The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 11, 1890, Image 3

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TJuriKA.t. J. R. Ci.AnK.
iXmncitmcn North ward, U. M. Her
man, M. M. Foreman, Patrick Jovco.
South ward, J. C. Seowdou, S. ll. Has
let, KM llolomnn.
Junticfia of the Peacc-J. F. Proper, 8.
J. Potlov.
Cmmtablnnnil Collector. H. Cnnfloll.
AiWioot Director . W, Robinson, A,
H. Kelly, K. L. Davis, D. S. Knox, D.
W. Clark, J. T. llretiimn.
Mr.mher of Conjrexs James Kkrh.
. Member o.S'cnnte J. II. Wilson.
AtHtmhly I'll Ant.Ks A. RANDALL.
President Judije W. D. Bron.
Aaeintei Judget Joiix A. PnoPKn,
John II. White.
Treasurer J as. R. IlAcinEnTY.
Prothonotary, lieifiitcr Jt Recorder , fcc M. Arnfii.
MherylT. Quo, W. Rawtko.
fn.n.Mionr Wm. D. SHIELDS, C.
1KDKIHTB, J. J. Parsons.
'Oonnfy Superintendent Geo. W.Kkiir.
DUt.rict Attorney P. M. Ct.ARk:.
Jury Commissioners V. II. Cncncn,
John K. OAtu,.
County Surveyor .1. V. PnorKR.
rone.r Dr. A. H. Stoneciiti kh.
County Auditor H. L. Jones, R. Z.
GlLLRSrilt, Wm. Blum.
OUVK LODUK, No. 5.17, F. A. M.
Suited Meetings held lit Odd Fol
lows Hall tho first Monday of each month.
T. J. PAYNE, W. M.
T. n. conn, spiVy.
WAsTtlNGTON C.MI No.liO, P. O.
H. of A., meets every Monday eve
ning In Dalo If nil. White degree confer
red 1st and Hd Mondays o each month.
t. n. conn, u. s.
"? Ao. S(i!,
O. ofO. IT'.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, In the Lodue Room In Par
tridge's Hall. Confers the tnltiiitory de
gree tho first Tuemlay night of each
month; Hint dpirroo tho second Tuesday
Might; second dpuroo tho third Tunmlny
night; third degree tho fourth Tuesday
J. II. FONES, Soc'y. 27-tf.
l'v)RF,iST LODGE, No. 14, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday Evening In llas
lot Hull, Tlonesta.
J. E. WESK, M. W.
J. R. CLARK, Roeordor.
No. 274, G. A. R.
Moot on tho first Wednesday In enrh
Month, In Odd Follows Hall, Tlonesta. Pa.
1). ISLACK, Commander.
fr Forest County.
H. Tnwior M.I)., President; J. W.
Morrow M. D., Secretary ; J. 11. Higgins
M. I)., Treasurer. Tho Hoard will meet
In Dr. Morrow's office, Tlonesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
n'j-look, a. m.
1 wniivnva. T.r. 1 w
CM'.co next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pn.
i. r, aixi:v. r. M. CI.A1IK,
District Attorney.
Mr. Clark Is Airent for a numlier of to
llable Firo Insurance Companies.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Collections made 1 11 this and adjoining
Tlonesta, Forest County Pa.
y E. I1II1LE,
Otllee In Kepler Block. Room 0, Tionesta,
T AWRENCE HOUSE, Tlonesta, Pn.,
XJ Jiistis Shawkev, Proprietor. This
hotiRe is pent rally loeatod. Everything
new and well furnished. Siipoilor Ac
commodations and strict attention given
ti guests. Vegetables anil Fruits of all
kinds served in their season. Sample
room for Commercial Agents.
pENTRAL HOUSE, Tionostn. Pa.,
' O, C. Hrownoll. Proprietor. This is a
now house, ami has just been fitted up lor
tho accommodation of tho public. A por
tion of the patronage of the public is solic
ited. 4il-ly.
W. 11. ROTH, Proprietor.
The largest. Rest Located and Furnished
lloiis.i in the City. Near Union Depot.
Physician, Surgeon it Druggist,
I .ale of Armstrong county, having located
ill Tionosta is prepared to nttond all pro
Sessional calls promptly and at all hours.
Oftlco residence two doors north of
lawrenco House. Office hours 7 to 8 a.
M., and 11 10 12 M. ; 2 to 3 and 6i to 7i r.
M. Kiindays, 9 to 14 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 61
to 7) P.M. may-18-81.
Office oppposito Gas Office. Calls at
tended to promptly day and night.
Corner of Elm A Wainut Sts., Tlonesta,
Pa., Rank of Discount anil Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions made on ull the Principal points of
the U. S. Collections solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Harness, collars, bridles,
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Maguotio, Solar or Triangulation Survey
ing. Host of Instruments and wvk.
Tonus on application.
. Shopln Rock building next to Smear
ouugli A Co.' s store, la prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the eoarsost and guarantees his work to
give perfect saliMuction. Prompt atten
tion given M mending, and prices as rca
S'uiahle as first class work can lie done for.
C bared nnd nnbbalh Nrhsol.
Presbyterian Sablmth School at 0:45 a.
in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. Rumberger.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. F. Shoup, Pastor.
Services in the Prosbytorian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
Oil market closed yesterday 902.
Don't forget the festival at the
Rink nest Saturday evening.
Our old friend Jonathan AlbaOgh
of Hickory, has been granted an in
crease of pension.
Constable W. A. Connelly of
Hickory, gave the Eepluucan a
social call Monday.
Mr. Samuel Mervin, one of East
Hickory's veterans, has been granted
a re isaue of pension.
Straw hats at your own price at
Lawrence & Sinearbaugh's. Don't
fail to see them. It
Mrs. J. P. Grove is visiting ber
parents and other relatives and friends
at Bridgewater, Fa., expecting to be
absent about three weeks.
The Sires Photograph Gallery is
still turning out excellent work, and
there's no sense in patronizing stran
gers whote work you know nolbiog
A game of base ball between the
Tionesta and Hickory clubs, on the
grounds at this place, is booked for
next Saturday afternoon. An excit
ing contest is looked fur.
Young men can now get a busi
ness educatiou at the Clarion State
Normal School equal to that afforded
by Commercial Colleges, at about one
fourth tho usual expense.
Dr. Morrow left Monday evening
fur Pittsburg, to be present at the
meeting of the State Medical Society,
of which ho is a member. lie expects
to be absent until Friday.
Treasurer Hagerty sold a large
number of tracts of laud on Monday
for arrearages of taxes. Those left on
his hands will be disposod of on July
1st, to which date the sale was ad
j urued.
Joseph AJamJun Esq , of Phila
delphia, paid Tionesta a visit during
tho past week to 1 u:k after his busi
ness interests in Fo-est county. The
Rki'Ciu.ican acknowledges a pleasant
call frum him Monday.
Fresh Prunes, and other fine gro
ceries, &c, just in, at Lawrence &
Sinearbaugh's. It
Selden Whitman brought iutoour
oflioe yesterday morning a bunch of
blackberry bushes that just takes the
cake for blossoms, they being almost a
solid mass of them. If this is au in
dication of what the crop will be, look
out for loads of the delicious berry in
their season. Mr. Whitman invites
everybody, as usual, to come to his
patch and help themselves when the
time comes.
Miss Kato Anderson, teacher of
Newtown School, makes the following
report for month ending June 2, 1890:
No. enrolled 19 ; average attendance
16; per cent, of attendance 93. Olive
Lemou, Mildred Lemou, Maggie South
worth, Belle Southworth, Jessie Bur
dick, Henry Rudolph, Albert Rudolph,
Boyd Jones, were present every day.
Addie Matba, Helen, Shelden and
Kate Paul, and Grace Burdick missed
one day.
Go to the old reliable Sire Gal
lery for your Photographs. Prices
Mr. Geo. A. Percival, a former
Forest county boy, and who still Las
many frieuds liviog here, is now a res
ident of Ogdcn, a flourishing city iu
Utah, where he is a member of a
large real estate and loan company.
The daily Commercial, of that place,
contains this fluttering notice of him:
"Geo. A. Percival, treasurer of the
company, is from Ord, Nebraska. He
was for mauy years cashier of the
First National Bank of Ord, which
positiou he resigned to move to Og
den. Mr. Percival has a fiuo reputa
tion in Nebraska as au able and care
ful financier. He has many warm
friends iu Ogden, former Nebraskans,
who will take pleasure in extending
him a hearty welcome as a citizen."
Just received at Lawrence &
Smearbaugh's, a nice line of Summer
Flannels, Satiucs, White Goods. La
dies' and Children's Fast Black Hose,
finest quality, all the way from 15
cents to 50 cents. No discount on any
of tbese good). Prices marked right
down. It
The services at the Presbyterian
Church, on Sabbath morning last, in
commemoration of the annual festival
called Children's Day, now in vogue
throughout the nation, was perhaps
the pleasantest and most enjoyable
atTuir of that nature that ever took
place there. The church could not
well have been more tastefully ar
ranged and decorated. Great banks
of flowers were arranged about a beau
tiful "Arch of Character" that shone
through the lovely bouquets like pur
est marble, while richest perfumes
scented the air with their fragrance.
Both the little ones and those older
were in their element, and performed
their parts in the dialogues to perfec
tion. The singing, in which the large
congregation joined, was sool-inspiring,
while "Hosannah in the Highest," by
the choir, in which Mrs. Suie Sharpe
lead, was most beautifully rendered.
Rev. McAninch's remarks were par
ticularly appropriate and interesting.
Mr. A. B. Kelly, Superintendent of
the Sabbath School, to whose efforts is
largely due the complete success of the
occasion, had charge of the program
that was so nicely carried out. Surely
this beautiful service has so impressed
itself upon the minds of those present,
as not soon to be forgotten by any.
Here's a little blast from the
Blizzard that fits so snugly that we
feel like giviog it wider circulation.
The Republican office has been bored
in ike manner: "Some of those dap
per young men, who are drawing good
fat salaries in Undo Samuel's census
office at Washington, evidently labor
under the impression that the so-called
moulders of public opinion throughout
the country bave nothing in particular
to do but leg it about their respective
localities in search of statistical in
formation at the rate of nothing a
day and board themselves. Every
few days or oftener a lengthy en
velope is received at the Blizzard of
fice, containing a request that the
editor supply some kind of information
which it would require considerable
time, trouble and waste of brain mat
ter and physical tissue to secure. If
these census chaps think the editors
have nothing else to do they are mis
taken. Of course it requires but little
time to write three or four columns of
slush each day. But they have other
things to look after, such as their cred
itors, offended readers, church socie
ties, fishing, onion crop, etc., aud they
cannot reasonably be expected to do
the census work, fur the fun of the
thing, whilo the other chaps get the
financial pie part of it."
Last Thursday afternoon Frank
Walker, engineer of the Collins rail
road at Nebraska, met with an acci
dent by which be has beeu laid up
since, and which was a very narrow
escape from instant death. He was
on his third trip down from the upper
lumbering camp, and running at nn
average rate of speed. Con. Ikenburg
was bebiud about half a mile coming
down the grade with two loaded cars,
having the brake set on tho hind car,
when the coupling broke allowing the
front car to get away and after Frank
and his engine at a high rate of speed.
The noise of the engine made it im
possible for him to bear the approach
of the runaway car, and the first thing
he knew he was piuned up between
the tender and the engine. By an al
most superhuman effort Frank suc
ceeded in freeing himself, but bis
brakes were then so disabled that he
could uot stop the locomotive, which
was under fearful headway. He final
ly found a fair lighting place and
jumped. When picked up he was
found to be badly bruised, but fortu
nately sustained no fractures, as Dr.
Siggins learned when he reached the
place. Au inch more of pressure and
Frank's head would have been crush
ed; as it was, his right arm and side
were badly bruised and lacerated, and
will be of little use to him for some
time. The locomotive ran down to
the end of the grade and stopped,
Frank having succeeded in shutting
off the steam before be jumped.
The W. C. T. U. of Tionesta, will
hold a strawberry aud ice cream festi
val in the Rink on Saturday evening,
June 14, commencing at 7 o'clock P.
M. Come one! Come all! and have
a good time. W. C. T. U.
German Hill.
Messrs. Will and John Cropp have
finished a large kitchen fur Earnest
Mr. Jacob Wolf, of Newmansville,
was seen in this vicinity a few days
Arthur Stroup, who has been con
fined to his bed with the scarlet rash,
is able to be arouud again.
Grandfather and grandmother Wolf
vera visiting relatives in this commu
nity for a few weeks.
Earnest Sibble gave folks of Wolfs
Corners a call on Sunday. A l" a cue.
New lot umbrellas from $1 00 up,
at Lawrence & Smearbaugh's. It
East Hickory.
Miss Emma Ledebur has an attack
of malarial fever.
T. J. Bowman hied himself away
to Jamestown, N. Y., on Saturday.
Marshal Catlin and wife, of Whig
Hill, returned from New York on
Burt Sutley Sundayed at home.
Mrs. Julia Sutley and daughter-in-law,
spent Saturday and Sunday at
M. E. Abbott accompanied Rev. C.
R. Thompson to Whig Hill on Sunday.
Eugene Holmes and wife, who have
been visiting friends in Crawford Co.,
bave returned home.
Mrs. John McDonald spent Satur
day in town.
Time would fail us to tell of the
visitors coming and going every day.
Our town has improved in many
ways in the past few months, and
where once the grass grew on the
streets may now be seen crowded side
walks. Nearly every barn in town contains
some blooded stock. A stream ot
visitors can be seen at all hours on
certain days, but more especially on
Sundays passing to and fro to view the
fine breed of horses and cows.
The survey of the Hickory Valley
Railroad has been extended aud before
the leaves fall, the toot of the whistle
on the new passenger train will be
heard along the line from West Hick
ory to Newtown.
E. A. Bloomfield the efficient super
visor is pushing his work with a vigor
that deserves commendation.
Wanted in East Hickory A lock
up. An efficient police force. A
vigilance committee. Less beer and
more pure water. Less fault finding
and more charity. Less lying about
your neighbors aud more bridling of
the tongue. More people who attend
to their own business and do not pry
into the affairs of others. A cor
respondent for the Record who will
not be quite so personal. It is hardly
the thing to say tbat one of our prom
inent citizens caught a 13 lb. bass on
rjunday eveniog, or that Mr. So-and-so
keeps a case of beer in his barn or
that Ludwig sent his agent here on
Monday to gather up these cases which
filled a wagon full to overflowing.
Yes, there are a great many things we
want but will never get.
Stewarts Run.
Rev. Ira Hicks is again bitting it
iu bis weather prophesying. Entire
ly too much so fur our comfort.
Mrs. Cummings and John Thomson
have leased their farms to Mr. J. B.
Flisher of Jamestown, N. Y. The
stuff is on the ground for a rig on the
Cummings and will be put up thu
The fruit in this country is to a
great extent killed.
Samuel Stewart is putting up a rig
this week east of the old Asbury
Chapel about 40 rods.
Wood & Bruuston are putting in a
"power" this week.
Cbas. Thomson was home to see las
parents over Sabbath.
Road working is most done in Har
mony tawDship.
Jas. VanDerlin is putting up a very
commodious bank barn, 80x90 feet.
This will be the best barn in this
country. He will raise it ThursJay
the 12th, and needs all the help be
can got. Every man tbat can should
loud him a helping hand.
The Primary passed ofT very quietly
at this place.
There is still some very desirable
territory in this vicinity that can be
leased by good parties.
John Alcorn, who has been staying
with bis sister, Mrs. Cummings, for
some time, aod returned to Erie Co.
on account of poor health, bas return
ed aod is agaio working for Wood &
II. M. Zahniser is making good
headway io his business as census
Jud, Light bas a fishing job on the
June 10. McGikty.
Warren Wrinkles.
The children of Glade Run are suf
fering from an epidemic of measles.
Westly George is prostrated with
the soiatica.
Mrs. C. G. Ferry is recovering but
slowly from her illuees.
Mr. George Dawson of Stewarts
Run, made us a very pleasant visit
last week.
There is nothiog the matter of the
weather now.
Grass is extra fine am) hay selling
from $5 to 68 a ton.
The low price of butter does not
seem to discourage the farmer. In
buying a cow recently I found the
prices ranged from 628 to 675. One
two-year-old heifer I looked at had a
record of 2 lbs. of butter a day. She
is i Jersey. But a cow that will give
20 quarts of milk a day at 5 cents per
quart pays still better.
Juue 10. X.
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Hepler Corners.
Edward Hepler, of Strobleton, is at
present numbered among the sick.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Green were visit
ing this locality a few days ago.
Philip Wolf, of Smoky Hill, is
erecting a fine barn for Bub Along.
Children's Day was largely attend
ed last Sunday at the Washington
church. Grab.
Woman's Relief Corps.
To Comrades of Capt. Geo. Slow Post :
Your committee, appointed to con
sider the necessary steps to be taken
toward the organization of a Woman's
Relief Corps, would respectfully sub
mit the following :
Itetolved, 1st. That Capt. George
Slow Post does most cheerfully give
its consent for the organizing of a
Woman's Relief Corps in connection
with the Post, and pledges all the
assistance it can give.
2d. That Mrs. S. D. Irwin, Mrs. J.
B. Agnew, Mrs. D. S. Knox, Mrs. G.
W. Bovard, Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Mrs.
A. B. Kelly, and Mrs. R. M. Herman
be appointed a committee to solicit
charter members for said organization.
J. W. Morrow,
S. D. Irwin,
D. S. Knox,
P. C. Blocker,
J. Ai.baugh,
Examinations for teachers for the
year 1890, will be held as follows:
Neilllown, Monday, July 7.
East Hickory, Tuesday, July 8.
Tionesta, Wednesday, July 9.
Newtown, Thursday, July 10.
Balltown, Friday, July 11.
Cooksburg, Tuesday, July 15.
Marieuville, Wednesday, July 16.
Nebraska, Saturday, July 19.
Brookston, Tuesday, July '22.
Special examinations will be held
in Tionesta, September 27, October
25, and November 29.
1. Each applicant must write for a
specimen of bis peumanship, the Pre
amble to the Constitution of the
United States.
2. All work must be done with pen
and ink, on foolscap paper.
3. Applicants can not enter the
clads after 9 o'clock A. M.
4. AH teachers that did not attend
institute last winter, must give reasons
sufficient to bave kept them away
from their schools, before entering the
class. Directors and interested citi
zens are invited to be present.
Geo. W. Kerr,
Supt. Forest County.
For Sale.
Steam Threshing Rig complete, Ten
borse, Horizontal Traction Engine,
Separator, Water Tank and Tank
Wagon. All in good repair. Will
sell cheap or will trade for stock. Call
on or address,
J. G. Bromley,
Stewarts Run, Pa.
Moro nooplo, adults and children, uro
troubled with coHtivoness than with any
other ail niont. Dr. Henry Hnxtrr'e Mini
drake JiiltorH will cure coKtivcni'tM and
provont tho diseiiHOs which result from it.
For Hale ut ISovurd'a.
lii-niarkable KrM-ur.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'luiiilicld, III.,
iiukoa tho HtaU'iiiout that blio caught cold,
which settled on her loni; tihu wax
treated lor a month hy her luinily ph.VNi
cian, hut urow worwo. He told her hIio
was a hopulims victim of consumption mid
that no iiiediciuo could euro her. Her
driiKKist BUtiHP'-toil l'r. Kind's New Dis
covery for Consumption ; hho bought a
lxiUle and to her delight found herself
benefitted from first dose. Slie continued
its use and utter taking ten bottles, found
herself sound and well, now does her own
housework and is as well as she ever Mas.
Free trial bottles of this Ureal Discovery
at Herman fc Hifru'ius' Drugstore, largo
bottles Sue. and $1.00.
Kvery bottle of Arnica fc Oil Liniment
sold is warranted by the proprietors to
give satisfaction or money will bo refuud
od. For sale at Ilovard's,
r L SS dlrwtn, Tre Judge
Wilson, HoiiMfl ,
Arnor. 1'roth'y
C. W. Clark If
m S - Js. S. Towlor I
P. C, Ulo(-hnr I
li 2 a ft John It. Ox(rool..j r
w w
c - i x v
I. K. Groen....
Jas. Melntyrp...
- t' -r ?.
a : w -SSo
Sr cS 3?
i i
C. F. Ledehnr.... :
A. K. Khipe
J. J. Parsons 1
Samuel Mervin..
J. N. Heath
Chris. Znpiulel...
James D. Pavis...
J. B. Agnow
llnppr lloinlrra.
Wm. Tlmmons, Postmaster of Idavillo,
Ind., writes! "Klectrie Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined, for that bad feeling arising from
Kidney and I.iver trouble." John Loslio,
farmer and stock man, of same plaoo, says :
"Find Kloctrio Hitters to be tho best kid
ney and Liver medicine, made mo feel
like a new man." J. vV. Gardner, hard
ware merchant, same town, says: "F.lec
trle Hitters Is just the tiling for a man who
Is all run down and don't care whether ho
lives or dins ; ho round new strength, fgond
nppetito und felt fust like he had a new
lease on lite." Only 50e. a bottle, at Her
man A Kljjglns' Drugstore
Survival of tho Attest, Downs Klixir
has outlived every other cough remedy
simply becanse it is the best. For sale at
Itch cured In 30 niinntos, liv Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails.
Sold by Herman A Siggins Druggists,
Tionesta. jani-4m.
Knplish Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and blem
ishes from horses. Ulood .Spavins, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone, Stifles,
Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs F.te.,
Save fi'iO by uso of one bottlo. Warrantod
tho most wonderful blemish euro ever
known. Sold by Herman A. Siggius,
Druggists, Tionesta. jau'J2-ly.
When Baby wu ilck, we gare her Caitorta,
When she wm a Child, the erled for Cutoria,
When ihe became Miaa, she clung to C'Mloria,
When the bad Cbiklreu, etae gave them Cutoria,
The best Salvo in the world Cuts,
Hruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Klieuni, Fevor
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilliluins,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pav required. It
is Kuariiuiecu io give periect satlsiaction,
or money refunded. Trico 25 cents per
dox. For sale bv U. W. Bovard.
MOOKE-KINO.-In Tionesta, l'a.. June
!, 18P0, by S. J. Setley, J. P., Mr. Allan
Moore of Nebraska, Pa., and Miss Susan
M. King, of Fast Hickory.
Pa. One of the oldest and most suc
cessful practitioners in this section of tho
State. Will visit Tionesta every regular
court wock. majia-ly.
Auditors' Jtt'porl or lluv
inoiiy Tow nship.
It. O. Carson in account with the School
Ain't due from 18.S0 $ 7211 07
Ain't received from Collector ial 30
Ain't received from V. C Bromley ftl 74
Stuto appropriation 108 23
Allegheny Twji. order 12 00
S22.1U 3-1
$1840 80
30 82
Orders redeemed
Two per cent, commission .
$1877 71
Raluiico duo Twp 401 03
no au Ft' nii. pn.
Cash received from Collector $.V)7 63
Cash received from W. C. Bromley lilt 83
$027 10
Am'tdiioTreas. from last settlement $ 07 8.1
Orders redeemed 183 30
Two per font, commission 3 07
f 2 .M 81
Balance due 372 io
We, tho Auditors of Harmony Town
ship, having examined tho accounts of
said township, linil them as set forth ill
tho foregoing report.
(iuo. L. Kino,
U. L. Junks,
OF J.l.lIlLSTOH'X, IV. Y.,
M'f'rs and Iinpoiters of
IIasapMiinted S. II. HASLF.T A SONS,
I louesui, j-a Agents. All work war
ranted. Prices Reasonable. Call aud ex
amine samples.
T V YOU WANT a repecUtble Job of
printing ai a reasonable price send your
eruor 10 1111s umcn,
Auditor' ftcf I lenient of Tln
11 est n Twp. Seliool Fund
for the Year JSS1.
Wm. Lawronco, Treasurer, in account
with the School Fund of Tionesta Town
ship, for tho year 18811.
A in't in Trona'r's hands last report.! 18S7 04
State appropriation 108 03
Ain't ree'd Henry Ilium, Col 201 47
Am i ree'd W. II. Wolf, Collector.. 1170 39
?34.7 S3
$ 3107 35
47 06
212 35
Ain't orders redeemed
Vi per cent, on 31!t7.3".
Am t on hand to balance.,
f:M37 fa
Balnnco In hands of Treasurer .12 35
W. II. Wolf. Collector, in account with
the School Fund of Tionesta Township.
To nm't of Duplicate $1555 21
By Treasurer's receipts, S1220 39
Ain't returned to Co. Comm'rs 112 41
F.rror in tax 20 05
Kxonerations 71 32
Five per cent, on 81220.30 01 OO
Am't to balance 61 07
$1555 24
Bulnnee In hands of Collector , 01 07
Financial Statement of Tionesta Town
ship School Fund.
Balance in hands of Treasurer 212 22
Balance in hands of Colloctor 61 ('7
Unseated tax of 18S8 and 1880 2000 00
$2273 29
Liabilities none.
We, the Auditors of Tionosta Township,
havinir examined the accounts of the
Treasurer and Collector of the School
Fund of said township, for the rear end
ing Juno 2, 1800, find them as sot forth in
mo loregoing report.
Geo. Weant,
John Tvkbkl,
Dissolution Notice.
Iron City Smixn, 1
Forkst Co., Pa.. May 20, 1800.
We, the undersigned R. It. Dunbar, J.
S, McCluskoy and Rob't II. Brown, doing
business under firm name of Dunbar fc
Co., Limited, do by mutual consent, this
dato dissolve said partnership.
it. R. DuNHAIt.
John S. McCluskey.
Koii't II. Brown.
No. 1, MAY TERM A. D. 1800,
KLLA S. JOY, PlaiHtiJjr,
ISRAEL S. SPENCER ct al, Defendants.
Bill in equity filed by said Klla S. Joy,
a tenant in common for the partition of a
certain tract or piece of land situated in the
Township of Harmony, County of Forosi,
State of Pennsylvania, containing 250 acres
more or loss, (and being all the land men
tioncd and described In deed from J. B.
Agnew, Slier ill', to Allen Mouroo, recorded
in Shoritl "s deed book No. 1, at fago 35, in
tho Prothonotarv's ollice of said eouiits
between plaintilt' and defendunta, or such
of them as aro interested therein, so that
ech shall enjoy his or her share in sever
alty ; and if tho same cannot be dividotl
without prejudice to, or spoiling tho whole,
that the same bo sold and tho proceeds
distributed among the several persons en
titlod thereto.
And now, May loth, 1800, It appearing1
to tho satisfaction of this Court, from tho
allldavit and return to ordor of sorviro of
April 14th, 1800, lilod, that the dofendantH,
Israel S.Snenctfr, Frank Hiscock, William
F. Uern, John O. K. Tniair, Frederick
Morrell, Charles Tucker, B. L. Talmadge,
Orrln Ballard, Frederick T. Ilage, J union
Fuller, W. 1). Wells, VV. E. Wolls nnd
Irani 0. Russ, cannot, upon diligont in
quiry, be found so as to be personally
served with tho bill and said order j it is
therefore ordered and decreed that tho
said defendants in this order named are
hereby notified and required to cause au
appearance to be entered for them respect
ively in tho Court of Common Pleas of
Forest County, to the Bill of Complaint of
the said Ella S. Joy, and to observe what
the said Court shall direct. Such appear
ance to lie entorod on or before tho twonty
tirst day of June, 1800; and on fall uro to
comply with this order, defendants in do
fault will bo liable to havo tho bill taken
iico coueKso, and a decree made against
them iu their absence.
Forest County, ss :
I hereby certify tho foregoing to be a
true extract Irom the record. Witness my
hand nnd tho seal of said Court
BK AL 1 this 10th day of May. 1800.
U C I nU I I sieel Tai-kltt Work.
Half the eost of hoisting saved to
Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers,
Machinists, Builders, Contractors)
and others. Admitted to be tho
greatest improvement ever made
in taeklo blocks. Freight prepaid.
Write for catalogue. Fulton Iron
A Engine Wks., 10 Brush St., De
troit, Mich. Estab. 152. my28.
We wish to rail the attention of tho
readers of the ltKeum.iL'AN to tho fact
that S. Sager's AiuhIvho Liniment is one
of the very best internal and external
remedies ever used for cramps, inllam
illation, tiHithaehe, headache, cuts, bruises,
sprains, dysentery, indigestion, etc. It is
kept for Hilo at Tioiiesia, Hickory, Whig
Hill, Mnyhiirg and Newninnsville, and
w ill soon lie placed oil sale in other places.
Agents are wanted. upr30-3m.
f ACRES OF LAND, including the
OtlJ dwelling house, barn, etc., sub
ject to mill including the present leases
thereon, situated on the headwaters 01
Stewarts Hun, iu Forest count v. Harmony
township; property of tho Jocelyn oil
Land Association 01 the l ommouwcaltli
of l'enns lvauia ; formerly known as the
Robert tjireeu, Marshall, and Andrew A.
Sloan farms, parts of tracts Nos. 221 anil
222, of Venango county, Allegheny town
ship, w ill bo sold 011 tho ground at 1'uhlio
Vendue, on the ftth day of July, A. D.,
ski, at 4 o'clock p. 111., to close up tho
sll'airs of tho corporation, Hy order of the
Board of Directors.
A. II. Jiii'KM N, Vice l'r- sidrnt,
Jamks Mai iionoi'uii. Director,
S. S. .lot i.ian, Director.
May 21, 1WHI.
for UobmI, Isdulrleua .
A ptnae, r Com
W grow full lin of ri'
TU Baiiuu qUUf Wrm4.
vim uvHi uru. Write tmmelu.U:iy for kmi.
Came to the premises of tho subscriber,
at East Hickory, Forest county, l'a., oil
May lUli, Ivo, one roim mare I'ony, age
unknown; brand oil ieit hip, t r .Vt HA;
alo biand 011 left shoulder, and sore back,
from addlo or harues. Tho ow ner in
mulled to come forward and prove prop
erty, nav charges, and take same awav.
olhci isu she w ill bo dinposi d of aeoul d-
iiiir to law-
May ai, lsoo.
I Oil WORK of every description eitK'U
twl at Ilia UKPUBLICAN ouico.
n 1