The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 11, 1891, Image 4

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: AM -wnrr brkrds tkndkki
Thire scm to be cnnsidtirnble contro
versy oyer the hnrdiueos of the various
colored fowls, and we cannot understand
why it should be so. Some writers ars
bold in the assertion that white breeds
lire tender. How can color affect the
health of a bird? The Brahma is almost
a pure while bird, yet it ranks with the
hardiest. The White Wyandotte, AVhite
Game and White Leghorns are as hardy
fowls can bo. If some of these
writers who make such claims would
only come out and give us good, ub
eUntial proofs we might be benefited.
Merely telling us so, without good rea
on, cannot convince xt.OermantoKn
Penn.) Telcqraph.
It is not desirable to cool a dairy by
means of ventilating pipes from an ice
house. The waMc of ice costs more
than a cooling tank kept at forty-Cve de
grees by the direct use of ice. With
such a tank, pails twenty inches deep
and eight inches in diameter are used.
But by the newly introduced method of
raising the cream by adding water to the
milk, the use of ice may be dispensed
with, to the great relief of the dairymen
and families. As soon as the milk is
strained into the paus, one-third the
quantity of cold water from a well is
added; this causes the complete separa
tion of the cream in twenty-four hours,
at the expiration of which time the milk
will bo sweet in the warmest weather.
In winter the water may be used at a
temperature of 130 degrees, and if the
milk is kept in any reasonably protected
dairy, it will not freeze in that time in
the coldest weather New York Timet.
We have never had better success
growing strawberry plants than the past
season, set in furrows. As we have be
fore advocated, wo prepare the land by
fall and spring plowing. Then plow
furrows with it two-horse plow, keeping
the landslide as uubroken as possible,
and as fast as a boy straightens out root
and drops plants a good man places thcui
against the landslide of the furrow,
hold-'ng roots spreading out or face shape
and drawing in a big handful of dirt
against them with the other band. We
then passed along and scattered well
rotted manure, and then A man followed
with a hoe, .drawing in earth and filling
up furrows. The result was nearly
eicry plant grew, while had they been
V -et in the old way and carelessly doubled
up and pushed into a small hole made
with a trowel by careless hands a largo
proportion would have failed to grow,
especially as late as we set them, middle
of May, and hot weather at that.
.Purdy'i Fruit Recorder.
Open ditches should only bo made
iwhere absolutely necessary. The reason
;ia obvious: a tile drain will generally
'cost but little if auy inoie man A properly
constructed open ditch with sufficiently
sloping banks. Fields can be cultivated,
hauling done in less time and with loss
inconvcticnces, beside the additional
-ground to cultivate, which would be
waste land if the ditch wero left open.
.Thej-o is a constant demand for the deep
ening and widening of ditches, and this
demand will continue until their bottoms
are sunk low enough not to obstruct the
discharge of the tile drains. The bottom
'Of an open ditch should be at least two
jfeet below the necessary depth of tile
; drains, to prevent the tilo from being
filled up and obstructed by the ever-ac-;
cumulating sediment iu the bottom.
.Probably the best way to treat this le
posit of sediment would be to make bank
Blopes not to exceed two to one, or still
flatter, which will greatly reduce the
cost of cleaning out the ditch and keep
ing it in repair, by plowing and scrap
ing out the deposit and spreading it on
the adjacent hind. The above is from
report of the Ohio Society of Civil Engi
neers. Bottun Cultitator.
There are many people who consider
moles a nuisance nud endeavor in every
way to get rid of them, in the belief that
they destroy vegetables, eat seeds and
. planted grains, and in many ways damage
sfrons, besides making gardens a d
gioui cU unsighty by their burrowings.
: Others, while admitting the uudesirable
- T"S - indergrouuds roads, believe
Ithey do more good than harm in the de
struction of worms, bugs, etc., that
: would more injuriously ubouud were it
. not for tho moles. A Viueland (N.J.)
correspondent of much exjiericneo has
heretofore said iu the World that he has
followed their runs through potato hills
and road beds of every kind, also among
his strawberries, blackberries, etc., and
has never yet found any injury from
them, and he coucludus tliHt tliey subsist
entirely on worms, bugs and the liko that
get into runways, uud or? therefore
among the farmers' and gardeners' best
friends. An Ohio correspondenf bus also
spoken a good word for the moles,
especially ou meadow lands. Much other
testimony of a similar character might be
igivcn. Ou the contrary, there are per
jsons who assert positively that moles do
jeat grain, and recite instances that sua
jtain them in their belief. Upon the
Jwhole, with much conflicting evidence
on the subject, it is deemed safe to say
that the mole is essentially iusectiverous
in its habits, and unless impelled by
ihunger from a scarcity of its favoril food
partly affects vegetation injuriously.
Dropping castor oil beans in their ruus
is said to h:ivs the effect of keeping them
away. Aeio Yoik World.
The best form of the upper surface of
the roadway (its cross section), says the
jAulmru (Ala.) Experiment Station bul
letin, is that of two inclined planes meet
ing iu the centre of the road aud having
itht-ir angles slightly rounded by a curve.
Tho inclinations of the planes should be
greatest where the surface is rou.u'h aud
least where it is smoothest aud hardest.
On a steep hillside the surface should be
a single slope, inclining iuward to the
face of the bill. A ditch ou the side
next to the hill receives tho surface
water, which should be eaniid, ut
priH.r intervals, under the road to its
'outside. This form is also advuutugeous
when the ruad curves rapidly aruuud the
hill, as it counteracts the dangerous cen
trifugal force of the vehicle.
The following ud litioual suggestions prove of benefit : For the ordinary
(till mails r,f tl,i country, if the soil be
loose him. I, h coal in l' of sn n.flu.a .A
v rule, I upon it will lie the m,t
e and rhi apest Aay of iuiproviii"
iiy ran w piotuied wjitim u
moderate distance. Only half of the
width need be covered with clay, thne
forming a road for the summer travel,
leaving the other sandy portion un
touched to serve for travel in the rainy
season. If the toil be an adhesive clay,
the application of sand in a similar man
ner will produce eouallv beneficial m.
suit. On a steep hill these imnrovn-
ments will be narticularlv r.lnahL In
rcDairinir these roads the Mrt.h shmil.l ha
as gravelly as possible and free from
vegetable earth. Sod or turf, though at
first touch, soon decava and forma th
softest mud iu wet weather.
Fowls need water in tho winter.
Have the team shod well or not at all.
Cover tender shrubs with 'barrels
stuffed with leaves.
Always breed from a stallion that will
improve your stock.
Onions and fruits keep better in shal
low bins than in heaps.
As far as possible keep birds of a size
and disposition together.
A few bruised apples will sooner or
later spoil the whole barrel.
If you let the calf become stunted wo
shall have a "stunted cow."
Have you got everything in the best
possible condition for winter?
All lilies are beuefltcd by a heavy coat
of leaves held in place with brush.
It is again announced that you can
breed sex at will with certainty on
If more than fifty fowls are kept, they
should have more than one homestead or
A few hens, with the care usually
giveu, win give more eggs in proportion
than a large numb.-r.
Hard work is not so apt to injure a
horso as the failure to receive proper at
tention after the work.
If the combs should become frosted,
bathing in sweet oil will relieve nd pre
serve the lojks somewhat.
It is the freezing and thawing that is
injurious to pansies and strawberries.
Cover them to prevent this.
For eggs and chicks combined the
I.anghans, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes,
and Hrahams are excellent.
The colt raised iu a stall or close lot is
apt to bo more awkward and soft than
one given to plenty of room.
Never try to keep milk at a low tem
perature by keeping the cow in a low
temperature. It will not work.
Do not smoke wheu about the milk and
butter. Customers do not liko to take
the nroma of tobacco in that way.
Violets and pansies are hensed out by
the frost, and need a light covering of
leaves, evergreen boughs or litter.
Do you recommend winter dairying?
asks a correspondent. Yn, if tho dairy
man will give it the proper attention.
Mahonias, rhododendrons and yuccas
should be protected with leaves, held in
place by evergreen boughs or fluo brush.
Beets, carrots, turnips and "parsnips
best be buried in soil in tho cellar for
home use. Large quantities may be
If there are burrs in your corn-field or
pasture it won't pay to turn the sheep in
there to pick. It will pick the price of
the wool at shearing time.
Hollyhocks should be covered with
sod, set roof-like on each side; or with
a forkful of coarse mamure. Bewure of
smothering and rotting them.
When cows fail to breed there may be
a cause that can bo removed, but tho
only general advice that can be given in
such cases is to keep the system vigor
ous. In raising poultry for profit you must
first consider the surrouudiug circum
stances, the amount of capital to invest,
the space of ground to be occupied, and
the amount of help available.
Every dairy ought to be scientifically
conducted or not coudncted at all. This
letting a dairy run itself would seem to
indicate that farming was so profitable
that we did not know what to do with
our money.
Death is always reaping.
It never pays to find fault.
Wherever there is power-there must be
Exaggeration is one of the-easiest ways
of lying.
No man can get rich by watching the
street corners.
There can be no mercy for the man
who will not receive it.
The hardest misfortunes to bear are
those which never happen.
The world is very small to people who
live only to please themselves.
A man who don't know much at borne
learns very fait when he travels.
No mau is very strong who is not
strong enough to control himself.
People who can be spoiled by honest
praise are no account to begin with.
One of the hardest people to forgive is
the ono who has caught yon in a fault.
Sometimes the only road to real suc
cess U through what the world calls fail
ure. ' If you were to take tho conceit out of
some people there wouldn't be enough
left to bury Indiunapolit (Ind.) Jlam'i
A Criminal Family.
Some mouths ago there were two
prisoners, husband aud wife, charged
with crime. Mr. Wheatley, Secretary
of the St. Giles Mission, learned that
they had a large family of children, and
these he made it bis business to dis
cover. There were six of them one, a
baby at the breast, was with the mother;
the other five were huddled together in a
small room in Paddington. A little in
quiry revealed an appalling state of
things. The mother was sentenced to
eighteen months' imprisonment, the
father, being an old offender, received a
long term of penal servitude. The
graud lather was doing penal servitude,
the grandmother was in prison, an uncle
was awaiting his triul in a provincial
town, while the auct bad a warrant out
against her. Thus, the whole family
group were in the grasp of the law.
Proper steps were, however, taken, and
the five little ones secured: one, a boy.
was pint-fed iu a school; another boy wtu
seut to the country, where be is in wise
bauds; the other three girls, aged, re
spectively, two, four aud six were put
i).to oue of the society's homes, and have
since been transferred to a home at the I
seaside. Ml XM (London j
Several railway oom panic. In the lTnltd
Btatxs and Canada have introduced an im
portant reform by requiring entire alwti
none from the use of liquor while on rtnty,
ami only promoting those who wholly ab
stain. The practice might ho siinWfulls
imitated by other employes. Tho drinking
habit always impairs the uspftilnem of a
workuifrmnn, ami any movement to tliscnur
aire it won hi be reitar leil as an economic as
well as moral rutorin.
A Chioaeo paper snys: "If all the salooni
were closed at midnight the proportion ol
crime in this city would be reduced one
third, perhaps one-half. Whisky is nt tin
bottom of mast crime liar-room whisky
and the bar-room whisky 'jag' does not often
take on a murderous asjieet before the witch
injt hour. If tho saloons were closed at mirl
nlKht the thieves, iwndhjgtrors, murderers,
loafers would be sent skurrying homeward,
having no other place to go, and the streets
would wear the garb of peace." A con
temporary adds: "If this would work o well,
why not Anre on the result of closing-those
crime-breedei-s seven days In the weekY'
It Is doubtful If the young women realise
or suspect it, but the future of tho temper
ance question is very largely iu their hands.
If they would agree in each parish to have
nothing, to do with young men who drink- it
they would all constantly frown upon drink
ing, make no jokes about it, laugh at no
joke alwut "bottles'' or "headaches," or
drmkiug jesU of auy kind; if. In short
young women would all begin, say with the
neW VOar. tO IUnb .nri an. J i
n ess as the hideous, disgraceful and shocking
thUlfl- flint it r-AiilL. . KA - s
r. , wi mu mi vuu year
Won d see iitnm fit-in)..,... i 1
M ' wivi um, i, biiu more
young mon saved from becominv drinkers.
Varied Jleart Review.
A cosrmMKD nnvKKAnD at twblvr.
I.ulu H.nilon, a dulicaty looking little girl,
who is U-rely twelve years old, wai
arraigned before Justice Hyan at the York
ville Police Court on n cliargo of being a
habitual drunkard. Officer King, of Mr
Worry's Society, tostiflej that complaint
had been made in regard to the girl's habits
He made an investigation and learned from
the neighbors that both the girl and her
fnther hail Iwn drunk on Christmas Dav.
Recently Officer King visited tho apart
rnents where the Hnnlons lire, and found
tho girl lyin? on tho bed in a beastly stat
of intoxication. W hen the officer attempted
to take the girl any tho father, a brutal
looking fellow, interfere I, but was Anally
induced to consent. The littlo prisoner wai
seut to the Protectory ..Yew lorfc Hun.
There is says the Indian' Fn'etid.a panel
published by the Women's National Indlat
Association a law passed by Congress thai
no intoxicating liquor of any kind shall bt
sold to an Indian, any whero within the limit
of the United (States (and it wn not passed
for the benefit of tho Indian cither) . Thii
law is openly, repeatedly and unblushinglj
violated; from its violation there comes 1
long line of evils of which the white race geti
its full share. Now we venture to suggest
that, as a precautionary measure It might b
well to send all sellers 'of intoxicating hipiori
out of the lands assigned to Indians. Th
Indian Bureau iu the Northwest is prac
tically in charge of the War Department
since tho recent order of the honorablf
Secretary of the Interior; and it would be
comparatively easy matter to carry this la
into cfTect. A thorough enforcement of tin
law would be worth more than a regimentoi
of cavalry.
j t 7 iii.m j.rfivricr, x nil
ndolpulo, has tho following from its Berlin
correspondent: "Tho dissraoful scenes at
til a llA tin ilnf irivan I r 4lA w n l : a.
the banquet ; given by the "city of Berlin tr
ulwumi v'uruan were reconciy rue topic
of discussion In council. A councilman called
it the medical nchuetrenfcfit,' aud emphasized
tho waste of money. He was not altogether
WtOni. TllA mrmnl l. . l. -
dical Coujrress were recently the topic
Kntuaus banquet wo really enormous, and i
tho rMlilt a. tl.a ntn t..l 1 .1 . .
- ... vwvu. UlUlAlvailUU Ul UIOSI
of tho staining light of the profession. I re
gret to say that the bigger the man, the
mere, he was inobriate). On a professol
whose name is a household word all over thi
modical world artificial respiration was prac
ticed for almost nn hour, and another pro
fessor who has revolutionized oue of the ulosl
important of melical branches had a bad
cut in hit head, the result of a fall. A French
phyRiciau who has made his name renowned
by lighting intemperance through exposure
of the Injury inflict- -pon the organism by
nleohol was unable to spell his own name. By
n queer coincidence I also saw two men hug
King each other who are known as irreconcil
able antagonists in science, one a leader ot
Uerman bacteriologists, and the other a well
known Paris professor who does not believe
in bacilli."
a Sad scene in coubt.
TVht pathcticincidenUoccuralmostdally
in our police courts! Ono morning a short
time ago a woman was arraigned before a
Justice on the charge of having been found
drunk in the street the previous night.
W hun asked if the had anything to say for
herself, she flushed and trembled, but looked
" J"UK" aimuiiiy iu tne lace as she replied:
"I can tay nothing. I forgot myself and
must bear the cousequenceo." She was fined
five dollars, and was not able to pay; was
about to be conducted to prison when a man,
having tho appearance of a hardworking
mechanic and accompanied by a pretty little
cirl, rose in the audience and offered to pay
it for her. It was her husliand. Hearing
his voiuo, she hid her face iu her hands ana
said hastily: "You must not pay it."
"But wo want you nt home," replied the
man, smiling at her pleasantly. "No you
must not pay it," iusistod his wife. "Don't
waste the money on me. Use it at home.
Buy a new pair of shoss for baby with it."
'Tleaae come home, mamma " said the little
girl; and tho father silently drew money
from his pocket and handed it to tho clerk ol
the court. But the woman still protested,
declaring that ahe would not go borne, and
she would go to prison, and it was not until
the little girl began to cry and tho Judi?e
begged her to think of her childreu that she
consented to return. Her hustand ot length
took her by one bund, the child by the other,
and between them she was led slowly from
the court. Oh, the curse of intemperance I
Work at Home.
No cannon was ever made that Is half so
deadly as the wina gla-s.
Of tho new Mayors in En land and Wales,
thirty-four are total abstaiuers.
The flrst gloss is the most daugerous
glass because it opens the door for all the
Let hell le blotted out to-day, and the ma
terial can be found in any saloon to start an
other one.
The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has
given an opinion that, if it can be enforced,
will prevent the sale of wines and spirits in
clubs located iu local-option towns of that
Henry StoufTer, seventeen years old, dial
a few days ago after helping to drink a gal
lon of whisky at Bowmans lalo, Feun. John
Weaver, a sixteen-year-old boy, who drank
a portion of the whisky, was nearly frozen
to death aud will lie crippled for life.
Tte curse of drink: A man ottered his
little baby's shoes at a pawushop for ton
cents. This was too far for even the pawn
kooper to go, and he rufnsed. And then the
follow urged, "But the baby is just dead."
A young mau proposed for the hand of a
young la ly. As she hesitated ho said: "I
wait your answer with bated breath." The
girl, who is something of a humorist, said:
"Well, Mr. B , you will have to bait your
breath with something besides whisky bo
foro you catch your humble servant. Uood
An old colored man who addressed a tein
peraueo meeting at iVukleu, N. C, said:
'When 1 sees a mau ung home wid a gallon
of whisky and a l-.alf-pouiul of meat, dat's
temp'rauee lecture nulf for me, and s it
ehery day; 1 knows dat every ting in his
house is on de same scale gailou of misery
to ebery half-pound of comfort."
It in gravely announced by a l'arisian
savant that nine-tenths of the birds of
the i'rench capital are Buffering from
intluena. If the disease is fatal aud
contagious there should at once be a
subscription rtarted tojiay for its intro
duction herd with a view to the thinning
put of tho detestable English sparrows.
U uettoi ttiftn ran, and people who are Mihjeet to
rkramatlBB can prerent attacks by keeplne the
blood para and fret from the acM wkioh oaum the
Imm Tn tmnteM the we of Hood's ftanapa
mia. traqueitloiiBbnr the bett blood pntifler, and
which hM been used with treat iuocesi for this very
purpose by many penple.
Ilood'i Barsaparllla has also enred Innumerable
faMW of rheumatism of the seTemt sort by It pow
erful effect hi ntutrailtlnit aetdltr of the blood, and
In enaMinn the kidneys and Itvw to properly re
move the watte of the irgtora. Try U.
K. & Be sura to set
Hood's Sarsanarlllq
old by alt dnirglot. it:stifnr. Prepared only
by C. L llOOD 4 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mu.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Here is something from Mr. Frank
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
House, Lewiston, and the Tcntine
Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it ccme.-t and goes,
and are not slow ir. sizing people
and things up for what they arr
worth. He says that he has loft a
father and several brothers and sis
ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
and is himself frequently troubled
with colds, aud he
Hereditary often coughs enough
to make him sick at
Consumptlonhi stomach. When
ever he has taken a
cold of this kind he uses Boschee's
German Syrup, and it cures him
every time. Here is a man who
knows the full danger of lung trou
bles, and would therefore be .most
particular as to the medicine he used.
What is his opinion ? Listen 1 "I
use nothing but Boschee's German
Syrup, and have advised, I presume,
more than a hundred different per
sons to take it. They agree with
me that it is the best cough syrup
iu the market."
N Y M v:t
In its First Stages.
Be lure you get the genuine.
FOR A ONtCDOl.LAlt Bl I. Is neat its by m
we will tlttilvt-r, irvo ot ui ciiargtM, to auy per to a 1 1
tbe Uoihnl 4tu4 ail of Ut tutu 014 arujl of
lull paukojt
OnetwoouaoebnttlAnf Pnr VaMllaa. . . 10 ct
One two-ounce bottle nf VaMeliUt fomailat 13 "
Oue Jar ot Vasellue Cold Cream. - - li
One Cuke ol Vaseline Camphor ioa - 1J
Cue Cake or Vaneliao oap, uuscent t, 1J
One Cake of VMaeUudSoap, exquisitely Boented.'i w
Ou twvouaov botu oi Wulm VwwUua - it
GrfoTpoataa atnmm anw HitxiHs nrttolt nt fj prt
BOmt On no tutoounl t ptrtun leih aimii' om
ItaurdruntfiMt any kVweilr Or prs-rcUln litre ft m
niM tabetied tvitii our name, beoaus you witi car
i a tniy receive an mutation which tuu little ttriwuiii
Ckbrtirh Hk. Co.. 44 tMato t., N. V.
The Jloiiey iu 1'ulciitH.
"If you wiint to loose or make a for
tune in a day," aniil Mr. II. C. Loilf,'0, a
well-known Colorado patent lawyer, uow
in the city, "just go into the business of
the inventor. It is better thnu a lottery,
for you Ktnud n chance of winning once
iu a while. The ninu who invented tho
hooks now iu use ou tho tops of shoes 1
was a Missouri shoemaker, lie got (?35)
for this patent, but the man who bought
it made $75,000 out of it. The inventor
and patentee of that toy for children,
thereboundiiio ball, uow almost forgotten
by the tickle younsters.cleared $125,000
out f his pateut, whilu tho "chestnut
bell" profited the tirm thut patented tho
idea $150,000. "l'i-jfs in clover" would
have brought the inventor, a central
New York farmer,' as much more, but a
number of linns manufacturing chil
dren's toys inn the risk for iulriugcment
of putouts during that craze, and the in
ventor only received 15,000 uud a lot
of lawsuits. I haven't said auythiug
about the men who huvo lost fortunes iu
the business, but their name is legion."
Knnm City Timet.
There are over 7,000,000 pores iu tho
human body.
Far Npralua, Hraliri, llarkarhe, I'ala la
the tbral or MdV, Hi-nunc lie, Tootliacke,
or auy of ber eatrraal iutii, a lew awolltw
lion, rubbed ou by bauil, act Ilka uiugtu,
vuuhIus the oaiu to iuitliiutly ntou.
liitlumt.iloui, 1 olU bronchitis. I'nfU.
uiuuia, lulluuiuiatious, Kbeuniull.iii. ttru
ralHlu, l.uiubuuo. nemtiua. uiore thorougu
anil reueul t-U unvllrallou. ure nrnuiiri.
All Internal I'ulna, lllarrhuu, ullu,
Kpa.mih NMU.eit, Fulutiilu nuell., Nervoua
neao, Mreole.ue. Ure relieved tntuully,
and quickly tared by laklua Inwardly 0
to till Urup. Iu bull a tumbler ol water,
otiuaboiilo. all Drugs). lb
An excellent anal mild Cathartic Purely
Vegetable. TUe valval and Hnmt
tntbe world lor tbv Cura oi alt liiaartiora
al tbtt
Taken according le direction, taer will
e.lore fceMllu aud reuew vitality.
Price 25 cts. a Boi; Sold by all Druggists
C nTI'llt . Hook-k-jlu, HtiHliiMu Form,
sr-a ti iiuiauBuiij, a
rt-itinauBiiiit Aritiiiiiuuc
, suort'tiaiid, elo.,
I UiuToUtflily trufftit by MAlU Clruulurn Iroe.
ti)uul' t oil two, ! 7 MttlUht., HitlTalu, N. Y.
ItHLLU reel
JV l'Ilt .lrMt.laaa. I
A U (H1 t)tu.tenu ut fUrvtrd. Aniliurtt. i.U otnr
-"" i r''mi'-u sua ouuiM utti avuiy.
I ul for kitltj In yi-ur town . ,d lo
Tniftt Lnpng Is.
Lupus vulgaris, of which w& are now
hearing to much, is an extremely chronio
uisease of the skin, attacking persons
between the ages of two and iftccn. It
Is characterised by the appearance of
reddish-brown nodules of granulation
tissue upon the skin, usually of the face.
Tho mucous membranes, are rarely affect
ed. The nodules stnrt in tho corlum,
but penetrate tho connective tissue be
neath and the papillary layer above.
The disease spreads by the formntion of
fresh nodules at the periphery ot the
original lesion. New centres form and
tho old onea may gradually disappear. If
the tissue breaks down an open sore is
found, covered with yellowish and
brownish crusts. Unlike ordinary tuber
cle, the lupus nodules are rather vascu
lar. Tubercle bacilli are found in the
tissue, but they aro very infrequent, and
often many examinations are required to
detect them. Inoculation of lupus
nodules will it is asserted, cause tuber
culosis in rabbits and guinea pigs; but
inoculation of the skin with tubercle will
not produce lupus. For this and other
reasons so distinguished an authority as
Kaposi denies that itipus Is a cutaneous
tulierculosis, although that view is held
pedtivcly liy Koch and his pupils.
Lt pus, chronic aa it is in its tendencies,
clten disappears for a time under treat
ment, ouly to reappear later. Dermatolo
gists generally give favorable prognosis,
provided treatment is persisted in.
Meliil litrvrd.
Color of Kyes In Hypnotism.
Peoplo who Lave hazel eyes do not
hypuotize easily. The lighter the eye
tho more easily tho work is done.
Peoplo with dark eyes are more nervous
than those with light eyes, and it is diffi
cult for the former to concentrnto ll
sight and thoughts. Chicago Tribune.
The production of coarso wool is now
mainly contlned in tho United States to
Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, and
does not exceed 60,000,000 pounds per
4ni; article that has outlived St yenr of
competition ami imitation, ami sella moreand
moreeax-h year, nut Lave ntfrtf. Ikilibins's
Klertric Soap lirst maile In lmi Is jxtet th it nr.
fir e, A.k your grocer f.T it. lie has it, or
will get It.
Tna hlrkory anil butternut crops In Ver.
tuout have been allium a total fill I ure.
Deafne.s Can't be Cared
By local applications, as they cannot reach
the dlHeaeil portion of the ear. There Is only
one way to cure deal net-, anil that ta byouu
rtitutional remedies, lienfnexs In canned by
an inflamed condition of tbe mucous lintno; of
the Ku.tai-hitin Tute. When thi tube uets
Inflamed you have a rumbliuic sound or Imper
fect hearlnir, and when it Is entirely doned.
Deaf neiu Ik the result, and unli-withe Inflam
mation can ue taken out and this tulie re
nt or oil to Its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cane, out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which In nothing but an In
flamed condition of t tie niuonue surface'.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any
cane of Deafnenn (canned by catarrh! that we
cannot cure by taking Hail's Catarrh Cure,
head for circular., free.
V. J.C'HKNKV ft COn ToUxlo, O.
Sold by drusglnta, 75 centn.
Most of the platinum supply eomea from the
I rat milieu of Russia.
Entitled ta the Ileal.
All are entitled to th bent that their money
will buy, so every .family olu uld have, at once
a bottle of the best family remedy. Syrup of
t i)n, to cleanse tbe system when costive or
bilious. Fcr rale In 60c. and tr bo. lies by all
leading drnrgUts.
fluarantee I live ye vr ei.-u ir cent. Pint
Mnrttrageson Kanaa-t City nropurty, tnterett
payableevery six months; prtnolpal and inter
ent uotieoted when due aud remitted without
expense to lender, b'or sale by J. H. liauerlela
& Con Kanaa. City. Ma Write for paruoiUan
Do Yon Ever Speculate'
Any person nendln j ns their nam and ad.
flrenswill receive information that will lead
lo a ioritine. rtenj. iewu & uj, ajourlty
buUdinif, Kan&an city. Mo.
LeeWa's Chinese Head-whs Curs. Harm
km In effect, quick aud positive in action,
rent prepaid on receipt of it per bottle.
Aiielcr As Co.,m VVvatniottent..KmuwmCUy,Altf
Timber. Mineral, farm Ln I aat Ranohei
In Missouri, Kaunas, Texas and Arkansas,
bought and sold. Tyler & Co.. Kansas City. Ma
Ok lahoma (iuide Hook and Map sent any waar
onreoelptof iuots. Tyler A Corlanna City, Mo.
Nothing Else
We have volumes of evidence to prove that S. S. S.
is the. only permanent cure for contagious
Blood Taint.
I suffered for five year with the 1 1 then commenced taking Swift'
wont form of blood poison, during 8pooiflo (8 8. 8 ), end In a few month I
which time I was at- was entirely ou red, and
tended by the bent phy
tloian I could find, and
tried numbers of proprie
tary medicines without
any beneficial results. I
continued to grow worse
all this time, until my
whole system was de
stroyed by the vile dis
ease, my tongue and
Is at near Infallible at II It
possible tor a medicine, to be
In th eur ol Blood poison.
throat having great holes caused by it
j f MHititKf AiiMys rain una JnnatinnHttoin iiiwh
r(ti horcti, Ktiirit Tailn mid Ktnell, ttna 'uns
J - ) f' I ."t J'f
t.lves Kellrf ut uiu-s
PP'V nt th Xottrilt.
s. iruj-'KiBui ur vj wmil alx
uf Advice
. W ''A - e-:t9
ft use BA
"solid CAhe of-scouring soAp,
used for cle Aning purposes,
I asked a maid if she would wed.
And in my home her brightness shed;
She faintly smiled and murmured low,
"If I can have SAPOLIO."
f T-l H"" L-ougn jaeaieine.
IJ Cures where all else fuila.
uiate. i uiLurcu lass i wiiueut oojection. liy urugirista.
' ?T5
lioows to i.fer to, ue ciu icuiu uoth a; but bare, Willi
iiu nun i He pus, aud Ui. wuoU tbuii U ulesrlr and
wuol. ttiuitf it vlarlr and
, "TTOTT UTTITIT riideueil Kuryclepiit f nuiverBit Kaawledg.
1 I I I I llll l ll11 bauily rlVi..o ulh'Q U4mu ly every tablet tlittt t'uu bo thouuut ot
II I I I 111 Tt Mm I I ,roni rel ruuo mrna Eucyolnpcd'ftJi, LtU'lloiiHrHui, Ac. lit rrailui
III! IVIiiIbII a'1)' W tMuk or UMir ihvim ie fre.juvul rof-rnien lo is IUuumusJ
. .UaVr iict l uiur ,bJUt, ud vrkik-U, unit) -t hi hds s l.iir Umiiv ut
Using the Snn as Alarro Clock.
The young man who lives in a garret
related his peculiar methods of domeetio
economy lately. lie does not possess an
alnrm clock, and consequently must de
vino some means of awakening at a cer
tain time in the morning. To arouse
himself at six o'clock ho opens his win
dow and lifts high the curtain before re
tiring, and lot tho light of dawn stetls
gently upon his eye-lids and prios them
open to sensibility with the assistance
rendered by the ruder shock tonveyed to
his car by tbe noise of passing vehicles.
To awnko t- urs later the window is
closed; at ' k awakening is ob
tained by . .ig uown the curtain, but
whon his fatiguo necessitates a thorough
rost ho shuts out all light and sound ns
nearly as possible, surrounding himself
with pillows and blankets, among which
ho rest serenely in the arms of Mor
pheus until "high noon"drives htm from
concealment. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Head's Calendar for lWl.
To donvey briefly an Idea of the magnitude)
of our t'alendnr bunluens, we will nay that the
edition for Irt'l Is 6,il i,lk! I o make thin enor
mous rtumbor requires tbelaborof nlty pro
pie, ten printing prennen and various oilier
machinery for seventy days, manufacturing
at the rate of 0.1, 1 ml Calendars per dm I
It is sutcrfluuu4 for us to praise the Calen
dar for iHUL when no many kind wordn are
niiokun by h)1 who have seen It. In fact, ft la
almoet unanimously protionnoed. the hand
s:met Calendar we have yet Innue'd.
Tbe nnlijeoi represents three children play-
Ing tnusii-al lnnt rumentn, and llie ponitloun.
xprennions, coloring ami general nnmnmake
a iiiihi charming picture. Hut to he appre-
nh make
claied it must be neen. Ask your druggist for
Hood's Hnrsnnartila Calendar, or .end nix
centn In stamp for one eopv, or ten oonta for
two, lo C. 1. Hood Co., lxiwell, Mass.
Money Invested incnoloe one nundred dol
lar building lot. in suburbaof Kansas City will
pay frutu Ave hundred to one thousand per
cent, tbe next few years under our plan. Vil
caaU and ft er mnnta without Interest con
trulsadoslrkbtelot. HATtlouiar.oa applloatleo
J. li. tiauerlnm itOi.. Kansas City. Ato.
FITS stopped free by Da, Ki.iits'S OaiaT
Nihti HaaroHKa. No tits after drat day's use.
Marvelouncurii). rrtlso an l il trial botlla
tree. Dr. Kitne. 9l Arch U. I'hll t.. kA.
Ileecharu'a l'llls act like maglu on a Weak
From a Cathollo Arch
bishop down to the
Poorest of the Poor
IU all test! ty, rtot only to tie
" virtues of
The Great Remedy For Pain,
but to Its superiority over nil other remedies,
i xpross-Mt thus:
It Cures Promptly, Permanent ly.;
which meant strictly, tlmt the pain stricken
seek a prompt relict with no return of tho
pain, and this, lliey nay, St. JacuU Oil will
give. This Is it. ov-.'ll.-eeo.
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
H la pnm Ultrhly eonpitr.tL In qusa
tlty It ct 1,-iw fli,ui atfflth nt . rent s day Strfrlly
nimllcln.. rrrvnits and cures .11 dlsivuwa OihmI lot
ynunir chit-Its. WorU) tuore tlisa irnlil sh.-nlmn. innull
Ssniil. fv M crnts In sl.tntin. nvo vsekainsi SI. ff I lb
TlfR BUST IMfl.THV HAOAy.lV.''faniiil.einvrn
fttultry HitMnq ttijfi fnsl llh 91 no unffii or mora
L S. JOUNKHN CH.. U Custom House St . Button, ALsaa
Successfully Prosecutes Claims,
Ltftto Principal Ex&wlnar U.S. Peuslon Bureau.
avralulMt war, lAautJiidU-aUiigciataua. ttjr luc
inn laiHiRKHtniifi emMifMitc ovw 6PQ m). Jnn,
1AH..; beat, too. a kik'w Miu, Llltie F.rry N.J.
For tin Investment Huy Lot In i'hloago. Krm Mxpc
ft trul.1t torlty withprU-m tirmi for our proiwly
V. M. WllllaniH, ims Cliambtir of Commerue, Chluiiicj
VVashliitt.a, !).!.
hasu rua ciMcuLAa,
Will Do It.
to this great modioln
do I attribute my re
covery. This was over
two years ago, and I
have had no return or
any effects of the dis
ease slnoe, and my
skin Is to-day as smooth
as anybody's. William
Bowers, Covington, O.
I ff Books ob Blooa aa Skla Diseases free.
lur ( ulil
It it Isuickiy AltiKvbtd.
oiu)o,, oa warren du, it
hi Isi IKi Kpirf5tJ
we'll necrbGmarriex;
y Bon refuse All4
PLI6: IHs a?
fteooinmenuea by i'uysicians.
Pleasant and agreeable to the
tills om
luui'i lit i-u tiuu .1 ouce Ut tun isukk
ooouli - l
oono).e)y 2iUlai L bji pse., jrjfUM)ly ted.
You've tried Dr; Pierce'i
Favorite Prescription have
you and you're disappointed.
The results are not imnudi
And did you expect the dis
ease of years to disappear in
a week t Put a pinch of time
in every dose. You would
not call the milk poor because
the cream doesn't rise in an
hour? If there's no water in
it the cream is sure to rise.
If there's a possible cure, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is sure to effect it, if given a
fair trial.
You get your one dollar it
cost3 back again if it don't
benefit or cure you.
We wish we could give you
tfa'tnakers confidence. They
show it by giving the money
back again, in all cases not
benefited, and it'd surprise you
to know how few dollars are
needed to keep up the refund.
Mild, gentle, soothing and
healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. Cures the worst
cases pertnancnth. No ex-
ferimenting. It's " Old Re
iable." Twenty-five years of
success. . Of druggists. '
All who own or employ Horses
will find it to their advantage
rro uhe
Venetian Horse Liniment
roil STRATCrtES, QAI.IJt, MPUAINS, 0., ftc
Ree certificates of the late Col. D. Mrllanlel and
faundreds of others froru prominent borserueo.
Peput, 40 Murray street. New Tork.
Bold by all dniKitlsts and anddlera.
PVRILY yiOETAflit. 1 ? 0"
"pr thorough kwwietlw of the natural lawt
hl-n gitveru Uie cHru(tiiH 'f diinit.on and nutrl
tloa, ami by a (Mtrvful atStk-.J tiuu of tho nut proper
tW of well-KUvtt'l Coo,a, ilr. Km hua im'Tltlvd
ur brvakfuKt UiUImi wltlinili -lloat 1 lluvourfU .h-t-erHtft'
M liU h may nave ut maW bt-avy diM-ura' bills.
U Ik by tho Judicium Um of mu. h HrlkU of illet Unt
a couNittuiloa may be ra-lully built up uutU tnu .
fiioUKh lo rcftM Ttry tcuduoy to UUeiusci. Hun .
dntla of subtle nuilfulU-N are floutuig arouud ua,
netly to attack whfrevr Uu-re U a weak polut, -We
may eat-woe many a fataH shaft bv kwplnH our
aWvei, well forcinoa with jjur blood and a properly
Dour tub tU frmite." ii-it Service Uatttte.
ft.ale with IhHii.u wtir or milk. Bold
only lu half pound tttis by UMws, InU-llesi tlius:
JA.Utri kl'l'H eV t O.a Hornnttptslbk; ClteiuUta.
IL-illKiN, F.Nlil ANU.
thK WRRH Reined lea
bl all thetMs In
'tit the vktult.T for D.lina
I nave cm
family, au
roUMil, In liMdlna UAbki ttirtjt
nrd with . i'Up.'TlC W- Hox
erRflltl.'ri, 1 I.
Ltudina oAi'Ki inrfJiT-
K U KKVk (Vuh RalKam imi
TnK-bs 1'itTi hoArneufNs liiaft-
niliiutts. hk-l couKliit and i-uldf
ovi-r ulgnt. H(tl!iii. Wkr.i Troche
U and 'Ix. Ilv in nil or UruRKUts;
it. U. KEKP AQt.,fl3B lHtbbt., N.Y
Best Truss Ever Used,
-.yi Wmniiw-. 111 bold Uie wor-.i iuj
wih eMiiiforti Worti
nutht am) dny. toltlyeir
eilrvti rupture, bent hjt
iniitl everywhere. Rend
fof deact IptlTe 4-jttabgU
ail ta-attuiouluia IU
Honee MftttC
if I I llroRtlwnff
New York irtft
Your HEAD-ACME ? NervousP
F R AZ E Rqre as
tr (tat lot Uaauuua 60i
luauuatloiu i r i
a laveuti
iV'rlte at uu
at uuiMiJ
hattti'Uo'jk oi Ilr1
J li. tit Atf.LM4 A: ( IL
italiiiitrtau II. iU
How to Learn Modern Language
62 a
A MONTH and exHm
Itahl tn Mnntl
K. J. ismkau Co., Vloelamt, N. J.
TiPHIJ i f l,M"r VKMMII tvvfullf R.,,4lHir
oma. a&nu.
I WW lltr oritur s'i aili itum i
lua u. lAtoai iitniak.i' ui,
Want olrjm all alxiut sllofttet Ho
to Hit If Ui.t a Gucd urn I KuwMr hupmr-
mm -m r'ait' TI K'J-siJ taenia. t lrsvual
s ( Uiieasen-l t tf net Curs I let
III' 'I I I I' ' -the Teeth I Wbl tocfcll tht
f-iBej eut j'rtf.t the AuiimJ. lioe
w, bsBJ:11 to hiioe. ill tth-and odirr
UifeiuiAtueo la out lti tillt IX' l M fiikD HutikC tuui.
ruiUd reeitrt or uu-v S CKIt, lu rlu.iiA,