The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 24, 1890, Image 3

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Jltirffr.J, R. Cr.Anit.
) OiUKfiilnum North vrard, K. M. Her
man, H. M. Foreman, Patrick Jovco.
South ward, J. C. Hoowden, B. ll. Has
leL Ell lloleman.
JuMiee of the Peace J. F. Proper, 8.
J. Hctley.
. Oouttabte and Otll'dnr S. S. Cannold.
ftVAoot Director . W. Robinson, A.
H. Kelly, H. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox, I).
W. Clark, J. T. Rrennan.
fifembcr of OmoreM JamrsKktir.
Member of Senate J. II. Wtt.sow.
At,mbty Charlfs ... Randall.
JVmiTfnit Judge W. D. Rron.
Aoeinte. JutljeiJoHH A. Protkr,
John II. WrtiTK.
Treasurer Ja. B. Haoorrty.
Prothnnntary, ll'qitter & Recorder, &e.
Sheriff. a bo. W. KAwvrn.
C!omrrniancr W, D. S.Iirxrt, C.
F. liFriKorn, J. J. Paroh,
Ormnfy Superintendent Gro, W. Kkrii.
Metrict Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury CommUnione,rnC. II. CHrnrw,
Joiim F. AUt
Cn(v Sunrjtr .1. F. Proper.
Voroner Dr.' A. K. Stoneoipiiku.
Couwfy A uditnr E, I Jones, R.
an.t.riR, w. ni.wM.
OLIVK LODGE. No. 6.17. F. A. M.
HtAted Meeting held nt Odd Fel
lows ITall tho first Monday of each month.
T. J. TAYNE, W. M.
T. B. COIin, Soo'y.
8. of A., meets every Monday eve
ning In Dale Hall. White degroe confer
red lat and 3d Mondavi nl each month.
F. W. LAW, Proa.
t. n. conn, r. s.
JVo. 3G9f
I. O. Of O. F.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, in the Lodge Room In Par
tridge'a Hall. Confer tl Initiatory decree-
tho first Tuesday night of each
month; first degree the second Tuesday
night; second decree tho third Tuesday
uightj third degree tho fourth Tuesday
C. 11. DAVIS, N. O.
J. II. FONKS, Scc'v. 27-tf.
.V)RE!HT I.ODGE, No. 14, A.O. V. W.,
I Meets every Friday Evening lu Has
let Hull, Tionesta.
L. .1. HOPKINS, M. W.
J. R. CLARK, Recorder.
No. 274. O. A. R.
Moot on tho first Wednesday In
in on
tb, In Odd Fellows Hall, Tlonosta. Pa.
D. BLACK, Commander.
fnr Forent County.
S. , Towlor M. D.. Presidents .T. W.
Morrow M. D., Secretary s J. B. Siggtns
M, D TrpRsuror. The Hoard will meet
j Dr. Morrow's oWce, Tlonesta, on the
third Wednesday or each month, at 10
o'clock, a. m.
s'Jiaee next door to P. O., Tioneata, Pa,
District Attorney,
Mr. Clark la Aennt for number of re--Unblo
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tlonosta, Pa.
Collections modo In this and adjoining
Tionea-a, Forest County Pa.
p E. MOLE,
Ollice In Kepler Mock, Room 9, Tlonesta,
IAWRENCE HOUSE, Tlonesta, Pa.,
-J Justia Shawkev. Proprietor. This
houwt Is centrally located. Everything
new ami well furaished. Supeilor Ac.
iMinmedationa and strict attention given
t. ituests. Veirutablcs and I'ruita of all
kinds served in their season. Sample
rooiti Kir Commercial Agcnta,
CENTRAL HOUR1X Tionesta. Pa,
.' O. C Brownell. Pronrietor. This is a
new hoiiao, and has just been lifted up tor
the accommodation of the puhlic. A r
tiou of tho fiatronao of the public la solic-
ifiv. -iy,
V W. II. ROTH, Proprietor.
The largest, Rust Located and Furnished
1oiis i iu the City. Near Union Depot.
Physician, Kurgotm ADruggist,
Lain of Armstrong county, having located
in Tii"esta is prepared to attend all pro
fessional calls promptly ana at all Hours.
OIBoeaid residence two doors north of
Iwronce House.. Office honra 7 to 8 A
M.. and 11 ui li it.; 3 to 3 ani Hi to 7) v
r. nundaya, 1 to 19 A. at. t 'i to 3 and 61
to 7i P. M. may-18 81.
Office opppowle Gas Office. Calls at
tended to promptly day and night.
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tlonosta,
Pa., liauk of DiHiuiiint and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions made on all the Principal points of
the U. IS. Collections solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, Wo'.ar or Triangulation Survey
ing. Rest of Instrument and wurk.
Terms on application.
Shop in Keck building next to Smear
naugh A Co.'s store. Is prepured to do all
Kinds of custom work 'rora tho fiuet to
the coarse si and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices as rea
sonable as nr.t class work can be done for.
Ckarrfc an Aabbath HrkMl.
Presbyterian Sabbsth Rehool at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumherger.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Saldiath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. F. Shoup, Pastor.
Services in tho Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
No Paper Next Week.
No paper will be issued from this
office next week, on account of the
holidays. Our next issue will appear
oo January 7tb. 1891. The office will
be open for business all week however,
and we hope many of our patrons will
take advantage of the occasion to atart
in fresh on the new year, both in tbe
matter of arrearages and renewals. A
pleasant Cbristmaa-tide to all.
Oil market closed yesteiday 681.
No paper from this office next
Considerable ice of a fair quality
was housed last week.
Subscribe for the Republican
and Pliila. Prets. Ouly $1.75.
The borough schools closed yes
terday for two week's vacalioo.
New crop New Orleans molasses
at Rubinsuii's. Last years' make at
reduced price. 2i.
Tbe "Surprise" Wringer, guaran
teed never to slip on the shaft, for sale
byF. W. Law. 2t.
Beu. and Ted. Kelly and Harold
Sharpe are home from school to spend
the holiday vacation.
Arthur Kelly arrived home from
Chicago last evening, and will spend
the holidays with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dewces, of
Warren, Ohio, ure spending the holi
days with Mr. D.'s grand parents.
David Baruclt has set np house'
keeping in the upper front rooms of
tbe Ililcman building, over Mrs.
Covert's store.
R. G. Brownell is home from
Eric, where he has been for the past
five or six months tak'iDg a course in
"short baud."
Lumbermen's pass books, and a
fine line of stationery of every descrip
lion, new style tablets, lie, just re
ceived at Lawrence & 6mearbaugh's.
Tbe Republican and the Fbila
delphia Weekly Press, the largest and
best weekly in the State, for only $1 75
Call Aud lake advantage of this i Der,
Mr. D. G. Moriarty, one of Ma-
rienville'a wide-awake citizens paid his
first visit to the county seat last week,
and gave the Republican a pleasant
call during his stay.
Sheriff Sawyer started fur Alle
gheny Monday evening having in
charge Win. Eck, sentenced at last
week's session of court to a 14 month's
term in the penitentiary.
This is Christmas Eve, but it is
scarcely oecessary to remind the little
ones nf the fact. May they all old
and young realize their fondest au
ticipations on the morrow.
The coasting on the 6ide streets is
as fine as it could be, aod sleds loaded
with boys and girls dart across El j)
street like a flash. We hope no serious
accideot may happen the young folks,
Representative elect Towler was
down from Marienville a good share
of last week sbakiog hands with
friends. The Doctor will start for his
post of duty in Harrisburg the latter
part of next week.
Attention is called to the new ai
of M. Levy of the Boston Clotbio
House, Marieuville. Mr. Levy keeps
abreast of the limes in mercautil
affair and always guarantees satisfac
tion to his customers.
Mr. Bovard Las Lad a temporary
building erected on the site of the re
cently burned store, aud will soon be
prepared to serve her patrons iu mill
nery goods again, and with a band
somer stock thau ever.
"Oh speak, ye ghosts of the dead
and say what killed you?" Tbe an
swer came, borne on the fierce east
wind: "Cold! cold! cold!" Then let
us be thankful that since then we have
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Appropriate Christmas exercises
will be held in both the M. E. an
Presbyterian Churches to-morrow ev
niog. Elaborate preparations have
been made, and no doubt all who at
tend will enjoy themselves greatly
Lawrence & Smearbaugh have
opeoed their Laudsome line of bolida
goods, aud there's no difficulty ia
getting suited In a present for old or
yeuog. t.
-Physicians' prescriptions have
failed to reach many oases of rheuma
tism known to have been subsequently
cared by Salvation Oil. That la tho
reason why the popular voice is prac
tically unanimous in its favor. One
bottle la usually sufficient.
The dwelling boose of Orris
Walters, about a mile aod a half from
Nebraska, Green township, is reported
to have been totally destroyed by fire
on Friday n!ght last. Very little of
is household effects were saved we
ndersland. We have no particulars
as to the origio of the fire, or whether
e carried any insurance.
This evening a large number of
our citizens with many from abroad,
ill assemble at the residence of Hon.
od Mrs. Joseph U. Dale to assist in
the celebration of their "golden wed-
ing." Fifty years of happy married
fe is a blessing which falls to tbe lot
f but few, and we wish for this wor
thy couple and their guests a pleasant
evening's enjoyment.
Don't forget that the Teachers
Annual Iustitute of Forest county
convenes next Monday at 2 o'clock p.
A splendid array of instructors
nd lecturers has beeo secured by
Supt. Kerr, aod the session promises
to be tbe best ever held in tbe couoty.
Every teacher in the couoty is expect
ed to be present, and every friend of
education is earnestly solicited to at
tend and help make tbe week a suc
cessful one for the cause.
R. Ralle deiires to express bis
gratitude to the publio, for the assist
ance rendered to bim duriug tbe fire
f December 8th, 1890, and for the
assistance since the fire. He also de-
ires to express bis thanks to Tionesta
Cornet Band for its good music at
bent-fit by tbe Lyceum Theatre Co.,
Friday evening following the fire. Mr.
Ralle figures bis actual loss at 1222,
nd acknowledges receipt of assistance
to the amount of S43.ll.
Tbe petition of tbe citizens of
Clarion and vicinity to change mail
route No. 9095, Clarion to Couksburg
so as to cut off Cooksburg, was re
fused. In response to a protest against
the prayer of the petition, Hon. J. T-
Mafl'ett has received from the Second
Assistant P. M. General a letter of the
12th lust., saying, "I have tbe honor
to iuform you that the proposed change
not beiog deemed practicable by tbe
department the service on (aid route
will be operated as heretofore and
Cooksburg supplied accordingly."
Clarion Jacksonian Tally one for
Cooksburg aud the i. a. p. ra. g.
Mary II. Hunt. This eminent
ady is billed to appear at tbe Court
House next Moodar evening. Her
reputation is not coofiued to Pennsyl
vania : rather, ber voice has had t
welcome in all the States of our Uo
ion where the bus bad opportunity to
go, and ber convincing argument gra
ciously acknowledged by all who have
attentively listened to ber. In the
State and National legislatures she
has, with ber eloquence and magoet-
isrn, plead for Scientific Temperance
text books in our schools and colleges,
and with such success as cur school
boys and girls are well able to testify
to. tight years ago she predicted tbe
influence of this physiological instruc
tion which Dow might almost be con
sidered a prophecy. Let there be a
full house. Admission free.
If you want to feast your eyes on
a dandy lot of holiday goods, and at
prices within tbe reach of all purses,
go to Lawreuce & Smearbaugb's. 2t
Big Fire at Stowtown.
The extensive and finely appoioled
band saw mill of Wheeler, Duseobury
& Co., at Stowtown, two miles above
tbe village of East Hickory, was total
ly destroyed by fire oo Sabbath morn
ing last. The watchman had left tbe
mill at half past four o'clock, and bad
extinguished all the lights and fires
about tbe premises, aod It five o'clock
tbe mill was discovered to be on fire,
and under such headway that it could
not be extinguished. Tbe blacksmith
shop near tbe mill was also destroyed.
About 3,000,000 feet of lumber was
piled below tbe mill, but a favorable
wind saved it from destruction. The
origin of the fire is unknown. Tbe
mill was ona of tbe best in tbe couoty,
aod is said to have cost betweeo
$15,000 and $20,000. We understand
tbe company bad an insurance of
Important Notice.
Owing to the multitude of children
in Tionesta and vicinity, it is, going to
be impossible for me to attend person
ally to all their wacta in the way of
Christmas presents, and in order that
all tbe boys and girls may get just
what they want and expect, I bave
made arrangements with II. J. Hop
kins & Co. to look after this part of
mv territory. Considering my knowl
edge of tbe wants of tbe people in this
community, and tbe willingness of Ibis
firm to assist me, I am coufideot that
every oue will be able to get just what
they want and at a lower price than I
can afford to distribute it myself.
2t. Santa Ctive.
Death of Mr. D. S. Knox.
Jesus, thou Prince of llfo,
Tby chosen cannot diet
Like thee, they conqner In the strife,
To reign with thee on high.
Saturday evening, Dec. 20, 1890,
our citizens were shocked as tbe news
spread of the fatal illoess of one loved
and respected alike by all, Mrs. D. S.
Elizabeth Spence Knox was born
in Indiana, Pa., May 5, 1836. Six
years later her parents moved to Clar
ingtoo, Forest county, then a part of
Jefferson county, where she was united
in marriage, June 14, 1853, with Dan
iel Stow Knox.
A residence of a year or two in Oil
City is all of their mirried life they
bave lived outside of Forest county,
twenty seven years of which they have
been located in our borough. From
their union nine children were born,
six of whom, the Mrs. J. E. Wenk,
Woi, Smearbaugh, George Klump, F.
F. Shoup, Wm. Hunter, and Miss
Kate, eurv've ber.
Our subject bad been a sufferer at
Intervals from dyspepsia for nearly a
year, but nothing serious was antici
pated, as she diligently applied herself
to the carea of ber household, aod the
extra preparations being made for the
approaching holiday season. About 5
p. m , Saturday last, sbe was taken
suddenly ill, falling to the floor and
becoming unconscious. Physicians
were quickly summoned and restora
tives applied, but not sufficient to re
vive ber from a semi-comatose stale in
which sbe remained until 11:20, when
death separated the mortal aod ira-
Mrs. Koox experienced a change of
heart and united with tbe Methodist
Episcopal Church under the pastorate
of Rev. F. M. Small, in 1885. Her
Christian life bas been an illustration
of a personal knowledge of oneness
with her Sarbur. Sbe was faithful
aod prompt in response to tbe calls of
the Church, earnest, helpful and loyal
to its various departments. Tbe Sab
bath School will mouru ber absence;
tbe Loyal Temperance Legion and the
Woman's ILnne Missionary Society
ber healthful iufluence, tbe class and
prayer meetings her modest deport
ment. During the years of her Spir
itual life as she was actively engaged
with the cares of her family, her inner
life was ripening for that blessed eter
nity where she now elands at the
"Beautiful Gate," to welcome those
who, like ber, have proved faithful
until death. The whole community is
saddened; the home, the husband and
the family have sustained an irrepara
ble loss, aod to them our people ex
tend hearts full of sympathy.
The funeral services were couducted
at the house ibis (Wednesday) room
ing at 10 o'clock, by Rev. C. C. Rum
berger. Court Minutes.
At tbe conclusion of our court re
port last week tbe case of Kaster vs.
Welsh was on trial. The trial contin
ued until Thursday at noon, when tbe
jury brought in a verdict in favor of
the plaintiff for $200.
Case of Commonwealth vs. Herbert
and Dell Green and John Murphy,
charged of the misdemeanor of taking
some Siberian crab apples from tbe
farm of Isaac Jones, tbe prosecutor,
was tried, and tbe boys found not
guilty, but held for tbe costs.
Two cases of Welsh vs. Hawks, re
plevin, were decided in favor cf the
Case of Hare vs. Anchor Oil Co.,
was continued at cost of defendant.
Case of Wm. Latham vs. John Sto
bert was called, aod defendant not ap
pearing he was non-suited.
Case of C. A. Hill vs. Tionesta
township was tried. Ibis was a case
in which Mr. Hill was suing to recover
damages for injury to a horse while
hauliog on the road along the railroad
track hetweeo Huuter'a grist mill and
Jamieson Station. Tbe case was de-
ciJed in favor of tbe plaiotiff at
previous trial, and was carried to the
Supreme Court, and a new trial grant
ed. After some deliberation the jury
returned a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff in the sum of $161.66
George Sulsgiver v. Jesse Carson,
verdict for plaintiff in the sum of six
aod one-fourth cents.
Wm. Eck, who was found guilty of
tbe larceny of a watcb, was seoleuced
to pay a fine of $1, cost of prosecution,
and undergo ao imprisonment in the
Western Penitentiary fur the period of
one year and two months.
George W. Robiuson, of the Bor
ough was appoioied County Auditor
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of T. B. Cobb, elected in November
The Grand Jury made their report
as follows :
That they have acted upon three
bills of indictment of which two were
found true bills, and one true bill
as lo assault and battery only.
We beg leave to further report:
; That we bane visited and Inspected
the County buildings and find that tbe
vault is insufficient in size, and in case
of fire would not properly protect tbe
records of the county, and would rec
ommend that the Commissioners in
quire into the cost of a fire-proof vault
aod lay it before tbe next grand jury.
We further report that the road
running from Balltown to the Porter
farm, aod from there to Foxes, bas
been reported by Daoiel Gibson as
being obstructed by fallen timber and
would lecommeud that the roads be
opeoed up.
And would further recommend that
if there has been no objection filed
against the survey of tbe road run
ning from tbe Nebraska road, in Green
township to the Tionesta creek road,
that there be an order granted for tbe
opening op of that road to connect
with that part of the same mad in
Kingsley township now already built.
Evidence has been shown before the
grand jury and District Attorney that
one Jack Plummer is illegally selling
intoxicating liquor upon the premises
of Chas. Murphy at Byromtowu, Iu
Jenks towoship, aud we preseut the
said Jack Plummer for selling liquor
Wo respectfully tender our thanks
to the Honorable Judges and District
Attorney for their courtesy and as
sistance rendered ua during our delib
erations. A. J. Siooins, Foreman.
Honor to Judge Brown.
At the adjournment of court on
Friday evening last, tbe members ot
tbe Forest couoty bar read aud uuant
mously passed resolutions upou the
retirement of Judge Brown from tbe
bench. Speeches were made by all
the members eulogizing the Judge io
tbe highest terms, and many very
graceful compliments were paid him
for the uniform fairness and souud
wisdom he has ever shown io his de
cisions while occupying the exalted
position uf President of the Courts
during tbe past ten years. Judge
Brown respouded feelingly to the
speeches, aud seemed visibly affected
by the impressive occasion. The pro
found retpect ever shown him in tbe
discbarge of his official duties by the
members of the bar and officers of the
Court had a lasting impress
upon his ntind aud heart which he felt
could never be effaced. Tbe rest. In
lions, which were endorsed by a rising
vote are as follows :
Wherkas, His Honor, William D.
Brown is about to retire from tho Presi
dency of our Courts, after a decade of
faithful services, it seems eminently fit
ting that this last occasion should not be
permitted to pass without some tribute on
our part as members of the Forest County
Bar, to the merit of his services. Therefore
be it
Rksolvkd, That as practicing mem
bers of the Bar this event to us causes re
gret, in view uf tbe cordial rotations that
have always existed between us, and that
during bis entire term we bave enjoyed
his personal acquaintance and unbroken
friendship, and we feel that whatever may
be the qualifications of his successor, we
will miss the genial presence of the ablo
and just Judge who preceded him, and
we not not only, but the citizens of Forest
County as well.
We endorse what has already been said
of him that "his purpose has been just,
bis decisions as free from prejudice as fulls
to the lot of man. He has been high-
minded and bas administered justice with
We would further add that he Is gifted
with the ability to be plain, and in the
trial of cases, possessed the faculty of sup
pressing in a pleasant manner, immaterial
questions aud statements, yet with pa
tience to hear ail that was relevant or im
portant, having no desire ot so doing for
appearance sake, but basing bis decisions
upon law and equity he leaves tbe beuch
not only with personal honor, but with
the approval of the people as to tbe profit
able discharge of bis judicial duties and
having the good wishes of all.
As a token of the esteem in which the
bar and people of Forest county, alike
hold William D. Brown, It was resolved
at a meeting of said bar, that a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon the uiln
utes of this Court and published in tho
newspapers of tbe county.
SAML'KL D. Iiiwin, President
P. M. Clark, Secretary.
Tbe ladies of the W. C T. U.. of Tiones
ta, and of Forest County, desire to ex
press to Judge Wm. D. Brown the high
esteem In which he is held by their organ
ization, for the suppression under bis
administration of the legnlized liquor traf
fic iu this Judicial district. Our hearts
are lillod with sorrow by bis retirement
from the position bo bus so ably and
wisely filled. Our best wishes lor his
welfare go with bim, aud our prayers to
Almighty Ood is that tie will ever be
stow upon him His choicest blessings.
Deo. 19, '00. W. C. T. U.
The retirement of Associate Judge
Proper taking place with Judge Brown,
he also came in for a good share of the
complimentary remarks by those who
spoke, aud tbe beet wishes of all went
with him as he stepped down from the
bench which he has twice occupied.
A gold bar piu set with turquoise.
A liberal reward will be paid if re
turned to O. C. Brownell,
Central House.
Prof. Barrett of St. Iawrenoe county,
N. Y., speaking of pulmouaiy diseases,
says I Not oue death occurs now where
twenty died before Downs' Elixir was
known. Over fifty years of constant suc
cess places Downs Elixir at the head of
the long list of cough remedies. For sale
at liovard's.
Fifty Yean of Married Llfo.
From the Iona, (Mich.) Sentinel of a
recent date we get tbe followiog ac
count of a pleasant social affair tbat
will be read with interest by many of
the older families of this section. Mr.
and Mrs. Percival, the bride and
groom of 50 years ago, are still pleas
antly remembered by many of our
people who knew them duriug their
residence at Newtown Mills 30 years
ago. in a private letter from Mr.
Percival he mentions a number of old
acquaintances, and wishes to be re
membered lo all :
"In tbe quiet village of Talo, De
cember 1, 1890, occurred one of those
pleasant events, so seldom witnessed
and so long remembered, the occasioo
being the fiftieth anuiversary of tbe
wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Percival. Friends and neighbors
gathered in their pleasant home in the
afternoon and evening until the guests
numbered about a hundred. The host
and hostess were equal to the occasion,
aod all were made happy and comfort
able. Among those present were their
five sons, two daughters-in-law and
three grandchildren James C. and
wife ot Stautou, with their two chil
dren ; Fred. C. of New York ; George
A. of OgJen, Ulah; Edward B. of
Grand Valley, Pa., aud William J.
and wife of Lake Odessa, with their
infai.t daughter. At an early hour
choice refreshments were served, after
which Mr. ami Mrs. Percival stood
surrounded by their children, while
fitting remarks were made by the pas
tor of the church of which they have
been members many years. Letters
were read from absent frieuds, tokens
of love and good will were sent from
far and near, and the people of Palo
(who have maoy of them grown to
manhood and womaohood under the
teaching and counsel of this worthy
couple) were not behind in offering
their tokens cf luve. As we bade
them good-night we all said: 'God
spare these useful lives many years
yet.' Jabez Chapman Percival was
born at Greenbusb, N. Y., January 21,
1816. P-dly CaufielJ Percival was
born at Olean, N. Y., March 22, 1817."
Teachers' Institute.
Tbe following instructors and lec
turers have been engaged for tbe
Teachers' Iostituto, to be held in tbe
Court House at Tionesta, commencing
Monday, December 29, 1890, at
o'clock P. M. and closing Friday, Jan-
tiaiy 2,. 1890:
Supt. C. J. Swift, .of Elk county
aud Prof. L. L Himes of tbe Clarion
Stale Normal School, will be our prin
cipal instructors, and will be with us
the entire week.
Miss Maltie Readdy of Oil City
will have charge of the music at both
tbe day aud eveniog sessions.
Mrs. Mary B. Hunt, SuperititenJen
ot tbe .National W. V. 1. U., is en
gaged to lecture Monday evening.
Having a national reputation, her
name is recommendation enough to
insure a full house.
Hon. Will Cumback will lecture
Tuesday eveniog ou "The Invisible
Some People."
"Among tbe grand things of the
July meetings, which later visitors may
well regret having failed to hear, was
the effort of Hou. Will Cumback, of
Indiana. His witty and eloqueut ap
peal fur open dealiugs, fair play, truth
fulness and charity was one of the best
efforts of tbo platform this season.
Mr Cumback bas been a member of
Congress from Indiana, and Lieuten
aut Governor of tbe State, end in
public life bas ever been a mark and
influence for right and justice. His
fine presence, magnificent voico, aod
magnetic delivery make bim one of
the most popular o Tutors and lecturers
of the df.y." Chautauqua Herald.
Col. J. P. Sut.l'ord will lecture
Wednesday eveniog on "Walks in
Palestine," and Thursday evening on
('My Travels io Japan and China."
Col. Sanlord is a grand success; he
uever fails to please. No man oo
earth has traveled more thau he, and
in the art of presenting humorous lec
tures on travels in all lands be is with
out a peer.
Admission to eveniog lectures, ex
cepting Monday evening, which is
free, 25 cents. Doors open at 7
o'clock. Lectures begin at 7:30.
Every teacber in tbe couuty is ex
pected to be present during tbe entire
G. W. Kerr, Co. Supt.
The Palpll sad the Ml as v.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pustor United Breth
ren Chun-h, Blue Mound, Kail., says: "I
fcol it my duty to lull what wouders Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for Inn.
My Lungs were badly diseased, and my
parishioners thought I could live only a
few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining lbs. In weight." Arthur
Iive, Manager Lovo's Kunny Folks Com
bination, writes: "After a thorough trial
and convincing evidence, I am confident
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion beau 'em all, and cures when every
thing else fails. The greatest kindness I
cuii do my many thoukaud friends is to
urge them to try it." Free tiial bottles at
Proper tfc Doutt's Drugstore. Regular
sixes 50c. aud $1.00,
Don't sutler with Indigestion, use
Baxter' a Mandrake Bitters. For sale at
Our combination with the Philadelphia
Weekly Pre affords an opportunity for
obtaining an Immense amount of reading
at a very trifling cost. By thla arrange
ment we are enabled to furnish both the
Hrrunr.icAS and the Weekly Fre at the
very low price of $1.75. Any person
sending ns this amount will receive tbe
ta-o papers for one year, an advance of
only 2., cents over tbe price of tbe RKecsv
lica alone. Old subscribers who pay
up r.ll arrearages and $1.75 in advance can
have the advantage of this splendid offer.
The Weekly Pre is the very best weekly
family in the country, containing 10 pages
weekly of the choicest General News,
Household and Agricultural reading,
Strong Editorial. Young People's De
partment., a good Continued Story, in
short everything that goea to make the
most dcslrahlo family reading matter.
With these two papers in your family you
will lx sure of the best service in each
department. The R it public am is the
oldest and best of the conr.ty papers, aup
plies von weekly with all the home news
of Intero-t, such as no city weekly can
possibly give, and the Weekly Prent pro
vides you with all the world wide news
and a mass of general reading snch as no
local paper can posslhly lurnlsh. My
taking advantage of our combined offer
yon f
In its
on get the best of eacli class of reading
proper place and at a price ao rea-
sonable that you cannot afford to deprive
yourself ana lainuy or me oenem oi n.
No such ntler has ever been made by any
responsible paper in the county. Sub
scribe now.
ftis-eclmea Cases.
S. H. Clifford. New Cassel. Wis.. wa
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism,
his stoinscn was dtsorneren. his iiver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly rolucea in
tle-h and strength. Three bottles of Elec
tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd,
Hamsburg, III., bad a running sore on
his leg of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bitters and soven
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis
leg is sound and well. John Speaker,
Catawba, )., bad five large fever sores on
his leg. doctors said he was lncuraoie.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by Proper A Doutt's Drug store.
The best Salve In the world for Cuts.
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures files, or no pay required. i
Is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For aale bv Proper t Doutt,
Enslish Snavin Liniment removes all
Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from hordes. Blood Spavins, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles,
8. -rains, all Swollen Thronta, Coughs Etc
Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranto
tbe most wonderful blemish cure eve.
known. Sold by Herman it Siggins,
Druggists, Tionesta. Jau22-ly.
Tbe reason why Arnlea Oil Lini
ment is so popular with tbe ladies is be
cause it not ouly is very healing and sooth
ing but Iu odor is not at all offensive.
For sale at Rovard's.
Wbrn Babj was eick, ws favs hr Cateria,
When ah was a Child, the cried for Csatoria,
Wheo aha baeaaw Miss, ah taac la Caatoria,
Wfcra aha hd C&OdrM, aW far (ba Cutoria,
KNOX At her rate home in Tionesta,
Pa., Saturday evening, Dec. 20, 1890,
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of D. S. Knox,
aged 54 years, 7 months aud 15 days.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in P.
O. 8. of A.' ball, Partridge building, Tio
nesta, Pa.
Mrs. C. C. RUM BERGER, Pres't.
Mrs. E. L. DAVIS, 8eo"y.
Pa. One of tbe oldest and moat sui
cesaful practitinrers in thia section of thv
State. Will visit Tionesta every regulai
court week. may28-Iy.
Gives special treatment to all diseases ol
eye, ear, nose and iLrout. Refracts and
fits defective eyes and furnishes specta
cles and eye glasses from ollice, securing
fit of frames as well as glassea.
iractical Tinner,
All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt
ly attended to.
Wo will givo more fresh moat for th
cash al our Meat and Produce Market it
Tlonesta, Pa., than any one in Forcai
to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Ev
peuses ami Stead v Etnplovinen'
Rochester, N. Y. ae
taif the uoat of hoisting
,K Storekeepers. Butchers. -
Jj Machinists, Builders. Co
I ana others. Auiuitteu t
,! I greatest improvements
I in tai-kle blocks. Freigh
I Write for catalogue. Ft
tk Eugine ka 10 Brut
f trolt, Mich. Katab.
of the firm of MOUCt BKO'S
Specialist in Errors of Retraction of
Eye. Examinations free of charge.
SCUSCiUBK Mir the HarntLtCAX, o
tl-.Ati per annum.