THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. t. C. WINK, COtTOft PSOPSICTOR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2.1, 1800. i;i'iiai( A TICKET. KTATR. Governor, OEOROE W. HELAMATER, Crawford County. Lieutenant Governor, LOUIS A. WATRES, Tiackawaiinn Comity. Secretary of Internal Affairs, THOMAS J. STEWART, Montgomery County. Jl IIH IAKY. President Jndgt, SAMUEL D. IRWIN, (Mubjeot to decision of District Conference.) Assoclato Judge, C. W. CLARK, Tionosta Township. COPNTY. Plato Senato, HARRY R. WILSON, Clarion. (Subject to decision of District Conference.) Assembly, S. S. TOWLER, Jenks. Prothonotary, CALVIN M. ARNER, Tionosta'Bo rough. Bhoriff, John r. Osgood, Kingsloy, Comity Commissioner, AMES McINTYRE, Harmony. C. F. LEDEBUR, Green. County Auditor, T. B. COBB, Tionosta Borough. W. W. THOMAS, Tionosta Township. Jury Commissioner, J. N. HEATH, Kingsley. Ex-Senator Wallace has sailed for Europe to help Fatt'ison for Got eroor. The ex Senator will be out of politics this summer. Chairman Kerr insists that Can didate Pattison must conciliate the corporations. It is strange that he doesn't leave that part cf the work to Scott. It is said that ex-Senator Emery will stump the State for Fattison This means the loss of one vote for Delamater that he wouldn't have received anyhow. Two swallows do not make a Sum mer. By analogy we may reach the conclusion that one Wharton Barker does not make a great Independent Republican Movement. Congressman Kerr is a good man who, as Chairman of the Democratic otate iomnmiee, will bend all bis energies to keeping the Eepublican majority below 100,000. Senator Sawyer's bill to establish a postal telegraph comes a little late in the session, but it is well meant, and may serve as a basis for opera tions in the future. The postal tele graph is bound to come, but the easy going policy of the Senate will prevent it from coming with any lightning-like rapidity. Chairman Andrews is doing the j correct thing in establishing qtiartera in Pittsburg. When a head- lien Russell Errett was chairman he did the same thing, and the beneficial results were apparent in the increased Republican vote and majority in that section. The result of Chairman Andrews wise move will be Seen in November. If Superintendent Forter can get the census returns ready in time, and he says he can, it is believed that the present Congress will, before adjourn ment, pass a bill making the new Con gressional apportionment under the eleventh census. Then the House to be voted for next November could be elected under it. The talk of bolting the Republican Gubernatorial ticket has grown so infiuite8imally email and far between, in this section that an ear trumpet is necessary to catch the faintest sound thereof. If Chairman Kerr succeeds in keeping Delamater's majority be low 75,000 his party will be unkind iudeed if it don't tender him a big vote of thanks. A ma meeting was held in Chicago recently in the interest of the preser vation of the sanctity of the Sabbath, at which a resolution was adopted re questing the Illinois Legislature, at the special session called to legislate for the World's Columbian Exposition, to provide for the closing of the great show on Sunday. The fact was point ed out that at the Centennial Eiposi Hon at Philadelphia in 1876 and at the World's Fair in Taris in 188, there were no exhibitions on Sunday, and that tho good example there set ioulJ be followed at Chicago in 1893 TbtriStlittlo doubt that the public aentimentotVUio country would be overwhelmingly opposed to keeping the fair open on the Sabbath, and uu less the Illinois Assembly is of pecul iar composition it will respect that kttitiuieut. Non-Parllsan View. The New York Financier, reflecting the sentiment of business classed, is more than d!cAed with Mr. Blaine's reciprocity scheme. It regards Mr. Blaine's attitude in the matter as "strictly non-partisan," and a "bid for the support of both parties," and the question as one that "directly applies to the commercial interest of this country, and immediately concerns the welfare of everybody connected with iron manufactures ns much if not more, than all else." The Financier goes to the core of tlio question when he says : "The question of reciprocity iu gen eral is one thing, and tie questiou of reciprocity with these paiticular South American countries is another; this dislinctiou must be borne iu mind, for upon it rests an enormous export trade ; which it the reciprocity was with France, for instance, would amount to littlo in our favor, but with countries that do not produce what we have for sale, it is entirely another matter." The Financier continues as follows: "The Geld for developing a South American market is of enormous mag nitude; far beyond anything they now purchase; as we begin to sell thorn more freoly, and get personally ac quainted through agents sent there for the purpose, great opportunities in a thousand directions will be noticed that only await just such an advantage as Mr. Blaine is proposing to give us, in order that they may be utilized." The scare about a deficit of reve nues seems to be totally unrounded. Senator Allison says that the total ex penditures will be $411,000,000, and the estimated revenue $470,000,000, leaving a surplus of $59,000,000, which is a tidy little sum for Uncle Sam to have laying around loose in his vaults ready for a rainy day. The deficit "scarers" will have to try thair hand again at figures. Of course the meeting of the iron workers in Sheffield, England, to pro test against the passage of the Mc Kinley bill, ought to be followed by free trade meetings in the United States endorsing the protest of these English workmen. The English work men and the American free trader have an interest in common. They are both auxious to have the work for America done on tho British side of the Atlantic. Cuekk! Brazen cheek: cheek of the most unadulterated aud concen trated character! That is what the Democrats of Pennsylvania display when they say anything about ballot reform so long as they oppose ballot reform in othor States. Ballot reform iu Pennsylvania, forsooth! In what State of this Union, where the Demo crats are iu power, aro tho elections so free from fraud, force or trickery, as they are iu this State controlled by Republicans? The pegs upon which the Democrats hung their hopes of electing Pattison this fall have about fallen out. The thousands of kickers and bolters of whom so much was beard before and immediately after the nomination of Delamater have dwindled to a corpor al's guard. Defections from the Re publican ranks will be more than offset by the votes of Democrats who will take revenge for the defeat of the Democrat, Wallace, by refusing to support the Mugwump, Pattison. Kittanning Free Press. The present state campaign appears to have been early relieved of the personalities which at the outset seem ed likely to be dropped into the can vass. A mud slinging campaign could profit the Democratic party nothing, and tho fact has already been realized. Tbe Republican party has a clean and upright candidate, and personalities directed at him fall short of the mark and injure only bis would-be assail ants. This is a campaign In which party questions and party issues be comes particularly conspicuous. Upon them the cpntest of this year must be conducted. West Chester Republican. Notwithstanding his age and fee ble condition, the death Gen. John C. Fremont, the "American Patbfiudcr," caused a shock to bis great army of friends everywhere. lie was a mem ber of the celebrated Kit Carson Post, G. A. R., of Washington, D. C, which enjoy the proud distinction of having more distinguished names upon its roster than any other single post iu the country. By special direction of the Presi ieot tbe flags on all the pub lic, buildings were hulf-masted in hon or of his memory. Already bills have been introduced in both House aud Senate to give his widow a pensiun His services to bis country were many and important, and it is as little as Congress can do to provide the money to make his widow independent and comfortable during the rest of her life; she is poor, and this should be considered a debt of honor which tbo Uoited State Goverumeut owes the estate of her deceased husband. TF YOU X printing WANT a reniiectalle job of Jriijlin at a reasonable, prico scud your i-r to this 1 1 Rico. Spring and Summer X - L - Grand Opening of Spring & Summer Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, &c. rpo THE TUBLIC: We have the pleasure of colling your Complete and best selected stocks of Staple, anil Fancy Goods ever shown In this sec tion of Pennsylvania, nt prieos founded on Cash rui-chasea, and long experience in tho trade. IN OUR NEW LINE You will find a Complete line of Flno Domestic and Imported Dry floods. Notions. Hosiery, U loves, Corsets, Ladies' Furnishing MILLINERY! MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Remember, von will see In our now Millinnrx Dcnm-tnitmt the verv stvlcs Hint are just now appearing in the Leading Millinery Stores iu all tho largo cities, under tue management oi jr.xnoricnccu iuiuiucrs. CARPETS! The most com nrehensl ve stock of Now BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS! TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS! INGRAIN A HEMP CARPETS! HALL AND ST A IK CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, Ac at prices which will satisfy all comers. Wo for displaying these goods. CLOTHING! Our Slock of Roadv-Mado Clothing Is a 400 Suits to seloet from, and ranging in prices from $f,.00 to f'-'O.OO per suit. And as to Gents' Furnishing Goods, we are to tho front with a Fine Stock. In every-duy wear we Bhow you One Hundred different kinds of Pants, at 75c., 80o.. $1.00, $1.2i, anil a dandy lino lino of pants. IN OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Under the management of Mr. LYMAN O'DELL, we carry a fine line of all tho best makes and Patterns of Cloths to select from in prico from $i,00 to ."0.00. Every Garment Warranted to tit, and cloth as represented. BOOTS AND SHOES! We have on hand a Coinplcto Stock of prices to suit all, aud only ask you to call and examine our lino for Everybody ! IN GENERAL STOCK, We carry a Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Paper, Pocket Knives, Silverware, Notions, THE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT Is ITItiA 1?;i.m li;..lABt .- -L uiw inni t-u. iiiiicnt iiiiMAUl Jaiicr Local Agent of Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machino Company, machine at lowest market prices. DAVID FAMOUS LOW PRICE 3Ei has had such WE MB FORCED TO WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OP Dry Goods, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and a Full Lino of Pants. We carry a FRESH GROCERIES ! Which we aro selling at the Lowest Figures such goods can be sold for. We do not want to sell ('It KAH 'I K ASH, and will only in the VERY I J EST. Highest market Our goods hare always borne a good down at the bottom. It will bo our aim attention to tue wants or tun people, hope ronago nercioiore exienueu. oive uio a can The Boston Clothing House, Marieimlle's Great Mart for Trading ! Our Spring and Summer styles of Cloth ing, Dry goods, Boots rived, and aro pronounced by those Vho have seen them tho iinest goods over brought to Marienville. Wo sell them at ridiculously low prices, and acknowledge no competition. Our enormous Suit lino runs from $3.90 a suit to $20. Pants from G9c. to tho finest grades for $4 and $5. Wo keep a full lino ot Dress ffoous, Yhiio c-oous, lioots and Shoes, Gents" Furnishings, Hats, Caps Trunks, Valises, in fact everything a lady gentleman, boy or girl needs. Come tint see us and we will save you money. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE, 91. Li:VY, l'roprlrlor, C - R attention this Spring to one of tho most Goods, Summer Wraps, Ac., A-c. CARPETS ! ! Stvles in avo our patrons money I Special rooms CLOTHING! DANDY ! Containing no less than Sou to nil tho best makes, and latest stvlos, at Valines, Iland-Bags, Qucenswnro, Wall Baby Carriages, Ac, Ac. Complete in Fine Watches, Fino Chains, ,.,!,! ir;,lo tj ..!.. n: ta- i ... iui Jlllll.-i, CIW"t, UlllSlWIl:, M lnI. tVU Latest improved MINTZ, Marienville, Pa. 35 3GS S3 good success that ENLARGE 01 STOCK ! Fino Line of not keen such in our storo. but wilt deal price paid for Hides and I'ells. reputation and our prices aro known to bo to keep them so. and bv fair doalinir and strict to merit a continuunce of the generous pat ami ue couvincou. and Shoes, havo ar Marienville, Pa Forepaugh's Circus Is coming, but before mnko room for him in this we place some of our counters at half prico : Challics at Gc., regular prico 8c. American Satincs 10c, regular prico 15c. French Satincs 15c, regular prico 25c. Eagle bcago dress goods 27c, regular 40c And there is a big are closing out at half room for our Winter Stock, such as White goods, Lace Curtains, Hammocks, and sev eral other articles too numerous to mention. A big cut down in prico on Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing goods Trunks, Valises, Crockery, Tinware, &c. Give us n call and from HicKOHY purchasing to amount of $10 will bo allowed prico J. M. MINTZ, CUT xew Ki.ri.i:u hi.ock, HOPKINS Si CO. SPRING GREETING! The March winds have had their Illow, on sonio pooplo that they think all they havo to do is to BLOW ! But good goods, at low prices toil the story, and the pooplo tell CLOTHING ! me; boys'; never nciorn niw our hwick oi i mining have a M' DID Assortment, hints a' nil prices B'giiitiiii,r awav down below the fl.00 mark, and running up as high as J.'o.OO. EVERY GARMENT GUARAN TEED AS REPRESENTED ! DRY GOODS! DRESS GOODS ! DOMESTIC GOODS! Our shelves aro loaded with tho FIX Dress Good we ever had. and tho prices iiucMion. iso stocks oi uemnmiis or suconu NOVELTIES IN Every Counter bristles with Novelties that is a Stunner to Everybody! AWAY SHOES, SHOES, - SHOES, 5- C' 5 Our assortment of Ladies', Gent's, Miss es, aud Chlldon's Shoes is larger than over before, aud at prices that aro lowor than others will ask for Shoes that should not be looked at under tho same light. lis 5 s . ft. CO u as ft CO II.1T.N -:- HATS -:- HATS. K U O K 59 We buy our flats from tho Manufactur ers, and can sell a Better Hat for Loss Money thuu thoso that buy of Jobbers. NO MIDDLE MAN TO GET THE PROFIT! These are FACTS, and will bo provon to you when you come in. S u --3 " & 5 a CO 5 C3 H. J. HOPKINS & CO. PROPER (SUCCESSORS TO HERMAN & S1GGINS,) DRUGGISTS Sc GROCERS, TIONESTA, IN OUR GROCERY' DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND the mmimsr moomrm BERRIES, FRUITS it VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHIHG, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ho comes wo must our store, and to do our summer goods on lot of goods which wo price, so as to make bo convinced. Parties of faro both ways. TIOXKSTA, IM. HOPKINS k CO. and they seem to havo taken such an clt'cot the prices. c!m:nuEv5 CLOTHING ! noon ho lomnicte a tills fsnr nir. v EST and BEST selection of Irv Goods and aro so low that Coiimctillou is out of tho nana stutl to snow. DRESS GOODS! in the most dcsirahlo Goods, and at prices DOWN. - r.3 i v 3 a 5 O. 5.3 C 3 "3 5 -o r . ' co 2 r 2 ? 9 tr v a 5 I 2 S o3 r a " i co s 5 M 5 ? a i c co CO & DOUTT, PENH. AND CHEMICALS! Smearbaugh, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- WESTERN NEW YORK PENN SYLVANIA UAIMIOAI), formerly n., n. y. .t p. r. it. J Time Table taking effect July nth, IHO. Eastern Time 7."lh Moi iilian. Trains will leave Tionosta for 1)11 C'Uv and points West a follows i No. IIS Through I"relKht (carry ing passengers) fi:s n. m. No. Ill Ilull'alo Express l'2:'X noon. No. (U Way Freight (carrying passengers) .'. fi:(0 p, in. No. iU od I'llv Ex rcss S:o,j p. m. For Hicknrv. Tidionto. Wnrrnn. Klunu Bradford, Glenn and the Easti No. 80 Glenn Express. 8:41 a. 111. ' No. .'12 l'lllsburgh Express 3:411 p. in. No. IHI Through Freight (car rying psHscngers 7;13 p. nj. Trains 0:1 and Pfl Run Daily nnd carry niHsciigors to and from points between )il City and Irvineton onlv. uLlmr (..!. . run daily except Sunday. wci iiinn i amcs nnl lull Inrorninlloil from J. L. CRAIG, Agent. Tionosta. Pa. R. BELL, Gon'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gon'l Passenger A Ticket Agent. Builalo, N. Y, GREAT TRUNK LINE Between tho EAST &c WEST I New Yoik. Philadelphia. Boston, nnd all points East, Chicago, St. Paul, Cincin nati, Mt. imis, ini'w (.irlcaiis, ami all points West, North nnd Southwest. Solid voKtihuled trains, sleeping, Pull man dining nnd day conches, between principal cities East nnd West. The op- uar lino vt est lor colonists and lauil scck- ors. Jtntoi always low as the lowest. No extra ehargo for riiliug on vestibule lim ited. Before purchasing tickets call on or address, R. II. WALLACE, Trnv. Pass. Agt,, Gil City, Pa., or F. II. GARFIELD, Div, Phss. Agt., Jamestown, N. Y. S.H. k GENERAL MERCHANTS. Dealers in FURITITURB. -Also, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, TA. A il Is hero furnished of tho consequence of noioriing to imse wise w nei v ad vice. This man thought do knew it all and Turned Up His Noso At our low priced Fiirnituro because they were low. lie puni two prices lor an inferior articlo which led his wife to Turn Down His Noso For futuro reference. Sho nave him the. shako in n mild form and threatened divorce for the next ollence. Hin'a all right. To fail to trade Willi Nelson Greenland Is A JUST CAUSE OF DIVORCE If the courts would only think so. Keep on utiiies. .uucuio your uusuauu w know a bargain when he sees it. Train them iu the way they should go (for Furniture.) Aud remember that way is to N. CREEFSLUIMD'S, Undertaker A Embuliner, 331 Exchaugo Block, WARREN, PA. tZ&Gi'sr Mqugk J a of tho lii iii of MORCK BRO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist iu Errors of Retraction of the Eye. Examinations freo of charge. WARREN, PENN. HUMPHREYS' VETERiKARYSPECIFICS For Horses, CatUo, Shoe?, Dags, Eors, , AND POULTRY. 00 Page Book nn Trruiimnt of Animals aud ( hurl friim l'reu CT'itKfl ( PrvrrN, onyrpiIunn,InHaminKtoa A. A. i Spinal Ui'uiimlii, Miik Ivr. H.ll.Ntrulun, I.uiim ih It U rumntUm. 4',l'...liHtwiuper NumuI lii-hiirsv ).JI.lui or ;ruln, WurniN, K.E('nuuliM llfHvtMt 1'iif uuiunla F.l' . ollo or (rlpiH ltrll ttche. ll.ll. l i-luary nnd Kiuiicy lMt?aite I.l.-Kruptiv liHOiiNi', iVauu fciiiKlv Bottle (over 60awJtiX - ,J Htable C'rhp, with Kptirtca, MarurU, u rinnry duru OH ttii-1 SluUlctttor, ST.OO Jar ttriuary Curt 4ll. ,00 Sold bf DruKk'ist; or Sent Prril anywaer aud in aur quantity ou iicipt offiic. Hiimphrpys' Werticine Co., 109 Fulton St., W. Y. lr a c ti c al Tinner All kinds of Shoot Metal Work prompt ly intended to. TIN OHNU ROOt A SPKt'I ALTY. Ann SPOUTING. BOROUGH BUILDING, TIONESTA, PA. Q p: A WEEK and upwards positively 4?.ti secured by men agents nulling Dr. Scott's (ienuine Eiuctriu Belt, SusiMiimory, etc., and by ladies selling Vr. .Scott's Elec tric Corsets. (Sample free. State sex. Br. Scott, blS Broadway, N. Y. 4