The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 11, 1891, Image 3

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flurgea.J, R. CLanK.
(mnrtlmrn North ward, R. M. Hor
nian, II. M. Foreman, Patrick Joveo.
South ward, J. C. Scowdon, 8. ll. Has
lot. Ell Holcman.
Jwtttcrt of tht rtaee J. F. Proper, 8.
J. Nctloy.
yituihh!e an4 OilleetnrH. S. Canflold.
Ni'honl JKrertor G. W. Robinson, A.
R. Ksllv, K. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox, O.
W. t'lHrk, J. T. rirennnn.
tfemhtr of Oongre Jam rs Krnn.
Memhrr of Venule Haurv A. Hall.
Assembly H. H. Towlkh.
President Judge ('HARl.m II. Notes.
Anemt Judget John II. White, C
W. Cl.ARK. (
Treaturer Ja. R. IIaoofuty.
Proananary, It inter tt Recorder, Ac
Cai.tiw M. Ansrn,
Sheriff. John 11. Osooon.
cymnuinerC F. LkdF.BUR, J AH,
MclitTTRK, Philip Emket.
fwnfy Superintendent (Iro. W. Kuan.
IKstrict Attorney P. M. Cl.ABK.
Jury Cnmmiioner JonnN. IIkat.i,
0)h! Surveyor J. F. FRor-rn.
Coroner Dr. A. R. RTOWRriPHRR.
Count Auditor Vf.Yf. Thomas, O.
W. RoiiiitnoN, R. Fltkk.
OUVK LODGF.. No. 557. F. A A. M.
Stated Meeting held nt Odd Fol
low Ilnll the Ant Mnndnv of each month.
T. J. PAVNK, W. M.
T. R. COBB, Hoc'y.
WAslflNGTON CAMP. No. 420, P. O.
H. of A., mcetit every Mondny eve
ning In Dale Mull. White degree, confer
red Inland 3d Monday ol each month.
J. II. EDEN, Pre.
F. W. I. AW, It. S.
Ao. 309,
I. O.of O. F1.
MRETH every Tuesday vonlng, at 8
o'clock, in the Lodge Room tn Par
fridge' Hall. Confer the Initiatory de
Kree the Brat Tuowlay night of each
month; first degree Uie second Tnolay
night; mhoiiiI degroo the third Tuesday
night; third degree the fourth Tuesday
C. R. DAVIS, N. O.
J. II. FOXES, Sce'T. 27-tf.
I.XmEST LODGE. No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every f ridny Evening In lias
let Hall, Tionesta.
3. R. CLARK, Rooorder.
No. 274, tl. A. R.
M?et on tlio first Wednesday In each
month, In Odd Fellows Hall. Tionesta, Pa.
for Forest County.
S. S. Towler M. D.. President; J. W.
Morrow M. D., Secrctury t J. H. Biggins
M. I Treasurer. Tho Hoard will meet
in Ir. Morrow office, Tionesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
o'clock, a. in.
Ctiln) next door to V. O., Tionesta, Pa.
t. B. AO.NKW. P. M. CLARK,
District Attorney.
Mr. Clark Is Agent for a number of re
linblo Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made la fhla and adjoiuiu?
t'knrrh nn Hekaol. -
Presbyterian Sabbath Bchool at 9:45 a.
in. t M. E. Sabbath School nt 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. K. Church evory Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumlwrgor.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evonliiK at the usual hour. Rov.
F. F. Hhoup, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev." J. V. McAninch olllciatinK.
Oil market closed yesleiday 761.
Born, Feb. 7, 1891, to Mr. aod
Mr. J. L Craig, of the borough, a
David Barnelt is ridding up and
getting atone on tbe ground for bis
new store building on the Acomb lot.
To day is Ash Wednesday, the
beginoing of the Lenten season, which
will continue forty days, ending with
Easter Sunday, March 29th.
Miss Aggie Kerr, has been suffer
ing with a severe attack of illness
during tbe past ten days, and her
school has in consequence been closed
far the present.
United PieBbyterlan aervices will
be held in the school house, next Sab
bath at 11 a. m , and 3:30 n. m. Rev.
M. M. Drown will official. All are
cordially invited.
Ex Judge Arner boa excavations
about completed for tbe cellar and
foundation of a new house on his lot
ou May St, north ward. Building
will commence soon as weather per
mits. Spring elections next Tuesday.
There is little stir so far, but before
the time arrives there'll likely be
enough scraujbllog to "knock some
body out," to make the occasion fairly
"The txwer of music, all our
hearts alio," but! there are a few
ignorant persons who have not learned
yet, that all colds are cured by Dr.
Bull's Cot gh Syrup. Buy it aod try
it, 25 ceuta a bottle.
V. II. Brace, of Iho Borough,
adrertUes his haailsorue chestnut
driving, aged 9 years, a lop
bogpjr, cart and set of single harness
for sale to the highest bidder on Tues-ds-oext,
at one o'clock p. n.
Tiones'a, Forest Counp Pa.
y e. ninLn,
"Mco in Kepler Clock, Rov
in 0, Tio
,oiu, Pa.,
, Proprietor. This
.ociraj. j.-,vfvthii
rflshud. Huicilor Ac
id strict attention frW""
jtablcs ami Fri'ults of a'l
In their sea-tou.J Samp.e
iiiinerclnl Audit. I
A L HOUSF., Tlon.Vta. Pa.,
.. Ilrnanell. Proprietor. I This i a
.mse, and has just been fit (jfnl up tv
-eoiniuodatlon of the public), A po'
. of tho patronage of the pnblue la lc
4. I 4iy.
- W. II. ROTH, rrk.iv.otor,
The largest, Host Located and l"Iiriihhod
Uouao In tbe City. Near Union XHpot.
r . SKJGINH. M. D..
' 1'liysiuian, Hurgotm A Dru
iMte of Armstrong county, havi
tn Mlonesia is prepuretl to atten
lessionat calls promptly and at tall hours.
Otnceaad residence two doors
Lawrence House. Oflice hours
M., aud 11 vo 12 M. 2 to 3 aiM tl
M. Rundays, 0 to 19 A. M. : 2 to
H lK-tttd
all pro-
to7i p. M.
north of
to H a.
) to7 p.
and fli
may-18 81.
R. F. T. NAHON, 1 '
Omen opppnsitn Oaa Ollice. Calls at
tended to promptly day and n in lit.
Corner of Elm T Walnut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., Rank of Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposit. Collec
tions luado on all the Principari points of
ineo.o. LotieviioiiH aouciieu.
Manufacturer of aud Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land aud Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, Holar or Triangulatiou ISurvev
ing. Rest of Instruments laud wwrk.
xerma on appiicAtion.
Shop in Reck building ut-xL to Smear
.faugh .t Co.'a store. Is prepared to do all
inus of custom work from t,he tii;i t to
le coarsest aud guarantoes bis work to
,ive perfect nalihlkclioii. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and pr ices as rea
sonable as tii bt lIx-js woi k cai be done for.
There is a blav. whom we have
1 1
put in prison." Aye and we'll keep
" -1 him there, ho was a tyrant ooce. but
his reigu is over, his sceptre lies iu tbe
dust. His uatue is Pain, aud his con
ijneier is the far-famud aud woild-re-nouel
Salvation Oil.
fleece Stilzinger was setting tip
the cigars to his fricods yesterday ou
the happy event of his uiurriagc,
which took place as per announcement
among our marriage notices this week.
Best wihcs to you and yours, Ileece,
aud "may you live long and prosper."
A new hotel will be opened up at
Sheffield Junction iu the uear future.
The large building formerly owned by
P. Mahooey has been purchased by
John J. Green, a merchant of that
place. The bouse will be thoroughly
ovei hauled, refilled aud refurnished iu
the latest tye.Marienville Exprett.
Miss Aona Alhaugh, teacher of
Strightville, Hickory twp , school)
makes the following report for month
ending Feb. C, 1891 : Number enroll
ed, males 11, females 12; average at
tendance, males 8, females 9. Those
present every day during the month
are, Lillie Sulliuger, May Haslet,
Jennie McMurtrie aod Edith Stright.
Ronald Thomson, of Stewarts
Run, has been lying dangerously ill at
Kane, I'd., for tbe past two weeks, the
trouble beiog an attack of that dreaded
disease, spinal meningitis. Ronald,
with bis brother James, hud gone there
to work about two months ago. His
parents, Mr. aod Mrs. John Thomson,
are with him. Lata reports say he is
much better. '
Repreieutative Towler has placed
with us number of blank applica
tions for young brook trout, to be fur
nished by the State hatchery, when
properly applied for on these blanks,
which explaiu themselves. Two
thousand trout may be had on each
application for use in public streams
ouly. There are many excellent
streams in tbia locality, but which
have beeu "fiihed to death," so to
speak, that cold stand repleuikhiug in
this way very nicely, and for the mere
askiug can these fish be had, while the
depositing of sama iu tbe streams is
but a trifling bit of work. We will
cheerfully distribute these blanks as
long as they hold out to ikon wbu
call for them. After beiug filled out
they should be forwarded to Dr. Tow
ler, who will see that the goods are
properly delivered.
biiite hunt. Yllr has called a
conveotho of county, city and bor
ough school auperinteodonta to meet
in Philadelphia, Feb. 26 and 27.
Among the subjects to be discussed
are: Teachers' Examinations and
Certificate, County Institutes, Local
Institutes, School Architecture, and
Manual Training. Tbe National Con
vention of School Superintendents
hold their annual meeting in the same
place Feb. 24 'io.
Percy Shoemaker returned last
week from Beverly, West Virginia,
where he has been with his grandfath
er, J. D. Hulings, for several months
past. lie reports all the Forest coun
ty people in that section as well and
happy He brought with him a bevy
of livfe quail which ha intended to lib
ate nr here when the weather got
warmer, but by some unaccountabla
means the box was opened Monday
night and the little fellow v escaped.
It is hoped no one will have the hardi
hood to kill any of them should they
be seen.
Wrn. Lawrence, at his farm across
the creek, will sell a number of arti
cles at public sale on Tuesday next,
17th, election day. Io the list there
is; A new road wagon, of Scowden &
Clark's make; one now family buggy,
with reversible seals ; one buck board
wagon; one single wagon; one set
new double work harness ; one set new
single buggy harness; one set old
single harness; one new saddle and
bridle; two fresh cows, young stock;
two 2 year-old Aldcruey heifers; one
yearling heifer. Sale will begin at 10
o'clock a. in. - Terms easy, with ap
proved soenrity.
Marriage B.-lln.
One of the pleasaotest society events
that has taken place in tho quiet little
village of East Ilitkcry io many
years was the marriage of Miss Emma,
the accomplished daughter of our old
friend Henry W. Ledebur, to Mr.
Martin Vockroth, one of the popular
young men of that place on Monday
of tlii week. Promptly at 1:30 p. m.
the organ, presided over by Miss Emma
Klinestiver, pealed forth the wedding
march, and the bride and groom, to
be, entered, preceded by Mr. Amos
Ledebur aod Miss Mary Vockroth,
and Mr. M. E. Abbott and Miss Marie
Ledebur, groomsmen and bridesmaids,
respectively, and took their place
under a tastefully arranged wreath of
evergreens bedecked with natural roser(
where they were met by the Rev. G.
Wenniug, who spoke the words which
joiued the happy pair io holy wedlock,
employiug the beautiful and impress
ive ceremony of the Lutheran Church.
A shower of congratulations next fol
lowed, and then all sat down to a most
sumptuous wedding dinner. During
tbe remainder of the afurooon the
compauy of fifiy or more happy guests,
all young people, passed the time io
pleasant social chat, until supper was
announced, when all again partook of
the delicious viands set before them.
At 10 o'clock dancing commenced and
was kept up till the wee, wee tins'
hours, and still the guests were loth
to depart from so happy a scene. But
there must be an end to all good
things, aod ao after tho best of wishes
to tbe newly wedded pair, and the
genial host and hostess, all departed
feeling that they bad enjoyed the
pleasure of pirticipating in an affair
that would long be remembered as one
of the happiest of their lives. The
presents are said to have been a beau
tiful tightly, costly, numerous and
-The bride and groom departed yes
terday on the noon train for a tea
days' wedding tour.
The Republican throws in its con
gratulations along with the numerous
friends of Mr. and Vockroth on this
auspicious occasion aod wishes them a
loug life of uualloyed happiness and
Miss Mary Bell Lucart has a severe
attack of scarlet fever. We wish her
a speedy recovery.
Teamsters of the surrounding com
muoity are busily engaged io hauling
bill stuff from tbe mill near here.
An accident occurred here last week
which might bava proved fatal.
While Edward, sou of Robert Young,
was attempting to board Jerry Hep
'.er's wagon he accidentally got his
leg between the hiud wheel aud the
taud bolster. His leg was badly
bruised but no bones were broken.
Will Greeley, of Warreo, who was
veiling in this section relumed home
a short time ago. '
The protracted meetings which are
beiog carried on at Nebraska are still
io progress, and much good is beiug
Robert Young is at present engaged
in clerking for Andrew Wolf.
Ao iofant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Wui. Hopkios died on Friday, the 6th
Feb. 0. O. K.
Cnstlvont-as can be ptirmaucutl v cured
by the use uf Hurler's Muiulruko liitlors.
For aalo at Rovard'a.
East Hickory.
Derrick correspondence.
F. E. Whiimore and M. E. Abbott
were in Oil City Thursday. The
Free Methodists have over 30 converts
at Iheir revival meeting in Beaver
Valley. S. C. Whitmore aod Em
ery Witherall attended the G. A. R.
Post meeting at Tiouesta, on Wednes
day eveuing. Rev. Mr. Torrey is
holding a protracted meeting at Fa-
gutidus. George Warden bat been
unable to leave the house for a week,
having caught cold iu his jaws, from
which he had 29 teeth extracted.
Charles Hall has bought some nice
oak on Whig Hill, and will move his
mill to Beaver Valley to cut it.
Miss Savilla Kieter, who has
been leaching a class io musical Ball
town for the past month, was home
over Sunday. Smith Sutley went
to Poverty Hill on Monday to rig up
a well ready to drill. Charles Ash-
baugh has sued Hickory township for
$500 bounty, which he claims is due
him, at he served the township to Gil
the quotum drafted upon it, for which
services he claims the above amount.
This township was then a part of Ve
nango county and did pay some men
$500, but when Ashbangh enlisted the
price wat $100, which be received.
Mrs. Rulings' Lecture.
Many of our readers will be inter
ested to learn something of tho suc
cess of Mrs. Eva, wile of W. W.
Holing, formerly of Louisville, Ky.,
in her lecture tour, and so we re-produce
the following from a Deuver,
Col , paper of receot date:
Mrs. Eva Hulings spoke on last
evening at Plummer hall, Charles
block, corner Fifteenth and Curtis
slreeta. Her presence illuminated the
room with love and good will to all
men and each one who heard ber weut
away with a much lighter heart than
wbeu tbey entered tbe room. She
said : "Read your Bible aod see what
good thiogs it says to you and as you
come iuto the realization of the truth
lead others gently by love that they
too may learn of the true science and
philosophy of life. Duu't flash, as it
were, a great headlight iu their faces,
but first take them into the arms of
love and then gently give them just as
much of these beautiful truths as tbey
can comprehend. Don't stand upon
stills and proclaim yourselves a great
teacher, but be one with them looking
through their window of understanding
first, and after let them look through
yout window all the while, gently
twining thearm of love arouud them.
Love is absolute; love is God, there
fore love is power and will guide you
correctly. Also, thought is power,
therefore hold those you would teach
in the thought of this love and your
teaching will not fail to bear good
fruit." Mrs. Hulings meets the teach
ers of the city on Saturday, November
22, at the tame hall. These lectures
are free.
List of Letter!),
Reraaiuiog in Tionesta, Pa., post tffice,
Februsry 4, 1891:
S. E. Barnes, Eddie Carr, Mrs. M.
G. Carr, Mr. J. W. Grove, M. M.
Morgan, Miss Blanche Norris, Mr.
Joseph Price, John D. Wager.
When calling for above, please say
"advertised." D. 8. Knox, P. M.
The Forest County Sabbath School As
sociation will meet in Tionesta, on Tues
day and Wednesday, February 24 and 25,
18!I, commencing on Tuesday at 7:30 p,
ui. Prof. J. A. Sprenkc), Field Secretary
of tho State Association, will be present at
each session, and the exercises promise to
bo Very Interesting and instructive, and it
is earnestly hoped that all interested, aud
especially all rtabbath School workers
throughout the county, will be present.
Free ontortulnmont will be given to all
In attendance from a distanoe. All such
are requested to call on Dr. J. W. Morrow,
at his oftiee, on their arrival, when they
will be assigned to their respective places.
Rev. Dr. E. T. Jollers, tbe opular lectur
er, of Oil City, will be present on Tuesday
evening. Let us gie him a full house.
The lectures are free.
Tuesday evening, Feb. 24.
7:30, Opening exercise directed by the
President. :00, Lecture, "The Hible and
the lHth Century," by Dr. K. T. Jeffer.
Question box.
Wednesday, February 25.
0:00 a. in.. Devotional exercises, 10:00,
"The Model Superintendent," opened by
A. II. Kellv. 20:30, "Tho Teacher s Prep
aration," by Prof. J. E. Hillard. ll:t:o,
"The Studious Scholar," bv He v. S. li.
Torrey of East Uickory. ll":30, Question
box. 12:011, Adjournment.
2:00, P. M-, Devotional exercises. 2:30,
"The Sabbath School and Missions," by
Rev. J. V. McAninch. 3. (Ml, to bo sup
plied. 3:30, Question box. 4:0(1, Adjourn
ment. 7:00, Devotional exercises. 7:30, Ad
dress by Prof. J. A. Spronkel. Prof.
Sprenkel asks the attendance of the child
ren at this session. Pareu'a are requested
to see that they attend.
John McKeown, the widely-known and
very wealthy oil producer, died at his
borne in Washington, Pa., on Sunday lost,
after a prolonged illness. He was 53
years of age. He leaves a wlfo aud six
Rev. John Peate, now Presiding Elder
of the New Castle district, is about com
pleting tho largest teleaoope gla-is or re
fracting mirror in the United States, and
the second largest in tho world. Tho disk
is 30 J inches in diameter, 51 inches thick,
and weighs over 300 pounds.
Tbe Franklin A'eu-j makes this vicious
stub at its poor and unoffending neighbor :
It is proposed to change the name of
North East to tirapo City. Don't do it.
The present name is a good one. Adding
"city" to the uamo of a town or village
belittles the place. It never gets electric
lights or street railways. It is not loved
when it is old nor pitied wbeu it'a dead.
Look at Oil "City." Hands off that North
East name.
At the skating race for tho amateur
championship of America ut Newburg,
N'. Y., ou the 7th inst., soiuo big records
were made. Joe. Donoghuu won fie
quarter-mile race. Time, 37 4-5 scion. Is.
The tive-inile race, Jou. Donoghue won in
15 uiiuutes iiiiU 3J second, With Simpson
Man's - Misfortune,
The entire stock of J. M. Mintz's
store, Kepler Block, consisting of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Tinware and Glassware,
also a team of Horses, Wagon, &c,
must be closed out within a limited
time. Goods will be slaughtered.
Prices and values are not taken into
consideration. Here is a chance of
a lifetime to obtain above mentioned
Merchandise at less than one-half of
their original cost. Come in and see
the greatest sale this county has
ever witnessed.
second, In 15:52. Both Donoghue and
Simpson boat tho world's record. In the
ten-mile race Joo. Donoghue won lu 35
minutes aud 64 3-5 seconds. One-mile
race Joe. Donoghue won in 3:02 3-5.
Andrew Wolf, of Wolf 's Corners,
is selling out his stock of Dry Goods,
Notions, Clothing, Ladies' and Gent's
Underwear, Jewelry, Whips, &c, at
about cost, to make room fur spring
goods. 2t.
300 acres of first class timber land
in Somerset County, will be sold at
public sale on Friday, February 20th,
1891, at the Court House, Somerset,
Pa. Inquire of M. F. Leason, Master
in Chancery, Kiltanoing, Pa., for
further particulars. 2t.
I have for solo, on the Collins fc Hen
derson job, on Queen Creek, Hickory
twp., one large size, portablo Saw Mill, 40
b. p. boiler and engine, capable of cutting
15,000 feet per day ; two American inserted
tooth saws, one (32-inch, one 56-inch; also
2 solid saws; Belmont fractional self-ie-cedingset
works; 18-Inch 4-ply rubber
drive belt, been in use one year; one
ovcr-neau cnain log-turner lor long logs,
and ono nigger turner; 8 board caitsj
blacksmith tools ; ono single edger, and
all necessary tools. One dwelling house,
barn, and mill-building; will be sold to
gether for use on Job, or the machinery
will be sold separately to parties wishing
to move the same away. Mill in first
class running order. For further partic
ulars address
3U East Hickory, Pa.
Every mother should have Arnica A
Oil Liniment always in the house in caso
of accident from burns, scalds or bruises.
For sale at Bovard's.
Happy IlaMlrm.
Wni. Timmons, Postmaster of Iduvillo,
Ind., writes: "Electric HI iters has done
more for me than all other inediclnts
combined, for that bad feeling arising from
Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie,
farmer and stockman, of same place, says -"Find
Electric Bitters to be the best Kid
ney and Liver medicine, made me feel
like a now man." J. V. Gardner, hard
ware merchant, same town, says: "Elec
tric Bitters is just the thing for a man who
is all run down and don't care whether he
lives or dies ; he found new strength, good
appotite and felt just like he had a new
lease on life." Only 50c. a bottle, at Pro
per & Doutt'a Drugstore.
Remarkable Ursrse.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainlleld, 111.,
makes the statement that sho caught cold,
which, settled on her lungs; she was
treated for a month by her lainily physi
cian, but grew worse. Ho told her she
was a hopeless victim of consumption and
that no incdiciiio cculd cure her. Her
druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis
covery lor Consumption; she liought a
lxttle and to her delight found herself
beneiitteil from first dose. She continued
its use ami after taking ten bottles, found
herself sound and well, now does her own
housework and Is as well a she ever was.
Free trial bottle of this Ureal Discovery
at l'io-r A Koutts Drugstore, lingo
bottles 5oc. and f 1.0U.
The best Kalvo Iu the world fr Cuts,
Ib-uises, Mores, fleers Salt Rheum, Fevor
Hons, Tetter, Chap"d Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions, and imihI
lively cures Piles, or no pay reunited. It
is guaranteed to give period satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price !i" cents per
box. For sale bv I'rojH r fc Doull,
The IUiHiULit AN and the Phila
delphia ICetXy I'reiu, ihe largest and
best weekly in the. Slate, for only $1.75.
Call and take advautage of this offer.
VOCKROTH LEI E It l' It At the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Kaxt Hick
rv. Pa., February t, lst:, by Rev. U.
VVeiining, Mr. Martin R. Vockroth and
Miss Emilia E. Ledebur, both of East
towu, N. Y., Hun.lsy, Eeb. 8, l!U, Mr.
Roy Phillips, of Youugsville, Pa., and
Miss Miuuie McDouald, of Tionesta, Pa.
Feb. , istil, by J. F. Proper, J. P., Mr.
R. C. Stil.inger, ol Tiommla, Pa., and
,Mi Barbara Lucart, of Newmausv illo,
Clarion county, Pa.
WIIlTE-tilFFORIl At tho Cottage Ho
tel, Panama, N. Y., Feb. 4, ts'.'l, bv Hev.
D. R. I'aliner, Mr. Charles W. White
mid Miss Myra A. Ciilloid, all of Stoue,
N. Y.
ers, at tho lielinur llouw, Clarion, l'a.,
Jan. sih. Itttll, Charles II. McM i 'u-al.
of Clarion county, aud Mary E. Hill, of I county, l'a.
J. B. HAGERTY, County Treasurer, In account with Forest County, for the year
ending January 6, 18M1.
To Balance $ 4,402 59
To amount paid by Pearsall for
Fitzgerald 4(12 00
To seated tax for lH'.K) 1,227(161
To unseated tax for ISftO fl,:til 4S
To seated tax returned 27 75
By ordors paid
By 31 per cent commission
By sealed hinds returned
By exonerations
By :tj per cent com. on lands ret'd
2,823 72
7( 82
400 74
2(13 W)
57 75
To bonds 1",000 00
To lands redeemed from county. Hil 35
To refunded by Htnte 1:17 40
To Poor fund, Hickory Twp lort Kt
To Poor f-ind, (ireen Twp 02 00
To Poor fund, Tionesta Boro 143 13
To 00 day list for 1890 300 00
To tax for 60 day list 2 40
To County tax , 5 00
To Jury fees ifl 00
To Ink sold 70
To paper sold 1 on
To Interest on tax 121 35
By ba'ance...
To balance
.W,9H0 59
,...tU,l)3j (XI,
. H,A35 (A
t38,fi0 59. i'
J. B. HAGERTY, Treasurer, In account with the State of Pennsylvania, for 1890.
To balance pm 10 By State vouchor 300 00
To State tax for 1890 &X5 21 By allowmce to Brennan 100 00
By 5 per cent tsonimission 20 00
By balance 701 31
. , fl.lHl,8t fl.181 31
To balunce J781 31
J. B. HAGERTY, Treasurer, in account with the Redemption Fund, for the year 1890.
To balance f 2,898 62 Bv amount paid out . 1,60 24
To amount received 1,845 00 By balance 3,093 98
m , , H.744 22 4,714 22
To balance jtf,0U3 98
C. F. LEDEBUR, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for the
year 1890.
To ordors drawn :J11 19 By 84 day's services $252 00
By 421 miles travel 42 10
By expense at Williams
port 17 09 $311 19
J. J. PARSONS, County Commissioner, in account with Forest County, for year 1890.
To orders drawn f401 40 By 112 day's servlcos $.Ttii 00
By 1251 miles travel 125 40 4U1 40
W. D. SHIELDS, County Commissioner. In account with Forest County, for year 1890.
To ordors drawn 2S7 28 By 61 day's services $ 183 00
By 851 miles travel 85 10
By expense at Williams
port 19 18 (1287 28
C. M. ' 'VER, Protlionotary, tn account with Forest County, for the year 1890.
Toorden n f 392 65 By foes f382 65
G. W. SAWYER, Sheriir. In account with Forost County, for thejcoar 1890.
To balance from 1890..
To orders drawn
To Jury fees received
f 20 O0
4:l.- 51
HI 00
471 51
$20 00
By fees
By Jury fees
By baluuuo
1 433 ST -
Jtl Ou
20 00
To balance
P. M. CLARK, District Att- -ey, in account with Forost County, for the year 1890.
To orders drawn f 180 00 By fees f 180 00
We, the undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do hereby cortify that we met at
the Commissioners' OMii-o, 111 said county, aconli'ng to law, and did audit and adjust
the several accounts of tho Treasurer, Sherill, Prothonotarv, District Attorney, and
the County Commissioners, for the year ending January 6th, 1S91, and lind the same
as set forth in the foregoing report. In testimony wheiool, we havo hereunto set our
hands ami seals this liith day of January , 1KHI.
W. W. THOMAS, ll,. K.j County Auditors.
O. W. ROBINSON, ri.. S.I J
Attest SAM. Q. CLARK, Clerk.
Counsel fees
Jury lees
Jury Commissioners and Clorl
Constables and Tipstaves
Court Crier
Road views
Fuel and lights
Commonwealth costs
Hooks, stationery and blanks....
Repairs Court House ami Jail...
Warren Hospital
Sherill 'a Ices
Protliouotary's fees
Express, I'reiulit ami drayago..,.
Itcliiiiiiiug orders
District Attorney
Western 1'euitmliary
Bridges ,
ity, for year ending January 5, 1891.
77 50 County Instituto
2,118 98 I'orouer's I lenient
91 tiO Printing
4f2 43 Supplies for Court House Jail
3.12 92 Jail PhVHii-iun
f." 00 Reform School
3oo 3d ljiiior
313 48 Fox uud cat bounty
UM4 35 Expense
629 lit Auditors and Clerk
320 81 borrowed money
140 ti.'t County CominiKsioners
it'll 75 Coiiiiiiixioncr's Clerk
4:15 51 Treasurer's commission
3.V2 Im Keeor.ling Treasurer's Bond
94 M Telegrams
15 54 Acknowledging deeds
.VI SO I laud culls
HKl (Hi Coiuiu'rs memorial convention ..
1H :t Horse hire
iKil 00 Hauling sale
6ii7 tot Taxes 011 Countv lands
7,319 34 Lands s ild to County
122 33
2l 05
351 Ml
4 00
70 115
S3 38
291 90
2.1 83
liMl 70
3,1X10 00
1.0..9 87
900 (Ml
8,"l 67
2 no
1 22
8 Ou
A 00
1 50
64 60
2 IS 90
483 20
FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forost County, for year ending January 5, 1891
Balance due by J. B Hairerty, County Treasurer
Balance due by Sol. 1-i(.--er:ilil. ex-Treasurer
Seated lands returned for Isssj
Duo by Tionesta Township ,
Duo by (Ireeu Township lor Sarah Shoiip ,
Duo by (ireen Township for John Clary
Liabilities oter assets '
Bridge bonds n-itstanding
Due I'ilLsburg Bridge Co
Due Joyce and Dickrancr for stonework on .Nebraska bridge about
Due Hull Sale anil IH-k Co
Due bills outstanding
$14,6.15 66
2.170 H2
241 65
182 62
45 25
45 23
5,723 60
la.OII 45
H5.000 00
5,247 00
1,311 70
1.IOO (Ml
352 7:
FOREST COUNTY, ssi -1,044 45
Pursuant to law wo. the undersigned Commi-nloncr of Forest County, publish tho
forcuoing exhibit of the reeelols and exnenditures of said Couulv. for 1I1.1 v..ur .....1.....
.ImIiIIHI-V .I ll ItaHl iU ....L 11,1. .1, I . . .
j ...... ..... . . . ....... una 1, iay M .inMiiui V , IX . U. ISHi
1 . r. i.r.iu-.iM ii, 1
JAM ES Mi l NT Y HE, 1 1
I'll 1 1.1 P EMEKT, IU
AIIOSI j.7. 1. uij !'.-: AIM, I K-I K,
County Commissioners,