The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 26, 1890, Image 4

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An orchard nr-cd manuring as well its
ft cornfield, and tb cause of the failure
ol tba fruit is no doubt the
poverty of the soil. Small, gnarly fruit
indicates starvation of the trees. The
trees should be well pruned as soon as
convenient and a few loads of manure
aprend over the orchard. It would be
useful to plow the manure in and in the
spring sow clover, which may be turned
under with a dressing of lime next fall.
Jfew York Tim?.
The gathering of fruit is at all times
an operation requiring care and tender
handling. Iu the ca?e of apples, a
squeeze, or drop, hard enough to pro
duce a bruise, renders them unfit for
keeping purposes, on which much of
their value depends. There is
an additional reason for careful hand
ling the present season, owing to the
scarcity or the crop and the high price
of the fruit. ' In picking from the trees,
baskets with smooth bottoms should be
used, and the apples laid, not dropped
into them. By a rough handling of tho
basket in the interior of a tree or care
less movements of the ladder around its
outside, a careless picker cm easily cause
more loss in an hour than his wages for
the entire day would be worth. The
same man or the same cues, where more
than one is required, should always re
ceive the baskets and do the packing.
Place the first two rows stem end down
agaiust the head to be taken out when
the barrel is opened for sale or use.
Vniformity in sue should be observed as
closely as possible. It is always best to
make two qualities when barreling, and
the present season, when even very in
ferior apples will sell, the latter,if packed
at all, should make a third class. Leaves
nd twigs ought to bo carefully ex
cluded and the apples should be pressed
in, so there will be no shaking when
moving the barrels around after these
are filled and headed up. Sett York
Quack grass, or witch gras9, is some
thing not easily gorten r.d of. It may
well seem a waste of labor to plow and
cultivate this weed, for the more this is
done intermittently the more it spreads.
JSvery root will grow and make a new
phttit in the course of a few years after it
has bceu nearly eradicated, being as bad
as ever. Yet continuous culture during
a single growing season will entirely de
stroy it. The cultivation must be often
enough so that not a single spear of the
grass reaches the surface. Where quack
grass has grown unmolested several years
it is a good plau to plow tho pieco just
deep enough to throw to the surface the
network of main roots which are fouud
exactly on the hard pan left by the keel
of tho plow in previous years. It is often
possible in this way, by careful plowing,
to throw most of the main roots on the
surface, where during the winter they
will freeze and dry so that they can be
raked up in winrows and burned. Con
tinuous cultivation with some hoed crop
will do the busiuess in one season, though
to make sure that none escapes it is bet
ter to plant in hoed crops the second
year. Great care is needed to prevent
this plant spreading from one lot all over
- the farm. It spreads by its roots, which
sometimes penetrate potatoes, and aro
thus planted by careless farmers. Its
seed usually ripen in August, though we
have seen it ripened in July enough to
grow. Quack fields should not, there
fore, be sown with out, as both ripen at
the same time. Courier-Journal.
To try to save axle grease by letting
the wagon go uuoilcd.
To save clover by keeping the hogs in
To save blacksmith bills by letting tho
plow go unsharpencd.
To use a plow that compels one to wait
till the land is neither too wet nor too
dry, too hard or too soft, before plowing
in order to save the cost of a first-class
To let the stock eat the pasture too
close to save the labor of cutting up a
few acres of corn fodder.
To cut down the cilk of the cows to
save the cost of a ton of bran.
To raise a small, cheap horse iu order
to save $5 or $10 in stallion fees.
To keep a cow that produces only
enough butter to pay for her feed to save
the money that a profitable cow would
To make ten-cent butter in order to
save the cost of good dairy utensils.
To sell all the ho;s because the prices
are low.
--To put an ill-fitting harness on a horso
expecting he will do aa well with it as
with a well-fitting one.
To crowd tho work horses to their ut
most every day aud drive them for pleas
ure Suuday.
To use cheap breeding stock when bet-
(tor can be had.
To keep au animal of unj-'wod that
costs more than it brings iu.
To shrink the milk of the cows $10 a
month by letting a boy run them from
the pasture in order to save 3 worth of
a hired man's time.
To keep hogs in filthy pens when there
aro good pastures at hand where they
will do better at less expense.
To expect boys to enjoy farm life if
they are made to work every day and all
day without recreation aud no means of
cujoymeut iu reach. Wctttrn Plowman.
J. T. Fowler, Wayne County, N. V.,
desires advice how to prevent butter from
fading aud losing its quality, but as we
nre not m forme J how the milk wai set,
the cream cared for, how long the cream
remains unclaimed, etc., our answer can
not be very definite.
It cnunot be the feed, as butter color
is used; so the fading must be looked
nfter elsewhere. It the butter is packed
in small crocks, the glazing of the buttir
may have been imperfect and tho porous
material of the -crock ubsorbed the finer
nils of the butter, and color alung with
il , ;;ud so bleach out a circle of butter
next to the crock. That the butter gets
"alvey" would iudicttc that the tem
perutuie of tho cellar was subjected to
rc at extremes, hot and cool, alterna
ting. This would cause a chemical change
M v;" ou ir. the elements not butter, and
the heat would tend to fuse or mUui
cuu9 the buttet to lose its globular form
or granulation. By some "chance" the
ik.U may 11 c'mrged with too much lime,
and so act mum the butter as to cau-e it
to lose color.
From the fact (bat the butler is all
jiht vLcu inudc, aud become uuWuMo
only after being "mado two and three
months," raises the inquiry, why this
butter was not sold as fast as made. In
the long run, the butter maker who holds
butter for two or three months for a rise,
pays fifty per cent, interest on the ven
ture. The market and the consumer do
not want butter that is "old," or hal
been held for a rise. The butter that
brings highest price is that freshest
made. The good butter made yesterday
always sells highest and is first inquired
for. Holding butter only clogs the
market when it docs find its way to the
city, and its depressing influence injures
all alike from maker to consumer. The
most successful butter makers are those
who sell their butter as fast as made, and
try to make the bulk of their butter be
tween October and June.
Whatever the cause of tho trouble may
be, we would suggest that when the milk
is put into the pans or cans to add to
each four quarts of milk one quart of
water at 125 degrees, aud if possible set
these cans in a tank of cold well water.
Temper tho cream evenly, and churn at
the first sign of acidity. As soon as the
cream breaks up into distinctive globules
add two gallons of water and a half tea
cup full of salt to the churn before trying
to remove the buttermilk. This will give
a perfect separation of buttermilk and
butter. Wash twice more with clear
water. Salt this wet butter with one and
one-fourth ounces of salt to the pound
and churn it in. Let it stand an hour
and work over lightly, aud pack into
well-glaz.ed crocks. Cover well with a
cloth and a paste of wet salt; set in a
cool, dark place where the temperature
is as near stationary as possible, and sell
this butter every week, and if the cows
are well fed and havo wheat shorts and a
littlo corn-meal it is not likely that the
butter will fade or get salvcy. American
Sawdust is an excellent litter for duck
The income from sheep is always sure,
nt least.
Xow is the time to weed your flock, if
you have not done it before.
Overcrowding is a fertile cause of the
breeder's worst enemy roup.
Choose, if possible, for a poultry racch
a Blopc to the south or southeast.
There is nothing better for your tur
kevs thau curds squeezed dry and crum
bled. Vuless care is taken, hogs will begin
to fail now, unless extra feed is sup
plied. Cocl, sweet water is one of the most
important factors in the health of the
In managing the teams it is best not to
use unnecessary ..words in giving com
mands. If you have not feed sufficient to keep
the pigs growing, some of them should
be sold.
Do you believe the health of a horse
largely depends upon the cleanliness of
his skint
A dairy school in every State would
revolutionize the dairy and creamery
Better throw the grain feed among
straw or leaves and make the fowls scratch
for their living.
A small lump of pine tsr in the drink
ing water supplied to the fowls will be
found beneficial.
In purchasing a horse, always reject
one that is not a good walker. It is an
important quality.
The failure to make sheep pay can, to
a considerable extent, be traced to failure
to give proper care.
Destroy old blackberry and raspberry
canes as fast as they become useless, and
thus destroy insects.
Two full crops one of weeds and one
of grain or roots cannot grow on the
same soil nt the same time.
Set out groves of sugar maple as wind
breaks. In a few years you will have
both a windbreak and a sugar orchard.
This is the month you will have to de
termine what birds you will exhibit at
the coming shows. Make your entries
ou time.
In many it will pay to purchase
and . eed brau, shipstuflt and oil meal to
the growing pigs. It will b' better and
cheaper thau corn.
Sugar beets are counted worth ten dol
lars per ton for feeding, and they are as
easily grown as corn or potatoes. They
will keep as well as mangolds.
Blemishes, as well as dis;ases, are
often transmitted to offspring, and for
this reason it is very important to have
the sire, at least, as perfect as possible.
In these days the fascination of a
"pure bred" is not strong enough to
looscu the purse strings of a business
man uuless you show that great profit
may be had.
liaising plug horses for market rarely
pays. They cost as much to raise as tho
better class and sell for much less. He
member this this full when engaging a
horse for service.
- i
It is when prices are low and the
margin of profits is small, that it is im
portant to keep a close account with each
class of stock in order to determine
which is the most profitable.
The idea of diluting milk, set for
cream, with fifty to sixty per cent, of
water is fast gaining headway in the
practice of go ahead dairymen. Try it
and see how it works iu your case.
When your heifers come in, weigh and
test their milk for a whole year, so that
you cau tell without any guess work
which produce the most, and when you
have any to sell, always let the poorest
Au Inventor's Folly.
A few months ago an iuventor of cer
tain apparatus of a very simple character,
which could have been readily duplicated
iu many ditlcrent forms, was offered
ijGOOO for the right to a certain inland
town, lie was a poor man and needed
the money badly. The reader supposes,
of course, that the iuventor jumped at
the chance and picketed the money on
the spot. Not he; he told the buyer
that the pateut was worth $100,000,
utid he was not going to sell one town
iu New York btite for 16000. The
: same inventor was offered a similar sum
for another large town in the btate, or
cl0,000 for only two cities iu the couu-
: try, but he refused to take it. We have
' these facts from the inventor himself,
' and thuy are correct. Jiefort) it was too
I lute to negotiate we beruted the man
soundly for bis folly, but he was deaf to
' argument. The sequel was that the iu-
vcnlor never sold a single right, and hs
his patent to this day. Enginering.
"No. lean t Ret it down!"
Khali I ever forget
The pleading tonus
Of that young cadet;
As he raisod me up
(I hail fnllpn down).
Then picked up my lint
Which was minus a crowtij
Anil said, "Dense don't
Drink Hint poison drink I
It Is that which mnkes you
Fall down, 1 think."
My throat Is so dry,
1 want my flip.
But the moment the glass
Comes up to my lip, .
I think 1 can see
That fair young fnee,
As he handed my lint.
With Iniyish grace;
And a voice like my lioy's.
Saying, "Please don t drink;
It is that which makes you
Fall down, I think."
For I had a boy once.
Just as good and fair
As this, with bright eyes.
And brown, curling hair.
I lifted no warning
My fair loy to save;
And', alas! he now sleeps
In a low drunkard's grave!
And his grave by my tears
Hnd never been wet,
Till I heard the "Flenso don't"
Of the young cadet.
'. Til dash It away!
And no more shall tho lowl
Touch .iv lips, that has
Well-nih ruined my soul I
I fear me I murdered
My bright-haired boy !
Hum made me do it;
He was once my joy.
I may help save others
And I'll never forget.
The pleading "Please don't"
Of tho young cadet.
-Jfn. L. A. Temperance A tl rotate.
JJonforf's trine mid Spirit Circular prints
tho following figures of tho number of bar
rels of beer sold by tho eight largest lager
beer breweries during the vear ending April
30, 1S90: Anheuser-Husch,'St. Louis, fr-tltW
larrels; Vabst Brewing Company, Milwau
kee, COS, '.Ml ; Joseph Schlits Brewing Com
panv, Milwaukee. 41S.M4; George Ehret,
New York, Spatenbrauerei, Mu
nich, Braueroi, 3'.U,4:iO: Lowen Munich, IMO,
8.SH; Anton Ureher, Vienna, 350,4:$; St
Marx Brauorei, Vienna, 281,441.
In a recent Parliamentary debate a mem
ber of Her Majesty's Government said some
thing about the "nutritive" qualitiesof beer.
That beer has stimulating qualities may bo
nt onre admitted, but "nutritive" powers nre
quite another thing. A barrel of ale ana
Ivted shows as follows:
J Qnnrt.
Albumen (flesh forming) . 1
Malt sugar lunferniented V 'J
Gum (of no dietetic value). . . . ' :i'
Alcohol (intoxicatina spirit)
Water.. 1W
Total . .
d'hisyoic lieformei:
"Until the drink faotor is eliminate I from
the problem thsro can be no successful solu
tion of the wage question or auy other ques
tion that relates to tho betterment ot tho
working classes. Any system of social re
form that does not take'full cognizance of
the vast and awful waste of property and
humau life caused by the drink traffic fails
at the vital point and cannot succeed. As
long as the saloon and gin palaces crowd tho
street of our cities and towns, so long nr
poverty and misery the inevitable condition
of vast multitudes of our people. Universal
peace, happin ws and prosperity are not pas
sible in a v jutry that knows such a thing
as tho saloon." Sew York Mail and E.c
ilia social autocrat of tho select "four
numireu or tins city is Mr. Ward McAllis
ter. It is announced that he has been ninjr nuiity, or theatrical re
nown, w,uij lor a winter s course of lee
tines on soevty. It is no yet announced
whether he wiU accent the offer or not. It
is said that the wino merchants hold him in
particular reverence, and the reason given
i:iT-ir-i,n in umi lie i-au uo a great deal tor
a brand of sherry or champagne." Ho is
uevineJ very high authority by thesa social
aspirants, who are eager to secure his favor,
concerning n-thetio wiiie-driiikiug.anJ as to
tub various kiii is ot wine to be selected for
the grand social entertainments, of which he
is the master spirit, it is this social wiue
Uriukini custom, thus fostered by wealthy,
extra fashionable society, which, while it i
allowed, will maks the suppression of the
saloon in the slums extremely diflicult, if not
altogether iiiipossible.--.Yeu' Yurk Temper
nce Advvcute.
"Tn oi l time, in Uei'.nauy," b?gau Uncle
Fritz, "they had curious laws, by which
every offending criminal, not excepting bee
tles and ants, were tried for their crime and
seutenced often to lie oxi-onininicatJ.
Perhaiyou do not know that Hubert Brown
ing's poem, 'The Pied Piper of Haiuelu.1 is
merely the translation ol a Gorman legend
of that town.
"That similar law-exist in this country, is
shown by a dog being on trial for his life in
one of the Eastern rjlutes. Towser was
charged with having a savage disposition
'daugerous to tlie bo lily weal of this Com
monwealth.' The plaintilf swore tu having
been bitten by him without auy provoca
tion, and wanted the hauJsome animal
"Towser's owner objected, and retained
counsel for him. The plaintilf finally ac
knowledged making Towser drunk with strips
of meat soake I in brandy, and to otherwise
molesting him.
"A number of witnesses told of Towser's
general good behavior, and then the dog was
brought forward for his own defense. 'At
his master's command.' our informant says,
'he played dead, sbjod on his held, and then
mounted the stes to tho Judge's desk, shak
ing paws with that otll 'ial.'
"The Judge was much pleased by this and
" 'It was the ruin, not the dog, that should
be condemned,' and ordered that the plaiiitilf,
who gave it to him, should withdraw the suit
and pay the co.-,ts of the trial."
"Did" they excommunicate the rum:'" a.-ld
the children.
"No," was the answer, "but they should
have done it. We. at leat, will excommuni
cato it from our sideboards, o-i tho old Ger
mans would a general pest. temperance
"Shame water" is the name given tj strong
drink by natives of Africa.
Minnesota has three W. C. T. U. unions
conqxjsed entirely of Scandinavians.
Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, President of Maiue
W. C T. U., is one of the two lady managers
of the World's Pair chosen from her State.
There lias been a gain of twenty-five per
cent, iu tha me ubership of the W. C. T. U.
in the District of Columbia during the last
Sacramento, Cal., W. C. T. U. is aliout to
erect a teiuerance temple costing $12,000,
having already secured a lot. One member
has doicitud f lio1) uu 1 another IMK) toward
the building.
Since lust Apr 1 milk has been served as a
luily ration to jiatienU in tho asylums uuder
the control of the Dondou County Council
instead of alcoholics, aud the meJical otlicers
unanimously testify as to the good results.
Judge II. Marshall Buford, of Leiingtou,
Ky., lute of the Common Court of Pleas, has
become insane from drinking whisky to ex
cels and has been sent to a private asylum,
lie U about forty years of aye and is one of
the beat lawyers iu the State.
The Illinois W. C. T. V. now has a meiu
l,Hil,io of over fourteen tliousaud, having
Added over twelve hundred new members
during the past year. Sixty-seven thousand
dolhirs hue been expended iu local work
u,..i mil I, mii, li ed thousand nagcaof litera
ture distributed. There are Am JO childlen
iu the Loyal Temperance legions.
Kearlr Alwnrn HUM In Her .lodgment In
llrsnre' ta I oinmnn Thins.
An old gentleman over seventy, enme into
thecitv from his farm, without, his overcoat.
The day turned chilly and ho v as obliged to
forego his vNit to the fair.
To a friend who remonstrated with him for
Ruing awav from homo thus unprepared, he
said: "I thought it was going to lie warm:
mv wife told mo to take my overcoat, but I
wouldn't. Women have more sense than men
A frank admission.
Women's good sense Is said to come from
Intuition; may It not lie that they aro more
close observers of littlo things. One thing is
certain, they areapt to strike the nail on tho
head, in all the ordinary problems of til o,
more frequently than the lords of creation.
"According to Dr. Alien Bennett, who
recently read a paper on Briht's disease lio
for the Pennsylvania State Medical Six-iely,
Iiersons subject to bilious nttack and sick
leadaches. who have crawling sensations,
like the Honing of water in t he head, who
nre 'tired all the time' ami havo unexplained
attacks of sudden w eakness, may well be sus
pected of dangerous tendencies in tho dlreo
tion of Bright s disease. "
The veteran newspaper correspondent, Jon
Howard, of the New York Vrs.s, ill noting
this statement, suggests: "Possibly Alice is
correct in her diagnosis, but why doesn't she
give some idea of treatment? 1 know a man
who hn.s been 'tired all the time' for ten
years. Night before last ho took two doses
of calomel and yesterday ho wished he
A pniier answer is found in the following
letterof .Mrs. Davis, wife of liev. Win. J.
Davis, of Basil. O., June '-'1st, lsnil;
'I do not hesitate tosnythat I owe my life
to Warner's Safe Cure. I hnd a constant
hemorrhage from my kidneys for more than
five mouths. The physicians could ilo noth
ing for me. My husband sient hundreds of
dollars and I was not relieved. 1 was under
theenreof the most eminent medical men in
the State. The hemorrhage censed tieforo 1
had taken onelsittleof the Safe Cure. I can
safely ami do cheerfully recommend it toall
whoare sulTerers of kidney troubles."
A Now Way of ltnlslng Pons.
AVhile passing by the postollico last
Tuesday a reporter of tho Enterprise
overheard a prominent chicken aud
turkey miser who resides near Mount
Vernon Church, and who, for convenience
sake, cau be called "I" nolo Hilly" Sim
mons remark: "L-. ,Tiusr I planted
a lot of Knglish peas. C nc day chickens
got iu the garden, scotched them up
and ate them. I diuu't have time just
then to send to town after more pea
seed to plant, so I decided to cut tho
chickens' craws open, take the seed out
and plant them. I did that. Then I
sewed up the craws with a common
needle and thread. I never saw a finer
crop of Kuolish peas than I raised last
spring, and I think those chickens were
t lie best I ever tasted, for, be it known,
the chickens lived and grew to lc of
good size." gutter City (Cat.) Enter
jirise. The amount of life insurance in Ger
many, as reported by thirty-eight com
panies, was $912,306,000 fit the close of
lhS'.l ; mid the new insurance written that
year amounted to $S(!,C25,O0O.
The hop crop o Lane County, Oregon,
is estimated nt 700,000 pounds for the
year 1800.
As extraordinary advance In the uso of co.
coa seems to have taken place of late years in
kuirlaud. In the House of Commons, this last
session, the Kinrht ilou. U. J. Uoschcn, the
Chaucellurof the Kxchetpier, catted attention
to ll us a cause lor much of t he failing oil of
the use of cott'ee. He attributed it iu a meas
ure, to the iHisitiou a preparation ot cocoa
known as "lirttteftil and Comiorting" hud
takeu. in accord with this suggestion, it may
tie iuterestinif to follow the coarse cocoa has
takeu in hmiland situ-e IKE.', when the duty
which had been standitiir at lid. ner iioiind.
with uu importation of under half a million
pounds, was reduced lo-il. per jumnd, end not
long after we tiud the homoiisthic doctrine of
mediciuu introduced into tue kingdom, ami
that the use of cocoa was sieciully udvocated
by nhysiciaus adopting that miHle ol practli
Nioii after we liml the llrst houKcoiuilnio
chemists established in Kimland it ho hi m of
James Kpps v Co.i produced a special t rep
aration which only needed tioilin water or
it.illi tn lie ut nni'R reHilv tor the table. Mint llie
BuiKirtor character ot this product ion has, uo
doubt-done much, m the i:ham-ellor ot tue
Kxciiequcr said, tu bring about the advance
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
pently yet prom ptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem eflectually, dicpels colds, head
ache? and levers and cures habitual
constipation. Byrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial ;n its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and fipreeahle substances,
its many excellent qunlities com
mend it to all and have made it
ttie most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is fur sale in 60o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist w ho
may not have it ou hand will pro
cure it promptly for auy one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept
ny substitute.
iOWSVIUi Kf Ur0RK,U.f.
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
i la endorsed and prescribed by leading
: lilivali'iiiiia Imh hiiha ttoin llin i Vxi lAiMir tit
uiid Jlmoihoihitra tiro tltu reoguiz-od (
j UKoUlblu lliecuic u( Vvititiitlon. It Im
I iiti iaiaUihlo aa milk.
i Scott's Emulsion iJWEf I,
I u wttniit i l'ul i- Ir.Ji i i (Hlurrr. It 4a the
I iteti iteuuiu f .r COlMaUMPTiON,
I (Scrofula, Droschitif, Wasting1 Iiisi
I ea;es. Ciirouic tioubn and Colds.
. cli f. .r C:,.:
fj f Tli ill . Uook-KrvtD, HiMluwMi KoriDi,
Hiuut'a cllai iiuatuo, bi. H
Buffalo Herds a Ilalf Ccntnry Aro.
I think I can truly say, writes General
John Hiihvell in tho November Century,
that I saw in that region in one day more
buffaloes than 1 have neeti of catllo in
all my life I have ucen the plain black
with them fur several days' journey
as fur n the ryo could reach. They
seemed to bo coming northward con-
inually from the distant plum to the
l'latte lo net wafer, and would plunge in
lind Swlttl Herns- by thousands so
numerous wcro they that tlit-y c-linngcd
not only tho color of tho wnter, but its
taste, until it was Unfit to drink) but we
had to use it. One nifibt when wo were
encamped on the South Fork of the
l'latte llu-y enmo in such droves that wc
had to sit up and lire guns and make what
fires we could to keep tlicin from lun
niuii over us and trampling us into the
lu-t. Wc could bear them thundering
nil night long; tho grout d fairly
trembled with vast approaching bands;
ami if they bad not been divert ed.wngotis,
animals nnd emigrants would have been
trodden under (heir feet.
Sledges for I ciest litis.
Two wonderful sledges havo just been
turned out at the factory of Ldwnltl
Kuhlslein, in llcrlin, to the order of the
Kmperor of China. One is for himself
and the other is for bis wife.
These tdcdsics arc piolmblv intended
to be drawn along the smooth minis
within the treat palace i;:iidcns, where
few foreigners ever penetrate, or on the
tops of the immensely wnlo walls which
shut out the ruler of the Celestial Umpire
from the common bcid. They will also
be useful in case of a snow fall.
The vehicles are built in must luxurious
manner and cost several thousand dollars
ach. The walls aro dark red, the
bandies and mouldings are in rich gilding,
nnd the Chinese dragon figure every
where in the ornamentation. Inside,
both sledges aro beautifully upholstered
with gold silk. Actc York Journal.
MI'Uons of wonirn use !oMlns's Kbetrle
Soup dsl y, and s-iy it is the lies! and clieai-st.
11 tliey are riital, vtlor.glil lo use ll. it wrom:,
oir f rtui ottlv will show ou. Hoy a bar of our
(jnmtiud u y it next Mondiiy.
To run nre more puidic holidays in Hono
lulu th.iu in any othereity In the world.
A Wfimlcrlul 1'iiper,
When von were re uiinirthe lari rnsner'n
of 'I'll K YlU'TII'S CoUl'ANlON, I'lllll lulled l.nt
week .11 our eotttin is. did yon k. op to roiistder
w lint a wivilt h o' latent w.i-. eiu;ii :ed i i pr e
ilueitw this re iiarkulile papr Its Mieee-,si-i
t'helli'tllelltll. ll'ld it 1 feud in 4'tl.ill I fa III 1 1 ii"i
liei-aine it Is tllu tiesl ot its kind. Now it the
time to send oiir siibicription. Sl.;' seat at
onee will secure you the ret of tliw year five,
ini'luditig nil the Holiday Nutnhcrs. 1 ll K
ot'Tn's Companion, lt.M.oi.
Ilo You Kver !irculnte T
Anv person se.idinx lis their tcvnsant al
dress Will receive information that will le 1
to a fortune. Itenj. Lewis & Ci , JSociU'll
lluiidiug, Kansas i Ity. -Mo.
liuarameed live year ehrni per cent- First
Moruaues on Kansas City property. Interest
payable every six months: priueipsl au I inter
est collected when ilue and remitted without
expense to lender. For sale by .1. II. ltailerleia
A Co.. Kansii'ily. MiiXX rite roriarlicular
Woman, her diseanes and their treatment.
Tl'imzes, illustrated; priee .Vie. Sent up m r.
ceiptof ilk., cost of iii:ulin;,ctc. Address IVj-.
H. 11. K 1.1 NIC. M.l.. I'll Arch St., I'hiln,. I 'a.
Lee Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harm
less in elTeet. quick and positlvu In action,
hcllt prepaid on receipt of 1 tier Isittle.
Atleler A; Co.,.VM NVyainlottest..KiitisasCily.Mii
Timlier, Mineral, Farm bands and Itinnhei
In Missouri, Kittitas, Texas and Arkansas,
bought audsolii.Tyleri: Co.,KansanCity, Mo,
Oklahotnatiiiide (took and Man sent any wlier i
on receipt of Alets-Ti'ler .fc ( VKiuihiih Clt v. Mo.
If ft complaint which afTtfhi nenrly everybody more
or Iprh It orlliiftt-i In a coM, or Fucct anion of
coMi coruhuiiM with Impure blood. Dlsms-rfpable
flow from the nose, tickling In the throat, ofTt'iiHtvtj
Lreth, ialn ovmr Utwn a the eyes, linking
nI bunttlnit noirwft la thocttrs, arc the more com
mon symptom. Cutarrh is curvil ly HihmI' Sama
parillft, which strike llreot!y nt IU cnuno by r
mrtrlnitaVl impurltloi from tho blood, bulMltiK up
ihr iIIojmI tltucft ami giving healthy luue to the
Fold by all dnusists. $l;slxfort Prepared only
Ly C. I. HOOD k CO., Lowoll, Musi.
IOO Doso One Dollar
gSsQ.ccCSx f?eS "
INjTthe: positive cure. 17m$W
JXilX!.2i EWT ltm-i'HFItS. M Warren Bt.. New YerV. wwisn-i. r,. Wc
a i it . fcew.T Miitr
Such as Wind nnd Pain in th Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Meals.
Dimness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite.
Shortness of B.eath Costiveness, Scurry, Blotches on the Skin, Distuned
Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Aerrous and Trembling Sensations tc.
Fop Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
they ACT LIKE MAQIG, Strengthening tho
pttxlon, bringing back thAr edue
HEALTH Uito fio physical energy of
to 11 H
ih Nervous and DttHttttiwd 1m Hint REECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE Cf
rrfiiurrd otilv bv TIIOI. 11 1: l:
Aod htf MWf(f;rtif-.ii. B. F.
(sol Aif-ntH fnr iIh I iutf M Me. t'Ao (If
m.r.v iia.ii n ii.i.iinn nr.i ii
B j-JS Best Cotijrh Mctlicino. Itcfommt'iKled by Physicians. IVeJ
Clirra wliorn uil cIko fails. ( I'Ii'ilhh nt uml atrri'eublu to tho VS
L9 tUMtc. ( hililreii luko it without objection. Hy tlruiririBta. r'a
"He h&d sma.ll skill o' horse f-lesh
who bought a, goose ho ride onVDon'r r&ke
Is SP0 LI O'
Try Os ca,kc ofihand be convinced.-
T f m rVt fn Qntn Hi!s to accoml,1i eatinfactory
WVilllllltJII WUclJJ results in scouring and cleaning,
and necessitates a great outlay of time unj labor, which more than
balances ny saving in cobt. I'rarticul peojle will fiml BAI'OLIO
tho bent and cheapest soap for Loutie-cleaning and scouring.
The New National lark
Tho new National Tark takes in the
entire draining area of Ilia Vnsemite, and
much more. It embraces tho whole of
tho Upper Tuolumne Hlvcr and the
greater part of the Tuolumne watershed.
It includes Mount Lyell and its glaciers,
Lake Klt-annr and tho Mariposa, Merced
and Tuolumne troves of Ilig Trees. It
stvrtches from Lake Klcanor to AVawona
nnd bcytiitil, and from Hazel Green bo
low Crime Flat to the highest tidgo of
the Sierra. It is about fifty miles In
length by thirty live In width, and con
siderably exceeds the Htnfti of Hhode
Island in area. This magnificent reser
vation Will be by lar the most lienuifttl
park in the world". U will lack the weird
marvels of the Yellovstoiie--thc geysers,
the painted rocks nnd tho atnlagmitir
formations but in the inagtiillccnco nnd
charms of forest, t-lilT nnd waterfall it
will be beyond comparison. Sm Vih-cin-0
Money Invested In choice one hundred dul
ler building lots In suliurlisof Kansas City will
pmv from live hundred to one thousand per
cent, the next few vears under our plan. F
rs-liKiidi per month without Interest eon
1 1 olsa desirn hie lot. Particulars on upplloatioa.
J. II. Hauerlem .V Co.. Kansas It V. Mo-
FIT stopped free by 1. Kt.iMK'a Oasr
NkkvkK bstohi'.u. No ills after llrst day's use.
.Murveloiis.Mivs. Tiv UUo ail I S) trial o illl
flee. III'. Kline. '.til An il St.. I'lllla,. !'.
Why does this man staro bo ? ITo
is simply listening to tho marvelous
cures effected by Dr. l'ierce's Gold
en Discovery.
The following caso illustrates :
February Hth, 18IW.
XTont.n's TlisrrNSAnr MamcAb Associa
tion. Iluffiilo, N. V.:
Gentlemen -A remarkable case has occurred
In our territory. J. N. ltcrry, a man about
thirty years of aire, was roImk down rapidly.
He fried lilivtel:m after physician, patent
mcdlrlni'S, hoinc receipts In fact, everything,
lie went to n noted sanitarium and returned
-visiter. " c all thouifht he was uylna-with
jnnntion, and only a few weeks uf hfo
wem left for him.
He commem-ed "flolden Medical Discov
ery," und at the samo time commenced to
mend. He has used about two dogen bottles,
and is still nsitnr ft. He has trained In welvht.
color and streinrth, nod Is able to do light
work. It Is Just - v case as we should
have listened to rather eusnlclously, but when
wo see It we tmut liellovo it.
It. has trebled our sales of "Oolden Medical
DruRKlsts, Roanoko, lad.
Ill all bronchial, throat and lung
affections, lingering coughs, spitting
of blood, weak lungs and kindred
ailments, the " Discovery " effects
the most marvelous cures.
"By ft thorough ktiowiM,- of the nfttnrm! Iwi
wh eh trovcru th.- opt-ratl ii of dltic Ilou ud mitrl
tt hi. ati.l by cjirvml ftpplk- atlm .if the hoe pmt er
th'Sef wiM.-a Un-t'i Cmva, Mr. Fpi Iim proThb d
our breakfast (auto with diictly flavoured ber
eree wuLoli may rj U many Heavy dn:Ur' bill,
It L oy the jmtiL'I'ijt mte of auoti article! ot dh
thrtt acoiiuiiiuiou may oe yr duallv uill upumli
utronic eutuU Ut rotlit every tendency to (Usance.
Huuiiredtot' tubtle maladlee am float In K around ut
rt ady to tutace wherever there U a weak po nt.
We may cape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
wen Kiriuie i wun pure ih.kmi mi a properly
1 with i
Mutle Kimply with boilltw water or mll'x.
V CO., Hom-eopaUilu Chfuiibla,
Allomera. I41H f l Wn.hlnf len, It. O.
lirnueh Oltiera. C'levelnnil, lleirelLC'lilraee
i,;r A month o tin,
S? I'.U.y.lralerAl
illes In emli I'oiinly.
m Ml
V3 ft fP" A
niuMilur System, restoring lonir-loflt Com-
of appetite, nnd atuuslnn with the HOStBUO Of
tho iiutufin frame. One of the hr-M RUHranteoa
II tl . H. TY1na. t nnn.kl
ALLEN CO., 3S5 and 3b7 Canal St., New York,
itniKJjrot locs not krrp ihrui) WILL MAIL I., J. .'ih. A liUA.i
K.N Tli N 1 tilt I'AI'fciR )
!i II I v; v
. . , . TT..
Ctiata PsCstrrLT awn Pesmanetttlt
Lnmbaa-o, neadactia. Toothache
or Throat, Swellings, Fros-bMs,
Sprains, Bruises, Hums, be aide.
THI CHARLES A. V0QELER CO.. lllmert.lliL
S ..unmnu DOVAOCI
..." - If . .ft rn't arrl !t.WWl)d bT mat I
,".UI" 1 .1. aV . V.- Si la IK ft ftl M i
rcamp.1' V'-nd itampiBP
(in tf ? ) f n
UtS A 1V.lUiaj
nisr.nrmnr, 1.8 J'HNS
w y n u 45
nrr-niiet rsmlnli!" '
reruiluly envtner u thai mis
wheel Is S.UIilip''r
ol he l- o I n me I'H IC "I ti l r et
.i.ll k...l.i la nil rnnnliil enrts. pleel
Tuhlnua anil nrop I'lii alims io every eri.
Klnl-h nun workmnimlilp aiiernnleeaeanal
tn any hleh-arnde w heel In ihe world.
147 Washington S'., Boston, Mass.
Rend ct. la stamps, for lo-plfe Illustrated. Csl
Iwiirof nuns, Kllles, llevulvem, Kfeliln Tneltlc, Cut
lery, SlwrllnslliHSls, I'ullee Ktiupnielll w lld llleyrlos
how to get Well.
Tso Dr. Tobias' Vem'tlan Lini
ment It yon nre sullVriiig from
Chronic llliiMiiiiatism, Neu
ralgia, rains in tho Limbs,
Hack or ( best, Soro Throats,
Colds, SMIIViumI Joints, Con
tracted Muscles. Warranted
lor over forty years to give
perfect satisfaction or the
money refunded.
hellleht nrveryet been reierveit.
Knlil ht all drnggl-ln. I'l les JAe. end JOru
PI'ITirtU I.. lola Wheee are
LA J I narrenlerf, and averr pair
S3 SHOE ceniIImcn.
-&q(1 addre on potttftl for valuable tuiorraathoii-
FOK A IINK.OOI.lsAK IHI-l.-wntut by mall
wc will lit im r, Irt-ts oi all ctmrtcs to any ieraon m
Ui t nlt.-d suiUut, aU of the follow l m arilulua, cure
fully cku it , '
One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, . lOoti,
Due Iwo-tiunof bottle of V aw line Tornado, 1
One Jnr of Vafu llne Cold I'nutiii, - 19
-'lit v rp oi i Mnnr v einijiior ii-sn, -
f ne fake of Yajtchue Souit, utuwent nt, - It)-
(me t akeof Vailhie(vMm exi,ultUcly acentod.U"
one two-ouuee bott.e uf While YanvUiMt il
Or, for pout ag wtamp any tfryjl HM nt ik yric
nnmif. (hi no uifmin te oerJUMidtvl to aoivpf from
yuur(trwiti.t any 1'a.liui or pretratUjm Ihet
id our-
untfMi fiiwimi irirn uur miMir. o ( -a
you wu
liiinJiimvlivcin I'niriWlor
f 'hr.rbrouicli llltr. I'l
whiflt ha tittuorno faltM
i Mlsie HI.. N. V.
rFor Coughs Coiat
Thre Is no llilciM like
It U pleMsnt to th uu m4
do, not otiuln s Mrilcl W
uplunioranjiLlns Irijuhoua. It
I.Ui. llcilOcunhlledlclii.liilhs
World. I n- jI- lir all Drug.lau,
Prlc, 1.00 per botlla. ) .'i Dk oe
Ouiwutuptlon uiid iu Cun. mailed fr. Addroal
Dr. J. H. bohenok A Bon, Philsdelptile.
I Tioiinr PtlAinlTVO.
Luaunu ywiir.iti.vvrJvtr-
-'V.afifi va l : o
a . 4. i: m a i iv n "i r- i
kAtsVll at llio low !
1 AUmail fl. Uiiu' lf prxctu,
k 1
and "P'P gora w uo
lukitl tor on tlrli.ory.
H.nil slsrnn ( 'L
ioiiue. Auvm jioedi dttlred.
v BfHn al riu
i, uu Lit a uro. co., 143 in;. at. iau
tAf' Utt ihe Uenuuut.
Sow Jjfveiywbere.
Instruction trrm
lo iuveniori.
Write tt ouuw fur
U. ( il- CO.)
V Hahtinfian, 1. V,
Inventor's l.ntrte.
or How to Obtain
n I'aieul. Hr-: v -4.
Patrick O'Farrall, Vzxrdtti. jj
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lat Principal lixaiuiucr U .S. l'vuiioo Bureau.
by mmll t aaVrr. Dr H ( II IKI a N Hi lal
Kellable Annua or ll uurcholco
urM-ry Mim K, i.iiMTui roiumlattloa
hrtlarv lUkia. rill' Uu fur lnn
Jtruibrr. Nurwryniin, KHlic(ir, N. Y.
Wwil Co It,
4 rro ft.'tl(uA an
lolftim tUibaultUorMl Ho
ud so iiaiJ itfiiutl VtuJI
-MPjaaMatV. H' K by Uss 1 oeth t WnatUiaUtU
to 8 ho a. AU Uils qJ i
t tbi
lnfoniia.Uo la our IUOaUI ILL(
rKllIB MtUfeatf s.
j3 tali.,
imi Ui aiuii