THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . I. WINK, Editor 4 "'sopsiito. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST fl, 18!0. m:riinMc A. tmkkt. KTATR. Governor, GKOROEW. PELAMATER, Crawford County. ' Lieutenant Governor, LOUIS A. WATKHS, Lackawanna County. Secretary of Internal Affairs, THOMAS J. STEWART, Montgomery County. JtnuiAKY. President Judge, SAMUEL D. IRWIN, (Subject to decision of District Conference.) Associate Judge, C. W. CLARK, Tionesta, Township. 'Oi:NTV. State Senate, HARRY U. WILSON, Clarion. (Subject to decision of District Confcrenoo.) Assembly, S. S. TOWI.EK, Jonks. Prothonotary, CALVIN M. ARNKK, Tionesta Borough. Sheriff, JOHN R. OSGOOD, Kingslcy, County Commissioner, JAMES MclNTYRK, Harmony. C. F. LEPEBUR, Green. County Auditor, T. li. COBB, Tionesta Borough. W. W. THOMAS, TionoxU Township. Jury Commissioner, J. N. HEATU, Kingsley. Republicans, see that your names are on the registry list. Look after this matter right away. The silence of Hon. William L. Bcott is the most impressive sound now audible in the Democratic campaign. It is so dense that the Erie boss can hear himself think. Wallace has been heard from by the Democratis managers. They are reticent as to the text of bis letter, but there are reasons for suspecting that the Clearfield leader says in sub stance that the climate of Europe is very agreeable to him. Chairman Kerr is in Washington lighting the protective policy which has made bis State great. He will bring the fight into Pennsylvania be fore long, and after the election will wonder why it was that the people wouldn't support bis candidate. Kemmlek, the York State murderer over whose execution, there has been very much discussion and legal jang ling, will probably go by the electrical route some time this week, the day nor the hour not being known to out siders, according to the new law under which he will be killed. It will be the first case of the kind on record, and its results will be watched with much interest. Leonard Rhone, Master of the State Grange, is out in a letter advis ing farmers to vote for Pattison. Rhone is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat from Centre county ; is an ex-Democratic member of the legislature, and now a Democratic candidate for Sena tor in his district. So that his advice to farmers to vote the Democratic ticket is about as natural a thing as could be expected from such a hide bound Democrat. Some fellows bave a heap of cheek. An amendment to tbe Tariff bill bas been introduced in the Senate, placing a duty on sugar, varying from three-tenths of a cent per pound to one cent per pound, according to grade, ond "providing that if an ex port duty shall hereafter be laid upon sugar or molasses by any country from whence the same may be import ed, such sugar or molasses bo imported ' shall be subject to duty as provided by law prior to the passage of this act." This provision will prevent sugar raising countries from taking advantage of a low import duty to keep up the price to consumers by putting on an export duty. A South Carolina office seeker named Colman announces his candi dacy in these choice words selected with great care from Webster's Una bridged Dictionary and other sources: To the good people of Edgefield : Tbe wind bloweth where it listalh, and no man can tell whence it cometh or whither it goetb, but I am not that kind of a cat. I am a Ben Tillman cat, and if elected County Commission er propose to reform, beautify, adorn, resuscitate, rejuvenate and rehabili tafeEdgefield county from the edge of the wad UP t0 (be P f the rocks. I am a labor? man and haul wood. If not elected IXSL haul on. I would say more, but I an. .' of few words. The good people of Edgefield Vja7 od it necessary to elect him fur f8 to prevent tbe output of similar t Kuuuvumi-uts subsequently. NEWSY NOTES. We are glad to loarn that the "chewing gum crazo' la "on"." Anyyf"ft hidy now seen in a public place chewing gum, is out of style, as well as ridiculous. A special invitation has been given by President Miller and Bishop Vincent, to all O. A. R. men and othor old soldiers and their wives to visit Chautauqua on the 22, and 23 of August, Grand Army Day. ThPy will he guests of This Is one of the handsomest things ever done hy any organization for tho old soldier. Chautauqua leads In everything. When you write to a business ninn, or any oilier man, on matters concerning your Interests, and where he is not xr sonally Interested also, enclose a slntnp for a reply. If the reply is not wanted two cents' worth don't write nt all. Mem- Iters of Congress have to pay their own postage, and one ought to enclose Mumps in writing to them, either on public or privalo business. When you send a news paper to a man and wish him to see any particular item in tho paper, 1k suro and make very legible marks around tho item. Few people in busy times Hud any recrea tion in reading tho whole of a large sheet to And if there is a little paragraph aimed directly at them. A. Stewarts Run. We have had some very heavy thunder showers hore of late. Blackberry season is hero and tho pick ers have begun to hustlo to see who will get the most. The school directors of Harmony will meet at Ncilltown, Saturday, 10th Inst,, to elect teachers for the winter term. Morgan Miller received a light sunstroke Saturday of last week. Roy Copcland is pumping on the Hays farm now. Stewart A Son got an 8 barrel well in the first sand at No. 2, on tho Gordon, yes terday. No. 3, on the Bromley, is down and good Tor S barrels. Rig No. 4 will bo up this or next week. Wood ft Co. are building rig No. 10, on the Jocelyn, 150 feet from south line. Tho drill will start this week. No. 0 was a duster. There is a rig up on the youojpTom Howarth farm, ready to drill. Jim Sut ton will drill the well. Tho well on the Cummiugs has been down for some timo, and was a coinpieto dustor. They got about 30 feet or green oil sand, with some gas in it, and although they shot it with 80 quarts it failod to re spond. The National Oil Co. are - putting their pipe lino to tho Bromley this woek. Thoy start from their Pump Station at Pilliolc. Mrs. J. M. Vandorliu visited friends here Monday of this wook. Mr. Criss of Pincville, was down yester day ; he is talking of pumping forStowart A Son. Wood A Co. have their power completed, and It Is No. 1. Any ono wishing a power built will do woll to call on Mr. Mclntyro of Titusvillo. Work is plenty here and hands nro scarce. F. E. Motcaif was at Titusvillo, Monday, for a load of goods for his store. The bay is most all cut, and the oats aio almost ripe. The iotato and corn crops will be light. Dora Carson carries the mail now from StowarU Run to Tionesta, Aug. 5. McGiktv. State Line Scraps. Terriblo hard raius we are having here lately; two men narrowly escaped being killed by lightning on the Car ter lease not long ago. Two rigs were struck on the Daney lease and burned down. Drilling is still going on on the Carter lease. Mr. Carter's wells so far are good producers. II. S. and F. E. Sutley are cleaning out their wells; tbey shot two of them which increased their production ma terially. Mr. P. Munday has returned to his home from Ohio, where be bas been working for some time. He reports plenty of work and good wages down there in the oil field. Berries are very plenty in this sec tion this year. Some berry pickers were scared out of tbe woods the other day by tbe appearance of a large black bear. Tbe tracks of bears bave been seen several times by people that were hunting ginseng. Mrs. Merch. Elder bas been very ill but is recovering. Mr. J. B. Erb, of Hickory, made a flying call in our town. Aug. 2. Bl C Kl.EVH AltMC'A MAI.VK. The best Salve in the world far Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers. Halt Hliuum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapiod Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and iosi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For sale bv G. W. Bevard. D R. A. FISHER, DENTIST, Warren, r. one oi me oiucst ana most hue- cwssful practitiorers in this section of the State. Will visit Tionesta every regular court week. mayiiS-ly. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. (lood Stock, Hood Carriages and Bug gies to let upon tho nuwt reasonable terms. lie will alko uu JOB TEiMIIHSTGr-! All ordurs loll at tho Post CUlce will receive prompt attention. 5 TOP! It is to your interest to como ami exam ine my Stock and Prices! GUANO SALE AT HOCK BOTTOM PRICES ! I will sell my Spring and Summer Goods left on hand at mere cost, to make room for an Immense Fall and Winter Stock. Clothing - Clothing! My Stock of Ready Mado Clothing Is Unparallelled a ran Prices within the reach of all As to Gents Furnishing (loods, thcro is no equal in the County, and must lie sold lor want or room. Jon t think of tho price. is too late. AN .EXPERIENCED TAILOR. r .J' f.AJf. 'IKr'T'. wlm bas a wldo reputation, has hvn employed and has charge of the Tailoring Department, We have a Ijirgo Stock of Patterns tosolccl from. Ev nrv ( 1. W A nil 1 VTtfn T. i vit i. i t, ... ... ,.'.: order at from 120 to fo, principally of Imported (foods. ' ' BOOTS HO-KSI THESE YOU CAN GET AT in rawum mwm We have a Complete Line of Footwear of the Best makes and latest Styles. You havo heard of Charley Ross? He was lost hecauso he had no Shoos. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. There was nover a more complete stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths in Marienvlllo. call and we will convince you. ' cnnrwttxjttir i jewelry i i wal and Biii(pi a Spec-laity. Wo have Just received a New Stock of Gold "ar 'er CUties KS Chains. Tho Finost and licst that could bo purchased in tho ,i. VM ' se,0't0u' )vl'" uf" Rfeatost care, and U perfect in every particular, and un der the management of an Experienced Milliner. She is peparod to do all kinds of work in hor lino, and always koeps on hand tho Latest Styles. DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF NEW TRUNKS. VALISES, HAND-DAGS, BABY CARRIAGES, SILVERWARE, QUEENS WARE, POCKET KNIVES, WALL PAPER. NOTIONS, AC, AC. all dscrintiotns.hi8hCSt n,arket T W00, "idS' oi,,sont?' 'um of n.n'i'i "I'?,R f8 WILSON SEWING MACHINE, which has of late yeaia be come a great la vorito, is sold on easy terms by DAVID MENTZ, Marienville, Pa. FAMOUS LOW PRICE has had such WE ARB FORCED TO ENLARGE OIR STOCK-! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF Dry Goods, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and a Full Line of Pants. Wo carry a Fine Line of FRESH .-. GROCERIES ! Which we are solium at the Lowest Figures such poods can be sold for. We do not want to sell CHEAP TRASH, and will not keep such in our store, but will deal only in the VERY REST. Highest market price paid for Hidos and Polls. Our 'goods have always borne a good reputation and our prices are known to be clown at tho bottom. It will be our aim to keep them so, and by fair dealing and strict attention to the wants of thn people, hope to merit a continuance of the goncrous put ronage heretofore extended. Give me a call and be convinced. The Boston Clothing House, MaricnviUo's Great Mart for Trading ! A new ad. will shortly appear in this space. STOP!! Come and mako vour snlni-llon tnf..rn it good success that Forepaugh's Circus Is coming, but before ho comes wo must mako room for him in our store, and to do this we place some of our summer goods on our counters at half price : Challics at Gc., regular price 8c. American Satincs 10c, regular price 15c. French Sn tines 15c, regular price 25c. Eagle bcago dress goods 27c, regular 40c And thcro is a big lot of goods which wo are closing out at half price, so as to make room for our Winter Stock, such as White goods, Lace Curtains, Hammocks, and sev eral other articles too numerous to mention. A big cut down in price on Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing goods Trunks-, Valises, Crockery, Tinware, &c. Givo us a call and bo convinced. Parties from HicKoitY purchasing to amount of $10 will be allowed price of faro both ways. ' J. M. MINTZ, COT SEW KKPI.KKZKLtlCK, HOPKINS & CO. SPRING GREETING! Tho March winds havo had their lllow, and they seem to havo taken such an effect on some people that they think all they havo to do is to ULOW 1 Hut good good , nt low prices toll the story, and tho people tell tho prices. ' CLOTHING ! SE1?:S: CI0TIIING ! Never before has our stock of Clothlnp been so Complete as this Nprimr. We r."i . u U. Awn!"tmc,,t- ff"."' J" ,ie('"l IWlnnliiSf awav down below TEED AS i ltPKrMFNTFtD r " ' KVEHY UAKM KS'T "DAUAN- DRY GOODS! DRESS GOODS! DOMESTIC GOODS! Our shelves are loaded with tho FINEST and IlEHT selection of Dry floods and Dress Wood i we ever had. and tho prices are ao low that Competition is out of tho question. No stocks of Kcmnauls or second hand stutl" to show. NOVELTIES IN .1 lvpr' Counter bristles with Novelties that is a Stunner to Everybody 1 AWAY j- i u S SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, Our assortment of Ladies', Gent's, Miss es, and Chihlcn's Shoes Is larger than ever before, and at prices that are lower than others will ask for Khoca that should not be looked at under the same light. "2 m sit c lis sis. e-2 . 7, fa m o O .. C3 - t. CO bi HATS HATS o We buy our Hats from tho Manufactur ers, and can Boll a Hotter Hat for Iss Money than thoso that buy of Jobbers. NO MIDDLE MAN TO GET THE PROFIT! These are FACTS, and will be proven to you when jou come In. CO 5 3h C3 H. J. HOPKINS & CO. PROPER - & - DOUTT, (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN A SIOGINS.) DRUGGISTS to GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND rim i wmzmr gbqcebies HERRI ES, FRUITS it VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found tbe PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. TIOXESTA, HOPKINS & CO. DRESS GOODS! in the most dcsirablo Uoods, ami at pricos DOWN. CO o ? I -2 O HATS. 2 ' 1st HI X u CO CO a zi CO Smearbaugh, n I., ;N?Y. A P. n. nA1UlOAI. formerly Time Tablo tnklnR en'oct .Inlv fith, IRlO. Eastern Tlmo Totli Moildlan. Trains wllllenvo Tionesta fir Oil Cltv and points West as follows; No. (i;t Through Freight (carry- iK pssscnifcis). a. in. No. Ill llullalo Exi.ress l'.' noon. No. Id Way Freight (carrying passengers) r.:P0 p. m. No. 3 Oil City Ex rcss 8:(K5 p. m. For Hickory, Thilonto, Warron, K inzna, Ilradlord, Olean and the Easts No. an Olean Express No. a-2 Pittsburgh Express. No. (HI Through Freight (c rylng passengers "Mia. m. 3: 10 p. in. 7:11 p. m. Trains n:i and nil Run Dailv and earrv passengers to and from points liclwccii Oil City and Irvinrlon only, othor trains run dally except Sunday. Oct Time Tables and full Inroruintlon from J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. It. liKLL, Gcn lSiipt. J. A. FELLOW'S, 1 Gen'l Passenger ft Ticket Agent, Itulliilo, N. V. GREAT TRUNK LINE Tlctwcon tho EAST &c "WJ1ST ! New Yoik, Philadelphia, lloston, and all points East, Chicago, St. Paul, Cincin nati, St. ijouls. New Orleans, and all points West-, North and Southwest. Solid voslibitled trains, Kloeplnir, Pull man (lining and (lay conches, between principal cities East anil West. The pop ular line West for colonists mid hind seek ers, listen always low as llio lowest. No extra chiiige lor t idinn on vestibuls lim ited, llelore puirhusing tickets call on or address. It. II. WALLACE, Trnw Puss. Agt., Oil City, Pa., or F. 11. G AKFIELD, Dtv. Pass. Agt., .Ismeslown, N. Y. LI T GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in IP TJ JEZ, 1ST I T TJ E. Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA. PA. Is hero ftiruishisl of the conscrpicnco of neglecting lo tnke wise wifclv ad vice. This limn thought iia knew it all and Turned Up His Nose At our low priced Fiirniiuro bccaiiKO they were low. lie paid two prices for an inferior article which Its I his wife lo Turn Down His Noso For futuro reference. She gavo him llio shako in a mild form find thrcntencd divorce for the next oll'cucp. She's all right. To fail lo trade w ith Nelson Grecnltind is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on ladies. Educato your husband to know a bargain when ho sees it. Train them in tho wav thoy should go (for Kurnituro.) And rcnicmhur that way is to N. GREEN LUND'S, Undertaker .t Einbaliuer, aai Exchimgo IHock, WARREN, PA. of tho linn of MOUCK BRO'S, OPTICIAUS, Specialist in Errors of ltclraction of the Eye. Examinations froe of charge. WARREN, PENN. .HUMPHREYS- VETERINARY SPFC.FI CS i or iisrsos, uai9, aneap, cogs, tifi. , AND PODLXBY. S00 Page nook on Trrntuirnt of Animals aud ( hurt ticui t ri e. wnra Frerii,ronBi'tlon,lullainmtlo A.A.lf-plunl .tl,iiluul;in, it! 1IU ovn-. Jl.ll fMrnius, l.un.rui , UhrsiuHll.m. ( .( . ItlKltiiuwcr, Nit mi I li. huric. Il.ll. llul. or Worms. K. K. ( iiuuhH, 11,-iivo, i'lii umnnis. F. olio or Oriir, Hi-lvnrba. lwrnrrlin,i-. Ili-inori hit, 11.11. I rmai and Kltlui V llluatei, 1.1 Erucllve ii-.-iiHf , ftlaugu. J.K. lUiui.rsof HUiinii, Paralysis. bltiKle itU0 (ovt-r W unst- 8tHble Cnse, with KiM-elflon, MimuaL VfUTliitry ;uix- Oil anil Mudlcutur, i - - i.uv I.OO Boia dt uruiinn; cr Sent Prep i Id nrwhtre aud in luxt nummtj on Ruceiiit o( Prio. Hiimplirfy' M1icln Co., ioa fii'ton St., W. Y. IF1. W.'ljjL-W".""- I'raciical Tiimci All kinds of Sheet Motal Work prompt ly attended to. TIN ROOF 1NG A 81'KCIALTY, Ann SPOUTING. BOROUGH BUILDING, TIONESTA, PA. T A WEEK and upwards positively CP'' secured by men agenta selling Dr. Scott's (ieuuiuo Eh.ctric licit. Susiensorv. etc.. and bv ladies selling Dr. Scott's 1 .lo'c I Scott, ttW Uroudwuy, N. Y. Nov.lO-Biu. ti-i,. 1'n.uAtj UumtiU tr..a Nli'lil A FRIGHTFUL EXfflB