f- THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. C. WINK, COITOR 4 PSOPSItTO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 18P1. STATE CAPITAL GOSSIP. IIarrisburo, Feb. 7, 1891. Tbe Billt to Tar introduced in the House, in which Forest county, is io tereated in pariiouUr, are, first, tbe Road Law ; 2d, the Compulsory Edu cation Lav; 8d, tbe Bill providing lor .District (superintendents for Uoru mon Schools. There is before the LommiUee on Education a number of O'.her school bills, five or six of which are lor unitorm text books; two or more others providing for the manu facture and sale of the same by the State, and one or two, providing that the Directors shall furnish all books free. All of these are being held in the committee nntil the conclusion of the investigation into the School Book Trust by a sub committee. Two road bills were before the com mittee on counties and townships, of which the Forest county member is secretary. One known as the "Road Bill of the Society of Engineers of Western Penn'a." This is an excel lent bill and would work wonders in most parts of the State, but it is hard ly suited to counties like Forest. This bill is still held in committee, a copy of it may be found in a day or two in the Commissioners' office, Tionesta. The bill known as the "Road Com mission Bill," which includes in its provisions some of the best features of the Engineers' bill, was before the same committee and reported favora bly to the House. This bill will be printed and a copy sent to each news paper in the county, and to each board of road commissioners io the townships by your member. As a whole it is a cood bill, perhaps as fair f rt)iH as can be made for tbe whole State. It is to be romembered that every section can not be exactly suited, and it is only fair to the Commission to say that they have honestly tried to be just to each section. The portion of me Din ibat will perhaps be most ob jectionable in Forest county, is that the road tax is to be paid in cash, but preference in work must be given to citizens, and persons desiring to work can so notify the road masters. So it 'prying the tax in cash, and getting casn oack again for tbe work you do. However, when the bill is before vou. mm doubtless your member will be glad of j me nve bund red or so diherent opin ions there is to odor, and get so mud dled that he will wish there was no road bill. .Anyhow, be will be none the worse of a sensible pointer and will appreciate it, and so far as practi cal, act on it. The Compulsory Education bill is a good bill if it can be enforced ; this v bill, however, was reported with the understanding that it is to be re com roitiafter printing, at which time V yoirwill be given a synopsis of the same and a copy of the bill sent for examination. The bill providing for District Su perintendents, originated in Allegheny county, and provided that in each dis trict having over ten schools a district superintendent must he elected, having tbe same qualifications as the County Supt. This war all right for tbe large countieg, but not necessary lor the mailer counties, and as it was man 1 datory in effect, it was opposed io committee by your member, and a v- compromise effected by which it is f entirely optional with a district. In other words, if they don't want it, they need not have it. This gives all places a fair chance and is unjust to i none. Some portions of Forest county are ' desirous of a return to a fair fence law. A bill of that cbaruoter was be fore the House, it was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, on which e grange element predominates, and hich Taggart is cbran. rtb tfftar.j(atf ifrith a negative recommendation. It was re commit ted and again reported with a negative. A motion was then made to place it on tbe calendar, which motion failed to carry, your member voting in the affirmative. A bill compelling rail roads to fence their tracks met the roe fate in committee. An honest fort has been mode to give these bills chance but tbe eastern part of the tate is against them. The revenue equalization tax bill is t yet oefore the House. I It is given out on what it considered good authority that President Harri son has offered the Treasury portfolio ''o General John C. New, now Consul General at London, and has cabled him to come to Washington at onco. It is not definitely known whether or not Gen. New will accept, being loatb to relinquish tho most lucrative place at the President's disposal fur even so high and honorable a position as that of Secretary of the Treasury, but it is believed be will. Gentlf.mex, of the Democratic nod Mugwump press: Don't worry and 'ret; it isn't healthy, and besides, it U njjafTuct Mr. Harrison's choice Secretary of the Treasury. The try is perfectly willing to trust trrisoo in this matter, knowing 1 will select the best man, all considered, for this most impor osition. Secretary Folger; two, Sec re Manuing; three Secretary Win o. Death shows a strange partial! fur the beads of tbe Treasury do lmen L -4 shrewd device on the part Vow York editor who cuter- Hill and Cleveland at the same to prohibit speech making. I about harmonizing the Hill aveUud men io tbe Democratio t4t wouiovue niucn easier io j,l t'A mix THE ROAD LAW. The provisions of the new road law are now the pertineut topic of inquiry among the citizens of the State, es pecially those who live in the country. It has been the aim of the frarnera of the law to relieve the farmer of cash payment of taxes, bat recognizing the small value of the old method of working out road tons, the law pro vides a slightly different means. A road tax it levied with penally for non payment within a specified time, but it is provided that tbe labor on the roans snail ne hired as much as may be irom wituiu tbe limits ol tlio bur ough in which the work is done, wages to be paid at tbe rate of 81.00 a (lav The making and uiaintaiuance of roads is vested iu a board of thrto supervis ors for each county, to be elected for three years each, oue each yoir. The supervisors are t serve without pay. The work of making estimates, super vising and directing road-buildii.g, is to be done by a county engineer. He is to receive a compensation of 83 CO for each day he is at work. An uni form system of rond-makiug is pro vided for and provisions made so that the work may be coherent and result in a system of connecting roads through the State. This is a generali cation of a very carefully prepared law, which is the result of a large amount of work, of comparing the experience of various road builders, and covers, as well as a general law may, the needs of the different por tions of tbe State, while sufficiently elastio to allow for local peculiarities. It is framed io a business-like way and appears to merit the commendation of those concerned for tbe improvement of the roads of tbe Commonwealth. How often we hear middle-aged people say regarding that reliable old cough rem edy, N. 11. Downs' Elixir: "Why, my mother gave it to me when I was a child, and I use it in myfittnily; italwayacures.'' It is always guaranteed to euro or money refunded, For pale at Bovard's, SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of sundry write of Alias Testatum Fieri Facias, from the Court of Common Pleaa of Clarion County, and l'ieri Facias, Issued out of the Court of common fleas or Forest County, Penn sylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale or outcrv, nt the Court House, In the Borough of "fioncsta. Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, A. D., 1801, at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described rem estate lo-wit: JOHN A. MAGEE use of 8AMHF.T. CRAWFORD vs. W. 8. DUNKLE, alias Testatum Fieri Facias to Forest County, No. :w, Apiil Term, 1891, and SAMl'EL CRAWFORD vs. V. S. DUNKLE, Fieri Facias, No. 30, Febru ary Term, 18!U, Waivers. W. A. Hind nian, and Ross, Hinckley t Rico, Attvs. Ail the defendant's interest in a certain lot of land, part of Warrant 8802, in Howe Township. Forest Countv. Pa., (inscribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post and atones being the southeast corner: thence north 69 degrees west 58 rods to a post ; tbf nco north 31 degrees east 27 rods to a post and stones: thonce south 67 de grees east 5S rods to a post : thence south 31 degrees west 27 rods to the place of be ginning. Containing about ton acres, and about all cleared, being marked as subdi vision number eight on a plan of subdi visions of said Warrant as surveyed by H. C. Whlttekin. Surveyor: torrcthpr with contract for stocking logs on Warrant 8N2 entered into bv said W. 8. Dunkle with W. II. Frost A Co., dated July 23, 1H87 also together with the buildings thereon erected, as follows : One 2-storv dwelling house, ltix.'IU w 1th ell ; oneoflicel) story, wxzu; one Darn 2(i.5H; blacksmith shop j two dwoling houses lfix24. 'i aKen In execution and to be sold as the roperty of W. S. Dunkle, at the suits of ohn A. Masree use of Samuel Crawford. and Samuel Crawford. TERMS OF BALK. The following must be strictly complied with when the property is stricken down : l. lien the plaintiff or other loin cred itors become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of lien" including mortgage searches on the prop el ty sold, together with such lien credit or's receint for the amount of tho pro coeds of the sale or such portion thereof as ho may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled lmmndintalv will bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of tho next day, at which timo all property not settled tin will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to wnom nrst sola. See Purdon's Digest. Ninh Edition. page 448 and .Smith's Forms, page 384. JOHN R. OSUOOD, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tionesta, Pa., February a, iBwi. Administrators' Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order of Orphans, Court of the County of Forest, dated Dee. 18, A. I). 18H0, there will be exposed to publio sale at the Court House, iu Tio nesta Borough, iu said County, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, A. D. 1891, at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said dav. tho fob lowing described real estate, to-wit: All the undivided two oiio-hundiedths (2 100) part of the following described three tracts of real estate, situate in Howe Township, in said County, and Stale of 1'cnnsyivunia, uescriheu as follows, to-wit : 1. All of Warrant No. fortv-ciirht him. dred twenty-one (4S21i. containing live hundred ninety-six (olid) acres, more or less. '.. All of Warrant No. foitv-eMit hun dred twenty-three (4823), coiitaiiiimr six hundred fifty-seven ((357) acres, more or less, excepting thereliom one hundred eighty-one (181) acres, set apart to John A. noper, aji.i conveyed to C. VV. stono et al. 3. The undivided three-fourths of all that part of Warrant No. thirty-one hun dred ninety-seven (31'.i7), being the North east part thereof, described as follows: Uegluuing at a post in the Warren Countv lino, on Mast line of Warrant No. 3198 and West lino of Warrant No. 27o5; thence South along said Warrant lines, one hun dred forty-six and two-tenths (14U.2) rods to a post, corner of land set apart to G. Rosenblatt et al. ; thcuco West ulong N. lino of lands set opart to O. Roseublalt et al., two hundred forty-four (241) rods to a Ik'ocIi in E. line of land set apart to P. SI. Clark, and c eyed to W. I,, fhrivinan; thence N. r ,g U. lino of said Chrisman lauds to e i in Warren Co. line ; ihcnce E. along s...J Warren Co. lino two hun dred forty-four (244) rods to place of be ginning. Containing two hundred thirteen (21.1) acres, more or less, subject to sale of timber thereon heretofore made. The foregoing described three tracts containing in all about twelve hundred thirty-oueand thrce-lourtlis ( 12311) acre, more or Ihks. ami being all the remaining lauds of The I'ltlsliurgh anil Forest Countv Lumber 'ompauy mentioned in original psliliou; toge'lur w illi all the buildings, improve ments, and royalties of oil and gas there unto belonging. (Subject to a certain Oil Iaasi iluted .September lst, A. D. lai'o, from John Taggart t al., to J. II. Agncw, now known as Tho Hulliowu Oil Company Lease. TERMS OF SALE.-Cash, on upprova) of sale bv Orphans' C mrt. ('. (!. 1IAX, CHARLES F. WEISE, Adm'rs, iVc.., of A. Wiesv, doe'd. Aonkw .V Ci.auk, Alt'ys. Tionesta, Pa., January 19, 1891, For Cash Only ! FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, Wo offer our stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Fino Jewelry, fcc., fcc., AT Our Stock of FINE CLOTHING Is marked in plain figures at tho cost price. One rmcE only. Wo havo tho best stock in this section, and now offer tho best inducements. Call and see. DAVID MTNTZ, THE - PEOPLE'S - STORE, MARIENVILLE, PA. LOOK! LOOK!! "Always the Cheapest niul the Het. The Boston Clothing House. .... ..., Please call and examine my vast slock of Winter Goods before going elsewhere. I am selling goods at a large discount for the Holiday Trade. I am selling LADIES' & MISSES' CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. At 25 per cent, discount from former prices, including PI.USII, KEWMARKKT, .SHORT JACKETS, AC. As to Clothing, I have a complete atoek of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AFJD CHILDREN'S, Marked at Rock-bottom Prices. I have a largo stock of That I will sell at a large discount EUBBER 1 have the largest and finest assortment in tho County. I will sell the BOSTON'S at the CANDKK at i"5 per pair. All others as cheap. In fact my stock of DKKSS GOOM, LADIES' and MK.VS UNDERWEAR. BOOTS and SHOES, CAKPKT, OIL CLOTH, TRUNKS, VALISES, HATS, CAPS and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS is couipleto. Priees always the lowest. Wo haven't time to go Into details, so givo us a call. MEYER LEVY, Marienville, Pa. PROCLAMATION. Whehkas, The Hon. Charles II. Noyes, President Judge of tho Court of Common Picas and Quarter Sessions in ami for the county of Korest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sesssions of the Peace, Or phans' Court, flyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on tiie Fourth Monday of Feb., being the 2:ld day of Feb., ls!U. Notice is therefore (riven to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said countv, that they bo then and there in their projier persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their reeoids, iuquisitions, examination, and other lemombrances, to do those things which to their oflice appertain to be done, and to those who are hound iu recogni.aii(.o to prosecute against the prisuuers i hut are or shall be in Ihejail of Forest County, that they may be then and thero to prosecute against llieiu as shall be Just. Given un der my hand and seal this 2'illi day v Juuuarv, A. I). 1-!1. JOHN It. OSUOOD, I..8. Sheriff. ,, IXAN'CIAL STATEMENT OK THE i- School District of 'J innusla itoroiigh for the year ending December HI, Info: assets. Taxos uncollected Value of School property... LOWS 20 10,00'J 00 I.lAlllLI'l'lKS. Bonds outstanding f-,700 00 Value of taxable property JlO'.i.Tii.OM. ii. W. ROBINSON, President. A. B. KKLI.V, Treasurer. D. V. CLAKK, Secretin y. DETROIT. SVUK (ill 1 1 Klt.. 'IVi llliu-U. Hall the com of hoistim; saved to Storekeepers, Butchors, Farmers, Machinists, Builders, t 'out radius and others. Admitted to be the greatest iiiiproveinenl ever mado in tackle blocks. Freight prepaid, j Write lor catalogue. Fulton Iron . V Engine W ks., 10 Brush St., Do 1 troit, Mich. Kstab. J0-. uiy'ti, V COST Everything at cost. for the Holiday Trade. As to BOOTS, Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that J. M. Mints, of tho Borough of '1 lonesta, Forest county, Pennsylvania, and Eva, his wile, bv deed of voluntary assignment dated January lil, 1K1, have assigned to S. Stettheimer, of tho city of Titusville, Pennsylvania, in trust for the benelit of tho creditors of the said J. M. Mintz, all tho estato real and personal of the said J. M. Mint. All i sons indehted to the said J. M. Mintz will make ininicdiato payment to tho said As signee, ami those having claims or de Hiauds w ill present the same without delay to S. STKTT1I El M EH. Assignee of J. M. SllnU. or S. D. IltWIN Att'y. Tionesta, Pa., J.iuuary 19, 1891. SL Tit I A I. I-IHT. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Plea of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Fourth Monday of February, 1S9I : 1. George E. Hare, in trust for Joseph Behrens, Robert Smith, W. D. Suiiih, J. M. Hare, C. P. Franco, and A. R. Thomas vs Tho Anchor Oil Company, No. Jl, De cember Term, I.sas. Nuniinoti in (.jnct niiuit. 2. Fred. Stitzinger vs. Moses Kepler, No. 34, September Term, 1!0 Appeal from J. P. !1. HatlioB. Riley vs. National Insur ance Company of AIIckIh-iiv, No. 4, Sep U inber Term, IhUO. Summons in iisMitnp- 4. 1 lattiu B. Riley vs. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, No. 5, December Term, lS'.K). Suinuio'ns in as sumpsit. ;". HattiuB. ltilev vs. l'henix Insiuaiiro Company of Brnok'lyn, New York, No. 0, September Turin, lono. Summon iu as sumpsit. Attest, CALVIN M. A RN Kit, l'rotliouolaiy, lionesta, Pa.. January -(i, l&'jl. SEND your Job Work to the REPUB LICAN Oilice. our claim i 1891. FOREST Leading Our claim to tho Leadership in all that pertains to the Wearing Apparel of Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Misses and Children is more than substantiated by tho Enormous Stock and Excellent Variety that vo are of fering this Fall. l.r?rTJ!.rin0nt.0? C,.?,hJ"K,lBJ',!rB,p."nd succeeded. We now lmve an w.ininy mm i-rice, ana irom W ....... ...... 1.1... I away " " bolow NVov'iKr"' ""K. l'H-e .begins WRAPS I WRAPS 1 1 WRAPS! 1 1 In Ladles", Misses' and Children'! Winter Wraps our assortmout Is awar itliuad of any ever oiler ed Iu Foreat County. ' PLUSH COATS, PLUSH JACKETS, NEWMARKETS, O.iod WOOL JACKETS, for LADIES and MISSES. CHILDREN'S WRAPS In Kndless Variety. If yon want to select a garment from the FINEST LINE and LA KG EST ASSOKTMENT IN FOREST COUNTY, COMB TO OUR STORE! Dry Goods, Dress Flannels, Cloakings, IMack Goods, Silk Warps. Kveryltmly knows that our store Is the plaeo to an to for Dress Goods of any desrip Jl". V.UK22 "M1l,s. DOMESTIC GtM IDS, NOTIONS, UNDERWEAR, HATS. CAPS, HOOTS. MIIoES. TRUNKS. SATCHELS, anil rAUI'K r n n.i ' Our Grocery Department Is alwaya stocked with tho Bct soul ai -i.ive ami lei i.ive ' Prices. '"'""f o .'. '.. . . ,VM'1 ''NTINUK b Lead the Trado In Forest tVVf' anJ w0 wl11 ay lt wUU lt01 OOOla AT LOW PRICES. COME AND H. J. HOPKINS & CO. PROPER - & - DOUTT, (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN A SIGGINS,) . DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND THE FEESHEST GROCERIES t-ERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OP ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Ia our Drug Department, whlah la in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will alwaya be found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEERS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED G002S, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. S. H. HASLET & SONS, -HAVE A FULL LINE OF- FURNITUR - AND UNDERTAKER'S GOODS ! Q-IVim THEM .A. OA.T.IL,. TIONESTA, NOTICE. WilKRKAH, Plln MeCou.of JenksTHp., Forest Countv, has this day sold to Ephrsim Cumminx. of I.lim t..ue. Twp., Clarion Co., Pa., tlm horc, hiirnos. wag ons, sled, lumher iinpUimnnts, I. la. k siuith tixilsBiid Implements, caille, trucks, chains, imds, w.oe snd ineielinndixc, moro pariicularl deserlliisl In hill of le dated this 'joth dsy of Jan'y, A. D. Is'.d, and posM-ssion thereof delivered to Kliner CuinminKS as Aent lor suid Ephraioi Cummin's, all kimiiis are now warned to r I'riln from iiitcrlerini; w ith the aamu or any part then of. El 1 1 It A I M Cl'MMIMiS, l.y ELMER tUM MINUS, A(;eiit. P. M. Cl.AKK, Alt'V. Tixiiestii, Pa., Jan. 1MU. P.IT. GF.ORGK STOW CORPS, No. V 1.17, W. it. C., metis lirst and ilord A cdnesdiiy fvenina of r:teh inonili, in I. 0. S. of A. hall, Partridge hiiildiu, I io. nosta, Pa. Mrs. C. C. HUM BERG KB, Pres t. Mrs. E. L. DAVIS, Sc c'y. A CONNECTICUT YANKEE.- Want ed mi ajrent in each tow n t sell ihe a!t'i t' naiot i l.-ifd. . 'iiiln i M ,u k '1 w aio latest. Nearly .'sj,ooo copii-s iiiie.i. Iv soil. 0 liiUNlrulioiis. Nearly Mil piuiw. A prent m iiiy agents sverau forty orders purwiek. Almost aiioi.u can kell tweii- 1. V-livu weekly, 'i'liis Is very prolil.tl.lu business. Wi ito for terms. C. L. Weh stor Co., 'd East lt'.li St., New York. 3 IF YOU WANT a rrriW Job of priiitinu; al a reasouable price send your order to huh oHice. COUNTY'S - Store ! Complete than evor before. We tlin wav thnv aa wn li.inw tut i,.,o . ...... ... kj mm ittiigu nging to the i'uiOMt kind of nuitn. Ilia Mnrknt sfr. ,nl nti.l Smearbaugh, Administratrix's Notice. INSTATE OF T. lt. COIM1, LATE OF i Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., deceased, letters of atlministration ou tlia alsiva estute having tn granted to the under tuned, all perw.ns indclitoil to said e-itate aro rciii'U'.l u make i in me. I lute payment, and those havim( lenal claims nuuiii.t the sains w ill prnscnl tlicm, properly autheu ticausl, lor sellleuinnt to LISfjIE M. conn, Administratrix, or E. L. DAVIS, Attorney. Tiouesia, l's., J mi. 7, lnid. Dr. y. V. CONNER S EYE AND EAR SURGEON, M'COLLUH CLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. Gives spiH'lul trestmcut to all diseases of 1 ye, esr. iimu and throat. Kelim ls and Ills dtli''liu eyes and lurnKlies Npeeta 1 des and eye k I s Irmii ollii e, sui iiriiu; tit of IraiiK-s a well as ie. IP. "W. LL-W. Practical Tinner. All kio.Uof She. ly aueudu.l lu. t Metal Wolk proiupt- TIV RtMiFlXU a arbciAt.Tr. SP OUTING. IIOKOUU ' TIME TA ni.K In rm-ct January I, ll'H. Trl... ti....... . Sta for M1 Clfv and nolo Is wnst s rV.lloM'w. No. U:l Throuull Krclirht fi'arrv. In iiasseiurors) Oi.'W a. m. 81 Ilnllslo Exiiress l&Wnoon, , fil Way Freight (carrying passeiiKcrs) 4:17 p.m. , 83 Oil City Ext rws 7,3 p. , No. No. No. For Hickory, Tldloulo, Warren, Kinna, Bradford, Olean and the Eastt No. 30 Olean Express H-.il a. nt. No. S2 Pittsburgh Express 4:17 p. m. No. tut Thronnh FriKlit (car rying passengera 7:oa p. m. Trains 03 and W Run Dally and carry Sassengers to Biid from points between 11 City and Irvlneton only, other train run daily except Sunday. tlot Time 1'ablns anil full Information from J. U CRAIG. Aircnl, Tionesta, Pa. It. DELL, Geu'lSupi. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passengor A Ticket A pent, Ruiralo, N. GREAT TRUNK LINE llotwcen tho BAST Sc "WEST I Now York, Philadelphia, Itostnn, and all points East. Chicago, St. Pan), Cincin nati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all points West. North and Southwest. Solid vestlbuled t ruins, Bleeping, Pnll man dining and day coaches, between principal cities East and West. The pop ular line West for colonists and laud seek ers. Kato always low as the lowest. No extra charge for riding oh vestibule lim ited. Itefoie purchasing tickets call on or address, R. If. WALLACE, Trav. Pas. Agt., Oil City, Pa., or F. II. GARFIELD, Div. Pass. AgU, Jamestown, N. Y. 5- .1 A FRIGHTFUL EXAMPLE Is here v,ri- nog Turn At our low were low inferioi . Turn h For future ret. shako in a 11 divoreo lor . ail rlht. Nciso A JUST CAl If the courts wool on ladles. Edu . know a bargalt Trrtiu tlieui in tliould go (fo And roinci way I, fJ. CREEfJL Undi 1 taker A El. 331 Escl. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABL OF TIONESTA, . - PE1 S. S. CANFIELD, FROPRIETO Good Stock, Good Carriages and pries to let upon the most reasonable ti Ho w ill also do JOB TEVEIJSTC All orders left at tho Post Office receivo prompt attention. WALTER'S GREAT -:- PROPOSIT Wo will givo inoro fresh meat cash at our Meat and Produce Ma Tlonetia, Pa., than any pne Ii I County. C. II. WALTER. of the linn of MORCK BRO S1 OPTIOIAH Specialist In Errors of Refraction Eye. Examinations free of charge. WARREN, P Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho fi lngr.ccoiinth.il iicen liled iu ify and will be presented at next toi court, fur confirmation : Final a count of Georue snd John ler. Administrators of the estate of Zeii;!vi-, late of I '"rest count v, de:-er CALVIN M. Al'.NEU, Clei k Orphans' ( Tioiu nta, Pa., .lanuaiy luLil. DR. A. F1S HER, DENTIST, W Pa. One of the oldest and mo ccssi'ul praelitiorers in this section State. Will visit 'lionesta every 1 court week. inay:8-l AGENTS WANTe Io canvass lor tho sale of our Hoine-C Nursi'rv Stis k. Most liberal Terms equaled Isi-ilities. One of the lare'ui ehi-tMtubiisuud, and buxt Kitown Nil In the country. Addrens W. it I . Hi Guuwva Nuraurv. Uniiw" mm itMi.i,uiV,r- -T"Jl!,S,-. XI" et I V