1 if EST REPUBLICAN. Cditon a fnomiitc. .DNESDAY, JANUARY 14, ISfll. STATE CAPITAL GOSSIP. IlARiusnumi, Jan. 7, 1891. 1'be Peooarivftnia Legislature or ganized yesterday at noon by tbe elec tion of iu officer! and the appointment of it& employee. It then passed reso 1u6ds relating to rules for the session, Awl preparations for the inauguration of the Governor, and adjourned to:day until 10 a. m. Thursday, Jan. 15. Tbe ILID DPfran An FVMav ttrftatmia whan n - i tbe different candidates for Speaker arrived in tbe city. There were five from tbe country, viz: Tbompaoo of Warren, Burdick of Mi-Kean, Fioley of Washington, Baldwin of Lancas ter, Baker of Delaware, and Capp of Lebanon, and two city candidates Messrs. Brooks of Philadelphia, and Stewart of Allegheny. Stewart had not the full support of his delegation and so could hardly be said "to be in it," but be got "in tbe swim" with the final victors all tbe same. Brooks of Tbila., bad the full Pbila. delegation behind bim, and was positive of sue cess. Tbe country gentlemen all had a good following, with Thompson in tbe lead. The hope of Philadelphia was that the country members would be split up and sooner or later go to Brooks. The "hayseeds," as they got nicknamed, knew their hope was in positive organization aud pulling to gether. It soon became evident that four out of tbe five must yield or all go to tbe wall; then Thompson as chief, and Senator Allen of Warren, with Granger Taggart of Montgomery, as "best man" started to try and rec oncile all tbe differences. Captain Baker of Delaware, soon declared be .was ready to drop out and throw for Thompson. By Monday all the coun try candidates, with Stewart of Alle gheny, got together and after counting votes decided to unite on Thompson. In two minutes the placards were all down, and all "the gentlemen from the country" in Harrisburg were langhing and shaking hauds aud congratulating each other on what tbey jokiogly call ed the "buckwheats' victory." While this was going on, the Pbila. delegation eat in solemn council in tbe Common wealth Hotel and sadly concluded they would have to put crepe on Mr. Brooks, but would save their reputa tion by throwing their full vote to a certain couutry candidate whose name was not Thompson. But, alas I for Pbila.; by tbe time they got up to the Locbiel with that proposition, every tountry candidate was pledged to Thompson, and tbe jig was up. The next move of Pbila. was to make Mr. Brooks chairman of the caucus, but already nearly all the "hayseeds" bad pledged themselves to Baker of Dela ware, so it was flopped again. One party remarked, in language more profane than legislative, that "there were more blanked independent coun try ducks in this Legislature tban be bad ever Been." So it was, and the country members were so full of "tickle and laugh" that after the cau cus bad elecied -Tiiompjon the reaction tme, aud in that reaction Phila yboped roost of the miuor positions bm the Slate Committee. After the .onouncemeuts irom that committee, ind tbe election of tbeir selections by the House, there was more kickiog tban after a couutry primary. How ever, tbe fact that tbe country com pletely outgeneraled the city on the peakerohip, helped to soothe many in aogry member who was disappoint id in not gutting "bis man in." Speaker Thompson seemed to catch a from tbe start to the adjournment 2-day, when the Republicans of tbe enate and House weul iulo joint cau ls for nominations for U 8. Senate, ver tbe calling of the caucus at this ite there was some kicki a few anting it postpoued until Thursday, fth. Tbe majority could see no. use that a there whs, ho far as anyone old discover, ooly one candidate, I: J. 0. Caraerou. Tboae. opposed Senator Cameron did uot suggest y oaiue, or probable name of any itleman, who was in the field, so tbe elusion was that, as there was only i candidate, the business bud better uu dace with. Tbe caucus came n order duly on time, with Senator G Handy Smith in tbe chair. Motion for adjournment was voted down by a very large, majority. Senator Thomp son of Dauphin, nominated J. I). Cameron io a good speech, and Sena tor Gobin of Lebanon, secnuded it in a better oue. He said "J. D. Camer on would vote for the Federal Eleo tiona bill, all statements to the con tiary notwithstanding." Whereupon Mr. Coray of Luzeroe, said "Senator Cameron bad been Dou-oommittal ou tbe bill aod staid so uutil 'be was smoked out.'" This caused Dr. Tow ler of Forost, to remark "that every body knew that a mao with Scotch bloodl in his veins could not be 'smoked out.' " Tbe House laughed, (be vision proceeded, aud J. D. Cameron, the eole candidate, was duly made tbe nominee of the Republican for U. S. Senator. Senator Cameroa was called upon by nearly all the members of the Lea islature, and it was very evident that tbe Senator had no intention of doing anything but what bis party and State desired. Even the granger element will be satisfied with his course or evidences go for nothing. TnE ItopublicarJS natnrs have per fected a financial till, which while it does not embrace all that every Re publican would like to see in such a measuro, promises to afford speedy re lief to the money market, without goiog to the dangt rous extreme of an over-ioflitliou of tbe currency, and for that reas'n alone it should spcrdily become a law. But will it? Will the Democrats, who have been professing so much distress oo account of the fioaucial stringency, allow this relief measure to be adopted without unnec essary delay, or will they, true to the past record of their party, attempt to delay or defeat it by offering impracti cable amendments aod by resorting to filibustering? We shall tee. Senator Ingalls bas gone homo to remain until bis successor is elected. and every good Republican whether agreeing with Mr. Ingalls in all things or not, will hope that be may be bis own successor. Aside from politics entirely, men of bis calibre are ton scarce in Congress for tbe eood of country, and for the Kansas legislative to send an unknown nobody to tbe Senate as tbe successor to John J Ingalls would be an act of folly that its members would not fail to recret in tbe future. OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE ! A.T THE MARIENVILLE, PA. COME NOW FOR HA ROAINS IX ALL HEAVY WINTER GOODS. WE ARE NOW OFFERING OUR STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND WRAPS FROM 15 TO 30 PER CENT. OFF. . MEN S AND YOUTH'S Overcoats and Underwear FROM 15 TO 30 PER CENT. OFF. Congress should Jose no time in pissiug a law providing for tbe imme diate ditarmiug of every Indian on a reservation, and care should be taken in framing it to see that it contains a provision to prevent their egaiu ac quiring arms. eed them, if neces sary, but do not allow them to possess rifles, which may at any time be used to murder white people. Senator Pet- tigrew, of North Dakota, has iutro duced a bill which seems to just about cover tbe ground. Senator elect Irby, of South Carolina, who was elected by Farmers Alliance votes, now says be is a Dem ocrat first, aod that the farmers will have to look to that party for the leg islation they wish. There's a lesson in that remark for old time Republica to tbink over. Mr. Cleveland isn't worrying himself trying to get Mr. Charles A. Dana elected to tbe United States Secate, nor is Mr. Dana staying up nights to get Mr. Cleveland nominated tor I'resiut'Ol. THE PHILADELPHIA PRK.nK has wou the foremost place imnni: Pennsyl vania uowppapers ly the liberality, enter prise, unit fairness with which it conducts its business, reports irreat events, and the completeness with which it records, day oy uay, me mo ot the c;tv, Mate and country. Its field is world-wide, and it aunt', its special correspondents, i-o many and well organized. Ha source of news o numerous, that it appeals to a wider con stituency thau any other nowspaper ever j.uuiinnra in renusvivanin. - oe Press," said one of the niuiiairors ot the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, now receives more telee;raphic news than all the other Philadelphia news papers combined." This statement is au thoritative and conclusive, and The Press presents as daily witnesses to its truth, its twelve to twentv-four bright and interest Inn pages. But it is not only by its news enterprise by the teal, energy, and integ rity of its reporters and coi respondents that The Press has won and held the con fidence of its many thousands of readers, representing every ago and every condi tion of life, every tiade and every profes sion, every faitb'and every political opin ion. It is the excellence and varied inter est of The Press as a general family jour nal, appealing to women as well us to men, which have made for it so many friends at home, and extended its repola tion throughout the country. It prints every important event of the world's firogress. ine printing or news is always ts first business, but its columns are also enriched by contributions from the most gifted special writers, the most famous novelists, and some of the most eminent pulilio men of the time. The literary en gagements already made for IH'.H, probably surpass in number and variety, and nearly equal in cost, aoy contemporary magazine, lor me nuiu ami resources ot Midi a news naner mm '1 he PrnMa miiL-n if not onlv a daily hlstoriun, but a daily forum and a daily tribune. Itssteadily growing profits aud its steadfast constituency not only de mand, but insure progress. Tho greatest authors, as well as tho brightest news cor respondents, find their largest profits de rived from any Pennsylvania newspaper, as well as their beat Pen nsy I vania audience in Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Press. In politics The Press is Republican, but it knows no other master than tiie people whose rights, aspirations, und needs it al ways defend It has no enemies to pun ish, no individual political ambitions to foster or promote, mid is subsorvinu to no politician or clique. Faithful to tiio great ody of readers und voters, whom it truly lepiesonts, it promotes its own interest and iuilueiieo by faithfully upholding theirs. Its editorial ominous aro learlesn and frank never i-aptious. Its news is always impartial. Initsjiages the work ingniHn finds as ready uudience as tbs capitalist. To all commercial and indus trial progress, to the liest thought and best action in every sphere of human enter prise, it accords a generous and enlight ened hospitulity. In the columns of The Philadelphia Press Justice finds "all sea sons Mummer," And have in stock an extra fine lino o Tailor-made Clothing, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, &c. IN OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT WE HANDLE THE BOSTON RUBBER GOODS ! OF TIIE FIRST QUALITY. NO SECONDS IN STOCK. A Complete Line of Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Trunks, Hand Bags, Sewing Machines, and Jewelry. First Class Merchant Tailoring and Milllinery, &c. Highest inarKct price paid for HiJos, Pelts, Furs, Wool, and Ginseng. DAVID MTNTZ. LOOK! LOOK!! Always the Cheapest ami the Best." The Boston Clothing House. a, Please call and examine my vast stock of Winter (Hoods before going elsewhere, I am selling goods at a large discount for the Holiday Trade. I am selling LADIES' & MISSIS' CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. At 25 percent, discount from former prices, including IMJS1I, NEWMARKET, SHORT JACKETS, AC. As to Clothing, I have a complete stock of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S, Marked At llock-bottom Prices. I have a large stock of O V 33 3S& C! O 3GI S , That I will sell at a large discount for tho Holiday Trade. As to RUBBER BOOTS, I nave the largest and finest assortment in the County. I will sell the BOSTON'S at i me ucc hi 94.10 per pair. All others as cheap. In root my stock of PRESS HOODS, LADIKS and MEN'S VNDERWKAR 3TS and SHOES, CAKPKT. OIL CLOTH, TRUNKS, VALISES. HATS. CAI's' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS is complete. Prices al.vavs tho lowest. . ' BOO' aud Wo haven't time to go into details, so give us a call. MEYER LEVY, Marienville, Pa. J. D. AONKW. OKOHOK W. TAYLOR. AGNEW L TAYLOR. ATTOBXEVS AND COl'NSELLORS AT LAW. Offices : Leuman Hulldirinr. Washing ton, 1. C. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. S ill practice before tho IT. H. Sunreme Court, Court of Claims, District Courts, unci ieparimenis 01 (aovernment. Special attention given to the collection of army and navy claims, pensions, pav, bounty, et, cases arising under the cus toms, navigation and interim' revenue laws, and patents. Correct forms, blanks and instructions mailed to claimants free of charge on receipt of their names and P. O. ad.lress. WALTER'S GREAT -:- PROPOSITION ! A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Fallj Abrost with tha Tims. TERMS OK THE PRESS. By mail, postage free in the United Suites und Canada. Daily icxeept Sunday), 0110 year, . oneniontti, -" (includiugSunday), one year, " " " one month. Sunday, oue yar, - weekly rress. 0110 year, Drafts. Cheeks und other should be made payable to the order of THE PRESS COMPANV, Limited, Philadelphia, Pu. $(1.00 .50 7.ft0 .ti.- ?.no 1.00 OB WORK of every description execu te. I at the REPUBLICA No tlice. We will give more fresh meat for the cash at our Meot aud Produce Market in Tionesta, Pa., than any one in Forest County. C. H. WALTER. mm am tlircvsr MOHOK J&. of the firm of MORCK BRO S, OPTIOIA1TS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the Eye. Examinations free of ehaige. WARREN, FENN. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for tha Family, School, or Prufenional Library. Tli Anthentio Webster's Una., fcridgsd Dictionary, comprising the issue, of 1864, "J Si 84, Mpyri(Sti propeny ox no anaerugnea, is bow hing title, been abator's ImtanAa tionel Dictionary. editorial work upon tUa revialoa hes beea in active progress (or over Tea Years. Not lesa thaa One Hua dred paid editorial laborer bare beea encaged npoa it. Over .300,000 expended la Its preparation before the first oopr was printed. Critical compariaoa with may ether Diotioaary is invited. Get t&e Beet. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, w h a auaaiiuu tx tbe aame of lVobster'a O O. MtHKIAM Co., PnblUb.ra, Springfield, Mass., V. S. A. 80U I.)' all liookiellors. Uluttrauil pamphlet free. s !:' I your Job Work to tlm TM.'Pim. LICAN Office. This is a True Fact: Winter Goods sold at cost. Over coats, Ladies Misses' and Children's Coats sold at cost. We want to mane room for our pring1 -:- Stock, and this must be done within 60 days. Give us a call and bo con vinced we mean what we say. J. M. MINTZ, CIT sew ki:ii,i:k iti.ocK, TIOSESTA, PA. 1890. OUR CLAIM! 1891. FOREST COUNTY'S Leading - Store ! llllllllkllllllMB Our claim to the Leadership in all that pertains to the Wearing- Apparel of Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Misses and Children is more than substantiated by tho Enormous Stock and Excellent Variety that wo aro of fering this Fall. hrSK':?, Mor-CompMc thsn ,v,r lH.fi.ro. Wo i.. w. i '.V ,mT" '""If uverciwts to nu t Kvorv- bo.lv, in HtylP tjimlity mid l'rloe. aud from tho whv ihov Ko wo know tlmt wo I sva micoetjdod. We now Imvo ouy kind of Koods you t.i ask for nnd tho J riot? b( uh.s sway bol..w what AN YON K 1MKK NAM 10, und rnsing . the unt-sl ki'ml l it ut! WRAPS! WRAPS I! WRAPS! II In Lsdlos', Missps' and Children's Winter Wrnos our b..,,! .1 i .. ..1.....1 any ever otlbred iu Forest Comity. J .v , PLUSH COATS, PLUSH JACKETS, NEWMARKETS, 1. 11-.. 1 . '...- ini ..nr..-. 1 111 l,llllh,. IV .VI'S Dry Goods, Dress Flannels, Cloakiiigs, Black Goods, Silk Warns. Kveryhody knows that our store is the place to o to for Press (loods id nny dcsrlp II'S UtW.US, IKIMKNTIC UOOl.S, NOTIONS. IINHKUWKAK M Vxi CAPS. BOOTS. KIIOKS, Tit UN KM, HATCH EUS. nnd UAKI'KrS of all kinds. ' OlirOrooerv Dfiiartmnnt Unla-nvo Br,u.lrA.i H iik i.n u.. . ... wldrtlJve.ndWu;;-'iv7cei7 ll"K01 ""0rU, "a WeHAVK, WE DO, an.l we WILL COXTIXL'K t i L-..1 th . Trudo in Fnrrwt Cmintv. and n will ),. it ltl, (jf.m. jhi.hu at t ,, V. . 1 "r. KKK US i 1 iniM. tu,M 1. H. J. HOPKINS & CO. PROPER - & - DOUTT, (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN A BIGGIN'.,) DRUGGISTS tfc GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PEWM. IN OUR CROC ICR Y DKrARTMENT WILL ALWAYS UK FOUND TME FRESHEST G&QCEMIES. BERRIKS, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Ia our Drug Department, which is in ohurgo of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS, GhOCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, S. H. HASLET & SONS, -HAVE A FULL LINE OF- FURNITURE ! No. st" it 11 nil, No. 1 Way h IWSSOIIftl No. 8d Oil Cir ForHlikorj. Bradford, Olesh anu No. an Olenn Kxprosj No. 112 IMttNhurirh Ks No. 1W Throiifth Frol ryiiir jiassonpers. Trslns 03 and 00 Rn Csswnners to and fn 11 City and Irvimdon run dnllv exeept Sund (Jet Time Tiihlos ai from J. L. CRAIO, Ag . 11. h h Jv A. FELLOWS, (ion'l Passenger 1 GREAT Uetweon t EAST &c Now Ymk, rhihidolp nil points Ksst, Chicniio, nnti, St. lxniis. New points West, North and 1 Solid vostibuled trains man dining and d:v prineiiml cities East and ular line West for colon! ers. Rates always low a extra rhsrKe for 'riding t Ited. ltefire pnri'hiiHinif address, R. 11. WALLA At., Oil City, Pa., or F. Div. Pass. Ant., Jamnstn M A FBIEHTFEi Is here furnished of I lieKieetiiiK to take vice. This mar. knew it ul Turned Up . At our low priced Fiu nit 4 were low. Jlepiil l tw.l Inferior ni t.'clo which f Turn Down 1 For Aitnro reference. Sho shako In a mild form an divorce lor the next otlei all riuht. To fail to tr. Nelson GrccnluiH A JUST CAUSE OF , If the courts would only thin on mines, ivlil.-ato vour I know a bargain wlien hi Train tlieui in tlio wn should po (for Fiirnl And ronieuilK-r I way Is to N. CREENLU Undertaker A Kin In 331 Kxcbai vr. HUMPHr VETERIHAnY For Bcrsae, Cattle, Shwr AND HUrJLTI COOVase nookl'uita aud Chart roai JPttaj FTrra,('anf ratios . 1 Kplnnl ..lnknsitla, 11.11 Mrnlua, I.Riuracaa k,V.'l.","u'",r Nsasl I D.l. iiula ar t.ralii, w K.L. CiiHsbs, Jlravea, I K.r-.Coll r llrlpo, II. ). Mlararrlavc, llrmorrb 111.11. I rlnnry and kMur) 1)1. ,ll""tr.,!,"lv', OIea. i.Iuuib. .K. Uisraaeasf l.laeatlau, Far Blaitla Buttla (orar todonax Mtabla f'aae, with Rpn-lAra, Manual. Vvtorluarr -'ura OH aucl MgdloatorT Jar Vaivrlaarf fare Oil, . . old br Draft lata: or Bant Prspald aa and in any uuuir on Bassipt ol i-no' Humphwyt' Madtelna Ca., 109 rullon ft'" 1 v '-t Vi .', '-ill .1 THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STAB OF TIONESTA. - S. S. Cti i Gool Ktock, Gooa f ios to let upon the mo... Io will also do CTOB TEAM t.v All orders left at tho l'ost 0111 receive prompt uttuuiion. PATENT Caveats, and Trade-Marks ohtalnc all Fatent business coiiilucted fol ate Foes. Our ollieo is opposite IT. S. I'ateu and we can secure patent In less tit those remote from .Vahiiigton. Kend im-iliil. drawing or photo description. We advise if patent! not, freo of charire. Our foe uot i patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain p with names of uctiud clients in you eounty, or town, sent freo. Addiei C. A. HXOW 4 CO., Opp. I'atent Oftice, Washinstoi WAE3TED ACEK -AND UNDERTAKER'S - GOODS ! Q-ZTVTD THEM .A. CALL. tosoi icir asciiu us n it TflEES, SHRUBS, W.tt STEADY wot Uoacat, lak J U. nJaaloa 1 p.-.n . ... v V - if' " J W irrow a Aill lina A..ir- otl. Luukoux II 'rite itnuif'iiiitcJu R. O. CHASE & CO., PHILA. Tf YOU WANT a respectable' X printing at a reasonable price hen ordor to this ctllco. .1