The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 27, 1890, Image 3

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llp(tt.J, R. Cl.ARK.
innnlmcn North ward, R. M. TJor
111:111, II. M. Foreman, i'litrii'k Joyce.
South ward, J. C. Soowdon, S. 11. Has
let, I li Holonian.
Jiiftiires of the react J. F. Fropor, 8.
J. SuMnv.
Cotistiiblennd Oillrelnr S. 8. Canflold.
H-'hnnl. )irectorli. XV. Robinson, A.
D. Knllv, E, L. Davis, 1). S. Kuox, D.
W. ( lurk, J. T. Brotniiin.
(.inher of Cnnpre. .Tames Kkrii,
Mrmhrr oSenute itmif. Wilson.
.1 ,-embl)i Charles .. Randau.
frr.iirlent Jnitrte W. I). Brown.
A'l'icint .W;c John A. Proper,
'iii-iurer Ja. R. IlAooRnTT.
I'mthonntary, ltrtiKtcr & Recorder , Ac.
C'Ai.vilt M. Arneb.
Ki'i'riir. Quo. W. Hawtis.
i.'it'Hi(onr Wm. D. 8. helps, 0.
'. LltDRDITR, J. J. Parsons.
' Wnc.v fiupcrintentirnl Oko. W. Kerr.
J'intrict, Attorney V. M. CLARK.
fury Commtnaioners C. II. Cmincn,
John F. Haiti..
County Surveyor-. F. Pnnrrn.
Cnroiier Tr. A. eVstonecipher.
County Auditor K. L. Jones, R. Z.
f;ii.i.r.srire, W, Rt.rM.
OLIVE LODGE, No. fiW, F. A A. M.
Stated Meetings lirlil nt Odd Fel Hull tlio first Monday of each month.
T. R. COnn, Scu'y.
rAsilTxGTON CA M P, No. 420. P. O.
V S. of A., meets every Monday cve
liiuj in Pain Hull. Wbito degree confer
ral 1st and Xd MoudnvH ol cneh inuntli.
F. XV. I. AW, Pres.
t. n. conn, r.. h.
VS S&P T. O. Of O. 1?.
MKETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, In'tho Loiiu-e Kmrni In Par
tridge's Hall. Confers tho Initiatory de
cree the first Tuesday uight of each
month; ft rut degree the second Tuesday
night; second degree thn third Tuesday
nluht; third degree tho fourth Tuesday
J, II. FONKS, Kec'y. , 27 -tf.
IVJRF.ST LODGE, No. 1S4, A. O. U. XV.,
I Meets ovprv Friday Evening In Has
let Hall, Tione'-to. . . '
J. R. CLARK, Recorder.
No. 274. G. A, R.
Meets on the first Wednesday In each
month, In Odd Follow Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
I). 11 LACK, Commauder.
1 fnK l..fAt:t Cniinfv.
u H...1..- Xf TV P.adw1aiiI T W
Morrow M. D., Hoeretary : J. H. RiKKins
M. !., Treasurer. Tho Hoard will inert
In Dr. Morrow'a ofllco, Tlonesta, on tlie
third Wodnesday of cai'h inonih, at 10
u'rkx-k, a. 111.
tisiyv CLARK,
CUUo next door to P. O., 1'ionesta, Pa.
J. B. AONKW. 1". M. CLAHK,
Piatrift Attorney.
Mr. Clark Is Admit hr a number of re
liable Fire Insurance Companies.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Collections mado In this and adjoining
Tionosia, Forest County Pa,
? e. nmr.E,
Ofllco in Kepler ISlock, Room 0, Tlonesta,
XJ Justis Sliankov, Proprietor. This
house is centrally located. Everything
new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac-
I'otuuiodntions and strict atteution piven
t- aruoKts. Veiretables and Fruits of all
kinds served iu their season. Sample
room lor lommerciai Agents.
CENTRAL HOUSE, Tlonesta, Ta.,
V . C. ISrownoll. Proprietor. This Is a
new house, and has just been fitted up tor
the accommodation of the public. A por
tion of the patronage of the public Is solio
Hod. 4il-ly.
W. 11. ROTH, Proprietor,
Thelargofit, Cost Located and Furnished
JIousj iu tho City. Near Union Depot,
Physician, Surgeon ,t Drupnist,
iJito of Armstrong county, having located
In Tio;iosta is preparod to attend all pro
fessional trail! promptly and at all hours.
Olllce aad residence two doors north of
Lawrence House. Ofllco hours 7 to 8 A
M.. mid 11 lo 12 M. t 2 to 3 and 6) to 71 v
M. Hundays, 9 to 10 A. M. j 2 to 3 and i
10 7i p. M, raay-itt hi
Ofllco onppoaite Gas Olllce. Calls at
tended to promptly day and night.
Corner of Elm A Walnut 8ta., Tionesta,
I'rt., IsanK 01 Discount anil Deposit. In
terost allowod on Time Deposits. Colleo
lions made on all the Principal points of
inu u. a. oiiociioiiH noiiciieu.
Manufacturer of anil Dealer iu
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Soociulty,
Maguolio, Solar or Trianguhition Survey-
lug. jsel 01 instruments ami wrK
Turms 011 application.
Siiop in Reck building iiuxt to Smear
Daugh A Co.'s storb. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the lluost to
tho coarsest and guarantees his work to
eive nuituct satistaction, t'ronipt attwi
tiou Civon to meiidiuK. and pricos as n-a
uouublo as tlrst oiusa work cuu be done for,
Church and Nnbtmth Hchool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School nt 9:45 a.
in. t M. E. Nubbath School at 10:00 a. tn.
PreaehiiiK in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. KumherRor.
Preai'liinn In the F. M. Church every
Habliath evening at tho usual hour. Rev.
F. F. Hhoup, Pastor.
Services In the Presbyterian Church
every iSnbbath morning and evening,
ltcv. J. V. IWeAinncli otnciatinir.
Got registered !
Oil market closed yestetday 851.
Forest Bovard returned to liii
suhool at Grove City, Monday.
Mrs. A. II. Partridge of Cleve
land, is paying a visit to Tionesta
Mr. J. T. Ilrennon was taken
quite severely ill yesterday and is now
confined to bis bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. W. May, of
Chicago, are enjoying h visit with Mr.
M.'s mother, this week.
A number of our citizens went
to Warren tu-day to ntteud the fune
ral of tho late Col. Walaou.
Geo. Ranb brought a pair of
goats borne from his recent eastern
trip, and will train them for driving.
Mrs. Chas. Bonner, accompanied
by ber children, of Chicago, is visiting
at the homo of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Kelly.
Mrs. V. J. Blcakley, who has
been with Tioutsta friends during tho
pant fortnight, returned to her borne
in Franklin on Saturday last.
Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Klabbatz,
of Byromtown, gave our town a visit
ou Monday of this ' week. Mr. K.
reports business brisk up in bis section.
Dr. Toivler, Republican nominee
for Assembly, was a visitor to town
last Weduesday, iu the discharge of
his duties as president of the board of
pensiou examiners.
The first nine goes to Tidioute
Friday to play a fiieudly game with
the ball tosscrs of that place. We ex
pect our "farmers" to come home drag
ging a fair sized victory.
An excellent job of work is being
done io grading down Tietsworlh bill
at the lower end of the Borough, which
will be an improvement greatly ap
predated by both roan and beast.
Are you registered? If not, then
see to it NOW 1
The last excursion of the season
to the Thousand Inlands over the W.
N. Y. & P. tt., goes next Friday.
Train leaves this statiou at 8:40, and
the fare for the round trip will be
Mr. Geo. W. Whitman, whose
little baby is just recovering from
severe attack of cholera infantum, has
located at Findlay, Ohio, and will
move there as soon as the child's
health will peirait.
Hall, Gardner & Co. of Elk
county sold all the taubitrk ou a tract
of C.200 acres in Elk and Forest
counties to the Eagle Valley Tanning
Company. It will yield about 90,000
oords. Clarion Jaeksonian.
Parlies having patent business of
auy kind cannot do better than to
entrust it to the Messrs. C. A. Snow
A Co., 710 8ih St., Washington, D.
C. The firm lias had mauy years
experience and is entirely trustworthy,
Quite a number from this section
are calculating on going to Titusville
witb the G. A. R. boys to tba anuual
reunion of tho northwestern associa
tion. Particulars will be found in this
issue in the shape of a program by
Stow Post.
Charles Leroy, infant son ot Mr,
Adam Frederick, aged about one
year, died at the home of Mr. George
Armstrong, of the Borough, on Thurs
day of last week, and was buried on
Friday. Rev. J. T. Brennan conduct
ed the funeral.
Some of our exchanges are doing
a smart trick in publishing minute
details of a new mode of killing fish
by explosives. It's a good way of
helping along the illegal practice by
keeping the lawless well posted on all
the now methods for destroying fish.
Owing to a conflict of opinion on
the subject, State Chairman Andrews
advises Republicans to bo registered
on or before Sept. 3, instead of the 4ih
as previously announced. In order to
be on the safe side, let all beed this
notice, and see at once to the matter
Tho Warren county fair, which
takes place at Warren ou Sept. 9, 10,
11 and 12, promises to be one of the
most successful yet held by that enter
prising association. These fairs al
ways draw largely from Forest county
and this year will be no exception to
the rule.
Schools will not begin io the boro
until Tuesday next owing to Labor
Day, which will perhaps surprise many
of our readers to learn is a legal holi
day, and will be observed by industrial
parades and other demonstrations io
the cities throughout the State. It oo
curs on Monday.
In another colimn will be found
partial program of the Sabbath
school convention to begin here to
morrow afternoon. Among the enter
taining features of the occasion will
bo tbe lectures on Thursday and Fri
day evenings, to which all are cor
dially invited. Free.
Henry Dean of Whig Hill, called
at the Republican office yesterday.
He reports his aged mother as quite
poorly with something in tbe nature
of a paralytio stroke, but hopes for
ber recovery. Mrs. Dean is past 72
years of age, and one of the oldest of
the inhabitants of that section.
A Lickingville correspondent
writes:. Martin Sigworth of this place,
has taken his departure for West Vir
ginia. Frank Wolf, who for some
time has been rusticating in this vi
cinity, departed for Lima, Ohio, on
Monday. Win. Hepler bas com
pleted Mr. Alexander's barn. A
most terrible hurricane passed through
this section on Thursday. Some
buildings in Fry burg were badly
wrecked. Rev. Brickley has re
turned from Johnstown.
It is noted by an observer that
some orchards iu Forest and McKeao
counties are well loaded with apples.
The farmers who are fortunate enough
to possess orchards in those sections
will realize big prices for tbe fruit
this year. Clarion Jaeksonian. We
are sorry to say we have yet to bear
of a singlo orchard in this county
which is "well loaded" with fruit,
although Mr. Henry Ablers, one of
our thrifty German Hill farmers.
brought in a few choice apples last
week and readily disposed of them at
81.50 per bushel. His crop, however,
is not large.
A happy event which occurred in
in this place yesterday was tbe mar
riage of Mr. Jobn Burben, one of Ger
man Hill's thrifty and prosperous
young farmers, and Miss May, the ac
complished daughter of our old friend
Andrew Weller, also of German Hill.
These young people enjoy tbe high es
teem of the entire community io which
(hey live, and will receive hearty con
gratulations and best wishes from all
for a long and happy married life, in
which the Republican takes pleasure
in joining. We presume when John
got home in the evening he was treated
to soma of tho same kind of music he
helped to iuflict upon the editor some
eight years ago. We hope so, at any
Thirty two years ago Judge Arner
buried two children at tbe old burying
ground near Newtown Mills. For
some time be has bad in contemplation
the removal of the remains to the
cemetery at this place, and on Monday
of this week be set to work for that
purpose, scarcely expecting to find
anything but the merest marks of the
coffins left, Imagine his surprise at
finding both the rough boxes and cof
fins as well preserved as when first
placed in tbe ground ; even the cloth,
used in those days in covering coffins,
was as good as new. There is some'
thing quite remarkable about this
preservation, and can only be account
cd for by the fact that the original
burial place was a rather wet spot.
"At noon to-day, and for twenty
minutes afterwards, was the darkest
hour that bas been seen bore in day
light for years. One could not see to
read unless sitting close to a window,
The clouds formed a thick, black can
opy that let through only enough light
to make a noonday twilight. Then
came the rain, and it came in such
downpour as baa seldom been seen in
this valley. It fell in sheets and tor
rents, washing everything as clean as
a ghost. For at least ten minutes tbe
rain was so copious that one standing
in the centre of town could not see an
outline of any of the environing bills,
In less than half an bour tbe storm
bad expended its force, but while it
lasted it was the biggest rain exper
ienced here for years." The foregoing
from the Fraoklin Newt of last Thurs
day portrays tbe situation hereabout
at that hour. Accompanying the
rain was a furious wind, though no
damage was done in this immediate
All parties holding Howe Township
Road Orders are hereby notified to
present tbera for payment to the
Treasurer, on or before Sept. 15, 1890
After that date interest on same will
cease. By order of Road Commis
sioners of Howe Township.
J. W. Black, Treasurer,
Tigeon P. O., Forest Co., Pa,
Aug. 25, 1890.
Gent's furnishing goods a new
and substantial lot just arrived at
Lawreuce A Smearbaugb's. 2t.
Death of Col. L. F. Watson.
Our people were painfully surprised
by tbe receipt of news, on Monday
afternoon, of the sudden death of Col.
L. F, Watson, Congressman from tbe
Warren aod Venango district. Tbe
particulars are given io a Washington
dispatch, dated Monday, Aug. 25:
Tbe eleventh death in the Fifty-first
Congress occurred to-day, that of
Representative Lewis b. Watson, of
tbe Twenty-seventh District. The
death was startliug in its suddenness.
Mr. Watson had been living at tbe
Shorehain and until recently seemed
quite well. Mrs. Watson, who bad
been away during tbe Winter joined
him here a short lime ago. A little
after 11 o'clock this morning, accom
panied by bis secretary, C. M. Shaw
key, he was about to leave tbe Shore
ham by the ladies' entrance on 11
street, to take his carriage to tbe Cap
itol. He experienced a sickening
feeling witb pain in tbe region of tbe
heart and bis secretary quickly admin
istered some brandy which bad a tem
porary effect, but Mr. Watson soon
fell to the floor and was carried to the
parlor by Mr. Sbawkey, Manager
Keenan, Mr. Addison, tbe Shorebam
bookkeeper, and Dr. F. L. Chamber
lain, who chanced to be near by, were
soon at bis side. Restoratives were
administered but availed naught, and
in a few moments Mr. Watson expired
on a sofa without speaking after his
fall. 1 be deceased was about seventy
years of age aod his death was caused
by apoplexy. Dr. Lhamberlain states
that the case was similar to that of
Senator Beck, whom he attended. Tbe
death of Mr. Watson was a shock to
tbe members of tbe House, with most
of whom he has been on such terms as
to amount to personal friendship. For
some lime his health bas been poor
and bis friends have been anxious
about him. His physician warned
bio a short time ago that be must
cease all work, and be went to the
seashore for a vacation, but be felt
that his duties in Congress demanded
bis pretence here and be returned in
spite of tbe protests of his physician.
The members of the Pennsylvania del
egation held a meeting in the Speak
er's office after the adjournment of the
House. Mr. O mill presided and Mr.
Kerr acted as secretary. Resolutions
were passed in honor of the deceased.
Tbe delegation voted to attend his
funeral, which will be held oo Wednes
day, at Warren, in a body. The re
mains will reacb Warren at I p. m.
Oil Notes.
Richards A Co.'s well oo the Jacob
Beck farm, about a mile west of Whig
Ilill corners, was finished this week,
but just bow it has shown up is still a
mystery to outsiders. They bad a
good showing in the Beaver Valley
sand, but concluded to go on to tbe
Balltown sand. Mr. Richards, we
understand, calculated they bad a
fifteen or twenty barrel -well in the
Beaver sand, and if notbiog better is
found they will operate the well from
that depth.
The Duck well at Peters Run is
very near the interesting point, and
should be in either to-day or to mor
Grove Bros, finished a duster for
Warren parties at the White Church,
Harmony township, last week, and
will shortly begio operations oo Capt.
Clark's place, Hunter Run.
The Derrick of yeslerday bas this:
"Conductor C. C. Stone, wbo has large
oil interests on the Tionesta, came io
from his oil farm yesterday evening
with a seven inch smile, all on account
of tbe superior eonduct of an old well
which, for several months past, bad
been shut down, as worthless, by a
former owner, and abandoned. But
Mr. Stoue, who is too old a producer
to kill a dog on circumstantial e,vi
dence, bad tbe well fixed op and was
properly rewarded for bis confidence.
The abandoned well filled a 60 bbl.
tank tbe first day, and would probably
have filled two tanks of like capacity
the second day, but Mr. Stone was
obliged to shut it down, and came
away before the pipe line could get
the oil away. Producer Stone says bis
experience oo bis Balltown oil farm
bas convinced him that tbe country is
more or less full of excellent oil wells,
prematurely cut off, as it were, in
their prime, by indolent pumpers and
careless aud iuexperienced operators,
It behooves the substantial business
men wbo now-a days buy oil property
as an investment, to look for them
selves into idle aud abandoned wells
before accepting as final the verdict of
past proprietors wbo may or may cot
bave given the business the necessary
atteution. Producer Stone passed
close by the new Whig Hill well ou
bis return from bis oil farm. Tbe well
was shut down, with some showing of
oil in the vicinity, which Mr. Stone's
experienced eye told him was obtained
in tbe second sand. Tbe secrets of tbe
drill were, however, closely guarded,
the men in charge while greeting 1'ro
ducer Stone cordially, refused to speak
for publication. To be a surprise the
Whig Hill must be a producer, dusters
in that locality beiDg quite numerous."
Don't put off tbe matter of regis
tratioo until it passes out of vour
miud, thus endangering vour vote this
fall. See to it, Republicans.
For sale, cither for cash or ou
time, bouse aod large lot io Tionesta
Borough. For terms apply to P M.
Uark. tf.
The Sabbath School Convention.
Tbe following are the subjects handed In
and selected for discussion at the meeting
of the Sabbath School Association of
Forest Comity, to meet in the Presbyterian
Church, Thursday afternoon of this week,
at 2 o'clock, and continue, with intervals,
till Friday evening!
Explanations To be opened by Dr. S.
H. Towler.
Temperance In Sabbath Schools P. M.
Clark, Esq.
Indifference of Church Members to
Sabbath School Rev. C. C. Rumborgor.
Blackboards in Sabbath School and
blackboard work Rev. J. M. Weaver.
Does Sabbath observance afl'ect the
Sabbath School Rev. C. C. Rumborner.
Best method of conducting a review
T. F. Ritchoy.
Sabbath School ruusic Jonathan Al-
Maps In Sabbath School R. Z. Gillespie.
Who should attend Sabbath School and
why Rev. F. F. Shoup.
An essay by Mrs. T. W. Allender,
"Dead Fish."
Rev. E. T. Joffers, of Oil City, will give
a lecture on Thursday evening; aubjoct
"The Modern Sabbath School Teacher.'!
On Friday evening Rev. Dr. J. N. Fraden
burgh, of Warren, will give a lecture;
Subjoct! "Young Man." Both ol tho
Lecturers come well recommended. The
lectures will be free, and it Is hoped they
will both have good houses. A cordial In
vitation Is extended to all to be present at
each session, and to assist in making It in
teresting and instructive.
Stewarts Run.
J. J. Zahniser and family were ont
to Pithole to see Mrs. Zabniser's father,
who is quite poorly, aod called oo
friends here Monday on their way
George Dawson is at Warren, gang
ing for the Cornplanter Refining Co.
While at Oil City latoly your hum
ble servant met his old friend Cully
Thomson. Cully has an interest io a
lease with 13 pumping wells, and
room for more. We are glad to see
him doing well.
Ed. Zahniser bas gone to Hickory
to go down tbe river on a raft.
Ronald Thomson has gone to Ne
braska to work for Collins A Co., we
are informed.
J. G. Bromley made a business trip
to Warren, Friday of last week.
George Veoartsdale has bad bad
luck on No. 10, oo tbe Jocelyn, having
to use drive pipe to shut off gravel.
He is down about 100 feet.
Stewart has started No. 2, oo tbe
No. 1, oo the young Tom Howard),
is reported good for 4 bbls. in tbe
Quinn sand.
Wood A Co. have up rig No. 11,
on the Jocelyn.
No. 4, on the Bromley will start tbe
drill this week.
We understand tbe well on tbe Ren
farm was dry.
Jas. Vanderlin is putting up a rig
on his 35 acres, joining tbe Fair on
tbe west.
J. G. Bromley has his threshing
machine in good shape, and will start
out this week.
There is a great deal of sickness in
the country.
II. M. Zahniser was appointed
Sunday School delegate to the conven
tion at Tionesta this week.
. Attention, Stow Post I
The North-western Reunion of the
G. A. R. meet on Wednesday, Sept.
10, 1890, at Titusville, Pa. Tbe un
dersigned Committee of Stow Post,
274, G. A. R., met Aug. 25, 1890, at
Tionesta. Com. Jonathan . 'baugb, a
member of the original comm. ie, not
being able to atteud, Com. James
Johnson appeared as his substitute
and proxy. Io accordance with the
general resolution of the Post, that
the same go as a body to Titusville,
the committee recommend the same,
according to tbe following program :
Post to leave Tionesta not later than
2 o'clock p. m. Sept. 9, and proceed to
East Titusville, near Pine Creek, where
they will go into camp, so as to be
prepared so march to town early the
next day. Comrades will supply
themselves wilh teuta and two days'
rations, and go armed and equipped(
if possible, wilb muskets; if these are
not procurable, wilb shot guns; aod if
neither are obtainable then to go
themselves. Comrades and old sol
diers to appear io uniform as far as
possible. Tbe Capt. Geo. Stow Post
Band will report at Camp for duty.
Let there be a general rally for
Titusville, and let us do our share to
make it one of the most memorable
meetings of the annual re-uniou ever
held in North western Pa. Remember,
all old soldiers in the vicinity are cor
dially invited to participate with us
oo tbe occasion.
Tbe uewspapers of Forest county
are requested to publish this uotice
two weeks.
D. S. Knox,
James Johnson,
Samuel D. Ihwin,
A new line of men's pantaloons
just opened at Lawrence A Smear
baugb's, that are guaranteed to suit
both as to quality and price. See
them. 2t.
A common cold should not be neg
lected. Downs' Elixir will cure it. For
ale by liovard.
Call and see those all leather
suits at Lawrence A Smearbaugb's.
Something new, and just the thing for
rough, wet or cold weather. Sold at
small margin. 2t.
Must Settle.
On the first of September I expect
to begio a tour of Forest and Warren
counties for the purpose of collecting
all old accounts due uie, aod shall ex
pect all owing me ti make payment
wben I arrive. Those knowing them
selves indebted will please be prepared
to pay up, as 1 need and must bavo
the money. David Mintz.
Marienville, Pa., Aug. 19, 1890. 2t
All nartics holdiue Tionesta Town
ship Road Orders are hereby notified
to present Inem tor payment to tho
Treasurer, on or before Auguet 2S,
1890. After that date interest on
same will cease. The f Ilnwing orders
are excepted from the above call :
Nos. 722, 742, 754, 805, 819 aod 820.
By order of Road Commissioners of
Tionesta Township.
Wm. Lawrence, Treasurer.
Attest, Q. Jamieson, Clerk.
The bost Salve In Iho world for Cuts,
Briiiues, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and iosi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect Batis faction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents por
box. For sale bv O. W. Bevard.
The First ttep.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat,
can" sleep, can't think, can't do anything
to your satisfaction, and you wonder what
ails you. You should heed tho warning,
you are taking the first step into Nervous
Prostration. Yon need a Nerve Tonic
and in Electric Bitters you will find tho
exact remedy for restoring your nervous
system to IU normal, healthy condition.
Surprising results follow the uso of this
great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Yonr
appetite returns, good digestion is restored,
and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy
action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at Her
man A Biggins' Drugstore.
The New Mlscovvry.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it. You may yourself
be ono of the many who know from per
sonal exporieuce just how good a thing it
is. If you have over tried it, you are ono
of its staunch friends, because the won
derful thing alMiut it is, that when once
given a trial. Dr. King's New Discovery
ever alter holds a place In the house. If
you have never used It and should be
afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat,
Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at
once and give it a fair trial. It is guaran
teed every time, or money refunded.
Trial Bottlos Free at Herman fc Siggins'
gust 2H, 1800, by Rev. J. V. McAninch,
Mr. John B. Burhen and Miss Francis
May Weller, both of Starr, Forost coun
ty. Pa.
ceased. Letters Testamentary upon
the above estate having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estato are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims, to present
the saino without delav to
Executors, Tionesta, Pa.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vondl. Ex.,
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Forost County, Pennsylvania,
and to mo directed, there will be exposed
to Halo by publio vendue or outcry, at the
Court House, in tho Borough of lioucsta,
Pa., on
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described
real estate to-wits
BRADDISll vs. R. W. BRA DDI.SH and
No. 20, May Torm, 1890. E. L. Davis,
All defendants' right, titlo, Interest and
claim of, in and to a certain piece or parcel
of land situate in Tionesta township, For
est County, and Slate of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
On the north bv land formerly owned by
C. H. Church, known as the Taylor tract;
on the west bv Holland Land Company,
owned by McKluley and Abbott; on the
south by part of the same tract heretofore
conveyed by Peter Herring et al to party
of the first part; on the east by the Her
ring farm, known as Chancey tract of land.
Containing thirty-three and three-fourths
acres of land, be the same more or less;
beinir the north half of a tract of land
patented to Peter Herring by the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania; with about
10 acres of improvement with about 00
fruit trees growing thereon, one log and
framo house, oue ware room thereon
erected, with good spring.
Also, all defendants' right, title. Inter
est and claim of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land situate in Harmony
Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a iost aud maple, the north
west corner of the C. Stanley warrant;
thence north 65 dsgrees east (174) ono
hundred and seventy-four perches to
white oak ; thence south 25 degrees ea-it
ninety-one rods to post; thence south 65
degrees west oue hundred and sovontv
four perchos to post iu west line of C.
Stanley warrant ; thence north 2i degrees
west ninety-one rods to the placeof bugiu
nlng. Containing one hundred acres,
more or less, with one log barn and sheds
thereon erected, with about forty acres
under fence and forty fruit trees growing
Taken in execution and to bn sold as the
property of R. W. Braddish and William
rlraddish, at the suit of the Common
wealth for use Jennie Braddish,
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
properly is stricken down ;
1. When the plaintiff or other lcin cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must be paid, and a list of lien
including mortgage searches on the prop
el ty sold, together wilh such lien credit
or's receipt for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as
ho may claim, mut bo furnished the
2. All bids must be paid In full.
8. All sales not sHltlud immediately will
be coiitinuml until o'clock p. m., of the
next day, at which time all properly not
sullied toi will again be put up aud so I' I
at the expense aud risk of the person to
whom tirt sold.
Seo l'urdou'H Digest, Nin'h Edition,
pago ill and Smith's Forms, page M4.
(Ji:o. W. SAWYER, hheriir.
Sheriffs Oilice, Tionesta, Pa., August &i,
75lh year; begins Kept, hi, 1S90; (112
graduates; 41! ill ls:0. Situation healthful
and beautiful. All uucc.-,ary expenses
ueed not exceed li& a year. Faculty
i'. 'in posed of uiou specially trained for
their departments. Students may com
plete preparatory studies. Address I). II,
WHEELER, I. L. D., President. jull!3-bt.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bono, Stifles,
Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Etc..
Save o0 by use of one bottle. Warranted
tho most wonderful blemish cure ever
known. Sold by Herman A Siggins,
Druggists, Tionesta, Jnn'.'2-ly.
Whereas, The Hon. W. P. Brown,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and (Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, bas issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sesssions, Ac., at Tionesta, for
tli- County of Forest, to commonco on the
Third Monday or Sept., being tho 15th day
of Sept., 1S!K). Notice is therefore given to
tho Coroner, Justice of tho Peaco and Con
stables of said county, that they bo then
and there in their proper persons at ton
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their olllce appertain to be done,
and to those hoare bound In recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall bo in thojail of Forest County, that
they may bo then and there to prosecuto
nirainst tliem as shall be just. Given un
der inv hand and seal this 18th day of
August. A. I). 190.
GEO. W. SAWYER, l.s. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In tho
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsvlvanla, commencing on the Third
Monday of September, 1890:
1. 8. Kastor vs. J. C. Welsh, No. 80, May
Term, 188. Summons in assumpsit.
2. Matv R. Fox, Joseph M. Fox and
Hannah Fox vs. Goorgo J. Lacy, Fred
erick C. Lacy, Frank Heidinger and Geo.
S. Lacy, No. 43, September Term, 1880.
Summons In trespass.
3. J. C. Welsh, John A. Proper, L. Ag
new and A. J. Wallace, doing business as
Proper Reserve Oil Company, vs. C. W.
Hawks, No. 24, September Term, 1883.
4. James C. Welsh and R. H. Graudin
vs. C. W. Hawks, No. 2ft, September
Term, 1888. Replevin.
5. P. P. Whittekln vs. William Law
rence and William Smearbaugh, doing
business as Lawrence A Smearbaugh, No.
3,Soptember Term, 1889. Appeal from J. P.
6. B. Phillips vs. Overseers of Poor Bar
nett Township, No. 39, Hoptember Term,
1889. Summons In assumpsit.
7. Benjamin Fogle vs. C. F. Landors,
No. 2, December 'Term, 1889. Appeal
from J. P., action In trespass.
8. Leandor Lippencott vs. F. J. Maffett,
No. 15, May Torm, 1889. Summons iu
9. Harry Moody and Jerry Burtcil vs.
C. C. Mead and McClurc, doing business
as Mead and McCluro, No. 9, May Term,
Tionesta, Pa.. August IS, 1890.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that tho follow
ing accounts have been tiled In my office
and will be presented at the next term of
court for confirmation t
First and final account of Nelson P.
Wheeler, Guardian of Mary Green, of
Hickory Township, minor child of James
Green, deceased.
Final account of George S. Hindman,
Guardian of Lucy, Henry, and Edwin
Bisphen, minor children of Charles BU
phen, deceased.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionosia, Pa., August 18, 1890.
J. n. AONKW.
Offices : Lenman Building, Washing
ton, D. C. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
Will practice before tho U. 8. Supreme
Court, Court of Claims, District Courts,
and Departments of Government.
Special attention given to the collection
of army and navy claims, pensions, pay,
bounty, etc., eases arising under tho cus
toms, navigation and internal revenue
laws, and patents. Correct forms, blanks
and instructions mailed to claimants free
of charge oit'.reooipt of their names and
Everybody wants this "Beautiful Lifo
of Jesus." By Mrs. Isabella M. Alden
(Pansy). 600 royal octavo pages ; 300 su
perb illusiratious, richly colored litho
graphs, tinted photogravures, exquisite
engravings, representing the Lest works
of ancient and modern masters ; a match
less album of sacred art. The author is
the acknowledged peer of all writers on
this noble theme. She is safe, grapl"'
attractive ; lias spent 15 years in pal
tnkinir preparation for this crowninorwoi
Eiidomod by Chaulauquan, Christian Uii
deavor, aud Sunday School workers. In
troductions by Bishop J. H. Vincent and
Rev. Dr. J. E. Clark ("Father Endeavor").
By subscription ouly. Exclusive terri
tory. Prospectus now ready. Send J 1.00
for outlit. Name choice of territory. In
Hist on seeing "Prince of Peace 1" Accept
no other! Write quick. Address, J. W.
KEELER A CO., Publishers, 523 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug'J7-8t.
Good Stock, Good Carriagos and Bug
gies to let upon the inoei reasonable terms,
llo will also do
All orders left at tho Post Olllco will
receive prompt attention.
OF J A 51 1 LSTOIV Jf, !f. Y
M'f 'rs and Importers of
Has appointed S. If. 1 1 AS LET A SONS,
Tioiie.-ila, Pa., A genu.. Ail w.irk war
ranted. Prices Reasonable, Call aud ex
amine samples.