The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 18, 1891, Image 4

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snrn-mo aos.
A roo9 wny to pack choice rsnrs for
bMkel ; K,nR "otig, neat
Pats one or more dozen, placing each egg
"" pancooara box, j-t large
J "SU uoia uic egg. The egg should
bo wrapped with a layer of cotton before
placing it in the box. Excelsior, or fine,
soft hay, or even bran will answer in
In packing them in the basket and should
be neatly and securely packed, filling up
the basket and fastening the lid down
lecurely by means of wire, and they will
then travel any distance without break
ago. American AgrindturUt.
Tho currying of a thin-skinned horse
Is often an operation as trying to the
tornper of the groom as to the hide of the
animal, and a considerable amount of
"-Jirncticnl philanthrophy is embodied in
such inventions as a flexible currycomb,
which hns recently made its appearance.
This comb hns a leather back and teeth
wade of coppered wire. The points of
the teeth are rounded and flexible, and
thus, w hile effectually cleaning the skin,
they obviate the excessive irritation suf
fered by many horses. It is claimed that
by this construction all the good points
of the softest rubber combs and those
. made with sharp teeth are combined, and
thus one comb will take the place of
two Chicago Xaei.
barns snort.n nAVE oood LionT.
One of the common faults of old barns,
nnd to some extent of many new ones, is
n lack of windows. Not, however, the
sliding pieces of board, which have been
diguiticri bythc name of windows, but
which only let in light when they are
open, and which seldom close tightly
1'iiough to keep out the wind and Vain,
but glass windows, which answer nil the
beneficent purposes for whic h such tilings
are made. Too many ttnbles arc com
paratively dark at mid-day, and toward
night become entirely so. The dark
ness is a constant source of dissatisfaction
to the owner of the stable, and to every
ono who has to take care of the stock,
"bi1 it cauuot be comfortable for the ani
mals. In coming from the light yard to
the dark stable, the cattle must feel un
comfortable, and as dark rooms are pro
nounced unhealthy for people, it is pos
sible that the influence of dark stnhln
upon tho health of the cattle confined iu
them is far from beneficial. Cattle like
the sunlight, nud it will pay to have
windows enough in the barn to supply
nil the light they need. The light will
be beneficial to the cattle and to the mcu
who take care of them, and will be fully
-aUUtiMcd by both of the pai tics.
- iiut.onal Dairyman.
E. H. Havens asks if there is any way
to prevent moths from getting into bee
I hives. There is no moth-proof hive.
" The best remedy or preventive is to
"keep all colonies strong," that they
may tight their own battle against the
moth, and destroy every moth, larva, or
chrysalis at sight. With the frequent
handling of movable combs,- in the
various operations incident to the season,
a worm in any part of tho bive can
readily be detected aud disposed of, and
there is little excise for allowing them
- to bocwijruumerous. A knife or other
sjfji pointed instrument should be at
-iand to administer speedy justice, as
everyone not destroyed soon becomes a
host. Combs taken from hives in which
bees have been wintered, and later in the
season, such spare- combs as the moth
may have had access to, should bo ex
amined, and if signs of its work are seen,
the tombs should be placed in a box and
-'U)icelc.dip .the fumes of brimstone.
If, from any mishap or carelessness, a
stock becomes so overrun with worms
as to be in danger of destruction, the
bee should be removed and the hive and
contents thoroughly fumigated with
brimstone. If any brood should be
worth saving, let it be cut out and cared
,for. The combs unfit for any purpose
should buried or burned. Farm, Fitld
' and $lcclman.
m ruri.TKY POIXTS.
" All farmers should keep pure-bred
ipultry; there is no economy or profit in
amnion barnyard stock. They eat no
lie, and ceitainly a thinking farmer
fcrs the blooded fowl and will keep it
"ihefai ff""'i farm should nat
lU Ui'mu good stock,
t all tarred felt on the outside of the
ling, making the inside whito and
a by whitewashing. This will
iter two purposes one shuts out the
lid, tho other makes the coops bright
id ctccifiil, which makes the flock look
ell also.
Tineas, r.otbing so welcome to poul
.viuter as greeu food, nor so hard
in at moderate prices. For this
a the nearest substitute comes in the
of clovi-r hay cut in small length?,
aud and m.xed with wiinu feed in
ii'.ordiug. The hny is stored r.fler
tii-t each year.
. fi.ttining coop should be away from
fiix-U aud roomy enough to
t the birds without crowding. If fed
f.oil sound wheat, oats, and bran
ji, two weeks should find them in ex
Tt condition for the table. A fowl
a'.iVressed, entrails taken out, and
OM.ugbly washed, adds much in its
Melivci.ess to the buyer. The price
iuid be the be:-t fur i-hoicu drescd
" i.e White 31' ii rcn has been tried with
' in r.r.d found wanting. They
eiiil !t; j !!, but the Leghorn is a
.11 H'l.e. This has been fairly teste I
tvral of our A nit ric an brtelers eint-
? (i)i- their own f at Isfaclion, and to see
"ii- viint i:.;;iiv have claimed for
is emu-,;. The f.'.'uhf-'ii has
-t for i. a iv t;i;--, and it will
.''J::der.akiiig to produce a
.-niton l.a witnessed thu in
1 f hiro i.ii-n! ers of w iiilc
, linens ani-ijig our fanners,
L uliii as t ir in lit,s been
I. i.i: their iirojruitor-.. tiiti
titll Itncks
are p.ump, co:n-
I b.t-led, an. I heavy-uudied
(i .y aud g.iod livers, and good
I.-. They are li:i:nsu:ie beeaut-e
.; Hle.s.iu I ni'.vai sliu.v to a I
iiu it green lawn or meadow.
; :y to i li-e, ui.d breed very
uulinl'iii than the barred va
i l" noted throughout K uopc
or tine geese, dtlcus and tur-
show kt'i'U pereepUuu ni the
. the luarkst by (iiod.i. iug
Hthers, w hii-h bring l. tier
ir round thau muiket Inoil-
rlneks of from Iwj to
6000 geese may be seen on tome of the
best farms close to Amsterdam. The
farmer drive his gees to market several
miles distant, as we would a flock of
thcep. Thry export large consignments
of eggs and goese feathers to the New
York commission houses each season, sell
ing them at good profit and pay ex
penses of transjiortation.
One of the largest duck farms located
in the New England States has been con
ducted in such manner that to-day it
earns in net cash for its owner over
$4600. Tho incubator is the power, with
its next friend the brooder, while tho
duck docs her part as tho egg producer
and does it well. Tho average number
of eggs to each duck during the year has
been 187 eggs. This is an average
among 2000 ducks. Certainly there is
a right and wrong way of managing any
business; in this example we have suc
cess stamped upon it, brought about by
perseverance and good, careful manage
mcnt. ititiffiivin Agrieulturint.
Two and three story barns ere a nuis
ace. See that frost is excluded from your
Too much water ends in bog or swale
If you want a thin crop skim the
Grass to bo permanent must have suffi
cient moisture.
The greatest profit on a pis is in the
first 200 pounds.
Roasting cotton teed is said to crreatlv
improve its feeding quality.
If you do not havo running water trv
a windmill to work the pump.
The cheapest feed is that which crives
the biggest return for the cost.
The hens like a place where thev can
hide away tcwdo their nest building.
A little well rotted manure was never
known to injure either pasture or meadow
Fresh eggs arc in demand these times.
Are you doiug vour share toward supply
ing the demand?
Trim your fruit trees so as to irivc a
free, opeu top, no two limbs touchiuar or
crossing each other.
Farm products that excel in qualitv
and have an attractive appearance never
have to hunt a market.
Broadcast sowing ot corn indicates
broadcast sowing of profits, which pro
duce a worthless harvest.
Keep an account with the hons this
year nnd see if it don't pay. Find out
whether it pays to keep them.
During the dormant days of winter
fruit trees will feel tho effects of trim
ming !ess than at any other season.
The cow gets her exercise in gathering
food to fill her stomach. She is at rest
when she is doing her best in elaborating
Hen manure is no better than any
other manure unless tho food of the
hens contains valuable fertilizing ele
ments. If it does not pay to keep poultry on
tho farm, chango your management and
see if that does not produce a better sup
ply of eggs.
Ilortcnse Dudley says when Leghorns
aro cared for judiciously they may
doubtless be kept with profit until five
years of age.
A lot of fat old hens and males, be
they old or young, will reduce the aver
ago egg' production per fowl wonder
fully. Reduce the number of these in
the flock.
If you have no covered run for your
fowls, scrape the snow from tho ground
south of the hen house or barn and give
them a path to it and see what they will
do on a sunny duy.
Tho export of evaporated apples last
year amounted to about twenty-two mil
lion pounds. This source of our national
inrnmn irlll H r i , 1 1 .1 ... A I
..... u iuiiiu muiih u a vuijr
small figure this year.
Wood cutting naturally will be an oc
cupation for those who have any cut; it
is far easier to cut and cord it before the
deep snows fall. It cau be hauled out
more easily on sleds after a good snow
Fruit growers subjected to premature
spring thaws should allow tho frost to
penetrato well into tho ground aud then
mulch their trees heavily. This will
prevent the trees from thawing and start
ing the buds prematurely. Itemave the
mulch in early spring.
How much grain per day should a
dozen chickens eat to do well and lay?
W. G. D. That depends upon what
other feed they havo. Our flock, which
has considerable range und a good mauy
scraps, soft feed in tho morning nnd
skim milk to drink, have a good quart ol
grain to the dozen fowls, half wheat and
half shelled corn.
Anoc lotc A limit a Famous Anatomist.
I'rolessor Hyrtl, of Vienna, the famous
anatomist, recently celebrated his eight
ieth birtiiday anniversary. His great
book on anatomy has lived through more
tiian thirty editions. He invented tin
system of injections into anatomical prep
arations, giving tliem the forms of life,
lie is one of the few who are able to de
liver ar, impromptu speech in Latin, aud
he has a kunwledge of at least ten for
cigu lnn;;uajei. I'rofcvor Ilyrtl has al
ways been an enemy of vivisection and
fie torments in Ilk. led upon animals foi
tiicsakt: of scieuce. One ius-t.mce piovet
t'.iis prettily: Professor Hrucke was writ
ing a bonk on tho weight of auimal
bodies. 11c kept half a do.n dogs iu n
small courtyard of the anatomical insti
tute and re .luce J tlu-ir supply of food.
Their didinal ho-.v'.in f called lV.ife-sir
HyrtTi attention b then. Frj.u taenia
incut he dUcjverod laetu luwent tothe.n
every u.'gnt an 1 fed them.
IVofctsor Ururke was puzzled to find
taeni fatter at the end of the week tiiau
t iey ha 1 been ut the beglining. Vii
tnjn 'limsf.
A Hi Cookery.
A kitchen of the following gigantic
appurteii.irice-i iu a l'nisia'i business
house should be. able t,) uii;et a strain
upon its resources: The are fifty frying
pans, eac!i capable of c ioUing HW "cut
lets at a time. There are utensils which
cau bake 11U pounds of meat and 22ti
pounds of potatoes iu the true Parisian
fashion. The smallest kettle iu the place
holds twenty-two galloua of water uud
the biggest 11 U. To make the necessary
number of omelets no fewer than 78(H)
eggs are require.!. There ure gal
luiis of coffea made every day. Sixty
cooks aud 10U assistants keep this estab
lishment iu full working order, Vhinzgt
Hon. James J. Kilhreth, nrwitKnr justice
t thB Court of Bpecial Sessions ot New York
City, in a recant artioletn tbe New York in
dependent, says!
'My own judgment, based upon my ex
periences at the bar. Is, that exewnive drink
ing, nt the use of liquor in some form or
other, either directly or indirectly, Is the
cause of ninety per cent, of the crime, pov
erty and misery of the community,"
Governor Hill recently pardoned a life
convict, from Sing Sing Prison, who ha
served since tSTJi. noon cowl i lion that he
should totally abstain from liquor for Ave
years, and that If he violates the condition
that he shall be returned to prison to serve
out tie life aentni-e. But, with the liquor
shops open, and all restraint removed, what
saremiard will society have against a man,
dangerous when intoxicated, aftrr the five
years have elapsed. National Temperann
DBl'JtKKNNirsS tN EKaLA-Alf.
Parliamentary return shows that tho total
number of convictions involving drunken
ness in England during lsj9 was 151,4'g ot
which 1 . M 1 H were for drunkenness on Sun
days l.etwwu VI W P. M. and midnight. In
juonnon me total was 'jo,4no ot wnicn 147U
were between the hours named. Liverpool
comes next with l.4!H and 7W respectively;
Manchester with I:1M-Jand atW. Newcastle
with 8144 and 1s, and Birmingham with
24.19 and 14S. The total for Wales was KS17
nd UNI respectively, Cardiff contributing
tvi auu itonaon l tr-ffiis.
7 "- a v, iiiu Aiupi ii-ru As
sociation for the Cars of Inebriety met
at the Academy of Medicine in New
Y ork City and listened to a paiw by Dr. D.
A spm-e nf m - V...... . 1. . t ... : . .
. . ....uii.ui imiuuni, on "Aiconono
lnphl-letv nit. I T it n i, .
i.nw jiininnuee. Air.
Crothers held that the urn of alcohol In any
quantity was of m-egitv comlucivo in a do
gree to the shortening of life, and therefore
unil K in 17 men nr. ,,, 1
risks as ahstaiunrs. Ho thought that insur
ance companies which were so careful to
CUartl nnnut. ull ntl.o tlf. .1 .t
agencies were very lax in the matter of
-.ivn i aw uriiiKing risics."
Dr. J. B. Mattison. of rirrmbw,, .
Ta mi. Ai tik..ii.... i .i J:... . . .
v-inuiu Auuicuon as Helntetl to
Liito Insurance." As opium risks are invari
ably reruscl by insurance companies. Dr.
Mattison rievntorl himailr n i i
I r. iv vvllBMlt-l lug UOW
long after stopping the use of opium man
I1lllht ..fait. I.n - . .1, .
,j fivra poncy oi insurance.
He quoted authorities which said all the way
from three to ten years. His own opinion
was that if the applicant had refrained from
the Use f nniitm r,, j
nt haririDa ... I n. - - , . .
.. .OJ ... UPll ulf na murnc oe ac
cepted as a risk.
The model town of Pullman, 111. named
for the founder aud famous bulkier of the
Pullman cars is a prohibition town, as in
deed all model towns are. An Australian
gentleman, becoming interested in this widely
known village, addressed a number of ques
tions to a leading official of Pullman. An
Knglish paper gives the result as follows:
1. In what year was the city of Pullman
founded? Answer 18S(j.
2. What is tbe population at present (Feb
ruary. lS.K))f Answer 11,000.
8. How many churches does it contain?
Answer His.
4. How many schools also, and teachers
employed? Answer Four day schools and
one night school; twenty-four teachers.
5. How many lock-ups or jails? Answer
IN one.
6. How mauy magistrates, with amount of
salaries? Answer None,
. T. Number of police, and their cost? An
swerTwo, at seventy-five dollars per
month .
8. What is the annual amount spent in the
relief of tho poor? Answer None.
P. Can you furnish us with your statistics
of crimer Answer We have none.
10. Have you any asylums, such as those
for lunatics, orphans, benevolent, etc. f An
swerNone. 11. Is the trade in strong drink prohib
ited? Answer Y'es.
12. Do you attribute to tee absence of fa
cilities for getting drink as improved state
of morals as compared witU other cities in
your State? Answer Y a. Union Signal.
A saloon occupies the house where the first,
Sunday-school iu America was hold at Paw
tucket, R. L
The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce as
sisted the W. C. T. U. to pay the expenses'
of the last national convention.
Washing n's birthday will be observed in
the Woman s Christian Tempurance Union
by another membership crusade.
Mrs. Caso of the Baptist Mission at Mying-
J'ian, has formed temperance and purity
eagues both amou; the Burnish pupils of
her school and the English soldiers stationed
At a temperance meeting lately held in
Rangoon, Bunnah, where but fifty natives
were present, seven : een sigued the pledge.
The siteecb, made iu English, was translated
into Tamil, Telugu and Hindustani.
The National W. C. T. U. will send dele
gates to the National Temperance Conven
tion to meet next June at Saratoga. Among
them will be Miry A. Lormore aud Clara'
Hoffman, President of tha Missouri Society.
Several nw divisions have been added to
the national white-ribbon work. Among
thbm are a department of mercy, home and
foreign missionary work among colored peo
ple and Woman s Christian Temperance
Union restaurants.
The W. C. T. U. of St. Johns, Newfound
land, organize I tinea mouths ago, has since
doubled its membership. It lately held a
public meeting, and sustained the interest ot
the audience to the end of a programme two.
hours in length. The largest hall in the
city, seating over a thousand persons, was
"A hospital has been established at Des
Moines, io.," notes the St. Joseph A'euis,
'(or tbe treatuiant of alcoholism by the
Keeley method. The method proceeds on
the hypothesis that drunkenness is a disease,
nnd the chloride of gold treatment is used.
It is claimed that less than one per cent, of
the patients treated with this remedy, which
is a powerful but harmless tonic, over return
to the drink habit."
Bishop Cameron, of Canada, has issued a
letter to the clergvof hi6 dio'ise, treatingof
their pastoral duties toward the temperance
reform. Ho cites the depredations made by
intemperance, and calls tor a charge all to
gether, upon this fiercest wolf that comes
down UKn the fold. The wjrk must begin
with the priest himself. "The pbrai-'e: I
practice te-'totalism myself,' is found to be
worth more t b in any amount of pr caching, "
says the good tUshop, proceeding to call for a
pledged prifsihood. "feetotalisiu conduces
so powerfully to the preservation of health,
thut the combined voices of reason uud ex
perience proclaim it to be a most potent fac
tor in the work of social amelioration, that
revealed religion siisruic above the passions
ami prejudices ot tulleu humanity, nnd shaj
in;r her divino lessous to the self-denyinj
son-it of a crucified God, not only pro
nounces it to be good, I utaiso, under circum
stances which we see most widely to obtain
iu our day and geuemtioti, a necessary pres
ervation auiiist a scandal thut deals dum
nutioti to those 'for whom Christ
died,' our interest as individuals, as
meniliers of the great Chris
tian family, aud as disciples of Jesus Christ
loudly f-uli upon us to enroll ourselves under
the Mered banner uf the toial abstinence
pledge uud oy a united efFort to bailie each
and every device of its enemies.
Isoluted etrorts, however strenuous and en
dunug, will uot do. Henee, dear H:?v.
Fathers, every one of you who has charge of
souls, is expected to do his duty iu this cru-t-ade
agumst, the demon of intemperance.
There must be no neutrul. no lagurd among
you. You are hereby requested to
combine, to deelare relentless war against
the iratllc. and the use of intoxicants, and to
insist prudently on every member of your
resjiective fl'cks becoming ax soon as ijossi
ble enrolled under the blessed buuner of the
League of the Cross."
Tie letter closes with the injunction: "Be
pleased to impart, in season aud out of sea
son, the suh.-.tanoe of all thu lurogoiug pi'iu-'
cipies to your respective fioeks," und uotioe
is givcu tliat hereafter upon every New
ear's Day, eoi-h pastor m the diocese will be
exp-ted to inform the bishop of the precise,
uuuibei- of total absUtiuers iu his purbh, the
report to be made lioiu the parish pledge
I Onyx In Mlssonrl.
( When water containing lime in solu
tion drips into a cave upon the ore of
metals it forms with them a chemical
combination and produce the exquisite
translucent substance we call Mexican
onyx. If the metalie oxide or ore is
jold then rich purple veins and splotches
ippear through the oynx( if silver, then
the coloring is yellow; if copper, green;
if iron, red.
Zinz and arsenic produce
I Ages ago King Solomon mined this
' rare onyx in Africa. The deposit there
became exhausted. It Was found in
modern times nt Obcrstcin, In Germany.
; The deposits there failed, too, however.
Then the most beautiful decorative ma
' teriul known to man cropped out in
; America, but in Mexico, as if scorning a
' Yankee republic. For some years Maxi-
co has supplied tho world, the splendid
shining blocks of precious Value being
rut from the quarries by hand by Indians.
Machinery hat not been applied to it
hitherto to nny great extent, because the
tibstnncc is so fragile that any force
more violent than thnt of deft Indian
lingers wonld split It and luin it.
Now, however, a flut ter of interest hns
been aroused by tho announcement that
in Missouri, iu Crawford County, in tho
Ozark range, inexhaustible quarries of
onyx huve just been discovered within
seventy miles of St. bonis. This isgreat
news. Of course wo do not want the
magnificent Mexicnn onyx to become so
plentiful that it will bo vulgarised and
applied to all manner of base uses, but it
would be delightful if this material
should become so cheap that persons of
moderate mentis can have a little of it in
their homes. Thus every good thing is
found sooner or Inter in tho United
States. Jciteleri' Catalogue.
"Why do you bark at the moon?"
isked tho tom-cat. Toor thing," an
iwered the watch dog, as he jingled his
jhain; "haven't you ever board that the
noon exerts an influence on the tied?"
The Sultan has made Professor Koch
a first-class member of the Osmanish
Order of Turkey.
A W eek of Old Time Souther. ppoM,
ii u,he, forost of '-ong beaf Pines. In
Inn hlKh pnnd hills of North Carolina, a UrS,
l ?TJ" yonr for " lt six years on ao.
tln."Vh? V1, be''tto be derived b
thoso snfrerin with throat and luna trouhlei
lue place has been named Southern Pines?
n aki,,"onn.'"n ,'orest abound, In game of
.y.. -p (?-,R""" Eas n arranged for a
great week or sport for the visitor and eioor.
Kor h i1r0!,''', tH" ra,M.or fro"
o rtn linvinu been arranged. From Ikwton
win te a deer hunt, a fox chase, a oiai hunt
n,.n"nudIn'?,:t' , "H'Ji'?
been.. 2 . OJ" Also R "thern bar-
a i ,l ..JV ,lud n 01,1 tlme P'"-
Jii ii. Uce bv t,,,lure,t men and women who
will intiortu e some of their pi amatlnn onZ
& Mine,U,;,nUt" so ', either MeroKSSt
on It rmcl'ncrslro,,'vi!os,,on' ol Domin
or JfuvT "m N?w Yo':k ott January 31,
?u-ir?V ?n ,!u'a,"1ur fro" Usltimoreon Fehl
w 11.. . .nl" w;Uo n'e'"t wdl, no dniiht, en
toaavof1 Vfvri,t,Vi" be, moth differirlt
fa fin Northern sport that the oddity
f It, if nitliln, ds -.wdl mskolt Inter.tin,
iiiNJWi British battle-ship. the
Hood, U being built at Chaiham. ulp'
If not nhope lclni tutiKht by a nmn.takc this
o-k it advice. Try VAM.ui' Klectrie sjoap next
M-ntlaii. It won't co-t luueh. an-l yi.u will
th n know for uaur-cli Just how good it Is. He
sure to get no iuiituliou. There are luta of
TiiF.nnnre S',fi courts In the United Btatel
engaged iu granting divorces.
State or Ohio, Citv o Toledo, I
Lucas I ocnty,
Fiiank J. makes oath that belt
. the senior isiltner of the linn of F. J. Chknki
& Co., doing business In the City of Toledo
i ouiity anil Stale aforesaid, and that snid lira
will pay the sum of One llundre i Dollars fn.
each and every case of Cataukii tlmt canno
be cured by the use of H ai.i.'sC'atahhh t'rna
1- hank J. Ciiekey.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in no
presence, this 0th day of December, A. D l!tsi
( . A. W. Uleabon,
' v ' Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally am
aeta directly on the blond and mile us sur
faces of Ihu system, teend for testimonials
F. J. Chenev & Co.. Toledo, O..
t TV gold by Druggists, 7.V
Italy Is to spend $15,UU0,O nn Its new nav)
this liscal ye '. Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harm.
ItFs in effect, quick and iositive in action
rent prepaid on receipt of SI por bottle.
Adeler & Cu..5g.' W vainl i ii le t kuusaa Cliy.U
Timber, Mineral, farm 1,-ia Is aa t Ranch
In Missouri, Kansas, Texas aud Arkansas
bought ami sold. Tyler & Co.. KansaiCUy. Mo.
Money invested in cuniee one nundred dot.
lar building lots in suhurusof Kansas City will
pay from rive hundred tooue thousauf per
cent, the next few years under our plan. i'k
canh aud $' per month without tuterost cou
trulsadedirablelot. Ctrtioularson applloistiuj.
J. U. Bauerlein Ac l3o.. Kansastiitv. M.O.
FITS stnr3 1 f re-j by !. Kc.ixg's Gnu if
Nkkve Kkstokkk. No tits after lirst day's use.
Marvelouscures. Treatise and Si trial buttle
free. Dr. Kline. Kll Areh git.. I'hila., l'.
Oklahoma Guide Honk and Mapsentany whsr
on reeelpt of 6ucU.Tylur & Co, Kaunas City, M ,
Cause of
An acid whlrto exluts In tour milk and cider, call
lactic arid, la believed by phyaictana to be the c&uat
of rbeumatiam. Accumulating In the blood, It at
tack the tlbroua tlMuva In tbe Joluta, and oaumi
agnnlalng palna, Wbat la needed la a remedy U
neutralize the acid, and to no Invigorate the kldneyi
and liver that all waste will bo carried off. We cat
boncfltly recommend Hood'a Harfta pari 11a for them
purpoties. It haa cured others ot rbeuwailain and U
will cure you.
Hood's SarsaoarilN
Bold by sU drUKKl1 li tx for $.". prepared ont)
i,) C. L lluul) a CO., Aputliei.'arlea, Lowell, Uaas.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The Hon. J. V. Fennimore is the
Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and lives
at Dover, the County Seat and Cap
ital of the State. The sheriff is a
gentleman fifty-nine years of age,
and this is what he says : "I have
" used your August Flower for sev
" eral years in my family and for'niy
" own use, and found it does nie
"more good than any other remedy.
" I have been troubled with what I
" call Sick Headache. A pain comes
" in the back part of my head first,
" and then soon a general headache
"until I become sick and vomit.
" At times, too, I have a fullness
" after eating, a pressure after eating
"at the pit of the stomach, and
"sourness, when food seemed to rise
" up in my throat and mouth. When
" I feel this coming on if I take a
"little August Flower it relieves
" me, and is the best remedy I have
" ever taken for it. For this reason
"I take it and recommend it to
" others as a great remedy for Dys
"pepsia, itc."
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
In reading over the literary Item ot
tho week, 1 found not much to interest
too, until tny eye caught sight of an
article headed "JenM Dream. Imag
ine my gurprlse to find It ended ttp with
ft recommendation to me Dr. l'lerce'
Pleasant Tellets. Nevertheless, being
a great sufferer from sick headache, I
determined to try them, and, to my great
Joy, I found prompt relief, and by their
protracted use, a complete immunity
from such nttneks. Tierce's Pellet
often cure sick headache In an hour.
They are gently laxative or actively
cathartic, according to size of dose.
As a pleasant laxative, take one each
night on retiring. For adults, four act
as an active, yet painless, cathartic
Cause no griping or sickness. Best
Liver Pill ever made. Smallest, Cheap
est, Easiest to take. For Constipation,
Indigestion and Bilious Attacks, they
have no equal.
Manufactured nt tho Chemical Labo
ratory of the 'World's Pispensart
Medical Association, No, 663 Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
llel In Different Countries.
In tho tropics men sleep in hammocks
or upon mats of grass. The East Indian
unrolls his light, portable, charpoy or
mattress, which in tho morning is again
rolled together and carried away by him.
The Japanese lie upon matting with a
stiff, uncomfortable wooden neck-rest.
Tho Chinese use low bedsteads, often
elaborately carved, nnd supporting only
mats or coverlids.
A peculiarity of tho German bed is its
shortness; bedsides that, it frequently
' consists in linrt of n hirirn down tilllow
or upper mnttress, which spreads over
tho person, nnd usually answers the pur
pose of all tho other bcdclothing com
bined. In England the old four posted bed
stead is still the pride of the nation, but
the iron or bras bedstead is fast be
coming universal. Tho English bods
nro tho the largest beds in tho world..
Tho ancient Greeks or Romans had
their beds supported on frames, but not
flat like ours.
The Egyptians had a couch of a pecu
liar shr.pc, more like an old-fashioned
cosy-chair, with hollow back and sent.
Sen York Journal.
Tlio forciga trailo of the United Slntcs
in niiuiufacturcd furs amounts to $5,500,
000 per annum.
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
ACTING LIKE MAGIC on (he vital organs, strengthenina the
muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud or health
The Whole l'hysical Encrpy of the Human Frame.
Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE
FEMALES to complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Prepared only by TH08. BEECHAH, 8t Hslrns, Unotihlra, England.
H. F. AI.LF.V CO., Sol Aomtm for Vnitut Hlnlrt, SOS 3T faal St., New
xorK, irno f if (rnr aniiji.i aarm wui
r-TTi' I" . n-..
I-ELY'8 CREAM BALM Cieaiiws v-o Nasal
l'a..te.y Alla lain anil jDliamniation, lt.ln
th. honi, K..Urs TaMttt anil hmrll, ana 'nr.ii
U A A J t 1 J I i V . k ITT !
t rtM ills vti sti i nti r rv.
n Mf mm lib jnaa II It l 1 I I I IS w :i
I V Jf ; tilvca ltcllcf at onco foF I ol.I iu lhwl. BTisVXl
I SiMWf ' Apply into tht Xcntril. It it Vniekly AbtorbrlL I Al0
"- JjruKKlsUorbymaU. ELV B1IOH..6S Warren bu. M. Y.l -fS- SOtl
V burdens
by usi
What would you give for a Friend
who would take half your hard work off your shoulder
and do it without a murmur ' lVliat would yon give to
find an assistant in your housework that would keep your
floors and walls clean, and your kitchen bright, and yet
never grow ugly over the matter of hard work ? SapolU
i jusi such a friend and can be bought at all grocers.
X!f$l5ftittXZ?i& St. Louis, Mo.
( rssimn, Nctn
JV"p lit
Orlv i'Hiit htpvii l
j Lj tUi- ills Jit IlrtrVArrf Amlmrs ...,t ml .
Cvlh-g;!, aUu, by pn.ffloual mini buirtan men eu'iy.
wLcrr. If u't for aule lit yur uwn -end 5fl to
J. OHKK1.Y. 71ft WMhliigtrtn Htrt-ft. Hoton.
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Ltj Principal Examiner U S. tvuaioa bureau
Ii7ialitiil r Uti4ljLidicatiiiicJiiiij, nlt uun o
WI Ti'llVii!fcJrM 0 Kllk A Rutin
tl 'lM.AMlllViML -u(iuKh Lr oovei &C0 .n
ituc. ; beat, x:. 1-ilmakik shiLlt JJllX, Little Ftrry N.J.
How to Learn Modern Languages
Without mim. AililreM l.invult, Mortsiliilv, S. V
CluawsL Kt'licf Is Immediate
Cold iu Uio Ucad it has uu uquah
Jl is au tilliliucTlt. of whlrh
UOstiils. l'ricc, X'. Si.lil by
Adili t sak
A (,'andeuieJ
haiiiiv rtrrruiii-i
:ouiuiu.k lu a
rum in1
uiur:y titiy Lu.jlt
little more ttb -u .
iutt uoe iimitri.
iix) to iiir to, t.-i ?u I -uru uiti u; but ber, wtiti tas ouo vol mat) be c tu luru at ouoo lo t.! mutx
dn i rtDj tbv pat. bi1 tus wltole lUiiisf U cmrly auj euuol -ely tiipUlu t) L.a', inluly Ulutrai4.
vent potjk.a ' iiL.ii u. 6tk in taOiijt i UDW uf tjlvor. toLOK VU. UoUii, 1A Uoiiitrd at ti.t.
Rabbit Wool.
To look at the rabbit a a wool-bearing
animal aud source of annual profit is a
point of Viow that will certainly lie novel
to most people, but a student of the sub
ject declares that the fnbbit is valuable
when thus regarded. He yields a wool,
It is said, softer and finer than that of
sheep, and, besides its beauty, it Is be
lieved to have the valuablo attribute of
benefiting or curing rheumatism. Small
as ho is, his growth Is vigorous, and it is
t-stimnted that the amount of wool pro
duced by a rabbit in a year, ns he can be
combed several times and the wool grows
again, is worth about five trancs, which
is as much n the wool of a lamb would
fetch. London Standard.
Th foldeit la Vrar.
Po Ihe weather iironhets se.-in to predict
that this winter will be, and by our experi
ence thus far enn we uoubt but that they
tiiindkuottft thluir or two ahnut the matter?
Wellihe this as It may, all will concede that
a winter with clear, cold, bracing- stitioaphere
Is certainly more conducive to health lhail
those so mild of the past few years.
Warm clothing Is mo.t enwnt tall even thnt
sometime fails to pmttn-t us from the friend
ly embrace of "Jock Frost," wb.ii, no doubt,
will tie very vitorou In his endeavors to hit
us know that he has come to stay awhile.
Weleotne him we mu t, bin lot not r,auld ac
quaintance tie forirol'' should he become too
fnmilinr: cherkmate him as I always have
done. No frost-bites for me If yon plvae; the
moment 1 feel his icy breath upon finger
or tnesl nip his little scheme in the bud by
Imtlilnv freely with some of thst urand old
twin reliever called Dr. Tobias's Venetian Ijlu
lment. You can Just try It for youreelvee and
llml nut, ton, that what I tell ou Is the tm h,
and nnthinit but the truth) something well to
rcuiemberl .
! Vo Bver ol'
Any person endlni ns their na ns an I a l
drrsBWiil receive Inforinatlon that will leal
to a foftuuo. Ilenj. Iat1s J Cj, ISiourily
liulldiiiK, Knnsan t.lty. Mis
Otiaranteed Uve year etttiit iter nent. Flrtt
Mnrt-raueson Kansas City property, Interest
payableevery six months; prlnoipal and Inter
eetuoliectel when due and remitted without
expense to lendor. For sale by J, U. Bauerlein
di Co KansaeC'lty. Mo. Write for particular!
If afflicted with soree-esnse Dr. Isaac Thomp
son's F.yewater.Drui?tfifit sell at o. tier bottle
btb curea du
WdUnds. cuts. Swellings
THE CHARi.FS "c-i rq ft . Bmtlmors. Ml
Lm thitrt oi,-trn rrnt ft dr iter hra. l'rfv-pnto and
rurMftlt ilim-owic ll tt C"T fi It, w Kna uymn
t winl V.iprriM i a ' Toirtiinonlliifrv. Kmc,
1 irt mi of
Adh .'snncri' 1'ttU
fUen or mora. I. H.
IIINSON A lkfton. Main
lci (nrtie W.i fiy llh ll.Ut
WUmt F..nmiinhii. -Khmutk. Shitrt'hantl, eta
1 1 thoroUKbly truRht bj .11 All Clrculfim free.
Iirrmitft ('llrse, 4-9 Main St., HuilaUs, N. Y.
For ftn ItiTMtment Hny n ci In Ohlofttcn. Vrt Mnp
A fnixdon to oily with prlom A tTtn fi.r our property
V. M. Wllllftiim, HU.1 t'hftinU r v f Oommcroft, ChU-ftm
eTUMt nit. Tsrr-
liLlirst. we will iiiaiI ttui lUnCU
tut Tirra astrmalins
vrf tl: trrtd u ynil
THE ftl. TAFT l0. M. CO..SQCHUUS.K.I. f It K C
M u. XAl-UHS UVKMIIkVr CO.. ltctisi. IM
Ktrp mem j trill mall Uwhnm'm fill o
f .irmrtss fill f
Tou cakn iesSen
lb 13!id ceke ofscourinsoo.p
used f-or cle&nin purposes"
Beam Box Tare Beam N. Y, a.
tW Oot UM UeuuUia,
Itutruuttoiu ira i
U. liULI K A: CO..
Hliinuton, II. (i.
rATARRli. Best. Easiest to una.
A cum Is certain, tut
a small tmrti-lft In atinlled Ui the
druri'lnur win liy in.ill.
K, T- il AKi.i i n k, Warren, Fa.
Knevclovetlla mt ITniveraiftl
imu UMnv evrv HUbtttct tlikt cua in tuuUsii
ciU'ifitMMi form wtit -u (ithm'wUu b learuetl ouljr
t(ii or.
kueycloMtiiM. Hcitouai iti, Ac. lu rrailus
u - tiuiH'r itier ta ts frfULUt rtr-reiiv- to m tuutuuiij
wui D lu Keuerii r aur wouni tkBUi uuueinuiuu
mid wbieb, uultwui ha bu a larie HOrAry pf CAJntiy
l m r. w w
lAT:' VvWW.,
opto uxjova .
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Fijrs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refresh ing to the trwte, and act)
gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses th sy
tern eirectually, dinpels colds, beadU
nches and fevors and cures habitus!
constipation. ISyrup of k lgs is th
only remedy
of its kind ever pro
duced, plensincr to the taste ana so
ceptahle to the "tomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial In itt
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known, i
Fyrup of Fifrs is for sale in b0o
and Jl bottles by all leading drag
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will prr
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
84 FRANCISCO, 01, ,
immviut. Kr tt w ton, h it
N T N U 4
tC.OO (ariiH.tii linntl-pwwctl. hi Hikii( ud
w n1vllh (IreHti Hluw whtrh otimiitn(U Itwlf.
K4.OO liiti.d-M'wrfl Writ. A nneoalf sbo on-
1 tMiunlltM fir mvif Hint iurnblllty.
I), ,U Ucotlymr Writ U Ui lUndard Anm
O KtKx Hi ptiimlnr prtiv.
V.AO i'oltiTitintVpi Hhoti la rflpeclaUy adaptM
4 for rAllrtuwl tnoti, fnnmrn, nto.
All lu i'miKiYMs lnttton and lJkc.
94.00 lar I.ndlew, In the only kana-aewcti Bbo
v aihi at thU latpular itrk1.
2 .AO llantioln Hlioit lor I.artirw. a now aa
ikiirtiir ud pniinlfwn u iMNtMit vpry poimtar,
O.OO Kborlur l.ndiri, and 1 .7 3 for MlaaM
a ntlll ivtalu ih'lr pxit'llf m-o for ntyle, eto.
All iriHMlii wnrrniittHt ami Mainw1 with nam tm
bottom. If advi-rtlMetl l(N-al Kkreitl cannot nunW you,
send direct to factory iK'Utui adverUaed prh ot
a puatal for nnliT hinnka.
wa will dvilTfr, frM ot ail a
Ui Uniud 3UU ait ot um I
fully iacaJi
One ttroouDoe bottle of Pure
Oue twrxjuiioe bottle of Vuite
One Jar of Vaf liue Cold Crea
Ou Ciikn of VaMMlltie Catnptio
C0 Cake of Vaaelmo oat, ui
One lkeof VaswllaetkNtp, vxi
Oue iwiMiuiMw bvvue of Wuite
Or for jMta&4 at tP any BinjU
named. On mo acoouni ' prt t
pourdrupwt any Va4itnsor pr
ttnir.w labelled witH our nam. fts
Jut. yrcoMiwun imitation whioh .
i beebroHsb iln. i .. 4i
By UMintf the K-WRK.
I have cured ull (le C
family, and IntheTtrlnl
antuitil, lurlmllug bab
eut-d with rroui. JS. 1
VerKnitt'rt, Vt,
K.WKF.M Coutrh Pa
Trxx'lio cure boanwDot
niluuttsa, bad outiKtia -ovir
iiLxiit. Italaam, 50o.
It) and 'o. Hy mull or
M. R KKKFAOO.,tr3K.13i
EWIS' 93 t
Powdered and Per
1'ba strongest aui pur.
nittdo. Will inulto tiistj
lumoJ Hai 'l tloap ia -M
uU"-jiiiitoutboitinfi. Iti
lieht fur disiufoclinj i
closets, drains, ivashiaj
larrels, paiuL ota
on, Agist,, 1'bllii., !
Wiji b Mf1 all sbool aBetMt I
4 1 to Pl.k Out Qttd Di4ii Knur fir
( A.safswi KxHUii euid so asvr4 swuus) Tm
'oelLmld rwxo pt of ol r S c
r l u - i " v. ii; m
RFN 1" I V.