THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNKSDA V, NOVEMBER 12, 1800. BOROUGH OFFICERS. lin-jFfM.-J. R. Cr.AnK. aninetlmm North ward, R. M. Her man, II. M. Foreman, Patrick Jovee. South ward, J. C. Seowdou, S. ll. Has lot, Kit lloloman. Juttim of the react J. F. Proper, S. J. Sctlov. OtHttable nntl Oitlrrtnrf. S. Canficld. fifahonl fUrertovnU. W. Robinson, A. n. Kelly, K. U Davis, D. 8. Knox, D. W. Clark, J. T. Brcnnan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Mf.rn.hfr of Oontjre .Tamks Kp.nn. Member of Senate J. H. Wilson. AtMMhlg Uir A. Randai.!.. lrirtent Jndqt W. P. lino o n. 4nnn'itrn Judge Jon A. FnorRn, JoilM II. WllITK. TretAurer .1 A. R. IIaookiitt. Prn(hon(arif, Hf-nMtrA Reeorier,&e.. M. Anitrn. Sheriff. Obo. W. Kawtkb. nniJMfnii- Win. P. S.UKi.ns, C. K. Lr.nrnun, J. J. PAnsow. Onnn(V -Superintendent Gko. W. Kf.RU. DiKtriet A Homey P. M. Ci.abk. Jury fbmmtasionet C. H. CHCiion, John F. (Jtui. t.)HH(y iSnrticyor J. F. PnoPKR. Cbroiiw Dr." A. K. Stow fci pn eh. CVty h7or K. I Jones, R. 7.. GiLi.r.srut, Wst. Bmim. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OT.IVH IXIDGK, No. 6.S7. K. A A. M. Staled Meeting bold at Odd Fol lows Hall tho first Mondnv of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T. R. COnn, rWy. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. f. O. H. of A., mrotn very Monday eve ning In Dnlo Hall. Whito' degree confer red 1st and 3d Mondavs of each month. F. W. I.AW, Pres. T. R. COBR, R. S. TIONXSTA LODGE A'o. 309, J I. O. of O. !F MKKTS every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, In the lndire Room In Par trUgo's 1111. ('"liters the Initiatory lie Kivo the first Tuesday night of each month; first degree the second Tuesday night; Hccond degree the third Tuesday tiiuht ; third degree tho fourth Tiiesduy night. C. It. DAVIH, N. O. J. II. FONES, Keo'v. 27-tf. I YIRE.ST LODGE, No. !, A. O. U. W - I Meets every Friday Evening in Ilas " lot Hall, TloncKta. I,. J. HOPKINS, M. W. j j. R. CLARK, IlceordiT. -iflhVT. GEORGE HTOW POST, V No. 274, ii. A. R. Moots on tho first Wednesday In each in jntb, In Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. . 1. BLACK, Connnandor. OARDof EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forest Ouinty. N. 3. Twlr M. 1., President; .T. W. Morrow M. IV, Secretary; J. II. Kigglns M. II., Treasurer. Tho Hoard will meet Jn r. Morrow's office, Tlonesta, on tho "hiTd Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in. fJXKW CLARK, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, ' CHee next door to P. O., Tlonesta, Pa. J. B. AfljlEW. P. M. CLARK, lstriet Attorney. Mr. Clark Is Agant for a number of re liable Flro Insurance Companies. I T t a TTia ll. ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW,-Tlonesta. Pa. Collections mado In "5flils mid adjoining T, F. RITCIIKY. ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, Tlones'a, Forest County Pa, bible, attorn ky-at-law, Olttco In Kepler Block. Room fl, TioHesta, IAWRKXCE HOUSE, Tlonesta, Pa., J Jim tin Nhawkev. Proprietor. This house Is centrally located. Everything new and well furnished. Sunoilor Ac- c.vnnietlatlons ann strict attention given to cuest. Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds served In their season. Sample roo.n ror commercial Atrenta. CENTRAL HOUSi; Tlonesta. Pa., .J O. C. Rrownell. Proprietor. This Is a new house, and has Just been lilted up tor the accommodation of the uiblic. A r tlon of the patronage of tlughublie la solic ited, jar 4fl-iy. CENTRAL HOUSE, Olf, CITY, PA. W. II. ROTH. Proprietor, The largest, RcsC Located and Furnished lloiis.i In the City. Near Union Depot. n. siwoins, m. n., i Phyaiciun, Hurgoun A DruggiHt, TIONESTA, PA. JW. WIRROW, M. D., . PHYSICIAN dt 8UROEON, tate of Armstrong county, having located In TloMesta la prepared to attend all pro tension at calls promptly anJndnll hours. Office a ail residence two north of ijiwrenoe House. Oftice hours 7 to 8 A. u., and II to 12 M. ; a to 3 and Hi to 71 P. M. Kundays, 9 to 19 A. H. j 2 to 3 and At to 7 i p. x . may-18 81. JJR. F. T. NASON. PHYSICIAN A- SUROEON, T1US1SS1A, t-A, Office opppoaite Oas . IfBce. Calla at tended to promptly day and night. - M AY, PARK A CO., Ii A IN IV K. US. Corner of Elm Walnut Rts., Tlonesta, Pa., Itank of Diseouut and Dupoait. In terest allowed oil Time Deposits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. H. Collections solicited. JORKNZO f ULTON, Manufacturer of aud Doaler In HARNESS, COLURS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey ing. Host of Instrument and work. Terms on application. pHIL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT SHOEMAKER. Shop In Reck building next to Smear .laugh Co.'s store. Is propared to do all Kinds of custom work from the tlnext to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satis laoliou. Prompt atten tion given to inonding, and prices as rea sonable s first class work can bo done for. JAS. T. IHtENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOUESTA, IP.A.. PARTTCUIjAR ATTENTION OIVEN TO THE PROPER ASSESSMENT OF LANDS AND THE PAYMENT OKTAXKS. ALSO TO THE PURtlHASB AND HALE OF REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SAME. Church un4 Bnbbnth MrhMl. Presbyterian Snbbath School at t:45 a. in. t M. K. Nnblinth Mcliool at 10:00 a. in. I'reaulmiK In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rumbergcr. broaching in the r . M. Church every Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Rev. r . r . Mlioup, raslor. Survhics In tho Presbyterian Church every (Sabbath morning and evonlng, Rev. J. V. MeAnlnch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yeBtetday 731. C. M. Shawkey was down from Warren over last Sabbath to pay a visit tti his parents. Thauksgiviog has been named by rresideot Harrison as the 27th of this month. Turkeys will take notice. Deputy Collector Galbraith, of Frauklin, stopped in town last night on his monthly rounds of the district uuder bis charge. Mr. John Thomson of Stewarts Run, is paying a visit to his old friend and former neighbor, Hon. Wui. Mc Kinley, at Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. J. C. Scowden has moved into the newly refitted Rohioson house, above the carriage factory and now enjoys very comfortable quarters. Billy Wallers struck for the Pitts burgh oil regions Monday, which field already has a number of our Forest county boys among its operatives. 'Squire Tyrrel, of the lowuship, has now a good pulling (earn, pur chased of Liveryman Canfleld, and will take a timber job this wiuter. The Sires photograph gallery of this place is again open for business, and a cordial invitatiou is extended to all who wish first class wotk in the line if photography. It. lion. Jas. 1. Mailett was over from Clarion at ihe recent term of argument court, and was admitted to practice at cur courts, it being his first visit to Tioucsia during a session of court. Col. J. Henry Sellman Collector of Internal Rcveuue, Baltimore, Md., believes in it for rheumatism, lie writes: "I have tried Salvation Oil aud believe it to ba a good remedy for rhetimalif m." ' Miss Flora Wulters, while on a visit to relatives in Pittsburg, was taken sick last week, and her parents were telegraphed for. Her mother is now with her, and advices state that she is suffering wilh a severe attack of typhoid fever. Oj the 3d inst., at the Ludlow House, Warren, Pa., Mr. Jacob Sig gins, of Tiooesta, and Miss Edith Moiris, of Warren, were united in marriage. Jake's friends hereabouts will wish him and his a long and prosperous future, in which the Re itbi.ican heartily joins. Don't! If a dealer offers you a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup without wrapper or labels, or in mu tilated condition, don't touch it f'ou't buy it at any price, there is something wrong it may be a dangerous worth less counterfeit. Insist upon getting a perfect, uubrokeu, genuine package. P. M. Clark, Congressional, and R. R. Crawford, Senatorial, District Return Judges, were in Clearfield and Ridgway respectively, yesterday, to deliver the returns from this county on those two questious. The official re suits in the districts are not yet to hand. The many friends of Rev. J. Mt Weaver, who had occupied the Evan gelical pulpit at West Hickory since last Spring, will be sorry to learn that he has been obliged to give up preach ing for a time, owing to the effects of a sunstroke received last Summer. He is uow at his former home near Du Bois. A private correspondence from Polk, Venango couuty, says: The epi demic of diphtheria has not abated. On Sunday the second daughter of W111. McKuley was laid to rest, making fourteen in all in Polk from this dis ease, and the end is not yet. There are several more serious cases, and God aloue knows where it will end. Rev. C. R. Thompson, formerly of Hickory, has officiated at eight funer als iu one month. Mrs. James Stroup of Nebraska, who has been iu rather a precarious condition tor some mouths past, was taken to Pittsburg on Monday last, by her husband, for medical treatment under Dr. Sutton, the eminent surgeon Very comfortable quarters were ar ranged for her on ooe of Lawrence A Sraearbaugb's flat boats, and the trip was made by water, that being the only way she could endure the fatigue of the journey. Her friends hope and expect for her a speedy recovery. OFFICIAL Governor,! Lt.-(iov. : DISTRICTS. Harnett Hroon Ouitonvillo .. Oreen Nebraska Harmony Upper Harmony Allcndcr Hickory Howe Brookston.... Howe Cooper Howe Ralltown Junks Maricnvlllo .. Jenks Ryromtown . Klngsley Tlonesta Township... Tlonesta Ilorough. ... Total Majority 01 13 (it 35 44 i "1 20 7: 8!l' 2". 78 r4 21 i:i 41 44 07 64 50 o H 18 I HI) 23 01 120 at 85! 80i 78 02! I'll li-SI 70 75 81 51 on 857! 1101712 too T. F. Ritchey Esq., has purchased of Mr. Agncw the law office heretofore occupied by tho firm of Agnew & Clark, and took possession of the same on Monday of this week. Mr. R. contemplates removing to Tiooesta in the near future, and will likely occu py D. W. Clark's vacant house iu the north ward this winter. Perhaps ho will build next summer. Hon. Charles W. Stone, Secretary of the Commonwealth and Congress man elect from the Warren district, arrived in Harrisburg on Thursday aud is again at his desk. He was warmly congratulated upon ibe large vote be received. He will resign as Secretary of the Commonwealth at the close of tho month, which ends the fiscal year, and will then begin his duties at Washington. Ilarritburg Telegraph. Rev. Rumberger announced last Sabbath eveoing that the first quarter ly meeting of this cunfereuce year would be held at the M. E. Church next Saturday evening, immediately after the scrmou by Presiding Elder Smith. On Sabbath moruing at 10 o'clock, Love Feast and at 11 o'clock the Socrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed, and a sermon by the Presiding Elder. A cordial invitation is extended to all. On last Friday a Uwelliug bouse occupied by two brothers named Gor don, was completely destroyed by fire, along with its contents, at Laogwor thy's mill, near Gilfoyle. The origin of the fire was an overflow of gas, the occupants of the building having gone away leaviug open the throttle of the gas pipe leading into their stoves. The loss is estimated at probably $500, aud as both men are poor, and their entire possessions were destroyed, the loss falls heavily on them. At tho time of the buruing, one of tho brothers, who had been engaged at work in the woods near the mill, was brought home with a badly smashed foot, which he received by having a broken log falling on it. Clarion Rep.-Gazette John Gadley, an employee at Maple Creek mill, near Gilfoyle, on last Thursday had his left arm nearly severed between the elbow and wrist, by an edger saw. At the time of the accident the mill had been shut down to gum the large saw, and Mr. Gadley sat on the edge of the edger table until this was done, when he thought lessly threw his arm back on a rapidly revolving saw that was connected with the table, and was horribly man gled. Drs. Ed. Beck and Phillips were called in, and it required the greatest efforts to keep the patient from bleeding to death, cs all the 1 ig ameuts and muscles of the front part of his arm were severed. At this writing he is doing well, and hopes are entertained that his arm will be saved. Clarion Hep.- Gazette. There was a peculiar case ejectment heard by Judge Brown referee, on Oct. 30, last, in which K. Lippencutt was plaintiff and F. Maffett defendant, for 275 acres Forest couuty, sold at Sheriff's sale as property of L. K. Lippcncott, 00 judgment of Sorita M. Brady's execu tor's. Then Lippeocott brought ejectment, claiming : 1st, That execu tors in the District of Columbia had 00 jurisdiction in Pennsylvania with out raising an auxiliary administra tion in this State. 2nd, That as Sorita M. Brady, the payee in note on which judgment was entered, having made a will while a femme tole, the same was revoked absolutely by her subsequent marriage, and therefore the appoint ment even of her executors thereby became a nullity. The case was ar gued by Hon. E. L. Davis, attorney for the plaiutiff, and by Hon. J. T. Maffett and F. J. Maffett, attorneys on bis owu behalf and vendees. This case presents some novel features, and Judge Brown, after beariog the argu ments of tho couusel, reserved his de cision. A strictly first class operator is again iu charge of the Sires photo graph gallery, Tionesta, and those wishing anything in that line should call early. No difference about the weather. It. VOTE OF FOREST S.In.Atrs: P. Judge A. Judge Congress Qi v., W Pi 77: 7li 20i 14T 2H 0 S 70 71 41; 80 1 :io so! i! f:l H.lj- 2 55 01, 0 s! 2! o! 21' 8! 0; l2o!i:t7 10 071 71 n 97 8S 55 170 111 20 22! 1 401 10 7rt 7:i 70; 45 07 i 58 51 00 41 17! 881 108 1 1 !- ; ,045,0 I 20l 2HI Sudden Death of T. B. Cobb. Telegraphic despatches Monday, Nov. IO1I1, announcing the sudden death, on the 8th iost , of T. B. Cubb, at Clay City, Ky., was to our commu nity a sorrowful message. For more thau twenty years his home has been among us, and we can not as yet realize the fact that his familiar face will never again be seen, nor his courteous greeting he heard, upon our streets. Only a few weeks ago Mr. Cobb left us to attend to some business enterprises in which be had engaged in Kentucky, and was already expected home when the news came that he bad passed into the "great beyond". No particulars have as yet come tis, but the presumed cause is heart failure, as a letter written to his mother on the Tuesday preceding his death tells of his good health. Theodore Barrett Cobb was the'cld est son of the late John Cobb, was born Nov. 1st, 1838, in Chautauqua Co , N. Y was married in New York City, to Mias Lissie M. Sinclair, Nov. 22d, 1859. A young Bon dying some years ago left to them but their daughter, Mrs. T. D. Duno, of West Chester, Pa. Mr. Cobb was a man of fiuo intellect, ex cellent business capacity, and remark able as a quick and correct accountant. Ilia reading had been varied aud ex tensive, which with hie habits of ob servation and retentive memory made him a highly interesting conversation alist. While to strangers and casual acquaintances he seemed dignified and reticent, to those who knew him best he was a warm hearted, sympathetic friend. He always cordially welcomed his friends to his home, of which he was so fond, that scarce an evening found him elsewhere. His love of home, of flowers aud of all beautiful objects were a revelation of his kindly, gentle nature. He has filled accepta bly many offices of trust fn the County and Borough, and on the 4th iost. was elected Couuty Auditor on tho Repub liran ticket. Mr. Cobb was a member of Olive Lodge, No. 557, F. and A. M., holding the position of Secretary ; a member of Oil City Commaodery of Knights Templar; of Washington Caoip, No. 420, P. O. S. of A., and of the Royal Templars of Temperance. To his bereaved mother, whose chief reliance he was, to bis sorrowing wife, daughter and brother, the eutire com munity will wish to offer the tribute of tender sympathy. lie was our friend and neighbor, but Thoir'a is the bitterest loss; Their 's is the heaviest cross. East Hickory. Derrick correspondence. Mrs. Clark has moved her millinery shop up town. F. A. Wheeler, the genial agent of the West Side, has taken charge of the Titusville freight offices. Nathan Burdick has moved his fam ily to Tidioute. Wheeler & Dusenbury are pushing work on ihe grade for their railroad up Beaver to Ross Run and to Tiooes ta Cretk. This road will penetrate a forest of the fiutst pine, and open up communication to a large trade on Tiooesta Creek. It will be of stand ard gauge, aud will connect with an other branch ruu from Sheffield. Bear are quite plenty about here this year, quite a number being seen abotint the headwaters of Bobs Creek. T. J. Spencer caught one in a trap, but it got away again. Election passed off quietly hero, al though quite a feeling existed over the election of president judge. Matt McCray is coufiued to his bed by inflammatory rheumatism. Norton Weber, of Dempeytown, spent a few days with his brother, Dr. Weber, last week and left for Titus ville, where he will work iu the freight office at that place. Wheeler & Dusenbury are building a road up to Braceville, preparatory to hauling out some pine prostrated by the Summer storms. V anted. A man out of work to take charge of an installment business iu Tiooesta, Pa. Address, with refer ences, The Champion Shelf Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. COUNTY, NOVEMBER 1, 1890. S. Senate Ass'inbly Proth'y ii Sheriff i f" ?! W 5 I '-I ?! 4 IB" tn 2. fl 2 si - l I -: Pi ! 2.1 07 7H; 2 120 40 2 85 to 0 i OH 77 2 05 77 2 0: 18 2fl! 2 11 25 'i 6 31 2 18 21 2 17 22 2 5; 70 001 7 70 OS 6 il K fl 01 40 4 H 78 5 0. 4H 88 . 40 38 1; 40 4" 1 HI 21 1 48 30! 1 l! 45 25 l! 45 25 ll 40 30 V 41 22 5 45 25 1 3 100 72 5; 80 72 5: 6o;i08 2, 107 5:1 4! 102 0l 4 i 3 00 65! 1 HO1 55 I 5H: 60 0; 73 43 III 61 55' 0 0 13 14 0 13! 14 0! 71 10 0 15 12 fl! 13 14 0 ! 0 21 8 0, 21 8 0 10 13 0 SI 8 (I I 2 7 II 8 175 110 0 107,115 0 10.-,i 01 41 18:1 101 8 170 100 8 8 30 14 2 30 13 2 8Sj 14 01 38 12 2 1 30 14 2 0 80 04 6 08 52 6i fis! 7!( 5 70 7(1 4 102 47 5 0 80 47 0 80 47 01 001 04 (ll ! 30 III 87 41 0 8 91 58 8, IW S6 aj 7j 75 S! 107 47 3 j 01 68 4 28 051,070 38 072 037! Mj WsoO 24 1030 578 35 W Mi 0,55 31 '2751 I 3.15' I II 20i I 452 311 Forest County Official. Iu this issue will be found the offi cial figures of the election in this county last week. The showing in the main is surely very gratifying to the Republicans, in that it demonstrates the fact that Forest county stands by her Republicanism in the fuce of tu mult and chaos in the party lines all over the State. List week we stated that the vole on Secretary of luternal Affairs was a fair indicator of the po litical standing of the county. But as many who wished to vote for Pat tison did nut take tho trouble to put on a 6licker, but voted the whole Dem ocratic ticket to save lime, it can scarcely bo reasoned that the State ticket is the proper one to go by at this election. As there was no contest on Jury Commissioner tho vole on that office is perhaps the nearest reflex of bow the county stands politically, aud as the difference between Heath, Republican, and Muenzcnberger, Dem ocrat, is 271, it shows a gain in major ity over last year's vote of 33, which ought to be aod is a matter of no little satisfaction to Republicans. Result on President Judge. Following are the complete figures 00 the President JuJgeship iu this district. ' The return judges, Mr. B. F. Gates representing Warren, aod J. W. Tyrrel represet.tiug Forest, met here yesterday and computed the fig ures of the two couuties: WARREN COUNTY. Charles II. Noves 4110 Ueorgo H. Hinging 3102 Samuol V. Irwin FOREST COUNTY. Noves 7(11 IliKRin 77 Irwin 104 Noyes' plurality OJH Warren Wrinkles. Our nerves are considerably shaken just now on account of burglars, Suv- ernl bouses iu Glade having been en tered 000 night roccutly and others attempted. If Mr. Cousins, our jolly telephone n-anager, had only been prepared with oue of those "didn't know it was loaded" weapons he might have saved his "Waterbury " Mr. Trusbel also lost a watch which was highly prized, being a keepsake, aud also of considerable value. And now the good wi'e looks carefully under each bed before retiring, aud I am in uighlly danger of being filled full of shot as I go in at 1 a. m. The rth'ueries nre making arrange ments to light their works with the electric light. The Cornplanter people are erecting a loading rack at North Warren, on the D. A. V. & P. road, where they will load cars for their refinery in Titusville. Our community met with a great loss recently iu the death of Mrs. Hiuklo, who was widely known aod highly respected. She was an old lady of 64 years, and her enfeebled constitution could not withstand the attack of pneumonia. The funeral services were held at their home ou Carver St. and in epito of ihe inclem ent weather, was largely attended. She leaves a husbaud aud a family of adult children to roouru ber loss. Nov. 10. X. Thanksgiving Proclamation. The President has issued tl- .ow ing thanksgiving proclato' By the grace and f'ar . Almighty God, the people o' . natiou have boen led to to .osiug days of the passing yea" ..ich bas been full of the bles' . of peace aud the comforts of p' y. Bountiful compensatiou has .me to us for the work ot our miuds aud of our hands in every de partment of human industry. Nuw, therefore, I, Bttojaiuiu Harri son, President of the United States of America, do hereby appoint Thurs day, the 27th day of the present mouth of November, to be observed as a day of prayer aod thanksgiving, and do direct the people upou that day to cease from their labors, to meet in their accustomed places of worship aud join in reuderiug gratitude and praise to our beueficent Creator for the rich blessings that have been granted us, aud iuvoking the continuance of J. Coin'r A b l ? a a- si 00 10 63 41 50 02 67! 00 8li 40 17 231 2iii 08 84 103: 34, 44i 48' 42' 18 21 02; 94 8.-.! 071 65 53l 13; lot 13; 13 10 11 no low 12s I 20! 83l 14, 71 8!i 07; 52 83 411 81 83 a'.r 0 ; 05! 2; 13I 4 I 70 1 ! 45 1 411 fi'l 00! I! 01! 0, 1:1, 00 77 13 20 77 73 47! 301 45i 25 00; 73' 01. 55 1.1 14 21 0 (HI 13 70 4. !K1 38 25 721 0.! 0l! 0, 13i (' 24 5; 13 25 107 0'; 21, 8 10!l 8 170 170 100 0 170 2 30 5 ! 811 0 83i 8.1 80; 28 73 08 7s 2 I 3H' 5 70 0 I 70' 3 ! Hi; 30 14 83; 74 83 4S, 07 ,Vi 14 2 50 10 47: ( 58 (i 857 131 S01 807 720; 75' 8ll I 32 011 i5O002 ','210 258 3.V :'" 45 1,271 ! 1 1 is prottction and grace for the future. I commend to my fellow citizens the privilege of remembering the poor, the homeless and tho sorrowful. Let us endeavor to merit the promised recom pense of charity and the gracious ac ceptance of our praise. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the Un'teil Slates to he affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 8th day of November, in tho year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. BENJAMIN IlAKItltrON. By the President. James G. Blaine, Seu'y of Stnte. NEWSY NOTES. A cold storage company's circular says that if colory is packed In small boxes, placed in total darkness, aud submitted to a certain low temperature for thirty to fifty days, it will not only be beautifully white and crisp, but will lose its natural bitterness and have the delicate flavor and fine appearance of the choicest fresh celory. A lurge number of our exchanges are copying without comment or challenge the statement of somo curious observer and statistician, "that tKi per cent, of the men put the left leg Into their trousers first. About seven per cent, start with their right and tho remaining three per cent, sit on a chair or the edge of the bed and ram both legs in at once." As an bumble rep resentative of the pants wearing box, we venture tho contradiction that the reverse is true; that the larger per cent, (hive the right extremity into tho trouscr leg first Most people naturally poise their weight ou the left leg, and hence the right is used for kicking or for any hoisting or dextrous motion. Ro tho truth what it may, we're safe In saying thnt nut ono man in 10,000 follows the example of the opposite sex in silling on the floor to put his shoes on. Franklin Xcwu. Microbio Treatment. Mrs. Maeoy Dalo writes to me fioin Foil Worth, Texas, that "All temperance work Is proceeding from wrong premises. They propose to treat it as a moral disease while it is purely and solely a physical malady, mado chronic by the Involution of tho mind, so that, last of all, the morals are affected, as an cll'ect rather than a cause of iutompcranco In anything. What I would say is this: That all habit disoasos dio at the mercy of tho 'Antl- Microbio Treat ment.' We have cured tobacco and whis ky habits here in our work aud that, too, without forbidding their use as the treat ment wont on. One caso of tobacco was made a test by tho patient resolving if possible to beat the treatment by smoking aud chewing whilo the treatments wero In course. The result was that he first sick ened at chewing, then smoking, aud final ly ho became so bad oil that it was die or give up the tobacco. The latter was dono, and from that moment favorable reaction began. Furthor, it destroys appetite, so that there is no suffering front abstinence enforced. What a glorious boon) if it could accomplish nothing else." Another friend writes to 1110, who has tested these treatments : Jy Dear Aora Our friend, Mrs. Dale, has Just read her letter to me which she has written you. I am so glad you have taken up this work as It will open to your self a tield of usefulness in which you havo never gleaned before, the golden harvest of good words and good works. Tho need for a chango in the present prac tice has long been felt and lias at last boon found in this school of medical practice, which our friend, Mrs. Dale and husband havoopeuod up, and which (discovery) was given to her as a saving means when in despair of her owu life Tho wonderful work she lias done already seems almost a miiaele, but it is nevertheless a demon strated fact, iVc. Writo mo when you caiiy Yours, Ai'ST May. .ads. This truly wonderful treat it, which is absolute controller of our physical condition, is placed with me, for this section, and may be tested and learned about by calling on, yours faithfully. Mils. Noiia Skioki., Tionesta, Pa., opposite tho P. O. For sole, either for cash or on lima lmnu.1 an. I liirira I.., i, 'I'l Borough. For terms apply t P M I lirk If - Do not supp ise that because it is rec ommended for animals that Ami-a ii Oil Liniment is an offensive preparation. It will not stain clothing or the luirest skin. For sale at ltovard's. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Suitor Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavins, t'tirlis. Splints, Sweeney, Itiug'llone, Slides, S .rain.-, all Swollen Throats, Coil'lis Etc., Save by use of one bottlo. Wurrautod tho most woiiderlul blem;sh cure ever known. Sold by Herman A SiggiiiH, Druggists, Tionesta. jan'Jii-ly. BI ( hl,l:'HAKM('.l h.W.Vi:. The best Salvo in the world fir Cuts, Bruises, Sores, I'lcers, Salt It lie 11 11 1 , Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp-d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptious, and isisi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pel led kutisluetion, or money reiuniliHl, I'rtee .1 cents box. For sale bv G. W. Bovaid. pir t'onnty Coin'r ji Co. Auditor i A slnglo trial of Dr. Henry Raxtrrs Mandrake Hitters will convince any one troubled with oostivenejs, torpid liver or any kindred diseases, of their curative properties. Thoy only cost 25 cento per bottle. For sale by G. W. Rovard. Downs' Elixir will cure any cough or cold, t:o matter of how long standing. For sale Rt Hovnrd's. Im f'mtnmptlon larnrnhlef Read the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Absccs of Lung's, and friends and physi cians pronounced 1110 an Incurable Con sumptive, lirir ui hiking Dr. K inn's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my tliird bottlo nnd nble to oversee tho work on my farm. Itisthn finest medi cine ever niade." .fesxio Middlewart, De catur, Ohio, savs; "Had it not been for Dr. Kinas New Discovery for Cnnsump- n 1 would have then or I.unir '1 roubles. Was irlven up bv doctors. Am now In best of health," Try It. Sample bottles free at Herman .V. SipiiinV Drug Store. l'.I.I-H'TltlC niTTEKN. fliis reined v Is becominirso well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Kloctrio Hitters Kinjr the sonjr of praise. A purer medi cine does not exist and It Is unaranteetl to do all thai is cluimoil. l-.tectrio flitters will euro all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Kneuin ami oilier anocttons caused oy im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from thn svsteiii and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electrio Hitters, r.ntiro satisfaction guaranteed. or money reiuntied. 1'rico eo cts. aim 91.00 per bottle at Herman ifetfiirgins' Drug Store. When Bb was sick, we gave hr Castoria, w hen she iu a Child, she cried (or Castoria When she became Miss, she dun to Castoria; VThsa h had Children, the care then CutorlaV CAPT. OEOROB STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. It. C, meets first and third Wednesday even in or of each month, in P. O. 8. of A. hall, Partridge building, Tio nesta, in. Mrs. C. C. RUMBERGER, Pres't. Mrs. K. L. DAVIS, Sco'y. Dr. W. F. CONNERS EYE AND EAR SURGEON. M'COLLUM BLOCK, OIL Clf PA. Gives Rpoclal treatment to all diseases of eye, car, nose and throat. Refracts and tits defective eyes and furnishes specta cles and eye glasses from ottlce, securing fit of framos as well as glasses. CHARTER NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TITAT an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on December the 4th, 1K1HI, by J. It." Watson, K. D.Stiner, Clinton FiUgerald, Milton K. GraybiU and T. J. lteynor, under the Act of As sembly entitled, "An Aet to provido for the incorporation and regulation of nat ural gas companies," approved the 21Hh day of Maj , A. D. 1885, lor the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "Tho Citizens' Gas Company of Marieuville," the otllco and place of business to be at Marieuville, Forest County, Pa., and tho woll or wells to bo drillod and lines to bo laid and opcruted on lands in Jenks township. Forest County, Pa., in and around tho said town of Marieuville, the character aud object of which la tho mining for, proeurini;. piping, storing, distributing, furnishing ami selling gas to individuals and companies for fuel, heat anil lights, and for these purposes to havo, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits aud privileges of said Act of Assembly. CHARLES S. LEECH, President. JOHN COON, Secretary. IF1. W. ZL-W, Practical Tinner. All kindB of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN ) ROOFING A SPBCIALTr, S I SPOUTING. AND BOROUGH BUILDING, TIONESTA, PA. QALESMETVT O WANTED, LOCAL OR TRAVELING, to Roll our Nursery Stock. Salary, Ex penses and Steady Employment guaran teed. CHASE BROTH EUS COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. sept.-nov. of the linn of MORCK BRO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of tho E; 0. Examinations freo of charge. WARREN, PENN. nrrnniT sr uitir UL I nUI I Ktrel Tai-klo lllaek. lla t tho cost of hoisting saved to storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers, Machinists, Builders. Contractors ami others. Admitted to be the greatest improvements ever nuulu in tarklo blocks. Freight prepaid. Write for catalogue. 1 niton Irou A Engine W ks., 10 Brush St., De troit, Mich. Estab. 18i niys. 17 A TC 1 1 M A K I N O . V The undersigned would respect fully announce to his old friends, that ito has returned to Tionesta and has tootled in tho Kepler Block, formerly occupied by Mr. L. Fulton as a harness-shop, wficro lie will bu prepared to greet his old friendu and many new ones. Having contracted an inward disease from which I httvo sul I'cicd for 21 years, and which requires ex ercise, I must therefore have ail hour's walk each morning and evening, and sh.dl open my odice at A o'clock, A. M., and close at H o'clis k, P. M. It. KALLE, Tionesta, Pa. WANTED AGENTS TO.SOI.ICIT tIKUIIU WOU III K TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, M. ctt a nv ur a ri W f row full Lid of v-M tUApMa 10 rtstuuiiv..' Tte BaalMM U"l 6l jjviua. RVttr tourw-duwctV fur ttrr.i. R. Q. CHASE A CO., PHILA., frA. Ji) K A WEEK aud upwards positively O i secured bv men ageuu sellin.- ! i. Scutl'a fienuiiio Eluctrio Belt, Suspun ' , etc., and by ladies selling Dr. Sooll's e. trie Corsets. Sample free. State sex Scott, Wit Broadway N. Y. Nov.ld-r-".:. SEND your Job Work tn the Rt'l l '1 L1CAN Oflice. IS"