The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 06, 1891, Image 4

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Tlur(ten.J, K. Wonk.
omniMfinrn North ward, It. M. llor-
'iiinn, i iiuii'k jojen, w. . drove.
- . !S"1"!' ,yHr1' s; "'fit, lill Holoman,
A. II. Dale. '
Jfltce v. the Peace J. F. Proper, S.
J. Motley. . '
Vonstablt! miii CoWm-tor S. 8. Canfiold.
IVrectom U. W. Bahmmn, A.
; , '1Bvm u- Knox, i),
W. Clink, J. T. Bronnan.
Member of nonares 0. F. Kmnim.
Me.mher of .Senate IIaiiiiv A. Hall.
A.iie.inbly S. a. Tnwi.B.i.
President Judge i'liA rti.KS II. Notks.
t 'ooiaM ujjrc Jons JI. White; C.
W. Ct.AllK.
yWfMMfer Jan. R. Haookiity.
rroUmnnlttrf, ItraiHer dt Itcconter, te.
Cat.viw M. Abnkr,
MerifT. John It. Osnoon.
?-WlIMi0IKlr C. F. LkDEUUR, Jas.
f-iunt.i Superintendent liv.OfXV. Kr.UR.
iHstriH Attorney P. M. CI.AB.K.
juri Commf.wioMern Johm N. Hkatit,
Cttnry Surveyor J. F. Prot-fr.
fMroner Dr. C). O. Humiihuoku.
rowifi Auditor W. W. Thomas, O.
W. J'.oiiinhon, It. Fl-YNK.
Ot.ivk lodge, No. r.r.7. f. a. m.
Stated Meptlng held at Odd Fol
lows Hall the first Monday ofpach mnnth.
T. J. PAYNE, W. M.
t. u. conn, sec'y.
8. of A., moots every Mondiiy tve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Proper A Doult
J. n. KDEjf, Pros.
. JVo. 3G!,
mT. O. of O TT
Chas. II. Davis, who graduated in
dentistry from the University of Penn-
lylvaDia, at Philadelphia, on the first
iost., favored a number of his friends
here with invitations to the "com-
and collect the several amounts from
those who had subscribed toward the
purchase of the same. The Secretary
reported having sent notices to owners
of sidewalks that are out of repair,
mencement exercises;" the class of And right here wo wish to nr. il,
ten i i i . . . I . . 1
vi emoracea eignty-one students, and nope Ibat these notices will be heeded
t'linrrli and ftabbntk Hchaol.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at fl:4R
in. ! M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m
Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab'
wniii wiiiiiiiif ny iev, riii ni nergor.
i-rcacuiog in tne m. Church every
-"iMii MvuiniiK Rt iuo iiNuai nour. nev,
F. F. Hlionp, PaHlor.
Hervlcofi in the Prnsbyterlan Church
nvory nniinniii inoriiinu and evening,
nuy. a. t. iiicAnincn oiiiciaung.
MEETS every Tnnsday
o'chvk, in 4ho Iodifo
pvpiilnir, at
lua Room in I'nr
trldfto'H Hull. Confer tho Initiatory dp-
irrpo ino in-st j u om I ay nlixbt or cue
month: Hrtt deirroe the aix-ond Tupsila
Bicht; HPi-ond dourue llio third Tii'mdav
Hiirhtj third degroo the fourth Tuesday
C. It. DAVIS. N. O
J. II. FONKS, Sec'y. 27-tf.
,VJRE.ST T,On(iE. No. 1S4, A. O. U. W.
I Mpi'tsovcry FrliUv evenlniz In A.O. U,
. Hall, Proper it Houtt block, TioncKta.
J. R. CLAUK, Ilooordcr.
' No. 271, O. A. It.
m-eia on too wrm clnpmlav In par
il .m'h, In Odd FpIIowm Hall, Tinnostn, I'a.
jujAiiiaj a iiiiAUUU, t. om
J- for rnreHt County.
A. E. fitoncplphor M. I)., President; J
W. Morrow M. 1)., Secrclary I J. H. Hiiijrin
M. Ii., Troasurpr. Tho Hoard will ninot
in lr. Morrow a olllce, 1 ioneata. on th
third Wednesday of each iiionlh, at 10
o clock, a. in.
Olllco next door to P. O., Tioucsta, Pa.
J. B. AONliW. r. M. rr.ARK.
lllstrlrt Attorney,
ju. i iiu K AKnii, inr s nimiwr ot ro
Ilnbio r iro limnrauce CiiniHiiio.
r,1 L. DAVIS.
TIoiiphU, Pa,
CoIloi'tlonH inado in this anU a.ljoinln
, ItlTCIlKY.
Tionpsia, ForoKt Counlv Pa.
p K. lilULE,
Oliico iu Kepler Dlock, llooin 0, Tioncsta,
1 ll
T AWKEXC13 IlOUSll-lonicsta, vZ
J.J JiiNtis Kuawkov, Proprietor. TIiIb
-'houao in centrally Incatotl. Everything
new nml well furnlslieil. Kupeiior Ac-
couiinmin'.ionH and Hlrict attenlion given
t. 4,'iiestn. VoKetable Rtni FruitH of all
JiluJs served in thcir 8eauiii. fSumplo
4.unt iiji vt'iuiiierciai AKI'IHH,
.1 .
(ii;.THAL, HOUSE, Tionosta. Pa.,
V' O. C. Hrownoll. Pronrictor. Tliia u
new and has junt been littod up lor
inw (u't-iMiiiiiiMiiiiiou oi too puniie, a por
tion ot tho patronage of tho public ia solic
Kd. 4(i-y,
hysician, Hurgcon A Druggist,
Monitow. m. n.,
islrona county, having located
is prepared to attend all pro-
.ii !roiupiiy ami at ail Hours,
residence two doors north of
House, oince hours 7 to 8 a
io Vi m. ; 2 to 8 and (I) to 7 v
ys, U to It a. M. i a to 3 and 6J
inay-18 81
l;iposi:o Oas Olllco. Calls at
promptly day and night.
""wi'i uiu uiuitHi una mokl sue.
niciiuoi eiM in tins section of the
Vill visit '1 ionosta every regular
' i. niay:ai-ly.
- .- H. SE Hi EL, Practicionor in Ml-
i-TTTroiiic Treatment for tho cure of all
lorms of diseasu. No drugs, no medicines
mi ou Mwaiiowuu. t atanli, lung diseases,
liileinpuiance, and In slmi t all foiins of
inm lml conditions treated under the new
ly discovered Mieroliiu l'liilo.-.ophy, tho
most successful mode Uiiou ii Ui science
l.r llio ciiritiif of tlio puoplo. ltOMideuce
P1ito P.O., Tionestu, i'a.
AY, PARK ik CO.,
Corner of Elm ,V Wainut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., Hank of Discount mid Deposit. In
terest allowed on Tiino DcoosiiH. Cntl...
lions umde on all the Principal points of
viiueLiuiiH ttlliiciieu.
the U
Manufacturer of uud Dealor in
And all kinds of
.111 1L. KMEKT, ' '
phop in Pock buildiii ' next l. K,n-
ii X Cos Htore. i iii.j.ikui..i.i .i.. n
ids ot custom work li om thu tnwnt to
j coarsest and guarantors his work to
a period satUUction. Prompt atton
n given to mending, and prices as r. a
mblc as lust chtss work cau bo done for
Oil markot closed yesleiday 71J
Mrs. 8. D. Irwin visited Franklin
friends over last Sabbath.
tj:ii-w i. ...
jjiiij morgan was lata op wim a
severe attack of neuralgia.
Decoration day occurs on the
lat Saturday of this month.
TV . ..
nooesiaiB minus a tinner now
Good opening for a good man.
The air was very bracing yester
(Jay, ami it suowed a little bit.
Mr. llunier Hall of Pittsburg,
speut, bubday with Tioncsta friends,
t r a -w9- . ...
-iuiss Aggie Jverr is visitioe
Inends iu drove City, Mercer county,
Communion services will be held
at the M. E. Church next Sabbath
The foundution for Mrs. Felton's
new houso in the North ward will soon
be coiuplttcd.
Mr. Jas. T. Breunan is attending
tho scssiou of U. 8. district court at
Pittsburg, Ibis week, as a juror.
Jas. Bromley of Stewarts Run,
dropped iuto the sanctum for a few
moments yesterday to get warm.
The party who lost the top or
cover of his or her fountain pen can
have the same by calling at this office,
anted A tirel class tinner to
locate in Tionesta. A splendid open
iog for such an one, with do opposi
lion in the entire county.
a-"viu luimz s new ad. appears in
this Usne. Look it over, and then
consider yourself invited to call and
inspect good and prices.
T r 1 ..
dames iiaeiei draws tho reins
over as liaudsomo pair of sorrel colts
as tho community affords, and already
has them traveliug nictly together
T XT I . ...
ur, iiittsou nas chaugod bis rcsi
.i.. ...... .. i .i n.
uoiiie uuu uow occupies me bioan
house. His patrons bhould bear iu
miud the chaoge when calling for him
An iuch and a half of snow on
tho Gtb day of May is not the com
monest sight iu this latitude, but that's
what the measured this morning on
the walks.
Wiiifield Setley has purchased the
uIJ May homcstoud lot, lucated on the
bank of tho Allegheny, io tbo North
word, aud has preparations pretty
well uloog for the erection of a dwell
iug thereon.
J. F. Reed of Miola, has pur
chased a half interest in the timber on
a 500 acre tract on Salmon Creek iu
Forest county, and will begin opera
tions at once, by taking the bark off
fifty acres and prepariug the timber
for tho faw. Clarion Jaclsonian.
Peter N. Range diod at his home
iu Alton, Osborn county, Kansas, on
the oF April, 1891. Mr. Range
was oged 75 years, 5 months, and 23
uajs. lie was formerly a resident of
Tioocsla, coming here in 1826, and
ciimiuuig cieveu years. lie was a
brother of Mr. J. I. Range of Stewarts
Run, and is remembered by some of
our older citizens. His trouble was
Our valued friend Alexander
Mealy, of Church Hill, Ohio, called
Monday morning, being on bis way
home from a visit to friends here. He
has sold his fine farm in Ohio to his
brother Joseph, and will hereafter de-
' cm no wuio io uis interests io
Washiugton where he has done ex-
ceediugly well in the past two years,
we are pleased to note. Mr. Mealy Is
man whose word may always be de
pended upon, a characteristic which
helps a man iu a new country more
than any other.
FraDk Law has packed up and
hipped his goods to Oil City, where
he has decided to make his borne in
the future. Mr. and Mrs. Law will
be greatly missed from our midst j the
own sustains a loss in a business wav.
while our society loses two vers
- -a-v-
ble and popular members. Frank's
bsence will be keenly fU by the
baud, the Presbyteriau choir, aod at
11 the home entertainments, in which
he was generally the chief spirit. The
Rkpluucan joiDs the general wish
for future happiness which follows
them from Tionesta.
David Baruett will have bis new
lock of goods opened up to the pub-
io next week. A grand display io
everything. LWt fail to call. It,
while we have not yet received "full
returns" we dara say Dr. Davis ranked
among the first of his class. Cbas,
arrived home Monday,
A.. . '. it .. .
AiieuiioQ is caiiea io me card in
this issue of R. C. Heath, agent for
the justly celebrated Champion farm
machinery, which is recognized by all
as being amongst the very best ou the
market. Mr. Heath will be pleased
to correspond with any who may have
in contemplation the purchase of any
thing in that line, and will give the
best terms to be had. He also keeps
on band a supply of fish guano fertili
zer, and can fill orders promptly. Call
on him or write to Starr P. O., Forest
county, Pa
The severe frosts which have been
shivering around this section with
rather uncomfortable frequency for
the past week or so, whilo not doing
any great damage as yet, will be get
ting their work io on tho fruit crop if
tuey persist in their capers much
longer. Plums, peaches and cherries
arejust about now in prime condition
to be uipped, while apples are coining
on fast, and the prospects of another
failure of fruit this year are causing
considerable uneasiness amongst all
classes and conditions of people.
Iberoad bill, over which there
has been so much discussion, was
passed finally on Tuesday of last
week, having received 103 votes in the
house of representatives, a bare con
suiuiionai majority. In its present
form, those who have seen it say, it is
not a great change in the law at pres
ent IU force. The COUntv enirii.enr
j n
feature was abandoned, and the bill
allows taxes to be worked out by the
taxable, but be must give notice of his
intention to do so before a certain
date. It appropriates $1,000,000 to
aid the counties in making better
roads, the money to be distributed in
proportion to the amounl.the counties
raise for the same purpose. The new
law does not go Into effect till next
Shortly after the May term of
court Mr. II. C. Whittekin will sail
for Liberia, on thetwest coast of Afri
ca, io De gone two years. Some time
ago the Whittekin brothers, H. C. and
F. F. secured from the Liberian Re
public an important concession for the
building of a railroad in that country.
me government agreeing to give them
A a AnA i
o,vw per mue ana every alternate
section of land in fee for the construe
tion ot tbe road, which is to be of the
narrow guage style. It is estimated
that this amount will build and almost
thus relieving the council from the
unpleasant duty of enforcing the bor
ough ordinance and having new walks
built at an additional cost to the
owners aforesaid. We believe the
temper of that body is such that they
rill enforce the ordinance forthwith
without fear or favor.
Something Good.
The second in the series of contests
for a Demorest Silver Medal will take
place in Tioncsta, Weduesday evening,
May 13tb. Nine persons are making
strenuous efforts in preparation to win
tbe much coveted prize. The exhibi
tion of oratory at tbe first contest
drew out tbe admiration of a much
crowded house, and we look for at
least an equally attractive entertain
ment next Wednesday evening. Ad
mission 10 cts.
List of Letters
Remaining in Tionesta, Pa., post office,
May 1, 1891
Thomas Cally, Samuel W. Daven
port, Miss Jennie Dilliug, L. P. Pritch
ard, Mr. W. Sterling, Mr. II. Saropus.
Mr. Thase, Mr. Walton Vanhorn, Mr.
Jaerry Varncr
When calling for above please soy
"advertised." u. S. Knox. P. M.
The Clarion Presbytery met in the
Presbyterian church at Edenburg, on
the 28th ull., Rev. H. F. Earsman.
Tbe officers elected for the ensuing
year were, Kev. J. V. McAnioch, Mod
erotor; Rev. O. G. McDowell. Tempo
r-l --1- J Tl n -r-t
uijr viera, auu iwev. IJ. 1'. Williams
Assistant Clerk. Tbe overture hand
ed down by the General Assemby re
garding the election of woman to tbe
office of deaconoss was answered iu the
affirmative. A resolution was also
adopted requesting the General Atsem
bly to investigate the matter relating
to tne election of Dr. Briggs to a pro
lessorship in tbe Union Semeuary.
Lr. Conway of Brookville, preached
a special sermon on tbe inspiration of
the Uible, which was heartily endorsed
by the Presbytery
Mr. II. G. Furbay, a student of the
Western Theu. Seminary, was received
as a liceusiate from the Presbytery of
bt. Clairesvillo, and ordained to the
Gospel Ministry. A cr.ll was placed
in his hands from the Reynoldsville.
church, which he accepted, and ar
rangemeuts were made for hie installs
The pastoral relation between Rev.
XV. .1 Wilmin art. I tlia l. ..... k.. . r n.. I
: .1 J -. ... ... - wmuncimvil
-H "-n,. wiio roiling ioca,o.. lensburg and Concord was dissolved,
Anil II I : i a r . . i ., r n 1. . I. I . . '
v- feumg uu wane me pre.
mutuary survey and commence mmm
Hons. No doubt the boys have a good
thing, aod with careful management
will reap a fine haivest io the dusky
Although in this locality forestfircs
have not been as frequent as in former
years thus far, in the "slashings" of
tbe big woods aod.around tbe lumber
ing camps throughout this and neigh
boring counties reports are that this
has been the worst season in many
years, and a good many losses have
occurred iu the burniog of buildings,
on rigs, etc At Gilfoyle, one day
ia6i week, the sbiogle mill of tbe com
pany operating that plant, was de
stroyed, together with three or four
houses. Another shingle mill was
burned on Minister creek, about a
mile or so from the one reported io
our last issue. We were unable to
learn the owner's name. At Kalltnwm
aud Rev. Wilsou dismissed totbePres
bytery of Kiltauniug to accept a call
Irora the Curne Ruu church.
n . . t t- t -1
i.ev. u. u. Williams of Emlenton
and Elder Dr. Colbert of Oil Ciiv
were elected Commissioners to the
General Assembly which meets
Detroit, May 14.
TL. r ..
xue reports iron) tue various
churches indicate much progress dur
ing tbe year,
Tbe next place of meetiog is South
Oil City, Sept. 29.
Burnett Notes.
Jacob Maze, who has a severe at
tack of the grip, is no better at preseut
Miss Winnie White will commence
iuree mootn s term of school at
Millstone, Elk Co., on Monday. Miss
White is oue of Forest county's moBt
popular teachers,
Stewarts Run.
Mr. Editor, not having written for
some time thought probably some of
the people would like to hear from
this place, so will try to pen a few
We had quite a heavy frost here
last night aod night before, but think
tbe fruit not far enough on yet to be
hurt; hope so at least, as we do not
want another apple famine as we had
last year.
J. M. Vanderlin and U. 8. Zahniser
started for Butler Monday morning,
with their teams, where they expect to
team this summer, Willie Brown going
along to drive for Mr. Zahniser.
Jake Zahniser expects to move to
Neb raska this week, where he has
secured work with Collins & Kreitler.
Rig No. 14 is up on the Jocelyn,
and will be started to drill in a few
Tbey struck the sand last evening
in the Jas. Mclutyre well on the Hays,
but we have not learned Ibis morning
how she is showing.
Stewart & Son have the tiiubeis on
tbe ground for rig No. 6, on the Wily.
11. M. Aahniser is working for the
Buckeye MTg Co., selling mowers,
binders, hoy rakes, &c. When you
waut a machine give bim a call ; the
Buckeye is a good one.
A T7- . . t ii.
-nuiuu r-ouiz, oi neimown, was
down yesterday with the Sunbeam
Washing Machiue, trying to sell
neighbors one.
Jas. Elliott is driving team for Jas.
Key. bnoup preached a very able
sermon at the Church last Sabbath
We organized our Sabbath School
last babbath with Mrs. Clara Metcalf
as Superintendent. Let the good work
go on.
Wo are glad to welcome our
friend J. I. Range back amonit
Mr. R. has rented his farm on
river to Mrs. Ball.
Rufus Copelaud bas been canvassioe
for Dr. Talmage's book, the life of
Christ, "From the Manger to the
Grave," which has met with very
reaay sale.
Wood & Co. have a new pumper on
the Jocelyn Mr. Jas. Hogg and wife
having moved into the house. Mr. II
has taken charge of the wells. We
welcome tbem to our commuuity aud
think Messrs. Wood & Co. have se
cured a good raau for tbe place
Archie Zahniser, who bas been sick
with rheumatism for Soma limp ia
-Lee Metcalf, F. E. Metcalf 's boy.
has been quite poorly, but is better at
Tho body of George R. Martin, of Reno,
i a., agon i years, drowned in tho Alle
gneny river near Iilg Bend two weeks
ago, vas found at Emlonton Monday.
Some "horrid" newspaper man has dis
covered the difference between a man and
woman washing their face. He says all
men rub up and down, and snort. All
womon apply tho water and stroke gently
Tho sheep killing dogs of Mercer coun
ty are doing grnat business this spring.
Claims amounting to $.137 were filed with
the Commissioners ono day last week.
Tho dog fund of the county is two years
In arrears, or the dogs are two years in
advance of tho fund. franklin Vcw-s.
It has been reliably ascertained that out
of 185 casos of successful swindling
throughout the State by traveling sharpers,
in various ways, by which pconlo of rural
districts were robbed, some to the extent
of thousands of dollars, only nine or ton
were subscribers or readers of the home
county papers.
Tho Lincoln, Neb., and St. Paul. Minn.
base ball teams were arraigned in court at
Lincoln, on tho first instant, on theohariro
of playing ball on Sunday, but woro dis
charged, Judge Stewart holding that base
ball did not come under the head of sport
ing. Sporting, he hold, meant gambling,
whilo baso ball is morally an exhibition
of skill.
After living with his wife for fifteen
years iu their cozy homo, in Horsham
township, Montgomery county, without
speaking a word to hor in all that time, J
Henry Knott bas mysteriously decamped,'
thus apparently completing ono of the
strangest domestic dramas on record. It j
icms almost impossible that a man could
thus forsake a wife who for fifteen years
had not askod him for a cent Blizzard,
Brockwayvillo had quite a sensation
recently, the American Express agent at
that place receiving the consignment of a
package consisting of a covered basket
containing a baby boy oue week old. Tho
package had boon delivered to tho railroad
express mcssonger by a well dressed lady
at Ridgway, with a tab on tho basket di
recting it to bo left with the agent at Urock
wayville, who was directed to deliver tho
packago to Mrs. Dr. Hoey. Mrs. Hoey
lefused to accept the consignment, and tho
littlo waif was destined to remain in
charge of the local agent until a keeper
was found to take care of it lor a time.
As yet there is no clue to the party respon
sible for tho boy being sont adrift in such
a singular way.
The Forest House, opposite Court
House, Tionesta, suitable for hotel
purposes, is oflered for sale on easy
terms.. Tbe property is in good repair.
with good stabling iu connection.
Can give posssfsion at any time. Io
quire of or address,
J. F. Pkopl-r,
3t- Tionesta, Pa.
Agent for tho celebrated
Reapers, Binders, and Mowers,
Hay Rakes, Ratchet Spring
Tooth narrows, Culti
vators, &c.,
And other Farm Machinery of the la!est
Also keeps on hand
best in tho wot Id.
Call or address
Star P. O., Forest Co., Pa.
Sealed Proposals. New School Houses.
The board of School Dirpotninnf ICInra.
ley Township, Forost County, Pa., will
receive sealed proposals till 2 o'clock p.
m., Monday, June 1st, lffill, for the erec
tion of two new school houses In said
Township, one at Kollettvillo 24x32. and
one at Sutton's 2llxM. Plans and specifi
cations can be soon cither at V. H. Heath's,
Starr, or at Frank Gillespie's, Kollettville.
Tho Hoard reserves the riuht to reinct nw
or all bids. Bids may be presented or
mailed to the undersigned at Kellettvillo,
1'orcst County, Pa.
1- bank Gillespie, Secretary.
April 10, 18!tl.
WriKREAS. The Hon. Chnrlen IT Ttfnra.
President Judge of tho Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
tne county ot rorest, has issuod his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sesssions of the Peace, Or
phans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for
thi County of Forest, to commence on the .
Third Monday of Mav, boing the lHth day
of May, 1801. Notice is therefore given to '
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they bo thon
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said dav with their
reeoids, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their oillee appertain to bo done,
and to those who are bound in recogniinr.e
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall bo in thojail of Forest Count v, that
they may be thon and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 20th day of
April, A. D. 1HU1.
JOHN R. OSGOOD, l.s. Sheriff.
Tit I A I., LI ST.
The best Snlvn I
I'UISCS. Sores. I leers SqII lH,n..... I? -
Sores, letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
I. nilutalltnA.1 l 1.. A
T t T r -ii . . ... tou iu kivo perieci satisfaction,
liev. J. 1. Ureuuan Will preach hero ?r money refunded. Price 25 cents ner
. . . - IIIT ll .ii. c.ln 1... 13 . 1 . , ,
xt baubalh. wo u, iraiiurnuouii, .
List of causes sot down for trial in (ha
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on tho Third
Monday of May, 1801 :
1. Georgo E. Hare, in trust for Josoph
Behrens, Robert Smith, W. D. Smith, J.
M. Haro, C. P. France, and A. It. Thomas
vs. The Anchor Oil Company, No. 21, De
comber Torm, 1SS8. Summoos in eject
ment. ,
2. Fred. Stifzttlfrni v Afna.a TlnI..H
No. 34, September Term, 18i)0. Appoai
from J. P.
3. Hattie II. Riley vs. Phenlx Insurance
Company of Brooklyn, New York, No. 6,
Septombor Term, ls'yo. Summons in assumpsit.
i. Wilbur J. Whito vs. David Minlz.
May 5.
East Hickory.
tint marl thann!l!n
and vicinity the populace was kept 0f James C.nfleld, of Tionesta, iu our
J p ui ibsi wee midst last Fr dav.
fighting fire away from the oil wells
and machinery. In a few more days
vegetation will be so far advanced that
fires caunot make much headway, and
then tbe danger will be over for this
year from that source.
Council met last Saturday eve
ning with a full board present. J. S.
Hood was re-elected Street Commis
sioner for tbe ensuing year, wages
$1.75 per day, and required to give a
bond in tbe sum of $100 for faithful
discharge of duty. Wages for labor
ers and team work were fixed same
as last year, 15 cents per hour for man,
and 40 cents per hour for man and
team. F. F. Whittekin presented a
request that be be allowed to lay a
five foot stone walk in front of his
property, iu lieu of a 5 foot 4 inch
wooden walk. A resolution was pass
ed allowing, not only Mr. Whittekin,
out all others tbe privilege of doing
this very sensible thing. A petition
from citizens asking that a sewer be
built on east side of Elm St. from J.
L. Craig's residence to Bridge St., was
laid over for the present. Iu the mat
ter of buying a stone crusher for tbe
borough's use, the council resolved to
purchase the crusher, and Messrs. Dale
and Herman were appointed a com
mittee to take charge of tbe matter
Dr. J. J. Brewer, of Clarington.
while bunting iu company with James
Hart, stood on tbe bank of the Clarion
aod shot a woodebuck at a dUtanoe of
three hundred yards.
.T Ttf TT....U -J l. .
"com auu me muies have
spent the past few days in this vicinity,
gathering up junk nnd dishing out
Some of the young folks gathered at
Arthur Brenneman's and had a social
time last Wednesday night.
bquire Kerr can beat the world
farming; be will hava new nolnlno.
before three weeks roll 'round.
Johnny Wiggins & Co.
David Baruett's new block will
be so far completed as to admit of his
opening his stock of goods next week.
Keep your eye open for a fine line of
dry goods, clothiug, boots, shoes, hats,
notions, jewelry, groceres, and in fact
everything the public demands. Call
early and make selections. Prices
will be lower thau ever. it
WANTEU-100,000 LATH!
The undersigned wibbes to buy
100,000 plaster lath, delivered at Em-
lenton, Pa., by water. Correspondence
with parties haudliog lath by river
solicited. Address
3t. Ukuu Sloan, Emleoton, Pa. '
Deriick correspondence.
Mrs. William Whitcomb
quite low with consumption.
Miss Mioa Whitton, of Newtown,
was in town over Sunday
J. M. Church has advertised his en
tire stock of horses for eulo for May
The well on Whig Hill is nearing
tbe sand, which will be fouud in a few
I. D. Whitcomb has moved his
family back to Stowtown.
Ihe mill of Wheeler & Dusenbury
is nearing completion, and is an im
posing structure built for convenience
and well adapted for being thoroughly
lighted and ventilated, aud it will be
but a short time until tbe whizz of tbe
machinery will be heard, aud Stow
town will take on its former busy
Oliver Byerly and family departed
for Washington State last week, where
be is conducting a store fur T. D.
Ed. Douglass and family are up
from Wildwood and will locate here
in tbe future.
Howard Lusher is home for a few
days from tho oil field.
James Miller is building a Cue
cellar under his house.
Walter Crouch has added a fit;
kitchen to his residence.
Mrs. J. E. Whitmore, of Pittsburg.
is visiting friends here.
Judd Clark is confined to the house
with ear trouble.
The Jaoce ou Friday niirbt was
well conducted, enjoyable affair.
A l-fe Investment.
Is one which is eruaranteeil In drlno
satisfactory results, or in case of failure a
return of purchase money. On this safe
ion jou can ouy ironi our advertised
ruggiat a bottlo of Dr. Kinir's Now Dis
covery for Consumption. It is guaran
teed to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or
Chest, such as Consumption, Inflamma
tion of I.uiil's. Ilroin-liiiis A ut lima
'rmm file ntn I. 1.
pleasant and aureeable to taste. ii r....iio
,., uiuiiijS uh uepcniieu upon.
Trial bottles free at Proper & Doutt'a
j-o ugsioro.
JNo. 7, rebruary Term, 1891. Suuunoua
in action of trespass.
5. D. P. Kahle, J. W. Kahle, J. C. Kahla,
and It. S. Gray vs. II. V. Curll, M. K.
Curll, and It. D. Canipboll, doing business
as Cm 11. Campbell A Co., J. C. Bowman
and C. R. Howman, Executors of David
Bowman, deceased, No. l!, September
Term, WM. Summons in ejectment.
0. Charles Albaugh vs. Hickory .Town
ship, No. 1H, February Term, 1891. i.
summons in assumpsit.
Attest, CALVIN M. A It N Ell,
Tionesta, Pa., April 20, 1891.
We desire to say to our citizens, that for
New Discovery for Consiimntlon. rr
Kinir's New Life Pills, llnrlln'. in,u
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or that
nave given Biich universal satisfaction.
We do not hesitate to eiinrnmon tlmm
every time, and wo stand ready to refund
tho purchase price, if satisfactory results
do not follow tlioir use. These remedies
have won their great popularity purely on
their merits. Proper & Doutt. Druuir'isis.
Bit A IS.
This is the striking tills of Judge's
Library, or Monthly Magazine of Fun.
for April. It tells of the funny doings
oi other people s children. Brats will
be found to interest not ooly tho kind-
hearted grandparents, the iudulgeut
parents, but also the children them
selves us well. Wa again advise the
lovers of pure aod genuine American
humor to avail themselves of the
clubbing arrangemeut which our pa
per alone offers iu this country. Sam
ple copy can be seen at the office.
Remember that this Magazine of Fun
contains sixty-four pases of readioi:
matter aod sketches. Recular Drica
of Judge's Library is 81.00. When
taken in couneciiou with the Repub
lican it cuntd but 40c.
Y ETTE It H OR A M A pril 27th. at tha
Loom is House, Clarion, by Rev. J. S.
Elder. D. D., Frank D. Yettor, Marion
ville, Pa., and Clarine L. Ilorani, Brook
ville, Pa.
HILL PERRY In Tionesta. Anril 29.
1S91, by Key. C. C. Kumberger, Mr.
Geo. T. Hill and Marv Ellrnhetli lWr..
both of 11 ickory Twp., Forest Co., I'a.
home, April 32, 1891, by ltev. Torrey,
Mr. James A. Connolly and Miss Mary
Kelstor, all of East Hickory, Pa.
Flour barrel choice . B.OOffifl 2S
Floury sack, . . 1.25M1.S.-,
Corn Meal, 100 His . l.7j( vioo
Chop feed, pure grain . . (u,L75
Corn, Shelled - - - l 00
ISoans 'p busnol ... 2.50.11)0
nam, sugar cured -m- llCcl-i
- 11
- 8.60
Licenso Applications.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing applications for license have been tiled
in my olllce, and will bo presented at May
Term of Court:
S. E. Shott, Marienvillo, Jenks Town
ship, Hotel Marion, Forest County, Pen n'a.
O. C. Brownoll, Tionesta Borough, Con
tral Houso, Tionesta, Penn'a.
Justis Sliawkev, Tionesta Borough,
Lawronco House, Tionesta, Penn'a.
CALVIN M. AHNElt. Clerk.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa., April 28, 1891.
137, W. It. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hull, Proper Jt Doult block, Tio
nesta, I'a.
Mrs. C. C. RUMBERGER, Pros't.
Mrs. E. L. DAVIS, Sec'y.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all fat
eul buvinra conducted for Moderate Fee.
Our Ottica ia Opposite U.S. Patent Office,
and wo run nentre puti-nt la leas time tliun tboaa
rtnmto from Washington.
bend model, drawing or photo., with dearrip
lion. We advise, if patentable or not, free if
enari.'. Our fee not due till patent la aerured.
Pamphlet, "How to Olitulu l'uumta," with
Oppoaits Patent OtScs, Washington, 0. C.
Breakfast lSueon, sugar cured
Shoulders -
Whitelish, half-barrels
Lake herring half-barrels
Sugar -Syrup
N. O. Molasses new . .
Roast Itio Cofl'ue .
Rio Coffee, ...
Java Coffee ...
Tea - . . . .
Butter - ... . .
Rice .....
Eggs, fresn ...
Salt best luko ...
Lard ......
Iron, cum mon bur .
Nails, 60d, '0 keg .
Potatoes ....
Lime Y bid. ...
Dried Apples sliced per lb
Dried ISeof -
Dried Peaches por lb
Dried Peaches pared per j
S, Ci
20 (,i 23
. 2.S0
- I.'.
Meat Market,
Is Headquarters for
We handle tho best of everything, and
all at prices the lowest, wiili u .i,,.V.,,.....
and desire to give our patrons Just such
cuts of nieuU and fair treatment as the
most lasti.lious can ask. Cash paid for
Hides, Pelts aud Furs. Call and see us.
S. L.
Reck Building, TIONESTA, PA.
an aguut in each town to sell the
above named book. This is Mark Twain's
latest Nearly 60,000 copies already sold.
2.0) illustrations. Nearly 00 pages. A
groat many agents average fortv orders
tier week. Almost anyone can sell twenty-!;
vo weekly. This is very protitablo
business. rite for terms. C. L. Wob
stor A Co.. 3 Kast l lth St.. Now York. 3
a g Tnt s wTnT e b
tociinvass lor the side of our Home-Growu
h urserv Stock. Most liberal Terms. I'll
eiiualed facilities. Ono of the largest, oldest-established,
and best known Nurseries
iu thetsiiintry. Address W. A T SMITH
The Republican aud tha 1'hiU.
delphia Weekly Ve, the largest aud
best weekly in the Slate, for only 81 7i
SEND your Jub Work to the
LICAN Olllce.
Call and take advantage of this offer.