THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1800. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Tlurtjeit. J. It. Ci.ahk. oimc North ward. R. M. llor limn, II. M. Foronmn, Patrick Joyce. fSoulh ward, J. C. Seowdon, S. ll. Hun let, Eli Holoman. Jwiticet of the react S. F. Proper, S. J. Nctlov. Omnmble and Collector H. S. Canfiold. M'honl lHrtctorx O. W. Robinson, A. R. Kelly, H. L. Davis, D. 8. Knox, D. V. Clark, J. T. Bronnan. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Mvmher of Conjre .Tamks Kr.nR. Member of Senate 3 . II. Wii.hom. Amiembly Ciiari.k A. Randai.i.. Prenilent JnttteW, D. Brown. Aoeintn Juit(c$Jomf A. FnoPfcn, John 11. Wiiitk. Treasurer J ah. R. Hahoktity. Prothonntnrt, Itegiatcr it Recorder, etc. Calvin M. Arnkr. Sheriir. QRO. W. RawtkO. (w.((ner-Wi. D. H.IIKi.ns, C. V. liitnKniTR, J. J. Tarhonh. Mify Simerintentlcnt O no. W. Kerr. IKttri'rf&ttorney P. M. Clark. -JiufpilmUiiioncrC. II. Church, Ton wfTUAiT!,. Cbitnfv Purveyor .T. F. Pnor-F.n. Voronr.r Dr." A. K. STONKCiniBK. Coiuii j4 uriitorA E. L. JoNKS, It. 55., Wm. Bi.tim BUSINESS Dl ORY. OLIVE LOPOK, No. 557, F. A A. M. ' RUtod Meeting held nt Odd Fol low! Hull tho first Monday of each month. T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T. H. COBB, SoB'y. WASHINGTON CAM I, No. 420, P. O. H. of A., meets every Monday eve ning In Dale Hall. Whito degree confer red 1st and M Mondays of parh month. F. W. LAW, Pres. T. n. COBB, 11. R. TIONESTA LODGE MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, In the Lodge Room In Par tridgo's Hall. Confers tho Initiatory de gree the first Tuosday flight of pach montli j first degree tho second Tuesday Ightf second donreo tho third Tuesday night; third degree tho fourth Tuesday night. 8OLOM0N FITZGERALD, N. O. J. II. FONKS, Hec'y. 27-tf. l.YIREST LODGE. No. 184, A. O. U. W., I Meets evory Friday Evening in Has lot Hall, Tionesta. L. J. HOPKINS, M. W. J.-R. CLARK, Recorder. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274, G. A, R. Moot on the first Wednesday In each IM jnlh, in Odd l'pllow a Hall. Tionoata. Pa. j 1). IJLACK, Coinmander. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forct County. H. S. Towlnr M. D., Protudcnt J J. W. Morrow M. D., Swrotary; J. U. KinK'iiH M. D., TrcaMiircr. Tho Hoard will meet iu Dr. Morrow'a otllce, Tioncata, on the . third Wodneadny of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. m. . jGNF.W CLARK, ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, CHIbo next door to P. O., Tionpata, Pa. J. B. AOSKW. V. M. rt.ARK, District Attorney. Mr. Clark la Annul for a number of ro Ihiblo Fire Insurance Companios. fj. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlonesta, Pa. Collection made lu this and atljoinini; counties. T. RITCIIFY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Forest County Pa. .p E. lilllLE, ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, OIllco lit Kppler llloek. Room 0, Tlonpsta, I. UAWRENCE HOUSE, Tlonpsta, Pa., JiiHtia Shawkov. Propriptor. This liousn is centrally located. EvcrythiiiB new and well furnished. Snpoiior Ao- cotnmodationa and strict attention piven t. cnestj. Veirotables ond Fruits of all kinds nerved in their season. Sample roo.n for Commercial Agent. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa, .f O. C. Rrownell. Proprietor. This is a now house, and has just neen fitted up lor I lie accommodation or the public. A por tion of the patronage of the public Is solic it ou. n-iy CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. W. H. ROTH. PropfieUr, The largest, Dest Located and Furnished Hons.) In tho City. Near Union Depot. T B. SIGGINS, M. D., . I Physician, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. J. W. MORROW, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, I Atn of Armstrong county, having located In Tionesta is prepared to attend all pro fessional calls promptly and at all hours. Oilice residence two doors north of Lawrence Hntiso. Ottice hours 7 to 8 A. M., and 11 u 12 m. f 2 to 3 and 6 to 71 r. M. Sundays, 9 to 19 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 61 to 71 p. m, rway-18 81. DR. F. T. NASON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIONESTA, PA. Office oppposlta Gas Ofllco. Calls at tondod to promptly day and night. MAY, PARK A CO., HANKERS. Corner of Elm A Wulnut Sts., Tionesta, Pa., Hank of Discount and Deposit. In terest allowed on Tinio Deposiu. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer la HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey ing, liext of Instruments and work. Tonus on application. pilIL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Reck building next to Sinear ijaugh A Co.'s store, is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work lruui the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give K)rtocC HatUlaction. Prompt atten tion givon to mending, and prices as rea sonab e as lirot class work cuu be done lor. JAS. T. UltENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY, TIOKESTA, 3P.A.. PARTICULAR ATTENTION CJIVEN TO THE I'ROl'Klt ASHKMSMKNT OK LANDS AND TUB PAYMENT OFTAXEH. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OK REAL ESTATKi, AND TO THF. RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OK THE HAM E. t'burrh and Nabbnth Mrhool. Presbyterian Rabbnth School at 0:45 a. in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Prcachiiiir In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rov. Rumbergor. Preaching In the JU. Uliurcli every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. F. F. Hlioup, Pastor. Norvices In tho rresbytorian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closed yestetday 79 J. Pay your taxes at ouce, d(1 don't lose your vote. Mies Kato Kooz is visiting friends in Franklin. Clothing at cost at Lawrence & Suicarbniigb's. 2t. Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Nason re turned Ibis morning from their wed ding tour. Orercoats next week at II. J. Hopkins & Co.'s. It. s Miss Blanche Tease is visiting relatives and friends at West Monterey, Clarion couuty. Mrs. W. R. Dunn and daughter, Louise, returned to their Washington home on Friday last. Friend Fulouer of Couksbuig, is tho latest of our county'i veterans to get an increase of pension. Miss Ida Whisner of Shippen ville, Clarion couuty, is visiting Mr, Geo. Duokle's family this week. A large delegation boarded the noon train here en Monday for Oil City to take in Forepaugh's show. Most of the boys who took ad vantage of the flood last week to make a trifTttown the river have returned. -Cliestout burrs are beginning to show signs of opening. The crop is not large, but there will be some nuts. The Democratic Congressional C"tiforejpe of this district meets at Kane to-day. There promises to be music. Mr. S. J. Grove of Dawson sta tion, east side, rejoices over the arri val at his home yesterday, of a hand some litllu daughter. Miss Clara Lilley of Byrora's, and two youngest children, were the guests of Mrs. R. M. Ilillard from Friday last over Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Cbas Bonner and children departed for their home in Chicago last Saturday, Bfter a very pleasant visit witli old friends here. Smith & Walters claim to be giving unusually low prices in fresh meats, and are paying cash for hides and pelts at ther market, Tioucsta, Pa. It. Some frost was reported on tho lulls this jjafiffing. but the com aud buckwheat are considered to be too far along to be much injured by freezes now. Tho serious illness of ex Congress man W. L. Scott, at his home in Erie, is alarming his friends. At last ac counts his chances of recovery were small. Mr. L. J. Hopkins has been in the East for the past ten days selecting the fall and winter stock for his firm, and goods are already beginning to arrive. You are cordially invited to call. The autumnal equinox occurred on Sunday. The day was cool be times, but not blustery, and the weath er since has been all that could well be wished. Good buckwheat weather, in fact. Mr. J. M. Mintz has left for New York, Boston, Rochester and other eastern marts to lay in his stock of Fall and Winter goods. He wishes to assure the people that they will be surprised at its immensity. It. We rejoice with the many Forest county friends of Hon. C. W. Stone to learn of his nomination for Congress in the late Col. Watson's district. The nomination was made without a jar yesterday, and the great popularity of Mr. Stone insures bis election to both the long and the short time. We erred in stating that Rev. Thompson had been returned to the East Hickory charge. He goes to Polk, Venango county, and we con gratulate the people of that charge, while sympathizing with his old friends in East Hickory in the loss of a good citizen and an earnest, zealous worker in the cause of religion. Don't forget that Lawrence & Smearbaueh are disposing of their entire stock of clothing at cost. 'it. The train is coming around the bend, good bye, Empty Store, good bye. It's loaded down with Hopkios' new goods, good-bye, Empty Store, good-bye. It. The fourth annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Forest county, begins its session in the M. E. Church of this place at 2 o'clock this afternoon. An attractive program hss been arranged, and the meeting promises to be an in teresting ono. Miss Henrietta Moore will deliver an address this evening. The convention adjourns tine die to morrow at 5 o'clock, p. m. Will S. Clark, eldest son of Capt. Clark of Tionesta towuship, and who has been a resident of Kansas for the past ten years, arrived in Tionesta with bis family on Monday of this week, and will make Forest county his home once more. Mr. Clark thinks Pennsylvania good enough for him, nlthough many of the features of Kansas life wero good as need be. We welcome him back. The band boys that Is, the old reliables, with instruments varying all the way from a pepper box and waxed string to a dry goods case and scant ling were out last night aud paid their re'pects to Albert Grove, upon his return from his wedding tour. The happy groom handed out the cigars in his usually good-natured style after listening to the soul stirring strains fur a reasonable time. "As the Repufilican predicted," to use an old gag of our big city ex changes, Harry Alvin Hall, uf Elk county, secured the district nomina tion in the Democratic convention at Kane last Wednesday. If anle-eleo-tion talk gots for one cent then the Democrats have made the weakest uomioation that could have been, out of the material at hand. In point of ability and political shrewdness we guess Mr. Hall averages up all right, but his own county is split square in two against him, and the balance of the district will be found very luke warm in his support. A wise choice by the Republicans is all that is nec essary to overcome the rapidly waning majority in the 38tb Senatorial district. Peterson's Magazine fur Octobe is on our table. The steel engraving "Before the Battle," is a handsome picture presenting tho portraits of Minna Irving, the popular poetess and her soldier husband. The fashion- plate and illustrations, present some new and ed'octive full styles. The needlework designs are varied and effective. The literary part of the number is excellent, aud can only be equalled by the highest priced period icals. This favorite magazine always grows better and better. Terms, two dollars a year. Address, Peterson's Magazine, 300 Chcstuut St , Phitadel phia, Pa. The signing of the Aoti Lottery bill by President Harrison, Friday, was the death warrant of tho Louis iana Lottery Company. The law pre vents a lottery company irotu usiug newspapers as an advertising medium, for no paper could afford to lose its right to use the mails for tho sake of lottery advertising. The person who sends $1 through the mails for the purchase of a lottery ticket is as lia ble to prosecution as the omcer or agent of the company. The ptnalty for violation of the mails is oue year's imprisonment, aud the person violating tbo provisions of the law may be pro ceeded agaiust either at the place where the unlawful matter is mailed or to which it is carried by mail for delivery, or at which it is caused to be delivered by mail to the person to whom it was addressed. A Clarion correspondent of the Derrick says : Sparks Brothers' circus while exhibiting at Tylersburg, Tues day night, got iuto a row with some o the citizens in that vicinity. Robert McCloskey, a respected citizen Farmiugtou township, was handled roughly by some of the show people. On Weduesday he came to this place and made information before Esquire Sweeny against all connected with the circus, except one female, charging them with riot and with having inflict' ed upon him "grievous bodily harm." Sheriff Moog and Constable Logue arrested a dozen or mure of the show people on Weduesday. The most of them were arrested at Shippenvill where the circus was billed to exhibi on that day. They wero brought to Clarion, and when a bearing was about to be bad on Thursday, the prosecutor and showmen came to some kind of an understanding, aud no testimony was offered on the part of the prosecu tion. Esquire Sweeny therefore dis charged the defendants and the cobIs of prosecution were promptly paid by one of the attorneys concerned. Ou of the showmen was cut severely across the left arm above the elbow during the melee at Tylorsburg. iicer than everl lhose new snits, at H. J. Hopkins it Co.'s. 1 Just opened, at Lawrence Smearbaugh's, a fine stock of Dress Flannels, Henriettas iu all shades Ginghams, Calicos, &c. Table Lin eus, from 40c. up to $125 per yard New goods. New goods. H. Hopkins & Co. It. Wedding Bells. The social event of the season was the marriage, last Wednesday evening, of Lu Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sloan, to Dr. F. Thoburn Xason, both of Tionesta, at the M. E. Church. At 6 o'clock, as the church was well filled with guests, the hand some bridal parly arrived, and entered the church in the following order: The groom and brother, Mr. John B. Nasoo, of Town ville, Pa., and Miss Maud Van Giesen, of Leechburg; Robert K. McCormick, of Edenburg, and Miss Sadie Shoup, of Allegheny; Prof. F. W. Ware, of Tionesta, aud Miss Lou Best, of Edeubtirg. Having taken their positions in front of the altar, the brido entered leaning on the arm of her father, and was met by the groom. Miss Nellie Kepler, officiating at the organ, played Meudelssohu's Wedding March as the bridal party ntered. Rev. Dr. Fradenburg, of Warren, who had been escorted to the pulpit, came forward and pronounced the words which joined the happy couple in holy wedlock, the service being short but very impressive, and at the conclusion the groom led his bride from tbe church, followed by the bridal party, relatives and guests. Messrs. James D. and Charles II. Davis very gracefully performed tbe delicate office of seating the guests and conductiog tho ceremonies at the church. The costumes ot the ladies were very beautiful. The biide wore white faille silk, point lace and diamonds, the dress being cut en train, with the customary bridal veil. Miss Van Giesen wore pale pink China silk, Miss Shoup, pale blue, and Miss Best, pale yellow, making in all a lovely, fairy like scene. At the conclusion of the ceremonies a recepliou lastiui; till 8 o'clock was held at the bride's home, and was at teuded by 80 or more guests, who fared sumptuously at the delicious luoch tbat was prepared. At eight o clock the Doctor and his bride departed for the train, leaving the house amidst a shower of rice, hearty congratulations and good wishes. Many handsome and valuable presents were left as souve nirs of tbe joyous occasion, lon& to be remembered as such by all who were present. Court Minutes. The case of Fox vs. Lacy, which was ou trial as we weut to press last week, was given to tbe jury on Friday eveuiug. Uu Saturday morning the jury returned a verdict in favor of the Messrs. Lacy. This is the third trial of the case, it having gone as above twice, the Fox heirs having won once. Case of Dr. Phillips vs. Tbe Over- seers of the Poor of Baruett township was brought on for trial, but before the case had proceeded far tho plain tiff was non suited. Case of Whittekin vs. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff. The case of Commonwealth vs. Charles Hareer, on the cbargo of burglary, was tried on Friday evening, but the evidence did not sustain the charge of burglary, and the defendant was acquitted. Two new election districts were or dered by tbe Court, one in Green and one in Jonks townships. The Andrews Raid. This grand exhibition of life-size oil paintings, illustrating the famous Andrews' Raid, accompanied by a thrilling lecture by W. J. Knight, the engiueer of tbe expedition, will be given, under the auspices of Geo. Stow Post, at tbe Court House, Tio nesta, Tuesday evening, Sept. 30ih, next. The life-size oil paintings fully and truthfully represent the leading incidents of this wonderful and roman tic expedition. Tbe lecture is a plain simple story of 22 Union soldiers, of the 2d, 21st, and 33d Ohio regiments, acting under the orders of Gen. O. M. Mitchell, capturing a train of cars, in Georgia, iu 1862, from the enemy's camp, surrounded by 10,000 armed rebel soldiers. They show the capture of the traio, tbe escape, cutting the telegraph wires, tearing up track aud burning bridges, etc., etc. Iu short this is oae of the most daring aod ro mantic adventures ever attempted in the annals of ancient or modern war fare. It takes Mr. Kuiglit about two hours and a half to relate tho story You can't afford to miss this Lecture. Admisiou, 25 cents: children, 15 cents. This is no suidel Lawrence & Smearbaugh have determined to dis pose of their entire stock of clothing men's, boys' and children's suits and overcoats, strictly at cost. Our rea sons lor this positive cut is that we will hereafter carry nothing in the cluthiog line excepting pants. Tbe stock we offer is strictly first class in every particular, aud we only ask aa inspection tbat we may convince our patrons. 2t. Hopkins & (Jo. are surprising tbe pjcplc again this week. Go tec Keep the Issue Straight. But Chairmrn Quay and his candi date for Governor should not be per mitted to confuse the questions of this campaign. In the elections for mem bers of Congress ample opportunity will be afforded every citizen to ex press his seotiments on questions of national policy, and in the election for Governor on matters of State policy. For sake of good government and healthy political development State and Federal affairs should be kept widely apart, in accordance with the spirit of our institutions. the citizen who shall vole for Air. Delaroater because he favors the Mc Kinley bill, or for Pattison because he is a friend of Tariff Reform, must have a very looxe notion of the char acter of this Government. In the office of Governor Mr. Delamater could not help the tariff if he were evpr so williiij; to do so. In the office of Governor Mr. I'atli?on could not hurt it. National Democrat. No I Mr. Paltison could not veto the McKinlcy bill if he was Governor, as he did the soldiers' burial bill. Yet, that same old dead soldier, that now may be buried at least decently, and his memory not perish, because a Re publican Legislature passed the bill over a Democratic Governors veto, had something to do with "Federal affairs." Mr. Delamater could not, it is true, as Governor help the tariff bill nor Pattison hinder it, because before that either is Governor, the tariff bill wiil be passed. But as voters to day Mr. Delamater and Mr. 1 ultison are helping by influence and words tbat same tariff bill. Delamater's vote helped to secure that same tariff bill, with all the eood it brings to this great protectionist State. Mr. Patti son s vote and mflueneo did all it could to prevent that result. Del mater stands and has stood for tbe vital interests of Penu'a. Mr. Patti son has stood the very reverse. Mr. Delamater's vote and influence and wealth helped to make a Republican Congress, Mr. Pattison's vote went tbe other way. Mr. Delamater's influence as Governor will go with the Republi can administration, Mr. Pattison's will go the reverse. One will aid Republican Legislature, the other will hamper it, as he did before, and make the taxpayer foot the bill, as he did before. The one, Delamater, stands as a btato representative lor protec tion. The other, Patlison, stands as the representative of Free Trade Dera ocracy. ihe election ot one means victory fur the protectionist party the election of the other means a shoot after that event, that "Democracy has triumphed." If that should occur not a whimper would you hear of it being a Mugwump or Independent Repub lican victory. Not much ; with tbeir usual en II the Democracy would hail it as what "we 'una did," and the In dependent Mugwump could go to Salt River with the rest of the gang. No tho war of the Rebellion proved the very reverse of the above, aod showed that, "for the sake of good govern men'l and healthy political develop ment State aod Federal affairs should be kept" as much in harmony as pos sible, "in accordance with the spirit of our institutions," and the verdict of '65 and the 25 years tbat have follow ed. Right you are in one thing, "candidate fur Governor should not be permitted to confuse the questions of this campaigu," and so in this cam paign Veto Bob refuses to stand on Democratic party platform, until after election. Ahl Public Entertainment At Mt. Union Hall, near the residence of Wm. Cropp, Sept. 29, 1800. Lecture, accompanied by maps, on the Battle of Gettysburg, by J Albaugh, Unequal Taxation, by Rev. II. Rhodes. Tho programme is a good one, well seasoned with appropriate songs, es says, recitations, &c , all of which will prove interesting as well as amusing to all. Admission, 10 cents ; children under 12 years, free. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Exercises begin 30 min utes later. By Order ok Com Card of Thanks. We, the Trustees of tho U. B, Church of Lickingville and Haskell's Churches, in Clarion county, Pa., ten der our thanks to the good people Maple Creek Siding and surroondio country, for their liberality in helpin to pay our church debt at the above mentioned places. Rev. David Steel took up the subscription fur us, an has placed same iu our bands, with tb full amount of money on subucription He has doue a good woik fur us this Conference year fur which ho deserves credit. T. E. lleury, M. A. Saudrock, S. S Baruett, W. I). Hall, Jonolhan Frill Trustees. "Guods well bought are halfsoM Store will soon be full of new good and everybody iovited to call and po form tbe other half of the first part o this verse. II. J. Hopkins & Co. 1 Republicans, see ut ouce tda yuur taxes are paid, or you may lou your vote, More Pensions and Bounty. A gentleman representing Mib B. Stevens & Co., of Washington, D. C, can be Been at tbe National Hotel, Tidioute, Thursday, October 2, and the Central House, Tionesta, Friday, October 3, 1800, by persons desiring information concerning pensions, boun ties, etc , or having claims which they esire to have prosecuted by said at torneys. Business transacted in Ger man or English. Parlies having patent business of ny kind cannot do better thuu to ntrust it to the Messrs. C. A. Snow & Co., 710 8;li St., Washington, D. The firm has had many years experience and is entirely trustworthy. nt't'KI.KVM AIIMCI MAI.VK. The bewt Salve in the world fir Cut!", Sore. Tetter, Clump"!!1 Hands, Chilblain. Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and iioi tively euro Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to irivo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price !ii cents per box. for sale ov u. w. Jiovaru. Thousands walk tho earth to-day who would be sleeping in its bosom but for the timely use of Downs' Elixir. For sale by O. V. Uovard. Liverv stable keepers should alwavs keep Arnica A Oil Liniment in the stable, nothing like it for horses. Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally prood lor man ana beast. 25 and f0 cents ler bottle. For sale by O. W. Rovard. For a mild cathartic and efficient tonic, use Raxter'8 Mandrake Bitters. Every bottlo warranted. For sale at Bovard's. Their BuNtneiM llnoinlnff. Probably no one thine ha canned such o peneral revival of trado at U. W. Bo vard's Druir Store as their Kivinjr away to their customers of so many free trial bot tles of Dr. Klnji's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade l simply enormous In this very valuable arth-le from the fact that it always cures and and never disappoints. Couiihs. Colds, Asthma, jironcnitiM, l roup, ana an tnroat and lunir (Psoases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by netting a trial bottle free, large sizo $1. Every bottlo warranted. kkm;vm ii kii voi tii. Mi. Phd'bo Cheslev. Peterson. Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following remarkablo story, the truth of which is vouched for bv the residents of the town : "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from nil pain and soreness, and am able to do all niv own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for hav Inn renewed my youth, and removed com pletelv all disease and pain." Trv a hot tie. only 50o, at Herman A Sigg'ms' Drug Store. English Spavin Liniment remove all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blom Ishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curb, Splints. Kweenov. Rimr-Bono. Stifles. Sorains. all Swollen lhroats. Couuhs Etc. Save (M ny use oi ono Dome, vvarranicu tho most woiidorlul blemish cure ever known. Sold by Herman A Singina, Druggists, j nines ta. jair-iy. When Baby w&i tick, we gave her Caetorla, When ihewM a Child, ihe cried forCaatoria, When the became MIh, ihe clung to C'utnrla, When lb bad Cbildmn, she gar them Caatorla, MARRIED. NASON SLOAN. At the M. E. Church, Tionesta, Pa., on September 17, 1810, by Rov. Dr. Fradenburg, Mr. F. Thoburn Kasun, and Miss Lu Emma Sloan, both of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa. KIFER PERRY. At the residence of the brido's mother, Hickory township Forest county, Pa., Sept. 23, 1890, by Rev. C. C. Rumberoor, Mr. Norris D, Kifor and Miss Susie E. Porry. BRENNEMAN MAPES-At Jamestown N. Y on Sept. 22, 18!K), by C. W. Crcal J. P., Mr. Arthur Breuneman, of Clar ington, Forest cornty, and Miss Tillie Mapos, of Howo, Jetl'ersou county, Pa. SMITH & WALTER'S GREAT -:- PROPOSITION We will give more fresh meat for the cash at our Meat aud Produce Market iu Tionesta, Pa., than any one In Forest County. We also pay Cash for Hides and Pelts. SMITH Sc WALTER. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Eorsea, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND FO0LTHY. 000 Page nook on Treatment of Animals aud (Juan hieul ttrvv. 9TRRK i Fever,'ouiirotlontluHa.mniatloa A. A. J fidual AluuiuviiiH, .llilk Kvvrr. I!.H.!lraluii, l.ameHHH, K km in at Liu. f'.C. litftiumiM-r, NitatMl lilm-karseo. It. l. llot or i.ruba, WorniH. K. K. Cuuuku, llcavvo, ltieuiuonla. F.F. ( olio or ;ript-, 1 tearriave. lli-HiorrbutfeM. 11.11. I rinory mnd Kltliit-y II1mmm!I l.!.--tnllve lleaM( Miiuue. J.K.UUr ol' iliut'.lluu, I'arslr.U. BliiKle UotUa (over &u ctes), - -Hlabte I'hmo, with Kimm-HIi. Mtinudl, Veterinary Cure oil uiel Meditator, HT.OO Jar Veterinary l ure Oil, - - 1.UO Sold by Drngguts; or Sent Prepaid anywhero and in any quantity on Receipt ol friue. Humphreys' Mfdirln Co., 109 Fullon St., W. V. N OTIt'E IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT an application will be inado to the Oovcrnor of Pi nn-vh auia, on October 20th, is'.iu, by J. B. W'atoii, E. I. .Miner, Clinton Fitzgerald, Milton K. tiraybill and T. J. l.'eyiu-r, under the Act ol As sembly, entitled "All Ait to piovido for Ihe incorporation and leguhttiou of cer tain corporations," approved April 2, Is? I, and the NiipiileitieiitH thereto, lor the charter of an intended corporation to Lai called "Tho Citi7..-in' Una t'oinpuny of Mnrionville," the character and olijei t of which is the mining lor, procuring, piping, storing and distributing gas lor fuel, heal and lights, and lor thee purpose to have, pohsess ami enjoy all the right", lu nelits and nrivilcizos id' s.iid Act uf A-iM-mhlv, and MtipploSueiitH thereto. t IIAIil.KS S. LEECH, Pies. JOHN COuN, Sec'y. IF YOU WANT a rr.swlable job of 1 punting ut a rctMiiuhlt price send your order to this idlii e. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT the undersigned has made application to the Secretary of Internal Affairs for the State of Pennsylvania, for a warrant to survey unimproved vacant land in Howe Township, Forest County, Penn., bcinfr, flft v-soven and one-half (574) acres, adjoin ing land of Warrant No. (212) twenty eiirht hundred and twelve on the east; land warranted to Charles Fox, 23d Sept., ln:M), on the south; northwest corner of Fox lands, and southwest corner of War rant No. 2!HI on the west; and lands war ranted to Wilhelm Willink Co., 13th Dec, 172, No. 2!il, on the north. JOSEPH SMITH. Titusville, Tenn., Septouiber lf, 18W. DR. A. FISHER, DENTIST, Warren, Pa. One of the oldest and most snci cctsl'ul practitiorers in this section of the State. Will visit Tionesta every refrulir court week. may"28-ly. TAKE NOTICE. We wish to call the attention of tho readers of the Rkih'iimcan to tbe fact that S. Sasier's Anodyne Liniment is one of the very bext internal and external remedies ever used for cramp, inflam mation, toothache, headache, cut, bruises, sprain, dysentery. Indigestion, etc. It i kept for sale at Tionesta, Hickory, Wlila Hill, May hunt and Newmansville, and will aoon'hc placed on sale in other placos, Auents are wanted. apr:S0-3in. J. n. A ci N K w. OP.OIUIE W. TAYLOR. AGHEW & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AND COLNSELLORS AT IAW. Offices : Lenman Rulldinir, Washing ton, V. C. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Will practice before the V. S. Snpremd Court,- Court of Claims, District Court, and Departments of Government. special Rtieniion piven lo me coueciion of army and navy claims, pensions, pay, bounty, etc., easos arising under ine cus toms, navigation and internal revenue laws, and patent. Correct forma, blanks and instructions mailed to claimants free of charpe on receipt of their names and l'. ii. au.iress. NOTICE. ESTATE OF HELENS. THOMAS, de ceased. Letters Tostamentary nport the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted td said estate are requested to make py- ment, and those having claim, to present the same without delay to SAMUEL I). IRWIN, W. M. LINDSAY, Executor, Tionesta, Fa. s ALES ME WANTED LOCAL OR TRAVELING, to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Ex penses and Steady Employment guaran teed. U11A1' lJltU LU.tt3 LUMt'AJN I , liocuosier, in. i sopt.-nov. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -OF- TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug- fios to let upon tho most reasonable terms, le will also do JOB TEIMIIIsTG-1 All orders left at the Post Office will rocoive prompt attention. THE Monumental company, OF JAMIlSToii'tf, X. V.,, M'f 'rs and Importers of FINE MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES, Has appointed S. H. HASLET A SONS, Tionesta, Pa., Agents. All work war ranted. Prices Reasonable. Call and ex amine samples. DETROIT Half the cost of hoisting saved to Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers, Machinists, Builders. Contractors and others. Admitted to be the greatest Improvements ever made in tackle blocks. Freight prepaid. Write for catalogue. Fulbin Iron A Engine Wks., 10 Brush St., De troit, Mich. JCtiUib. 18o2. iny2tt WATCHMAKING. V The undersigned would respect fully announce to his old friends, that he has relumed to Tionesta and has located; iu the Kepler Block, formerly occupied by Mr. L. Fulton as a harness-shop, where he will be prcparod to greet his old Irion I rr 3" and many new ones. Having contracifi an inward discaso from which I have silt' fcred lor 24 years, and which remir8 ex ercise, I must thercforo havo an hour's walk each morning and evening, and shall open nivodiceat o'clock, A. M., and clone at S o'clock, P. M. It. ltAl.l.K, Tionesta, Pa. wanted-acemts -to boi.ioit uuuKlta roa Ol K TREES, SHRUBS, VINtS, &C. STEADY WORK For floaral, ladwtrloue lea. try A KxpeiiNon, or Con ulaeion u proferrod. Wm grow fill I hn of Tri- VA i-1! 'itSl .' tlptd to fwiiustylVKiu TiM BttUm qouitf litri. OL'M uuau uftmi. H'rite immnluUriy Jut tmm. ft. C. CHASE A CO., PHILA., PA. PATENTS. Caveats, mid Trade-Marks obtained, and all Talent buniuesH conducted fur Moder ate Fees. Our nllieo is npposito 1'. S. Patent Office aud we can secure patent iu let time thau lhose remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise if ha t. lit til j 1 e or n it, li ot i lutrv. Our leu not duo till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Pateuta," Willi names of actual clieuU in your Slate, county, or town, sent free. Address, C. A. SMUV A CO., Opp. Patent OUne, Wa-ilunglon, I). 'w f