The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 25, 1891, Image 3

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liurge-J. R. Ct.ARK.
Ormncilmrn North ward, R. M. Her
man, II. M. Forantn, Patrick Joyce.
South ward, J. C. Bcowdon, S. ll. f las
lot, Eli Holcman.
Jntlce of IA Peace J. K. Proper, 8.
J. Sotlev.
Conta,b!e and Collector H. H. CanAeld.
SrHanl Director O. W. Robinson, A.
R. Kelly, K. I,. Davis, 1). 8. Knox, D.
W. Clark, J. T. Rreniian.
Manner of Cong-re Jamki Kerii.
Member of Senate Harry A. Hall.
Amtmbly 8. S. Towi.kiu
Preident Judge Charmcs II. Notes.
Aociate Judge Jouit It. Whitk, C.
W. Clark.
Trenurer Jas. R. Haookrty.
Prothonntarn, Repisttr A Recorder, A .
Cat.viw M. Arwkr.
Sheriff: John R. Owooon.
ryninuonr C. P.- LbobrdR, Jas.
MrlMTYiiB, Philip Emebt.
County Superintendent r.o. W. Kbrr.
PMrict Attorney P. M. Cl.ARK.
Jury OommUrfoncrt Jonw N. Hkat.i,
JoHn'MiiRsr.KNnRRoKn. ,
Cbuitfy Surveyor J. F. PROPF.R.
Coroner Tr. A. K. Htomroiphf.r.
County A uditor W. W. Thomas O.
W. RoniHHOtf, R. Fly ww.
, F. A A. M.
rvT.IVH mDGK. No. B57.
J Stated Meetings held at Odd Fel
lows Hall tlio first Mnnnny orcnen mnnin.
T.J. PA V NIC, W. M.
T. R. COBB.Soc'y.
S. of A., meet every Monday eve
ning In Da1o Hall. White degree confer
red 1st and 3d Mondays of one" month.
J. R. EDEN, Pros.
F. W. LAW, R. 8.
of O. IP.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, in' the Lodge Room in Par
fridge's Hall. Confers the initiatory do
Rrce Ihe first Tuosday night of each
month; first degroe Uie accond Tuesday
wight; second degree the third Tuosday
night; third degree the fourth Tuesday
n'Bm O. R. DAVIS. N. O
J. II. PONTES. Soc'v. 27-tf.
I V)RKST LODGE, No. 1R4, A. O. U. W
I Meets every Friday Evening In Has
let Hall, Tionesta.
J. 11. HAOKRTY, M. W.
J. R. CLARK, Recorder.
J fin VJA Ci A. R.
Meets on the first Wednesday In each
Auonth, In Odd. Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
1 J ftir Forest Countv.
S. N. Towler M. D.. President; J. W,
Morrow M. I).. Secretary t J. B. Siggina
M. D., Treasurer. The Hoard will meet
In Dr. Morrow's office, Tionesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
i clock, a. m.
OHln next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa.
i. H. AONKW. P. M.rl.ARK,
District Attorney
Mr. Clark Is A cent for a number of ro
liable Firo Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa,
C.illectlona mndo In this and adjoining
co initios.
Tionesta, Forest County Pa.
Chares and Mabbnth MrhMl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:4S a.
in. t M. K. Sabbath S'hl at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching in M. IT. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Romberger.
Preaching in the K. M. Chnrch every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. F. tShoup, l'attor.
iservu-es in tne rresuyionan v;nurcn
every Snbhath morning ana evening,
l(ov. J. v. MCAnincn omciaiing.
Oil market closed yesterday 76.
Mrs. Suie Sharpe aud Win Artie
Robinson returned Saturday from a
three week's visit to Chicago friends.
Miss Lmnia Woodburo weDt to
Tionesta yesterday, where she is the
guest of Miss Artie Robinson. Frank
lin Newt
Brother Smith of the Marienville
Express, having been called to court
this week, dropped in on us for a few
minutes yesterday
Emanuel Dasbner, by a mis-clip
with a hand-ax Monday, put a gash in
bis rieht knee-cap, that will lay him
off for a few days at least.
A delegation of Camp 420, P.O.
S. of A , of this place, attended a
parade in Oil City, on Monday in
honor of Washington's birthday.
Dr. Morrow would inform the
public that he has just received
Y? K- III1U.K,
Ofllco ill Kepler Block, Room fl, Tionesta,
AWRENCK HOUSE, Tlonosta, Pa.,
J Jiislis Sliawkev, Proprietor. This
house Is centrally located. Kverything
new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac
cimniodationa and strict attention given
t gnosts. Vegutablea and Fruits of all
kinds served in their season. Suinplo
' roo.n for Commercial Agents.
Tionesta, Pa.,
. C. Brownell. Proprietor. Tills is a
new house, and lias Just neon fitted up lor
the accommodation of the public. A por
tion of the patronage of the public la solio-
Hod. 4l-ly.
W. 11. ROTH. Proprietor.
The largest, Rott Located and Furnished
llous.i In the City-t ' Near Union Depot,
NS, M. D.,
n, Surgeon A Druggist,
tOW, M. D.,
ong county, having located
rooitred to attend all pro-
romptly and at all hours,
enco two doors north of
e. Office hours 7 to H A.
M. ; 2 to 3 an4lto7) P.
to 19 A. M. ( a to and 6i
e Oas Office. Calls at
ly day aud night.
k CO.,
Walnut 8ts., Tionesta,
count and Deposit. In
Timo Dcpositk. Collec-
the Principal points of
Ions solid led.
it of and Dealer in
ill kinds of
ter and Surveyor.
Surveying a Specialty,
Triangulation Survey
slrumeiita and wvrk.
Iding next to Smear
. Is prepared to do all
Drk from the Anest to
lu ran uses liis work to
lotion. Prompt attun
ing, and prices as rt-a-i
work can be done lor.
fresh supply of vaccine virus, and
prepared to accomodate all who may
wish to be vaccioated.
Conrad Sibble of German Hill,
was doing the handsome thing by bis
frieods last Saturday, on accouut of
the arrival of a nice little girl at bis
home the night previous.
Albert Cowdry, of Gowanda, N.
Y., is paying a visit to his cousin
Cbas. Russell. Fraok Russell, after
an absence of several months, is also
back for a few days' sojourn in the
Robins aud suckers are on deck
for the Spring. Some fuir strings of
the latter have been brought in, but
the biting isn't as good as it will be
when the atmosphere becomes a trifle
more tender.
The Repillican acknowledges a
very pleasant visit from lion. J as. T.
MalTett this morning, who has bten in
attendance at court this week. We
were pleased to see Mr. Ma Belt look
ing exceedingly well.
Eddie Kircharlx, of Beaver Falls,
Pa., a younger brother of our popular
cigar-maker, Chas. Kircharlz, is visit
ing him at present, and will become
an apprentice in that trade under his
brother's able instruction.
Mr. Robert Brown, of the Iron
City Lumber Co., of Howe township,
this county, is attending court as a
grand juror this week, aud made the
Reitblicax a call Monday. Their
base of operations is at Nashes.
"Juhnoy, Johnny, if you don't go
into the bouse this minute and get
your overshoes, I'll tell your mother."
"Tell on then, I aiu't a-cariiig we've
thrown away our rubbers and taken to
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, we have."
D. I. Ball, W. E. Rice, Warren ;
J. T. Maffett, John W. Reed, J. E.
Wood, B. J. Reid, Clarion ; A. B.
Richmond, Meadville ; J. II. Osmer,
C. Ileydrick, Frauklin; G. A. Jeuks,
C Z. Gordon, Brookvillo, are among
the prominent attorneys registered at
the Central House this week.
Messrs. Scowdsn & Clark have
the finest lot of new work in the
shape of buggies, buck boards, etc.,
their factory has ever contained before.
Some of this work is already sold, but
much of it is for such customers as
want a strictly first class article, at a
fair and living price. It will do you
good to call and look over their stock.
The citizens of Corry, Pa., are
congratulating themselves and feeling
jubilaut over the election, last week,
of James M. Lambing, Esq., to the
mayoralty of that city, by the largest
majority ever given an individual for
that office. Mr. L. has inauy friends
among our older population who can
assure Corry that she has made no
mistake in the choice of her leading
The horse and buggy which we
mentioned last week as being seen to
float out of the creek into the river,
subsequently was seen to pass Oil City.
The rig went into the creek on the
narrows near Mayburg, and it is pe
culiar that it should fullow the devious
windings of tbe creek aud river for so
far without going aground. The
horse was owned by Mr. 6iooe( a rail
way conductor of Oil City, aud Mr.
Dalton, tbe driver of the horse, sent
him the following despatch : "Watch
for your horse, and when he comes
long, feed Litn. I watered bitu."
For some time past a slight de
pression in the lumber trade has been
painfully apparent to our manufac
turers, and many conjectures as to the
possibility of its continuing through
the summer have been made. But in
the last few days confidence has been
somewhat restored and many of our
lumbermen have commenced to ship
with their old-time vigor. Marienville
Cbas. Walter has disposed of his
meat market to Samuel Henry of Tid-
oute, who will contioue the business at
the same stand. Charley wishes to
thank bis former patrons for their
custom, and hopes tbey will extend
the same to his successor. About
April first, Charley, with his brother
John, will depart for Washington
State. While we are very sorry to
lose tbe boys, we bope tbey will strike
it rich in their new home.
Dr. Conners, of Oil City, is at
the New York Post-Graduate School
and Hospital taking a special course
of lectures on the treatment of the
eye and ear, and will return about
April first, better prepared than ever
with latest and most approved methods
known to science to treat those organs,
Tbe doctor's reputation in this line is
already well established, and the addi
tional knowledge gained in this course
will put him far in the lead as a sue
cessful practicioner in these specialties.
The Pittsburg Freu of the 15lh
inst., has this pidce of news concerning
one of Forest county's highly accom
plished young ladies: "Miss Hattie J.
Cook, daughter of Judge Cook, of
Forest county, spent several days in
the city last week, leaving on Friday
evening for Bostou, accompanied by
her brother, A. W. Cook. Miss Cook
graduated in elocution in this city two
years ago, taking first honors at the
Pittsburg Female College. Since tbat
time Bhe has continued her studies,
and goes to Boston to receive further
instruction from some noted professors.
Miss Cook makes a nne appearance
upon the stage, is roott graceful in de
portment, and her many friends in
this city and at ber home bespeak for
tbe young lady a bright and promising
future in the elocutionary art."
Representative Towler has favored
us with a copy of the compulsory td
ucalion bill that is now before the
House. It provides for tbe regular
attendance at school of children be
tween tbe ages of S9ven and twelve
years, and holds parents and guardians
responsible for a strict compliance
with these provisions, and fur failure
to do so imposes a fine of two dollars
for the first offense, and five dollars
for each subsequent violation. Parents
or guardians may be relieved from
fines by tbe school board upon fur
nisbing satisfactory proof that a child
is unable by reason of sickness or del
icacy to be coofioed to close study
What chance the bill has for passage
we don't know, but that it will bav
its opponents as well as supporters
scarcely admits of doubt. That some
such measure is badly needed, and has
been for years back, is also plaioly
apparent. We believe this bill
pretty nearly what is wanted ; not so
stringent at to be hampering in i
provisions, yet sufficiently positive to
bring about the desired result if prop
ly enforced.
Should be kept in the stables and
stock'yards. Salvation Oil is the best
friend not only of man but of dum
beasts as well. For swelled joints,
straiued tendons, old sores, saddle
galls, and wounds of all kinds there is
no remedy like Salvation Oil.
Court convened Monday afternoon
2 o'clock with President Judge
Chas. II. Noyes, and Associates John
II. White and C. W. Clark, on the
bench. After hearing tbe Constables'
eturns, Judge Noyes dolivered his
charge to tbe Grand Jury, and tbey
The Grand Jury finished their bus-
ness yesterday afternoon and were
discharged. The following bills were
returned :
Commonwealth vs. Edward Shippen,
murder ; true bill.
Com. vs. J. E. Beck, aggravated as
sault and battery ; true bill. Defend
ant was called up and sentenced to
pay a fine of $100 and costs.
Com. vs. Wilson Pettigrew, F. and
B : not a true bill.
Com. vs. Peter Ham, larceny ; true
Tbe case of Hattie It. Riley vs. The
National Insurance Company of Alle
gheny, is now on trial.
Depositions were read and argu
ments made at a special session of
court last evening, asking for a change
of venue in the case of Commonwealth
vs. Edward S. Shippen. Tbe court
granted a "rule to show cause," re
turnable the third Tuesday of March
next. So tbe case goes over for the
present. The attorneys engaged are
for tbe Commonwealth, District Attor
ney Clark, C. Z. Gordon, Brookville,
and John W. Reed, Clarion ; for the
defense, F. E. Bible, J. B. Agnew and
T. F. Ritchey, of this place, A. B.
Richmond, Meadville, and Geo. A.
Jenks, Brookville.
The Grand Inquest of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for
the County 'of Forest, in all matters
relatiog to the same, do respectfully
report :
That they have acted upon five bills
of indictment of which three were
found true bills; two were returned
not true bills.
We beg leave further to report:
That we have visited and inspected
the county builtMngs and find tbat
walls of the hall in jail need repairing,
and a shade placed over jet in hall.
Also that floors iu cells be repaired
We further report that there should
be bat and coat racks placed in jury
We also recommend the vaults in
Prothonotary'a office be enlarged and
made fire proof.
We further find that the public
road leading from Porkey toBalltown
is in a dangerous and at times impass
ible condition and recommend there
be a new road made in place of pres
ent road.
We respectfully tender our thanks
to the Honorable Judges and District
Attorney for their courtesy and assist'
ance rendered us during our delibera
tions. J. C. Campbell,
East Hickory.
Derrick correspondence.)
The high water has gone down and
affairs have assumed tbeir natural
condition. The water here was with
in two feet of the mark of 1865. All
the bridges on Queen and Hickory
above Stowtown are washed away.
Mrs. Green, of Black Ash, Craw
ford county, is visiting friends in this
Peter Hammond, of tbe West Side,
was tried before Squire Foreman for
stealing 87 and a pair of pants, and
plead guilty, and in default of bail
was sent to jail at Tionesta.
The election passed off quietly, tbe
caucus ticket in full being elected.
Smith Sulley was taken quite sick
at Poverty Hill last week, but uuder
tbe efficient care of B. Scott, M. D.,
we are glad to learu that he is rapidly
J. P. Fisher has received the con
tract for carrying the mail for tbe
next year at the price of 105 per year.
Joe Graham did tbe bidding fur him.
T. J. Bowman spent Sunday with
bis family at Jamestown.
Warren Whitten and family, of
Fiudly, are visiting friends here.
The high water washed out quite a
bit of the new grade on the Hickory
Valley Railroad.
Lumbermen took advantage of tbe
recent warm spell to do some rafting.
Brown Bros., of Warren, were in
town Thursday and located a well on
land of Lewis Kiester, and will begin
operations at once.
The meeting at Beaver Valley has
closed for want of converting material,
as the entire population was converted.
Feb. 23.
The Falplt $rn4 Ihe Mtaae.
Rev. F. M. Shrout. Pastor United Brcth-
re Church, Blue Mound, Kan., saysi "I
feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for me.
My Lungs were hailly iliseasen, and my
parishioners thought I could live only a
few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 28 lbs. in weight." Arthur
IiOve, Manager Love's Kunny Folks Com
bination, writes; "After a thorough trial
and convincing evldonco, I am confident
Dr. r.lngs New Discovery for Consump
tion beaM 'em all, and cures when every
thing else fails. The greatest kindness I
on do my many thousand friends la to
nrge mem to try 11. r ree trial Homes at
Proper A Douit'a Drugstore. Regular
sizes GOc. and $1.00.
New uiansville.
There is no school in this place th
week as tbo teacher, E. E. Stitzinger,
is absent.
Mr. George Walters is seriously
with asthma ; also Master Pierce Lu
cart with scarlet fever. We wish
tbem a speedy recovery.
The Grangers are increasing very
rapidly at Wolfs Corners. Twelve
new applications have been made re
cently. Oran, son of Orris Walters, while
attempting to cross a fence, fell and
sprained bis back.
Mr. Jacob Wolf was visiting frieods
in New Bethlehem last week.
Mr. Harmon Ilepler received a
painful wound in his knee while
shoeing a horse.
Feb. 23. O. K.
ffaeclnra Cases.
S. II. Clifford. New Cassel. Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgiaand Rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, bis liver was
atl'octed to an alarming degree, appetite
fell nwav, and ho was icrrmiv reduced in
flesh and strength. Three bottle of Klec-
tric Bitters cured him. hdward Shepherd,
Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on
liis leg ol eight vesrs' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven
boxes of Ilucklen's Arnica Salve, and his
leg is sound and well. John Speaker.
Catawba, O., had live large fever sores on
his leg. doctor said lie was Incurable.
One bottle K Ice trie Bitters and one box
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by Proper A Doutt'a Drug store.
Notice Is hereby given that an applies
linn will be niado to the Oovernor of the
State of Pennsylvania, on Thursday, tbe
19tli day of March, JH'.H, by John Katon,
Kara T. Howes. Kenton Cliickoring. Ken
ton Saulnier, Edward H. Cole and Edward
O. Burnhani, under the Act of Assembly
of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An Act to provide for the incor
poration and regulation of Natural Uaa
Companies," approved May 29th, lN8i, for
the ('barter of an intended corporation to
be called the Norway Natural Uaa Com,
pany, tho character aud object whereof is
to mine for natural gas and conduct the
same through a gas line in tho counties of
forest and enango.
JAMES C. BOYCE. Solicitor.
3t. 91 Water Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
The best Salve In the world for Cuts,
n .. i an-. I -1 . ui I
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. II
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction..'
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
dox. r or aaie ov rroper x vomu
Every mother Miould have Arnica A
Oil Linimont always in the house in case
of accident from burns, scalds or bruises.
rur saie at novum s.
Costlveness can lie permanently cured
by the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
For sale at Bovard'a.
Flour "i? barrel choice - - 6.00(6.25
Floury sack, - - 1.251.55
Corn Meal, 100 lb - - - 1.40 1.60
Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.4i)
Corn, Shelled - - 80
Rean Tfr bushel ... 2.50S.0O
Ham, sugar cured - 12114
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 11
Shoulders 0
WhUeflsh, half-barrels ... 8.50
Lake herring half-barrels -
Sugar - 68
Syrup 60J0
N. O. Molasses new ... 5075
Roast Rio Coffee ... 3)27
Rio Coffee, .... 25
Java Coffee .... S235
Tea 2000
Butter 20 2
Rice - 8
Eggs, fresn .... 1520
Salt best lake .... 1.25
Lard 10
Iron, common bar .... 2.40
Nails, 60d, V keg .... 2.50
Potatoes ..... $
Lime V bid. .... 1.00
Dried Apples sliced por tb -
Dried Beef .... - 15
Dried Peaches per lb 10
Dried Peaches pared per - 19
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks and heartfelt gratitude to all
who so kiodly aided us in our recent
sad afHiciion. John Thomson,
aud family,
Beginning on March 2, 1891, at 2
o'clock P. M., I will sell at public
auction tbe remaiuing stock of J. M
Mintz, consisting of Dry Goods, Cloth
ing, Bouts and Sboe, Crockery, Tin
ware, Ac. Here is in opportunity to
buy troods at your own figures. Terms
cash. S. SrETTiiKiMtii,
Assignee of J. M. Minlz
Death of Ronald Thomson.
Ronald S, sun of John and Jeanetle
Thomson, was born at Stewarts Run,
Pa.. March 31. 1869, and died at
Kane, Pa., Februcry 20, 1891.
About four weeks ago RonalJ, with
bis brother James, began work near
Kane, and a short time after was taken
sick. From the beginning his trouble
assumed a serious phase, aud others of
the family weut on from here to minis
ter to his wants. Physicians were in
attendance almost constantly, the dis
ease having developed into spinal men'
ingitis. At one time, he showed signs
of improvement, and hopts of his re
covery were entertained by bis friends,
but another turn for the worse came
and all that loving friends and medi
cal skill could do, failed, and Friday
night lust death came and relieved
him of his iutense suffering.
Ronald was the tenth in a family of
twelve children nine boys and three
girls all grown, his death being the
first that has taken place in this large
and happy family. He was a young
man of quiet disposition; friendly,
gentlemanly, iudustrious, aud of ex
cellent moral habits. His remains
were brought to this place on Satur
day last, and on Monday afternooo, at
2 o'clock, the funeral took place from
tbe M. E. Church, Rev. Rumberger
conducting the services, aod delivering
a touching, admonitory sermon. Tbe
interment took place in Riverside
Cemetery, aod the very large assem
blage of citizens who gathered oo that
occasion attested the high esteem in
which the deceased has always been
held in this community. To the aged
parents, brothers and sisters, the sym
pathy tit all goes out in tho loss of a
loved and loviog sou aud brother.
Petertiou stands in the front rauk of pe
riodicals for ladiea and fitmiliuu. It is not
posHihlo to speak too highly in its favor.
There is nothing tout can contribute to the
comfort and pleasure of home which is
not to be found iu its pagos. lu literary
mutter is always of a high order of merit.
and is furnished by w riters of supei ior
tulout and estulilibbed reputation. The
March number is au admirable illustra
tion of the excellence and variety of iu
content. Terms, two dollar a year,
Address, Peterson's Maguiue, olKi Chest
nut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The following Is the list of officers
elected for the different townships, at the
late election. The officers for Tionesta
Borough and township were published
last week i
Judge of Elections, John Coon ; Inspect
ors, J. E. Cossgrove, Ash Clark ; Justice
of tbe Peace, R. M. Brenneman ; Road
Commissioner, A. Cook ; Overseer of the
Poor, A. R. Slaughenhaupt; Treasurer,
Jacob Maze; School Directors, A. Cook,
W. II. Rarlo, Jacob Cook ; Auditor, Rob
ert McBetu ; Collector and Assessor, J. B.
Assessor, William Blum ; Assistant As
sessors, William Harrison, Willinin Wal
ters ; School Directors, II. A. Dotterer,
Fred. Weingard; Road Commissioners,
R. W. Guiton, N. O. Cole; Overseer of
the Poor, Peter Youngk; Clerk, F. E.
Allison ; Treasurer, Petor Youngk; Col
lector, Edward Kiser; Auditor, Edward
Winker; Uppor Jndge of Elections, II.
A. Dotterer; Inspectors, L. J. Mnhney,
Enos Dale ; Lower Judge of Elections,
Henry Kiser; Inspectors, Calvin Wallace,
William Anthony.
Upper Judge of Elections, 8. L. Vail ;
Inspectors of Elections, C. J. Carlson, D.
Shean ; Assistant Assessors, S. L. Vail,
George King, Jr.; Pathmastcrs, N. W.
Brewster, 8. B. Manroes, George Hood,
W. B. Tead, George Kiag, Jr.; Lower
Judgo of Elections, Sye Noill ; Inspectors
ol Elections, W, J. Gorman, J. G. Brom
ley; Assistant Assessors, W. J. Gorman,
James Elliott; Pathmastcrs, A. J. Handy,
W. W. Black, John A. Dawson, R. O,
Carson, John Wiles, John Mclntyre, J,
B. Erb; Justice of the Peace, F. E. Met
calf; Treasurer, R. O. Carson; School Di
rectors, W. C. Allan, M. A. Mclntyre, R
O. Carson; Road Commissioner, Aaron
Fout; Tax Collector, E. B. Head; Over
socrs of the Poor, W. J . Gorman, R. W.
Pimm; Towu Clerk, F. E. Metcalf; Aud
itor, John Thomson.
Justice of the Peace, W. J. Foreman ;
Road Commissioners, W. E. Witherell
A. W. Albaugh; Assistant Assessors,
Samuel Merviu, Jouathan Albaugh ;
Township Clerk, M. E. Abbott; Judge of
Elections, W. J, Foreman ; Inspectors of
Eloct ns. If. A. Lynch, A. W. Albaugh;
Overst-v.- of the Poor, R. L. Whitten ;
Treasurer, T.J. Bowman; Auditor, John
Metzgar; School Directors, W. II. Stright,
M. E. Abbott, Adam Emert; Path muster,
E. A. DloomAeld.
Road Commissioners, Frank Dickinson,
J. J. Haight, Thomas Lamona; School
Directors, E. W. Keenan, Thomas Nor
way, R. S. Underwood ; Clerk. J. W.
Block; Collector, A. P. Andorson; Treas
urer, J. W. Black ; Auditor, F. C. Proper;
Overseer of the Poor, William Briggs;
Constable, Charles Itt ; Brookstou
Judgo of Elections, D. P.Miller; Inspect
ors, A. P. Anderson, Frauk Craln ; Ball
town Judgo Elections, Win. Briggs;
Inspectors, F. C. Proper, B. W. Goodman;
Gusher Judgo of Elections, A. W. Sowle;
Inspector, W. J. Stewart, M. N. Gilbert.
Maricuvllle Judge of Elections, Jas.
Woods; Inspectors, S. M. Henry, ). B,
Montgomery; Assistant Assessors, John
Coon, II. II. McClelland; Pathmastcrs,
Wm. Necly, J. L. Stanley ; Byroin Judge
of Elections, A. R. Miller; Inspectors, J
O. Grolomond, L. C. Hoyt; Assistant As
sessor, W. U. (ilenu ; School Directors, L,
B. Wray, Joseph Campbell ; Constuble and
Collector. John Coon ; Treasurer, C. S,
Leech; Auditor, T. J. Reyner; Town
Clerk, J. Scott; Overseer of the Poor, Jas.
Woods; Road Commissioner, Scott Bell.
Judge of Elections, John Berlin ; Treus
urer, Eli Berliu; Town Clork, John
Shunk ; School Directors, David Beck,
Christ ZiiL'iidu), Win. Richards; Auditor,
Willium GillONpie; Overseer of the Poor,
John Watson; Collector, William Kribs;
Hoad Commissioners, Levi Pearson, Will
ium Richards; Justice of the Pcuco, It. .
Gillespie; HHistant Assessors, Iaiwis
BelireiiM, E. D. Milter; PathmuKtcrs,
William Putluuberg, Marsh Catliu.
J. B. HAGERTY, County Treasurer, In account with Forest County, for the yr.--
ending January 5, 18'J1.
To Balance t
To amount paid by Pearsall for
To seated tax for 1MH
To unseated tax for 18H0
To seated tax returned
To bonds
To lands redeemed from county.
To refunded by Stato
To Poor fund, Hickory Twp
To Poor fund. Green Twp
To Poor fund. Tionesta Boro
To 00 day list for 18)K
To tax tor uu uay list
To County tax
To Jury lees
To ink sold
To nanersold
To Interest on tax
4,402 59
By orders paid
By 3i per cent commission...
4'"2 00 By Bested lands returned
l,279 61 By exonerations
S,3,rl 48 By 31 per cent com. on lands ret'd
287 75
15,000 00
1H1 3T
i:)7 40
1M1 Kl
112 01)
143 13
3X) Oil
2 40
S 00
10 00
1 00
121 35
..$J2,R3 7-J
400 74'
2ti W
57 75
By ba'anco 14,835 00
f W.9N0 59
18,080 59
To balance f 14,035 0U
J. B. HAGERTY, Treasurer, In account with the State of Pennsylvania, for lSO&t
To balance f5l 10 By State voucher y-Mai 00
To Stato tax for 1890 585 21 By allowance to Brennan 100 00
P.y 5 por cent commission u uu
By balonco 761 81
$1,181 31
To balance 1761 31
J. B. HAGERTY, Treasurer, in account with the Redemption Fund, for the year 1890.
To balance $2,898 62 By amount paid out fl,S0M.
ay balance a.uvo w
To amount received 1,845 60
,r 4.744 22
To l alauce $3,093 98
$4,744 22
C. F. LEDEBUR, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for th
jrwnr join.
To orders drawn $311 19 By 84 day's services $252 00
By 421 miles travel 42 10
By expense at Williams-
port 17 09 $311 10
J. J. r ARSONS, County Commissioner, in account with torost County, lor year lew
To orders drawn $16140 By 112 day's services $330 00
By 1254 miles travel 125 40 $461 40
W. D. SHIELDS, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for year 1800.
To orders drawn $287 28 By 61 day's services $183 00
Bv 851 miles travel 8o 10
By expense at Williams-
port 19 18 $287 88
C. M. A RNER, Prothonotary, In account w ith Forest County, for the year 1890.
To orders draw u $582 65 By fees $382 05
G. W. SAWYER, Sheriff. In account with Forest County, for the year 1890.
To balance from 1890 $ 20 IK) By fees 07
To orders drawn. 435 61 By Jury fee
To Jury fees received 16 OO By balance
16 00
20 00
$471 61
$471 51
To bulauco $20 00
P. M. CLARK, District Attorney, In account with Forest County, for the yearJ890
To orders drawn $186 00 By foes 180 (
We, the undorsigned Auditors of Forest County, do hereby certify that we met
the Commissioners' olhee, in said county, acording to law, and did audit and adju
the several account of the Treasurer, Shorill', Prothonotary, District Attorne.". -i
the County Commissioners, for the year ending January 5th, 1891, and find the aau
as set forth in the foregoing report. In testimony whereot, we have hereunto set o'
bunds and seals this Kith day or January, 1891.
It. J. FLY NN, ll-hS.)
W. W. THOMAS, IL. 8.1 County Audit'ira
O. W. ROBINSON, iL. 8. J
Attest-SAM. Q. CLARK, Clerk.
The Republican aud the Phila
delphia Weekly lrei, the largest and
best weekly in the .Slate, for only $1.75.
Call and take advaulage of this offer.
EXPENDITURES ot Forest County, for yeur ending January 8, 1801.
Counsel foes t 77 50 County Institute 122 1
Jury lees 2,118 !I8 Coroner's lmiuest 26 64
Jury Commissioners and Clerk 91 60 Printing 477 50
Assessors 452 43 Supplies for Court House A Jail 351 80) -.
Constable and Tipstaves 332 92 Jail Physician 4 Ou '
Court Crier 55 00 Reform School - 0 05
Road views SKI 30 Ijibor 53 38 i
Fuel ami light 313 48 Fox and cat bounty 291 90
Elections 694 35 Expense
Commonwealth costs 529 61 Auditors and Clerk lou 70
Bisika, stationery and blanks 320 31 Borrowed money 3.IKH) 00
Repairs Court House and Jail.... 140 63 County Commissioners 1,0.9 87
Warren Hospital H:il 75 Commissioner's Clerk ISK) 00 j
Sheriff's fees 4:15 51 Treasurer's commission 850 67
Prothonotary' fees 82 05 Recording Treasurer' Bond 2 00,'
Junitor 94 60 Telegrams 122
Postage.. 15 54 Acknowledging deed M
Express, freight and drayage 56 80 llunil cuff's 8 00)
Stenographer 190 00 Coinin'rs memorial convention .. S W
Refunding orders 18113 Horse hire 160
District Attorney .. 16 00 Hauling safe 64 50
Western Pcnit 'ntiarv 567 68 Taxes on Couuty lauds 248 BO
Bridges .". 7,39 34 Lund oid to County ... M 20
FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest County, for year ending January 5, 18
ltiduiice duo bv J. B. Hauertv. County Treasurer $14,635 '
Balance due by Sol. Fitr.geruld, ex-Treasurer 2,170
Seated lands relumed lor 18911 241
Due bv Tionesta Township 1VJ
Duo by (ireeu Township lor Surah Slioup 4
Due liv Green Towiodiip lor John Clury
Liabilities oer assets ,
c -....$1.1.
... 5.
Bridge Ismds o'ltstunding
Due Pittxbiirg Bridge Co
Iu Jovee and Dlckraucr for stonework ou Nebraska bridiie about....
Duo Hull Sale and Lock Cu, 1,
Due bills outstanding , ,
Pursuant to law we, the undersigned Commissioner of Forest County, pub)
fortgoiug exhibit of Ihe receipts and expenditures of said County, for the year
January 5lh, lNd. Witness our hands sod seals this !6tli duy of Januurv, A.
C. V. LEDHHI'K. I L. (S.)
JAM KS Mil NT Y RE, U S.j Couuty Commissi
i ,