4 THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1800. BOROUGH OFFICERS. JtHrpr.J. R. Cl.Alus. . Omwcirmen North ward, R. M. Her man, H. M. Foreman, Patrick Jovce. South ward, J. C. Seowdcn, H. ll. 11m Int. Kli Holeman. Jiietice of th Peace J. V. Proper, B. J. Setlev. Cnlnble and OilleetorH. H. Canflold. JfcAoof Director (. W. Robinson, A. R, Kellv, E. U Davis, D. 8. Knox, D. W. Clark, J. T. Hronnan. ' FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. ite.mhe.r of Vonfjre Jam us Kr.nn. Member of Senate J. II. Wilson. A eiemlily Cif arlks A. Randall. President Judge W. D. Drown. Aneint JuiirjeiJoun A. P nor En, Joins II. Whitb. Tranurtr Ja. R. ItAOOKnTT. Prqthnnntrtrt, Regi&ter A fleeorder , c, Cai.vin M. Arnkr. Sheriff. Oro. W. Kawtrb. 0;n.iiii(ficr W, D. H. MELDS, C. K. l,RnRniTn, J. .T. Parsons. IMunty Superintendent Uko. W. K brr. lHatriet Attorney P. M. Ct.arb. Jury ClommOgt'onci-s C. II. CnoRcn, John F. aut.. Oiienr.y jnirvrtar J. F. PRorpn. Cbroner Dri A, K. Stonkci ni kr. County A uditore E. D. Jon eh, It. Z, OitArsriK, Wm. ni.VM. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OTJVB LODGE, No. r.57. F. A. M. . Stated Meetings held at Odd Fal low Hall the first Monday of each month. - T. J. PAYNE, W. M. T.Tl. COBB, Soc'y. W ASHINGTON CA M P, No. 0. P. O. H. of A., moot every Monduy eve ning In Dale Hull. Wliitn degrco confer red 1st and 3d Mondays n cneh month. F. W. I,AW, Pros. . jr. ii. conn, n. s. TIONESTA LODGE No. 309, I. O. of O. F MEETS every Tuesday evening, t 8 o'clock, in the Lodge Hoom In Far (rl(1fo'H Hr I. Confers the initiatory de gree the first TuoMdny night of each month; first decree the second Tuesday Right; second degree the third Tuesday night; third decree the fourth Tuesday night. SOLOMON FITZGERALD, N. Q. J. II. FONKS, Koc'y. 27-tf. I VIItBT LODGE, No. 14, A. O. U. W., I Marts evorv t riday Evening in Has let Hall, Tionesta. L. 3. HOPKINS, M. W. J. Tl. CLARK, Recorder. CWT. GEORGE STOW TOST, No. 274, G. A, It. Mrota on tho first Wednesday In each month, In Odd Fellows Mall, Tionesta, Pa. 1). BLACK, Commander. BOARD of EXAMINING SURGEONS for Forest County. H. IS. Towler M. D.. President ; J. W. ui: M. D.. Secretary : J. B. Siggins Surer. Tho Board will meet .i. .ir. Morrow's office, Tionesta, on tho third Wednesday of each month, at 10 o'clock, a. in. yONEW CLARK, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Calo next door to I. O., Tionesta, Pa. t. B. AQNKW. P. M. ri.ARK, District Attorney , Mr. Clark is Agent for a mi in her of re liable Kiro Insiirauee Coiiipaiiios. I.' L. DAVIS. Vj ATTOIIXKY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collodions made lu this and adjoining counties. F. RITC1IEY, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Forest County ls J 12. BIBLE, ATTORXKY-AT-LAW, Oflice in Kepler Block, Room 0, TioHOsta, fa. T AWRENCK HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa I J Jitstis Shawkcv, Proprietor. This house is centrally located. EverythiiiK new and well furnished. Suneiior Ac cum mo. bit ions and strict attention plvcu t euests. Vciri'tiibles and Fruits of all kinds served in their season. Saiuplo room for Commercial Agents. CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., V. O. C. Brownell. Pronriet4)r. TIiIb is a new homo, and has just ueen lltted up tor the accommodation of the public. A por tion of the patrouago of the public is solic ited, 4-ly. CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. W, H. ROTH, Proprietor. The largest, Best Located and Furnished Jl ms. in the City. Near Union Depot. JB. SIflOINS, M. D., - Physician, Surgeon A DruuKist, TIONESTA, PA. JW. MORROW, M. D., . PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, ltn of Armstrong county, having located in '1'lonesfa is prepared to attend ull pro fessional calls promptly and at all hours. OilU'eariil residence two doors north of Lawrence House. Oftice hours 7 to 8 a. m., aud 11 to 12 m. ; a to 3 and (1 to 7i v. M. MiHidays, 8 to 19 A. M. ; 2 to S ami 61 to 71 p. m. may-18-Bl. DR. F. T. NASOX, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TIONESTA, PA. Ofllco oppposite Gas Olllce. Calls at tended to promptly day and night, MAY, PARK A CO., BANKERS. Corner of Elm A Walnut Six., Tionesta, Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec tions mado on all the Principal points of the U. M. Collections solicited. jymHNZO FULTON, Manufacturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. I jind and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Solar or Triang.ilation Survey ing. Bet of Instruments and wrk. Tonus on application. pUIL. EMERT, m FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Reck building noxt to Sinear oaugh A Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the liuet-t to tho coarsest and guarantees his work to givo perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices as na souablo us Uibl clusa work can bu done for. JAS. T. BRENNAN, REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND COLLECTING ACENCY, PAimrrLAR attentiox oivkn to THE PROPER ASSESSMENT OK LANDS AND THE PAYMENT OK TAXES. ALSO TO THE PURCHASE AND HALE OK REAL ESTATE, AND TO THE RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE 8AME. C'asrch and Rabbata Hrboal. Presbyterian Bahhsth School at 0:45 a. in. : M. K. Nubliath School at 10:00 a. m. l'rcncliimr In M. E. Church overv Sab bath ovenitix by Rev. lttimhorpor. I'reachinir in the . M. L'liurcu every Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Rev. . h . Shoup, i'astor. Hnrvh-es in tho Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, itcv. J. v. MCAiiini ti omciHtinir. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market closod yestetday 80J. Pay your taxes at odco, and dou't loee your vote. Oysters have touched this market, but are yet cautious. Vrcelaud'a Operatic Minstrels, with 20 peerless performers. Opera House, Friday evening, Sept. 12. Will I'ettigrew was up from Pref. ideot yesterday afternoon and gave the Republican a pleasant call. Mr. Chas. Bonner arrived from Chicago last week, and is enjoying a welcome visit with old frieuds here. Cully Thomson was up from the Clarion oil field during the past week shaking hands with his many friends. Big song and dance with Vree land's Operatio Minstrels, Friday eve ning, Sept. 12. Every Republican in this county who is entitled to naturalization papers should get them without fail at the next term of court. This is the time of year when the oyster gets in a stew. Franklin News. That may all be, but there's pesky few of 'em get into the soup at the average restauraut. Eight lightning drill artists, in military drills and exercises, with Vrceland's Operatic Miuetrcls, Friday evening, Sept. 12. A Fair will be held by "The King's Daughters," on Tuesday, Sept. 1G, 1890, in the room over Mrs. Covert's store, Holoman building. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence left yesterday moining for Phillipsburg, Kansas, to see how their farm is pro grcssiug. They will visit a number of old friends while in the western coun try. The Wesleyan Methodists will hold Quarterly Meeting Services at Pitbole, commencing on next Saturday evening and continuing over Sabbath Rev. II. W. McDowell will be present Everyone is iuvitod. J. M. Mints wishes to inform bis customers that his store will be closed on Monday aud Tuesday of next week, ou account of the New Year holiday, and patrons should govern themselves accordingly. It. Witness the artistio base ball tableau clog with 9 solo performers, with Vrecland's Operatic Minstrels, Friday evening, Sept. 12. How's this for Fore9t county f Last week M. L. Range of Stewarts Run, went over to the Titusville Fair aud lugged four premiums home with him: First premium on his Holsteiu bull; 1st on potatoes; 1st on pump kins, and 2d ou his flue Norman draft mare. There are no flies ou Leo. and next vcar he proposes to scoop in a lot more. Republicans, see at once that your taxes are paid, or you may lose your vote. Next Tuesday evening at 6:00 o'clock, Dr. F. T. Nasoo, oue of our successful physicians, will lead to the hymeneal altar one of Tionesta's most charming young ladies in the person of Miss Emma .Sloan, The ceremony will take place in the M. E. Church, Rev. Dr. Fradenburgh . officiating, Our congratulations are extended in advance, and our best wishes go with the happy young couple through life. The marriage of Mr. Edgar D. Stow and Miss Kate Jardon ia so nounccd to take place at Asbury Park, N. J., to-day at uoon. Many of the readers of the Republican, who still remember Mr. Stow as a former Tio nestan, will join with us in extending congratulations on this pleasant occa sion. Tbey expect to spend the win ter in the South, and it is possible Tionesta will be favored with a visit from them upon their wedding tour. The body of Elwood McGrory whose death by accident was recorded in these columns last week, arrived in town from Montana on Friday evening last, bis mother accompanying the re mains. The funeral took place from the residence of bis aunt, Mts. Siggios on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Ku ruber ger conducting the services. A large concourse of our citizens and friends of the deceased followed the remains to their last resting placo in Riverside Cvmelcry. Vreeland's Operatio Minstrels, 20 people, silver cornet band, superb or chestra, Friday evening, Sept. 12. Don't let another day pass with out paying your County or State tax, Republicans. The time is drawing to a close for paying taxes in order to secure your vote. Attend to it at once. Pete Oruber, Oil City's snake- charmer, was bitten by one of his pet "rattlers," in the right hand IbbI Thursday evening. He immediately bound a piece of rubber tightly around his wrist, aud with a needle made the wound larger; theu, placing his lips to the bite, sacked nearly all the poi son out, afterwards having the wound properly cauterized. His hand was badly swollen for a day or two, but otherwise be experienced no special trouble with the snake bite. As before stated briefly, the 26th annual convention of the Pennsylva nia Sabbath School Association will be held in New Castle, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 aud 2. The proceedings will be of special interest to all classes of Sunday School workers. Papers and addresses will be given by some of the ablest instructors in the State. Every county in the State is entitled to 10 delegates, and every city of 10,000 or more inhabitants to 10 additional. Dolegates desiring reduced rates on railroads, or entertainment, should write to Rev. M. II. Calkins, New Castle, Pa. Mr. Ward, who is giving the to bacco culture a test on Mr. Gillespie's Whig Hill farm, has thus far met with fine success, he having recently meas ured up and finds that three-fourths of his crop will average 34 inches to the leaf, which is an exceptionally good showing notwithstanding the season has not been the most favorable for such crops. He has fully demonstrated that tobacco raising in this section can be made to pay better than most other agricultural industries, and will branch out still further in this line in another year. With a fine tobacco plantation on Whig Hill, and a first class cigar factory in Tionesta, who says Forest county is not forging to the front, and will soon be advocating the removal of the internal revenue tax. Mrs. Adam Frederick died at the home of her father, Mr. Geo. B. Arm strong of this place, ou Sabbath morn- iog last. The deceased had been a sufferer from that dreaded disease, consumption, for about a year, and her life had been despaired of for several months past. She was married to Adam Frederick about two years ago, and the husnaud survives her. A child, aged nearly a year, preceded her iu death about two weeks ago. Mrs. Frederick was of au amiable, kindly disposition while in health, and during her severe illness bore her sufferings meekly. She was aged a trifle over 17 years. The funeral, which took place Monday afternoon, was attended by many sympathizing ftiends and neighbors. Rev. J. T. Brennan con ducted the services. Elegantly uniformed street parade and band concert by Vreeland's Oper atio Minstrels and silver and gold band, Friday, Sept. 12, 1:30 p. ta. If the celebrated Kilkenny cat fight was anything like as hot as the row at the recent Democratic primaries in Elk county, growing out of the contest for the instructions of that county for State Senator from this district, then it must have been a sight to behold. The convention which met at Ridgway, Tuesday, split square in two, and one party withdrew to anoth er place and named a full ticket, while the Hall party held the fort and went through the maneuver of also placing a full ticket in the field: C. II. Mo Cauley and Harry Alvia Hall were the opposing candidates fur Senator, but McCauley was boosted out of the convention by the Hall ring most un ceremoniously. There promises to be fun in the district conference, which met at Marieuville, this couuty, yes terday. So it would seem the Repub lican conferences are not the ouly ones that furnish amusement for the people, From henceforth let no one despise the elderberry, nor call it plebeian. Like a friend in disaster it comes to our aid when all else has failed us. True, there was the blackberry, but it was a long ways from home and the the way to it was rough and sore beset with briers. The elderberry grows at borne, in out-of-the-way places, by the road-side, in the garden, on the farm wherever a foothold is obtainable, there it flourishes without care bum ble, despised, forsaken. It bas been the butt of many jokes and much ridi cule. Yet it bas prospered and pro duced fruit patiently abiding the time when its merits will be recognized and the day bas dawned and passed on to its zenith. The despised bore tree is on top, so to speak. For a six month it will be the backbone of the pie, and will enter largely into the composition pf all kinds of jell now being put up by the thrifty housewife throughout the land. Merit wins, aud the pop guu is triumphant. A week ago Monday a stranger, who registered as C. II. Wilson, Clar- on, Pa , stopped at the Lawrence House, and left a horse and buggy with Landlord Shawkey, stating that he would return in the evening to meet his wife, whom he expected on the train, and would return to Clarion. This is the last Mr. S. beard of the man, whose horse be was cariog for. and for bose return he began to get somewhat anxious. On Monday of this week, Sheriff Sawyer's eye fell upon a notice in the Derrick to the effect that a horse and buggy answer- ng the proper description was wanted n Oil City by Liveryman Reiubold, and be wired bira that his property was here. A party was sent up and secured the rig yesterday. It is evi dent the man Wilson did not intend to steal the horse, as he made no effort to dispose of him, but it is just as evi dent there was something wrong with the fellow. A Sad Fatality. On Monday evening of this week, at Nebraska, one of the saddest fatalities tbat has yet taken place in that sec tion, occurred just as the men were about leaving their work for the day, the unfortunate victim being Addison Walteis, son of James Walters, of Newmaosville, and brother of Charles Walters of this place. The board of township road commissioners, of which the deceased was a member, were re moving the timbers of tbe old bridge tbat spans the creek pond at that place, in order to facilitate the work of building the abutments of tbe new iron bridge in course of construction. Tbey were taking the timbers down separately in order to save the iron that was in them. Mr. Walters and Charlie Klinestiver were the last to quit work, and had just about finished removing tbe burs from some iron rods that held a large oak timber stick, 12x15 inches square and 20 feet long, when the fastening gave way. Botb men jumped for their lives, but "Ad,'' as he was familiarly called, slipped and partially fell, and before he could recover the timber struck him on tbe back of the bead, just at tbe base of the brain, crushing him down on the boat which was being used to carry away tbe timbers. In an instant bis compauion had, by a superhuman effort lifted the big stick off his body, but, with tbe exception of a slight tremor of the muscles, the young man showed no sign of life, and death was doubtless instantaneous. Willing hands lent every assistance in their power, but nothing could be done but to convey the lifeless remains to the boarding bouse. Relatives were dis patched for aud soon arrived upon the sceue. Ad. was oue of the steadiest and most industrious young men of his class; popular with all who knew him, and respectod and esteemed for bis honesty and integrity. His tragic death was a severe shock to tbe com munity with which be had been iden tified for a number of years, and sym pathy for his stricken parents, brothers, and other relatives is expressed by all. He was aged 28 years, 5 mouths and 13 days, aud unmarried. The funeral takes place to-day at 2:30, the remaius being interred in the Newmansville cemetery. Quite a number of the friends of the deceased from this place are in attendance, in cluding some of the brethren of the I. O. O. F., of which he was a member. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. At a regular meeting of Tionesta Lodge, No. SCO, I. O. O. F., Sept. 9, 1890, the following resolutions in honor of our deceased Brother, Addi son II. Walters, were adopted : Whereas, It hath pleased Al mighty God in his all wise Providence to remove from among us our Broth er, Addison B. Walters, therefore be it resolved : That, While our hearts are filled with sadness at the sudden and un locked departure from us forever of our Brother, we bow in humble sub mission to the disiiensation of Divine Providence, "which doeth all things well," and remembering only the many admirable virtues of our de ceased Brother, shall ever strive to keep them green in our memories. That, Our heartfelt sympathies be and are hereby extended to the sor rowing relatives of our deceased Brot her. That, Our charter be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days. P. M. Clark, ) It. L. Haslet, Com. J. B. Hageety. J Oil Notes. The Whig Hill well, on the Beck farm, was shot in tbe Queen sand on Thursday evening last, and is showing for a good producer. Mr. Richards, one of the owoeis, and who is not given to exaggeration, thinks it will be good for a hundred barrel gusher. The Beck farm is located ou Warrant 5212, Kingsley township, and this strike seems to open an entirely new field, which, although somewhat punc tured heretofore, never produced any oil to speak of. Tbe depth to the sand in this well is about 1500 feet, and the indications are that she will be a stayer. Woluott & Co. aro drilling auolher well on tbe Pownell farm, Hickory township. Grove & Shields are building a rig on the C. F. Cropp farm, Green town ship, 100 rods northeast of their former venture. We inadvertently omitted to state heretofore that the Duck well on Peters Run was a duster. They were down 1415 feet, the last 80 feet of which was as nice a sand as one would care to look at, but failed to yield either oil or gas. Whether this will end tbe drilling in that vicinity or not is not yet decided fully. The well at tbe mouth of Bear Creek, Kingsley township, bas given up the ghost as a duster. West Hickory. Wo are In tho midst of beautiful fall weather. Wheat, and some rye, are being sown j the ground is In good condition for seeding and our energetio farmers are pushing ahead with a vim, allowing no degreo of hesitancy on account of partial failures the past season. The old vets are nearly all on tip-too for Titusvlllo, to attend the reunion which will, ere this reaches your readers, bo a thing of the past. If we are to judge from the numerous shows advertised, the contests at the bat, with prospective weddings, Jto., we at once conclude that our people are alive to amusements. Do editors take In amuse ments of this kind, or dn they need such to cheer them up by times? Perhaps they are born happy. Yes, aud good-looking, but poor. This has been an extraordinary season for berrios. It is said that upwards of sixty bushels of blackberries were gath ered each day for twenty days on Queen and Hickory Creeks, and we know that hundreds of bushels went ungathered; aud in fact there is still good picking, but all appear to have gathered all they want. There Is to be an entertainment at Mt. Union Hall, near Wm. Cropp's, on the evening of the 29th, of which due notice will be given in the Republican in the near futuro. The Committee in charge propose to prosont a variety of interesting as well as amusing matter. There will be a locture of over an hour's duration on the "Battle of Gettysburg." Tho locture will be accompanied by maps, ifcc., showing the real position of both armies during the entire engagement. All old solcllors who were in that battle know that no historian has given the facts in all particulars as they came to pass. Great injustice has been done many organizations tbat took part In that conflict, and no one knows this better than the old soldiers. Now, Mr. Editor, the bugle is sounding the rally for Titusvlllo, and we Lave con cluded to lay aside our pen and go along with the boys, and 11 we have anything to say on our roturn, you will hear from us, Meanwhile we welcome you along witbus, Sept. 9. East Hickory. Derrick correspondence. Rev. C. It. Thompson departs for con ference Tuesday morning at OU City. Seigworth A Church have finished their stablo, and will soon be ready to accom modate tho public to all kinds of horse accommodations. John Lusher will move to tho Butler oil fields. Mrs. Brennan, of May burg, passed through hero on Friday on her return from Buffalo, N. Y. T. J. Bowman has repaired his weighing scales. Warren Bean went to Oil City with his attendant physician on Thursday, to con suit with Dr. F. F. Davis in regard to his sore limb. Tbe doctor gave him great encouragement and rather discouraged the idea of bone disease and operative inter ference John Green, of Tylersburg, is visiting friends in this community. Ross Butler will probably move to Whig Hill and engage in blacksmi thing there. Mrs. Robert Whitcomb and family moved to Lower Sheffield, where she will keep house for her father. School will begin noxt week. Amos Ledobur and friend, Mr. Deikra ger, of German Hill, visited Mr. Ledebur's over Sunday. T. D. Bowman, son of T. J. Bowman, departed for Jamestown, N. Y., on his way to Brooklyn, N. Y., where be will enter Long Islaud College Hospital student of medicine. Mr. Bowman will take a 3-years' course at that institution, Sept. 8. Hepler Corner. Milton McMichael lost a valuable horse a short time ago. Wm. Hepler, recently completed a largo barn for A. W. Stroup, of German Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Shriver, who for a short time have been visiting relatives in Ohio, roturnod on Saturday. An infant child of II. Hepler is very ill at preseut with cholera infantum. Deputy Sheriff Carson was seen in Uiis proximity a short time ago. Charles Myers, who for a prolonged time has been working near Ceutrevillo, was home on Sunday. The farmers of this section are busy making ready aud sewing their wheat. Sept. . O. NEWSY NOTES. "If you are pestered by roaches, a sim pie remedy is at hand. Put a toad in I room that is iul'usUid by them. The ver min will speedily disappear and not re turn." 'Ibis roach remedy, says the Franklin .Vm 1, is being iiriut3d by our exchanges. As a toad is not always avail' able, and is not the uiost pleusant and or naiuental live stock to have in the house, we give a recipe tbat is more effectual thai) all the other processes of roach ex termination rolled Into one: Mix powder ed borax and Mwdered sugar iu equal parts, and sprinkle it where the roaches run. luey won i run mere long. A charter was granted by the State Do nartment at Harrisburg, ou the 3lst n It.. to the New York, Philadelphia A Chicago Hallway Company, with a capital stock of S.uOO.ooo. for tbe construction ol a road distance of IH) miles through Venango, I larion, Jetierson ami Clearllelu counties, The incoriioralors are Charles Miller. KamuU Plumer, Jos. C. Sibley. Danie Orimui, A. A. Plumer, and Christopher llevunik. ot f rauklin, 1'a., and James K French, of Cleveland, O. This road, if built as projected, would be a means of developing uie resources or Liariou oouii ty, ami it is hoped lite coiupauy may Dud Inducements to urgu its early completion The best line of Stoves and Ranges are the "Cinderella," at F. W. Law's. It. Thousands walk the earth to-day who would be sleeping in its bosom but for the timely use of Downs' Ulixlr. For sale by O. W. Bovard. Livery stable keepers should always keep Arnica A Oil Liniment in tho stable, nothing like it for horses. Arnica' A Oil Liniment is equally good for man and beast. 25 and 60 cents per bottle. For sale by G. W. Bovard. For a mild cathartic and efficient tonic, use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle warranted. For sale at Bovard's. Nappy llMWlrm. Wm. Tlininon", Postmaster of Idaville. Ind., writes! "Kleclric Bitters has done moro for me than nil other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and I.lver trnuhlc. John leslie, farmer and stockman, nf same place, savs : "Find Klectric Bitters to lie the best kid ney and Liver medicine, made me led like a new man." J. iV. Gardner, hard ware merchant, same town, says: "F.lec tric Bitters is just the thing for a man who Is all run down and don't care whether ho lives or dies; ho found new strength, good appetite and felt just like be had a new leasoonlite. Only fide, a bottle, at Her man A Siggins' Drugstore. Itrmnrkable Krsrue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfiold. III.. makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her tainily physi cian, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim or consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption: she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself tKinelltted from nrst uose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Herman & Siggins' Drugstore, large bottles oOc. and fl.UO. MARRIED. YOUNG HALL. At tho Jones House, Clarion, Pa., Sept. 3d, 1890, by Rev. David Steel o, Mr, Joseph B. Young and Miss Lenia Hall, both of Farmington township, Clarion county, Pa. CAUBAUGH McKEXZIE At the Clar ion M. E. parsonage, by Rev. C. Peters, Sept. 1st, 1H00, William E. Carbaugh, of Forest county. Pa., and Miss Alico L. McKenzie, of Clarion county, Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vendl. Ex., Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcrv, at the Court House, in the Borough of "t ionesta, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, A. D. 1S90, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described real estatv to-wit : COMMONWEALTH for use JENNIE BRADDISH vs. K. W. HKADDISH and WILLIAM BRADDISH, Vendl, Ex., No. 20, May Term, 1890. E. L. Davis, Attornoy. All defendants' right, title, interest and claim of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Tionesta township, For est county, ana niaio oi I'onnsyivania, hounded ana ncscriiied as follows, to-wit: On tlia nort.li liv land fnrmnrlr owtieil liv C. H. Church, known as tho Taylor tract ; ou the west bv Holland Land Coin nan v. owned by McKinloy and Abbott; on the south by part of the samo tract heretofore conveyed iy retor Herring et al to party of tho first part; on the east by the Her- rine farm, known as cnancev tractor land. Containing thirty-three and three-fourths acres of land, be tne same more or less being the north naif of a tract of land patented to rcier iiorring by tne Loin mon wealth of Pennsylvania; with about 10 acres of improvement with about W) fruit trees growing thereon, ouo log and frame house, one ware room thereon erected, with good spring. also, an ueicmiants' right, title, inter est and claim of, in and to all that certain pioee or parcel of land situate in Harmony Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post and maplo, tho north west corner ot tho c. SUiiVv warrant; thence north ov degrees eat. '174) one hundred aud seventy-four perches to white oak; theuco south 25 degrees east ninety-one rods to post; thence south 65 degrees west one hundred and seyentv four verchos to post in west line of C. Stanley warrant; thence north M degrees west ninety-one rods to the place of begin ning. Containing one hundred acres, more or less, with about thirty acres cleared. Taken In execution aud to bo sold as the property of R. W. Urnddifth and William kraddish, at the suit of tho Common wealth for use Jennie Braddish. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with wlion the property is stricken down : 1. When tho plaintiff or other lein cred itors become tho purchaser, the costs on the writs must bo paid, and a list of Hens including mortgage searches on tho prop erty sold, together with such lien credit or's rocoipt for tho amount of the pro ceeds of tho sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff'. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the next dav, at which time all property not settled foi will again be put up and 4old at the expense and rink of tho person to whom first sold. See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page H6 and Smith's Forms, pago Mi. GEO. W. SAWYER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., August 25, 1890. coivciisro i The Largest and Most Complete 25 cent Show on Earth. GREAT EASTERN SHOWS, Museum and Trained Animal Exposition. WILL l'OSITIVF.I.Y ILX1IIIUT AT TIOsYF.ttTA, rA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 181)0. 2-PEEFORMANCES ONLY-Q Afternoon at 'i. Evening at X o'ebs-k. A n exhibition without an equal. L'ni verse of wonders and congress of arcnic celebrities comprising Tumblers, Runners, 1-tapern, 1'o.sturers, Contortionists, besides lOO - PBAISBWOBTHYACTS-lOO MORAL - INSTRUCTIVE - REFINED In every detail and feature and endorsed by public, press and clergy. Our coming inaugurates a day's pleasure. Bring tiiu little ones and lot Ilium enjoy it. lUOF. VuiiVltA.l4F.., Tbe world's famous horse trainer and his i:llll. . PAKAUUX! Horses and Ponies who do ovcrvtblng but talk. A-DMISSIOIST TO ALL 25 Ots. CHILDREN (to cur afternoon performance only) 10 Cts. ;4-)UX"r MISS THIS AND REMEMHER DAY AND DATE. NOTE. Immediately afU'r the parade on day of show a grand free exli:M;lo-i will be given on tbe show grounds where Prof. Van Yraukeii, tbu world's famous b irsa trainer, will publicly handle and break some of the worst kicking, bulking, s.'iyiug and runaway horses in this vicinity. Owners of bail animals are invited to briuy their stock to tho gruuuils aud have thcui broken. Don't mis this free u&hibttioii. IfCKI.EN'!S ARNICA ftAI.VK. The best Salve In the world fjr Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, fcalt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and osi lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale bv U. W. Bevard. Notice. All parties holding Howe Township Road Orders are hereby notified to present them for payment to the Treasurer, on or before Sipt. 15, 1890. After that date intcrost on same will cease. By order of Road Commis sioners of Howe To wnphip. , J W. Black, Treasurer, Pigeon P. O., Forest Co., Pa. Aug. 25, 1890. ! ' JJ DR. A. FISHER, DENTIST, Warren, Ph. One of tho oldest and most suc cessful practitiorcrs in this section of the State. Will visit Tionesta every regular court week. rtiay2S-ly. Confirmation Notico. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed In my fhee aud will be presented at tho next term of court for confirmation j First and final account of Nolson P. Wheeler, Guardian of Mary Green, of Hickory Township, minor child of Jauiea Green, deceased. Final account of Oenrgo 8. Hindman, Guardian nf Lucy, Henry, and Edwin Bisphen, minor children of Charles Bis pheu, deceased. CALVIN M. ARNER, Clerk of Orphans' Court. iionesia, ra., August is, tS9U. J. 11. AQNRW, QKOKCJE W. TAYLOB. AGNEW & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS IT LAW. Offh'ks: Lenman Building. Washing ton, D. C. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Will practice before tho U. 8. Supreme Court, Court of Claims, Distilet Courts, and Departments of Oovernmont. Special attention given to tho collect! .in of army and navy claims, pensions, pay, bounty, etc., cases arising under the cus toms, navigation and internal revenuo laws, and patents. Correct forms, blanks and instructions mailed to claimants frca of charge on receipt of their names and P. O. address. NOTICE. ESTATE OF HELEN S. THOMAS, de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make psy ment, and those haying claims, to pref-eut tho samo without dclav to SAMUEL D. IRWIN, W. M. LINDSAY, Executors, Tionesta, Pa. QALESMEAT kJ-, WANTED. IX LOCAL OR TRAVELING, to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Ex penses and Steady Employment guaran teed. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Rochester, N, Y. sept.-nov. 5fisf .... 3. "--mmrn in ' i i n , j THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE. OF TIONESTA, PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug- fies to lot upon the most reasonable terms, lo will also do JOB TEJ JmSTG-1 All orders left at tho Post Office will receive prompt attention. THE Monumental company, M'f 'rs and Importers of FINE MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES, Has appointed S. H. HASLET A SONS, Tionesta, Pa., Agents. All work war ranted. Prices Kcasonublo. Call and ex amine samples. MISS NELLIE CARLISLE'S $."U0) College of Educated Dors. Fun for tho Old and Young. GRAND FREE STHEET PAR ADE at noon headed by our fatuous iniUotry baud. Lit; A r 1 1