.ARBns. agriculture in Always introduction of better "k. The Mine ipirit of ompU the farmer to "nches hiru tht the most pork, the e most milk and which will yield the cheapest and .ay for feed And at you find a farmer who farm and home, using potior implement, you aro very ant to find his pasture Supplied with improved loch.. ifieia Vrleant Tim-Democrat. TRKSSnVlNO CELERY Celery should now be banked up with earth to the top leaven; this blanches the stalks and makes them tender, and pre serves mem from injurious frost. Moderates freezing will not injure the celery. When the weather is getting too com the plants may be be taken up and set upright in a trench as deep as the plants are long and as close together as may be. The earth is left on the roots. Tho trench is covered crosswise with vTrt boards, and these aro covered with iw and earth to exclude frost, warmer localities a light covering only 1 be needed. A supply can be taken of such a pit nt any time, but where cold is severe tho opening should be ;d up nt once. Xew York 1'imrs. . ' lltTIXD A GRANARY. ; is unfortunate that farmers should w eo much waste in their grain pro cts after tliey have tikou so much .ins and labored so hard to harvest hem. And yet there is a great loss ivcry winter in the granary. Iudeed, ome fanners hive no- granary, but put heir threshed grain in bags and boxes, in which things mice delight. Others lo uot thresh out the main crops until hey wish to market them, possibly not ntil spring; but there is always awaste iu the mow, as well as in tho grauary. Every farmer should have a good mice proof granary, and there is no sufficient reason for not having one. As a rule it will pay to market most field crops in fall or early winter, before they have wasted much; nnd the saving thereby, wo believe, will exceed the possible in crease or price which may be received if held until spring JNVio York Imlepeiii tnl. COMPARATIVE VAI.rit OF MIT,R. l'.-ofcssor Ladd, the expert dairyman and chemist, formerly of the New York 'uieiit Station, fcund in some cases j Vty-two pounds of milk were rc fJ to produce one pound of butter; ) only thirteen pounds. lie do 'oi " e figures as follows: '-Sup-' farmers were taking milk to miter factory, each cow avcrag ounds per season, or 30,0(J0 - milk for tcu cow, liy tho . method of paving for milk at ictorics, each man receives an equal aotint. By paying for milk according the fat, As milk would produce 2353 mds of butter, which at twenty cents pound would amount to $470.60, B's milk 931 pounds of butter, at nty cents per pound, $185. 2 J. But tcad of this each receives $328.40, or gives B $142.20. These are the cx nics, but such cases are found at every nmery. iJustw. Cultivator. iXTERIxti OKRAXIUMS IX A CELLAR. 'o keepgerauiums well during winter, 1 up in tho cellar, requires some ex .'uce, and, according to as good on ly as Vick, something depends on "'upernture and humidity of the air, vlii'thcr the plants are near the top ,om - of the cellar space. Only 1 trial would prove tho right place le capabilities of each cellar. Tho vay is no doubt to take up tho with some soil and set them in of soil. Rome water can be given le the toil about tho roots, and tho planU bo allowed to stand out fuithcr attention for w' 'CcWtQdry off. ! Then1 lai. oj goC re iC it he at In the spring, in time for hatching out the early broods. Should they not begin to lay, however, before the winter begins, they will not lay at all until spring, but will begin early. The cold weather scorns to hare a curious effect in that rwpect, for young chicki stop growing, hens will not begin to lay, and ovon tho cocks are indolent and selfish. Nor is it any less important to push the cockerel. If tho eggs are intended for hatching, a forward, well-matured cockerel will be much more valuablo and serviceable than one that has been slow in growth and not fullv developed. When the small breeds have been used. they will bo found approaching maturity much sooner than the large breeds, but do not make as good wiutcr layers as do those breeds that possess heavy, fluff feathers, nor is the tall comb of any ad vantage to them wheu the frost is keen and tho winds sharp. Liberal feeding, however, will assist maturity to bridge over some of the difficulties, and it pays at that, as tho eggs collected in winter are always worth much more than those of a later period. Thin out all tho in ferior stock, select tho strongest, earli est and most active pullets, and pigk out a cockerel full of vigor and strength. carm ana t irtti'le. FARM AKD GARDEX NOTES. Ilusband and wife should bo equal part ners. Bleaching fruit with sulphur Is a bad practice. When you store tools for the winter oil them. Gardening is taught in the co-ninon schools of France. Provide some succulent food for your pigs during the winter. Huskings arc in order. So aro pu-nn- kin pies and doughnuts. Lay in a good stock of papers aud magazines for winter reading. When you mulch small fruits mulch enough to keep down the weeds. Build bridges if vou like, but don't break up tho roadbed in tho fall. Fertilizers improve a poor soil anJ keep a rich ono from running down. One of tho drawbacks of eprnvinz is that it kills our friends as well as our en emies. The more landowners and homesteads there are in a nation tho better it is for the people. The young man who gets a good agri cultural education is going to be iu fu- uro demand. Apply your manure where tho roots of your crop can reach it or it can reach the roots of the crop. Not manure but well fertilized earth should be placed n xt to tho roots of transplauted trees. If you have but a srmll farm put your energies and cash iuto that and mako it produco as much as most large farms. Manure when compositing needs water to make it moist; but care must be taken that there is not water enough to leach it. It is for tho farmers to see that tho agricultural colleges and experiment sta tions are properly run, and to aid in run ning them. Potatoes should be stored where they will have a cool, even temperature, and be overhauled once a month to get rid of decaying ones. If a cow has sharp horns put wooden thimbles on the ends of them. The knobs can be fastened on by pe.s run through both horn and knob. The wide-awake farmer visits other farms than his own. When he finds con vuiicnces, methods and crops better than at home it inspires him to greater effort. Many abandoned farms have been abandoned because they were too large to be profitably cultivated. It is very seldom that a small farm is abandoned. A few good emasculated ajfc cats will bo found l- able stock tho 1 cat is worth 8, aud it never cured as every re it, is worth of the coarse, uflE wo find is one cause of milk fev ire common than it used that both food aud milk - to bo put upou light diet eks before they come in. , trees of any kind is growing Xow, if we will use the trees as i.her crops, giving them good, . and deceut care, we shall act and likely successfully grow one A trees. ' le first cost of working land to a per depth is considerable, but when co done and the impediments that is, jck, stones or stumps disposed of, .here is an annual saving of time and of ols in the work. Keep weeds from the compost heap; especially do not allow any of them to go to seed. It would be the foundation of a deal of hard work, hoeing, and clean 'ng next year should any of them be rmitted to scatter their seeds in the If by anyerro,of judgment a newly seeded field of wheat has been (jnished by rolling, it should have a light harrow ing imroediati y with a small sloping tooth harrow. The harrow should nlwavs le U8' n'ttSr the roller in finish ..aflclV Hcnmal is choked put ahand i gunpowder on tho roots of its mgue .'id hold the jaws together, if ossible.Vor half an hour. The gun powder lelUxes tho muscles and permits he obstructing substance to go cither lown or up. It i dangvous to poke he obbtructionylown the animal's throat. V Seed riaiWl ny Birds. Walter B. BarroVs, at the receat meeting of ornithologusts, read a paper on 4 'Seed-Planting Birds." Mr. Bar rows referred to the modi) of distribu- Hon nf sccJi by birds and the species of Vltnd uature of seeds cngagud in tho jgardto the distiibution)f seeds as Mr. Burrows showed their man be a curious one, the crow having vcr to disgorge anything at will. ) w has a habit of eating largely of 1 of lRiisun ivv aud other uoxioui aud then disgorging theui iu a a, many of tlioso seadit beiug iu mow. How iiauy othur this power of k-rctiou is h 1 be 1. 1 into TEMPERANCE. cnntsTMA snips, TharVs ft good ship sails into childhood's nay. Mi.l the a-low and glory of Christmas Day, V it h spiry perfume and favoring; Rale Fanning the folds of its star-gammed Mils, It halls from th gleaming, golden strand, Th wonderful slmranf fairyland. It is manned hv a kill Tallin fr And Santa Claiis is it master true. It brines to the rollicking girls and boys Books and bon-bons, and bright n.w toysi And many comfort to young ami old, It bears from that magical shore of gold. Oh, children ! I would not dim your smila. But pause in your plea.tire,and think awhile Of the ship thatsails into Sorrow's bay, '.Mid clouds and sighs, on this Christinas Day. At the bow sits Grief at the holm Despair. It is manned by woes, and freighted with care; It brinseth the drunkard's curse and blow, The pinching of want with the cold and snow. The wanderings far.with bare, freexiug feet, 1 he hungry wail but for food to eat The anguished prayer without hope or faith. The struggle for life more sal than death. O ! could ye not waft to this gloomy strand One breath of joy from your sunshine land; 1 b'ot from some chee a tear's sad trace, And bring a smile to some worn, wan face? i.mmaS.Aheart,in Temperance Banner ANOTHER REFfOK FOR RUM OCXS. The Young Men's Cliristinu Association have purchased the famous "eanten" which Is situated so near the parade ground of the State Camp of Instruction at Peekskill, N. Y., as to virtually he in the camp, and when the National Uuard next year goes into camp, the banner of this association will te floatiug from these hnildinirs that were formerly so objectionable; and religious services, meet ings of song and harmless games will take the place of intoxicating drinks and their degrading accomimuimeiito. V. V, T. U. Bulletin. ATTRACTING ATTKNTIOIf. Iii an English exchange, a temperanca worker thus describes a novel method for arousing the attention of Idle people: "I have a notice board in front of my house a private one- ou which I tack posters of im portant meetincs, diagrams, drink maps, pictures, sayings of eminent men, scraps of poetry, etc., etc. Some are exhibited one week, some for two, and it is astonishing the numbers of passers who stop aud look. They clo.sely inspect and read what is on the board. All classes are attracted, gentry, trailers, mechanics farm laborers, and even sots, so that a good diagram or a striking picture is s useful a sail ordinary lecture, and really more so, bec.mse it cateues the attention of so many who never jittvnj our meetings. THRRCM CURSE IN AFRICA. Bishop William Taylor, a competent wit B"ss concerning the ravages of strong drink in Africa, m a rec.'iit letter, writei . "Poor Africa's deplorable condition under tho rum curse is darker than when the steal ing of millions of its people caused Living stone to call it the 'open sore of the world.' A hundred steamships that sail from Euro pean and English ports to the west, south, nnd east coasts, carry a principal cargo of rum and gin. Hamburg alone, by two lines of steamers, exported to Afiica liJO.OXl tuns of rum last year; and many other cities, in cluding our own Boston, are engaged in the nefarious business of turning a Mississippi of death and destruction upon the defense leas Africans, annually decimating whole sect ions of that country." So far as the American exportation of rum to Africa is concerned, Congress, during this session, should provide by appropriate legis lation for its suppression. Xational Temper ance Advocate. KKCKKT CniMKS AND ACCIDENTS CAUSED BY LIQUOR. Mrs. Christine Jansen, of New Tork City, while drunk committed suicide by swallow ing a large dose of Paris green. In a tit of despondency, the result of drink ing heavily Mrs. Minnie Saul, of Green point, Brooklyn, N. Y., hanged herself in her room. While in a drunken fit, Thomas Dawson, a factory hand of. Spartanburg, 8. C, at tempted to carve up his wife. He was ar rested before any damage was done. William Kenny, a married man of New ark, IS. J., cut nis throat from ear to ear and tore the wound open with his hands while suffering with delirium tremens. Thomas Callahan and Matthew Hogan. of Trenton, N. J., were out drinking together. They quarreled, an t Callahan shot and dau gerousiy wounded Hoan. While druuk and quarrelsome, Frank Fooke, of Fu liuan. III., shot and killed his Jviff and t'leu Wen out Ms own trains in the presence of the'ir thirteen-year-old daughter. Agues Steele, a yoilig married woman of Hoboken, N. J., was thrown out of a second- story window by her drunken and quarrel some husband, Barnard Steele. On a recent night a passenger train ran over a druukeu negro who was asleep on the track near Powder Springs, Ua.,and dragged his body for a quarter of a mile, tearing it Into fragments. Josph Ferron, a shoemaker of Worcester, Mass., took a number of drinks with a smooth tongued stranger, who afterwards while they were on the street, knocked Ferron down and robbed bun. Martin C'ouvery, au eighteeu-vear-old drunken tough, of Worcester, Mass., engaged in a street light with one of his companions. He was worsted, and frenzied with rage, he ran through the streets with an open pocket knife, stabbing a man named Murphy and another named Patrick Maher. At S A. if. Mrs. Hattie Allaliouh, of 88 Haveineyer street, Brooklyn, N.Y., answered the ringing of her door bell. Upou the stoop she fouud seated William Roberta, a saloon keener, and John O'Brien. They asked for their friend, Mr. Allabacb. Mrs. Allabach upbraided them for their untimely visit, aud ordered them away, shut the door, when Roberts fired a pistol shot through the door, the bullet striking Mrs. Allabach in the side and seriously wounding her. TKSIPRKANCK NKWS AND NOTES. The greatest senses-taker iu the world whisky. A New Jersey W. C. T. LT. union has a "great-grandmother'' 101 years old. Father Mathew's immortal pledge was, ''For my own sake, for the sake of others, and for the glory of God, 1 abstain." The most recent statistics of arrests for drunkenness in Maine, in any one year, show hut four arrests to every Pjo of the popula tion. According to the inland revenue returns up to March of the present year, Ireland consumed last yettr 4.710,083 gallous of spirits, aud 2.4ti0,M5 barrels of Imer. The 41.0IX),IKI0 gallons of spirit made in the Vuited Kiugdom in Ibb'J were mostly used in England, and nearly three-fourths of this vast quantity was drunk as a beverage. Thirty-six "wet" counties of Georgia have one convict to every ti'JO people. One hun dred aud one "dry" counties in the same State have one convict to every VSi'J people. "The watchword of those who believe in prohibition by woman's ballot, said Miss Willard in her annual address, "is 'two votes for the home where it now has but one.' " Wherever the national convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union goes It leaves new unions in its wake. One ox these is a new "V" iu Atlanta, Ga., with sixty members. A white-ribbon soldier of seventy years wauls to see the gruves of her comrades tlecorultid, wheu those of the soldiers are, by a Mill; aud a cross, with the motto, "For God aud Home and Native Land." Amoncr the new organizer appointed by the National Woman's Christian I'eiuperance Uiuuu is Mrs. M II. Keese, oc west Wash. igyniou, who will probably go during the ytnai' to Alaska in the iutoresc of society. '.(ere Is a singular unanimity of opinion amoi-the physicians with regard to the de structive iKjwer oi aU'otiot uku tlie liuuian brain. li'- Kate Mitchell says, "the brain, the most iuiK't'iiit oivau if the body, the vaisions, tkiu ;iiCillli;;mce, of all humuu du- Hi-es and fevlnus' of the highest a well orVihe. basest of ouil propensities, i the organ tuVarliest aud the uost profoundly atUcked by uXxihol." I We'll write it down till everybody sees it Till everybody is sick of seeing it Till everybody knows it without seeing it' that Dr. Sage s Catarrh Rem edy cures the worst cases of chronic catarrh in the head, catarrhal headache, and " cold in the head." In perfect faith, its makers, the World's Dispensary Med ical Association of 13uiTalo, N. Y offers to pay $500 to any one suffering from chronic catarrh in the head whom they cannot cure. Now if the conditions were reversed if they asked you to pay $500 for a positive cure you might hesitate. Here are reputable men, with years of honorable dealing; thousands of dollars and a great name back of them and thev sav "We can cure you because weve cured thousands like you if we can't we'll pay you $500 for the knowledge that there's one whom we can't cure." They believe in themselves. Isn't it worth a trial? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh? THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, BEECHAM'S PILLS For Billons ail Nervous Dlsorlera. "Worth a Gnhiea a Box" but sola for 25 Cents, BY Al.Ii nnt UGMTft. jju; .1 mi Jtwi.'i-1 j n A. I.KIIIIANn'. PATENTS WfifthliiL'ton. I. (!. ss run UHCULAR. Mount Do.itli Xot to Wear n Press Cont. A good tiling is told of llarrios, tho Guatemalan dictator, in connection with tho dress of the men attending the opera. formerly tho little short jackets that come just under tho armpits were worn by many, hut when tho President went abroad he saw how those in other parts of the world dressed, nnd on his return issued an edict compelling all tho men to cither appear in a full-dress coat or a Prince Albert. They dressed as dirccted. To disobey might mean death. San irancitco Vhroiuelti. Guaranteed five year eitht per cent, Fir,t lortirunoson Kansas City property, Interest mmitwieu iriieu uue mm reiumeu wimoui expense to leader, for sate by J. ii. Hauerleln V 1 'n.. Ivmqft I'itv. "Vn. VVritn fnr purlin, I it-1 READY RELIEF. fHE CRE4T COHQUEflO! OF PlIK For Kprnina. Rrulsrs, llnrknrhe, lnla n t lie I beat or Midi-, Unilinear, l out hnche, r uu oilier external miii, a lew niiitlleit. lions rubbed on by bund, act like uiuilc, causing me pain to Inniuiiily aiov. tor laiiKt'Mimiii.C ol,U, HronehilU. I'nen. niolilii, lulliiiiiiiiHIlinio, llbeiluiHliKiii. Neu- niKii., ..uiiiuntfii, MeiniieK, inure llioronsb uuil repent e.l upplieatioiin are uereasnrj . All 1 11 ij run I i'hiiii., liiarrbirn. Colic, hpanlUH, .,nuneH, I'aiiiling rpelU, Nervous hfh, Mi'mlratiiriu ri relieved lllMauli) . ml quiekly cured by Inkles inwardly lo UU ilioin iu null a nimbler ol water. OOu.aboule. All t)ruguUi. AnUfAV'S rs: ana w v 0 n i w 1 PILLS, An exrrtlent nnd mild 'nt hurtle I'm re It FKlKble. TUe Rlest find ilei M 'dir. no In 1 ho wvrlit lor ttiv Cure ui all Ul urdur LIVER, STOMACH OR BOWELS. Taken nrrordliin 10 direction they will rent ore beitUu aud renew vitality. Price 25 cti. a Box. Sold by all Druggists GAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A PAY IN THIS J CASK OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL j RUN DOWN," AND HAS DEOUN TO TAKK j THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, 5 TT'S is! on ! OF PURE CCO LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. Tills FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER again. Palatable as milk. En. IM1RSED TV l'HYSICIANS. Sold by ALL Uaucicis rs. Avoid substitutions and 1M11 A 1 IONS, RELIEVES Mil ELY bKUTll KUS. M Warren .ADWAY'8 I ;;jaz8-ii ' j wnffi-JfGl y SCO A FEWHENS Is the motto and teachings of the Rett Poultry Paper puhllshed. It fntte Only IV) cts. a yeart slK uimilli a els. Casli or mainui. hauiple free. A.l.lress KAKM OL'l.TKY, Box aim, Hoaloa, Mass. K ..nTHlNG ON EAdv.. Uvy L C tt UuU ir YOU VT (iV.T IT It la Atimnjlutfly Pum HIkIiIt funfrntratl. Mutt K-!umil't, brn'MUtr mich mnittl ilfmesi, Btrlcttf a HttlWfn. tiai t 1 woJ. Ycu t an hny r i iaIj l.,J s i ln p iti wn n,u. I'ji'irnU uud I 'ui i nil JImuimi ot IVuitcy. Woi th Umift tlij.ii iuU wlun bi-uu aic Sl.ultiiiijf. 'tin lrx can Mad um ttu, ir -t. J mt inula (o prttveul roup lb la krihlttr " aiiVhKi'UhtuiiK r. l uf ult.' br tlmwit. KiuOprs. ifi-nrial nt'Jif ami frt'tl flcalTK. Nil iiihfr luniir Ake It. V t will M-iiil h(i,t. iwii.l by n.all tut full-.w. Au w KAIIN'i i' U'K" (piu-e in'i-iii. oniaiBi a oiiy ,iKt f'T W) p'rarM ; or, una lai rf t I- p"iinJ iiii Cur 9 fur t 00. Mi larci can. nurt-iMi if piUJ, $..u0. Hf Why nih, nnd M nd venr rtnt yoUrimlf nnd ynnr rlntheft on wanhdny.whpn, ever lno 1hii4, lloliltlnn's Klectrie Wwo ha been offered on purpnfto to Hirliten jour labor, and itav-e vour clothe. iVme trjr It. Your grocer hiu IU Init Ati-lilsoB cUtlmsPM) miles of mil, 910 In halloa., llaw'l ThUf . We offer One Hundred Dollars regard fdr nnr c a- of ctitnrrli that CMiiuH tie ou red by tnlilng Hail' ratarrh I'lira F. .1, t'HKHitT CO., Props., Toledo, Oi We, the nnilerwlaned, have known K. Jl. Cheney for the laM 15 yearn, and believe hint prrleoily honorable in all bulnefl4 tranitan tlnna, and flnanelally able to carry out anf ohlik'fttiohft made by their firm Wkht A Thuax, Wholesale Drugg-lota, ToU do, O. Wamuno, KtfJuAw A MARTtir, Wholeiutla liriiKitlxNi Toiedoi tl. llnll'K Catarrh I lire l taken Ifltehiallv; aet In directly upon the blood aud niuooun pur fneoB of tho HyMein. Tefltimonlftln aent. free; l'Mce 7;c. ir bottle. Sold by all drugglota. VitnMONT 1 orderlnit apples f rord MtehtKam A Remarkable Ofler. f or sevrral yearn a well known IViatnn hil. nesa houne has made person keeping poultry, friror- niilitu rmuarka de offers of premiums piynhle In uold. some as li lull as flfiy dollars to the firm nnd not leu than live dollars to any winner of a premium. The bent thlnff About thoie offers wait that the premiums have Always lierrt promptly paid as ag-med In told coin, Fifty dollar premiums lil not "icrow on every modi" as the old aayins In, an I we have no doubt tomanywdio Oitniiirted for them, the amount leceived came In liandy to help pay the nerennnry bills of a hnrd winter, or ir not, buy mime lumiry that the family t wilutidy needed, but other Ne eould not af ford. The name ilrtn, 1. 8. Johnson A Co;, IU cunt m lloune t., llonton, Mans., autllotlre us to mule that they have prepared an offer of similar vreinliimn this year, with one very 1m lortant Improvement and that fa, so that the Hint winner nlund. a fair cliam e with others of uettiliu ono hundred and fifty dollars In ijold premiums. Why! that is an (mod an fifty dollars per month for th three whiter inonihn. It's worth iryln for anyway, John, fon e Co., will send full iiartleulnm free trt any pors n sending them their address on si po-tal card. Thene pnMiilum offer areuiaile In connection with the un.or Mheriuau Uuu ilition Powder to make hens lay Children' l.lvea Maved for dOCta," Thounandnof children die annually of croupj Now, uiotliersiif you would spend 60 cents and alwny have a botllo of Dr. Tobias's Venetian Liniment In the house you never need fear IokIiik your little oneswhen attacked with this conipinliiL lirend croup even as yon would a thief In the niu-ht, and be prepared to save your thirling! It U now upward of forty years hinre this liniment was tlrt offered to the public. Hundred of cures have been reported from the use of this vnluatile remedy, and never has a home been known to have been robliedof one of its treasures where the above preparation wan und. Those who have tested and know the value of r. Tobias's Venetian l.iulment stnte they would not tie without It even were tho price f IU per bottle. Instead of onlv it- HUM. boldly all druitglnts. M Lee Wft's Chinese tioadaohe Cure. Harm Irsn In effect, quick aud positive In action, r'etit preimid on receipt of l per bottle. Adder & Co.,r! Wyandot tesU,Kar,aaaClty,Mtf Tlmlier, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ftatioltn In Miiwouri, Kaunas, Tex and Arkansas boUKhlaudnohl. Tyler At Oih. KannasCliy, Ato If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. InaaeThomp rou's Kye-wator.liruiricUlssoll at &c. per bottle Two Giants On the one h.ind scrofula, the ancleut dlMMe, known tho world over, gnawing at the vluU ot cvory nation, exbMnc In the blood of ntpmijr every laniily desceuded to us from our father or ao quired by our wrong habits aud tndulgeuc-, On too other hand llcxw.sarw,parllla. the mod ern medicine, the treat enemy ot Impure blootl, eccompllshluK the most wonderful cures of scrofula, salt rheum, etc. If you sufTrr at all from the Olant of Disease conquer him by tho aid of the Giant of Health, Hood's Sarsaparllla fold by all drumrlftts. $ ij six for $3. ie pared only L) C. L HOOD CO, Lowell, u. IOO Doses One Dollar -VASELINE- FOR A ONK-lXH.l.AK B 1 1 L seat vu by mall we will deliver, tvwt 01 all charuea, to any persoa la tbeUuitMlSUUM, all of Um luUywiUf artlaUe uw luily packs Jt One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline. 10 eta One two-ouitce bottle of VanHlne Pomadai IS Oue jar of VaiMlne Oold Cream, 15 One L'nke of Vanellue Cambur loe, W Co Cuke of Vanellno op, uiiaoented, It) OueCakeof VuelineSoap, exguUltly soented,U Oue tWMounoe butue oi A'uite Vauwlioe, ii Orftyr postage atampn ay tn'jH artteH at th Wice lianwdV On no mtoount b part tvixi ffj UorMp f from your tiruwrtat any Vasteitite r jyrp mitUtn thtetfr in vnifs iabttifl wttn our lutHte, beam ou will otr tattUyrtoeii an imitation miiickha ttttie ornooaittt ( nmrbruuik A I t'tt, J 4 Ktat He., N. Y, "K-VREN" corciii n a i. ma m ami TltOCII KS I'OMI'lVfci.Y Curei (.'oiirilm, 1'sS'ln and a.l Throat soil Limit DlneaiH1. Kre . H. 1'npe, of Hoboken, K. J., nay,: "The wo derful K-WKKN remedlen eureil myboyofaer up col'l within :w hourn.' THY "K-WHKN, ' ALL TMVO (11M H. or adilrenn M. 11. KKKl' CO., bole A Kent, A3 E. 13th HI., N.Y. BEST IN TUB ICOKLU ' tr Uet me Ueuulua. Hold Ursxrwbws. PAR C H E ESI T!1K ilK'P IIO .IE 4. A ME. For 3fl yar on the inarkttt aud excels all others. Trice each. iiiHlksl xHtiald. N lt iiuw V Itiulilrr, 41 John Ht New Yo-k PATENTS! Instructions free lo Inveoisr. Wrltoat uucttfor hand -book uf iu IKAI.I.K Ar CO., W anhlnaioii. It, V, Siiccessfutly Prosecutes Claims. B Late Principal tiAuilner U.S. Tnnlon Buraau. H Ti'SluUbotwux, Idadjutiicatiugclstiuis, altTsuce MEXICAN NKKVE IMIXM, the Kr cat Nerv, Ural a uud iiloo'l limio, fur Nt-uruUla, I'.vitjMMla, lu ll i-allon, I uUrilipullon, Ia- ul Apptttttt Nerv u TrohLrailou, Ijw .Sfdrlts, '1 rf mhitui, . Hy mall, $1. ilt JLlcau KeinwIiBi, Co., liox 1 .)t , Ronton, Mitas. All eU'Kttlll HIIU tlHt-ttll 1 1(1 IhllUMH Kilt, OUNLAP PEN CO.. BOSTON, MASS. ANTKI) Active men can eurn $1UH pernio, tonell Nuricry Mo.k. O. I. wrtH.-u itt'u.. yra.'Ue, N.Y. a.' INSTANTLY. St.. New Yorfc. FriceeOcts. LIKE SHER DArfS nnNniTinM DnwnrD MMII lioni!, (sl.l TO I tt. riumf llluLriu-.l c-ny of th FAKkl KKri' lol'I.Th puuiu y vvurii wm SI w irifu!ftr iricat S'.il UuMn fre. Ku,i.UtiT Bk . - ud iaju( or rali. In utiantlly cit lens tUaii uua-iouth IB f TON SCALES OF $60 BINSHAMTON V Beam Box Tare Beam N.Y. a, j, ALLSIUS ja M r 4 n "SJ-l If SI I 1 ! T.ai lter Siseealal.' A nr persort senilln ns their nans an I a1. Areaswlll reoolre Information tlmt wilt leal to a fortune. HenJ. Iwis A Uo, Seourity Uulldlng, Kansan (.:My. Miv "omaniher illneanes ami tlielr trei.tment. A Talualile illtlntrateil ImmiIc of serenty.two paires free, on reeeliit, of lo eta for cost of mall llig.eto, Aililrenn. l (). Hoi IHH. I'Klla., l'a. Money ln-enied tn cholee one nundreil ilol. lar building lots In suburbs nt Kannaa Ulty will pay from ftre hunrlreil toon, tliounanif er sent, the next few years muter our plan. $J5 janh and $." per montb wlliioiit lntermt onw hTolsailestralilelot. lUrtloularsonapjilloatiou. 1. 11. Hauerleln . tV Kannani'lty. Mo, FITS stopjwl free by Dn. Ki,in'a Onntt Kbhtr Hrstorkh. No nts after llrst day'suo. larrelotisimres, "r---tlse ami t trial uiUij (re.. Ur. Kllue roll St.. 1'lllla., I'. Oklabmrnaflul onreoelptot Au, n. tansentanrwtlerl lerdt vJo.,KannaiiOlty,Mo. ' OIVOS ENTOYS Both tho rrifthod and results when Bynlptif Figgiitekon; it is pleasant ftnd refreshing to thetiwte, ndact gently yet prom ptly on the Kidneys, Liver and liowels, cleanxes the ny tem eflectually, dispels colds, head ch tind fevers and cures hahitual Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and no ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial In its effect, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all aud have made it the most popular remedy known. Fyrup of Figs is for sale in BOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do aot accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AI9 FKANOISCO, CAL, lowsvrue tew row, .r. $1,000 REWARD! The shove ruwsnt will bopsln for proof ot the eiinteiice of s hotter LINIMENT ihnn MERCHANT'S 0AKOL1N0 OIL or s better Worm Kemodv Ihnn MERCHANT'S W0KM TABLET bold everywhere. JOHN IIOIXiR, Hedy, Merchant's Unrlnx oil Oj.. Lockpnrt, N. V., V. s. A. AGENTS WAHTED IWR&ZnZllX MCUlt'ATKil l ill lllttll'H. Kamou-by mall, t ueuU. M. J. HoTi'llKIsS, New Haven, Ct. U u HI b ianiaaiualft Arlta a.U sa.rtil, nv 1 1 toorousm uiuiat ur J1AIU Clraulari frj Urranl'a Oollogo, 4J7 Mala Uuiralo, M. If. DR. SCHENCK'S .SahdrakePills DR. SCHENCK Seaweed TGiilG STANDARD FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Curs IndiffMtton, flour Utomarh, fTnirt burn, FUtuloury.tlollc, anU all Ulaasoa of tUm Htortuirh; CuttlrerKwa, lnllaainialion. l'iarrhfKa, Pi1a,anil Virm-jat tho llowo); CoDKatiou, liiliouanraa, Jaiiuillc, Nsiimni. lifnLr)i, Uidilliifaa. KcrTouanras, Wan dpriiir Paliw, Slnlaria, Liter Cootla.ut, and all IlaasB artAlttK frm a Gorgrd and Hlupgiih Liver. ThcjF tlrn th mttooni coata. rodum rowd or roncratMl ouadt la a PoaiilTs Curs for DYSPEPSIA Uons, hrrak upatul'horn romiilcatloBa, ro tor ftie, b rn.lt hy actlun to tltor(ana, and Kirs tus syatvin a cuanoa ut roouvar uu and straogtU. Tbfjr ar PURELY VEGETABLE, And all Plsorders of tha D1 (Mttva OrRaiia. Itia llkswias s CorroburaiiT or 8t rt-n g th en luff MnjlolDS. and mar I STRICTLY RELIABLE, andABSOLUTELY SAFE. t&kan with benoflt In U casns of IrebilUy. For ha la hy all Drugciata. Prir,$t (xipr bot tla. lir. 8ch fuck's New Book 00 Lnnfra, Liver and Stomach DisilH fr. Adtlrcaa, Or. J.H.Schtnck Sun. Phlla. For 8.1. hj all PriiUts. Pile. IS tti. per bus; 3 Loxhs fur (16 rta; ur sent 1) mall, xtate free, on receipt of prlre. Ur. J. 11 K lirtirk A en. l'lol.l. lihU, l' P ISO'S REMEDY FOB CATARRH. Best Easiest to use. t'lieaoe'it. ltellef is ImuieAlittlt). A tine Is turuuu, tat Cold iu tUo Head it liu uu equul. It is an (Hutment, of wlileli nostrils. I'rlce, Wold by Aaqresa, "aS3SS3 eSEn III II JllaUl as'a jrrtif' K, 7W will refund the an oner of any dfaaiuiueJ eatjaor. Kend i.oohy rwfiaipifd Kii-r. ij-al fcK'liVKrr Babcock & Co.. 35 & 37 Frankfort St., II Y. EAA Keuralgia and CURED IN 2 PLEASANT ANU SArg. CONTSIN. NO MORPHIA, NO CHIOSSL, NO ANTIfYWIN. BV T TRIAL 4 r iOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS, ttIZE lJ ClSs m ntiUtf on racelpl ol prlca. 1TATT TlTT!Tir riudeiii!Ml 1 I I I I M lllll 1 trl.M.t IU.' UU mm book a to ifer Ut, Ua can lt-aru nutlj Uif but ue.u, wuJi th s nuu volume be i-u tnru a' onta tu t'ta J--Uk.i aai dad the its, and Uie wit.iU tlunr U o.e-irlv aud ooui-1 ely t-iUlu d. y) j iul usely illuiUutud, 1 ! mm r...v TIFFHE5S' um u no V EVIS' 93 Powdered and lI'ATKN I I The ttrongett and niado. V ill make t fumed Hard Hoau tites without builinf lioat for disiufect closets, drains, wash 1 arrels, iuts, eta. PENNA, SALT 1 tsirn. Aula.. I'hlli BAGGY KNEES. or rtwuTirri.r ri ly I'ant H A.kiUtl by aiutU'iit at Harvard, Ariihrl. lVllc)rfs, alio, br priraltnal ml boslnvsa l Wharf. If not for inlr In yir town B. J. UUKKLY, 716 Wa.hli.gtoO lrrt, . AX MAS HEALTH CIF1 (Exaroltr Complete $5) i Bkst of All. Circulan Frsr, BooiMt For "An Ilral Complexion ft Comnlcte lliyiral r 'elt'pmpnt," 10 Ilia aocta. ,l Health & Strrnrth in I'liyIral (.'tilturr. jo Ilia to eta. Chart of 1 30 IU for Dumb Ilf Ms rullrya. 9 ct. Aii. IHO. E. 00WD S Vocml & .'hviiral Culture school, ltd Monroe St. CtllcaflO DO YOU Want lo lean all about a 1 1 ni Co Pick Out Good oua I hooi- lcurui ana ao a;urd ifalt intact DtMarrfttid ettect a Cui th- Ar by tba Tth t Wbat to WffaraM parUof the Aaloai ta Kha AM ()?! nrl rrfhs ifonnaxieB rti lesuTAai illi'htrai kb iiokas Postpaid 6 Wfirt ft eslr CIX1 in tLuic , ...JMfatrub.HQtlX.U4 lMriM.ky, DR. rCHENCK'S PULOOHIC SYRUP Will Cura COUCHS. COLDS, And All Diwaies of tti THROAT AND LUNOS. It fs pleasant to tho iasta. and don nut con uln a particla of ophitu orauything Injuri ous, ltlalha JirlOticbMad it liio In the W orld. For Bala by all Dnipclin, Pric.iQ tierlHittla. lr. Hrhanrk's Book on Consumption sndtuOura, ' mailfd frva. Aditresa Dr. J.H.Schenck ASon.Fhlla. "u a smiill particle Is applied to tlie druggists r sent liy 3niii;i.si8 ir seiu ny nuiii. K X. Hazkltikb, Warren, Tit. . tHIt NEW AMERICAN Stem Wind X Stem Set. ONLY 1.00. I Th f.aw American ta Handaoma sftifflf litltirn Hunuiit Cue, a orrtM sinta. . IraUuu uf whicb waahow iu thinailvvrti nuMit. In now roadj and by uiju-Iuk a m f larite order hmve mi-u red tho tuciujtivo aale fur tiia l;tiitd MMtsa and l'iiatl. UlikBlrmvlmler .ud at era srltpr with iMs.tini atiJurUiifiit. and la Ulud iih a new (icii( atfiu adittliitg arrui;rnj( uS found nil no o Liter. H la huntliK com, hrnutt fully en Ki-Tt'd of Uia new ao la Miirti ,ill'i u, aa kJi 'tru lit cui, plntrd alltk pure ftold on eolul yt-llow meLai (atn jntra culit-d aiuuiinfiiini.and Ui ajirtiv anurUaiiiiiiartiin aj.dd wutcb. Tbrrr U.1 la tli'tiblotUlcit pfliktied frncli and all tba c jr wheels, pluloiuaud Ixtajr lnjra aro rrirctiy nttuda by th tnut lnijovrd aud kpfnnlv mavhiuery. and eaih la oarufulljr Ctnd bj akhltsl wurknid-u. Each one i carefully luape-cU-tl. ri'trulalcd aiid teittd twfora IvaviHK tba factory, and fully warranted by Ufe tug flvvycaralt uwd ithrvUMjuatil oara. Special Offer eVm'i!,r.;V..,3 Tndtrand Btfi Sett r. mib a brttull. fill aitld plalrd c Utile and charm all iw ki-tl la au elt gtwii .riu lutuil t au on rvoel of only tl.OA btll, moucf order, jn.Mjre pIuiii- ur -tl ntit. iro- datltltpit nresjivlnitli will lailiiruilf itinit to wnd u n iiiuuv nitira riiai h-irlKllty ajp'3wiblc. Our Meat at Mli(iHff of Watvhta. lenrt-M utluf oi. of tho lu-yeft Ultra to 1 fuuiid Ui any 1'aW alofua Ul ba arnt lth aarh order. Wat aant ona god aent lit tverjr Uiwn to tatfttia afTt-ncy tui-IhuaMleot mir rrl ibl atU'bi', wiilch ! IUuiUj it In Uwrl'al atluw ue at prl:-a t mm t uu uy ard. M m fmd ibfiu to all purta or li- L'nitd fjtlJ v mall and exnrt-Ha. BKM) 1 46 AT Dt.'K and we will forwatd the r.owAiiirl nii br utrxil, ptjet-pttad. Vvnr ordor H Kervsusnsss O "M'WUTES I consular 6R0M0 SELTZfiR 6aa-ssa t. th.ia tubisot t. Nervous H.adsch.. C. . M0SHEH, Batte. A KING EMERSON DRUG CO. Solo Proprlatort, BAUIM0HE. ML RiinTelopeillm of Virlvoranl Koirwleayaw U U Ul-l 1 fV.lj MlUjt'i - tll-il lull Ui iu.Hifu. L i. u .mt .tin a : hi at.- iitiiouaeii lorut wiut t iii iitiii'iH wu I'ti ivr uau ouly 'loiu a .rcttt in mir laitjo kucycluj-L-Jiai., lileuuutu-it'a, i'. iu rt lug n illy miy tittok or (mtci' ttrra uie leqmrut rt reuvs-Jt iu a tltouaatj ait'l una matters wliu U tb ? ncitrr.il r advt' wuuld .Koto uuio siaud a lllllt) niLiio uu iu . a uu h hkb. utilp.i he bu a luin liiir.nv sf.,V