i v. wji - a -,frr;.Ti . i . r rnev art? SET I 4 '.uvo a