THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . r. WINK, tOITOft MfcPRItTOR. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEIl 15, 1800. ni;i'ii.uM tick ft. BTATK. flOVERNOH, GEO. W. P-ELAMATER, Crawford. MKl'TKNANT (lOVFRNOH, LOUIS A. WATRES, Ickawanim. MidUTART OV INTERNAL AFFAtRK, THOS. J. STEWART, Montgomery. JflUC 1 A BY. rnF.siUEjtT jrnriR, RAMUKI. i. IUWIX. Forest. GEO. H. HIGG1NS, Wnrrcn. AOCI ATK Jt'nBK, C. W. CLARK, Tionesta rownship, COUNTY. STATE KKKATK, Jj. C. 11DYD, Clarion. ASSFMR1.Y, S. S. TOWLER, Jenks. rROTHONOTARY, CALVIN M. AltNEK, Tionesta P.orongli. BOKRIFF, JOHN R. OSGOOD, Kinirsloy. COVJITY COMMIiKIONKH, JAMES MrlNTYRE, Harmony. O. F. LEDEHUR, Gnen. COtfSTY ATDtTOR, T. It. COIllt. Tionesta Borough. W. W. THOMAS, Tionesta Township. JURY COMMISSIONKR, J. N. HEATH, Kingsley. What a Democratic Vota Means. UoJer this bend the Meadville Gazette puts the matter Straight home tu Republicans, and o clearly reminds them of a sacred duty that we. can not Bee how a member of the party can possibly disregard the warning. Read this and ponder seriously over it, if you havo lind the Iral idea of cveu lukewarmncM toward t lie twkel: The Democrats want the Governor and the Legislature because they want Congress and the Presidency, and they are reckless enough to say so. Any body who knows anything annul, poli tics knows that if the Democratic par ty could elect Puttison and a Demo cratic legislature, or either of them, it would improve their chances of elect ing a Democratic Pnsidciit iu 1W2. We nssumo that no one will riiputo i his point. It follows, (hen, that n vote for Pattison, or for a Dcmnc ratio candidate f ir the Legislature, is a voto tn make Democratic success iu the ! mere :i hlican ASNOISCEMEXT. The Republican Conference having ad journed tine dir. without making a nomi- nnlion for tho otllro of President Jihlpo of mo a. in judicial District, ana having re reived the nomination of tho Republican party nt the primary election in this Coun ty, and believing that Forest County is entitled to that otlico as of right, I will re main in the tield as a candidate, and hope to receive the hearty support of the Ito publicans of Forest County. Samvel P. Ikwu. To tub Voters of this 37th Judicial District: Having received a largo majority of the votes cast for President judge at tho Re publican Primaries held May 10th, 1S0O, I wish to say to the voters of this Judicial District that I am a candidate for tho election, and desire your heartv co-opera tion in the i-all campaign. 1 shall use every honorable means to aid and serve you, and feel confident that we will achieve success. I am, Yours very truly, Gko. ll. Hiu'oiss. Republicans, dou't let anyone per suade you that the issues involved in this election are not national. With twenty-eight Congressmen, to elect ia this State, a legislature which will ia turn elect a united States Senator no roan with ordinary brains will say that National matters have nothing to do with this contest. Furthermore, the legislature elected this fall will, in all probability, re-apportion the State into Congressional districts, and with the frightful gerrymander perpetrated by the Democrats of Olio last winter la full view, what may we not expect should that party have a majority in our legislature. Republicans of this county should be awake to this fact Don t get apathetic on the questior. We have a member of Assembly to elect who will take part Iu the Sena tonal election. Do you want him to cast Lis ballot for a Democrat or a Republican? We believe you all want him to vote for a Republican. Then make it possible by voting for a Re publican Representative. Dr. Towler is a Republican who will make one of the best members the county has ever had. Able in debate, a splendid speaker, as all know, and one who thoroughly understands the needs of our county and can make them knowo. The Doctor has been fouud earnestly at work for the Republican ticket iu Mjvery campaign iu this county for years back. Never found wauling when there was important work to be done for the party, and he deserves well of that party. Our opponents are working a big stillbunt on this question, and expect to catch us nap ping. Let us show them differently. Beware! The word has been passed along the line to work the racket quietly. We don't think Republicans are going to be caught that way. Rut they need to be on the alert. Stand by the ticket. Work for it. Don't split on a single man. It's the only hope the Democrats have, and they know it, but they hope to get the laugh on the Republicans after election. Go it straight and let's have the laugh on our side. The only way a Democrat can be elected is by Republican votes. Presidential election of 18!); probable. D.ies any true Rep want to do this? Again: Tho next legislature will elect a United States Scuatr to serve for six years. That man will he a Democrat, if the Legislature is Demo cratic, and ttc chances are good that he would bo tho worst Democrat in the State free trade Wm. L. Scott, who wants to put the workiug man "where he will rat to day what he earns to-morrow." Does any true Republican want to do this? Again: Tho next Legislature will reapportion the Slate. If it bo Demo cratic, the same infamous plan will bo adopted iu Pennsylvania, which now prevails in Ohio, and our Republican State with its 80,000 maioritv will have a delegation in Congress Demo cratic two to one. Does any true Republican want to do this? Again: 1 he gerrymander of the State will not show itself in Congres sional districts alone, but will atiVc't the legislative districts, and will make the General Assembly Democratic for the next ten years. Does any true Republican want this? We might go over the whole line which separates Republicanism from Democracy, but the points we have made above are enough to set any dis satisfied Republican to thinking; and it be thinks, be will certainly col de sert bis party now. Let re sitting down at the Democratic table it is GRAND OPENING! OF OUR VAST STOCK OF Fall & Winter Goods AT THE EVER rorULATt MARIENVILLE, PA. c arc receiving one of tho most com plete stocks of Fine Dress Goods ami No tions, Men's Clothing, Youths' Clothing, Children's Clothing, Overcoats, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Plush and Cloth Wraps, Jackets, Ladies' Fine Underwear, Shawls, Watches and Charms, Fine Jewel ry, Trunks, Hand-Bags, Boston Rubber Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Wall Pa per, Millinery Goods, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE! WE CALL THE LADIES' ATTENTION TO OUR 1XTM FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY GQOBS ! HATS, P.ONNETS, Ac., TRIMMED OX SHORT NOTICE, BY EX PERIENCED MILLINERS. well to look at the bill of fare. A Democrat in the Governor's chair, a Democrat in the White House, a Democratic delegation in Congress from Pennsylvania, a Democratic United States Senator, a Democratic Legislature fur ten years, a free trade, gold standard, Wm. L. Scott, to suc ceed the roao who alwavs stands by the tariff, and who voted for the free coioago of silver. Is there a Republi can who wants any of this on his plate ? Gen. Belknap, Secretary cf War in Grant's cabinet, died suddenly at his home in Washington, on the 12th inst. The death on Monday night of this week of Justice Miller, of the Supreme Court of tho United States, removes the oldest member, both in point of vears and service, of that bench. A stroke of apoplexy was the cause. Justice Samuel Freeman Miller was appointed by President Lincoln, in And for Gentlemen we have the best Stock of Imported Cloth for Overcoats and Suitings to be found in Western Pa. All work guaran teed as represented and fits perfect. DAVID MINTZ. President Harrison, at the reuo ion of his old regiment on Wednes day last, said : "It is a pleasant thing and never ought to be omitted in the city or country when one of these old soldiers makes his laBt surrender, wrap his coffin in the flag as you bear him to the grave." Applause. Mr. Pattisoo, who wants to be Governor of the great aud loyal State of Pennsyl vama, vetoed the bill mat gave a plain burial, the cost of not more than $35, including the flag the President relers to, to the old soldier wlio was willing to give his life to his couulry, and asked in return that he be not laid in a pauper's grave. The did saldiers wanted their bones to return to dust with the bones of their com rades, but Mr. Pattisoo said no; let their bones return to dust with tho bones of tramps who were not even citizens perhaps. There isn't a ruau on the Republi can ticket but that will make a good official and very acceptably fill tho office to which he aspires. No need to go outside of the party lines this full to get first class timber. W hen the complimentary vote lellow comes arouml just tell him you have none to give; then go to work like a beaver aud don't let up till all the votes are in. Dou t let tha enemy use you, then laugh at your stupidity. Wm. A. Wallace's speech at Phil adelphia has wafted aside the flimsy fog of specious pleading of the candi date and his co-excursionists and placed the State issue on the plane that they have tried to avoid. It is anything but Democratic success, ex cept as to Governor, iu this campaign that is desired, according to Mr. Pat- tison, but it is Democratic success, not only as to Governor but as to the Legislature and the next United States Senator, tbat Mr. allaco speaks for. The gentleman from Clearfield de serves the thanks of the State for having put aside the obscuring curtaiu labeled "Opposition to bossism," and showing the real Democratic banner "We want to be boss." A VALUABLE BOOK. Our Family Physician. To every purchaser of merchandise to the value of $20. A number of piominent Democrats from Cleartield county, disappointed over the defeat of Mr. Kerr for a re liomiution in the 28th Congressional district, were in this place Thursday last, where tbey held a conference with friends of Mr. Kribb. with a view to baviug the Clarion gentleman with draw in Kerr's interest. While the Clearfield gentlemeu were kindly re ceived, Mr. Kribbs' frieuds were nut backward iu telling tbeui that they were not iu the withdrawing bu dint si. Failing so completely iu tho purposes of their mi.sion, the Cleui tield gentle men returned to their homes a very dixcousolute set of politicians. Brook villi; Hcpublicun. Already t;:e rattison leaders are preparing to yell fraud and boodle. Mr. Mapes proclaims that "if the eleo lion was to take place to day Mr. Pat tison would be ticeescftil, but there aro fiur weeks btfnre tho campuii closes and fiaud and boodle msy de feat him." Pus Mr. Mapes not know that there has not bem a Mate election iu Pennsylvania for vears where the dominant party failed to arouso iisei within a few wetks before the election nd the present campaign is hut I repetition r,t Hirers where tliero were but two candidates in Ihe held? r mm now on the Republican tide will ri.-o uml continue to grow till it will not surprise those who have figured the result from all stand ni.ints to Fee t lie majority exceed 50,000; and well Mr. Mapes may prepare his friends t'er ti e defeat tbat awaits them, and the remit will he brought about by an honest election ntid a fair count of all the votes. Com. Gazette. New Goods! Low Prices! Goods arriving Daily. Look out for his new Ad. next week. J. M. MINTZ, CUT PRICE STORE, WESTERN NEW YORK A PF.NN fS Y EVAN I A UA1 LltOA I), formerly 11., N. Y. A P. It. It. Thno Tnblo talcing effort July nth, Eastern Time 7ath Meridian. S!0. Tinlni w 111 leave Tioniwta for Oil City and poinla Wcstnx fobowa: No. tn Through Freight (carry ing inHeiinrH) 0:.t a. ttl. No. Ml lliitliilo ExprcHN 12:i!3noon. No, (il Way Kreiglit (currying passengers) flrftt p. fn. No. :i Oil t'lly V.x res 8:05 p. m. Tor Hickory, Tidloulo, Wnrron, Ktnana, llradl'ord, menu mid tho KaHtt No. 30 Olenn Kxpross Ml a. Ml. No. !I2 rilt:diuix'li KxproHN !t:4f p. tu. No. IHI Tliroimli FreiHlit (ear- ryltiH piiMMcngoni 7:1 p.m. TIOXHST.l, 1M. Trains n:i and 1X1 ltnn Inlly and carry" pnwnccru to and from point liolweeu Oil City anil Irvinoton only. Other train run dailv exi-ept Sunday. tlet 'I'lmti Talilna nud full Information from J. Ii. CIIAK1, Auntit, Tioncata, I'll. It. ltKI.I,, Ocu'lHupt. J. A. KKLLOWN, Uen'l I'liHsener it Tleket Agent, ltullalo, N. V. S. II. HASLET k Mi GENERAL MERCHANTS. H. J. HOPKINS & CO, New Adr in this space next week. it By an arrangement with the publishers of this valuable medical work -a work which should bo in every household we aro ena bled to make this unprecedented offer to our patrons. Call and get a card and leai n tho particulars. Tho book sells at book stores for ?3 per copy. Wo Sell as Low as tho Lowest, and havo always in stock a largo, complete and superior lino of Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gont3' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Jewelry, Queensware, Gro ceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Sic, &c. Always tho Cheapest and the JJcst." PROPER & - DOUTT, CSUCCKSSOHS TO IIUKMAN A .SKJ'ilNS,) DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA. - - - PENfJ. IN iUR (' KOCKIIY li:PAUT.MKNT WILL ALWAYS 1513 FOUND Tim FRESHEST GJiQGEBIES BKHKIF.K, FRUITS it VEfJHTAHLKS OF In our I)ru; Department, which is iu clmrgo of a thorou will always bo found tho ALL KINDS, IN SFASON. hly competent Clerk, PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PUKSCKII'TIONS COMPOUNDED W IT 11 UTMOST CAKK. The Boston Clothing House, OPIHM 1IOUMK LO('M, MA.HI1SN"VITLE, P. V. I have lust returned from tho Kast and am rocoivms daily llio mi'iicr nud licxl ho leeted stocks ot Dry Hoods, Hoots, Shoes, Clothing and Trunks, Ac, over nliown at hard-PHii prices in Forest County, und ask you to cull und seo nio. .My mock consist. of a complete line of FAXCY AAI STAi'Li: IHY 001S, AOi'IOSN, AC. At l'l'iees Below tliein All. BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBER GOODS. I have a coiiipleto lino. Iu fact ono of tho largest ever shown here, at bueh prices that wilJ'plcafco ull. "l'A. is our leading itubuer Ooods. A$ j-j TO m Ci-OTHUG I have a Boss lino. 500 Complcto Suits to aeleet troiii, ami of tho very Lost make, aud marked ut roek-liottuiu piii us. Made csptvially lor my tradu. in Children's Clothing in v line is uouiploto und marked away down. As to Men's and lioys' l'ants, my stoek is iui inenso. In prices from .r0 cents to i.l;U dollars each. LADIES' CLOAKS AND WRAPS, &C. Fine stuck of all tho leading styles, in prices that will soli them. IT IFTIsriEIR, Q-OCXDS, I havo a complete ass-irtnient of Ladies' Underwear, Iloso, Corsets, Ac., and a dandy MliH-k ol ISII.KM AMI ri.L .Ml i-:t. in taei my kIo.-k oi 1 1 als, laps, Carpets, tienls' Furnishing Goods, aud Oeniual Mereliaudiso is A No. 1. Uivo mo a call. MEYER LEVY. Dealers m IT TJ IR HST ITU IU, ID. '.Alto,- UNDERTAKERS. TIONKSTA, PA. -A V,v- v V Vu.T- J of tho firm of MotlCK nUO'8, OPTIOIA1TS, Specialist In l'rrors of Itctraellon of the Fye. Fxaininallous freo of charge. W AKKKN, I'KNN. IP. W. LW. Practical Tinner. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN HOOFING A sri.CI AI.TY, Ann SPOUTING. BOrtOOSH BUILDING, TIONKSTA, PA. Ti!E OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. Cfi' FiELD, PROPRIETOR. Oood Stfiek. lio-d CMiTiaae and Bur- (lies to let upon the nioi-t reusi-ualile terms. Ilo wnl alMi M All orders left tit tho Post Otlico will receive prompt attention. THE M O N U M E N T A L r COMPANY, OP JAJISwSTOWX, X. Y.y M'frsiuid Impji tors of CISUC PinMMMCfJTC r I11L J AND TOMBSTONES. Has appoinled S. II. HASLET A SONS. Tionosta, l'a.. Agents. All win k war ranted. Priees Uea-ionablo. Call and ex amine samples. WATCH MAKINfi. V The undersigned would respeet- fully anilouneo to his old IVienils, that ho has returned to '1'ione.sia and has loeated iu tiie Kepler Block, formerly oeeupied !y Mr. L. Fulton as a harness-shop, w here hi) ill he prepared to (treet liisold friends uud many new ones, iiavintr contraelcil an inward disease II urn w hieh I have sul leied for :M years, and which require, e.x eriise, 1 must iherefoio havo un iiour's walk each iiiiiriinif.' and evening, and shall opeii inyodieoat 8 o'clock, A. M., and clofce at 8 o'clock, 1'. M. K. KALLK, Tioutsta, Pa. WALTER'S GREAT -:- PH0P0SITI01T ! We will a'wo more fresh meat for the cash at our Meat and Produce Market in Tionesta, l'a., than any uim in Forest County. Wo also pay Cash for Hides and Pelts. C. II. WALTER. J. II. AUXKW. OKO HUK V. TAVL.OH. AGNEV7 & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AND I'M NSELLUHS AT LAW. Ol ticks :- Lenmaii Huildinjf, Washing ton, D. C. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Will practice before the lT. S. Supremo Court, Court of (.'laiins, District Courts, aud Deparluienls of Government. Special attention ).'iveu to I ho collection of army and navy claims, pensions, pay, tmuuty, etc., eases arising under tho eus toius, navigation aud internal revenue laws, and patents. Correct forms, blanks and insti-uctions mailed to claimants free of charge on receipt of their names uud P. O. address. Dll. A. FISH Kit, DF.NTIST, Warren, Pa. Cum of tiio oldest and most suc cessful practitioners iu this section of the State. Will visit Tiouosla every regular court week. mayiS ly. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, NOTICF. IS IIF.UF.HY GIVF.N THAT tho uudeisitrned has made application to the Secretary of Internal Alliiira for tho Siato of Pennsylvania, for a warrant to survey unimproved vacant land in Howe Towii'ihip, Forest County, i'onii., Iieinir lil'ly-siiven anil ono-halt ("i74) acres, adjoiu inij lands of Warrant No. i-M.i iwuuty eitrht hunilred nuil twelve on the oast; lands warranted to Cl aries Fox, 23d Sept., is. in, on lliu south; northwest corner of Fox lands, nud southwest corner of War rant No. '-''ll I on tho west; aud lands war ranted to Wilhcliu Willink A Co, 11th Dee., 17'.'-, No. 'JiKU, on the north. JOSKl'll SMITH. Titusville, renn., Septeniber 1S1I0. -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. A, V; DETROIT Hint' Ihe cost of hoislini saved to Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmer., 1 Machinists, Rudders. ContrHetor. and others. Ailmitteil to lie tho Kiealest impi ovements ever mado in tackle blocks. Freight prepaid. Write for ealalo-'iic. Fulton Iron I. ' A Kiiiiiiia ks., IU lirush St., I)o L. troit, Mich. Kstab. 18,V. mvis. Noi'ici: is iii:i;i:i!v given that an application will bo inado to tho Governor of Pcnnsvtvauia, on Oetolier anh, lswi, by J. 11. W'atson, E. 1). Sliuer, Clinton FiUtferald, Milton E. (irHvl)ili uud T. J. Rcvner, under tlio Act ot As sembly, enliiled "An Act to piuvido for tlio incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved' April is? I, anil the supplements thereto, lor the charter of un intended corporation to bo called "Tho Citi.i us' Gas Company of Mai ionville," the character and object of w hich is tiie luiniufifor, proeuriny;. piping, Hol ing and distriliulinir (jas for fuel, heat and lights, aud for llic.-e purposes to have, possess and enjoy all Iho riglils, benefit, aud privileges' of said Act of Assembly, and supplements thereto. CHARLES S. LEECH, Pres. JOHN COON, Sec y. t"KX D vour Job Work to tho REPUU O L1C AN Ollloo.