A THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Hi, 1800. UOROUOH OFFICERS. nnrpmx.S. It. Ci.ArtK. imnfilmrn North ward. It. M. Her man, II. M. Foreman, Patrick Jovoo. South ward, J. C. Hoowdon, H. ll. Has let. Ull lloloman. JtMtirea of tho Peace S. F. Tropor, H. J. Kotloy. Cbnutahln ami CntlcrlnrH. H. CanflcM. tirhnol .)wfr. O. W. Robinson. A. n. Kelly, K. I,. Dnvls, 1). 8. Knox, W. Clark, J. T. Rronnan. D. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Mttfihor nf asks Krnn. Memhrr of Senate J. It, Wn.sox. Antemhly ('ha hi. km A. Ranpaix. J'l-Kiiilrnt Jtirltrr W. T). lino'?. AMneiat JmlirtJons A. PnorRrt, Jnnx 11. Wiiitk. Trcinrr Ja. R. IlAnoEttTY. Protlionntnri, Kcnitter C Ilrcovtlcr,A:e. CAI.VIS M. Absfr. .VAorT. G ko. W. Sawtis, 0.im.ijM(oir Wm. P. S.lll-r.ns, C. K. I.itnKnnR, J. J. PAnsois. Oroenfy ftnptrinttnilrnt O RO. W. K run. JHitriet Attorney P. M. Cr.AnK. Jury Commissioners C. II. Cnrnofi, Joiij F. (Urr,. Oianly Surveyor 3. F. PnoPF.n. Coroner Pr. A. K. Rtowkcii'ii Kit. Conntv A nrtitor E. L. Josrs, K. Z. aibLRspi.t, Wm. Bi.r m. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLIVE LODGE, No. fir7. F. A A. m. Htatod Meetings held nt Odd Feb low Hall tho first Monday of each month, T. J. PAYNE, V. M. T. n. COnil, Roc'y. VF aIsiTinGTON CAMP, No. 420. V. O, R. of A., meets every Monlny eve ning In Palo flail. White degree confer red 1 ft and :kl Mondays of onch month. F. W. LAW, Pres. t. n. conn, it. r. TIONESTA LODGE no. son, 'VtJT" L. W. OI W. Ji . HfEETR evcrv Tuesday evening, at 8 liL o'rlock, In tho Lodirn Room In Par trldixo'a Hall. Conforx tho Inltintory 1p- Krro the flrat Tuosdiiy nlrht of each inoiitli; first ilPttroo tho aoooml Tnodday Mitrlit : Mond dourpo tho ihird Tivmday itlht; third doifreo tho finrth Tuesday niichU C. It. PAVIS, N. O. J. II. FOSKS, Rop'y. 27-tf. I .VIKEST I.OPC.E, No. 1S4, A. O. U. W., I Mpcta rrrv r ndny Evpihiik In llns let Hall, Tloncsta. I,. J. HOPKINS, M. W. T. It. CIjAUK, Kpwrdcr. CAPT. (iKOWiK RTOW POST, No. 274. O. A. U. Mjpta on tho flrot WoOiiphiUv In each lil.mth, In'O.ld Follnwa Hnll, Tlonoatn, Pa. U. i:oininancior. IlOAHDnf EXAMINING KUHOKONS .1 fur KoroHt Conntv. H. K. Tow lor M. I)'.. Prosldont: .1. Morrow M, !.. Sofrctnry : J. 11. SinRina M. 1).. Treasurer. Tho ' Hoard will moot In Or. Morrow'a nlllce, Tlonotn, on tho third Wedncadnv of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in. yGXEW f'LAnK, ATTOUN EYS-AT-LAW, Cilleo next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pn. J. R, AflNliW. 1. M. ri.AtlK, llitrict Attorney Mr. Clark Ih Asent for a miniber of to- llnlilo Kira InHiiraneo Coinianic. I.' U DAVIS. IV. ATTORNEY-AT-T.AW, Tionesta, Pn, Colloetlnna made In tliia and ndjoinlngr eonntioR. f. hitch fy. ATTOtlN'EY-AT-LAW Tionofit, Forest Countv Pa p E. I1I1JI.E, ATTORN KY-AT-I. A ' OlMeo in Kepler Mock, Room 0, TiiHcstn I'M. f A WRENCH HOUSE, Tloinsta, Pa XJ Justin ShnwkfV, Proprietor. This liouso Ih eentrally loent 'U Everything now and well fui niwht v Snpeiior Ac, i-omniodntiona an(l toiition eivpn t'lcruONta. Vescta1 d Fruits of ull kinds served In t. non. Hitmpto rop.n for ( omniorcial Ai;ont. IHNTKATj HOUSE. Tionesta. Ta. V. O. C. llrownell. Proprietor. This is a now house, and bus just neon titled up tor tho aoeomnioilntion oftho piililli'. A por tion of tho patroaao or the public is soliiv II tui. -iy CENTRAL HOUSE. Olfj CITY. PA VJ W. 11. ROTH, Proprietor. ijjjhc largest, licst Located ami Furnished iTTius.i in the City. Near Union IVpot, Jn. RKiOINS, M. n., . riiysifian, SurgiMin PrusRlst, TIONESTA, PA JW. MORROW. M. P., . PHYSICIAN A SUROEON, I Ato of Armstrong county, haviiiRlocated In TU'etta is nreniiretl to attena an pro. 't'sshiiuH culls nroinntlv and at all hours, Olllno a id residunco two doors nortli of Lawrenco House. Ollico hours 7 to 8 u.. aud 11 10 12 u. : 2 to 3 nnJ () to 7) M. ISundnvs. U to 10 A. M. 2 to 3 aud 61 to7J P. M. iay-18 81 DR. F. T. NASON. PHYSICIAN A SUROEON. TIONESTA, PA Offlco onnnosito Oas Oftlco. Calls at tendod to promptly day and night. MAY, PARK A CO., BANKERS. Corner of Elm Walnut Sts., Tionesta Pa., Hunk of Discount mid Deposit. In tnriwt hIIowimI on Time Deposits. Collee tions mndonn all the Principal points of tho U. S. Collections solicited. r ORKNZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HJRNESS. COLURS. BRIDLES And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty Mannolie, So'.ar or Ti iuiiKiiliition Survey- iiitf. Resit of InslruHienta and w 'I onus oil applicjitioii. j)IUL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER, shop in Reck building next to Smear rli .t Co.'s store. Is iii oparcd to do all Kiiclsot cusuini wora iruui mo ii,,. coarsest anil uuarailtecs bis work to :;u icrieci saiisiiii-iiun Prompt attou- m niemlinir. and prices as roa- n.ible as tirst class work cau bo douo for. C v JAS. T. BUENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOITESTA, IF.A-. particular attention otvkn to THE PROPER ASSESSMENT OK LAND AM) THE PAYMENT OFTAXES. ALSO TO Til E PURCHASE AMP KALE OK UK A I. ESTATE, AND TO TIIK RENTING AMU MANAGEMENT OK THE SAM K. Chnrrh anil Mabbnth Mchonl. Presbyterian Sabbnth School Bt :4.r a. . : M. E. Sabbath School nt 10:00 a. in. Preaching in M. E. Chnrch every Sab bath evening by Itov. Kiimhcrger. Preaching In tho 1'. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tho UHiinl hour. Rev. . 1 . Shonp, Pastor. Services In tlio Presbyterian Church every Snhbnth morning anil evening, Kev. J. V. McAninoh officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. "Nothing but leaves." Oil market closed yesterday ?2. Miss Blanche Pea9e is visiting relatives at Knnpps Creek, N. Y. Wild Keco ore flying southward, thus belokeoitr the approach of w inlet's blasts. A tiew post office called "Nashcs" has lately been established id the up per end of the county. -Grove & Shields finished a duster on the Chris. Cropp farm, on the Tub Lis Run road, last week. Patrick Jovce is a thousand dol lnrs better oD' again since Monday. A twelve pound boy at his house. Mr. and Mrs. T. F, Ritchcy and children ol Oil (Jity, were the guests f Judge Irwin a family over Inst Sabbath. The roads are quite muddy and the rains rather persistent, asido from which we are having a very fair sum le of fall weather. Mrs. Cobb's handsome coltagn iu the North ward is nearing completion, and will be ready furoccupuuey withiu the nest two weeks. Fumpkins are a good crop this year, but no very large ones have yet come under our notice, or been rolled into the sanctum on sub. United Presbyterian services will be held in the School House, next Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Kev. T. W. Turner will officiate. Tho buckwheat harvest is about over, although quite a number have yet to do their threshing, having been retarded by tho rains ol the pajl lew days. Don't put off buying your new suit or overcoat too long, but g to Hopkins & Co. aud get a choice from I he largest stock of clothing in Forest county. It. Kev. George F. Reeser, one oftho pioneer miniMpis oi this section, oc cupied Kev. Kuiutcrger'a pulpit laH Sabbath, and preached a very excel lent eerinoii. Supt. Waller has issued his offi cial circular to the public schools of I'cuiisvlvBuia appnintiug Friday, Oct. 21th, oa Autumn bcho'd Aibor Day, and urging its observance. Wantkd Gentleman out of work, to take charge of tin installment busi ne?s fir :is in Tionesta, Pa. Address, with refcreuce, Tho Champiou Shelf Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohm. A rhunk of liuth blown by the lilhzard: Next to criminal subjecls the man most deserving of punishment is tho one who is found .'rumbling while iQ tho possession of health. David Mintz, if tho popular "People's Store," Mat ienville, has something to say about fall and winter goods, in this issue, that will iuterest our readers. Read his ad. and see for yourself. Nobody but a woman enn write scientifically of women's apparel. The man who attempts it is lost, it u different wilh Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Either sex is fully acquainted with the merits of this noted remedy. Rev. McAniuch is in Wheeling W. Va., attending the meeting of the General Synod, as one of the Com mis sioners from this (Clarion) Presbytery. In consequence of his absence Ihero will be no services in toe rresbyterian Church next Sabbath. It gives me pleasure to certify that Lieutenant liusick of the Central Police District used Salvation Oil on a rheuiuatio arm. A few applications relieved him and wrought a permanent cure. Salvation Oil if called in will verify this statement. Serg't. II. A Ryan, Central Police Station, Balto., Md The Rei'L'iii.icas has just received tho largest and altogether (he hand somest Hue of samples of wedding stationery, folders, cards, Ac., ever shown hereabouts, and is prepared to turn out, in its usually artistic style, anything in the line of iovitatinus, nroeratus. announcements, and the like, that mav be asked foi. Call aud see the stock. A singular accideut happened Monday at Centreville, near Oil City John Moon was huntiug near there with his brother-iu law, on aud nephew. Moon saparated from his companions to scour the fields for game, uue or tne uoys, caicnuig glimpse of Moou'g red fur cop over die crest of a hillock, cried out to J. li. Lookwood: "There's a squirrel!" Lockwood instantly put his gun tn his shoulder and fired. The cap of Moon was coverel wilh shot, his pipe was shattered and one shot entered the eye ball anJ destroyed the siht. Moou came to Oil City and got medical aid. He was suffering intensely. For sale, either for cash or ou time, house and large lot in Tionesta Borough. For terms apply to P M. Clark. tf. The quoil season npons to-day, but where is the individual who has beard in many a year in this section of country the note of "Bob White?" It is saici a small bevy has been seen near this place during the past sum mer, but thero is some doubt about the correctness of the story. Twenty five years ago the neighborhood was full of them. But hard winters have thinned them out to nothingness. Tho Leechburg Reporter gave up the ghost lust week. It's editor, a very "amoosiu cuss," thus bids adieu to his readers: "I struck this town in (ho early spring of 1890. Through tho English Syndicate which controlled certain breweries and newspapers, I became connected in official capacity wilh the Reporter. The object of the syndicate in obtaining control of this journal was to work up a healthy sen timent in favor of breweries. My mission has been a failure. I retire from the field after several months hard work with my labor for my pains. This town is fine enough to booze, but the express office has the call as tho medium of procuring it. My original package venture did not pan out ns I had hoped. I sold a great deal of tamarack, and gave four tin cups with each keg, free of charge, but Congress, with a perversity well known as a characteristic of that body, kicked the prop from under the Fuller soft snap, and left trie high and dry, and my colleague, Silverman, playing checkers wilh his Jewish nasal appendage be tween the bars of the county hostile. I leave the town. I don't believe that many tears will be shed at my depart ure. I go unwept and unsung, to a locality where I can put a bottle of whiskey under tbe depot platform without having it stolen. Julius C.ihar Skimmerhoiin." Ou Saturday night last Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bovard received the very tad intelligence of the death by acci deut of Mr. James McElhaney, whose wife- is a sister of Mrs. Bovard, aud paid her a visit about six weeks ago. The accident occurred near Peters- ville, Butler county, on Saturday moruing, the particulars of which are given in a disputch from Butler, as I'uIIowb: "James McElhaney, a prom inent producer known all over tbe oil country, went out to his wells on Sat urday morning, reaching there about 10 o'clock. He was assisting to draw the rods, wheu by some mishap the tubing line became entangled around (be sucker rod board above, causing it to come crashing dowu through the derrick. Mr. McEIbancy heard tbe crash and exclaimed, "Look out boys," involuntary ducked h:s head forward, tho board coming end first struck him squarely on the hack of his head, crushing in the base of bis skull and breaking his neck. Death was in staotancniio, aud his hand, when pick ed up, held iu death grip the reverse lever. He was carried to the hotel and the sad intelligence conveyed to his family. The body was taken to his home in Butler last evening. Mr. McElhaney had operated tn the Mil leistnwn and Bradford fields and had accumulated quite a fortune. He moved his family from Millerstown to Butler little more than a year ago. Ho was 40 years of age and leaves a wife and two grown up children and a host of fripnds to mourn his untimely death.". Mr. and Mrs. Bovard left on Sunday for the scene of the distressing occurrence, and were present at the funeral. OBITUARY. CHARLES E. LAKDEUS. Chailts Ebec Landers, one of the most highly respected citizens of Neill town, Harmony township, this county, died at his home on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1810, of typhoid fever. He had been sick for some time but had so far re covered as to be able to leave his bed, when ho was taken with a relapse which ended iu bis death as above noted. Mr. Landers was born, Aug. 4, 1849, upon the farm on which he resided at his death. He was the son of Peter aud Ciroliue Lander, the former a native of Eastern N. Y., and the latter the first white child born in Cassadaga, N. Y. Iu 1839 they set tled in Harmony township, and cleared and improved the farm above men tioned. Mr. Landers was reared on the old homestead where he has al ways resided. On May 11, 1880, he was married to Miss Emma L. Demun, who died March 1, 1881. January 4. 1887, he married Berdie V. Bromley, who, with three children, survives him. The deceased held many responsible offices iu his township, all of which he discharged with fidelity and great credit. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and lived an honest, Christian lifo. His stricken wife and friends have the assurance of the lenderest sympathy of the entire community in this great loss. NELSON Q. BALL. Nehon G. Ball was born at East Hickory, Pa., April 28th, 1827, aud died near Pithole, Oct. 14, 1890, aged bd years, 5 mouths auo 16 days. Mr. Ball was one among the old laudmaiki of Forest county. He was a son ot Isaac aud Sully (Maoross) Ball, aud when a young man, in 1848, entered into co-partnership with his father and built a grist mill at East Hickory. Iu 18U3 he bought his father's interest iu (he mill, and also a portiou of the old homestead coutaiu ing the buildings, and after the death of his father he bought the remaining portion ot tne larm on the east side ol Hickory creek. In 1885 be sold the grist mill aud farm to Thus. J. Bw man. A few years later he bought the llinton M. Ball farm on Pithole, which was the once celebrated oil farm, in Pitbole's palmiest days, where he resided to the day of his demise. He was mostly engaged in lumbering in his early lite, aud was alwavs sue ceasful in his many business' enter prises. By his social and amiable dis position lie made hosts of friends wherever be went, and was a helper in every time of need. He was married in 1849, to Martha A. Hunter, a daughter of Wm. P. Hunter of Tio nesta. Ho was the father of John Wesley, Homer Isaac, Austin F., (murdered at Louisville, Ky.,) ClifTord and William Napoleon Ball J also of three daughters : Mrs. Sally Gorman, (widow), Mrs. Jacob Zahniser, and Aurilla, his youngest. Mr. and Airs. Ball, fcr many years were members of the M. E. Church, and about ten years ago united with the Free Methodist Church, where Mr. Ball was imbued with many spiritual blessings, and builded up in a most holy faith. He IiriI bpen a sufferer from Bright's disease of tbe kidneys for the past twelvo year, making life to him h burthen, yet he was always cheerful and seldom a murmur was allowed to escape his lips. His suffer ing was borne with a Christian forti tude, and with a resignation that fore told a well spent life. Tho writer was present at his bedside when the Minis tering Angel came to welcome his spirit across the "swellings of Jordan." Iruly 't is a gaiu to die in the Lord. Barnett Notes. Tho school house at ClaritiKton Is com pleted, taken off tho contractors' hands and tho winter term of school has opened. Tho building is two story, each with 0 foot ceilings. Ceilod and lined with Slneh matched hemlock, finished in oil j ono of tho handsomest and host school houses in tho county. Tho school is under the man agement of Mr. Teatrick, wiio presides over No. 1 j Mr. Nulph teaches in No. 2. Barnett has lately purchased a sot of charts for use In her schools. Boat building still continues. W. O. Manning has moved his mill from Tionesta township and is locating the same on Richard Winlae's tract, out near Redclyffo, whore ho will manufacture hemlock lor Mr. Wlnlaek. Tho early persistent rainy weather is using up our roads very fast. Tho road from Maple Creek to tho end of Work's plank road is bad enough to servo as a Proverb. Thero will bo. considerable timber put In at Clarington this winter if thero is a winter. Clarington will soon have gas. Tho Republicans oT this end uro in good trim and very active for the whole ticket. Stewarts Run. Our school opened Monday morning with Miss Lillian Miles of Fagundus, as teacher. Miss Miles has taught hero be fore, and we are glad to welcome her back, Mr. O. O. Chriss, w ho has been working for Mr. Melntyro, rig building, Is down sick with the mumps. Ed. Zuhniser has gone to Kellettvillo to work for Mr. Rarnhart. Mr. Leo of Buffalo, is visiting friends here. Mr. Clmdwick of Titusvillo. got a 50 barrel, Quinn sand, well on tho llowarth, adjoining the young Tom Howarlh and tho Wylie. Odorgo Vanartsdalo started to drill No, 3, on the Wylie, tor Stewart & Son. Rig No. 4 is being built. No. 3. on the Tom llowarth, will bo in this week. No. 1. on tho Abbott, will start this week. Mr. Ball of rithole, Is quito sick. His recovery is very doubtful. Oct. 11. McGlNTY. Polk. At a meeting hold at tiio public school building last evening, it was decided to close schools and church sorvico.i until tlio prevailing epidemic, sore throat, had ceased. Six deaths have ulre.uly occurred in this place with the dread disease, and several cases aro reported as bad. On Saturday two children ol Thomas and Ellen Palm were laid sido I y hido in one grave. Tho new minister, C. R. Thompson, late of East Hickory, has had a busy time of it since going among that peoplo, having throe funerals in two days last week. A sueessful revival has been closed ou ac count of the diseaso in the town. Montgomery Hunter, tlio young man who was so badly injured at Raymilton, on Monday, Oct. (1, died on tlio 0th, and was buried on the 10th, Rov. Thompson olllciating. Polk, Venango Co., Oct 14, '0. NEWSY NOTES. The post ollico at Cambridge was en tered ono night recently, tlio safo blown open and $250.00 wortli of postage stamps and f. to in cash taken. Thero is no clue to the perpetrators of tho deed. Eighteen thousand acres of timber ;in Elk county wero on the 2d inst. conveyed from J. K. P. Hall, of Ilidgway; A. Kaul of St. Mary's, and Sampson Short, of Nortli East, to R. S. Bullis, of Olean. Tlio purchase, price was t SiXLOoO. Tho tract is heavily timbered with hemlock and va rious kinds of hard woods, and is perhaps tho largest virgin tract remaining of tlio famous "Pennsylvania hemlock belt." Mohawk's Awful Crime. Tho recent death of Jnines Wigton, of Cranberry township, Venango county, at the age of eighty yeais, has recalled tlio memorable tragedy w ith which his namo was connected. Ho was a man of power ful frame, a typical backwoodsman, and ho lived in Slipperyrock township, Butler county, near what is known as tho Stone liouso, until an event occurred which cast a gloomy shadow on ull his tut uro life, An account of llio tragedy that thrilled and horrified ail this part of tlio country is thus condensed by tlio Franklin .Veui: mi ino last saumlav or June, IslJ, an Indian known as Sam Mohawk, w ho iiad passed down tho road to Butler from the upper lumbering country somo days pre vious, came to tlio Stono House ou tho stago ou Friday, lato iu tlio evening. In Butler he had been acting suspiciously Ou his arrival at tho hotel, without knock or a warning, ho passed up stairs into the room where tho landlord, Mr hill, was slceinng. Sill ordered him out and picked up u club to hasten his dcpait lire. Tho Indian left, and it is (.opposed he passed tlio night among the ris ks near tlio Stone House, as ho was soen going up tho road early tho next morning. Ho went directly to tiie house of James Wig, tou, who was away from home, huving gono to the house of his father, a mile dis tant, to get a horse to use in his farm work. Mrs. Wigton and her Ave small children were alone in the liouso. .lust what pass ed there no one was loft to toll. Before the return of tho husband, Lemuel Davis, who with his wife and son, had como to help Wigton with his hoeing, entered the house and beheld a scone such as no pen can dopict. Mrs. Wigton was found lying in a pool of blood. Evidently sho hail not yielded hor own llfo and the lives of her children without a struggle. Ono of her hands was cut nearly off as though a knifo had been forcibly drawn through it. It is supposed that she tried to defend her self with a butcher knife which was found near by, stained with blood. Her babo in tho cradlo was found with its brains beaten out. Four children in tho sleeping room up stairs wero found similarly mangled and dead. A atone which had been used in tho fire-place of tho wash house, in place of an iron, was found covered with blood. Tliis had been tho Instrument of ileum in ino hands or tlio ncinlMi sava"o. Mr. Davis aroused tho neighbors, and soon nioro than a hundred excited peoplo were at tho sccno. It was soon learned tiiat tl.e Indian had been at Joseph Ken nedy's and had thrown a stouo at young Joseph. Mohawk was hotly pursued and ran to Philip Keistor's house. Thero wero no men about tho place, and the women, who were already informed of the murder, hastened to leave tlio house. Tlio Indian entered and ran up stairs. Tho pursuers rushed after him, and one of tho number, Mr. Blair, was knocked down by a stone thrown by tlio savage. Next an attempt was mado to got a dog up stairs, but to no purpose At last, soveral of tho men, carrying a board over their beads, to keep off the missiles of Mohawk, mado a rush up tlio stairway, seized tho Indian, overpowered him and tiod him with bedcord. Then they led him to tlio liouso whore tho man gled bodies of his victims lay. He ac knowledged his guilt but Bald nobody could prove it. It was with difficulty that tho Indian could be saved from lynching. He was taken to Butler, tried in duo course, and sentenced to death. He was hung In tho spring of 1841. It seems strange, but true, just the same, that Hopkins & Co. have had to re order Dress ilanuels so early in the season. The quality of the goods and the low price is what makos ;theni go. It. The history of Downs' Elixir is iden tified with tho history of Now England for tho last fifty years. It cures coughs and colds. For salo at Bovard' s. Think of This ! Our materials are the best! Our styles are just right I Our Prices ore the lowest! Our disposition ia tn give you the worth of your money 1 Como and see us. Hopkins & Co. .MKU1T WINK. Wo desire to say to our citizens, that for vears we havo been selling nr. Kings Now Discovery for Consumption, Dr, K ing's New Lifo Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Eloctrio Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal salistaction Wo do not hesitato to guaranieo them everv lime, and wo stand ready to refund tlio purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies hove won their great popularity purely on their merits. Herman it Siggins, Drug gists. lU't'KI.K.VN AltNlt'A S.W.Vfc, Tho best Salvo in tho world fjr Cuts, Bniises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reiniuteil. Price 2 i cents per box. For salo bv U. W. Bovard. A Sate IiivcMtmciit. Is ono which is guaranteed to Tiring you satisfactory results, or in caso of failure a return of pui-chaso money. On this sale Iilan you can buy from our advertised Iruggist a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaran teed to bring relief in every caso, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflamma tion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and ugreeablo to taste, perfectly salo, and can always lie depended upon. Trial bottles free at Herman A Siggins' Drugstore. English Spavin Liniment ronioves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Illcm islies from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bono, Stilles, Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc., Save $.V) by use of one bottlo. Warranted tho most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Herman & Siggins, Druggists, Tionesta. jair22ly. When Baby wu lck, we gare her Castorio, Wueu (he wm a Child, he cried for C'astorla, When she became Mies, she clung to Cutorla, When (he bad Children, the gre them Ciutoria, Costiveness is the cause of tlio intoler able "bad breath" of multitudes. Dr. Henry Baxtiir's Mandrake Bitters remove tho cause and prevent tlio evil, and cost only 2.) cents. For salti at Bovurd's. Arnica A Oil Liniment is the best rem edy known for still joints, l'or sulo at Bovard s. MARRIED. EATON RIDLEY. October 2, 1S!HI, Iu Clarion, pa., by ltev. J. S. Elder, D. D., Mr. James W, Eaton and Miss Sarah I. Ridley, both ol liilloyle, Pa. I1ENSIL IIOYD-October 1, lS'.Mi, at Clarion, Pa., by Rev. J. S. Elder, D. D., Mr. Herman II. Ilulisil, Mariniiville, Pa., and Miss Louie Boyd, Nortli Pino I J rove, Pa. NEAL-RCRTON.-Octobcr 1, IS! HI, at Clarion, Pu., by ltev. J. S. Elder, D, D., Mi. Simon 11. Nt-al, Maricnvilio, Pa., ai'd Miss Ella J. liurton, Haskell, Pa. TO Y SADLER At Tionesta, Pa, Oct. H, lsfiti, by S. J. S"tlcy, J. P., Mr. David Toy, of Tionesta, and M iss llertlia Sad ler, of Venango county, Pa. Dr. W. F.CONXEKS EYE AND EAR SL'RCiEON, M'COLLUiKl BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. (lives special treatment to all diseases of eye, ear, noio and throat. Kel'iacts and lits di lictivo eyes and furnishes specta cles and eye glasses from ollico, siHuriiig lit of frames us well as glasses. I'roclninnlion of Grnernl Id erf Ion. Whereas, In and by an net of tho General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania,' entitled 'An Act to regfilate the Elections of tlio Common wealth,' passed tho 2d day of July. A. D., IHW, It, is made tho duty of tho .Sheriff of every county within tiiis Common wealth to give public notii'o of tho General Elections, and in such to enumerate: 1st. Tho oflienrs to be elected. 2d. Designate the place at which Iho election is to lie held. I, GEO. W. SAWYER, Hi ih Sheriff of the County of Forest, do hereby innko known and give tills public notice to the electors of the County of Forest, that a General Election will be held in said county, on Tuesday, Xovcjtibrr itli, between the hours of 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. at tlieseveral Election Districts. The Electors of Barnett township at Jacob Mazo's Carpenter shop. The Electors of G recti township as fol lows: Those residing in tho Election Dis trict of Gaitonville, to-wit : those em braced In the following boundary, vir.: lieirinning at a post, the north corner of Warrant No. fil ll, theneo south forty-live clpgrpps west three hundred and twenty rods to tho west corner of said tract, theneo south forty-live degrees ea.-it along divid ing lino between tracts V. SIM and o'i to the north corner of tract No. ."all, thence by tho northwest lino of tract .V.01 and the southeast lino of tracts Nos. 5,")0" and fi."0 to tho south corner of tract No. fij(i4, thence southwesterly to the northwest corner of tract No. .1::!0, and southeast corner of tract Ti-VU ou the Clarion county lino, thence by the same east to tlio north east corner of Clarion county, thence north by tho Junks township line to where the said Jenks township linn crosses tlio northeast lino of tract .V00, theneo north westerly by thrt northeast lino of Green township to tho place of beginning, shall vote at theSciioot uousn ai uiiiionvuio. Tho Electors of Green township residing ontsido of tlio territory embraced in tlio above described Election District of Oni- tonvillo, shall voto at tho liouso of L. Ar ner, in Nebraska village. The Electors ol Harmony township as follows: Those residing in tlio election district of Upper Harmony, to-wit: those embraced in the following boundary, via: Reuinning on the Allegheny river nt the Tionesta township line; thence northerly by said lino to tho back lino oftho river tracts; theneo along the back lino of tlio river tracts to West Hickory Creek; theneo up said West Hickory Creek to tho Warren County line; theneo east along said Warren County lino to tho Allegheny river; thence down said river to the plaeo of beginning, at tlio old Dunn A Turner store building. West Hickory. Tlio Electors of Harmony township re siding outside of tho territory embraced in the above described Upper Harmony shall voto at A Mender School liouso. Tlio Elect rs of Hickory township at Burns' Harness Shop, in East Hickory. Tho Electors of Howo township as lol lows: Those residing in tho Election Dis trict of Middlo Howe, to-wit: thoso em braced in tlio following boundary, viz: Be!finniii!r at a noint wliere tiie west lino of Warrant No. 31118 intersects the lino of Warren and Forest, counties; thence south bv west lines of Warrant ;11!I8, Sl'.W, ill!), 31S7 and 8ls"i to a point where tho west lino of Warrant 31S." inter sects with tlio Jenks township line; thence by Jenks township lino east to a point wliero tho eastern line of Warrant ilTlhl Intersects said Jenks township line; thence nortli to northeast corner of Warrant 37!MI ; thence by the north line of 37;K west to the southeast corner of 31S03; theneo nortli bv said cast line ol ,tso,j to a post the northeast corner of said Warrant; thence bv tho Hillings Warrant 4Cil east to tlio southeast corner thereof ; tiicnco north bv the east lino of tlio llu limrs lot and east line of Warrants 2S7S, 2dsn. 2!!3. the Fox Estate, 2H!U and 273.") to whom tho east lino of 273") intersects tlio Warren and Forost County line; tlienee by said Warren and Forost county lino west to tlio northwest corner of Warrant 31IIS. tlio place of beginning, at Gusher City School House. Tho Electors of Howo township residing In t he Election District of East Howe, to- wit : Thoso residing east of tho ahovo do scribed Middlo Howe, at Brookston, iu Itrookston Library Hull. Tho Electors of llowcto-.vnship residing Ml tho Election District ot West Howe, to wit : Those residing west of tlio above do scribed Middle Howe, at tho Balltown .School House. The Electors of Jenks township ns fol lows: Thoso rosiding in tho Eloetion Dis trict of Bvrom, to-wit: those embraced in the following boundary, viz: Beginning at tho northeast uornor of tract No. 41113 and tho northwest corner of tract No. 4131, thence northeasterly to tho southeast cor ner of tract No. 3lil3 and the southwest corner of tract No. 3.KJ I, theneo north by tlio western line nt tracts Nos. 3")(!1, lllilD, 3iili and 3SHI to tlio Jonks township lino, theneo east bv tho sumo to tlio northeast enrnor of Jenks township, them e south by tho cast line of Jenks township to the southeast corner thereof, thence west to tho southeast corner of tract No. 412!, theneo nortli to the northeast coiner of said Warrant, thence west to beginning, shall vote ut tho School liouso at l.yrom town. The Electors ol Jenks township residing outside of tho territory embraced in the above described Election District of By roni, shall vote at Central Hall in Marie n- ville. Tho Electors of Kingslcy township at Newtown School House. Tlio Electors of Tionosta township at the Court House iu Tionesta borough. Tho Electors of Tionesta borough at tho Court House in said horoimh. At which time and places tho qualified electors will elect iy naiiot: Ono person for Governor of Pennsylva nia. Ono person for Lieutenant Governor of 1'oiinsyivuiiia. Ono person for Secretary of Internal All'airs of Penusvl vania. Ono person for Member of Congress for tho 2Kth District ot Pennsylvania. One person for State Senate for tho its t li District ol Pennsylvania. Ono person for President J udgo for the 37th District of Pennsylvania. Ono person for Assembly of Forest Countv. One person for Associate Judge of Forest County. Ono person for Prothonotary of Forest County. One person for Sheriff of Forest County. Throe persons for ( 'unity Commissioner of Forest County, (each elector to vote for only two persons.) Three persons for County Auditor of Forest County, (each elector to Voto for only two persons.; Two persons for Jury Commissioner of Fore.t County, (each "e lector to vote for only one person. I Tho a--t of Assembly entitled "an ac' re latiii!r to the elections of this Common wealth," passed J illy 2, )sl;i, provides ns follows, viz: "In case the peison M ho shall have re ceived tiie second highest lllllllbcrof votes for inspector shall not attend on thedavof any election, then the person ho shall have received the sc. -on I hiehest number of voles for I udgo at the next preceiliiig election shall act as iu-pt-etor in his place. Aud in rase the person who shah have re ceived the hiehet number of voles fcr in spector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and iu case the pcr-.ou elected .1 ude shall not attend, then the inspector who received Iho highest nuuilicr oi' vote; shall appoint a .1 U'l.'o in los place ; and it' any acaucy siiali c liilinue in the hoard for the sii.e e of one hour inter iho time lixial i law torthcopc inngnl the election, tin1 qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such olllecr shall have been i li clcil, pic-cut al the place ol election shall i iect one ol their number lo fill such v.e ancy. I slso give official notice to the electors of Forot county, thai by an act entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relative to tiio election of this Common wealth, approved Jan. 30, 1S74 :" Ski', U, All tiio elections by tlio citizens shall bo by ballot; every ballot voted shall bo numbered in tho order In whloh itshnll he received, and the number recorded by tho clerks on tho list of voters opposite the namo of tho elector from whni received. And any voter voting two or inn'o tickets the several tickets so voted shall each be numbered with tlio number correspond ing with the number to tho name of the voler. Any elector may write his nnrno upon his ticket, or cause tho same to bo written thereon, and attested by a citizen of tiie district. In addition to the oath now prescribed by law to be tnken and sub scribed by election officers .they shall sev erally bo sworn orallirmod not to discloso ho-.v an v elector shall have voted, unless require I to do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding. Ail judges, Inspectors, clerks mid overseers of every elertion held under tins n-'t. shall, before enlering upnrn their duties, ho duly sworn or allirmed In tretf prcicnoool each other. The judgeshnll be' sworn by the minority inspector, if there had bo such minority inspector. If not, then by a justice of the peace oralderman, and the inspectors and clerk shall be sworn by the jinlgii. Certificates of such swenr mtror iiiliroiiiig shall be duly mado out and signed by the otlleers so sworn, and ntt-sto I by tiio officer who administered tho oalh. if any jude or minority inspec tor refuses or fails to swear tho officers of election in tlio m inner required by tills act, or if any officer of election shall act without being duly sworn, or if any officer ol lection shall certify tiiat any officer woj worn w'.io'.i he w-vs not, it shall bo cleem d a misdemeanor, and upon conviction. the officer or officers so offending shall be tlnnd not exceeding ono thousand dollars. or imprisoned not exceeding ono year, or hoth, in mo discretion ot ttio court. Kit. II. ft shall he lawful for any min'i- fled citizen of tho district, notwithstand ing the name oftho proposed voter is con tained on the list of resident taxables, to ohallenire tlio voto of such person, where upon tho proot of the right ol suttrago as is now reiinueil ny law snail bo publicly mado and acted upon bv tho election board and tho voto admitted or rejected, according to the evidence. Every person claiming to be a naturalized citizen shall bo required to prodnco his naturalization ceitificato al the election before voting, except where ho has been for five years consecutively voter iu tlio district in which he offers to voto ; and on tho voto of such porson be ing received, it shall bo th3 duty of the eloetion officers to write or stamp on suoli oertilioato the word "voted," with tho day, month anil year: anil it any election offi cer or officers shall receive a second voto on tlio same day, by virtue of Fame cer tifioato, except 'where sons are entitled to vote neennse ot tiio naturalization oi moir fathers, they and the person who shall oiler such second voto, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof. shall bo fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of tho court; but tho fine shall not exceed live hundred dollif In each esse, nor the imprisonmento ,e year. 1 no iiko punishment snail do lnniciea on conviction on the officers of election who shall neglect or refuse to make or cause to bo mado the endorsement re quired aforesaid on said naturalization certificate. Sec. 12. If any election officer shall re fuse or neglect to require such jroof of tho right of sufl'rane ns Is prescribed by this law, or laws to which this Is a supple ment, from any person oll'orinir to vote- whose name is not on this list of assessed voters, or whoso right to vote without ro-- quiring such proof, every person so of- leniinnx snail, upon conviction, no ninity of a misdemeanor, and shall bo sentonceil- for every such otfense, to pay a line not exceeding live hundred dollars, or to un dergo mi imprisonment of not more than one year, or both, at tlio discretion of the court. I also mako known tho following pro visions of tlio mw Constitution of Penn sylvania: ARTICLE Vllf. Nfl-fnAOB AND fcLKCTIOV, Sue. 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing tlio following qualifications, shall bo entitled to voto nt ail elections : p'irxt. He shall have been a citizen ol the United States at least one month. Second.- He shall have rosided in the State one year, (or, if having previously been a qualilied elector or native born citizen ot the State be shall have romnvod thereforin and returned, then six months,) Immedi ately preceding tho election. Third. He shall havo resided In (he ejection district where ho oilers to voto at least two months immediately preceding tlio election. fourth. If twenty-two years of age ot upwords, ho shall have paid within two years a State or county tax which shall have been assessed nt least two months and paid at least ono month before election. Mi-:o. 2. Tho General election shall bo hold annually on tho Tuesday next follow ing tlio first Monday of November, Lilt the General Assembly may, by law, fix a differont day, two-thirds of all th 3 mem bers of cadi House consenting thereto. I also givo official notieo of tlio follow ing provisions of an act approved tho 30th of March, IkikI, entitled "An act regula ting tho niodo of voting at ull tho elections of this Commonwealth." Si:c. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Senato and liouso r.f Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tho authority of the same. That the qual ilied voters ol tlio several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections are hereby hereafter authorized and required to voto by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally clas sified as follows : Ono ticket shall eiubraco the names ot'alljuilL'Os of courts voted for, and shall bo labeled "Judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace Iho names of all tlio Stato officers voted for and bo labeled "State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all the county officers voted for, including oMiee of Senator and member of Assembly, if voted for, and member of Congress, if voted lor, and lie labeled "Counly ;" one ticket shall em brace tlio names ol'all the township oilieers voted for, and lie labeled "Township ;" ono ticket shall -mlu-aco tiie names of all tho borough officers voted for and be labeled "lloroiigh," and each class shall he depos ited in separate ballot boxes. Notieo is hereby given, That any person excepting Justices of tho Peace who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust u'lider tho t inted States, or this State, or any city or corporate I district, whether commissioned officer or oilier wise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall lie employed under tho legisla ture, executive or judiciary department of this Stale, or in any city, or of any incor porated district, aud also that every mem. li r of Congress and of tho Stato legisla ture, or ot the select or common council of uny city , or commissioners of any in corporated district, is by law incapable of liol ling or exercising at the time, Iho ollii-e or uppoiutiiii nt of judge, inspector or clerk oi any election iu tiiis Common wc.ilih, and that no inspector, judge or other officer ofsiich election shall bo eligi ble to be then voted for. The Judges of the aforesaid distilcts -hall representatively take charge of tho eertiliealcs of return of tho elei tion of their rc-;eciivn districts, mid pnsluco tliematthe 1'rolhotiotary's ottico in the i'orom.rh of Tionesta, as follows: "All imhres living it'iiu twelve miles of tint l'rotlionotarv's office, or within twenty lour miles il'thcir residci.ee lie in a town, vitiligo or city i pon the line of a lailroad loading to the count v seat, shall heforctwn o'clock p. in., on 'WEDX ESD.-V Y, NO VI'.MIIEit FIFTH. l.vw. and al other judges shall la-lore twelve o'clock, in., i n Till' Its l A Y, MiYEMIIER SIXTH, 1S;'U, deliver said n-lnrin, together with llm return sheds, lo the I'roilioiiotary of Iho Court of Common Pleas of Forest countv, which said return shall lo tiled, and the ihtv and hour ot' tiling marked therein, and shall be preserved by tho j Piothoiiotarv for public inspection. iieii uii'lcr my hand at my ollico iu Tio nesta, Pa., tiiis 2'.ilh day of Scptciolicr, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and in tho one hundred and lifteenih year oftho Independence of the United Slates. GEO. W. SAW V EK, Sherill.