nr up n Ik la cu is to a at to tr so iv w ru h C ui ni fo of ti: at so w h m ut Ju cc fe th to m at fa en no st dt BO ftp til dt at fo ei at tt H tb in BO at Y tp T h. al ot ei A ai m IVl ;TJ 'ia se n in b tr ;ki at Pi R bi bi g1 P as P ni b; w ti M b VI n l 'tl S( it b n tl a b BI ri SI k 'w oi st B T b f( li e d v tl le. ia ti a h n n si fi I. tl n M v i" f 'C a t THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. K. WINK, tOITON 4 PROPRICTOM. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRER 2rt, 1890. Nobody pifiei the Wall Street gamblers who get their fingers burned. Their loss is somebody's gain, and it does not affect the people. There is a pretty general opposition on the part of the Democratic papers of the State to calling out the Nation al Guard to assist in the inauguration of Governor Tattison. It is not easy to see what started the discussion, fioce no one has proposed to have the guard out. The matter will rest entirely with Governor Patlicn, and the Dem ocratic organs will agree with him whichever way he decides it. With all due regard for Professor Koch, we feel impelled to say to the public that it should go slow in the matter of the famous doctor's con sumption cure. That is, they should not let their hopes go up like a rocket. We have yet in memory the lamenta ble failure of Dr. Brown-Sequard's "Elixir of Life," which created such a furor for a while and then dropped flat as a pancake. One t'oes not hear of It any more. Secretary Stone showed himself a strong and popular candidate in his race for Congress at the recent election. The four counties of his district gave Pattison a majority of 1650 over Del amater, but Mr. Stone had 3386 over Lis Democratic competitor. It is evi dent from this that Mr. Stone, who ought the nomination for Governor, would have made a pretty good candi date for that office. Fhila. Press. Not a question about it. Mr. Stone would weep things up through this country in a political race every timo. Secretary Windom says that he cannot understand how intelligent people can make such wild statements about the condition of the National Treasury as have been recently ap pearing in papers of democratic pro clivities. ''I have," said the Secretary, "paid out mure than 8100,000,000 fr bonds during the past year, oud there is cash on hr.nd now, available to meet any contingency that may arise, more than 832,000,000, and the receipts f the Government will constantly add to this surplus." The annual report of the Treasurer of tho United .Slates made public this week bears nut the statement of Secretary Wiudom that our finances are in a healthy condition. GRAND OPENING ! OK Ol'lt VAST STOC K OK Fall k Winter Goods AT THE EVEK POPULAR ?4 1..- MARIENVILLE, PA. - -The, . farmers of Crawford county are moving for legislation to oblige the railroad companies to fence their tracks. It will be remembered tbat a bill of this character was passed by the last house of representatives, but on account of the lateness of the ses sion it was not reached by the Senate. In another column will be found a copy of the bill that will be presented at tbe present session, which appears to cover the ground demanded by the farming community. The people de mand this legislation, as well as equal ization of taxation, and if the same is not obtained it will be on account of the incapacity of the men they havo selected for the work. Meadville Tribune-Republican. Tbe people of Forest county will most heartily join in this move, and an emphatic demand from the masses is bonnd to bring it about. Let there be no "let up" till it is accomplished. With the success of the Democratic party at the recent election Grover Cleveland immediately marched out of retirement and announced tbat he did it, and that he was again a candi date for tbe Presidency. The Demo cratic leaders in Congress, with two or three important exceptions, take a de cidedly opposite view. Senators Gor man, McPherson, Blackburn, Vest, Coke, Vance, Hampton and Barbour have all announced that tbey are op posed to the Cleveland movement. So has ex-Cougressniau Thompson, Secretary of the Democratic Congress ional Committee, and even Mr. Carlisle is hostile to it. With such men against him Mr. Cleveland will have a very rocky road to travel to the Democratic Presidential nomination. Com.- Gazette. A Washington dispatch to tho N. Y. Sun says: Among the nrrivaU at ihe capital today was the linn. Thom as V. Cooper, of Pennsylvania, former ly chairman of the Republican State Committee and a warm adherent of Secretary Blaine. No concealment was made by Mr. Cooper that the ob ject of his visit to Washington was to consult with Mr. Blaine as to the can didacy of tbe latter for the Presiden tial nomination in 18!2. "There is no man in the Republican party," said Mr. Cooper, "who can unite the mem bers of that organization like James G. Blaine, and particularly is this true in my own State. He can count safe ly upon a solid delegation from our State when the time for the National Convention rolls around. From the j West come similar strains of encour agement, and if the Democrats want to put np Cleveland again we are per fectly willing." Subsequently Mr. Cooper called at the State Department, where he was closeted with tbe Secre tary of State until late in the after noon. The election has been claimed as a Free Trade victory, and the leaders of the victorious party are proclaim ing their purpose to undue all that the last session of Congress did, and we are not slow to discover how the new order will effect the new establishments that were coniemplated, and the action of the foreign capitalists on the eve of bringing their plants to our shores. Capitnl has already taken alarm and withdrawn, and the following narrative explains how the foreigner has been affected : "On Monday, November 3, Arthur Hine, representative of an English syndicate of plush manufacturers, visited Birmingham, Conn., and ex amined the manufatcuriug fucilties, prospecting for a location for a mill lie stated to the officers of the Board of Trade, w ho showed him around, that this combination of plush manu facturers wanted to come to America and manufacture goods immediately, as the McKinley bill bad practically shut tbem out. Ihia was the day be fore Ihe election, and Hinc was anxious to find a factory that his con cern could occupy nt once. The next day the Democrats were victorious in many States. Arthur Hine was met in Isew lnrk City to hear his decision about settling at Birmingham. Mr. lime said: "I lungs are altogether different since the election." He did not think his syudicale would consider starting up over here any further, as the profits of a Jew years would not repay tbem tor tbe investment. Wo arc receiving one of the most com- nloto stocks of Fine Dress Goods and No Hons, Men's Clothing', Youths' Clothing, Children's Clothing, Overcoats, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Plush and Cloth Wraps, Jackets, Ladies' Fine Underwear, Shawls, Watches and Charms, Fine Jewel ry, Trunks, Hand-Bags, Boston Rubber Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Wall Pa per, Millinery Goods, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE! HERE -WE -ARE - AGAIN, With a fresh stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Crockery and Glassware. Now is the time to buy, while the assortment is large, and we will guarantee to sell cheaper than any store in Forest County. When you buy from us, you can de pend on getting a good article. So you want to make a straight line to J. M. MINTZ, CUT PRICE STORE. skw s&i:ri,s:n iu.o k. - - tioxksta, pa. Highest prico pulil for Hldci, Sheep PolU, GiiiMetur, and Fun. WE CALL THE LADIES' ATTENTION TO OUR EXTRA FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY COOES ! iHATS. BONNETS, Ac, TRIMMED ON SHORT NOTICE, BY EX PERIENCED MILLINERS. WESTERN NEW YORK .t I'F.NN SYLVANIA RA1 LROA 1, formerly 15., N. Y. A I. R. R. Timo Tahlo takinir oflcd Nov. v. IS'.'O. Eastern Tmia-7iiUi Mori'llati. Train will leave TlonsU for Oil City and points West an fol.ows: No. l:i Through Freight (carry ing pmHiii(ri'r) a. in. No. Rl I'.utl'uln Kxiirivw WilWiioon. No. Ill Way Freight (carrying passengers) -i : 1 T P. m. No. ;sa Oil t'lly Ext less . m. For Hickory, Tldlnuto, Warren, Ivinmia, Bradford, Oloan and tho Eivt: No. SO Clean Express Hvll a. in. No. !S2 I'lllslinrjrh Express 4:17 p. HI. No. I'll Through Freight (car rying passongois 7:17 p. in. Trui tin 0:1 and OH Rim Daily mid carry passengers to and from points hetwroit Oil City and Irvineton only. Oilier trains run daily except Snnduv. Oct Time Tallies and full Information from J. L. CRAIO, Ancnt, TionenM, Pa. li. HELL, Ucn'ISnpt. J. A. FELLOWS, Ucn'1 Passenger A Tle'.cet AgMtit, HulVnlo, N. V. 1890. OUR CLAIM! 1891. FOREST COUNTY'S me - DiGore i 'e3em T jaeaa And for Gentlemen we have the best Stock of Imported Cloth for Overcoats and Suitings to be found in Western Pa. All work guaran teed as represented and fits perfect. ?ir mam mrroM $moES DAVID MINTZ. Our claim to tlie Leadership in all that pertains to tho Wearing Apparel of Ladies, Gentlemen. Bovs. Misses and Children is more than substantiated by the Enormous Stock and Excellent Variety that wo are of- pf GREAT TRUNK LINE Between tho EAST &c WEST! New Yoik, Philadelphia, Hnnloii, ami all points East, Chicago, St. Paul, C ineln natl, St. LriniH, New Orleans, and all point West, North and Southwest. Solid vettilniled trains, uleeping. Pull man dining and day coaches, I'ctww.u principal cities East nnd West. Tin pop ular lino West for colonists and land seek ers. Hate always low a tho owet. No extra charge for riding on vostibnln lim ited, lietore purchasing ticket call on or address, R. II. WALLACE, Trav. Pas. Agt., Oil City, Pa., or F. II. OARKIELD, l)iv. Pass. Agt., Jamestown, N. Y. flow's Your Chance! Others have had their say, and have "said" a great deal. Without ho.isting in the least, we wih now to lay before a few FACTS, and then let tho Cloods tell the rest. Our stock for tho Fall and "Winter WE CLAIM IS UNSURPASSED IN COMPLETENESS :: OF :-: VARIETY ! EXCELLENCE . OF . QUALITY ! ferine: this Fall. Our assortment of Clothing Is Larger and More Compile than ever before. Wo have made a Special Etl'orl tnis Fall l have Clothing and Overeo its to milt Every body, in Style, Uualily un.l Price, and from the way ihey go wo know that wo have succeeded. Wo now have anv kind of goods you can ask for and the prieo begins away below what ANYONE i)AKE NAME, and ranging lo the tint at kind of suits. WRAPS! WRAPS!! WRAPS!!! IniLadies'. Misses' nnd Children's Winter Wraps our assortment Is away ahead of any ever ottered iu Forest County. PLUS!! COATS, PLUSH JACKETS, NEWMARKETS, Good WOOL JACKETS, for LADIES and MISSES. CHI I.DItKN'S WRAPS in Entile Variety. If you want to select a garment from tlin r I. I'.M l.l.N l'. ana LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN FOREST COUNTY, CtlMtS IU uui aiuui.i Dry Goods, Dress Flannels, Cloakings, Black Goods, Silk Warps. Everybody knows that our store Is the place to go to for Dress Ooods of any tlei-rip- tion DRESS (SPOILS, DOMESTIC HOODS, notions, u Mr; uw r;. n, iiaib, CAPS, HOOTS. SHOES, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, and C VKPEl'S of all kinds. Oor (Irocerv Di.nnriinmit is alwava Btocked with tho IStsi tho Market ail'ords and old at "Livo'and let Livo" Prices. v II vu u'R no and wo W r LL OONTI X U E tT L"id t h Tra in in Forest County, and wo wi.l tlo it vit!j (iOOD UOODS AT LOW PRICES. CO.MC. a.mi SEE US. H. J. HOPKINS & CO. inTTMrrTTrniMiiMiiiii ihhm i ii Tirrri-inr-n-Tmn & - DOUTT, Women's Church Rights. We think it is the voice of our local sportsmen, and probably of those of the whole state, that a law should be passed prohibiting the killing of deer or quail for a period of at least five years. This game is practically ex tinct in thu btate. unless it be in the case of quaii in the soulberu tier. Tbe amusement, or benefit, of hunting either quail or deer amounts to no th iol! cow, but there are enough of them left to restock tbe forests, and fields, and make bunting good in a few years. Such a law would take away nothing from aovbody, while it would, in tbe end, be a source of much pleasure and profit to a great number of people. Meadville Gazette. We second the Gazette's motion, and would suggest that trout be added to the list, and that tho penalty for vio lation of the act be high euough to strike terror to the heart of those who might be tempted to break the law. Mb. Roger Q. Mills, free trader, who expects to be Speaker of the next House, is out iu a letter in which he says "the verdict of the recent election was in favor of free trade." The democratic orgaos which iusisted during the campaign that the tariS' question was not a factor this year will have to revise their views. The result of the election has made the Southern free traders, led by Milis, arrogant and spiteful and they will bulldoze and whip into line the few Northern Congressmen who may have qua!.:is of conscience against voting to repeal the McKinley bill. The very hist oppor tucity to remove the tariri irom raw material, pig iron aud fctttl ruils will be seized upon, and then the innocents who were hoodwinked will be kicking themselves. Uarritburg Itkgraph On the question whether women shall be eligible as lay delegates to the General Conference, the M. . Church of this city dibcussed and voted last evening, and tbe ballot went against tbe sisters, being 44 iu favor aud 68 against. In this action the Franklin church is rather out of line with most of the churches hereabouts. All but one of tbe Crawford county churches have voted for the proposed change, and the M. E. Church of Mercer has declared for it by a vole of 36 to 13 Frankliu is a conservative community and is slow to take up with new fads. Whatever may be the outcome of new movement, women will ttiil be permit ted to pray, exhort, sew tor missions, get up suppers fur needed funds, tkir mifch tor money lor building purposes, run donations that many of them need more than the beneficiaries, look after and minister to the wants of the hun gry and ill clad, tidy up the parsouage, refurnish and beautify the sanctuary, and perform such other minor rensta bout ofiices as bentfit the weaker a:id subjected sex. I3ut when it comes to considering and voting upou impor tant questions, where Mind (uiib a big Ml is running thiues. Sister Willar.) and other workers of her sex inav con sider themselves "not expected." Ileally, something will have to he doue to head off the ricing sentimeut in favor of allowing women in church es to do something besides woik in public and pray in secret. The iooo vation is making its way into the rock ribbed citadol of the Presbyterian Church. Only lutt week 1 ha EUers Association of the Syracuse Presbytery passed a resolution that the ladies should be allowed to tuke part iu the regular prayer meeting. It's about time for a leader in the church paper, "Whither are We Drifting?" h 'rank lin New. In Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Flannels, Ladies' and Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Jtiubbers, &c., we are a full length ahead of all compet itors, and at Prices that can't be beaten anywhere. Lumbermen's heavy Over, Under and Wear, a specialty with us thisaoason Queensware and Ulassware in endless variety. Our Uiiucc.uic.s aro always rreaii, neap ana nenauie. Barnett's Famous Low Price Store, TTOISJ EST.A, IPEInTN. (SUCCESSORS TO HICKMAN Si SiGOINS.) DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GHOCEUY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE POUND rim FMEmmsr G&QCEniES. BERRIF.8, FRUITS VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IX SEASON. Ia our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clork, will always bo touiul tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. 1 pr: A FRIGHTFUL EXAMPLE Is hero furnished of th compliance of uej;leetinjr to take wine wifely uti vicc. '1'hia man thought ha knew it all ami Turned Up Ilis Noso At our low prleed Furulturo beean thy were low. lli-paM two prieea Itir an inferior artielo whieh 11 hia wif to Turn Down His Noso For fnturo rcfereneo. She pave him IU Bhnhe in a nillU form and Uiieatnf J tlivoree Im the next otlenea. Sbe'a all rl'ht. To fail to trade with Nelson lireenlund Is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If tlm courts would only think o. Keep on Indie. Edueato y.iur hiidand to know a bargain when ho vee il. Train them In Ihe way they hhnnl l go (for Eiirniiui'O.) . And refill inlior that n, CREEHI.UNDfSv Undertaker A Emhalnier, 3'3l Exthange Block, WARltEN, PA. t5VTESSMkRYSFEC!nCS Tor Ho:;es, Cattlo, Shep, Vofa Hogs, . AND TOULTHY. 500 Pace nonk on Trraimrut of A ua i nun ctcut rrc A.A.iulunl Mr tiinviilrt, Alilk Fovtr. Mi ntnt. l,a:nci.t-M. Uheowft.tlam. .'. -IMtttriuiivr, Naiiul lWbargeiu jr.!'. Hot or fciruun, tornm. F.F.('flic or Cirtpr, Itrllya-be. C.l,l currimfp. llruiorrhagro. 11.11. I rlnnry anil niaury llMCaa I. I.-Krnpi ivc Itlnnnfa. Ulanan J.H. Kiaeaara of ileatiou, raralyafa KliiKk-Uuttlo (OvvirHduMX - - - Stable Cane, with Hin.-s, MtnuiL rUrlnry Curs Oil fcc-l Mod Ida lor. Jar Vrirrinary i arts Oil, - 1.04 Sold bf DroraiJta; or Sent Prepitld anfwtir and in any quantity oa Bocelpt of Prio. HtimphreyV Mdtrfne Co., 109 Fulton St., W. T. ii 99 Always tho Cheapest and tho Best. The Boston Clothing House, ori:it i iioi si: iti.o k, MA.rMKlvrVIX,LTt)s PV. I have just returned from tho East and am reeeivinn daily tho lin ger and lieHt bc leeted KlockH ot Drv liooda, licmU, Slides, lllotliinw and Trunka, A'e., ever ahowil at hard-pan prices ill Forent County, and ask yuu tj call and see mo. My Block consiHls of a complete. Hue of AXI HTA 11.13 Y (JUOO.4, XOTIOXS, AC, At Prices liclow theiu All. BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBER GOODS. I have a complete line. In fact one of the larirest ever shown hero, at such prices that will please all. "CAMiKK ' ia our leading ltulibnr ijootls. AS i-t TO i-5 CiOTttlDO I have a I!o.s line. f;iX) Complete Suits In select from, and of tho very hest make, and iinikoil at rock-bottom prices. Alailc especially lor my trade. In ( 'liililroi.'M liiitiiinir niv line is cnmplolc anil niarkeil uwav down. As to Men's aud Koys' I'auix, my atock is iinnit iiso. In prices from 50 centg to Ji.i'U dollars euuli. LADIES' CLOAKS AND WRAPS, &C. Vine Block of all the leading styles, in prices that will boll them I have a enmplete assmtnient of LadieV Umjerwear, Hose, Corsets, Ac., anil a ilamly S1I.KS AMJ i'l-LJS 11 l-.S. in lact my stucK 01 nats, iais, Laipets, ueiitu- stock of SI 1.1 FuruishiiikT Uoods. and lionerul Merchandise i A No. I. Uive ijiu u call. MEYER LEVY anMimrirgrmim mum Lawrence & Smearbaugh, -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF lTltST CLASS QUALITY IN EVEHY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. S. H. HASLET & SONS, -II AYE A FULL LINE OF FUBM1TU f -AND UNDERTAKER'S - GOODS ! GKTVE THEC J CALL. TioisrEST, - - r-ENisr THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S, CAKFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock. Good Carriages nnd Jiuif- to let upon ttio most reasonable tcrum. Ho will also tlo JOB TIE-AIILTG-1 All orders left at tho l'uat Ortlee will receive prompt attention. TatentsT' Caveats, and Trade-Marka obtained, and all Patent hiiMiiicsh conducted for Moder ate Fees. Our olllco is opposite. V. S. Patent Oftiew and we can secure patent in less time than thobo remote from 'ashiuj;ton. Send model, drawini? or photo., with description. Wo advise if patcutalilo or nut, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent ia secured. A pamphlet, "How to Olitain Patents," witli names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, Kent free. Address, C. A. SNOW A CO., Opp. Patent Otlice, Washington, 1). I!. tS, VlStS, Li. WORK Tr.r li- Hsu, or Com f.' rrroiv t (ml lioa cf Vr!o y . .uyU LO 1 tliiluiUdiU -.--'y. . V"-.i'i IHe Bj!am niAlf Lewd u"J uJm l.W .ca. Wfiit iti.K-'.;.'.'(y j-jr (ttu. tt. C. CMASa & CO., I'HILA., pa. IV YOU WANT a respectable Job of printing at a reasonable pi ico ncud your rUor to tbix oilico, rr