The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 07, 1890, Image 5

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Purge. J. R. Oi.ARK.
Oounnlmen North ward, R. M. nor
man, II. M. Foreman, Patrick Joyce.
South ward, J. C. Soowdon, 8. H. Haa
lut, Ell Holeman. of the react J. F. Proper, 8.
J. Hetlov.
Obrwfofife And CbffrWor R. 8. Canfleld.
School IhreetorG. W. Robinson, A.
B. Kelly, K. L. Davie, D, M. Knox, D.
W. Clark', J. T. Brennan.
Member of Congress Jamf.b Kerr,
Member of Senate 3. II. Wilson.
MemMy CHARLH A.Rakdat.l.
President JullgeVi. D. Bro k,
Assoeinte Judges Jonx A. Propkr,
John II. Whitk.
Vremjiurer Jab. B. IIaoorrtT.
Prothnnotnry, Register A Recorder,&e,
Calviw M. Arnhr.
VArr. Oeo. W. Kawtkb.
Oommmntoners Wn, D. BaiKLrm, C.
V. Lkdehitii, J. J. Parson.
Cbun.v Super intend entO KO. W. K RRB.
IHstri'et Attorney P. M. Clark.
- Jury OommtjMioners C. II. C'HCRCH,
CH?y Surveyor J. F. Proprr.
fVraiin' T)r. A. K. RTONFOlrn F.R.
Cownfv Auditor K. L. Jones, R. Z.
Gillksfiii, Wm. Blcm.
Ot,IVR LODOF., No. SOT, F. A. M.
1 I CM 1 .l XM i .... at ftilil TTnl ,
low Hah tlio first Monday of each month.
T. J. PAY UK, W. M.
T. B. COBB, Soo'y.
8. of A., moots every Monday eve
ning in Dale Hall. White degree corner
red lat and 3d Monday nl each month.
T. B. CO Bit, K. 8.
JVo. 309,
I. O. of O. F1.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock. In the f.odge Boom In Par
tridge's Hall. Conf'or the Initiatory de
gree the first Tuesday night of each
month; first degree the second Tuesday
Right; second decree the third Tuesday
night; third degreo the fourth Tuesday
night. .
J. H. FONKS, Soo'y. 27-tf.
I.VmERT LODOE, No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
I' Meets every Friday Evening In Has
let Hall, Tlonc'sta. .
J. E. WENK, M. W.
J. R, CLARK, Recorder.
No. 274, O. A. R.
Moeta on the first Wednesday In each
month, In Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
D. BLACK, Commaudor.
for Forest County.
8. 8. Towlor M. D., President; J. W.
Morrow M. D., Secretary ; J. B. Siggins
M- D., Treasurer. The Board will meet
In Dr. Morrow"a otlice, Tionesta, on the
third Wednesday of each month, at 10
o'clock, a. ni.
Office next door to P. O., Tionesta, Pa.
J. B. AONKW. P. M. CI. A UK,
District Attorney.
Mr. Clark Is Agent for a number of re
liable Fire Iusnrance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made In this and adjoining
Tionesta, Forest County Pn.
Offico In Kepler Block, Room P, TloHosta,
LAWRENCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.,
Justin Shawkey, Proprietor. This
house la centrally located. Everything
new and woll furnish)!. Snpeiior Ac
couinindations and stritZ attention given
to guests. Vogotahlcs and Fruits of all
kind served in their season. Sample
room for Commercial Agent.
C1ENTRAL HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.,
) O. C. Brownell. Proprietor. This is a
new house, and has just been fitted up tor
the accommodation of the public. A por
tion of the patronage of the public la solic
ited. 4-ly.
W. II. ROTH, Proprietor.
The largoat, Bout Located and Furnished
Uouaj In the City. Near Union Depot.
Physician, Burgeon A Druggist,
Late of Armstrong county, having located
In Tionesta is prepared to attend all pro
fessional calls promptly and at all hours.
Oitlco and residence two doors north of
Lawrence House. Oftice hours 7 to 8 A.
M., aud 11 10 Vi M. ; . to 3 anal 64 to 74 v.
M. Rundays, 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 64
to 74 p. if. may-io-oi
Office oppposite Gas Office. Calls at
tended to promptly day aud night.
Oornerof Elm Wainut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., llHtllt or Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions made on all the Principal points of
uie u. n. voueciiuua boucuuu.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, solar or l rianguiation survey
lug. Beut of Instrument and werk
Turma ou application.
Shop in Reck building next to Smear
aaugu A ('.' store. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
tlie coarsst and guarautues his work to
irive ber.Sct satiHlaution. Prompt alien
tion given to mending, aud prices as rea-
uouablo as tint class work cuu be uono lor.
To THE purchase AND sale ok 0f
. . a m A -vi I v ms-fc fl'Iin Ik tf KIT1V I I
C'harrh anal Kabbath Hrbeol.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preachimr In M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rov. Rumbergor.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kov.
F. f . Nhoup, Pastor.
Service In the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
Oil market closed yesteiday 851.
Decoration Day comes on Friday
this year.
Mr. Roberts lost one of his best
horses a day or two ago.
-uana.aaies were snaaing nanus
at a lively rate yesterday.
Harold Sharpe returned yesterday
to his sohool in Pottstown.
The small boy is happy. Schools
close in the borough to day, not to
re-open again till September.
For sale, either for cash or on
time, house and large lot in Tionesta
Borough. For terms apply to P M.
Clark. If.
Mr. Jno. Uncapher, of Plumville,
Indiana county, spent last Sabbath
with the family of his sister, Mrs. Dr.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
May, Chicago, May 5, 1890, a son.
Congratulations from your old friends
here, Beu.
The Clarion Democrat says that
Hon. J. T. Mafl'ett is now at home re
ceiving the congratulations of friends
on his improved appearance.
There will be preaching in the M,
. Church, East Hickory, on May
11th at 11 o'clock a. in., and 8 o'clock
p. m. C. R. Thompson, Pastor.
Fred. Morgan of Oil City, ac
companied by his brother-in law, Mr.
Hugh Keaticg, of Pittsburg, were here
yesterday, and gave us a pleasant call.
Editor Muse of the Vindicator,
and F. V. Law, are attending U. S.
Court at Pittsburg, this wek, as wit
nesses in lbs Murpby cases from this
rroi. t.ieo. u. i.cru was yesieruay
reelected Superintendent of Schools
w y-i rT
of Venango county, bupt. SIcNutt
was elected for the third lime iu Uar-
ion couuty.
Messrs. Proper & Doutt. at their
drue store, have "steamed up the
milk shake for the season, and the
busiuess opens up well notwithstanding
the high price of ice.
At the recent meeting in DuBois
of the Presbytery of Clarion, of which
l UO cnurcn nere is a pari, me queauou losiinasitr, gives mm graiuuuuo miur
of Revision was voted on aud rejected matioo : All stamped envelopes which
by a vote of 18 to 13.
Samuel Conard died at bis home
at Beaver Valley, Hickory township,
this county, April 30th, 1890, aged 76
years, 5 months, and 14 days. The
riaconsoi was horn in Rerki count v.
David Mintz, finding his mercan
tile business at Marienviile increasing
so rapidly that he is obliged to give it
bis undivided attention, has taken bis
family there and settled
down for
One of the finest trout thus far
reported, was caught in Tionesta
creek, a few rods above the mouth of
Ross Run, on Saturday last, by the
eight-year-old son of Chris. Zuendel
It measured 13 inches in length and
3 inches in width.
During the past week Andrew
McCoy, of Faguudus, was granted an
increaase of pension. Among the re
issues tbe name of Wm
Albaugb of
East Hickory, appears. Uncle Sam
is doing well by the old hoys these
days, and we're all glad of it, too
J. M. Mintz has just opened up a
new line of cigars, tobacco, coo fee
tionery, crockery, tinware, &o., and
invites the publio to call and examine
the same. All marked down to the
lowest notch, and guaranteed to be
strictly first class in all particulars.
A number of our young "people
are now at Clarion attending tbe State
Normal School, and others are plan
uiog to enter next term. The boys
and girls can do no better thing than
to acquire an education, and tbe
school at Clarion is one of the best in
the state.
Yesterday was a great day for
tbe Kerr boys. While Ueorge was
receiving a unanimous re election for
School Superintendent of this county
at an advanced salary, his brother
Willis was receiving the endorsement
of tbe Republican convention at
Clarion for Couuty Commissioner,
which is equivalent to election, as the
Republicans nominate only one candi
date in that county.
-Messrs. J. II. Morrison, L. B.
VVray, II. II. McClollan and Henry
Stakely of Jeoks ; M. E. Abbott and
W.E. Wither.ll of Hickory; Joseph
Hall of Barnett, und Thos. Corah of
Balltown, all directors, were pleasant
callers at the Rehublican office yes
Attention is called to the new ad.
The Boston Clothing House, which
D '
in iiuiiinvi onj '"
Mart for Trading. Mr. Levy boldly
swings his banner to the breeze, and,
tells the peoplo of his sectioo what
great bargains he has in Btoie for thorn.
Read his ad
The Boro Council at lis regolar
meeting laBt Monday evening, passed
a resolution requiring all property
holders to clear away immediately all
rubbish from the front of their respect
ive properties and to keep the same
cleaned hereafter under penalty of
having the work done for them at
their individual expense
The project to organize and con
duct a good base ball nine here this
mmfflfiv lias atBiimArl tuncrihlA form in
. . - .un.crinlion Daner lha.
, d d , . week
aD(j received many signatures. The
bovs have already enoueh Dledced to
insure them a good ground and give
them a good start toward success.
a. new line of the freshest and
best groceries to be bad in the market
Just received at Lawrence & Smear
baugh's. New sugar, Oolong tea,
dried peaches, canned goods, extracts,
&o. We are rint al the front in these
goods ana don t propose to be Dentnu
as regards excellence in quality or
cheapness in price. Mind that. 2t.
Mr. Kerr, of the firm of Van
Dresser & Kerr, dealers in granite and
marble monuments and headstones,
Uil City, was up last week and set
new stone over the grave of the late
Mrs. Lewis Arner, which is very much
admired by all who have examined it,
the workmanship being strictly first
class, and the design a handsome one
This firm expects to do considerable
work in this community, and will al
ways be pleased to show specimens of
their work, and cive estimates on
prices to any who contemplate pur
chasing. They ask you to consult
them before purchasing elsewhere.
The Lawrence House, under
Landlord Shawkey'a supervision, has
for the past two weeks been in the
hands of the carpenter, the painter
and the paper-hanger, and has re
ceived one of the most thorough over
i. .. . . .
haulings siuce Us erectiou. It is now
i0 apple-pie order, good as new, and
once more open to the public Mr,
Shawkey will conduct a strictly first
ca89 house, and will see that his guest
receive every comfort that could be
wished, sparine neither pains nor ex
pense to accomplish that end. All h
asks in exchange for his trouble is
fair share of the publio patronage,
Editor Patrick of the Clario
Hep.- Oatettead who is Clarion's
are spoiled by mistakes committed in
superscribing, will be redeemed by the
postoffice department at their stamp
lue- Postage stamps damaged by
sticking together in warm or damp
weather, or for other causes before
using, may be returned to tbo depart
ment and their value repaid to tbe
purchaser or exchanged for new
stamps. All redeemed envelopes and
stamps are sent by postmasters who
reaeem iuem to lue aepanmeui auu
t .i. j . . j
records of tbe same are kept, lbese
regulations are, we think, not general
ly known at large, aud their publica
tion may be beneficial to a large num
ber of people.
List of Letters
Remaining in Tionesta, Pa., post office,
May 1, 1890:
George Brann, Arthur Douglas,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lym, J. C. Luther,
W. A. Newmaker, Mr. F. O. Haslett,
1 Mr. U. U. Peoy, Miss Lizzie Sollinger,
A. L. Whipple, Tax Coll.
When calling for above please say
"advertised." D. S. Knox, P M.
At the regular meeting of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union of Marien
viile, held April 30th, 18t0, the following
resolutions were adopted :
Whereas, It has pleased our Father In
His Infinite wisdom, to remove from our
uildst, our sister Mrs. J. M. Edwards,
Resolved, That, by her death our Union
has lost an earnest worker, and her farnl-
ily bereft of her companionship, her care
and hor wise counsel.
Resolved, That we tender to them our
heartfelt and sincere sympathy in the try'
ing ordeal through which they are pnss
ing ; and trust that they may be upheld
aud strengthened by Him who controls all
things, knowing that "all things work to
gether for good to those who love the
Lord," and that with her "It la well."
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon our minutes, a copy sent to
the family, and that they be published in
our county papers.
Mrs. A. J. Wallace,
Mrs. John Coon.
Mrs. Clara B. Towlf.k,
Robinson sells foor different kinds
of churns. Can please all. 2t
School Directors' Convention Supt.
Kerr Unanimously Re-elected.
Tha School Directors of Forest
County met at the Court House yes
terday afternoon, in pursuance of the
proclamation of Supt. Kerr, for the
purpose of electing a Superintendent
of Schools for the ensuing term. The
convention organized promptly at 2
o'clock p. m. by the election of D. V.
Clark as President, and M. E. Abbott
and V. L. Klinestiver, Secretaries.
Tbe roll of members was called when
it was found that 49 directors were
Among the first matters to claim
the attention of the convention was
the fixing of the salary. A motion
was made that the same be fixed at
$1000, and without any debate what
ever the question was voted on and
carried without a dissenting voice,
thus showing that tbe directors were
pretty unanimous in their opinion that
tbe Superintendent who trudges over
this rugged county, encountering tbe
wintry blasts, tbe spring muds, and
the summer's dust, visiting the numer
ous schools, earns a full, round thous
and dollars every year. This matter
settled, the President called for nomi
nations for the office of Superintend
ent. Tbe Dame of bupt. Ueorge V.
Kerr was the only one presented and
upon the roll being called again each
director responded by naming Mr.
Kerr as his choice, and he was de
clared duly elected.
At this point Mr. Kerr was called
for and came forward and thanked the
convention heartily in a few well-
chosen words for tbe compliment of a
unanimous re election, at the same
time suggesting to the members pres
ent Ihe great need of a uniformity in
text books, and asked that an expres
sion of those present be had. A num
ber of directors gave their views, all
of which were in the line of the sug
gestion by the Supt.
There being do other businets to
attend to the convention adjourned,
sine die.
Signs for Canditates.
If you notice a diamond shaped fig'
ure on your cate post or on the walk
in front of your residence, it signifies
to the first tramp that comes uloDg
that some one of bis numerous breth
ren was provided with a "regular good
feed" the last time he called. If tho
mark resembles two slopes of the letter
A. it simply savs that you can be de
pended upon for a small bite. But
when the mark is a simple triangle, in
the tramp's language you are "no
good" and be will not be in a hurry to
make a second appeal to your generos
ity. Ex.
The foregoing suggests the thought
that if the phalanx of candidates in
the field for Domination had held
convention when the campaign was
young and agreed upon a system of
signs for mutual convenience aod ben
eflt, they might have aggregated i
large saving of time, patience and ex
pense. Such a system could easily
be expressed either with a jack knife
or pcDcil or its signs could be printed
and circulated in the form of stickers.
Let us conceive a few symbols which
might have been artistically and at
the same time mysteriously posted in
tbe vicinity of various voters:
(faT) Don't fool away your time
with this man. Have learned that he
hasn't attended a primary for twenty
() Good place here to stop for
dinner, O. K. grub aud positively no
charge. Very fond of their kid. Give
it a nickel.
(! ! ! !) Keep off tbe grass. Man on
the road aod away from home most of
tbe time. Wife and large dog keep
(? ? 1 7) Mum's the word here in ref
ence to candidate No. 4G. Relative.
(Ill IT) L'kes his oil.
(&&&&) Needn't go out to see
old codger in back field. Democrat.
( ) Make this fellow hot
and get him to work against you.
Everybody down on him and will turn
in and lick anyone be supports.
(f f 1 1) Don't go up road to the
right. House vacant. Have to let
down fence to turn around.
($$$$) This chap would swindle
his mother. Makes a business of
bleeding candidates, promises to get
out the vote for each of tbem and
rarely supports any.
Ten minutes' conversation on the
subject with any of tho candidates will
show that symbolic pointers after tbe
style of the above might be multiplied
indefinitely. But tbe campaign is so
far along now it is hardly likely such
a system will be adopted before tbe
primaries. OU City Blizzard.
A splendid line of ladies' and
gents' furnishing goods just arrived at
our store. Elegant shirts from 50 cts.
up. Hosiery, handkerchiefs, &c, in
all tbe newest styles of the season
Call and see. Lawrence & Smear,
baugh. It
In Henry & Johnson's Arnica it Oil
Liniment is combined the curative prop
erties of the dilloreut oils, with the heal
ing qualities of Arnica, Good for man
aud animal. Every bottle guaranteed,
For sal at Bovard's.
Hepler Corners.
Messrs, Korb and Kaup were visiting
friends in this proximity.
Frank Wolf, who has boon working at
Oil City, has taken his departure for Kan
sas, where he Intends to make his home
for some time. a
Mr. Corry, the noted artist, was seen In
this vicinity a few days ago.
Mr. J. Myers of this place, had the mis
fortune of losing the sight of his left eye
a few days ago,
Tbe meetings at Mt. Zlon, conducted by
Rev. Brickley, closed one night last week.
May 6. Gkab.
An Instrument has been invented for
registering the "pulse beat." An exchange
thinks that what is wanted more Is one
that will register the "dead beat" without
littering up tho books of the merchant
and newspaper publisher.
Weather prophets are again at work.
Some of them predict a coining cold sum
mer, and say that as the mild winter of
1816 and 1816, and again In 1858 and lSol),
were followed by cold summon, therefore
tho mild winter of 1889 and 1800 will be
followed by on abnormally cold summer.
Of beef blood, door-knobs are made ;
of wood pulp, doors; of paper, blinds;
sawdust is used In preparing plaster; slag
from the blast furnace helps to make
houses fire-proof ; chips of granite from
tho stone cutter's yard are molded Into
ornaments at one-tenth the cost of cut
stone. These are some modern uses of
waste materials.
Died, at Vowinkle, Clarion county, Pa.,
April 25, 1890, Mrs. Kaufman, wife of
Frank Kaufman, a leading business man
of the place. Deceased wai a long sufferer
from cancer, finally terminating in con
sumption. She leaves three bright chil
dren to mourn the loss of a good mother,
Her remains were taken to Altoona. for
interment Clarion Jacksonian.
A prominent medical man says, "The
cigarette has proved itself as fatal as
Rough on Rats" in many Instances. It
seems to be especially dangerous to im
mature boys. Smoking cigars seems to
have few or no harmful effects on mature
persons, but case after case of cigarette
poisoning is reported. Perhaps modem'
tion would not prove so harmful, but one
of the evils of the cigarette habit seems
to be an uncontrollable tendency to run
Into excesses." Look out, boys.
The Board of Pardons has granted a par
don in the case of Charles Laribee, who
was convicted of murder In this county
several years ago and his sentence com
muted to imprisonment for life. It will
be remembered that Laribee shot a color
ed man named Williams while they were
out hunting In the woods near Oil City,
Laribee claiming that the darkey wanted
to commit suicide and implored him to
shoot him, and that they were both under
the influence of liquor. His good be
havior sluco went far towards granting the
pardon with the Board. Franklin News.
At the hatchery of the State Fish Com
mission at Erie they recently received 20,
000,000 yellow pike eggs, which are hatch
ed out by this time. They are to be de
posited in the lake aud in the streams aad
smaller lakes of this part of Pennsylva
nia. This will give farmers and others
living along the streams an increased in
terest in fish culture. If the water courses
are kept pure, they will be able to have
every stream in the State stocked inside
of five years. The yellow pike is one of
the best food fish In fresh water, is very
hardy and grows to a large size. In tbe
lake it Is one of the choicest of fish, and in
the streams it becomes as game as trout.
1805. 1890.
The Turf, Field and Farm was estab
lished in 1865, and the directiug spirit is
the same. Twenty-five years of work and
twenty-five years of success) No other
Journal of Its class in this country has such
a rocord. It was at tho birth of tho Na
tional Trotting Association, and it gave
shape to the movement which culminated
in the foundation of Jockey Clubs in all
the principnl cities of the United States.
It was the first journal to make a business
of collecting and verifying pedigrees, and
it originated the 2:30 classification. It has
seen Kentucky and California become
nests of breeding farms, and it has labored
with success to build up breeding enter
prises in other grazing States. The ken
nel interest was a very small one when
the Turf, Field and Farm was establ lshed.
Through the inauguration of bench shows,
field trials and gun trials by us, and by
the dissemination of kuowledge in all
these departments the kennel interest was
developed to Us present vast proportions.
Vet oi inary schools have made great strides
since 18bo, and the Turf, Field and Farm
has labored continually for the promotion
of such educational enterprises. We have
always opposed quackery of every kind.
Iu breeding, in trotting, in racing, in field
sports, in kennel affairs, in education and
athletics and aquatics, we have fought
shams and industriously sifted chaff from
the wheat. No humbug statements find
their way into our columns, and no cheap
seiiHittional stuff obtains a market with us.
The paper is the leader, of its class in
America, and its carefully measured
words arrest national attention week after
week. The paper is active in the collec
tion of authentic news, is vigorous in the
expression of intelligent thought, and its
opinions are not on Hale. Now Is the time
to subscribe. The best is always tho
cheapest, and the universal verdict of
thoughtful people is that tho Turf, FU lt
und Farm is tho best. Subscription, (5.00
per year. Remit by ex pi ess money order,
P. O. money order or draft on New York.
Turf, Field and Farm Association, 251
Broadway, New York.
If you want bargains in Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, call
at A. C. Guth's Jewelry Storo. tf
A good supply of fresh crackers
and other family groceries now arriv
ing at Lawrcuce & Suiearbaugh's. We
handle nothing but the best and sell
at tbe lowest prices. It
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps aud Blem
ishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curtis,
Splints, Sweeney, Riug-itone, Stittes,
Strains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs Flo.,
Save .i0 by use of one bottle. Warranted
the most wonderful blemish cure ever
known. Sold by Herman A Siggins,
Druggi&ts, Tionesta. Janil ly.
"A stitch in time" often saves con
sumption. Dowus' Elixir used iu time
saves life. For solo ut Bovard's.
X KTYou will find
Stands. Buy a copy.
For May, 1890. Price 10 Cents.
Edited by Edward W. Bok.
Ascutney Street rart VII. (iliuMmed.)
Both Sides The Line (Poem)
Women in Business Life -
How to Choose Eye-Olaases
Superstitions of the Chinese -Domestic
Life in Egypt ...
My Little Bo-Peep (Poem) . . .
How to Take Care of Kid Cloves
Farmer Bell's Bargain (Uustratcd.)
The Amateur Camera ....
The Value of Etiquette ...
The Master Key (Poem) ...
Woman's Need of Exercise
A South African Wedding IHuttrated.)
What are Women Doing ? - -The
Young Man of To-Day
Under My Study-Lamp ...
Side-Talks with Girls ....
Letters to Beth: No. VI.
A Wedding Outfit for $aoo
The Proper Care of Clothing
Tho Life of a Busy Author -
With portrait or Mr. MM luun yooqi.
1st Literature a Trade ? ....
New Books on My Table
Latest Fashions (llturtcd by Victor F. Newman.)
Hints on Home-Dressmaking
Jessie's Opportunity (illustrated.) - . Florence B. Hallowell.
A May-Day Song (Poem) ... - Laura E. Richards.
All About Flowers (Illiutrated by V. Hamilton Gibson.) EDEN E. REXFORD.
Talks with the Doctor Laury MacHenry.
Practical Housekeeping Louisa Knapp.
What To Do With the Left-Overs ...... L. L.
Resurrection Dishes - Mary J. Spofford.
Shining and Doing-Up " Shirts Aunt Millie.
A Few Dainty Desserts Edith A. Grant.
Artistic Needlework (lllmtrated with dnwingi.) - Mary F. Knapp.
PhiUida Chapters XV-XVII Maud Howe.
On all New Stands, 10 Cents per Copy. Subscription $1.00 per Year.
Costlveness Is tbe primary cause of
much disease. Dr. Henry Baxter's Man
drake Bitters will permanently euro cos
tiveness. Kverv bottlo warranted, ror
sale by G. W. Bovard.
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sicknexs to robust health marks
an epoch in the life of the individual.
Such a remarkable event is treasured in
tho memory and the agency whereby the
good health has beon attained is gratefully
blessed. Hence it is that so much is
heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So
many foel they owe their restoration to
health, to tbe use of tho Great Alterative
and Tonic. If you are troubled with any
disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of
long or short standing you will surely
find relief by use of Eloctrio Bitters. Sold
at 50c. and SI per bottlo at Herman &
Siggins' Drugstore.
When Baby was tick, we gave her Caitorla,
When shs was a Child, she cried for Cutoria,
When she became Mis, she clung to Castorla,
Woes aha had Cluldren, she care them Caitot la,
The best Salvo in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
corns, and all nkin eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no pnv required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money rnlundetl. Price 2. cents per
box, l or sale ov u. w. novum.
The Fulpit aud the Kiagc.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brclh
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kun., says; "I
feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr.
King s New Discovery has done for me
M v 1 -u tiers were bad I v diseased, and lnv
parishioners thought I could livo only a
lew weeks. 1 luou live bottits or ur.
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 20 lbs. in weight." Arthur
Love, Manager Ijovo's Funny Folks Com
b nation, writes: "After a thorough trial
ami convincing evidence, I inn confident
Dr. King's New Discovery for Ccmstimp
tion beats 'em all, and cures when every
thing else fails. The greatest kindness '.
can do my many thousand friends is to
urgo tliem to trv It. f ree trial t.oltlcs at
Herman & Siggins' Drugstore. Regular
sizes 60c. and gl.OO.
Itch cured in 30 minutes, by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails,
Hold ly Herman A Siggins Druggists,
Tionesta. JanZ 4m.
HKTTISH BELL. In Tionesta, May 5,
1890, by Rov. J. V. McAuiiicli, Mr
Jonathan A. Uettishof Marienviile, Pa.,
and Miss Louise Emma F. Bull, of
Tylersburg, Pa.
We wish to call tho attention of the
readers of the Kkci iimcan to the fact
that S. Saber's Anodyne Liniment is one
of the very host internal aud external
remedies ever used for cramps, intlaiii
million, toothache, headache, cuts, bruises,
xpraius, dysentery, indigestion, etc. It is
kept for i-alo at Tionesta, Hickory, Whig
;ept I
Mnvliiirg and Newmaus ille, and
will soon be placed on sale iu other places,
Agents are wanted. apr.i'1-Jui
The improved method of fastening strin
of Pianos, invented hv us, is one of the
most important improvements ever made,
making the instrument more richly mu
sical in tone, more durable, unit less liable
to get out of tune.
Both the Mason t Hamlin Orgaiis"and
Pianos excel chielly iu that which is tbe
cluer excellence in any musical insiru'
liieut. duality of tone. Other things
though important, are much less so than
this. Au instrument with unmusical
tones cannot be good. Illustrated eala
logues ot new styles, introduced this sea
son, sent ilea.
Organ and Piano Co.,
Whereas, letters testamentary to the cs
tateof tl, (,. liulterlield, late of Tionesta
Borough, deceased, have been granted
tho undersigned, all persona indebted to
said estate are rcouestod to make inline
diate payment; and those having chum
aL'aiust the same will present tlie sain
duly authenticated for settlement to
A. II. KELLY, Executor.
Tionesta, Pa., March --, 1s;h.
it on all News
Mas. A. D. T. Whitoby.
Cora Stuart Wheeler.
Mr3. Frank Leslie.
Wah Le Tunc.
Mary J. Holmes.
Frank E. IIolliday.
Augusta S. Prescott.
. Mrs. A. G. Lewis.
- A. Bogardvs.
Ellen I.e Garde.
W. P. Pond.
The Editor;
T. DkWitt Talmace.
. Ruth Ashmorr.
KatrTannatt Woods.
Emma M. Hooier.
- Helen Jay.
Alice Au Tance Campbell.
Edward W. Bok.
. Annis R. Ramsey.
Mrs. John W. Bishop.
- Emma M. Hooper.
CO., Philadelphia, Pa,
Whereas. The Hon. W. D. Brown.
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions In and for
the county of Forest, has ixsueci his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sesssions, Ac, at Tionest.i, for
tli; County of f orest, to commence on tho
Third Monday of Mav, being the 19th day
of May, 18!K). Notice" is therefore given to"
the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those tilings
which to their otlice appertain to be done,
and to those who are bound in recognizance
prosecute against the prisoners mat are
shall bo iu theiail of Forest County, that
they may be theu and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 21st day of
April, A. V. lH'M.
UW, W. BAVV IK, 1.L.S.J Sncrlll. .
List of causes sot down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forost County,
I'ennsvivania, commencing on me inira
Monday of May, lS'JO:
1. D. B. Ashbaugh vs. M. Reddin, No.
10, December Term, 1SH9. Judgment.
i. S. Kaster vs. J. c. Welsh, No. 30, May
Term, 1888. Summons in assumpsit.
3. Maty It. fox. Joseph M. fox and
Hannah Fox vs. Georgo J. Lacv. Fred
erick C Lacy, Frank Heidingerand Geo.
s. Lacy, no. BopiemDer term, i&ao.
Summons in trespass.
4. James C. Welsh vs. u. W. tlawKS,
No. 15, September Term, 1888. Replevin.
5. J. C. Welsh, John A. Proper. L. Ag-
new anil A. J. Wallace, doing business as
Proper Heserve Oil company, vs. u. w.
Hawks, No. 24, September Term, 1888.
u. James u. weisti ana t'.. u. (.raiicim
vs. u. w. liawks, wo. zo, September
Term, 1888. Replevin.
7. f f . Whiltokln vs. William ijiw-
rence and William Smearbaugli, doing
business as Lawrence A Sinearbaugh, No.
3, September Term, 1889. Appeal from J. P.
. Andrew MCLoy vs. mow oeucv ana
Wm. Gorman,- No. 6, February Term,
18S). Summons in ejectment.
. B. Phillips vs. Overseers of Foor Bar
nett Township, No. 39, September Term,
18s. summons in assumpsit.
10. German National Bank of Allegheny
vs. N. S. foreman. No. 3, December
Term, 1889. Summons in assumpsit.
11. Uen amm l ogin vs. I', f . maimers.
No. a, December Term, 1889. Appeal
from J. P., action in trespass.
Tionesta, Pa., April 21, 1890.
License Application.
Notice is hereby given that the following
application lor license has been hied in
my oince, and win be presentea ai iuay
Term or court:
O. C. iiiownoll. Tionesta Borough, Con-
trul House, Tionesta, I'enn'a.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa., April 28. 18tM(.
to solicit uuiiu worn oru
Wot SaaMt, lnaaitrieai Bra.
Bmlmry IxpinMt. or Oora
-ij - ,fv? grow full llD of TftCl
tuA uuu uua. Writ itmnoiuueiy or lrru.
M'f'rs and I m pollers of
Has appointed S. H. IIASLKT.v snV.s,
Tionesla, Pa., Agents. All we. i, u tt
i anted. Prices Reasonable. Cull ii ex
amine samples.